THE 1IEND UVMiKTlS, HUM), OHE., WEDNHHDAV, Al'Ol'HT UO, Mil. PAGE t. ,v ill NU.r llUtll Ofll, 1111)11 I'll In itlll. Vftil III 1x4 JPI r. ttit- r dug ting Hi? I nit t N BV- hll II. sd" 10., itr ii n.t rude- ::v I tin I II S ORGANIZED 'At. R. BIQOS IS STATE COUNCILMAN '(iiniiiltlroiiii'ii fur All Pir-elucl me Clinton nt Mooting Held In Print'- illlo Align! If I'm il. HnMow Klimlft l.nonl lloproMUitiitltc". Following Ih tint roport of it moot- liiK ut DoiiuirruiH IihIiI nt Prlnvllla .August 1. nt which n oounly orgiml- sttttnti wan uffortml. A temporary organisation wu af TmiUiI with II. It. Illgga In the ulmlr and O. ('. riayponl a tweratnry. Tho rhnlr appointed ('. Ham MiiiIUi, IC. I.. M liner. W. il. l.ury. . W. Hpar. Mini OnorgH II llrottslor its a commit M on rwHiliiiluiiii mill onlHr of ImimI. hubs. 'Mill wminlttsn drow up Hint itnirl(l Hi following rwHilHllnim: HotHlllltloll, r tlm cammiitMt un lteiwlutUimi tor th Crook county nmaerntle or- 'jtnnliMtliiM rHiwilVH (lint It U tost for u to otfwt u pHi-mniiHiit county or ganisation nt (liU moating. Wt most hmtrtlly ndomi our pros nt Nstlonnl Administration, ospoe- tally tin linn stand on tin Muxlcun Ittmtlnn nnil I In I runt probloma mid lis firm Hltltudti toward rurrmicy r- vision. Wh hr4ty fstond our sincere srm (inthlim lo our hormrml Pratddnnt lit III Into honmvemout W haartlly otidors our prant 4'ntlmt Stnto Rmmtors and opncliil V rnwirorotml the re-olNctlnn of lh Hon. Oho. I. Chnmbftrlnln. V Indnrs (tin BtHte nnd county Dmm-rollr IUkt nnil platlga our t)vtM to Its support In tliu coming election Outer of limine, W reeommHd I hut Hi nnwont temporary nfflcars lie iihmIh imrma nl; mul Hint elwnl one eoiiiniU-tx-mmi from rated voting prwlnet In lh rnunty to form tliu Domoorstlr Count ('antral Commit! a. HriHirl of CommltltHt on HmhiI'I- tui nml Order of llimlii rand In full nnl utinnlmotuly mtoptMl jy tlin Hout. 'rmMrnry oinrorn ilnclitr- ' ! irmniifiit. VV. It. Cook lttil nptlH nwrttlnry In ntuKmoH of O. O. I'lHtptxtl. TJif IIomimj ireccf(ll to Hin flw- t'on of prwilnet ctmiHltttHt-mn( the , '(IokIiik lietHK oltoRen: V. I'rlittfVlll U. W. TlHVoly M I'rlnovllln M. U. IMrh Hotiih lltmil W. II. Htnntit North llmiil II- 11 l'rl l.tfr J. W Wilt Invntnck I.. H. Ilou-lfy MrKny I. W". Spenni Willow t'rwik win. Jniilln CroM lUir A.J. Wood word Anliwwid Ilounrd Mnupdi liMchutv ........... .J. A. Knut'm JohiiMin Crk K. T. fllttyton Mill lrk Orovor I'rlco Hnwnrd Honry Cook Hummltt Kd. MnrrlU Hmr Cruok John Mllllron rump Cruuk John Kelimeor Wlilto IIUIIH urriu .Minn l(MVr Cr 1 I), t'lnypool Maurr Nolwm ' Nwwnom Homur Norloii Ktehr W. . William , tinN HitRh (l I'owhII Hutte .Mm. Mnry C. Chnrlton t Wnrm Hprlnip Ollmtrt I.. Hall Tfthnrow I. A. Ktmdall Uldlnw J. N. U. nttrklim Ijtmonta I. M- Tliomns Lvln ()np It. W. Onrd Mndraa Hort C. Iloylnn I-nvn C. II. Alton ItmlmoHii W. 8. Uoduiaa lllllman John N. Perry ninit I'nlla J. W. Wright lint Itook Olann lioiidrlokiion mtm i. I), tfwtttitmm