PAGK A. TIIK llliNI) lll'MiKTlN, 1KNI, OUK WKDNKSIUY, AUOl'HT 10, 1011. 29 IAS 1JW1H whAt Voters vll FACE NOV. 3 Secretary of Stnto lsiuc Jtooklrt to Voters llrlcf ItcMimo of HhcIi I'roiMisltlon Irovidctl for Their Reference wul Convenience. Co)lo6 of tho Initiative paniphlot, Issued by Secretory of Stnto Uen Wr Oloott, nro being mailed to every registered voter In tho state. The jiroioseil constitutional amdndments nnd measures contained therein nro to bo submitted to tho voters nt tho general election on November 3. There, aro 19 proposed amend ments to tho stnto constitution and 10 proposed Initiative measures In tho pamphlet Tha legislature referred eight proposed constitutional amend ments nnd two measures to the peo- Vple, and 11 proposed constitutional amendments and eight mensures -wcro initiated through tho efforts of 'various persons or organizations. Tho proposed constitutional amendments and measures referred to tho voters by the legislature are uh follows: Amendment of section 2 of article II of tho constitution, so as to re quire voters to bo cltlxens of tho United States. At present foreign ers, who nt lenst one year prior to tho day of election, hnvo declarod Uieir intention to become citizens nro en titled to vote. Provides for IJcutennnt Governor. Amendment of section S of nrtlclo V of tho constitution, creating the ofUco of lleutennnt governor, which official shall serve as president of the senate and while so doing receive a salary of $10 a day. Amendment of section G of article XV of the constitution, providing fori the consolidation of city and county governments in counties having u city of over 100,000 population. Vhero suoh consolidations would be made the city and county boundaries would bo mado Identical and tho por tions of tho county outsldo of tha clly boundaries would bo formed Into a new county or annexed to adjacent counties. Amendment of section 7 of nrtlclo Xf nf iVin AnniMldtlMn if ADnlltn ttlO ' stnto to bond Itself or Incur Indebt edness in excess of $50,000 for building nnd maintaining permanent roads, constructing Irrigation and power projects nnd developing un titled landfl. but limiting the total indebtedness for road purposes to 2 ner cent, and the total indebtedness 'or Irritation and power projects and developing untitled lands to 2 per cent of the assessed valuation of all the property in the state, making -I per cost for both. Tnx MeflMiros Proposed. Amendment of section 32 of art'ele I of the constitution, omitting the requirement that "all taxation Bhall be equal and uwlforni," and provid ing for Uvy and collection of tax under general laws for public purpos es only. Amendment f wMon 1 rf arfr'e Ia of tho constitution, providing for tho eUosittcatton of proport) for tax ation prpoM. Thin Is a companlo i Amendment of tho on preceding and to Intended to ojien the way for a re organisation of the mot hod of niak Ine taxation atwotameats. Amendment of article XI of tho constitution, by adding a soctioa au thorizing the enactment of a gen ral law to enable an .'ncorporated town, city or municipality, by a voto of the olectors Interested, to surrender Us charter and be merged into an ad Joining city or town. Amendment of Boctlon 19 of ar ticle IV of tho constitution, inrret Ing tho salary of members of th legislature from $3 to $5 a day Two tax measures, one prnv'dlne for so anouat tax of one-fortieth of a mill for the maln'ensnre' Southern Oregon State Normal scho ! at Aflhlaad, and the other providing for the same amount of tax for the maintenance of the Bastem Oregon Normal seHool