i'aoh n. : i" School Supplies tiii; incxi) ni'jj-inis, in:i, 0111:., wihinimdav, Hi:i"n;Miinii a, mit. ,1 s .. (VH iiiiniviisc1 tock ofTublcls, Inks, I'ciifils, School llookH, Pencil Hoxcs, Pens, etc.. w now ready ibr the opening ol'si'hool. We have the most complete stock of supplies ever before seen in Jk'iul. HILDKHN ATTENTION!! SPECIAL!! We have a supply of high grade waterproof school bugs, easily worth lic. We will give one of these school bugs KH EE to each child with $1.00 cash purchase of supplies or with $1.00 worth of cash tickets from our store. PATTERSON DRUG CO. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS .1. I). Impeon has-purchased u I'oid oar. Mlaa Hvii (Iravus left for I'm Hand Tiiaeday iiIkIiI. I'red Ollaaaii, of Munis, epwit 5un (111)' Hi tilt) llllllll. Mrs, Knjea entertained Ilia llrldpi UllIU iHHt Friday. .1. I'. ICHyae Ml lllHt HlKllt ON H Urlof iMielneaa lrli. Ma llalvnrwan In now staying Ml Uih noma of Mr. Iara. W. (1. King of Hums stepping t lit Hand last I'rldajr. J r dealt of Hnrna waa raltrd HI Uih Hand vtr Kunday. 1.. Xlehide, of I'rlnHVltl. tt(t al tha Henri over Bmiday. A baseball daHC him held Satttr lay night Hi Sather'a IIhII. Mra. CnrkH In how etaiHwrnphar ki Ih Hand Company oHtee. A. l- l.ra came down fntm T rotua. arriving UhiwImx mornlOK. Mr. A. MeKattaie and son hn via KIM at the heme of J. II. rtmlfrny. V. 0. Olft Wf I)ehUta llM lMH attending lb weak at the Wright. Mr. Arthur Ooodwlllt Inft for th fm Haturriay morula, with her chil dren. A homeatead community dance will lie held at Imperial iih Hatunlay, Ike Utli. I'. ('. Harrison returned Xaturday frm n rrulnlHK trip In the oast end of the county. Claud Mannhelmor. who has lawn on n iHiftlMfMt trip to CltlraKO. return td thin momlHK IMwIh UliiMf), Jr. brother of Mr I'utiiHiii, left for IiIm Iioiiih In Ciiniiec tlciit Miiturriay iiioiiiImk- MlfM I'lort'licH llHrnlinrt t renls ternri hi th Altnmoiit while employ hi ni Uih I'nreatry nlljce. II. (I. Karris, who Iihh been III with an attack of Uphold fever, wan out for the Ural time on Hiimlny. Mr lleylitiru. Mr., father of Jnok lleyhurn. who haa bean III at lil son's homo, la now recovered. A. 18. l.ovett of Iterimouri spent Ttieeriar In Henri. I hi r lux hla atuy I ho waa rdftteterail at t Iih Huuri. J. IC. Henry of (.alrilaw, waa In town last Saturday. DurliiK Ida atar ho waa rnlftorml at tha llmxl. 'Ilia W. ('.. T. V. will mimt with Mra. IM D. Wlfal Krlilar aftarnmi it at 1:10. All lntartwttxl aro liirltwl'io attwnil. '.Mm. ICya anil Mlaa Arrla Itlaek HHlorialHNl at (Iih fortitar'a hiima on 'I'haraflay nUht In hnnur uf Mn On ran. Mlaa Itoaa KrhlaUmaN haa return! from liar vlalt with War rlailva In AtlnnMHita. Mha la raglatrtl at tha A I lam nt, W. I). Chenay anil I). U. Darla at rlvwl from ftmttll Mottrtay night, and will t hra until aftar rtta Ail Club aaruralnn. Krank liwnrar of Mllllcau aMnt thn lattar part of th tmk In town. DHrinjc hta atay ha waa racial arial at tha WrlNht. Mlaa llarrlntt Dulaoii raturnail u Hand Tuanlay nUht. tha will taarh at CrMH-ant thia )wir, ami laavaa for tliHiH Moiulay nttxt. Mr. ami Mra. C A. Vannr. for Hiirh of Itllxvlllo, Waah . hava nrrlv h In Iohii Hilh tha oxwctatlon of inakliiK (hair hotiio liar. ror tha irti'Ml thav are atnyliu at thf Klaln aimrtiiuHila. CALDWELL'S Pure Food Market? FRUITS FOR CANNING Poaches, Pears, Plums, Apples, Grapes. Also Melons, New Tomatoes, Vegeta bles and other Produce FRESH