ninek Hutu Jimla II. Wahr . Cunlmlo W. W. Hownrd Alfalfa .lMnr Hnrntw Mllllran W. II. Htwmiw Opal City H. I'. Wirgww lwer llrldm J. It. Howard . Montiomnrr T-t- 8r Mat jIImm J. Ifi. nhiMinit DEMOCRAT fL imtMiriai saarman MniuaoniHrr S. 1rUn1 Jftinwi Hlitek II v t'rHk (1. W. nrioK Immmllataly upon the HiUmirn- innnt of tlia muwt meatliiK tha Demo prune eounlr uautnil oatumltteo met , nt the Mnme, plnne nml trnnwtotAtl the lOIIOWinK iMIHIiltmn: 11. It. UIkka wns olootod permanent fhitlrmnn of tho Comiulttoo and O. 0. Olnvpnol. pnrmnnont noori'tnry. ,., M. II. UIkrh wnn olootod Douioornt- R- Stnto Contml Coiutiiltto-innn for Crook county- TIib noorotnry wnn Ipntructad to ' vend out lottnrn to nil preolnct com- iilllf'rv.imm notlfvlmt hnm of tholr , olootlon nnd onlllnu tholr nttontlpn to tho mnttam unilar tholr nupor- vlHlon. ' iihhi:iimi:n notich. Jinny flahorinon nrn imttttiR tho lioailH nnd ontrnllu of trout thoy clonn Into tho rlvora nnd Inkon. This a iiKulnHt tho law, nnd Ih rqnlly n very hud pruutlco nu It inukua tho wntor , impuro. All Hportamon nro rouuostod to oo'Opornto to Htop thin prnotloo. Of.YDl. MoKAY, Dial. Onmo Wnrdon. MAItKKT ItKPOUT. NOIITH POHTLAND. Aug. 21. ItticotptH for tho week lmvo boon, ot- . tlo 1504, oalvoH ;I6, hogs 1B42, slump 11800. CatUo liquidation hits boon of fair voluino thla wunk. Tim nmr- hot Is iihont Bluntly. Top stourH soil ing nrotind fiuvtm conta. Cows $0; , hoirern 0.2Bl hop on hulto ? 1.00. Bxtroinuly light rocolptH of hoes,, for tho weok. HiibIiiwm ivgtlvq, outtot ' brond,n Domnnd exceeded Biipply nnd tho nlnrkot hold tho highest position I if nny othui' Amorlcnn umrkot, A tv uilJUfi!ifZ!?iK rfjrfi Pf wtS r t compnrntlvoly Niunll nupply of intit ton ofTurliiK. A IhoiiNitud fnury yoarl Iiik wolhorn hoIIIiik nt $fi wm the oiitatnndliiK fenturo. hwo trnde hIiik kIhIi nnd iimllty of the IhiiiIih offer Ink wan modliim; thoy liroiiKht $8, POWELL BUTTE (Contjnum! from )hiko 2.) Mundny nt Opal City, Mlw Mtldratl ae oomiNtnled them home after u two woek'a vIMt with hur aunt, Mm. Pul ton. Mr. nnd Mra. Henry Yoiiiik nnd iliuiKhtHr nml little MIm Doty of Itixi mond vIhIIoiI rolutlvmi hnre Saturday and Hundny of lnut wok. Wlllooxon llrnthora ahlppod u oar Innd of Iioka to Portland Monday. Alton Wlllooxon iiiYompautod tho atock, Dr. and Mm. Itmtomeyur mid mm, Mm. II. M. Hiiillh nnd MUn HU-lla Itunaid of lledmouil warn kuoaIi nt the (luy Kenra' home Miinday. Mr. mid Mm. Ilona HiiMett ontnr tatiu'd nt n futility dinner Hundny IfinJoyliiK their hoMpltnllty were Mr. nnd Mm. K. A. HiiKttnU and fnuilly. Mr. mid Mm. Henry Yoiiiik and fam ily nnd Mm. May Hrowu. A large rrowd attended aervlrea nt the WIImiii Hchool liouno Sundny when Hev. W. K. Ilngan prenchod hla faro well aerinon. Our people much re gret Mr. HnRnu'a dotnrmlnntlon to re tttrn eaat hut with him well In hla new location. Mm. Kttn Arnold ennio down from llend tout week. Hhe war arcompnti Iml homo hy Mtia Olmlyn Ilityn, who will vlilt n few dnya In the uppor The BRICK GARAGE ON BOND STREET THE LAKGKST AND I1EST gnrago hiilldlng In Central Ort-rftm. NTOUAOi: AT MOUCUATi: ltATKS V.H'rl Itrpntr Work at l'ulr Prices RESULTS GUARANTEED Wo Distribute C'hnlnicnt Al Saxon Cam nnd Hidden Truck OAKOUNIv SUNDIHH.S TEo Bond Garago Company IU I.'