at Watton. Doth or those schools have beeu eloaed to several years. The ecnatltHtional a nwiil !'' i posed and measures Initiated by th neoplo are as fclows- Amendment of artee 15 of the constitution, providing for a univer sal oJght-hour law for employe in ajl llne of endeavor, whether phvs lool labor or mental employment, farm-hand or profeHional assistant A measure providing for an e'ht hour day and certain room ventila tion far all female workers. A mensuro providing for Bi non partisan judlolarv nnd prohibiting rnirty nominations for judicial of fice. Measures to Savo Waterfront. Public docks and warfronta piendmont to the constitution, re serving to tho noople of the state forover their rights in the beds of nnvlqahln streams. Municipal wharves nnd dorks Mil -MHinrj7lni olfs finr' ournB n con struct, operate nnd maintain wharves, docks, etc.. or to loase suiimerged lands for the construction of private wharves, etc. . Stnte-wlde prohibition constitu tional amendment. Constitutional amendment abolish ing tho death penaltv. Anigndment of article 9 of the constitution, providing for n sneciflr personal graduated extra tnx on real estate assessed over $25,000. rA moasuro to consolidate tho cor poration department with tho state insurance department. A measure to abolish the state board of dental examiners and pre scribing who shall bo entitled to practice dontlstry in this stnto. Won Aimed nt "Single Tax.' Amendment to tho constitution making tho terms of nil county offi cers four yenrs. A mensuro to require, tho governor to appoint n commission of live mom bora to drntt a tnx code. A mensuro to nbollsh tho Desert iLnud Hoard nnd reorganizing cortntn stnto olllces. Amendment to tho constitution providing for proportional represen tation In tho stnto legislature Amendment to tho constitution to abolish tho stnto senate. Cousltutlonal amendment estab lishing n department of Industry nnd public workR for tho employment of tho unemployed of tho state, nnd raising funds thorefor by Imposing nn additional Inheritance tnx. A mensuro providing for n primary delegnto election, nnd legalizing tho assembly method of recommending party nominations. Constitutional amendment limiting taxation exomptlo.ns to $300, nnd providing that a two-thirds voto will be required to mnko further amend ments to thla section. Its avowed purpose Is to "kill oft tho single tnx in this state. GOVERNMENT L W 0 0 $70,000 for Mckenzie ROUTE Ktcnlvo Hvpcudlturcs Will bo Mario on Trans-Mountain HlRlnvny untl Annual Appropriations Vor Up keep Alio 570,000 Available FOIt BAI.K TO HIGHEST lUDDKU. For cash, lots 1 and 3 of block 3 North Addition to Uond (former lo cation of Evergreen rooming house); nil bids must be received by mo on or before August 31st, 1914; no bid un der $500 considered. I will notify successful bidder by wire, September 1st. 1914; leave bids at offlco or 0. S. Ilentson. Uond, or send direct to Dr. II. D. nrown, Fort Myers. Flori da. 23-2Ic. Is It Done Right? (who ""I "Ms w) If It to. let wll enough ilon Hut un Ufa It U up to th toark in vvcry dttull com and ar ua. LOW PRICES, BETTER SERVICE ffcnd Steam Laundry. AND DIIY CLEANING . Put Your Duda In Our Suds" That -about $70,000 will bo avail able from (luvornment funds for work on tho MoKenzto pasa road, to bo utIUxod In tho Foront Itoservcs on both sides of tho summit, desplto tho lack of co-operation of Crook coun ty, Is tho welcome nows that comes from Kugono nt tho westorn end of tho route. While Supervisor Morltt of the lo cal Forest Oltlce. says ho hna not yet been advised ofllclnlly