Every Day. Staple and Fancy Groceries. HARDWARE S. C. CALDWELL ,:.' Htoii'N. limine 'lliiunro ,riiiillOwiM! TIIH HTOIli: )!' tJV.MA'rY Km-i' Iiclltcry AhjuIh'iw In 1(y. M OH L"HrrlHKH OTHER PRICES ARE UP BUT OUR BREAD STILt- SELLS AT 5'CENTS A LOAF The American Bakery 8HRINER &. HUEY DEMENT'S FLOUR Is for sale by E. A. Sather :-: T. R. McClincy Prices Cut Mission Library Tables in Hcuutiful Quartered Oak. C C (( Were 322.50, now p 1 7 . W E. M. THOMPSON New Location -opposite McCuiston Grocery. , Bend, Oregon Mra. Koaa went to Portland Thura ilay (;viilnK. Tha llaiillat rhtirrh will hold Ha auniiHl Hutiday aat'hool jilrtlc on the Tuiimlo tomorrow. Mra. I'attorajMi'a inothnr, Mra. ".. I.itroux, lafl yoatonlny jnornliiK or liar homo In wnliu wniin. Mra. Cornullu Wllaon ruturnml I flit wouk from I'nrtlnml and will rumnln hare Indefinitely. Hhe at tha home of Mra. II. IC. Allmi. John llloaa, who ratumad from I'ortlnnd Monday ovnnlni;, will loavo aanln tomorrow nlahl for AahlanU, Wla., whare h will aociid the winter. Thara will ha a mnotltiK of tha l- illoa Mtirarr Cloli naxt Tnaadny at X o'eloek In tha Library. All tho la dlaa ata luvltud to attend. Mlaa MhIhh Manny or Oalaalitirx. III., who la to loach mathaiitatlca in tha hlKh arhool thla roniUm year, ratftalurxd at tha AHainont. Tom Marcbanl haa movad to tha Dunn placa at the 8 mile ioa '' the llHHd'lliiriia mad and will rontlnua to put up fralghtara and othar trav. alara tharo. Mra. C. It. Cook laft for JatlU laat nlaht. whara aha will Join har huattand. Mr. and Mra. Oorffray ha.H movwl Into tha Cook raaldfttce, Mhlrh thjr haw ratitml. Mr. and Mra. John Duhula laft for Salam Batarday MlKtat. 1 ha work on tha C. O. I. Co. aKraatlon will m ooiniilated by Mr. IXihuia' aaalat ant, W. A. flchall. J. C. Ullwiwa. J. C. lloyt. V. P. Iloyt, all HaotoKtaal aurvayora of tha Bovaromeiil, wora In Iovmi on Mon day. UnrtHK thalr Hay thay wara raKlatared at tha WriKht. Waltar M. Senear, hrothor of Mra. Clydu McKay, dltxl at l.a Orando Hat urdajr tHornlnic. Mra. MeKay, who waa lirl'ortJaad al tha time, imHiadl atuly want to l.a Ornncte. Ilurrlat Dolmm, who aaait th aiiniiiiur In Clilcaao, arrived In tinn Monday night. She will ha here alioiit a weak, thnn koIiik to Creaiit whara aha lutaada to taaeh thla win tar. Mr. mid Mra. If. C. Smith hare liurrhaaad tha C. I. Smith 40 acre ranrh ' mllaa aaat of town, and hare taken tip thalr rnalilanto thra. Th. C. I.. Smith a liat takan uu a 180 acra homaataad. The followlnic Hand itaoulo aHnt Sunday at llnlnlnna on tha Matoltua: Mr. and Mra. C. 8. IIuiImiii. A. M. I'rltiKla. Mlaa Uravoa, Mlaa Ualvor aon. Mra. MornhbHaa. Mlaa Wllllama. h. M Itra. Uuthar Furat. Mraa AnRlt Yon ii ic Mra. Mall. J. H. Kudall and Waltar CooHtlia. I'red ll ii of Laidlaw. waa in town rtaturda). and aaya tha plana nra itroicrmailiiK ttnaly for the annual WmI Slda Fair at l.aldlaw. which thla aar will ha hold on September Sfc. It la exported that tha avant will In ivory wny hu the larueat and liottt ever held In tha l.aldlaw coun try. Tom Hardy, who racantly owned an Intureat In the Hand Garaga, lad ly tinitllatod hla hand while aplnnlns the dark wheal of an automohlla. l!o eauKhl It in tha brake aprlniw, hraak liiK all the Lout, and cutting It up pretty badly In Kenoral. A few daya uro he and hta brother aold out their Intereat In the Kara km to C. M. lbtk er of I'ortlnnd. KNOW JOLES IS HERE FOR ADMEN t Continued front page 1.) noro. local