The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 26, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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f TAGK4.
thk nnxn iuuxkti.v, hk.vd, ouk wkdxkkuay, .U'hi'ht uii, ton.
. (Publlslicri Kvcry Wednesday)
RIII I PTIN a prosperous pooplc and n bonu-
UULiLtLiI 111 ,. l,l -I,,,,,!. I l, ...I., ...I -,,.1 .!-
y, Editor and Publisher.
Associate Editor.
In Independent nowspnpor stnnd-
Iriggfor tho squaro donl, clean bust
negsjcioau politics nnu mo nest in
icrcain of Hand and Central Oregon.
uno year $1.60
Six months S0
:'Thfco months GO
mrir'i.' i "in tth
ta'l subscrlntlons nro duo and
expiration nro mailed subscribers and
If renewal Is not made within reason
able tlmo tho paper will bo dlsoon.
Pleaso notify us promptly of any
chango of address, or of talluro to re
ceive the paper regularly. Otherwise
wo will not bo responsible for copies
Jlakc all checks and orders pay
nulo to Bond Bulletin.
Al'GCST S. 1814.
faced for deendoa to coiuo. It mnkos
tho word "civilisation" n farco.
AccordlnR to a nous Uom sent out
by n iirohlbitlon prosa bureau, two
Crook county lunyors hnvo nnuouno
od themselves In favor of tho dr.
movomont and one against Who is
tho wet one?
"You have a poptl paper and r.
good town," writes n man In Nowark.
Tho following Demi men are on the
Jury list druw'n for tho September
torm of tho circuit court: John Fer
guson. N. P. Welder. P. O. Minor.
Cole B Smith and W. C. McCulston.
Krom laldtaw are W. K. SaHdell and
J. N. U. Gorklng. The othors on the
list aie: C. W. Poster. Dave Miller.
Chnnrlos Dillon, Chris. Kcrs. Frank
Stnnglnud. James Puller, Guy Seam,
J. W. Howard. J. II. llottls, Dan Mc
Dade. Harvey Harris. C. P. Smith.
G. W. Wiley, Ktlwln Graham. U 1C
Throop. Win. Parrel!. S. S. lilack. W.
1. Dlshman, Geo. M. Telfer. Geo. It.
Woods, S. D. Perclvnl. James Hurt,
G. A. Ilradloy. P. M. McCllntlc.
Prcd Gilbert, who shot hlmsolf In
the log last week. Is now at St. Vin
cent's hospltnl In Portland. An X-
Kay photograph showed that tho bul
let had divided Into two parts after
entering tho leg. the lend portion
going one way and the Jacket anoth
or, following tho marrow of tho log ( to Antwerp now, and nro concentrat
So far as actual hostilities are con
cerned nothing rightfully called de
cisive has occuricd In tho Ruropean
war during tho past weok.
The Gorman troops have met with
marked miccoee In llelglum. Nnmur,
the llelglum strongly fortlllml city
which was counted on to resist the
Kaiser's advance for n long period,
la reported surrendered nftor only
two day's siege. This Gorman vlr
tory Is regarded with considerable
concern by the Allies, and baa caus
ed a umrkod depression In Groat Brit
ain. Sonio of tho I.tege forts still hold
out, and hamper the Gorman move
ments. Brussels, capital of llelglum, la In
tho hands of tho Germans, no re
slstenco being offered thero. llelgluut
forces nro concentrated at Antwerp
which .now Is practically Invested by
German armies. It la a powerfullv
rortttlod city, nnd In nil probability
can resist Indefinitely.
However, the Gormnns probahlv
will pay comparatively little attention
ncBs to resist any infringement of
neutrality by Genuany, such as forc
ed llelglum Into n war of self dofuiiue.
Prnux-JoMeph, Emperor of Austrln,
Is roportvd as being seriously 111.
In the United titntva conditions nro
General llunnclnl affairs nro assum
ing a more normal impact.
