The bend bulletin. Vol. All. MUNI), OIIMJOV, Wi;i)MCHJ)AV Al'TICIIXOOX, AVUVHT i!, 11)1 I, NO. 23 Dosrhtitos - I lio community Hint nes , lie on llio morning side of tlto siiuw ! cupped peuka will lio Joyouly our. I 11(1.1 III llllail fl.M nlklMHlliilliM ,! an. .ill. I KNOX FAVORS coroner' Jury was formed and an ln iuet hold, with the result nbovo out llnod. Kuneral servlcos wero hold Monday at 10 o'clock In tho Catholic church, and Intertuoiit followed at tho comotory. Joe Tokatnpa ha two brotlmr lioro. Herman and Harney, who live near tho Orlflln mill. He camo here lu May. 191?. I DOCKET ''i iiimn win lllltlllliuillft 1,1 I l mjlliu lio llko Ignoring I tie graolou olDcna if mirth' rarest treasure u wholo soine, U'iiuIIInIi friend." T S S LARGEST YET it Ml CLUB COMING ERE IN FORCE W w C S DIVISION MOVE . . r. i PORTLAND EXCURSION NEXT WEEK 3b.lft Adverse Condition AMcinl imrrt Will ho l-iirjit" ItuuJ Alroiidy itlHdlvllIK Mlldll PllldlOlly-Ximx- , UiKr .Mm Will Comic Along. 4 Bind mill Central Oregon mm lo bt "Honored tfkoentlonnlfy next wk Whan tUo t'nrtlnntl Ad Club umhoMoi opium bur. IOvu tliuuKti ovary UtlHs In 'ills wny.of daprnavtd bawl nw rendition ami tliu unwtalnoa 49 to wnr li working agnlnat .tha utlng mill dlsaourngliiK attendance, ft big aaciindon In urar The Al Ullb H(nltl(HJ III 6l4ftri4 Ml 100 ,l id NMgJfTllllH ftylMlHIC, Mlllt WMllo It la iHwrnlili. (Ht figure will nut im tiMeli) ta uifejinloii in inn to be on oi tit wiUMt evr wtnt out front Portland, mill certainly many times largortbiui over paid mi official vtolt l a town (lie HlS Of 11(111(1. The uraroti nrrlviM Sunday, Snptnmnor ' , leaving hi midnight Monday. ICIaborale plans far the enisrtaln MMit of tlm gMte are under war l haeaniHi their entertainment I to l h ertt from the AtlCtubbe. until they actually are here piibll Milan of the ilMtMltM I prohibited. uMce Ui my that thn Commercial OIi ami Ihnhletti OlnrV committee re bnay arranging mutism. The emblem Club addition to Uh lion l .about completed, mid there a ban 4uet to the vbdtor anil Ideal people 'Will lw sttrved with acatitnodalkHt for rlos to MO. Itentl I receiving all klnia of pub licity already from thu ewurulon. And of course whan It gta hero, and flr II leave, the town will come In TOT a hB Share nr t.ttUll(IH. lor aar.l of hi lrtlAHtl iKni Ik iui!I.ik tine w i orii won iii poror mo jiiiikhi. Tb weekly Miner lamird by Iho Ad Club and mnllrd to each one of :t member, whleh I miNed the "Adlliir- I la," u devutliiK a couplo of imaw neh week to hotliiK llio oxruralon and iMMMtlng Itaud mid urglnK a big otifttllMiant tin the exoiiralon. Iloie II n iwiaid" of one of the "boo!." written by Mnndinll N. Dana of the Oregon Journal, who will be with tka emeu r ton. "Let me kIVp a III tie unaakod ttl moay about the exettraloii to Itond, eplemiior F, mid T. "It will alnnd out aa a land mark 1n tb Ufa of wry man who r tleliMlM. "Not aJnM bfji or the fat thai tbonanada o7 dollar will b pant In raring for na. Not entirety for tka reaaon a new banqant hall la building eaiif rlally for m and a wonderful menu 1 preparing. "Not 'UlUtgoUier. either, for the vividly brlglnnl oHtartalnnient thet will be iirortilMl. two dndld hoid ttllty that will be extended, thb aeln ttlaat atunta that will bo nulled olt "llNt hIihi IrMHHae aordlal llend la tiMtlning aa never feaforo for the r ntloii of vUlture. Oroater honor rould uat be done any gueata than Jlend Una nwaltltiK for uk. The bway, btMiitUnl city on the Sirel ck ie "Silue at l&nr IitcoHie l Thoro nro two ways of strutahlng your Inaoino n wrong way nud n rlg4 wuy. Vou and your wlfo can pull on It from opponllig onda until tho long nuffortiiK