The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 26, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    Tin: iii:ni iu'llkti, iiuvi), ohk., wkdxkhdav, aioiht so, joii,
p"A(iv. n.
right Books and
best selling re
prints at popular
Patterson Drug Co.
HAVE you read
Latest success
ftuirriiiv 't'lii'vir Tit A IV
0t' Arrives 8 n. m.
T leaves 8:30 p.m.
O.-W. It. X. TICAIX.
' Arrives 7:46 p, in.
I,envoa 7:25 u. lit.
' Arrive 7:30 p. m.
Loaves 10 n, in.
. Airro i.ixiw.
Cnrn dally to Hum nnd paint!
south nml southonst.
poktoitick iiont.s.
- Ountirnl delivery open ilnlly
H:1B a. in. to J p. ni
Oepornl ilullvory open Holiday
0:16 to 10 a. in.
Night train mall olosp 7 p. in.
Day train mall a. in.
Western Union dally 7-1J.1-C,
7-10. Sunday 8-10. 4-0.
Mantr Co., twanly-four boar
service, InclndloK Sunday.
-S-, J-.TrTCI.
Com. rttk wan In tWH on Krldav
Oort MlllkaH vrfS an wn m-
twdy. m
W. O. MtOiMOH ha bought a
rem cur.
J. T. Hard ai lwtlnd ww in
town yeaterdajr.
Ted Hoke wmtt lo Portland Sat.u-
day fur n werfc.
I). A. I'aUnrsan was In from Pow-
Poll Htlltt) Jlomlnf
ml UiuIh Doonor la In toB vtwlay
from Alkali lMo.
J. It. Wlmiir of Uldlaw wa In
tewH laat Thursday.
Mr. II. It Allon rotuniod from
l'ortlmid iiinilnr.
Ituy Chirk or Ultra, atupitwl at Ui
nnd hut Tburada.
lr. a. A. J hub returned from tko
iwtt Twaaduy Htarnlai,'.
, W. II. Itaata ami family rturaxl
fram Ntiwporl Mwadaf .
U. Nlekota of PiiHMlllo Moppl at
' tan Ihtntl omr aHiarfny.
Ilnry Larkla of Hold ka at
th Hood for a few dnya.
, O. KIMfiHtH of Prlnovllle Mn t
the WrlKht ovar UiiHiliiy.
II. K. Kirk nml aon, of BMraa,
IMMod thruHKh town today.
Tlio KaMorn Htara hold n dance nt
Mnaonlo llnll Mond.iy iilRht.
Ouorgo Vohiib la ox(wtml back
from Alkali I.nku Host wook.
, M. .t. DanlnUon lina snne ta Sun
KrnnolMo for nliout n month.
Joo MalCny rtnrnvd from n ven-
tlon trip to Portland l)0t Friday.
John I). Wluior of Aatiland haa
' Iihou In town vialtlnK old frlondi..
.1. 1'. Klmlwll and wlfo of IJlHinaMi
I'nlli wore In tffvn ovor Hunday.
1'red I'Uh wont down to hl home'
ilnnd for n few duya, thta morning,,
MIm Kvn Oravoa la going to return
The American Bakery
Is for sale by
E. A. Sather :-: T. R. McClincy
Pure Food Market
Peaches, Pears, Plums, Apples, Crapes.
Also Melons, Now Tomatoes, Vegeta
bles and other Produce FRESH Every
Day. Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Mtmox, Kongo
I'ico Delivery Anyubcio In City.
to her homo In Portland on Monday.
Henry (Kill of ITIn-vlllu km rog-
(stored hi tlio Wright over Sunday. (
Hurry Mnnlnn wont to his homa-
atund .Monday for h ompla of days, j
William Todd, who Iihh benn work-'
Inglii Uldluw, husreluniod totown.l
Hoy K. Mollltt of I'rlnovlllo wn
roKlHloroiI at tint llnnd Ittttt KiiudHy.
Manauor J. I. I'opo of tlio I'lonuar
ThIhiiIioiid Coinpaiiy la In lown to
Hall Cllnlwm and wlfo of lliiiu
woro ntKlatorwl at Hm IIohiI on I'rl
day. W. J. tprwat liaa litn wmflnad to
the bottiw by lllmaw for the pact fow
Jtra. 8. C. Caldwell ami ohlldron
bava rlMrnil from arUlt to New
lrt Jot Itdckholta, aH old Ue rMl
dMt bare, was rMURK In Itattid yao
tttrday. O. It. Ooopar of l'rlnvlll. u
rcla4rMl at the Wrtfbt but Wad-
Tbomaa Halloa, the abmipmaa.
wm Hctotarad at lb Ifattd laat Wad-
Xkk mUh. wbitook bla wlfa to
PerUaUHl Jat MHday. rotaraad thai
A party or stria who have oen
ampta P bo river retnrHwl Thma
day iiUbt.
