K m. IJCr IJjCrl i JLJ JLJr JLJL JL 1 11 i Vol. .Ml. MUM), OIICfJON, WKDNIXIIAV AFTKHNOO.V, HKI'lKMIlKH i!, 101 1. NO. HO, PETITIONS ARE KNOW JULES IS EX-CASHIER DISGLOSES C. 0. 1. ITUMALO WORK ANTI DIVISION IS DISGUISED FILED 10 MY WILL CONTINUE ORADMEN GO. METHODS CHARGES Hi SECOND STEP FOR NEW COUNTY TAKEN V 'I'Iip lliM'tiuti Cumit)' IVtllluii Hum Nrnily 11(10 HIkim'Is Fmv llefm In High- Cumpiilmi 0M'iiN 'In. Morrow Willi HiMikimiitiiiliiK. FEATURE OF PORT LAND EXCURSION W. W. IIOWAItll, NOW A KlilTI.KK ON TIIK HK(iltlMTION, IIIIANIIH ItOKCOK IIOWAHD'H HTATK.MKNTH AH I'XTItl'H AND MAKK8 CliAltrnW Ol' KXTIIAVAOANCIC IN MANAUKMHNT MATTER OF REFUNDS ARRANGED -LOWER TAX LEAGUE" IS FORMED A 4 The second h t In the formation l Deschutes county In being lnkn today with the lilliiK with th iiouniv court In i'rlHnrllla of tlm petition HklltR tllHt III fllMttlt Im put mi tliv ballot to b vtitMit mi iii .Nnrem ir. Nsrly 1 100 voters, rprHiiit Iiik eery voting preelnol In the pro-jhhm-iI futility, hav signed tlm ptl Hun ur Nil to Wlllllll It ha been .presented for signature only about Hi In the whole HHrtloti have reniMHl. Tin Hprlnrw in thin section lift I wo u duplicated In th mirth end where ih petition for tlm formation or Jelfrrsoii county ha boon gener- Mll) KlglKMl. It IN belllg plelllll to 4h con lily court with Ilia Deachul county potliioii today. With HlK MlllIK of til petition f !- preliminary rmiMKH la nw ami (her now remain two month In which to bring Imhiiii in every voter lli adtnige to lit) gained Wv the formation of th mow count it. That thl cnm Im done fceem to In ImiIIchU d by th reedlm with which tlm petitions have Immm nIkhhiI and the growing Interest Ih tlm movement u tho who IIm4n to th argument mini study th figure that hav Ihmu jiii I out. Tlm nrt m meeting In th cam paign will he held In the new Com mercial (Muli room on Thursday night Nt o'clock. At Hint time it Mirt of houHMwarmliiK will be held relehratlng th opening of tlm new room mi.l in connection with thin, talk will be mail on Hid county ilt t talon movement. Kvery member of tthr Commercial Cluh la urged to nt tVuil ami alo every voter In town who want to hear facta nnil aak 4UMtuna atxiut rouiit) divislou. FAIR PROGRAM ISSUED A' prfiA Hit Mil tirflenmi of. the Alatcr ralr. to be. held October 1. z. a. nun mhitn laauqiLtirujH no pre .r iiiu ai.iun iiMitttiilKmi or the Miters HcihI HftturtMv. the Oil son al Minn an -imnii mw mux flireaii l I certain that a very 3irg MUenil xnre fnun her will n ah hand Mends prominent part In the fair I not limited, however, to being given the tiest day. Mend 4onmUohn are Haled ttrat in th progrMR. The cash donatltinN total Its', while other do nations from here reach a value of (7 r0. th two being about twloe aa much aa has l'oo contrllmted by ny other community. y AJTO OWNIIIIK ATTICVTION. All owners of autos who are willing to assist on Monday and Monday Int he wiitertnlnnmnt or - the Portland guests are urgent- ly requested to communicate Im- mediately with J. C. Ithodea, - Oommtrclul CNuu witiiiiilllee- - man In charge of lrannrtAthiii. -- Sirci A Ae VkHue Sd'Tk four Thtiro nro two wnya of atrolchliig your Income a wrong way nnd a right way. You and your wife can pull on t from opposing ends until tho long mirroring liny onvolopo gasp for breath. That's tho wrong way. ''. Or you und tho hotter half can got right down to brass tncks nnd work tmUi ends against tho middle urn successfully that your Incomo wjll Btrotch to a healthy hnnlt