Strenuous efforts, by Iho Govern
mont nnd Individuals, Is being mndo
to resume trade oarrylug nomas tho
seas, and already the congustlou nt
mmporln Is being relieved.
Newly mndo legislation ntlthnrlxoa
purehaso of foreign snips, which,
placed under the American (lag. ean
use tho high eeaa without fear of
molestation. All authorities agree
that tho war will mean a huge boom
In Amorlenn shipping and a tremen
dous Increase In our foreign trade,
as well aa commercial Impetus in
oilier directions.
J'rlcnn nt food stuffs, which began (
iu mmr, are, hi nmuj inninucrw, npum
settling to near normal.
I Imnn fnr nlmiit six Inehss. fmllttlnir it. i Ine llinlr nnorinona forces acalnsl the
Jt) appears that other mleunder- nnj mnklng a very sovero Injury. French nnd Gorman entiles along the
However, hospltnl physicians say ' llelglum-Pronch and Frnnco-Ciormnn
there Is good hopo of saving the! frontiers In nn effort to push them
limb. Gilbert got to Portland '.n , back and march on Paris,
goad shape, despite his strenuous ex- Offoaslvo efforts by tho Allies
porlences. He was accompanied bv I against the Germans have failed, and
his father, N. G. Gilbert, who now It Is admitted the German war uri
bns returned. chine Is making remarkable progress
against Its foes. A tremonduuus en-
standings besides the ono relating to
tfio "cash bond" arose at the Water
Users' meeting on July 25. As re
ported elsewhere In this paper, Mr.
Howard now, so characterises tho idn
that ho would open tho company"?
books to tho Inspection of the mo
ojalTon In proof thai maintenance
fees were not Improperly spoilt.
Following so soon after the mis
understanding about tho "cash bond"
this one Is especially unfortunate.
We can imagine nothing better cal
culated to Increase the sottiers ua
rttst. It seemed to those who attend
llend nutter Is llest on ltread.
l'Ol'XI) AT I .A ST.
Pound at Inst, the one price best
all-wool $111.00 suit or overcoat lino
In tho country. Made by the Nation
al Wuoleu Mills Company, from loom
direct to wearer. You can now choose
and select from 300 of the prut Most
patterns anything you wish, and save
from JR. 00 to 410.00 per suit or
coat. 1 guarantee a perfect 111.
(Cleaning and pressing a specially.)
P. 1C. Dick.
Adv. tUt.
llend liutter Is Host on Ilrend.
Meals at tho Altamont 25 and 35gagemont. along some 200 mile of
cents. Adv. front. In shaping up.
Russia, slow to get In action, seam-
I.A 1MVK PKOIM.IS 1I11IIK. ' 'Ugly now is advancing on nun
i- .in.. ...ui. ii miUi ... and Germany from the north In trr-
I of Aya vs. Howard, the following La wenduous strength. Much depend
..,. , , .....-.!... t . ii uno thn activity ami auccesa of the
. -... ., ... . .-. fine iKHimt weru uerv mBiunj. .n., " v - . . r: -----
oa mai nieeimg uini ai mm boiuw , v. ' .w , n..i... w Ilusslan utlvanCH. KlioulU It ueuetracr
chance of getting at the bottom of "" ,.;w",U? "f AVnoU O lnn Prussia and threaten Berlin, ss .,
tilings was to bo had. and that once L Jr. Ainoe liowsr.i I Tom Parker ry poesll.le. Miuch of the Germans
sndlorall eertaln facts would be as- oft - Zmd?kl2tUWto enornlous strength In the south, now
eertalnod which would aaswer the1 '8rl "" rnd oT "lie lii f comhsiUlHsi the Alllea. will have to
2uiMlVUe,t,OB8 a',d C,9Br "P the PI" Winter-Mountain rtS.rtiuKl.n-J be withdrawn to combat this m
sttuatloa. i ... ,.. of .he county division foo on the north. I'p to the present
Tho prospect was too good to bo l1? ft (L J ,.rHt"Jy nni' Mr defense from Russia hss been left
truo. and at present things mm In "'" ",,.. ,Mnnl. , thlnu chletty to AHStria. who has fared III
a rair way to become more muuuieu ,'" " "1 " 7 tian.i
than ever before. Flret eamo the. t0 M abOHt I,end'
Ll...lABlMM J.Ik..1mM t 1 ft-A H.M.IkH .. !
ors alleging things about the com
pany that are not known to be facts.