of this action, he has been expecting It. Ho says ho Is sure tho road work in the re serves will bo dono on this ns well ns tho other sldo of thoumml. Tho Kugono Hogtstor says: "Urlnglng tho nows of tho decision of the forestry orrtclnls to nllow $70,000 for tho continuation of tho road work over tho MeKonzIo pass and cnthUBlnstlc over the excellent work that has already been dono over tho summit of tho Cascades, C. It. Seltz, 8Uiorv'sor of tho Cascade National Forest. II. Thompson, county Judge nnd Wnltor CJrlllln. vice president of tho I.ano county (loud Roads nssoclntlon. returned to Ku- geno last evening from their trip to Sisters, beyond the summit, made In comimny with throe ohlclnls prom inent In tho forostry cspartmont. "Not only will the government fur nish $70,000 for the continuation or tho work, but between $2,000 and $3,000 a yoar will be given for the maintenance of the road within the forest reserve. " After the engineers had sited up the situation,' said Mr. Seltz last night, 'they Informed me that the money would bo available for tho completion of the road over the sum mit and besldos tho money for main tenance will be added. I will at once place my mon and machinery on tho job and will push tho work as long ns the weather win permit,' " 1 iKJBLMWU.' Prohibition Boomed! After G4 yonra of activity by tho f Honda of prohibition tho average American today consumes almost six times as much liquors ns did tho avorago American of 1850. In spito of this there it leai drunkenness. With this wondorful chango for tho bottor, prohibition has had nothing whatever to do. Tho real reason is found In tho fact that today thoro is a vastly greater amount of beer consumed. And boor is not conducive to drunken ncss. Prohibition is a failure and has had but ono effect whorovcr tried: to put n ban upon tho opon nnd abovo -board drinking of beer and other light bov e rages and to drlvo men to secret, immotlerato drinking of tho strongest stimulants. This is notably truo of Mnino, a prohibition state. There is ten times as much drunkenness per capita as thoro is in Franco. Paid Advertisement K. . UMtlCII, Chamber of Commerce, tend, Oregon Port llKAL KfiTATK TIUX8FKUS. lNMtrl by CrtMik County Abstract Co. Kenwood Promotion Co. to Wni. Wolfo Its. 7 nnd 8. blk. 13, Kenwood. U. 8. to Wm. II. Strcot patent SH NW. S NB. N'H S NVi SB 2-S-21-23. V. S. to Anton rtossbachor patent 8W 8V 14, NVs SIC, SIS SB 1, NW 23-22-SS. U. R. lo Chaa. CampMI nateit NW Hh). SB NW, Wi4 NK 40-11.17. llend Co. to C. A. Joiim 15 ft. It. 7, all S. 9, blk. 13, llend. Uend Park Co. to Oeo. Spnthn It. 3, blk. 12, llend Park, $20u. Hand Pnrk Co. to Wm. Illmmels. hash. It. 4, blk. 14, Riverside. It. II. Doynrmond to L. M. Itlch ardson, It. 11, blk 19, Cented add, Uond. O. C. Hankie to Orpha Mark fi acres n SB Nit 20-17-1 1. J. Snow Parmlnter to Titos. Par mlnter It. 28, blk SS. I. a Pine. V. S. to Harry O. Webb patent 8V NW, NW 8W 23-13-15. Uond Co. to W. C MrCulston It. 4 blk. 18, Park odd, llond. )BiiajaBigiiBwiffJt The Hoard Cannot Iks Hettrred, Tho Iron is Gunruntcod Forever. amwmwmatmssMw$iemmf!Si mt i sum wesjsiwwpfHHBggi cssav ss i mwm?m&wm mmM i filihr. fc &tr. h HK rrk VrSTSWflTP&fll WftV W Wfl afflssaaaasTiaiiiinssiil - - . . , . flm WftlKB'wS'HiS'ft HH ! 