TAOK 2. TUB Itl.Xl) HI LLUTIN, RKNI), OUB WKUNKSUAY, Al'dl'HT Ull, 1011. ----- ,--. -- - - -------'--- --- ---- CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. buy nvui: (Special to Tho Bulletin.) DRY UVKK. Aur. 1L Mr. a Out orson left for Portland tho Inst part of the week, whore liu liUotula to upend tho summer. Miss HutU Ungford lott for Port land Friday. John I'Aiisoh transacted liunlnosR In Dry Lftko tho first iart of tho week. ., . Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Onreko called on Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sunday. Thos. tangford and 0. Hnlvornon callod on Mr. and Mrs. Kullor Mon- day. MIm Laura Peterson callod on Mr. and Mrs. damisko tho first part of tho wook. Mr. O. Johnson and mottur loft for Portland Sunday on an extended islU M!m Thercsln CarBko callod on Mrs. tampke Saturday. Mr. llamas, Harry Hacklomnn and Mr. 8nda passed through hero on their way to Iliox Tuesday. Mr. Ashley left Tor Dlckoson'a ranch Friday whore ho will be em ployed during tho haying oaon. II. WInslow from Ruck Creo'- IMissed through hero on tits way to Warm Springs on urgent business. The Dry Lake and Ibex mall route lias opened up Wednesday. Mall will be delivered but once every week. Mr. Weathers of Ibex has charge of tho mail. Miss Vornle Garsko spent a day visiting at Held tho fore part of the wook. Mr. G. A. Gnrske transacted busi ness in Prlncvlllo tho fore part of tho week. Mr. Strauss from Catlow Valloy. passed through hero on his way to Tho Dalles, where he Intends to pur chase u large herd of cattle. Mr. Strauss Is a young homesteader, hav ing recently arrived from tho east, nnd la buckling down to business in proper stylo. Dry Lske folks suffered greatly from tho heat tho last few days Tho temperature at times being 100 In the shade. Tho county road surveyors vlsltod Dry Lake the last part of tho week. Mr. Thomas transacted business In Prlnovlllo Saturday. Mr. Miller visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fuller the foro part of tho week. mvKits. (Special to Tho Dullettn) R1VKRR, Aug- 17. B. Danlolson returned home from Washington lost week. Ho will leave for llcnd some time soon. The River's people will enjoy a pic nic given by the Sunday school here, next Sunday. It will be held at M.'. Paul Held' ranch. C. Marring harvested a large crop of rye bar off his patch of ryo. J. II, Rivers and John Hallmeyer started to Rend this morning for a load of groceries for Mr. Hlver'e Btore. F. TCaricnter Just got through nutting, up bis hay. He has about sixteen tons. HAMPTON. (Sntclnl to Tho Bulletin.) HAMPTON. Aug. 1?. Mr. nnd Sirs. E. M. Peck spent Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. C. B. Hnrmnn. Burr Ulack nnd W. T. Harrison made a trip to Rend last week. Mrs. C. A. Rurrls is on tho sick Hit this week. Mrs. A. S. Fork and daughter and Miss Zola Bartholomew visited Mrs. Luclnda Block of Lizard Creek last Saturday aftornoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vornal of Canby, Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. L. a Peck of Ilend visited at A. 3. Fogg's Sunday. Lara Grow is some better at this writing. Mr. Motvln Crow and sister Miss Kvn and Miss Iaura Rlshop enmnod on top Hampton Hutto Saturday night nnd Bunds. A. S. Fogg left this morning for Maury Mountain sawmill where be weat for a load of lumber. Miss Stela Bartholomew of Port land Is atwsdlDK a few weeks with MbH HUm.1 Foag. CJearxe McVay of Held was in Hampton Saturday. Al Lowe of Rand passed through Hvwptnn Thursday oareHte to his nlHtern, Mrs. Overall of Glass Ilutte valley. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Miller and I. L. Owen Iwve gone to Helknap SprlHfK. Oregon, for their health J. Whlttaker and son J. O.. and Floyd Phillips loft hero Wednosday morning fi"- Corvallls, Oregon. Mr. PhUHps will probably visit for ono month before returning to his home steed. The Hampton valloy Sunday school will mftt oa Lizard Creek Sunday, Aug. 23 and liavo a busket dinner. Hvqry ono Is cordially Invited. JIKIJ). ! (Siieclal to The Bulletin.) 