There will be a special open meet.
ing on account of ofllclal visitation
sii s?j .vh: sra ff?.r.fc!r or..- .&; .r m...
nles that tho words he siioko at that
meeting had the meaning that every
one of his hearers understood them
Jo have. As a rosult each side has
become more embittered and appar
ently less able to Join In any pro
ceeding that will bring about tho re
sult that ever' one In this communi
ty hopes for a solution of the dif
Friday evening. SepteraJter 4. In Sath
.i'. Ilnll All tnomliora arn nrrnil to
attend and nebeknhs and f rlonUs of . and Russia on the north
and nearly all of Germany s hugn
army has been concentrated In a des
perate effort lo overwhelm Prance.
Uelgtum'a heroic, and unexpected re
sistance, has averted such Immediate
poMllilllty. however.
Austria seems to have the worst ".'
oncounters with Serv'a. oh the east.
tho order arc cordially Invited.
A special meeting of tho voters of
school district No. 12 win no new
wl ... i, ,, ... ' at the high school building on Sat
We have no plan to advance. But ..... . . . ..
... !. H.VH1 .... t.. I.AAnnA. n ll(UU UIIUIIIUUII ... T V.W ... VW..-
eillija iiju huuic uiu.iui hub uwuauq u
rubltc question we venture to sug'
gest-to both sides that If thoy truly
wlsja to settlo these questions, they
mustjrriake the me-tft careful, pains,
takingefrorts to be honost with eaeh
other to the last degreo. to avoid
misunderstandings and to deal fairly.
In no other way can they reach any
satisfactory result.
West, side tax payers need no more
convincing examples of the benefits
they will reap from the establishment
of Deschutes county than la afforded
by the coming session of the Circuit
Court. It will be the most expen
sive In our history. Fully ninety
per eent of the cost will arise from
cases restricted solely to the east
6lde-to the Prlaevllle dlstriot. And
we havc'tbo privilege of paying more
than half .of tho cost of something
which concerns us not at all
sider the purehaso of a lot In thei
block on which the now ueid scnooi
is situated.
The residents of the Hemstad Val
ley nro planning a big dnnco to be
given on Friday night at tho new
hall Just completed In their section.
A number of the residents of the
homestead country rrom as far as
Tho frightful magnitude of th
present hostilities Is Indicated by th
following random fnets:
In the Franco-Prussian war the
largest number of Germans tinder
arms at ono tlmo was 835,000. In tho
tiresent war Knuieror William has at
least t. 000.000 men nvnlluhlo. of
whom probably more thnn half al
ready arc In tho field.
Up to tho present tlmo tho battlo
of Mukdfen, In the Russlnn-Japnneso
war. was rogarded as the world's
greatost con tile t. In point of durntlon
and number of men Involved. In that
battle GOO.OOt) soldiers wore engag
ed, and the estimated dead numlmr
ed 40.000. In the present struggle,
now getting under way betwwn Ger
many, on one Hand, ami me rrenen-
Imnaplnl urn In nftlftnrl Mil ttlnuA
being made for a party to go out, Hritleh-Relglum allies on the other
from hero ; l"uru '" p """ "" niu -
' ' 000,000 men directly Involved, and
China and glassware. 8knse Hsrd-' "Ireedv the I owes have probably ex
ware Company.--Adv. seeded those of Mukden.
