PACK 4. tiu: hknj) lUM.i.r.Tix, inxi, ori: wkilstnuav, nkpti'mrnr u, tot . J ! i i THE BEND BULLETIN (ruMlHtictl Every Wednesday) GE0R013 PALMER PUTNAM Editor nnd Publisher. RODENT W. SAWYER Associate Editor. An Independent newspaper stand ing for tho squaro dent, olenn busi ness, olenn politics nntl tho best In terests of Demi mid Central Oregon. uno year. 11.60 Blx months . .80 Thrco months BO All subscriptions nro duo nnd PAYADLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration nre mulled subscribers nnd It renewal Is not made within reason able time tho paper will bo discon tinued. Please notify us promptly of any change of address, or of lalluro to ro- celve tho paper reg.tinriy. umorwiso wo will not be responsible tor copies missed. Make all checks and orders pay able to Dond Dulletln. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2. 1U. P eac- "" v a. the ex-cashlor In hts disclosures, their Interest nnd vnhio Is considerable. Few who read them will doubt their substantial truth. Those who have smullml smoke for many mount will not bo astonished to gut a gllmpso of real lire. There probably'ls nothing actually criminal In the notions of the com pany olllcluls discussed In tho How ard statement. Perhaps oven If Its direct charges and Indirect Infer ence can be prorod It Indicates nothing toelinlcnlly "crooked." It does, however, most certainly point to n rotten state of affairs. 'It shows enough to make one feal that when tho Unlit of publicity Is turned upon those books, far worse things may mnterlaltie. Roscoe Howard's position has been neither an easy one nor n plonsent one. He often has been damned for that which was no fault of hts. Hut for the most part ho has mado tho hed he lies In. He has failed to show a reasonably honest spirit In his deal ings wlfti the settlers. Ills loose statements, publicly and concisely made, eouoornlng a cash bond which actually did not exist, lessened his weight as a teller of unadulterated truth. And when one day he put- Really welcomes an examination of his hooka by settlers, and the next ly'thnt they veto for the formation of HOTII counties when they go to tho polls. We have not the nllKht est doubt that tho people of the North End will rcclproonto nnd do all they can to help us got our county. Doth moves nre sound and fair, nnd those urKliiK division In tho North, as lure, seek the same ends lower taxes, taxes spout whom they originate, and more economy In coun ty administration which alone can bo effected by making the units of ad ministration smaller. When IC n r I n n d'a expeditionary force was being landed In Franco to Join In the light against (lermany, tne llrltlsh press refrained from an mention of the great movomont; nei ther names of regiments, places of embarkation or numerloul strength appeared In the news. Yet there whs no strict censorship! the Oovurnment simply hud Informed the papers, that sucJi Information, If published, would hurt England's position by dlwilglng Information to tho enemy. Ho the press remained silent. It was a splendid example of real patriotism. Tho painful contrast Is the policy too often pursued by some American newspapers, notably those owned by Hearst. No dirtier example of yel low Journalism, for Instance, Is on trasjajHaH3JSJumRipjfjMMraia"rfit . WAR NEWS THE PAST WEEK mwmmimsmmmxm&mmm "THE TAX LEAGUE." fc?b one familiar with the matter entertains any misapprehension con cerning Redmond's Bland In the eonn ty division fight. Nor Is there much doubt about the mot'ves actuating those promlnont In the Lower Tax 'League. Redmond, because this time It feols It may not got the Hon s share or tne benefit, opposes a move It Initiator nnd supports! one before. The Lower Tax. League loaders are Inter ested In nothing much except keepln Crook County attains as they now are. -Ytu can fool all or the people mm oft.tbe tlnio. and some of the peopto all the time, but yon can't fool all the people alt the time. Oay refuses such examination nnd record than when I lonrst deliberately says ne mil not make me oner wiucn a store or saue wen heard him make. nht rrHttatlon wnnos further and his position becomes weaker. On his be half the word "misunderstanding" seems to have been overworked. The settlors already have received tho assuranco or the Land Hoard that faked n message, published in his papers as having come to the Niagara Peace Commissioners from Cnrrauia Just when the Mexican clouds wer clearing. It was a vile effort to create an unnecessary war, and brainiest Jingoism carried to the utmost ex