nccount with ub. Tltnt'B tho right way. Try It, Deschutes State Bank'1 -'' 'v' t , ' ' HI5ND, ORIJaON, Mini)' I'loiiiliirnl Mini Will Mo, Willi VInIIiuh Who Anlc Hnniliiy NiiiiiIm'I' I 'in ill m 1 1)- Hun- to I In 7. Ktilridiliinifiit Hllll Hrvrvt UvorythliiK la moat promlalnK for Him PorllHiiil Ail Uluh nxriirilitii (but arrlVAN thla Hundn. Thnro la prac tlHllr no ilouht that It will nunthw at loaat 7h. hiiiI, to Jutli!" frniu Him MtliHulaniH at Uih tto City itnil, tin iyii laraar crowil inny Ih In attttu ituneti. Thv Hxciinilnnlata will Inelmla auch wall-know ii inwh na ('liatlwi K. Ilarjc. Iirtwlilvut or Uih Ail Cluh; C. C. Chup- man, manat'r or Uih riirtiaml Coin inorlal Cluh: Wllllnm .Mc.MurrHy. (I. I-. A., or h O.-W Itallnmil: WM Hhiii llanloy; C. II. Mourn of hu I 'a rifle IMioiim (!omin)'; John I. Car loll, mlltor of Uih I'orlliuiil TlnKrHiii; W. J. Iloffiiian, inlvf-rtUliiK umiinKr of Tlia Uriixoiilan. I.. II. Alilwrttinn. auHHntHHiliHt of I'lirtlaml arhwoU; Aaron M. Crnuk, nf Melur & I'rHiik; Imvhl N. MofnMiohn. iwlltor of "Th OrMon Country." door Itaker. Mwimr of thn (taker Thtrn, anil a M'orn or iitliHra. IiicIuiIIhk I'orllHml'a Umi nifwawiHr Htn. llDcauiw th I'orthtnilara are to trNttHl to a aurprliHi whim Uiy laml (Continued on ihiko I.) 4 111(3 ATritNllAXCK IMtO.MISKI). rOltTLANI). X V. M.-I'roiu the way roaervntluna are no in lllg III lim All UIUII COtlimlltee feel raid sure that ino will ..fc- Ih..2..:h. a L.. 1. ! make the exeiiralon to Item! KAt unlay. This would be the big- gent excursion of the kind ever aonl out from Portland. It la very prnlMihle that Mayor Alheo will head tlui dolitgntlon. Joe - Knowles. the nut tint man, who Hi Hike at the Ad Cluh luncheon todny, U being urged to Join the Junket and rare Know Joles, the eminent nature raker now upor- ,lttSJr.lWJ,nil. Moxltig me- Hires will lie lakun or all the features of tho excurslun ror use throughout the country. . SCHOOL OPEfi MONDAY V Mtlim lm) Will Soon be ()rr I. U( or Twuiicn (.it en. School das for the putdla of Dis trict No. IS. including the town rf Itemt and surrounding country, begin gain on Monday. Aa Indicated In a notice by Professor Shouse. high school pupils will be oxiiected to reg ister that morning nnd regular work begins atone. The teachura ror Hie coming year are: High school IJunleo Cowiea. iiduclpal; Mabel Loranco nnd Helen M. Mnnny. Hold aohool Marthn Ulilner, prlndtwl; Mary Itleth, Mno Kitciiey. Mm. J. I). DArtdann. Pearl High tower. ICthol Holmes, Katharine ll run, Lillian Cooper and Marine Taylor. IWMvrmnn? $I JUL ttWaJUL vy to fiLK DnaChiUfMi. Orori, Auk. t, 1911, TO TIIK KDITOIt Ol" TllH HKNI) IIIJIXIOTIN: Ana attUlor on tlm nnKnmntloii of the Central Orngon Irrlnatlon Coniiiany tlm writer hoa followod with Intnrwit the move atartwl by thn Wotnr Uaora Aatioulntloit, nqcoihIihI hy your imimr, to eorreot tlm hIiuium Unit oxlat In linndlliiK tlm affalrB of tho coiiiiuiiy and to atwurts to tlm BHttlnr what tliy am dimly onlltlml to. Wlmn Mr. Itiwcoo Howard ataUa Unit tlm nmlntnnnniw feoa col lafitod hy tlm Cointmtiy havit not hunu d'aaljiated and ure not now illa Hlimtad In Urn N)inint of IiIkIi aalfirlwi to rwrlaln officials of Urn oouiMii)'. Im atatM an ifiiult Ijcnf ! and Infntlonal falsehood. Thla atotmiiunt la mad afttr duti ilalllmratlon and IhmnmI oh a otrorul atud) and analyala of tlm Comjianya financial affair x IiiihIIrk ovur a twrtod or airoxlinatoly fluhlwn montka in thalr ointiloy aa eaalilor. DurlnK my tnilo)inant mid alncu tlma