i The eiHrlt of the Allloe Is well In-
COYOTBS (It) MAP. dicated bv tho following from an edl-
RIVER8. Aug. 17. Because a ra. appearing Aionuay in inn m-
coyote with hydrophobia bit Ken-
servatlvf London Times: "Wo will
-... -i i.. in uuj, that ,.n 1. 1 nnvtir sbitatlio our sword until der
mal, three other dogs and'a nuinbv ' mnnv boon finally beaten to her
df cats are dead. Tho bitten boast, i knees."
sneedily going mad, bit others, and ..
inH thi. wv hnro i. onnihor nr. to nut an end to the danger neighbors U Is no longer a huropoan ar.
amnle even nearer home. A man was ' shot thorn all. The other dogs were it is now literally a worni war,
m b a . m a awaa j-a I as Ihn H'lntna'i
louna aesa near uena. inc coroner
was. obliged to come all the way from
Prlaevllle, 36 miles distant. The tax
payers of Rend and of Prlnevllle will
pay this mileage nnd his fees.
If this were a smnllor county, our
offlotuls would be closer at bnd.
Their exponsos would bo Infinitely
less. Just as would bo the mllnK of
every officer. And that would mean
nt the Winter's and Davis' plaees, and
the cats bolonged to A. S. Co tt Ing
ham. Tho excessive drynose nnd
heat Is supposed to be-the cause of
hydrophobia among the' coyotes.
Japan and Germnny have declared
war, Austria and Japan are omoiaiiy
at war.
. This enlarges the aren of hostili
ties so as to inoludo the Far Kast.
Japan, aided by ships of the Allies,
already Is Investing the German iort
of Klau-Chnu, which It demanded
RA1.KM. Auk. 30. The second
nnnrlarlv rnnnrl nf thn flnnnelal eon. ! Germany rellnflUlall
dltlons of oountles for the year, Is- Tho Unltod State apparent! Is
real economy for the taxpayers f'nuod today by State Accountant Fe-well satisfied with Jpan s position.
Bend." of Prlnevllle, and of all the K'ison, snowa oigm oounuw nuu u- ...- . i " .....-
OfiuntV jr,nB," Bnu ol "" v,e flclenclos. aa follows: Crook llS.-'ments with the Toklo government.
' S01.CO: Hnrnov. I1S.03J 20; JacP-.The neutrality and ultimate Integrl-
son 1396.19. 59; Josephine. $23.-, ty of China la iielni: provided ror.
limy rnainiainif nor noiuriiiiir. nsr
armlee are partially mobilized. Her
imvia iMrft Till? i.avn nAinn
,""""rr,w "i" """'"" 867.29; Klamath J-I16.HS.71; l.ln-
The Derert I-and Board's action coin, I4C.C1C.21; Wheeler, $H -
on tho Pilot Rutte lands seems a vlt- 674.58 and Curry, $8,508.94.
or for State HnKlneuriM-wls. Tha'. ,
his position In refusing to certify the i it, g. Separators and milk cans. ally. Austria. Is vory apparont
open sympathy ror ureat nritam
and France, and hostility for hor ox-
'snd for patent has been right Is gkuge Hardware Company. Adv
'.Huicaieu uy tun Aitornsy uenerarsi
oplnfpn reported In the minutes of
tho Hoard meeting, and. as he as
steadily asked for n review, of his
posjJon by a higher authority the
reference to tho Department of tho
Interior should please.
That Mr. Lewis' contentions are'
mw Is further Indicated by th
cary taken by tho Hoard to save
riqhta against the company that ,
mlKjit otherwise be lost bv an out.
right recommendation for patent. Mr.
Lewis has farced the ooard on record
on tblg point and plalnlv ir he had
given tho desired oertlflcate earlier
thorp would have been none of the
savins of rights that Is now seen.
The action of the Secretary of In
terior will be awaited with Interest.
Holland has her troops In rwnll-
Mrs. llurton Onoy of the Ulg River
Ranger Station, broke her right leg
on Sunday In trying to save her ciillil
from Injury In n runaway. With her
husband, she was about to start for
a tiro In I he forest whou tho horse
started to run awav. Mrs. Oney
Jumped with her child In her arms
and broke her leg. Dr. Ferroll has
attended her.
tt. M. Thompson. Plaintiff, vs. Vlrge
K. Hraeneld. and (leorge W. liraa
neld. Defidsnts.