II. U aVoll, of ItatlmoHd. waa In
town over Hutuliiy. lie atopjiwl at
thu WriKbt.
Dottilltta lunn of Prlnevlllo wn
In town Ihh( Rattirduy. Ho toppd
nt tho WrlKht.
(Irato Itutlln went to I'ortlnnd on
Saturday ovohIiik. Hhe exjicoto to b
boiio for Hlmnt n weok.
Ouy Meltoynolda, who liaa lieon
at (ho eoaat for the mat two wuuk.
retMrnwl Monday inorwlna.
MbM MarKnrot Wloal wont to
llorua tm Suadny. Him will return
abent the Aral of tho month.
Ta Kaatarn Star held a aoclal and
dan In their rooma In th Daaphutaa
tMHk butldlnn Monday nliht.
Mr. and Mr. J. N. Hunter and
family raturnad ou Monday from a
moRth'a atny at Nowport.
W. J. apHMt m Midni to work on
the Sparka lako riMd tomorrow. He
apta to It rod about a week.
Mlaa ArrU Mack. Mbar ICIlMbetti
Davla aad Alia Lla At'ltar went .1
ki idenla to Huiiluuu falla laat Thunt-
dy. ,
0. II. Xny or m IMna liaa hoan in
town far ubout n wadk. He oxpectn
to Ko bnak to liU lioiuoateHd In a few
Work Ih proKrovMliiK on tho It. M.
Smith roaldottoo in 1'urk addition.
Tlio lirlok wrIIh ulrtmdy am Moll un
dor way.
K. K. Henmiin or Ohlano lina tak
en a ptwltlun at tho t'nlted Wnro
bftua. He will ahortl) be joined by
bla wire
A. Wheollioime nml W. K. rrnnco,
lioth lame lumberman of Arlington.
JSVrWw"' r,,"',,U,'v,, "l l"B I"",,,
Mim R K UltrhHn of ,.,.,,,
united In town last weok to assist In
the stenographic work at the local
f"",y "llleo.
xv: H"io" wua In town over
niiiumj. iiu ummi uji irum i.iiiiiiiiw
on Hnlurday to net na one or the
JmlKoa or the llowcr (how.
Otto. O. Oravoa or I'ortlnml cunic
to fiott hla dniiKhtor, Mlaa Itvn Ontvoa
IdHl Thuridny. During hit atny h
wim riiKlMtitnid nt tho WrlKht.
Tims. MofTftt. tho Mllllran lmnio
atoNilor, haa recently gone i Xolmn,
ffaakntehawHii for the winter. Jlht
fniHlly will remain In llend.
The lidloa Aid aVtclety or the
Methndlat church will give a cafeteria
anppar I'rlday oentn. Anguat Z8,
la the Heaii livmdiiK n Wall atro'
Talepbtme wlrm bavo liean Irmm
aeraaa the river lo Kenwood and con-
Mcllona will mmh u mad at tho
bottMM or new aubacribani In that
C. I. IIomII relwraed on Saturday
from a trip to Portland. Mr. Boall
mad tn trip In km oar, going and
ramming by way of tb McKenalc
Henry M. Parka, director of tb
Xate llnrMN or Mine and Qaotogy,
tMHmoil tbroHgb town Willi a party
mat week on I hair way to Albert
The regular monthly buainaaa
maotlug of tho Proabyiartao Oolld
will be bold at tho homo of Mm. J.
II. Wonondy Wodnwiday afternoon,
teaplemhor 1.
V. It. Amea, anilfftant dlatrict for
oator nnd :. II. Clnpp In charge or
Hovornimtut tlmbor apont a portion jf
liut week In oxatulnlng tho Umber on
tho Mctollua.
Tho monthly bualncua meet lug or
the MothodUt l.adloa Aid ftoofcly will
bo bold imxt Wvdnoaday afternoon
at tho homo of Mra. Itnlph Sponcor
in Dwcuuloa uddltlon.
Mr. and Mra. J. P. Kimball or
Klamalli KhIU. arrived In town yM
torday from Prlnevlllo where tboy
had been on huatnoMt. Mr. Kimball
la (be repraaontatlve of tho Wuyor
haeuiior Intoroata In Klamath FalU.