. Ilnrtly I!. II, " '"' Accidents to tho nh H will happen, no rtutur ii "T i H 1jow car(ul you arc. -eia0"0' 1 1 Ballard's 9 sZ.r I ifl SNOW I T & jf, foVSj) V. HKept always In tho homo tsH NX jwU "O t) KT & -&& aW wounds are treated, tho rroaterlJE VV rYH M fiU f1 ' H certainly thai they Trlli heal M I . lt &' iv-gS i Hyf',houl much pain or joaa otB Nvxy - 3S aH l"no' J cquauy certain iiiai un i ' . v i Bi too lunuro ok rnv-uniaiiiin. mi JCS' -trf H peuralgla nnd sciatica, lamo fg tvvOvWvSMtf I IH back, atlft neel- nml lumbago If) vVOvCv' - . H will te cased, and tho Ulncasa Ht jhoOOOJP rSnSv ia33TSS VAxiiftN. i pnoedlly driven out of .tho body. SI AJvCvvw SJBk W22 E-abi. i H " vou liavo it on hand tho n i!Cv( 2Sml iu.r tu k I Uu autterlnir la short nnd tuo euro U .. v? Bb JjR fjSsci MH JSj B' "Pcdy ond complete. H f l':- i1vV waggy mify I trlce S3ck B0 nnd ,100 ptr I VSi 7 rT2nv Jtf,1w 3Tt A T2TS' VT V U Jan,F.DallrdlProp. Ct.Louli.Mo, B ?A3m Amr lwlnSC IkSt E3m vfA9KAI&K KatAkSu Rsn Staohani Cv fijtwii Curti &or vm . '! I. -ji IJtt Isrl JkJ tSi N NRolS'WKy hlslEvI Ml Eye. jm .. if, '!. !l ?)M KrJ JR. 'JjlS f y ffjjt &f 5ocdAnoHicomwcwoiobv3M 11813 Si f Vo Patterson Drug Co. W o Qeafiiy cloverleaf I S MILK and CREAM - llk Standard CHl Company vnSZLv WibKSVh Dc,Ml - c- CAR DWELL NiS 'Kife Fnrmem Phono No. l. a nfv. jmau .m riotr ' . J N. rftl HLs A w mir teas! BiiTVwa -... . r vJr flr 1100 V J. f jMj - 'NiJe) 4.VV ? A att iff li'a fc2MBtiiiialltiiri P IT 1 vM----rrr-OfilV li fitoam Dent, Hot nml Cold ', -.. 5 111 9!ir0"m "OlASbV Wntor Willi Hath Prlvlimnui S imj!iEa, VffiaMr J&mw :: "..."....:." 5 O 8 & 14 IbaS' r vfWwisv? -MSwTy ' iioiuo ihurcu .uviim 'Ve Ovoalev 0 vegotv' Willi now IxJlldlntH. Lellf r tnun. intnt, enliruvd RrpuniU. ind many gd dltioni lo In ficulty, the Unlvttt'ty ol Oregon will lifuln Ik llilnyninin Snuclil tttliilnjf for utnttt, lour. nalltni,, Mrdlclnc 'rJchlnr.M. I liyilctl Tr.lnlnir nnil Flna Am. a Ava'V ana I'unBtii urrmini of lltitu) (Jucullon. I llir ! moo ihin IMM 'ilum., iwn .(l.niiU grif.ii.ivui, .(. livlMmn Mir tvlp4 Nw IIMtM Atflulalir(ioa j Building in rami, of cunnfunlan Tmilon ff l)oriiiili lot nun tni tot worn.n i:iifnaf towt.l Wdit lit rtiilnk tinl UU.u.ttrf boot l I, UNIVERSITY OF 0RE00N r.uotwr;, ontopu I country. Tho ladton miide tho trip on homo hack. Morton Hhutrum nnd Mliw Vivian Kh(oi, hrothor mid niece of Mm. IC. N. Hull, loft for Portlnnd Monday, following nu extended vlalt nt the Hall plaen. A Jolly crowd of Inoalltoe toft here Monday for u two wuok'a outing on the MoKonzle. Thone comprlalug the party wore Mm. W. T. Hmlth mid VI v Inu, Mm. Virgil Humphroy and I