TUN IIH.VI) IIULLKTLV, i.F.N'l), OIIK., WKMNF.HHAV, AVUVHT 20, 101 1. PAan n. THREE MS OF DEER IN OREGON OINH'OII.Kl'tt IIICMIO.WS IIIC.MIONt'H IH A MUMi IMSlCU WIIITK TAIL vjmtn almost iwrixcTr-iNHTiu'c'rivK arTicli: mum HTATK CO.MMIHMIONHII'N Pl.'IIMCATIO.V, Tho August Issun of "Tho Oregon Hiiortmnnn," Issued monthly under tin) dlroctlon of ttio Hlnto Plsli and fliimn Commission ty William L. Flu lny, iXiiiIuIiih ait InUtrnHlltiK article dimllng with tho dsor of Oregon, which im (iMiMiclully timely JiihL now. Tiie iiutnor m Htiuiloy u. Juwott. Through tliu ueurloer of Mr. I'ln ley Tin lltilliitln Ih nlilo to rojulnt W "VK'KSrcSkXIK9HaHH jiuu. i j- v r mm. jxajwiiL. iba.ivdhbk Murk hihI lie Oir.ui WliKi-tnlltHl lli-tr. Wtiftn-iiiltotf door on both aide, of tho Githrndo mountains. Tho Whllo-lnllnd door oiihI of tlie CnKoadna Im n stib-specloe of tlm com iiioii Virginia dour of tliH eastern slntos, while tho oni) wimt "if tho Ciiscniltia In n dhitlnct spnoloH which wo will mill tho OroKon Whtlo-tallo'J dour. Tho first Hpuolmoii known to aoloneo wiim killed injur OroKon City during tho onrly imrt of the lust con tury. Tli oho two laltor vnrlotlo nr now oxtromoly ritro within tho Mtute of Oregon. Tho Wlillo-tnllml deer (Odocollou was shot for tho collodion of garno anlnialrt for thu Fish and (J a mo Com mission, hud shed IiIh nntlorit uhotit n Wiiok provlpun to January 29th, Tho hurra had lionlod ovor with u lougn, brown skin, hut tho now nntlor had not sturtitd to develop. uihhotohv ok officials. United Mate. President Woodrow Wilson Vlco Prusldont. .Thonmit Jt. Marshall Kaarotury of Btole W. J. Bryan Hocrutary of Nuvy . , Josophua Daniels noorutary of war . .. .L. M. Garrison I if.......,.... .. i ! i. ir r .... leuon.s and Odoso.lous vlrg.nanua,;;- Agrtoullu K ft IR-usIon iiiuerouiiia) nro lnti.rmodl.io In l Hocrotury of Trcusury ,W. F. McAdoo ueiwmin uiu uunir iwn. me mil w ,.,,- n, ,.,.u w htmhy and wedKeHilinnwl, In unow Typtml limn of TIiri . n l:Ui'L-(nll(l Dcrr. t-t I(mt. I. Mnl llr, '. UIiKi'-iuIIjmI IIimt. ('oluiiit)luii Hl r ifitfflJv K$) 1aS,!?1SBf " jRK Tnllx of TI11W NihmIm of lor. 1, ( d 1111I1I1111 Miilo wr. . lutC'talltil llluck.lallod Dtor. 2. I'onuilo Coliiniblii IlliirU-totli'd Kivr. tho artlclo horowlth, toRotlior Mltl llliiBtratlonB. Hy 8TANI.I3Y 0. JKWBTT. Thoro are two upecloa of door that aro coininon in Oregon, tho Mulo door (Odocolloua lioiulonuu liomlo iiUB) in tho ouatorn part and tho Col unililan Illaok-UUIcd door (Odocolloua ColumlilaiuiH) in tho wostorn part, lu addltkn to thcuo wo luvvo a tow whlto nndnrnoHth nnd on ,tli uiIkcm, U hold III Kt and Hwayn from nldo to nldo whon tho animal Ih rurmliiK- The nntlnrM rlno from tho rornhoad, tiion drop .xiidiliinly forward, with the Immuii aliiKMt horUontnl. from tho Imam I lino Ionk, uliarp tinea or "jiolnta" rl! pnrpHiidleularly. Tho Wlilto-tallnd dfwr, according to old roNldonta, whm formorly com. mon throiiKhoiit tho Wlllamotto val ioy fwitlilllg. Mrs. II. O. DayIm, or I'ortland, Inform mo that thin dHn wbh vory (Simmon In tho footlilllii almiit llciivurton, In WaHhlHKUm county, dnrltiK Hih yoam from 18 Co to