I have liyon vry par tlcuhtr not to allow tnyaolf to ho iilaoml undar any obligation to thn fomiiany or any or Ita olllcara and for that roaaon fal free to offer to Urn oltkeni or the Watur Uaera Aaaoclatlou and your WHir any aaaiatiuicin limy may fel tlmy nto In iiihhI of In getting at the facta of tlm cuao nnd hrliiKlnjt uhout an ond or tlm InUilerabla eutidltmaa that It MU(ina alwuat Incntdltablo to hIliv oould oxhrt. Voura very truly. (Blgnnd) W. W. I IOWA It I). Tlm lliillutla reel r ml the above leltnr Muaday. W. W. Howard waa for IK Hioutha oaahliir of tlm Cttntral Oreaon IrrlKHtioii CoiniKmy, IioIiik illaeharMoil in Oatohor. 1 1 1 3 . Mr. Howard waa askhd to Miim lir, which Im did yoalnrday, and at that time ohtharntod the wimral charntM made In hi li-lter. uddlnR the atato umiita whloli are iirlutml herewith. Mr. Howard maintains that hi la In no way actuated hy malice aunltut the CotniHiny'a management, and takoa hla aland aolely aa a aettlor on the aogreatlon who iMllevea that on ly hy thoroughly airing the iiroaent alleged rotten condition of affaire can they he cleared iip and the rights ,,f ,,mTp i.rnVmrlv Uif.TrVll Mr ' or """lira properly aareguarded Mr I im. ward owns and operates 10 acre. acres I Vfc miles from Deschutes. In brief, W. W. Howard charges that Itoseoc I low aril tells an untruth when ho atatos that acttliira' mainte nance fees ore not iihviI to pay mil nrliHi. Ho nlleges that the C. O. I. ortlrlals are grossly ovi-nnild That oven when the comiHtny la pleading imverty and Inability to Improve Its system for tho benefit of settlors thono In control are able to coinnmn-d-er funds to put Into projccis or porionnl profit Attliluvlt Ihirkk Slntemriit. To show that he la sure or his ground, Mr. Howard mnkes affidavit to ull hla utateincnts. In which he aaya they "are true to my beat knowl edge and heller." and that "ho stands ready to nubalantlate and accept re sponsibility ror them." The nlld revelations or th i cashier come at an osuecially Inter esting time, because the Water Us ers' Association has petitioned thi .(.ami Hoard to have stale authorities examine the comuan books: thla tho l.aml Hoard hna ordered done. Also, all who heard him here soma weeks ngo unduratood Hoseoe Howard to nay that tho settlers wore at liberty to examine the company's liooka to ascertain how maintenance monev waa being spent, and wore aittonlshed Inat week when Mr. Howard denied having made audi n atatement and refused access to the lionka. W. W. Ilownrd'a atatement fol lows: "Hoseoe Howard has stated that PLUMBING and Plumbing Supplies A Complete Stock.to Choose from Bend Hardware Company TIIK COMPANV 'WKAU" IX -- no salaries Here paid out or wa'alf nanco fees. Mr. Howard (at tnl July XG) also said that In them-Jetve the settlers' maintenance feoe war not auhleleMt to pay the salarlos. The first statement Is one of tho untruths mode hy Mr. Howard referred to h my letter. "Hero are two example: , "Tho 8tanley-Davenporl ranch is owned, to far us I know, hy Fred Stanloy, president of the C. O. I. Co. In 1913 when I was cashier no maintenance roes on this ranch had been paid since 1910. In 1913 the Directors voted a salary to Mr. Stan ley of 11000 a year. Previously, to far as 1 am aware, he received no salary, and eortalnly during my em ployment by the comiany ho had ao duties worthy or the name, that I ever was ablo to discover. Then hi salary waa credited to his raalnto nance fees mi the ranch. "Next cornea Jesse Stimrni, attor ney and