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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1914)
Tin hixii ih'llktiv, lllXI), Olll., whrnfhday, hf.ptfmiif.h 8, MIL iuor n. PRINEVILLE IS DEFEATED. 6-2 f BEND TEA Al OUTPLAYS VISITORS U Kpilim' I'ilrhrx llcllor Mull Thau Now County Heitt 'I'm liter Hnniw Come In Fifth When'llnys I.iiikI I'm- Hl HIiiuIhn unit Win. IlmmiiHa Ilond played ltter ball--thu bent played liy it homo nine hero for many moon tlio oriigk Prlno- VlIlM tSWIH. iHWNtlllK til tlH lllH ellHIII- plous or (ho county, not Imdly spilled to tlio (huh of 0 to 2 Htindny after noon. ThtirH wore tio "Ifs" nod "nnds" nlmut tlio giime, no nigged decisions which affected tlio outcome and no rlinnoo for excuses; the team (lint played tlio host bnsn Imll won Koinothlug now ror Prlnovllle, mid presumably recently Imported, plt-i-oil. Ilo wan vnry lonx or leg. nnd pnood n Korrttl top, a koimI l"al or speed mill Hih nitiim or Pli'iinnlng Hh whm whispered to be u Htnr, lint wmil Into eclipse In (ho llfth InuliiK when nix hnrd, singles wore garnered oh IiIh delivery, lottluii In Hih same number or run. Tethrrnw. the inlKhty. was In (ho left garden. Imti Chi llnmstor of Hih I'rlnivllllmiM. I illiln't call In IHm VHtornn reserve twlrler. In the box Nurvnl Kprlngor put it1 hII nvr thu southpaw, striking out eight intm to Fleiniiilug's live, ami hIIowKhc four liltit while Rend math- nine. There were only two errors, ! both Ity Ilend, which shows Hih game wm well plsyml, mnl tlwil Hih vlctoo wh due to no Holding blowup Prlne vllle stole second four times hihI Mend three time. O'Donnell iisi.ImmI lour mtemptod tAl. Prlnevlllu's two run Mitm In Hit' first frame. Bprtugor's control w poor Mt the wtttrt and' with two hits, two steals anil M wlltl pilch the runt mhw In. Hut after that thre hum nothing doing. Hand's six run miooj In tb rWth, when everybody imiil i Threw tlKitft aflr tbst InnlnK !' ! j man reached third. Htover wm thj heavy hlttnr of the dey. with thr.- wallop. m or them a two ikt out or four times at hat. Van Main ami Kulji not two hit nptrr. ami Hi" others on twcb with the -tii'iu i or I'anl. II. Johnson and O'DonnHI. whoa hatting average wr goose egd. ! There waa a rslhr amall att"il iiiini, lnt t tnan up In tiithul-' Mam Mitnw or thalr lark or hiiiiH'.-. ! althouKh TnMMiMrar Nlrk W alitor aai i nthimlaHm ilnaaH't uiy Hit IdlU and ' Hi two-bit plw do. With Hih Imi playlHK aa Nad ball pa I hoy how arx1 it la a Krat pllr mnr aupnort I" not I ulvrn thm Thay bava not aafc.-d , lor n rHt or euntrltiutlon thin -. and thw Nont.tho rominttnlty run l..i la to turn oat to tb Haw, wharf, na gala mora (ban ono'a mono) worth. With a continuation or aleady prac , lira end davalopHiant or tan in flat., the locala nbonld ba r.lda to fcaco on1 tbalr winning atraak and " Hmd by far tba liaat loam It aver bad N. I. Waldar baa Immii apiai'ntadj tnaoagar. aaeratary and trasaurar ' th.i club, and Xorval irlnr actliu; waaanar. Tba taam will plnv Irln. vIIIh again thbi Sunday, at tba coun ty MHt j FIRE AT THE DALLES ! Ihi N VI 10,000 III Ulnar- ImM Wn-t . HiipiNiocdly of liircnilliir)' HiIkIii. THIS DAM.ICH, Aug. II A dlaaM "torotia riro hero taut Friday night in aiimud thrnw InmlnaM hlacVa and r.