lUifi. Mr. Uniiry Thomiwon, of tiwdiit Homo. I.lnn county, under tint of OctolMir 3 7 tli, lUlS, aaya: "Tliom itHod to ho a fw of them In tho rlvor bottom Ihth hIkiui two mllcK ahovo town, hut I havn't aen or hoard of thorn for iwvoral yonra." Mr. W. II. Ilaker, tho I'ortland taxtdorinUt, tolla 1110 lio iiiountoil aovornl hoada of Whltwtallnd dor aoinii yoara hko, lint haa no no the imnt few nmoim. lie aaya thoce he mountod wero Itlllod In the Wlllam otto valloy. There aro mIIII a frw nt tbeto dear atonic the North t'mpqua river. In DoiikIhm county, and in the Davla lake teuton of Crook county. Reports ronrernlMK the orurrenre of tbla ileer have ootne from other eectloni, lint there la no doubt they art ei treinoly rare at the raetit Urn. Kvery otTort ahonld lie wade to pro tect the few remaining White-tailed der In OreM or the afiecloa may aiMin become ecttnet. The Mule deer la the iargeat of tbe three and can be told from theothera hy the large earn, abort white tall with a tilark tin, and the "T" on tbe large an Here. The winter color ia eteol gray, changing to gray-brown III auinmer. In Oregon tho Mule deer la found only tetal of Ibe aammlt of the Cae ca de mountain. They were former ly abundant orer the entire eauleni liortlon of the atate hut are now re stricted to Iho more inountaliioa nec tloni. In tho northeattern (tart of the atate, nnd In Crook, Lake and Klamath countloa. they aro attll fa'r ly plentiful. In aouthern llarnoy and Malhour countloa, only a email rem nant of thin noble game animal re main. In thla auction aro tbe Htelua mountain, an Idoat range for thla MpecJiw, hut aetornl yeara ngo hide huntora alaughtornd them by the thouannda unttl now only 11 few re main. Through tho efforts of the Htatti (lame Warden, thla range of mountiiluN waa aet nalde aa a atatn game refuge by the laat legislature nnd It la to be hoped that the Mule I deer In thla section will lie left alone , 1 by huntera until thair number are Increased and they spread out over, the surrounding country. If tbla range ia to bo of any value in lutute .te a game refuge, there aboala t Nome grating restrictions. At 'n-iMtt the entire rang la tiring ru- 'nod ty tbe unrestricted gracing f luran herda of sheep. Two other n crce were rroatad last year, lu hull tbe primary object was to pro !''! Mule deer ae In Crook and' lake counties, and another in tbe) title mountains, including parte of liaker and Wallowa counties. On Una latter reserve are ton ad, in addi tion to the goodly uumber of Mulo deer, several head of elk and moun tain sheep. The Mule deer ranges vr more open country tban other . (Wr in localities where they are U9- 1 dU'orhed. I The Columbian Illaek-talled deer ,a the emulloMt deer in Oregon, and I aitout tho aame color aa the Oregon Whlte-tnll. The antlers of the old i bucks havo the "V" much tbe aame J aa the Mule deer; the tail la wid-vr, , with the outer surface black all ovor and with a white underside and tip. 1 In the western imrt of the state we have thla apeciea. It la fouud from tho Columbia river to the Cali fornia line end east to the east slope of the Cascade mountains, where Its range