lecretary of tho company. Ho owned the Ton Bar Ilanch. He gaia sou a mnnin, nnu an open, aci count with him Is carried,' so that the maintenance, roes pay that aalanry. In Htrt. In a nutshell the facts wei that tho company had no money and so paid this salary with maintenance feee. And Itoscoe Howard aayn main tenance feos were not used In pay ment of salaris! "It might be argued that Mr. Stearns earned hla salary: that a corporation was Justified In paying an attorney such a salary a a retainer. Hut remember tha' the company waa "broke": It always called attention to Us poverty when Improvement or Its system we.- demanded by the set tlers. And mi fai as the duties of Mr Stearns were concerned, so far a I know durlnc my IS month of employment only two suits again the cotnimny were, handled hy hl-n. One or these was on oxcess seroage liv Kendall or Kedmond. And there Kendall won by default, because Stearm. as he later confeaeod. had mislaid the papers and rorgoiten th case! This doesn't look hb U the a; - (Continued on last age.) l -S If'' THAT PUT TUB HAltDWAIlK. Fund for ItclmhurMsmcnt of Hctllcru Not Titklntc New Contracts will be Provided From Land Sole He- C'clpf -Work Done Nov, 1, 8ALISM, Aug. 31. Work on the Tumalo Project will lie oenUniie'I, It will be eompletod In sixty day, and In the original appropriation or im.080 will not be oxeedeI. That Is now aseured definitely. lint last week, thanka to n sudden burst of al on the part of Attorney General Crawford. It looked as If the warK might case September ). Crawford advised the Land Hoard that a fund or $r.0,00 must be set unlile for the reimbursement or old settlor who refuse to enter Into new contractu, nnd as there was Just suf ficient money In tho fund to complete the work without this payment, con struction must be ahut down to In sure provision of the $60,000. After a hot session. In which the Attorney Uenera! came In for some rigorous panning, the matter was laid over until Engineer Imrgaard was called In. Then !aurgard pointed out that the State would lose some $30,900 by temporarily sus pending operatlonu, and further In vestigation convinced the Hoard that the miter or refunds to old settlers under the Columbia Southern could go over until next year. Ultimately, money ror such refunds will come from receipts from new purchasers or lands. Kngtneer Laurgaard stated that al though all hut about six who had made payments oh tracts or the old Columbia Southern project had been notified ot the proposed refund, an application ror tho refund of but (15.000 had been mado. Only $4000 was represented by those who wore willing to tako new contracts, how ever, and so he said as matters stand the state Is liable ror a refund or S82.000. The action taken by the Hoard to day means that the question or tak ing eare of the refunds must go to the leKlHlnture. ni nowar to iwy out "any ftiiid" received from the soTo of land of the Tumalo project Is denlod tho Desert Land Hoard. Tho mono tor the refunds will all come out -if the project, according to Laurganrd. and no an appropriation will bo un necessary from the State. Authority to transfer funds will be all that Is necessary. It wss pointed out that while the legislature provided that no refunds should be made before December 1. the act did not aay how long after that the refunds could be made, ami Laurgaard had told those on the pro ject of the exact state of affairs. Governor West referred to the fact that he had told the senate plainly la hla