treme. In a tlnio of crisis llearrt CO-OPERATION. The people who rre wo. king for the formation of Deschutes count r and of Jefforeon comity are fighting Four year ago Redmond sought eommon cause. Tneir mtereau nnnntv illvtilnn Shi Wflrkml fnp It wrucucniijr liruiroi. i ir wr- anB she speu her money for It. She " "" " twf " nt used ninny if the same argumentHi JtKn that fight one lights the that dlvlslonkfts today are wain k. on- othw. In a groat mcasuie the sue- T .. .. v . .. iAM n iy won tney ere the State Accounting Department j bends all his powers to creating war win nuuit.tno u. u. i. hooks, rues new charges, inndo with a degree of wolght, should hasten that investiga tion. If Roscoe Howard Is being mal igned, ho should welcome an action which will clearMils skirts. If tho settlers nro being mulcted, everyone but thnee fattening at the trough they keep filled should be glad to see a prompt righting of their wrongs. And the Water Psora' Association should leave no stone unturned to assure and hampering tho government. In a time of crisis abroad the English dallies rally remarkably well to their government. Thinking people revile one and applaud the other. The Crook County Journal contain ed an Important notice to tax payers regarding the meeting of tile Hoard of Equalisation, which The llulletln reprints elsewhere In thb twper, so that people on the west side may s"j that the examination be a competent ,t Anothr nHtunc of the uneetls and n thoroughgoing fine. factory condition with a remote coun ty seat! As It la, the only way wejt aiders get olllclat county new placed before them Is when weal side itnper dig It up and reprint it. " " . . .. , . . weaker, beeause cm ( ,n "ivision movement in one th tiin nn) m Hiw am! the nrn. territory uepenos upon its success in vocation was not so strong. The rea-' th olhf; n co-op.retlon of sons for the opposition that swamped , -' uletrlrta Is esseHlal. not onto.- frnr th . . .. thd . !' when It ronw time to vote hut al- raflroadg have route. rieveloiiRiimt has , '" combatt'og the attacks Of those taken up eertaln sere lines. atffr.t who opp the entire dlvlolon move. ones botweon the set era! portions or . Thwfor The Dulletln Is urging The news of Hums' disaster Is n matter of sincere regret to Hend people. vt sympathise witn our newHMira to tne east ami we a.imire Empire Is In the gravest dauRer Instead of vainly regretting the past While enormous military engago meiilH have been progressing In 19ur oio during tlio Inst week, there hue been u dearth of authentic uewa, thanks to the censorship. On the French border the Oerniu'is have had tho best t.f the lighting. The Preuch-Hrltlsh Hues hnvo bean forced Inick toward Paris, and dla- lluet minor victories have been cred ited to the Kaiser's forces. The los ses have been terrific. Parts Is pre paring for u siege, and unless Rus sian Invasion from the northeast compels tlermniiy to turn her atten tion thither theie seeiim good reason to believe that Paris will be Invested. The Oorman heavily outnumber the allies. While (lorniiwiy denies It, appar ently the Russian advance through Prussia Is overwhelming, nnd llerln miiv be threatened aoon. Russia claims that she will throw eight mil lion men ngalnst OeriniCny Austria seems to ho having the worst of her struggle with the Russian hear A naval engagement in the North Sea, near (lermany 's Heligoland for tresses, resulted In a brilliant minor naval victory for the llrltlsh licet. Two (lermnii cruisers nnd two de stroyers were sunk. Tim llrltlsh lost no vessels ami row men. (lermauv a licet Is kept sheltered In her rortllled ports. Japan la proceeding nctlvel Against (lormau pomMtlons In Hie Orient. She Is besieging Klnu-Chnu. Turkey has moblllied and undoubt edly will enter the ar on the side' or Austria and (lermntiv. Ureal Hrt nln has uotllled t'oimtnutlnople Hint such a move Is equivalent to signing her own death warrant as a nation Prance has called out her last line of reenrvee. England Is making t'- tanlc efforts to enlist all Its oting , men under the r lor. the (loveriv I i . . ..... . ineut empiiancnii stating that the --" V0 one will dispute the importance of the Corset;1, it is the foundation of the figure. Some women have bet ter natural figures than others;, the Corset is the great equalizer. It should preserve naturalness, and at the same time overcome any slight defects. It should aid the figure without abusing it. Yon will got Comfort, Kit and Survicu when you wear it KABO 50c to $5.00 Wu lire exclusive HKenLs for the famous