tolle, Mm. Muthnt, Mm. Kllla, MIm JoRephlne Mancenu. Mlaa Klilm I.ltul UUlat. Clyde Moore mid Mr. Ilenaon. County School MupeHntendent Mr em nnd Prof. ItaiiKhnm of Prluevtlte wore viiiltora In thin aectlen Monday. Mr. and Mm. K. A. Ilimaett and Mm. 0. ('. TruiHiilaUi were vlaltom to Prlnovllle Monday. Hovoral locul fan it attended the hall gntno nt Alfalfa Hundny v. linn our loya wore defeated by n acoro of 8 to t. One cont n word li nil n little want Ad will cont you. for !'. ttnrt The RiamLrd bkin IXemtdj Inst ant Relief am Skin TrTables The Guaranteed Remedy PATTKItHOX IIIIUO CO., Ilctiil, Ore. llruiikn T. W. Ilnrtly ' tiK2X m&msM ytfa J a taiwont i 7KWWSV.rtVi"?Ja i i..Wi a s; W?WAmW V j! Mlsa A. D. Spnldlng, Vroprletor ? f 5 11KND, OUKGON HINVYHIHK. (Bpoclnl to Tho Ilullotln) SIJNNYHIHH, Aug. 21. Mm. (Joo. Couoh, Mm. Clirla. Putomon and MImh llnrtilco Couoh woie giieetH of Mm. 0. M. Couch Friday nfturnoon. Mm, J. li. Couch ended on Mm. Mlritn Howard Thumdny. Tho MIrn Crawford of Plalnvlow jmriitud through Huiinynldo Thumday on tholr way to Lnldlaw. Karl Hmlth Ih employed with sur voyoru nt Camp i:i. They have Juat complotod tho aurvoy from Ilroken Top to Cnmp No. 13 and will move ahortly to Camp No. H, which la lo cated nonr the aummlt of tho moun tain. 0. M. Couch wont to Lnldlaw on Thumday with dairy producta. Hnglnoer Hohh nnd family made a trip In tholr car up Tumalo Creek Friday. Ilov, Towno nnd wife worb guonta at tho home of Mr. and Mm. I. W. Levorouz Tiioaday night. Mr. and Mm. Hart Nlcholn ontor taliied Mlwi(a lSllon, I.ucy and Joule Crawford nnd KIIIh Kdglngton, Phil Hmlth, Kloyd Kcott, Kdwnrd MIIIh and Jay Nlcholn Wednesday night- Oame were played after which refresh menta were aervod. Jack HtiWHra of Camp No. 7 expcli to mutu hUfHinlly to Camp No. d. Kred Wllwon la niHilmlng J. H. II Uerklug thin week. 0(H). Couch la hauling aome of UU line hay to Camp No. G. Mm. i'red Vnllac9 entertained Are little glrla Thumday afiernoon in honor of the sixth birthday of her daughter Klleen. OflintM were en joyed by tho preaent after which dainty rofreehnieuta wore nerved. MIkh Hlleeu waa the recipient of many beautiful and tmeful preaenu. The guiwla wore: Helen LaiirKaatd, Until Hewitt, Until Grimn, and Veln.a NIoIioIh. Kach little guoet waa pre aentod with a little apron na n ao i venlr. Geo. Couch. Chrla Peteraon and JniiKHt Wllllamaon wore engaged in hauling lumber for the new school ! building being erected In the wosten pnrt of thin dlntrlct. The work 1 iirourctHtlnK rapidly nnd It Is thoucht ' U'tl tLt rxtlttftltif ftI uniiu Hurrlaon Wllnon of Qraudvlow haa n poaltlon ut Camp No. C. K, W. J.ovoreiu had the good for tune to find three bee treoa on hht place at Plntnvlew, from which he took over one hundred and fifty pounds of honey, removing the boaa to hlvei. Kcott and Hmlth nre hnrveatlng their crop of hay thin weak. Mr. Wright made a bualnoea trip to La'dlnw Thursday. Jeaae llartor and Win. Hrown toft Hunday with a load of toola