overlnim that of the Mule deer. Tli ewe deer Inhabit the dense forests, especially of the Coast range, and sel dom feed In the open country. They aro known to eat the leaves of the evergreen trees as well, as to browse on iloctuunue railage. The lllark-talled deer la contmen throughout Ita range, except lit the more thickly settled parts of the Wil lamette valley. Large numbers aro killed annually hy aiiortaiueii, espec ially in tho Bouthern counties. In the northern part of the state quite i mtmlior nro killed in the CuHemliM Houth of llnunovillo nnd alotiK tho lower Columbia. According to reliable Information, tho llvo wolght of a lllack-tnlled buck occasionally rroohua ISO pounds. The Mule doer la much larger nml some tlmoa wolgjia fiO pounds. The "rutting" season of all turns deer ia during October and Novutnbor nnd 0110 or two, occasionally throe voting nro horn In April nnd May. The young nro apottud at birth nnd remain so until the hair is shed in tho full. Wo hnvo vory little data on tho ex act timet of tho ahnddlng of nntlara of those duor In Oregon. A two-year old Ulaclc-tnilod buck from Kogun rlvor shod his antlora nt tho Stato namo Knrm on Janunry 23rd. On the othor hand, n largo buck at Oak rldgo, In tho Casoados, win still car rying Ida untlora on February 28th. From Information furnished by hun tora, it would upponr thut tho door all Bhod tholr antlors during January, Kobrunry nnd March. 1 A largo Whtto-tallcd buck, which! 1 Secretary Commorco . ,W. 0. Itodfleld I Heorotary of Labor . . . . W. li. Wilson Attorney Gonornl ..Jns. Moitoynolds l'ostmustor Gonoral .Alttort Ilurleson ritiite. Governor ......... .Oswald West Kcoretary or Ulato .... II. V. Olootl Trotisurer Thos. II. Kay Ally General A. M. Crawford Superintendent Public Instruction . . J. A. Churchill Htnto prlntor It. A. Harris C'omruisslonei libor ritutlsttca .... O. P. Hon flamo Wnrden W. U. Plnloy State Hnglncor John H. IcU United Mtales genators (Jconeo H. Chamborlaln Harry W. Lan- Congtoesmen A. V. Latterly N. 8. Hlnnott W. A. Hawloy Crook County. Circuit Court Judge W. L. Ilrndshaw District Attornoy W. II, Wlrtx County Judgo O. Springer Clerk ..Warren Urown Sheriff Prank Klkln Treasurer .......... Italph Jordan Aseeseor .11. A. Foster Mobool upt J. K. Myers Coroner P. It. Poindfxtcr Survoyor Pred A. Itlrt Commleeloners It. 11 na)f Willis W. brown 1 1m Courts. Clroult Meets first Monday In Beptefflber and Ueeomosr and aecoud Mowday In March. Probate Meets first Monday In oan month. Comntseloners' Meets first Wed-1 nesday Ir January. March, May, July, Kepteiabar, November and December. lionil School District No. 1U. Directors Clyde M. MetCay, Chmn J. N. Huntor .It. M. Smith Glerk II. J. Ovorturf City of Iktiul. Mayor H. A. Miller tteoorder II. C Hills Treasurer Mary K. Coloman Chief of Police 8. K. itotiorts City attorney V. A. Forbes City Knginccr ....George 8. Young City phyalolnn Dr. U. C. Coe Couuollmcn II. B. Allun Thoo. Aune A. S. Collins M. D. Knutson J. D. Davidson B. A. Sathor JiiHtlro of the Peace. Itond Precinct J. A Fraternal Societies I. O. O. P. ' Ilcntl Iidgo No. S1H. Rogulnr mooting every Mon day night