pinna, may not ho dlacuaa ud. Kvoryone here knows enoHKh of what la going nu to be aure that tho Adnioti will have a lively two du HOSHlOll. Already the Portlnml papers are giving Mend it lot of publicity. Sun day both the OroKonlnn and the Jour nal (HintalnliiK iteuernua atorlea ro RivrdliiK the uxcuraion and the town, with pictures. N'utiiit Man Here. One unique feature of tha two daxa fun, however, la alreadv puidte ro ortv That la tho pruaiMico hero of Know Jolea. the Kront nature fuker Rvorybody who rendu the Portland OroKOUhui known that Joe Knowlea haa Juat emerged from n mouth apent In tho woodrf uf aouthern Oreeon, which ho entorod linked mid whero lio mnniiKcd to live for a mouth. Also, roadora of tho Portland Journal are aware that that paper has boon Riving publicity to Know Jolea, another nu turn mnn. whom It ulleRea la tho real candy kid when It coiuoh to untifo fakliiK, Bo Know Jolea turnod up hore laat week, and Saturday wont Into tho woods, Ho will omorgo next Monday, when tho Ad Club Vi hore. Tho Journnl haa cnrrlod Btorloa about him. with Illustrations, and theio ofllclal acrounta of hla Hend adve.i turc: "HKN'D, Ore., Aug. J -Today a man alone, defonneleaa, without clo thing and without companlonahl,!. bado hla friend here wood by and pliiiiRHd Into the virgin pine foreata Thura he will oontrtvo to uxlat by hla wlta, hla wondarful woodcraft and hla primitive atruiiKth until Septem ber 7. .'Tim Hilvonlurer la Know Jolea Itendora of the Journal will rftouxnlza him, and, lu view of Itla pant exploit regard hta new venture with doubled (ptoroat. Thuraday Jolea met another nature man on the atreata of Port land, both having Juat emerged from woodland expedition In Southern OraKnn. It Ik iindaratood that Knowlaa, the othar ilenlxn of the tall timber, scoffed at tha accompllah inenta of Jolea. Thereupon Jolea, to prove hla poetllon and once and for all to put hla profeaalonal competi tor to ahame, leathered hla uhotox- raphara around htm, cleaiied hlc nreaa axent by tha hand, aiimmoned atx portera to carry hla naratthernal'.a and hla typewriter and took the Hrat train for Hend. "I plan to come out when the Ad man are here becauae I want wlt niMu,',' aald Jolea. "I want to pntra that my explolta,ara real. I want to how them what ran be dene u1 made unaided In the wllderneaa. With mi many noted wltnoaaea. Hclatly man HotHl aa honeat advertlaera, there will he no chance fur fraud." Then thht la taken from Jole'a ac count of hla rlritt day In )be wilder neca: My Know Jole. Camp Huncombe. Aug 30. I havo trlumphel. My reputation U vlndl rated aKalnat the attack of rival a tore fakora. I hove domoniitratod beyond pomrlbtllty of doubt that I am the orlKlnal nature kid. After a day of cournceou auffer Intc nlone In the. tall timber with no oomiAHlonhlp but the aalmals and my photographer, aocretary and proaa agent, I have established nn olf aa the MeRallthle man. and I shall write a I took colled "Modern Mesallthla." Yeatorday, I loft llond, naked. To day I am neatly, though not gaudllv clad In furs. My alnewy muaclo and rich brown akin are now covered b. the hide of a deer and a bobcat. I:i securing them I have mado Rood my boast that I can Ret the hide of nny UiIhr that hldea and am a tnaater of the akin game. It waa ottiy to kill the deer. I spied him reatlnx In a stream bed. Itark Iiir Rant))' like a small tree I ai preached. 