To Vlrste K. Ilrasfleld and George M.
Ilrasfleld. aMive namsd defendants:
OP ORBOON: Yon ar hereby requir
ed In appear and answvr the com
plaint Hied against you In the above
entitled Court and suit on or before
the seventh day of October. 191 1, and
if you fall so to appear and answer
the plaintiff will apply t the Court
for the relief prayed for In the com
plaint horeln. lo-wlt: for Judgment
ngalnst you and irh of vou for the
sum of $7i. together with Interest
thereon at tho rate of 8 wr enl per
annum from January 15, 1914, until
paid, together with $70.00 attorney
feos and the coals and disbursements
of this action and for a decree of the
nbovo entitled Court that the certain
moilgngo Jioarlng date Olli day of
August, 1912. made and executed by
you. securing said sum noovo men
tioned on lot ono U), block twenty
six (2C) of Rend, Crook County, Ore
gon, be foreclosed and that such real
property described therein be sold t
the Sheriff of Crook County. Oregon.
In the manner provided by law end
according to the practlco nf this
Court and that the proceeds of said
sale be applied: FIRST, to the pay
ment of the costs and charge for
making this sale and flKf OXP. to the
payment or plaintiff's Judgment In
clusive of attorney fees and Interests
and costs, that upon the sale being
made the plaintiff may become a pur
chaser, and thereafter that defend
ants and all persons claiming tin
der, by or through thm or e'ther
of them be forever barred and fore
closed of anv rights, title and Inter
est In and to said property or any
portion thorenf, saving and excepting
only the statutory right of redeimi
tlon and that tho plaintiff havo Judg
ment and execution ngalnst the pro
ortv of thn defendsnt Virgin H. Ilras
field for any deficiency remaining up
on such Judgment after applying all
tho proceeds of the sale or snld real
property, properly applicable thereto
and for such other and further relief
an to the Court may seem meet nnd
This summons Is served upon you
by nubllcntlnn thereof for six nup-
ceeslvn weeks In The llend Iluiletln.
a weekly nowsiHiper of gonoral cir
culation, mibllshed In llend. Crook
County, Oregon, by order of the Hon
orable (1. Springer, Judgo of th
County Court of Crook Connty. Orn-
con. which order is uaieu me iwe-
t eth day of April. 14. the date or
tho first publication being the 2th
day of August, 191 1.
25-30 c. Attorney for Plaintiff.
the cooler weather a Mackinaw.
We are agents for
the famous
You'll need Warm
and Woolen Batts.
nlshed or partly furnished house !
young com pie who will take Hood care
or place. Will lie permanent If rent
Is reasonable. Addrees XY35, HuSle
tln. tf
FOR RIINTFlve room cottage,
well furnished. Including piano. Tel.
Illsck 5S1. Apply Mrs. . IC. Rob
erls. S5tf
FOR RKNT Two small furnished
houses near school house. t. It.
Ilogln. over Deschutes Hank. lotf
FOR RKNT Thrco room house,
furnished. Also three room hou
unfurnished. Apply Metropolitan. SOtf
FOR RKNT-Sullo of throe mod-
eru housekeeping rooms. J. J.
Kloln. ISH
FOR RKNT Small house partly
furnished, $5 a month; also tent
house adjoining. Near di)t. In
quire at Iluiletln. 49tf
FOR RKNTOfflces on Wall stroct
vory ehoap. Apply Ilullotln Office.
FOR RUNT Rooms centrully lo
cated. Kloctrlc lights nnd water.
Suitable for housekeeping. Cheap.
Apply Iluiletln OlHeo.
Poor Belgium! Through no fault
of its own. but simply because Its
geographlo position placed It between 1
the. German and French adversaries,
ins imie country is neing niungiej.