-- miltwl In n loan iwtlmntcd at $llo. , 000. Three Urn liroko out almiiltan-1 tioiuly, aiiipHtodly not hy nn ltii:i diary. Klre tlghtliiK waa tuudo iIck- pornto liucauno (ho wntar anpply rm i fhort. Kollowlni? la a list or Hi MlrurturiHf doetroyad: j I'ottolllco nnd llrlll'H dry good Htoro, Odiiroltow'a hrtak liultdltiT. Ilaldwln Oporu-tlouHo, Tiie l)all crnnory, Huninar oouimlaalon Iiiuh.. , miiiIo Coinlnl a nmldonca nnd iimrnii worka. Wolch & Son'a aacond hand Htoro, Onwt Xorthnrn furnltiiro :or. Midway Saloon. (Iroohlor'a lmkor, Wllohiirt linrhor ahon, llntilHinlan MinracHoiiary. Cohen olotlituK atoro I'ISIIIIKMKN NOTICK. Many nidionnon aro putting the honilH and uiitrnlln or trout thoy clean Into tho rlvor nnd lakon. Tlla a iiKRlnHt tlio law, nnd la ronlly a vorv hud lirnotloo an It iiinkua tho wator linpnro. All NiorlBiuun uro roqufaiuii to oo-oporato to atop thin prnetlro CI.YDK MoKAV. Plat. Oamu Wnrdan NliW .M(INTIIIV MA(iAIM. UotiKlnn Alultttrkoy, tho II your old imlillnlicr or Itcilinoinl, Iiiih JiimI In. imnil tho II rut iiiiuihor or Tho Now Wont, it monthly imiKuzliio ilovoto I lo (ho tntormilH or illvoinlllod farming In Contra I Orojton. Ilo rornuirly U hiuiiI tho ICntui prlHo, u wimkly nuwh pitiiur, which wnrt noli! to tho Itoil liioud HpottoMiiiiiii, it row wmJliM nwo, Tho now pithllcntloii oontnliiH aitlaTia or lutdniNt lo llin farnior nnd a niiiu hor or uood tlluatriitloiiM. I'(HINI) AT .I.AKT. Koiind nt liiHt. tho ono prloo hoat all'Wool f Ifi.oo Hiilt or ovoroont lino In tlio I'ountry. Miulo hy tho Nation al Wooloii MIIIh Company, from loom illrocl to wonror. You can now cliooad nnd Hnlci't from sou of tho prattliHit pftttcrim ntiylhliiK you wlah, mid nam from r.00 to 10.00 por milt or coal. I KUiiriiutuo it parfect fit. fClounliiK nnd pronaliiK n apufllnlty.) I'. K. Hlok. Adv. 2ltr, .MAIIKKT IIKPOIIT. China und Klnwwnro. Hkiinn Hard warn Conipnny. Adv. I1 i II III I III. I ' i ;- NOUTII I'OItTMNI), Auir, 28. KouolplH for tho wook liavu hnun, (int tlo 1408, cnlvoii !I0. Iiohm 2180, Hhnop IH3. Iloavy rocdpla of citttlo HiIh wook. Kxtrumo top Hioont on Mon dny'a mnrkot 17.16, with iiiodliuu nttirr ntnidiHf from $fl.ri(i to f 7. Cows r..7r. to 0; choli'o hoirura 0.20 to IO.r.0; IiiiIIh H. l.lRht vonl chIvi $8 lo $8. no. Mok locolptM not ovorly hoavy for tho wook. Thoro aro plen ty or Iiokh In tho oountiy on food, hut It will ho throo wuoka lioforo thoy nra till nnd off. Ilimt xrailH or light Iiokh Hold $U to ID.SB, Thu fona In tho bIihcp could not ho Improvad, I'an oy WiiHliltiKtou lulling $0, wothora 1, nnd awuH Jl.ari. Tho run wua of iivoriiKo Hlro hut huylng damnud wiu Htaudy onoiiKh lo ktmp iirloaa at toti loval. 'J HKINH I'Olt HAM. "I'or Itcnt," "Kor Hnlo," "Itotnim fo l'l" "HoimckovpliiK Kooma," "No AiliiilttniKf," ".No HuioklnjCt" etc., 'lc, I'lumrda minted In hirKO type on lioivy hilntol hoard, 1.1 rut i'lllli, lofa In qiinntltlcN. Jlullotlii Ufllcc. 12tf ItofroHh yourauir wllh n cold drink. ('"nil TilfilK nl ft mill 10 'inula mm Ittilnrv Ailv 9ff -Adv. MonU at tho Altiiuiout 2T and 35 contB.- -Adv, j Classified Advertising Ono cunt n word In all a little want, Ad will ooHt you. ,-. y .- - - ,,..