Claude Mannbatmar, wbo baa bean
vUlllag homo folk In Chicago fo,
about tx weoka, will return next
Tnaaday. Ha almi hat bought a fu'l
line of fall goods In the oaatoru mar
ket. W. U. Kolly. an old friend of
Hugh O'Kano of the Hand Hotel, nr
rlvod In town this morning from hit
former homo nt Huffulo Hump, Ida
bo. Ho In ou bis way to Klamath
A reception will bo given this ovon
Ing In the purlora of tho Prosbytorlan
ohureh In honor of llov. II. C. Hart
ranft and family who lately arrived
rrom Ilanilon. Orogon. All are wel
ootuo and ore cordially Invltod to at
tend. A program will bo rendered.
V. A. Porbes. A. I- Pronch. II. II.
I)e Armond. nnd Italph and Nuie
Polndextor left Tueaday morning for
Croacent mid Odoll 1-nko. Thoy ox
pert to bring Irnck the Porboa our
which hroku down In Croaeant aomo
daya ago.
The rogular monthly buslneaa
mealing of tlio Uaptlat Woman's Un
ion will bo hold nt the home or Mrs.
T. II. I'o ley tomorrow aftornoon at
two o'clock. All mambera are ,e
quoatod to Ue preaant aa there la
work to bo doaa.
Thursday night the Pratarnul
llrothorhood gave a prise walU in
SMhur'o llnll. It waa not very well
attonded, hut tbooo who did do so
nil professed thoy had n very lino
II mo, KxpoiiKoa wore clourod nnd tho
prlxo wlunor wna .MIwj MeJ.nron.
l.RRt Wcdnoadny ovonlug n moving
ploturo ahow mid yuudovllle wua giv
en nt tho Dronm Thontro for tho bon-
o(lt or tho Cnthollo. cJuiroh. Songs
wero vory woll rotidored ly Mrs.
PowoIIboii, MUb HnbaooHt nnd Mlaa
Illnok. About twonty-ulgut dollars
wua olonrod.
Mra. Joseph nnd MIbb Sohuinato.
who hnvu boon visiting Mr. nnd Mm.
It. M. Smith, loft Tuiwduy for Kooky
Pord, Colorado, whoro thoy will vis
it hoforo roturulug to their Iiomo In
Missouri. Mrs. R. M. Bnitth, nnd her
non. lllclmrd. nccompaulod thorn na
fnr ns Tho DuIIoh.
MIbh Mno I). Klnsoy. who cntue
ovorlund by tho McKunzle routo on
July 10. In Mr. l'oloy'a auto, return
ud to Kugono Friday ovonlng nttsr
n vlalt with tho Poluy family.
Hugh Thoinpson roturuod on Mon
day rrom Snoknuo. whoro ho libs
npont tho miininur In un nrohltuct'a.
Word has boon rocolvod In Hond vt
tho niarrlngo In Victoria, n. C, of
Ural N. Hpffuiun uud Mrs. Claudia
Ownn. Air. Ifnffrnnn wim tnr tlirnn
yearn managing editor of Tho Nulla
tin nml Mra. Iloffinnn Ih tlio sister
of J. II. Corbutt of thin city. Tht.y
nm living nt 3807 Houth J Htn'o,
Tnroinn, Wash , Mr. Hoffman being
assistant city editor of Tlio Tacoinit
AniKitiiiceiiieiil Miide nt I'flrty Olvcn
by Mix, (Icofuo llivttttoiliotiN.
At n party given at the home of
her alater, Mra. OeorK liroalarhoua,
tho onKaKOinetil of Mlwe Katherlne
Trnutner to T. K. J. Duffy or I'rlno
vlllo waa nnnoiincad. I'rlnds or th
couple have long known that an "un
dontandliiK" exlttteil, which baa even
proKroaaed ao rar aa tho erection hr
Mr. Duffy of an attractive bungalow
at the County float. The wetMin.
It la underalood, will occur lmfor
Alwtit thirty Riioata were prmnt
at the'announceuieut party. The Ole
Club UHrtot aatiK. Mba Joaepba play
m tho plunu, Mia. Ward the violin
and .Mlaa lllack aang. During tht
afternoon n numbor or tuloKratim, -r
alluKtxl tHluKrHiim, wore received l
many or tho gueata. algned "D.
Qupld" ami r(M)ueatlng varloua prop
iinillonn tor an approaching wedding.
Then, when tho rofrahmonta wer
aervod. each guoat received a lion
hon box In which worn round Ilia
cur tin or tht; betrothed couple.