U!' unvolopo enspa for hronth, Thnt'n tho wrnrj,- viy. Or you nnd tho liottor liulf can gat right down to lirtiss tniilts and work both qnds agaln tjio mlddlo ho BticcoBsfuUy thnt your Inconio will strotch co n healthy 'linnfc n'ecpunt with uu. Thnt'a tho right way. Try It, Deschutes State Bank -y HL'Ni), OHUOON. SAYSjOSCOE H01RD .Vinci4 Intriiili'il lo ()kii Omiiiiiny' IhHlkN ill Wllll'l' t'WlTt'i Xinv lf iIiim'm (', O. I, Co. .MiuiiiKi-r. No cipitortitiilty Im to lio alven lo naninliie tlm UiokHof illn C. 0. I. IHt., MtMinllmc In (I tract (i m of tlia Walor ITaora AiwiDlHttoii who wow fimii In town yoMiorilay. It wna nil ilomtwil by tliKiii nl tliu niwtlnic hold horo on July 2ft that tlio liooka would lio eiiMiod to their liiHimetton, nonor mI JlanaKr llownrd ImvInK nnld it that tlraa lit wmn roadv i do Hit. Klnm tlion they any Ihoy hava i IfrnnelTiMl Mr Ilownril fo ttrrniiatt for tlH owurtlnnllon and hava mt with A refuaal. nr at ImmI. tt)r any, with iho otTnr of an "xmiilimtlon no hadgwd ahout wlih ruMlrlctlona aa to niaka it ii mure farwi. Ill antwer to a .telanliona Imiulrv till inoinluit for hU aide of tho tm Mr. Howard aiworted that n inlauu duratutiitlliK lind ar1ion aa lo hi Mtatamtut made at the tnratlnc of iho Wntor I'Mem on July ZS. ' llw had no iRiuatlon. he Mid. to onen lib lK)okn to itn h iidl t Miieh aa tho Mirlii tton now eroina to m iilnniilnx. Not only ha would not havo nuthoilty n do tula hut h cohIiI not anlijwt th nimtmiir to the okuohihi that would i Incident in hi. ajmmlnntlon In wlilrli hla Plarka and book kNtr would lw li ponatant uaa. He ha told the director, he aay. that If they will Indicate In writing Juit went ther want to kHOw frmo the romiMHy'a twioka he will unbuilt their atntomettt to hi director and then Inform the water ur what thwy may have. 1RR1THALLED IN Trn IVr Ctinl IVnnlly on Tiiir Xot IV Id by SririnlM'r flrt. IMtlN'KVIM.K. Aug. IB. Counlr Trooiiunr Itnljdi Jordan annouacea nil rn iMat..r.t,. nmianl I'm ml war, rant iti lo anil Inclinl-im Uk. No. nx will kn iwlil when irintml. In. terent (tniHi AiiRURt 27. I OH He alto again eull nttuutlon to the fart that n ten nor rent iionnlty bo eoinoe duo on nil titxoa uiimld 8etH tember flrt. I.MI'IIOVIXt. CM'II QL'AIITKItK. Tliu Coiiuimrrlnl tilub la nrranglng attractive (linrtera In llio Johmon tatlldlNK on Wall atroet. The larne atoro room, on the aouth Vide of the building, haa been aecurml. the city waving part of the rent and alao Holding enuncll meet fug ihre. The Club la Inatalllng romrnrtabh rhalti mid other furnllMr. and idana in maintain a room not unit for nuhltr meotlne of all klnda. hut one that alo will prove a comfortable nlao for people to gat bar. KXI'MIVS AltlU.NOICMICXT. In ronnectlou with the new co operative car rate from Central Ore hh point to Portland on hoc. J. r llnrtlr of the Orouon Trunk esplaln that thla rale, which wh nut into of fer! by both DuMhtitos Vallev Hao. appllea on no routo except Ihoee 1 1 Central Oregon. Tlio onrlond rat aiuil'ea from the first point where shipment ere rocelvod. and the hIiIp pera ara dob It ml with a charge of $7.60 for each auheoauent atop where more hog are plnead In tie car. .. AIRS. E. A. SMITH IS BIO WINNER Till Vcnr Tliiw Wpip .