message chat $443,000 would be required to conatruct the nrnject. COMMKHCLUj CIA'H. Commercial Club honsewarm- Ing In the now rooms, Thursday nlchf Kaiitauitmr S. Puma anil U )er the county division speech- . . Kvry voter In town Is In- vlted. -- -- ---d' VLiV iV frill TFe First National hank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON U. V. (.OK, President K. A. SATHER, Vice- President C. S. HUDSON, trashier Capital fully paid - S36.000 SurpliH TO TRAVELERS: The American Bankers Travelers Ghecks are not now issued by the Banks, owing to the war. If you are going away secure one of our LETTERS which may be cashed at Hotels, Banks and other places without identification. Sums may be obtained on them as needed, saving the danger of carrying currency, and buying drafts. We do not make any charge for them and you will find they are very convenient. m FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND - DIRECTORS " - V. C. cob G. A.SATHEn ?. S. Hudson O. M. Pattehson n, C. EtLis At .Meeting In Itedmond Lot Will. ncMlny .Men From n Few Precinct Work Li Autl-IUvlMoH Kentl- inent Co. Ilulldliijr Cnnard. Pnrportlag ts rprMMt the whole of Crook county a party of men (rem five of the 44) pretinets of the ooHnty met at itedmond met Wednoedsr Might and formed the "Croak County Lowor Tax league." OfHcors vrpre electod from Prlnevllie and Hed inond. The announced purnoco or the new body Is to work 'for lower taxes hat Its real object, as shown by the names of those who called the meet ing, tho place whero It was Held, the failure to make It a truly repre sentative gathering and the character of the dlHOUMlon which took place, Is to fight county dlvlMon. Tho one who wore Instrumental In calling tho meeting woro tho same men who held the meeting of the Prlnevllie Commercial Club a short time ago at which resolutions agaluat county division were adopted. In go ing to Iledmond for their gathering they capitalized tho feeling of a por tion of that community whloh IftJoP IKwed to Deschutes county, noCbe cause of any fear of higher tarts. (Continued on last pago.jv STATE TO ADDIT BOOKS tr Hfr T At Ilcqut of Settlers Investigation, oft'. O. I. Accounts Ordered U (Portland Oregonlan.) SALEM, Aug. 27. Complying with a request made by sottlers on tho Central Oregon Irrigation Com pany's project, the State Desert Land Hoard has requested tata Insurance Commissioner Ferguson.yarho Is also In charge of tho State Accounting De partment, to make an Inspection of Uiejhookn of tho-Comnany. - - The company recently offered to allow tho settlers to mako an Inspec tion of Its Itooks In order that they might dctormlno just how tho money collected le oxpended on the project. Representing that they were unable to employ an accountant, tho settlors potltioned the board to aid, wh th remit that the board requested the state's accounting department to make the examination and submit a report. KI.KINS OX TIIK FKNCK. After K. H. Knox announced hi unqualified support for county divis ion. The Hulletln attempted to Be euro a statoment from Fraxk Hiking. Incumbent, and oandldate ror re-election as Sheriff. Mr. Elklns is strlot ly on the fonce. In a telephone con versation this aftornoon he asserts his neutrality heroically. la part he said. "A county officer serves all the people. As one I cannot tako sides In this matter. I shall remain strict lv neutral " This makes tho third candidate to go on record: Knox and Hlanchard favoring division. MI9C as $,ooo OF CREDIT KM w w ?m M