Mlaa Trautner taught achool her
laat year. Mr. Duffy la a prominent
attorney of I'rluevllla, and United
8ttit oo Land ConimlMlonor there. Ho
waa n claw inato ot V. A. Porhoa at
tho Unlvuralty of Mlnnoaota.
tltodmond Hpokosman.)
Tho tipitclal idoctlon bold hero laat
Saturday, August IK, for tho pur
pose or voting on tho (moatlon of
amending tho city charter no aa lo
Ineroano tho Imntled IndohtfnlnoM of
tho city rrom 135.000 to 116,000 ro
suited In a vote or S for and 11
against the pinpoaltlou.
Pinal eighth grade examinations
will be bebl In tho varloua school
district or Crook county on Septan
tier 3rd and Ith. 1H. Pupils wish
ing to take tb examlnatlona at tbb
time, and tboae wishing to make u,i
coHdltloaa tram prevloua eantnlH
tlona, plana netiry me at one.
(Signed) J. It. MYKItS,
County School Superintendent
Adr. SSc.
Itlght painting helps soil your
home when you wish to sell. It
bmHtlflea and preserves the bouse
while you live In It: aavea ropalrs and
rebuilding. Shorwln-Wllllama imlni
and pure Unseed oil make that high
standard paint which gives satisfac
tion and low average cost. White and
S3 colors. N. P. Woldor, painter and
decorator, llend, Orogon. Adv.
Ownor, agents nnd tennnta of all
proporty within tho territory etnhrar
In tho City or llend Plro Ordinnnce
limits nro horoby notified to clear and
r'd tholr promises of any nnd nil rub
bish or an Inflammable or unhonlth
f ill chnractor and place said promises
In a clean and orderly condition at a
dp to not later than Monday. August
31. 1911. Thta action Is considered
necessary by tho City Council owing
to the present condition or the ao
cnlled business section or the olty and
the recant ciitlctms thereof by the
Insurance Inspector.
16c II. A. MILMCIt. Mayor.
Band INttor Is Heat on II read.
(Continued from puge 1.)
Daniel tins boon In the Crook county
jnll for several months.
Tho term would bo n heavy one in
nny county In tho state because of
tho unusual precedent of three in or
der trials at ono term. Tho prnctho
of Circuit Judge Hradshaw of holding
court both day ami night while in
Crook county Ib especially trying on
tho luwyora nnd othor court ofllclala.
(Continued from page 1.)
Mrs. Dlmmlck; llest oolleotlon lnt
Mrs. Thorsen.
Poppy Doulilo. 1st Mrs. Overturf.
2nd Mra. nigelow: Single. 1st Mrs.
Maddnek. ind Mrs. llyram; Callfor
nln, 1st Mra. Head. Snd Mra. Innea.
Asters Ited. 1st Mra. Purst. Snd
Mra. Thompson; Pink. Mra. Hudson.
Jnd Mra. Purst: White 1st Prank
May, Ind Mrs. l.ucas: I.nvendor. 1st
Prank May. ind Mrs. lloaeh: Purple.
1st. Mm. Kills. Snd. Mrs. Hills.
Daisies Sbastn. 1st Mrs. Putnam,
Snd. 1C. A. Smith: African, 1st Mrs.
Hudson, Sod, Mrs. Put nam: Hngllsh.
1st Mrs. Putnnm, Snd Mra. Thoiup.
son; Swan Ulvor, 1st Mra. Wllkey,
Snd Mrs. Onrrlson.
Snap Dragon White, Mrs. Put
nnm: Yellow. 1st Mrs. Putnam, Snd
Mrs. Wtftigh.
Coreopsis 1st Mrs. Putnam, 2nd
Mrs. MePnrlnml.
llnby Drouth 1st Mrs. Kills.
Marigold 1st Mrs. Waugh.
Cnludulu 1st Mr. Thompson, 3d
Mrs. HIIIb.
Larkspur 1st, Mrs. B. A. Smith,
Snd Mrs. Uyrmn.
S, Dcblnj:, Prop,
Correct Style is essential; Quality
and Comfort are both necessary to
satisfaction. Such a combination
is found in OUR
Shoes. Well show
you new shapes, in
all leathers and the
latest styles. Real
Money's Worth
every pair
Candytuft 1st Mrs. TbomjHwn. xd,
Mrs. MrParland
Olllardla 1st Mrs. Putnam. Jnd
Mrs. Kills.