Iviiho Corset, heller known as "The Live Model" CORSET 50c to $5.00 jthy KABO ItalnhM tOMKT the present county have widened. and, above all, a law has been put In operation which make the machin ery for county division reasonable and fair for all concerned. For la stance, a permanent county feat is not chosen until two years after di vision Is effected, at whleh time th people of the new county select the town thoy want. Redmond's stand Is regrettable. After tho Jefferson county people had got to work and practically forced the seuthwost soctkm Into the light a matter of "now or never those interest! In division here made every effort to get together with Redmond. Just as they had se lected lines agreeable to PrinevUJo, Support for Rodraand candidates for officials was pledged ReumoiMl w told. In fact, that so far as Bead wm concerned she could have all the oN- rials not Justly claimed by rommital tie other than Dond. and that ail wo here desired was division: let the matter or county seat be settled later. !. .!.. n.lll Af .1... ...& V wiv nii vi int; i uui ueuntena reiuseu w eo-oaer-i ate on any terms. She aaaoaaeod her hostility. She attempted so logl eal argument, but started bncklHK simply because she feared that the majority or the papple In the propos i aa new county would not back berj in a count' teat nam. u stewed the Great difference four years can make. Its readers to remember that a square deal and good business demands that they boost Jefferson county alowg with DesoliHtes oonnty. and watHtclal WAIiKI.VO TO ROSTO.V. A couple named Cavallere arrived In Hend on Saturday on a Weeton-the-walker trip from Portland to Host on. They sr advertising a cer tain make of shoe, the pairs thev started out In boing guaranteed to last for the whole trip. Saturday night and Sunday they song at the Dream Theatre. ! The Lower Tax League' is well named. The title Is a sen political htieky fly paper designed iwcaten foolish files who have votes. 1 Let It be understood clearly tmTtfl every man who Is hacking the forma, tlon of Deschutes and Jefferson coun ties does so because he wants iowav tAxef The dlvittonlata are. Indeed, the original lower tax lea go a. We can offer no better advice than for tfvery dlvilon booster to Join that League! We all believe that division will mean lower taiea and bettor government We all are certain that retaining the present county mean constantly Increasing taxes and gov ernment unsatisfactory to tba wld- lv separated and vastly different I areas comprising Crook county. I It Is not a sudden Interest In econrl iwnj mm iihb whhbhbu ul" iowr ji League members. What they want is ia keep the county as It !. Kor Instance, two abetractora are on the antl-dlvUlon eomBlttee creat ed by a portion of the Prlsevllle C'ommerolal Club. One' of them paid m3 taxes amountlag to $20.87. the other $22.20. Hew much do you suppose they care for the tax levy And how much for their private busl nes? Of course their stand la justified, from a commercial stand K)lnt; only It should be understood, so tbitt Uialr 'aaal may be routiir. bended nid their anptmeuta dis counted. Don't be fooled by a name. The "Lower Tax League." has a good title nut ita origin is tainted. It was aired ' Jselpusy and darned by cupidity. COMMERCIAL CLUB IS TO NSCUSSUpWE LAWS Tlitw Meiisurcx In be Taken up I'ach Week nt Siitunhiy I.iiiicImsiuh 'I'elepliolm Committee .pHiluteil Prom now to election day the Sat urday noon meetings of the Commer cial i inn are to rosemtile tliose or a dnlmtlng society as well aa an eating club. In order to enable the mem bers t familiarise themselves with tho various constitutional amend ments nnd Initiative laws to b votad on In November they are to be till. eussed, three eneh week, by speakers who will lulk for and against each measure. At the meeting Inst Saturday a mo tion to undertake this discussion was paeeed. The measures to be lkw up at the next luncheon are tho on stflutlnnal amendment creating thi anise of lieutenant goveraor on whleh O. W. KrsklNo will take the atllrma tlve anil J. A. Hastes the negative, the amendment permitting the state to lend Its credit for Irrigation and reclamation purines. C. n. Hudson I alhrmatlve and It. W. Sawyer nega- tivn, sua tne rainless rarker den tistry bill, Dr. J. II. Connarn atllrma tlvo, and Dr. II. Kerrell, negative. All voters, whether members of the el lib or not, ure Invlittd to attend these meetings and hear the discus sion. Other business done last Saturday wah the appointment of a committee to oonfur with severs! representatives