1IKLD, Aug. 17. Miss Hattio Houston was thrown from her horse last week and was quite sorlously hurt. It was thought that her col lar bono was broken. II. Hope was busy cleaning the "game" which was mainly rats and tnlco out or his well last week. He was nsfllBted by Mr. Jensen. The Settlemeyor famllv moved sev eral weeks ago to the Maury Moun tain mill. C. II, Gonmig returned from Paul lna last week. I Haker has noarly 100 ton of liar nut uu. Jaok Frost visited hero Sunday nUt afte,r a gold, windy day. fThls gftflson Is reported h" the old puttiers to be tlio driest for 27 years. lost ciu:i;ic. 'Special to Tho Bulletin) . "LOST CRUBK, Aug. 14. Mrs. C. -- C. Washburn nnd son, Loo, and Mrs S. W. Host nnd children, Mary, Nol- Ho and Charles, rccuntly returned from tin extended visit with rolntlves and friends In Washington. Mr. S. W. Host met them In Hand and re turned with them. Miss AHco Hrooklngs and Mrs. Hassler have guno over to Hampton Hutto Tor n couple or weeks visit with friends. Earnest Hosier nutocd to Rend the foro pnrt of tho week for a load of supplies. J. K. Ctirrnn was a busiuoes visitor nt Rotyat Friday. S. W. Host has Just completed a now residence for Dr. Cnrollno Rood. Mr. and Mrs. Parrot woro recont visitors of their daughter. Mrs, Wood, In Pleasant valley. Pross Do Wit Is helping V. Harris with his haying. 0. R. Young Is nt home for a fow days. Nearly every rancher has an abun dance of hay and are wvll sattsttod with the future prospects of the country. Ill'CIC CKI4KIC. (Special to Tho Bulletin) RUCK CRKHK. Aug. H. Ideal woather has been a boon for har vesting, evoryono reports n bounti ful crop, ami a few more days will bring haying to n close. The dance nt Dry Lnko last Sat urday was attended by a large num ber from these parts. Geo. Paddock nnd Ronald Conk ling of Diamond valley made Until proof hofnro Commissioner Chnrlos Shomnn August 7th. Mrs. F. A. WInslow of Seattlo, wsb visiting with hor brother W. W. Hrown the past week. Mrs. Joseph Street Is In Burns at ---------- -' Mrs. H. W. Ditvla called at tho Mo- Portland last Sundny. Mr. John Black took a truck for Bead last Friday enrouto to Idaho to visit with his sister and children. J lunula Hrlckley and Ike .loroft woro over on business last Thursday. Dr. Rood was called to attend tho Infant daughter of Mr. nud Mrs. Ash baugh. who.ls quite sick. Mrs. J. Perry of Surprise ranch called on friends In this vicinity last Sunday. CLOYKHDALK. (Special to Tho Bulletin) CLOVKRDAL18, Aujr. 2L Mrs. Cnrl Woods and Iwby loft Inst Wed nesday for nn oxlundud visit with rel atives In Nebraska and Arkansas. J. O. McKennoy has ruturned from n business trip to Arlington. C. O. Yancey and family and M. Cornell and family woro In L'lovor dale on their way to Prlnevllle from Uolknap Spring. Mr. and Mrs. Shnw, Mrs. Ruble nnd Mrs. McKabe were visitors here Sunday. O. Andrus nnd family made n limi tless trip to Redmond Thursday. Mrs. John Cyrus nnd son of Prlnc vlllo were v'sltlng rotative In Clover dale last week. A. Templeton. wife and daughter have returned from a oHinpinic trip to Belknap Springs. The funeral of Mr. Hyers, Sr., was held lsst Tuesday, Row Towns, of ficiating. A largH number of friends front Sisters and Cloverdale attended The remains wore Intered In the Sis ters cemotery. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Kline. Mr. Ryer and Floyd Umbo are camping on the Metollus this week. Miss Mary Fry rear entertained a number of the young folks of this neighborhood at her home Inst Frl- tho bedside of hor daughter. Mrs. II day evening. A very enjoyable oven- C. WInslow, Mho rocently underwont : ng was spent In games and nt tho nn operation. i close dainty refreshments wore serv- Miss KUIth McKncIiern Is spondlim nd by tho young hostess, the week visiting with Mrs. Maude Miss Haxel Templeton Is staying WMson of Diamond valley. with Mies Jennie Woods. Harl Cook, his mother and sister,! Mr. Cobb and family of RoseburK. who havo boon In Prlnevllle nearly Oregon, woro traveling over the conn a year, returned Inst Monday. ! try by auto last week looking fur n Mrs. O. L. Hubbard, who rocoutlv , location for tho winter. went to tho coast for