Petunia, single 1st Mrs. Dlmirick
Snd. Mrs. Davidson.
Oolden OIow 1st Mrs. Overtur'.
Snd Mra. Kills.
Hollyhock 1st Mrs. Kills, ind
Mrs. Putnam.
(lludlolas 1st Mrs. Putnam, Snd
Mrs. Knotts.
Itngged Sailor, or Dntohelor Mutton
1st, Mrs. Beach, Snd Mrs.' IlartletL
Nasturtiums 1st, Mrs. N. O. Da
vis. Snd. Mrs. Hoyburn.
Sunflower 1st X. Q. Davis, Snd
Mrs. Overturf.
Perennial Phlox 1st Mrs. Kills,
Snd Mra. Overturf.
Verbena 1st Margaret Thompson,
Snd. Mrs. Thompson., ,
Pevorfew 1st Mrs. Thompson. Sd
Mrs. Waugh.
Centoauroa 1st, Mrs. Hudson, 3d
Mrs. Thompson.
Saiphlgloata 1st Mrs. Hudson. Sd
Mrs. Kilts.
Wild dowers 1st. Mr. Walkson.
iiost general display of eut (lowers
1st Mrs. Hudson. Snd Mrs. K. A.
Potted Pluiita.
Geraniums Hod: 1st Mrs. Qea
Cove: White, no entries; Pink, 1st
Mrs. Pronch.
Pens 1st, Mrs. Innos. Snd Mri.
Hogonln lat, Mra. Innea.
Pushln Single, 1st. Mrs. Kelloy,
Snd, Mrs. MoPurland.
(lilldren'M llrpurtmeiit.
I'ansles 1st. Helen Woolley, Snd
Mnydew Trlplott.
Sweot Peas 1st Howard Davis,
Snd Helen Woolloy.
XnHturtlums 1st Klzara Pronch.
Snd. Helen Woolloy.
Poppios 1st. Virginia Ilartlof.
Snd Claude Prlsby.
Wild flowers 1st Kdltb Vlnyard
liest general display cut (lowers- -let
Donald Hudson.
Pinks 1st Kdltb Vlnyard. Snd
Men's Gun Metal, Tun, Patent Colt and
Vici Luce or button
$3.50, $4.00, $4.50, - $5.00
Our Fall Shoes for Ladies include the
in Gun Metal and Patent Colt, Also n
New Stage Last in Patent Colt 2-inch
Louis heel and brocaded cloth top. Ask
to see them.
AGENTS for Standard Patterns,
the Standard Fashion Book and
The Designer.
No part of
your dress is
more import
ant than your
Pord KnuUen
Host collection with Irrigation
1st Mrs. Master. Snd Pred Huey.
Carrots. Mrs. E. A. Smith; turnip.
C. Holsher; peas. Mrs. Purst: beans.
Mra. E. A. Smith: cauliflower, Mrs.
O. Ilrosterbous; lettuce, Mrs. E. A.
Smith; rutabagas, h.. A. Smith; ea
dlve, Mrs. G. Ilrosterheus; onlonj.
Mra. Purst, largest cabbage, C. Hot
sher; beets. Mrs. H. A. Smith: tomn
toes. Mrs. Q. Waugh; radish. Mrs. E.
A. Smith; best display berries, Mrs.
Contributions for Flower ShoT
prizes since last published! llstt
C. R, XUwongor, 60 cents: Mra.
Heed B0 cents; Dream Thfntre. ft
admission tickets to theatre' Miller
Lumber Co. 1 load or wood t -Dr. L
C. Coe. $1.00; Ilond Hardware Co..
Casserole; H. It. flonkle. Sd" cents:
Mrs. Powelson. hand painted china:
Club Cafe, 1 can froah oysters; Kilts
Studio, picture Danham Falls; llend
Park Co. $1; L. M. Poa. $1; Stand
ard Oil Co.. can of Zarolhw; The Loa;
Cabln, 1 bottle of wine.
Meala at the Altament SS and S5
cents. Adv.
Notice Is hereby givon to the legal
voters of School District' No. IS.
Crook county. Orogon, that a special
school meeting of said district wilt
be held nt the High School building
on tho 29th day ot Auguest. 1911, at
1 o'clock p. in. for the purpose ot
voting on the following question:
"Shall the board of directors of
School District No. 1 Crook coun
ty, Oregon purchase tor the uio of
said district lot 1. block -SI. Park
Addition to llend for the agreed sum
of $1200.00?"
Dated this ISth day of Auguoat.
District Clerk Cbran. ot Iloartt
for FALL