$"! l.ntilp.H .Mit. O. H. HikUoii Won, Cup for Hwt (Jencnil l).iy 4iiIIim fii-rvo lti'fiiilnaciil, 'fu AM. The third annual flower ahow. held under the i)ddB gf thu l.dbM li brary Club, wng gold Saturday, and in attoiidaiHH'. aumlw t etrle and beauty of the flowflra dlaplayad pror ed the largest and moat ucceaaful yet held. In all there were 173 In- oiviuuai entrio. aa agalnat M for iai year, mm more iiihu loo price were awarded for cut llowera, boalde inany ror vegetable and for chll dreu' iixbllilt. Till ywir thu llinblem Club cup for tho mottt attractive 'general dlaplav of cut (lower m won by Mra. C. . IliidMon. Mr. R. A. Smith wn awarded cecond prlie and In addltl n roally carried off the taurola of the ahow. for nhe won even flmt urim. and four seconda, a well a alx flralal in vegeiniue eslilbtl. Mr. Putnam won eeven firata and fire tconri.. A large crowd gathered at the Mean building from two o'clock until len. ItefroKliHiontM wm nerved an I the receipt from thla and aalc of flower brought In $6t 7o to the Li brary. Tho ludgoa were Mr. More. houe. Mr. K. A. Oehmo of Portland. a aleler of Mr. .1. A. ICante. and I). Itarne of Laldlaw. There were ao many exhibit, anl many of them were o large, that when alt worn In place many wero crowded, making It (iirtlcult to JHdge and hard to properly duiiday aome of tho exhibit, n fault which will be overcome noxt year by providing more tabic. Itelow I tho complete llL of tho prlie winner: 8 wept Peae: lied, 11 Mr. K. A. Smith. 2nd Mr. K. A. Hmlth: White. Int. Mr. Kumt. 2nd. Mr. K. A. 8111IO1: Lavender. 11 Mr.' . A. Hmlth. 2nd. Mr. Putnnm: Pink. lt Mr. H. A. Smith. 2nd. Mr. Purer; lllue. let. Mr. II. A. Smith. 2nd Mm. Putnnm: Salmon, let. Margaret ThoniHHin. 2nd. Mr. Wtlkoy. Oroat ot variety, Mnrsnro? Tliompnon. 2nd Mr. K. A Hmlth. llot bunch. old color. 1 Mnrgnret ThomtMon, 2nd Mr. Kumt. Ilct wcot tioaa rcgard ! of color. 1L Mr. Overturr. 2nd Mr. Tlioinnron. Porennlal iiena, let Mr. Ultla. 2nd Mm. Vlnyard. IltMee lied. !t Mrg. Oorturf. 2d Mr. Thoraen: Ptnk. let r. Mat tek. 2nd. Mr. Maddoek: Yellow, or Cream, lat Mr. Iludnon- Bwt col- 1 lecilon. 11 Mt. J. N. Hunter. JnJ Mr, inne. Panalea lt. Mr s. v.. Uoliert. 2nd. Mr. Wllkey Arttmic arranae inent of Pansle let. Mr. Hobort. 2nd, Mr. Overturr. Honorable men tion. Mrs. Mclntoah. Pink, regnrdle of color Double 1st Mr. K. A. Smith. 2nd. Mrs. He rein: Single. Ibi Mr, nyram, 2nd Mr. Putnam. Carnation Ned. no on trie: While 1. Mr Vlnvnrrt nd Mr. Ilyram: Pink, Int. Mr. Wllkey. 2nd (Continued on page S.) PLUMBING and Plumbing Supplies A Complete Stock to Choose from Bend Hardware Company TIIK COMPAXY THAT PUT TIIK "WK.YH" IX ILVUDWAItK. DEMOCRATIC CANDI DATE ON RECORD Haul flldo Mini Hoy The Old Timer uru Lining t'p I'or County Division Ho llpJlctPM Muto Will Curry In Kiiit KhiI of Vok County "I favor county dlvurio. I believe It will aarry. Over in my taction v. will got a good majority, uhmmm I am greatly mlataken." No acid K. II. Knox of Pot, Democratic candidate for tliu ofUce of Hbertff. Mr. Knox added tnnt be bellavM It I only fair that tho people of the old county give the move the rofiiflr d 3;, mr rent vote, o that thoo la tho now territory may havo ti fair opportunity to get the new county, If thoy want It. or remain, if they want to. "If the majority of the voters moat affected want dlvtolon. they ahould have It." raid Mr. ICuox. He added that he believed the move will re ceive a majority vote In old Crook county, while of courao aaeured or great anpport In tho northern end. In Jeffereon comity. Mr. Knox and other bring the new that all the "Old Timer" seem to bo lined up for division. In the pt they have felt that the time wae not ripe for the move, but now the! are convinced that It I wise for all concerned to let the weat aide dis trict conduct their own affair. .Mr. Knox homo la about 30 mllea aoutheaRt of Prlnevllle. He spent Friday hare, meeting many local men. He will bane his campaign on strict law enforcement and promt of economic admlalstratlon. should lip Im elected. Mr. Knox is himself a heavy taxpayer. NEW STARJOUTES Coiitriiets DniMii for