or the Doscliutes Mutual Telephone Company on effecting n eonuectlon between their lines and the city of llgnd. The tolsphone men here worn .1. J. Hlllnger of Redmond.. O. II. Miller of Prlnevllle. nnd Prix! WIUou if.'fljildlHW. All spoke or tho advan tages or their telephone system and urged that tho business men or the town arrange for connections. It ia understood thnt the Idea Is looked on with favor If satisfactory arrange ments can bo made and that the com mittee Is now working on the matter. The club luncheon next Saturday will bo at the Pilot Untie. Kabo Corsets are made for you to wear. There is a model that will fit you. The materials are the hest obtainable;' tie sign and workmanship are of the best -in short, Kubo Corsets are AS GOOD AS MON1CV CAN HUY. F. A. BENNETT Bend's Cash Store CHURCH NOTICES Pre!') let Inn. Xundny services will be aa follows: Sunday school nt I0:o a. m.. preach ing at 11. Preaching at l:0U p. m. The Pnlon prayer meeting will be held In the Preabytertan ahureh en Wednesday evening and will be In charge of Rev. K. (1. Judd. II. C. Ilartranft. CullKillo. services oh Sunday at 10:lt. IbiptUt. Hlble mcIiooI 10 a. m. Preaching service 11 o'clock. Special musle. Young PtMJtdes' meetlHg ? p. w. Preaching service at X. The 1-ord's ttupper will be observed at the close of the morning servlco. The Sun day school picnic will be held Thurs day. iIih 3rd, and will laava the church at nine o'clock. All members of the school and their relatives are Invited. The Pnlon prayer meeting will Ih held In the Presbyterian church this Wednesday evening. K O. Judd, pastor. XOTIli: TO Nt'llOOl, PI'Pll.s. Pupils of the high school sr rr. uuesled to report at 10 o'clock a m . Monday, Soptambwr 7, for realm ra tion. Pupils of grades bebiw bsii school may draw hooka at the Held building betHoen I and I p. hi Hat urday. September Mb. or during Hi" same hours on Monday, Septmi-r 7th. J. It. SlIOl HK Meals nt the AllamuHt Sa and 3'. ceals. Adv. XOTICi: TO ODD PICI.I.OWS. There will be a special upon meet Ing on account of nhlclal vlsltattm or Oread Master Calloway of Salam. Prldny evanliig, Hnptomher I. In Math, er's Hall. All members are urged ( atteml and Itebeknhs and friends ' the order are cordially Invited, IIICHT Sllt'KV, N. O. ' Chicken dinner tonight at the nnl Hotel. to S:3t). Adv. TOO UTI TO t'USSIPV. I KOR SALICJArser row See R. i W. Cooper at Murphy rooming hou. i Greenwood avenue Irt 27 ;. HOWARD VS. HOWARD. fov comes W. W. Howard, ex cashier of tho Central Oregon Irri gation Company, who makes grave charges against Roseoo Howard, man ager of that company. W. W. Howard's statement fa printed In detail In this miner. Ros- cpe Howard's position Is a matter of l.l,t,llf A...t In ,kn ...... ,1.. ' community. ,;.... Whatever the motives that actuate 1 CANNING PEACHES Are in the height of the sea son. Get yours before it is too late Shuey's Cash Grocery SERIOUS FUT BURNS lliilf of Town I lent to) ed .Mdiiilny No Wntcr Hystcui to Plglit PIiiiiiun Ilim.VS, Hopt. 1.- Fire hero .Men. day afternoon wiped out two and n half blocks of frame buildings, de stroying more than half or tho busi ness portion or the town. The blaze started In MeKlnnoy's livery stable, presumably from sitoutanenus com bustion In green alfalfa, sud burned so quickly that Sti horses were burn ed to dentil. It wiped out all the block contain ing tho stable, the blook to tho oait or that niio. and then Jumped the Harney County Hank building, whleh la or stone, and consumed another half block. Tim French llotal, three saloons, the lisrn, n ikhiI hall, Chi nese restuuiaut and barber shop are total Iohsoh. Hums Iihm no wntrr syHtnm, water supply being from wells nlnno. Today a iiihih moA(lnK was hsli and action started to voto bonds for a water system Immodlatoly. ssssssssssssssssssssssssssl U. 8. Sepnrntors and milk enns, flkttso Hardware Company. Adv. Ml'HICTKACIII.VO, MIsH Francis Williams or the Whit man Conservatory of Muslo, Wnlla Wulln, is prepared to lvo Instruction In piano and vocal music hare this winter. - Adv 2Cp Qx&H:'- BECAUSE OUR CLOTHING IS "READV-TO-WEAR," DO NOT THINK IT IS NOT "TAILOR MADE." ON THE CONTRARY THE BEST TAILORS IN THE LAND. WHO WORK UNDER THE BEST CON DITIONS, MAKE OUR CLOTHING. BUT INSTEAD OF MAKING JUST ONE SUIT OF A KIND. ONE TAILOR WILL MAKE A HUN DRED. THIS IS WHV HE MAKES THEM WELL. THIS IS WHY WE CAN SELL VOU "TAILOR MADE" CLOTHING FOR LESS, A CAR LOAD OF NEW FALL GOODS HAS JUST ARRIUED. R. M. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY LEARN THE-WAY 1 tV