- . ,. , ,, I WATCH THIS PAPER FOB THE TRUTH ABOUT PROHIBITION i ll H mmimmmmt IB Here is tho exact issue that confronts you The prohibitionists ask you to adopt an amend ment to the State Constitution to prohibit the manufavturc and Hale of alcoholic beverages, except for medical, mechanical and nacru mental uses. The adoption of this amendment means the entire wipinp out of the present splondid home rale and local option laws. TlHTuitftcr the retaliation unci control of the liquor irnffic in OrcKon ivmild pass from cltlcn and lownn mill be ruliiineil exclusively by the state. Note CMM'fHlly" ..' i t mantliHi of Mohllrfllnf "itltlrlliU' Hurt." "IruniiiHrlittlan" fit,"ue" at alcoholic lKcriito. OhIv of mttiuifiirttirc nnd thlt. Diftrltitillott, (ranipor lalinn Had ur Intentionally wen- Ml out hy the ihohIIM IhHtlata. Shimnl o( llijoolt lulo lln- atatu, or iIikkikIi the tahf, K drinking ol liUm hmIiIh the tUH uouhl not Uv piohtMiad b the iHiemUHunt WiWIhrIw, IiUho and California naturally would Immtdl ntttu bglH blptang lliUor Into Oiagoa ami tbroaghoul OrugiHt. Tba mIimiu, what It tiw a(lt, wmW mctaly ha gl'" way "Mind ptwtr." "baotlraor"anit "moonthlnrr. All cllta bimI Iiiwm bow rtlhrr icel or drit uituk! b at the mi-icy of tba itate pvllce uulhurithi ami Mlale law maker. tVesunt "dru" cities nnd towns would rofllize that they luul come nwtrer to votinR ihemnelves "irc"tlmn they now nre under the splendid home ride nnd local option Itnvs. If Ihe Male autbotlll ware derelict or fallwl lo enforce the luw, nt they ate In Kiinva and Malm, the dtlv and lowm would ruallie Ibat they had fotcil atcau their font dlrtct control and regulation of the Inf. or traffic l'hoc artlclei III thow lalar that KanM and Maine aulhorltlm are dtrtlict uwl do fall lo enforce the law. To undo the inlilakc Oregon would liac lo reiHral a contttutlarwl amendment and not a mere nic--a very dlfflcull undertaking Deceit and hjp ury In ecurlnglhHor lllcpnllp would hae boon ttihttltuled for wImI lodiy It a tteadUi Jmpravlng, healthier public opinion ragnrdlnic -true temperance, and froc temperance wouUI haelHcmli)Hoan rrrinrtibifivfurireulrlBK many year lo i win or from. AilvrrtlNcrucnfM IriM'Hcd under thla bending nt tlio rnto of ONK CKNT A WOIIO cnrli Irmcrtlon. Ciodi imiKt iifionipiiiiy nil order from prmorm not linvlriK n regular iirconrit ullh The llullrtln. o ndvprtlncmciit tnk for li'n llinri in ccola i-ncli liiNcrllon. WANTHII. VANTKlJ-Work aa JanitorrTrr nulre liullotln. 22lf)p WANTBIJ- Coiupetont woman for general hoiiHa work. Willing to atay with children In tlio eventog. Wagaa 3S. Write or telephone. Mra. Itoa eoe Howard, l)teliutwt. 20-tgc. WASTBO Work on dairy or farm hy man and wire. I'hona Itural ML 27 tr FOIl IIII.VT. Couch, Lnldlaw, OrpRon. 2(5-27:. I'OH BALK Tr-am or rnnrou, wclRht about J 000 pounds each, ago 8 nnd 10. Saddle pony. 3 V Inch wokoi. Oahorne mower, 5 loot cut In A No. 1 aliapo, McConnlck rnko, XV roto, good aa now. Iloonlnr grain drill In flrat claaa ahnpo. Top hnggv, kltnlion rango, j:ood as new. Alao other hotmohold nrllcloa. All prtved rofiKonublo. John D. Murphy, fnlil Inw, Oregon. 20-20 p I'fHt HAI.1 Tain Trn .. ..,.. freah, other fresh In month. Apply n. W. Hnydor, 3 mllea southwest or Lnldlnw. 2Btr I'OH 8ALB Choap. Two single! hedn. Intilro liullotln offleo. 