T lreaWrck Mali S4-rlc to Mllllrun. WASHINOTOX. Aug. 20. Special mall sorvlco has been ordered discon tinued August 31 from itend .0 Ilrothor. Hold to Dry Lake and Itend to Mllllcun. Four year contracts have bcea mndo for Star sorvlco from Brothers by Mlllloan to Horn! twlee n week; Dry Lake to Hold, twice a week. DIES OF APPOPLEXY Joo TpkaHiHi KuctuiiiIm White Walk, lug to lleud from I-aldlmv. The lody of Joe Tokampa wan found early Sundav morning on the road between llend and Utdlaw. where he had fallen and died aa the result of an appoplectlc stroke. Kx amlnation by physicians at the Cor oner's inquest showed thnt a dot ut blond had formed on the left side jf the brain, enunlug practically instan taneous death. Tokamim. who Is a net-man, was walking from Camp C on the Tumal-i Project toward Hend. when death overtook him. Coroner Polndexter and Dr. Ilosenberg cam over In the Sheriff's car before uoon Sunday, a PfliNEVlLLE COMMERCIAL . CLUB ROWSABCUT DIVISION I'mlt I Xot on Committee, n Minted iiHi.ln Agalnt Kffort to Plnro Club on Itcronl In .Matter. The Ilullpttn ntatod last wook that It wae understood Hiram B. Prntt of the Crook County High School wa on a Prlnevllle Commercial Club comnilttee organised to fight county divtslon. Thl wa wrong. Tka th'rd member of the committee, with John Iloll, and A. It. Bowman, hi C. M. rtlklH. Word had come to fknt'l that Mr. Pratt was one of the leader fn the "roar" agalnat division, and that he was making strenuous effor'a 11 IMI KM iBiUHAUilanl MHillilMla started agalnat J. F. Ulanehard. be cause the latter had pledged his sup port to division. However, The Bul letin thla morning received a lettar from Mr. Pratt In which he says h? ,ha no knowlodg" or any move to bring out an Independent candidate for county commieeloner. It I slated on good authority thnt the Prlnevllle Commercial Club Is harlnic a huge row over tho division matter. Apparently some of the ntetnbf rs got togother and passed res olution coniloainlng the move, a re ported In The llulletln lnt week. Now others who favor It declare that such action was ill-advlscd. and re sent tho fact that some especially In terested persons sliould plunge the Institution Into the fight and attempt to spread the linproeelon that Prlne vllle hi unanimously against the di vision move. when, as a matter of fact, It seems pretty well divided. LOWE RECOVERS CHAPS Hnrry Ktcwnrt Obliged to Pay Court Coot In Com? Sat unlay. Tho ownership of a pair of white chaps that had graced the legs of Harry Stewart for the iiest few months was decldod In Justice Bas tes' court on Saturday. According to n lurv thov linloncnd to I). I.ntrn and he now become the cbap wltlii tne cyapd. According to the evidence I .owe lost the chaps last fall. A short time ago he saw Stewart wearing what ho thought wore his furry legs and brought tho suit to recover them. Stewart proved the purchase from Willis Noland for $10. X&land hai left the country, but evidence wo brought out to the effect that be got the chap from an uncle In Pendleton aa a Chrlatmas present. Charles E.--aklnn was attorner ror Lowe, and If. 1L D Armond fir Stewart. The case was tried In JuiIro Bastes' court, and the Jury brought In a verdict ror Lowe, ordering the- cbape. returned ti blm and Stewart to pav costs. - The chapa. It Is understood, were worth about $17. and the court cost were SBo. The Jurv was composed of Dick Vaadavert, Dennla Carmodv. Ttav Lambereca. Frany May, J. P1 John son and It. M. Mlntor. UKXD V. PItlXKVILLK. Arrnngemonta have Just Iteen com pleted for a ball game with the Prlne vllle team to be plaved on the Bond street grounds en Sunday afternoon. A dance for the