hor health Is reported as doing nicely. Ronald Conkllng was surveying tho desert claim of It. L. Chase Thurs day. Mrs. Joe Muellor is seriously III. HAMPTON RUTTK. (Special to Tho Bulletin) HAMPTON RUTTK. Aug. 17 Mies Mary Stauffer of Stauffer vlsltod with friends nnd relatives In this vicinity last week. Brnest Hester passed through hero on his way to Bond last Tuesday. Mrs. Grace Hasslor and Miss Alice Hrooklngs catno up from Stauffer last Tuesday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. II. Brooking several weeks. K. I lass of Buck Creek took a car for Bond Tuesday unroutc to Port land to Join his wife, who wont, to that city somo weeks ago, for medi cal treatment. They will go to Ari zona hoping tho change of climate will benefit her health. Mr. Nute passed through bore on Monday on his way to his homestead In the Benjamin Inko district. The school board of district No. 77 met last Monday evening to vote a 7 month's term for the coming year and elected Prof. Oscar Ilutzelii as toaeher. Mr. Butzoin Is a gradu ate from the Iwlston normal of Idaho, and has several years experi ence as teacher. Mrs. Horaee Brookings called on Mrs. C. W. Ashbaugh last Tuesda;. Harl McFadden of Pleasant valley was over on business one day last week. Percy Cook had the misfortune ra got his foot caught In tho hay rake and bruise It quite badly. County Surveyor Rice and sen and Mr. Wells of Prioevlllo registered at tho Brookings Hotel last Tuosday night. Mr. Leonard McFadden of Torra itonne Is visiting his sister Blva In Pleasant valloy. Mr. Vinton P. Uray of St. Johns, Oregon, Is visiting friends In this vicinity. Gabriel Batontl has returned to hie homestead after being out svwral months. Mr. and Mr. Fred Millar vlaltwl with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Maeks luai Sunday. Mrs. Klmer Wether returned from --- TTB Lafollette ' Nursery Co. Prineville, Oregon CENTRAL OREGON'S NURSERY Miss F. Waldron, who has been at the eamiMi of Templeton and Coruett at Uolknap Springs for the pest two weeks, returned hbmo Saturday. A Sunday school worker, Rev. Harvey of Portland, occupied Rev. Towne's pulpit In Cloverdale last Sunday afternoon. AH people who are Interested In farming are urged to attend the far mer's Instituto to bo held In Clover dale at the Cloverdale Council Club houso next Friday. Mr. Harry litter made a business trip to Redmond Monday. i ' Pl.VHUl'H.ST. (Special to Tho Ilul'leUn). P1NKHURST, Auk. 2L- Mr. nnd Mrs. O. W. Snyder went to l.nldlaw on business Monday. Mrs. Bradley of Camp No. 4 wont to Laldlaw Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bart Nichols of Sun nysldo passed through hero Friday on their way to Broken Top. F. V. Swisher made a business trip to Bend Thursday. Grovor McAllister left Tuesday night for Washington. Nellie Snyder culled at Snellen's Friday. Vernon Heed went to l.alJIuw on business Friday. tithel Snyder was eat ling in Lald law Tuesday. Ksther Dletrleh called on Ivy and Kthel Saydor Sunday. Mr. C. II. Spaugh went to Bend on business Wednesday. Ivy Snyder called on Kunlco Brad ley Tuesday. Ruth Ilayloy was calling In town ono day Inst week. A. H. Reed went to Laldlaw on Thursday. ' Mr. nnd Mm. Dietrich went to Bend on business ono day Inst week. Mr. and Mrs. Rnyder were Bend vJattore last Saturday. I II. Root and wife were la Head Saturday. Buy Head Butter. .MILI.ICA.V. (Special to The Bulletin.) MILIJOAN, Aug. S. A. Ble. stein left for Canada Friday, where he will remain for the next few months. Mrs. A. Kglesteln, Mrs. A. A. Oil more and Mrs. P. B. Johnson were callers at the Norton home the pa it week. Mrs. Roborts wus a caller at the McAdnw home a day the past week. B. K. Davis and son Harold aro ex ported home from Prlnovlllo tho lut ter part or the week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Iiuls Goodman spent Saturday nnd Sunday nt the Herwltz homostoud. L. P. Roonoy enmo homo from Summit Pralrlo Wednosday where he has been working tho past month. Help Make Oregon the Cleanest State in the Union Uncloan Ideas In rogard to sex scattered broadcast by tho Igtior unt cause Immorality, disease