1711 1 FOR 8AI.W Kagtoterod O. I, C. , pigs. Phono or write O. C. Cnrd-I well, florid, 13tf KOIt BALK Improved rellnriulali-1 merit, 20 mile from Ilend. Innulroi liullotln. 23-2 Cc. I FOIl BAMS Until ftcptomhor 10, j only, Duroc Jersay Qllts and sows,' open and bred; nlao pIrh either sex j Fnrrnor'a prlaea. I'll one Ilcdmond ' No. 3609. O. h. Ilrazee, ranch Pow ell Ilutto. 23-2G;i. IJIhINKHS AND I'llUFIiSMIONAli. KOUICUT II. UOVtM Civil Knglnecr Ilond Oregon llOIIKUT W. BAWYEIl N OTA It Y l'dliMO nullotln OfTIco, Ilend, Orogon LOST AMI FOUND. 8. It. IIOOIN I.nnd Attorney nuslnoss before the U. S. Land ofTleo a specialty. Twenty flvo yoara oxperlence In practice be fore tho loonl U. 8. Land Oftleo and tho departments nt Wash ington. D. C Offlrw. over the Deachutes Slate lunk. IlKNII :-j j.. OUHGON KsniM K Mlalel lo ! pmhllltlonUtt at the model prohlhU Hon ftnte. They want Oregon to hocomo a Kannt. Watch lhati' article wllh u fofr, open mind and leara what thirty lbf er ol prohibition late hat done for Kantat without inohlbltlna or adixtnetng true temperance. All figures will be taken from latest United States Government Reports S. II - ProHthlllonUK are threading the opinion that. If the propmed amendment It defeated, the hmimiI dry townt and rtllet will become wet again Till I'OSI TlVt I.Y IS NOT SO. The protenl homo rule and local option Uut would remain ui as they now are. VOTE 333 X NO AGAINST PROHIBITION PilJ AJtrrllicmfnl - Tii)ftt J 'st trun' Ijritar. I'odtinJ, Orrtoa I'OH HBNT Two small furnlahwl houses near aeliool house. S.. It. Ilogin, over DaaeliHles Hank. 20tf FOIl ItBNT Suite ol throe mod ern houaekeapliiK rooms. J. J, Klein. lftf! FOR ItBNT Small house partly j furnished: $6 a month; nleo tent house adjoining. Near depot. In- quira at Ilullatln. 49tf . FOIt ItKNT Olllcos on Wall street! very cheap. Apply Ilullatln Oitiue. FOIt HBNT Jtooms oenlratly lo- eated. Ifilaetrlc llgbta and wator. Suitable for housekeeping. Cheap. Apply llulletln Office. IX)8T Whlto setter dog. Notify llulletln offleo. . if LOST Team ol mares, about 2200 ' right shoulder. One brown with whit root and wire cut on left hind root. Alex MeKcown, Hampton, Ore. 23-2C TAKBN UPAt Johnson ranch 20 mllna oast of Hand, bay horse branded on left shoulder. 1.7 and K on tight stifle: dark bay mare brand ad on left Shoulder, italic T. II. over eroas and T-A connected, on right shoulder. Iiotli broke. Pert row oil. 23-27p. J. II. Hell a. W Sims CIIOOK COUNTY AIISTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated, Successors to Tho J. II Haner Abstract Co., Prlnovillo, Oro. A If tracts Insurnnco Fraternal Societies W. W. FAUI.KNBIl, D. M. D. Mi:XTI8T Office Ovor Postofflco Ilond, - Oregon FOIt SAI.IC. I. O. O. I licnil Iidgo No. 218. Regular tneotlng ovary Mon day night at 8 o'clock In Salt er's Halt. Visiting brother cordially welcome. UBRTSHUEY. N. O. OBO. P. OOVE. Secretary. TOR 8AI.B Chickens. 2 nound broilers 35 rents each. Mr. F. M Ray. City. 20-27 p FOR SALaV-kcand hand collao slble g-eart la jao MNdltloti. In quire Mrs. O. A. Tboraoa. 