1 waa In my Imre skin, ro I too. resembled n wild tblitR Whi In atrlkliiK distance I abandoned m eautloua tactlea and laildly rushed forward, and before the buck refilled Its dattRor the little aponRe soaked In chloroform was preaaed to his nos trils aa I aleted hla left oar between TAKfl UVRNINO STAOnfrnm 011SCIIUT12S TO LAIDLAW DEBINQ'S Restaurant MEALS and ROOMS QOOD ACCOMMODATIONS S. Dcblnc, Prop. If We can but show you tff:,tuw merchandise we are receiving daily we shall not need to make much of an argument for them the goods are their own best advertisement. Here are some of the new arrivals: Another new line of Silks, Dress Goods and Velvets in all the wanted shades. Never before have we shown n handsomer line nor a larger assortment. NEW SILK PETTICOATS Jersey top and ALL SILK, from $2.50 to $6.00 ca. Ask to sec our Guaranteed Petticoats guar anteed for six months, at $3.75 DRESS ACCESSORIES New Hand Hags, Neckwear, Kelts, Girdles. Everything here to fit the hoy or girl for school Look to us for Dry Goods, Shoes and Ready-to-wear requirements, MANNHEIMER'C thi: DKPKxno.v stohk. aJ October Fashions Ladies' Home Journal Patterns now ready. my thumb and forefinger. He shriek mI twice, plaintively, like a sea Utter, and then expired at my feet. Aa aoon aa I could restrain my emotion I removed his sklu and made a sheatn Mown of It. Iater the venlaon, broil ed b my Jap cook over the electric ratiRe at my humble cabin was moat delfcoua. (iim!ciimm1 Milk Too Much. Capturing the ttobcat taxed my powers further, howeer. The cat waa tracking u ground mole, when 1 encountered him I'sually when caught In hla trarka a cat wilt tly at the hunter, and I was prepared ti hypnotise htm. when to nu astonish ment he s.mplv spit at me Uut I waa prepared for any emergency, and j without hesitation produced a saucer 'Of rich cream, while calling "Puae). I Pusey," In a tone of authority, lint he was too suspicious to come while I held the saucer, so J placed It on the ground. Aa I withdrew the boi cat advanced and lapped at the cream. It was hla last lap; the dreadful tragedy waa enaetod In n few seconds. For the saucer did not contain cream at all It wus almnlv I condensed milk' The surprise took the poor animal so completely off h'.s guard that I was able to creep up to i him, sheltered by at Improvised blind i of catnip and end his agony. I S. Separators and milk cans. Skuso Hardware Company. Adv. The Largest Insurance Agency in Central Ore. 'It's the way we writo our policies." Our policies pay 100 cents on the dollar. We have over 400 satisfied policy holders. The largest insurers in Crook County are our leading customers Bend Insurance Agency First National Bank Building Bend, Ore. rOMCIKS THAT PIIOTKCT. mm&mmmmmmMkimm&m rrnBUio cmtsN SEPTEMBER 24-25-26. 1914 EXCURSION FARES Ktlins'Wtiifeihl rtaitijMti litis, tiiiikl Ddtlif. Ufm, Ciiton. Oitltv Hoiiii TOR AIL DETAILS, FARES, N fluiitiriKi( Kis Ciitni'iit til Ctitf ktU ia ililliemi slth int Ml iulif &t ASK txt AOEXT OFTHE OREGON-WASHINGTON RAIL ROAB & NAVIGATION COMPANY "PETERS" for FALL Men's Gun Metal, Tun, Patent Colt and Viei Lace or button $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, r $5.00 Our Fall Shoes for Ladies include the "BABY DOLL" in Gun Metal and Patent Colt, Also a New Stage Lust in Patent Colt 2-inch Louis heel and brocaded cloth top. Ask to see them. AGENTS for Standard Patterns, the Standard Fashion Book and The Designex. E. A. SATHER. aro Bonio of the extrude from tho mJMjwj -i