to be used In the reclamation work an Ilroken Top mountain. Kred Wallace of Lnldlaw visited at Camp No. 8 Saturday. Ilnrt Nichols and wlfo spent two days last week camping on Hrokun Toil mountain. Thoy visited Sparka I-nke, Soda Spring nnd Crater I-ake, V. W. Ijvoronx nnd wife wore gucsta of Mr. and Mrs. Prentiss Van Tmsol Sunday. Don't enduro tho needless pain and torment of rheumatism, nggravnted ns It la by tho hot woathor. W. T. Hutchens, Nicholson. Ca says: I suffered the nchea and pains of rheu matism, swollen feet, Irrcgujar pain- nu oiauuor ncuon, inu i-oiuy iviuney Pills fixed me up quickly." Foley's nro tho host. Adv. Patterson Drug Co. I NOTICH FOIl PIHMCATIOX. Department of tho Interior, I'. 8. Land OIIlco nt Tho Dalit, Ore gon, August 17, 1014. Notice Ih hereby given that Malwl C. Henri, of Ilpnd, Oregon, who on August 12, 19H, made dosert land entry, No. 013726, for NWU NU1. flection 21, Township 17, 8., Ilnnge 12, K., Willamette Morldlan, has filed notice of Intention to make final proof to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, boforo II. a Hills, n If, H, Commissioner at his omen. at llend, Oregon, on the 7th day of October, 1014. Claimant names as wltnessoa: Wal ter Daniels, Niels Anderson, Lillian Daniels, Charles Hoyd, all of Itond, Oregon, II. FItANIC WOODCOCK, 26'29 o. Iteglstor. IN TUB CHtCL'IT COURT OF THK HTATK OF OIIKOON, FOIt THK COUNTY OF CItOOK. II. L, Habln, Plaintiff, vs. A. M. Lara and Mareollus Lara, artners trad ing under the firm name and style of A. M. Lara & Co.. and Mareal lus Lara and Sad Lara, individ ually, and Frank Itobertson, De fendants. I'L'III.KMTIO.V OF Hl'MMO.N'K. I.N THK NAMB OF TUB HTATB OF OIlKOON, You are hereby riilr ed to appear and answer the com plaint lllstl uealnat you in tho nbovn entitled suit within six weeks from! me dale or the first publication of this summons, to-wit: on or before the 24 th day of September. 1014, and If you fall to answer for want there of, the plaintiff will appeal to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit: 1. That the amount duo said creditors, for whose bonoflt tho said plalutirr la acting ns trustee, be fixed and determined. 2. That plaintiff have Judgment nnd execution against said defend ants, A. M. Lara and Marcellua Lara, Jointly and severally, in the sum no determined to be duo to said credi tors, with Intorest thereon nt the rate of six 16) per cent por annum from the dato that said sum Is determined by aald court to bo duo. and for fur. ther Judgment of $600.00 as rooson-' able attorneys fees herein, and for' costs and disbursements of this suit. ' 3. That Mareollus Lara and Sada Lara, defendants herein, and all per sons claiming under them subsequent! io me execution ot said mortgage mentioned in paragraph XII of said complaint, olther as purchasers. In cumbrancers, or othorwlse, may be! iwrrod and foreclosed ot all rights, claim, or equity of redemption In said proporty mentioned In paragraph