2; I'OR BALM OR TRADK Fort) acres trrlgatad Wwd aar town. Frlc cbM. laqHlve WHlMtfl. JCtf , FOR SAI.aU-U band -abort born I cattle. Apply Mra. C. .A. "awMW. tldlaw, Oregon, on tba old McKIh- ney place. laVfT p. - itt sta araa NiMWr Stlte TDK lltATKUNAI. liROTHBIt HOOD. Rend Lodge No. 097 meets In Bather's Hall every Thursday evenlag, with surlal on third Thurnlay each sonth. VUltlng mamliera cordially Invited. Mrs. O. W. Sbrlnor, Prea. Leroy Fox, Secretary. til ROYAL NKK.IIllOIt.S AMKIU - OF WILLARD H. WIRTZ LAWYER Prlnovillo, Oregon. C. S. BENSON Attorney At Law Benson Pulldlng. Will Street Ilend, Oregon. VERNON A. FORBES L A W Y H It First National Bank Putlding Bead. -: ... Oregon flBOROE S. YOUNG Civil nnd Irrigation Knginccr. City Knglnccr of Bend. Room 5 First National Bank Building II. II. Do AltMOND LAWYKR Orogon Street. Bend. Oregon II. C. S L L I S Attornoynt-Law Unltcil .Slutcs Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND. OREGON DR. J. H. CONNARN DKXTKST Omce In Salhor Building. 1 1 cure 9 to 12, 1 to S. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. DR. A. B. CROPP Chiropractor DRUGLKSS PHYSICIAN Oftleo over Miller Lumber Co., Wall Street. Hours: 9-12, 1-C. NOTICIt l'OR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior. U. H. Land Olllno nt Thu Halloa, Orego.i, A gust 24, 1I)H. Notlco Ih hereby glvon that Wil liam D. Clark, or l.nldlnw. Orogor, who, on July 13, 1911, made homc stond ontry, No. 00268. ror NUNKVi, SWViNHVi, NWV48H4, SocUon 30. Township 10 H Rnngo 11 K., Wd Inmnttu Mertdlnn. has lllod notlco "f .Intontlon to mako flnul threo year vroof, to OHtahllHh clnlm to tho land nhuvo dnsarlhud, hororo II. C, Hills, u United Stntoa Cnmmlaalnnor ut his ollloo nt Bond, Oiokoii, on tho 12th day ol Ootohor, 1 U 1 1 . Olalmant nninoH as wltnessus: Jn box L. Couch, (loorgo W. Couch. George M. Couoh, Frank K. Dnytou, .Iannis M.48lry, nil of Lnldlaw, Oro Aoiv II, FRANK WOODCO0IC, 20-30c. RogUtor. BUYHRN TO SHARK IN PROFITS I.OWIlt PRICKS ON FORD CARS Hrfoetlvo from August 1. 1911, to August 1, 1U1S, and guaranteed against any reduction during thut time. Tourluir Car $100 Runabout -MO Town Cur F. O. U. Detroit, all oara fully eriuliipod. (In Uultod stntea of Amurlou only) Furthor, wo will bo nblo to olituln tho nmxl inuin olllolunoy In our factory pfoiluotlon, and tho tnlntmiim cost In our purchasing and sale (ItiimrtinontH tr wo can ronoli an output or 300,000 ouru botwoim tho nljovo dates. And should wo roach tills production, "wo ugroo to tiny as tho buyer's Bhnro front J40 to $00 per oar (on or about August 1, 191a) to every rutnll buyor who purchases n new Ford car betweou August 1, 1014 and August 1, 19 in. For furthor particulars regarding thoso low prices and prolU-shnrlug plan, sou tho uunrost Ford Branch or Donlor. FORD MOTOR COMPANY FRESH arid SAlfT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LAUD Tho United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET C. P. NISWONGER, Bond, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licenced Kmbalnicr, Funeral Director. Phone. Lady Assistant. F3R SUMMER Wear get a pair of WOOD'S WORK SHOES. Solby R.H.LOVriN the Shoo Repaii Man. Bond street, Vend, On POLK'S' OREGON and WASHINGTON W VX tf j Dusiness uireccory A Directory of each City. Town nod I VllUic. (Ulnc dttcrlpltv ikttch ot M each pltco. location, populatln, tele I craph. ihlpplnf anil pasklae point alto Claulfltd Plrtctory, compiled by Jl cuiinH ana prorution. R. U l'OUC CO BKATTt.13