and suffering among tho innocent. True, wholosomo information helps to produeo cloan, healthful citizens apr.b!o of richer nnd more usoful lives. Sox education should ho provided whan possible In tho homo. Pamphlots will bo sent free for mon and women, boys nnd girls of all ages. Bond 2-cont stamp and state definitely ngos and box of children and other porsons for whom pamphlots nro wanted. Address The Oregon Social Hygiene Society Dept. L 720 Helling Building, Portland, Oregon I Adow homo Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Whltmoro nnd two sous Arnold nud Jerome spent Wed nesday hero. Irene nnd Margarot Dumo stopped In tho valloy Thursday night, leaving for their homestead some 70 miles oast of hero Friday morning. John Krwln and wlfu stopped 'n tno valley over Sunday, visiting with friends. Mrs. (Hess vlsltod with hor sister, Mrs. A. D. Norton, Friday. Mrs. Martha Forney was n hunt liens visitor In tho oast end df tho valloy Saturday. Mr. RoberlH wont to Bond Friday with passengers, bringing out the valley mail on his return trli In tho evening. Mr. and Mrs. Vomon Clovonaer were cullers In oust Mlllluan Satur day. Snrah Burton nnd Louis Davis vls Ited at the McAdow home Saturday. Cnthutlno. ilmllli nnd I iltnhetlt Mciizdorff visited with frloiuls lie io Tuesday nnd Wednesday. 0. 10. Ilouthiuitu la at Kugnno, Ore gon, but Is oxpoutod homo anon. Mrs. Alloii was u visitor In Mltlt can Friday. LuuIh Hehmort Is expected hniiio from Prlnovlllo, where lie wunt about n week ago. Mm. iLouls Hchmorl came homo through hero hint week. Mrs. Louis Kehmool en nut home from Bond Saturday, where she spout tho past wook. Mrs. M. J. Jungok nnd nlslsr, Ml Pntillno Koch, passed through hero Wednesday enrouto to tltolr homo stoud near Hlnuffor. the county vent Th'iriidev Mrs. Frank Mti'alTuo nnd Miss Mario Austin of Redmond Were ftucstn ut the Hubert Monro homo on Fi Idny. Dowoy Johnson, who has Iwim trv Inu life In (ho lint-vest Holds of ICus torn Washington, returnud Jionio lust week. Mr. Muhotioy of Alfalfa was n lo cal visitor Friday. N P. Alloy and son, Roy, vlHltml (.Continued on page sovru.) w POWIH.L Hl'TTU. (Spnolnl to Tho Bulletin) POWKLI. HUTTK, Aug. .- Mrs. W. T. Smith wus huattma to thtv Pow ell Hutto ftorosls Wodneeda). A pleasant nftornorn was passed, the hostess serving refroHlunontH befoiv adjournment Ltttlo Manilla Klsalor has Iwen quite 111 the past Meek. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. F A. Hussett aid Mrs. Ross lusett were visitors .t ' What's the Use of frolKltllniTKrocorloH from Itoud fivu of dinrKu'( Lot JOHNSON pay tho freight. Komi'iiilier tho jilnco, near 2H inllo post, Ituml to Hums road. m h MILLICAN, OIUIGON. J Stop the LossFifes are Unnecessary srasxzuaHsn ngssBsr&Eaixaaxxsrsttav wasxrsasrBa&xisin BRICK IB AHSOLUTKLY FIRM PBOOF IN ANY ORDINARY CON FLAG RATION. BRICK BUILDINGS NKVHU BURN, ALTHOUGH TIIKY ARK HOMtt TIMHS INJURKD BY FALLING TIMlllHtS OR CO.MHUKTIHLK INTKRIOR WOODWORK. A RRICK IIUILDNO 18 AHSOLUTKLY FIRK PROOF IF WIHK GLA8H IS U8KD IN TUB WINDOWS AND IF HURN1SD OLAY FLOORS ARI5 UHHD. AN 1NTKRIOR FIRK IN SUCH A BUILDING IS CONFINKD TO TIIK ROOM IN WHICH IT ORIGINATKS; NO OUTS 1 1) It FIRK OAN ATTACK IT TIIK PROPORTION OF BUHNKI) CLAY IN BUILDING CONSTRUC TION MBA8URH8 ITS FIRK PROOF QUALITIB8. RURNKD CLAY 18 TIIK ONLY BUILDING MATKRIAL THAT HAS BKKN THROUGH TIIK FIRK IIKFOKK YOU GMT IT. IN 8UOH A MAN NHR THAT IT WILL RH8I8T FIRK. ALL COMBUttTIUI.il MATKRIAL 18 BURNKD OUT OF TUB BRICK IIKFOKK YOU OKT IT. WHEN YOU HUILD USK KKICK. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. BEND PARK COMPANY We Control and Have For Sale, at the Bet Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of Business and Residence Property in Bend. Call or Write for Free Maps and Descriptive Mather INSURANCE ' Insurance Written in All , : , Its Branches in World -Known Companies v LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US. OUR OUTSIDE Oflieas and jKents Hetter Enuble Us to find Yon Purchasers and Tenants. BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building, Seattle, Wash. .4 i 9' 4