XII, and every part thoreof, naraoly: All or lots rive (&) and six (C), In block eleven (11), of the town of Itond, Crook County, Oregon; 4. That tho usunl decree may bo made for tho sale of said premises by tho sheriff of said county, accord The Wrig;ht Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It In n fireproof building It la thoroughly modern It 1 comfortable, commodious, clean ROOMS FROM no CENTS UP MEALS FROM ! CENTS UP The want of nil nro satisfied well at THE WRIGHT HOTEL Automobiles to THE WRIGHT HOTEL CENTRAL OREGON'S Fmi- MPK- accidekt, i i. iicTin7Mrr . 1I-TK (JiaSS, AUTOMO- Leading INSURANCb Agency rile, suretv iionds. REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY) Lots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS ( TERMS: $5 Cash and OROKLA) 3 Monthy J A PA QT P Q OWee on Orogtin Street . rV. E0 1 CO injXD, ;: OREGOX tleadqtlarters for Commercial Alert ' Clcctrlc Lighted Throughout THE-BEND HOTEL HUQH O'KANE, manaqer BEND, OREGON Qood Rooms Free bus to and from trains ONE CENT A WORD is till ing to tho law and practice of thm court 6. That the proceeds of said snla nay bo applied In payment or tho amount duo to tho plaintiff for tho I. cnoflt of the creditors of the aald A. M. Lnra and Mnrcellun Lara, pitrt nors trading under the firm name and atylo of A. M. Lara & Co. C. That said plaintiff may hava Judgment and execution against said defendant, A. M. Lnrn and Mareollus Lnro for any deficiency which may remain after applying all the pro coeds of tho sulo of aald premlso properly applicable to tho satisfac tion of said Judgment. 7. That plaintiff, or nny other par ty to tho suit, may become n purchas er at said salo. 8. That a recolvcr may bo ap pointed to take charge of said real property mentioned In paragbaph XII of said complaint (Mentioned above,) collect tho rents and prints thorofrom, and authorized to pay the taxes rnwn said proporty, If any to duo, and to hold the balance after the imyment of said taxes subject to the determination or this suit. 0, And that tho plaintiff may have such other ond further rellof in the premises as to this oourt may seem meet and equitable. This summons Is served upon you by the publication hereof pursuant to an order of the Honorable W. L. Ilradshcw, Judge of the above en titled court dated Angust 6th, 1014. The date of the first publication hereof Is the 12th day of August, 1914. and the date or the Inst publi cation hereof la tha 23rd day ot Sep tember, 1911. 8IDKBY TBI8BR. Attorney ror Plaintiff, 740-17 Mor gan building, Portland, Ore. 2 3-2 9c. '"L Hoofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylight!. ESTI3IATES CHEEItFULLY J FURNISHED J Jobbing Promptly Attended To I J. J. RYAN Hr PIumDin? and Nentinc .. . .. .. . - --- a PHONE 431 117 MINNESOTA STREET $ I r all Interior Points Special Attention to Transient Travel Qood Meals All arrangements made for persons desiring to go south and east of here a little want ad will cost you.