benefit or the local tfrani will be given at Bather's lUil Saturday night. m FiiW rtjf 15e First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON U. V. COB, Tresldent K. A. SATHER, Vice- President C. a HUDSON, Cashier Capital fully paid $S5,0K Surplus iiiSGi TO TRAVELERS: The American Bankers Travelers Ghecks are not now issued by the Banks, owing to the war. If you are going away secure one of our LETTERS OF CREDIT which may be cashed at Hotels, Banks and other places without identification. Sums may be obtained on them as needed, saving the danger of carrying currency, and buying drafts. We do not make any charge for them and you will find they are very convenient. - - . . TEe FIRST NATIONAL BANK: OF BEND DIRECTORS - U. C.Cou E. a.Sathkk ". s. Hudson O. M. Pattkhson H. f . Et.r.13 fee 'QSCf KBKlr SHV 'OS?!? XSOTO iC)CM) THREE MURDERTRIALS SCHEDULED Moot Important Chc I Thnt or Heii ry Mcliimelt, Who Killed Avery HeogKln Mel'licixm mnl yttf Ibinlcl nrc up for Itetrtul. PRINHVILLOC, An. 21 -With Uie heaviest criminal docket in view n tho history not only of Crook coun ty, but of tne Seventh Judicial Dis trict, circuit court will convene here Tuesday, September S, In a little more titan two weeks. There will he three murder trial aloao whleh will strain the prosecuting attorney's of. flee to tho utmost, throwing more work upon that official than has cvr boon the lot of a public prosecutor in tho district. Aside from the nurdor trials. John McPherson. who was nwerded a new trial lif Ihn uin,AMA ... Mf i.. ...... ., .av siiiuini; IUUII, Hl OIM pear for trial. Jack Harper, who ws secretly Indicted for a statutory of fense at the March term, and was ap prehended at Freewater. will Bland trial, while titer nro a number of defendant that have been hold to the grand Jury In which new Indict ments will, no doubt, be returned Court will not adjourn for three or tour weeks. Of most Interest, perhaps. Is the Scoggln esse. Henry McDowell is 1 1 the county Jail held without bonds on a charge or murder la the fir: dogrco ror shooting: Avery Scoggtn at tho breakrast table on July 31, the details or which were given at tho time of the miinlnr It ( live ly that eminent counsel will be cm- piojcu uom uy me state and the de fendant ror this trial. In connection With this cone, nn TiiMdnir nt Ihla week Mrs. Mollle B. Seoccin. widow of Avery Seoggln, was arrested, charged with being Jointly rcsposl ble with Henry McDowell for th death or Scoggln. She was bound over to the grand Jury aer a hear ing before Justice of tho Pea en A. It Bowman. She wns represented bv N. G. Wallace, who defending Hen ry McDowell, -H. s. Wilson of-Pen-land will defend botli on trial In the circuit court, it Is understood. The evidence showed merely that Mrs. Scoggln and McDowell had a conversation a minute before the trogedy. McDowell left her on tlw front porch within n few feat of th place whore hor husband was mur dered, went up stairs after the rltt and returned and killed her husband Her attitude since the shooting bai been one of protection and delen of McDowell rather than sorrow at her hualiand's demise. It. G. Sheldon is in Jail, charge with murder In the first degree fo. poisoning his Infant son only a fe hours old by giving It laudanum. Thn Saoldons reetdod at the Compton & Dee sawmill on Willow Creok at the time or thS crime, whleh was last June. Gavlord McD&nlel. who shot and killed Herman Poch December 31. 112. will be retried for murdor t the second degree the supreme court having awardad him a new trial. M- (Continued on page ."..1 WKC iJ K?0 fXYJ"etma nam, m ()($) fj3pta09 fTA rTlsj (:W (ftzi (Tk 'S jifvi firursi wjsi fPux ,y3v tvi'j