All Belgium asked was that her neu
trality bo observed; she desired no
thing further than that the German1)
keep without her borders. Rut tlw)
Teuton war machine 'swept on, and
plucky Belgium, making a mighty
effort to stem Its progress. Is sinking
in the maelstrom. Tho courage of
hei defenders is now hlsttnio. The
terrible pity Is that for no reason at
Canning Peaches
Are in the height
of the season
Get Yours before it . is too
Shuey's Cash Qrocery
Advertisement inserted under tills
IiciiiIIiik nt the rate of ONK CKXT A
WORD each Insertion. C'nuli miixt
iircouipniiy nil ordeis from pcrMius
not lilt vl iik n regulnr iiiTiiunt with
Tim Iluiletln. Xo ndvcrtNciiifut (nk
or less than in cents vucli lmerllon.
WANTKDWork u Janitor. In
quire Hulletin. 22-S0p
WANTHIJ A stenographer. Rejilv
to tho Central Oregon Irrigation Co.,
Oosohutos, Oregon, ' 26a.
WANT13D Position wtntod by
stenographer experienced In law,
lumber and commercial "work. Ad
dross, Miss B. M. Rugglcs, Gen. Dol.,
Oakland, California. 23-25c.
WANTED- To rent n small fur-
FOIt .SAI.fC Team or mares,
weight about I960 pounds each, ago
S and 10. Saddle pour- H Inch
wagon. Osborne mower, ft. foot cut
In A No. 1 shape, McCnrmlok rake,
10 foto. good as new. Hoosler grain
drill In first class shape. Top buggv,
kitchen range, good aa new. Also
other household nrtlcles. All prlved
roaaonublo. John D. Murphy, Laid
law, Oregon. 26-2(1 p'
FOR BALK Two Jerseys, ono now
fresh, other fresh In month. Apply
G. W. Snyder, 3 mllea southwest of
Laldlaw. 2$tf
COMR AM) 8KIC the Improvr r . :n
on 10 acre ranch now for sol (:,.
Irrigated and Improved. Ivir.
llseh Co., llend. Oregon. : :r
FOR 8ALU--0 head tulwr.-Mi,,.:,
testtxl witch cows; a head I yar old
heifers; 10 head of heifer and Lull
calves, 6 to 8 months old. K,n i
write unless you mean buslnees A
A. Ilerg, Gist, Oregon. 3J-:5 r
FOR 8 ALU Cheap. Tiro elnst
ImmIs. Imtulre llullutiti uRlee. l?tr
FOR Rnglslered O I (.'.
pigs. Phono or write O. C. Card
wull, llend. utr
FOR MAMt Two high grad Jer-
soys., three year old maro, RhI .hUk
ens. Lalillaw Postulllon. 2l-::.
FOR HALM (lood horse, wtghl
about 1300 pounds. 7 years old. In
quire Shuey's (Iroeery. 17ir
FOR HAI.IO Improved rellmiulsb
ment. 30 miles from llend. Inqulro
iliilletlu. 23-2 c
FOR SALIC Until September !.
only, Dunic Jersey (tills and .
open and bred; also plw ollher ax
Parmer's prices. Phone Itedmoiul
No. V609. O. I.. Ilraiee, ranch Paw
ell Rutin. ZS-:il-
LOUT While setter ileg. Notlfv
Rulletln alHee. it
LOST Team of mares, about ;:!'
pounds, one whits with wire cut on
right shoulder. One brown with whli.
foot and wire, cut tin left hind roui
Alex MoKcown, Hampton, Ore. tt-i
TAKEN Ul'-At Johnson rsntti
20 miles oast of llend, bay horse
brnndod on left shoulder. 1,7 and K
on right stllle; dark bay mnre brand
ed on led shoulder. Italic T. II. ovr
cross and T-A connected, on ribt
shoulder, lloth broke. Ilert !'a
ell. 23-27P
The Perils of Pauline
1 in. I. B.
Thursday, Aug-. 27
Don't Miss the Story!