nt 8 o'clock In Haul er's Hall. Visiting brothei cordlnlly welcome. IJBKT HIIUKY. N O. (1KO. P. OOVB, Hocretary. TUB PHATBHN'AL llltOTHKIt IIOOD. llnnd Lodgo So. 8D7 meets In Bathor'a Hall every Thursday ovenlng, with social on third Thursday oach r..onth. Visiting mombors cordially Invited Mrs. 0. V. Shrlner, Pros. Loroy Kox, Secretary, JtOYAL .NBIOHHOHH OP AMKItK'A. Ibinncr t'nnip No. flO.'il. Ilegular incotlnga second and fourth Tuesdays, Bather's Hall. MK8. J- II. CON.VAltN, Oracle. MIIH. A. OIlCl'TT, Itoeordor. I1UHINK8S AN) PIIOPIIHHIONAL. HOIIL'ltX II. GOULD T civil ft r Knglnecr UjL X?1K ilV Henri Oregon HOIiBitT W. SAWYBIt N OTA It V PtflUIO Iltillotln Ofllee, Pond, Oregon 8. It. HOOIN Lnnil Attorney Hiislnoae before tho U. 8. Land oITlco a spoeiAlty. Twenty five years experience In practice be fore the local IT. 8. Land Office and the departments at Wash ington, D. C. OWlces over the Deschutes 8tato Hank. HB.VO :-s :-: OUBGON THE WHITE IS KING J. II. Poll A. W. 8 1 ma CIIOOK COl'NTY AIWTHACT OMPANY (Incorporated) Bueeossora to Tho J. II Hnner Attract Co., Prlnevllle. Ore. Abstracts Insurance W. W. FAULKNEIl, D. M. D. I) K N T I H T OOlco Over Postofllce Ilcnd, ... Oregon WILLARD If. WHITZ IiAWVKIt Prlnevllle, Oregon. leeeeeeeeei Tho DESTnll-round Family Sowing Machine that can bo produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR stylus. The rotary mnkos both LOCK and CHAIN sUtch. The latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. , Sond name and address for our beautiful II. T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. 619 Merchants National Bnnk Bldjj' Pastes ! San Francisco. California C. S. IiBNSON Attorney At Law Denson Ilulldlng, Walt Street Pend, Oregon. VERNON' A. FORP.ES UWYHIt First National Dank Dulldlng Bend. ;-: :-: Oregon OBORGE.S. YOUNG Civil anil Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer of Ilcnd. Room G First National Bank Building fZ THE UNITED WAREHOUSE ircTsr'iTTTOTgnriiTnri" j in iiijTijgasPPJBBaBGfl COMPANY Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUK, SALT, HIDES H. H. Do AHMOND IWVYKH Oregon Street. Bend. On k n H. C. 5LLIS Attornej-Bt-Ijiw I'ulttil State C'ommlMiloner Flint National Hank Ilulldlng BEND. OREGON DR. J. II. CONNARN I) K X T I S T Offle- in Sathor Building. Houn. 9 to 13. 1 to h. Sundays and ovoulngs by Appointment. DR. A. B. CROPP Chlroiiritrior imUGLKSS PHYSICIAN Offlco over Miller Lumber "o.. Wall Street. Hours: 9-12. 1-3. FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LAUD rasoxut Iho United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Rend, Orqgon O'DONNELL BROTHERS C. P. N1SW0NGBR, Bond, Ore. 17NDKRTAKKH Licensed Knibulincr, Funeral Director. Phone. Lady Assistant. UNION MARKET m HHbK FOR SUMMER Wear get a pair of WORLDS WORK SHOES. Sold by R.H.LOVEN the Shoe Hopair Man. Bond Btroot, Bond, Ore POLK'S' OREGON and WASHINGTON & Business Directory K A Slrectorjr p( each City, Town ana Village, gtvlnit detorlptlvo ketch of I cacti place, location, population, Ule- traph. ahlpplnc and banking point alao Cluaiaed Directory, compiled by builnti and profelon. toHsWnHnWSsagBnslWWM