1 11 9 B 8 1 E 8 S II I bend Water Light & M mm BUB iiiiiliiliiiilll lillllllli 1 rower o. IlliilglPi sSgSSiu IS an? (He Z V (ld'&&tfii&iaBiQiaiQiaiQiBiaiBiai ESBfaisfflfflfflariris' ilmmmmmfommirmf! iiiiliiliiiiiliiiii mm fill illiiliilllliw oKs aEJ2Ja& m an inauaiiwi a a um n . & a a a a s m s sss a ua atmrn i t.i' iaii u y BnBB9 8SHSss8KB9tfaffii 8 be SSlffi8SigS! S& ii i8 ffl fi fflfflgiS llit- H: InmnzrFiw? mm liiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiis 2Srarjmti)rir3r2JSsll!la SrSftihJ's Mir iiri)!iimffiratl rrSriJgi tSrsi THE LIFE CAREER "SflioolliiK In youth ihntitil limtUblr ! rilmlril l irHtf a non In lli ll f r (lie tri prtniMidil iHtiiiiatlon lut wlikli i Utlil"-l,inlciHC W llllut Tltl l Hie MlMlon ol III OREGON AGRICULTURALCQLLEGE Pnr(y.Ulh School Vear Opens SBPTIsIBER iStli, 1914 Wtllr for llliislintrd toopn llnok' Ift, "HID I in. CAHM'K." slid lut CtU Ior fiml.ilnliiE lull Infill in.illuii igtf fitnt - A'liiiriii fimn t AKroniuuvAnlinnlMiiMMiidiy.nnltylluv bandty, Poultry HuMinmlry. Il'il(iillure. ARrkultutr (or TMihrt I DKISIUY, I.OOtllNn NOINt'MtINd IIOAll' tico. NOMICS: UomeMli S icikp. UmnMtlc Art, HNdlNI'liKINd: hlKtrlinl, Inlentlon, UlRhwnVi Mrlinnl(nl, Chenilt nl, Mlnlnc. Ceramics. COMMLKUt. I'HAHMACY. IMMISTUIAI. AltTS Vomhtiwl Conrvi- Acrlniltiirp, Dairy Ipr, Howe Makrin' Cournr. IndiiMrial Arp, forestry. Mutlnrs Short Course .S'AiHo -ljr I'lano, Strlnc, Dsiid, Voke Cultute. l:tnnri tloilrx" 0 by Mill Frr. A.IJlf.. rlllt HKIUHTHAH, (twT.IMn ) ChuiIIK Oirgnn Sum hi 'i j 1 1 . 1 1 1 ii"i V. T. fircone, Hopklnton, N. II., writes tho followliiK letter, which will lutoreat ovory ono who has kid ney trouble, "For over n year, Mrs. Oroeno had boon ntltlcted with n very stubborn kldnoy trouble, Toley Kid ney Pills dono moru to complnln her rcoowry than any tnodtolno sho has tnkon nnd I feci it my duty to rocoiu. mend them." Pnttoruon DrtiK Co. Adv. OIIURGII NOTICES HnptUt. DII1I0 school lo 11. in. ProarliliiK sorvicn II o'clock, subject, "Tho Or igin of Mnn." A I'nlon yuuiiK poii pin's inmitliiK will bo hold In tho evoiiltiR buKHtnliiK nt 7 o'clnuk. Tho Innder will ho chosen by tho I0p wotth I.enKUo. A I'nlou aurvleo of tho MntliudiHt, I'rosliytDiliin nnd Ilup tlst churchi'H will bo held In 'ho lliiptlnt church litiKlniiliK ut 8 o'clock. llov. U. A. Hinlth will pit'noll tint snrmon, sulijoct, "(littherliiic Mniinu." Coino and brhiK your frliiudn. Wml ttnsdny ovviiIiik lrnyar uiootlXB H o'olook. IC. (1. .ludd, piiHtor. Cliiirch of the lli-elhicii Horvk'fM trnoh iilteriinln fliiiiiliiv In tliu M. B. church at .1 p. in.. Ner vlues next Humid)'- Iru II Kox, Min ister. 4 Presbyterian. Tho Prnshyterlnu sitrvpin nott Hiinday will bo hm follows: Miiiidav soliool nt 10 a. nif preaehliiK at 11, theme, "PHrtNiiml Coutaet with Joa ns." The third sorvlco In the snrlo of uiiluu mvotliiKH will bo hold In th" llnptlst church. II. C. Iliirtraiirt, pastor. MethodUt. PrenohliiK ut tho iuoniIiik hour, 1 1 o'rlnok. Thoro will bo no nvon ItiK service on account of the Union sorvlco. Honda)' school 10 n. in. Prayer ineulliiK Thursday 8 p. in. C. A. Hinlth. ItofreMh yourself with n cold drink. Pull plats at S and 10 cents. Ameri can llakery Adv SStf Cllrulaxl It's n laxative, of course and tho nicest hot weather drink you ovor tasted, Klimliun thoroughly, and pleasantly, too. P. 0. Cryslor, Hyra ciino, N. Y., nays: "Have lined laxa tives for K years but this Oltrolsx has Kotl'verythltik le boat n mile." Try II. Patterson DrtiK Co. Adv. BRICK WORK I havo built ctery brick bonne In llend crcx'tcil by rontrnct. WOHK Till'. IH5HT. PI1ICI4S TUB M)WliST. SATI.SPACTION AIISOI.lTKI.V m'AHAXTItHO. SAND FOR, SALE The Xx-ot obtaluitblo at tho loucot price In InrKo or small itiantllloH, I have Hie oxrhiNlro privilege for sand In all G. (). I. Company ditches. JACK TANSEY 111! IfSfr-ifrirfwtn 'splllnilsid'lilli ifll liPll WHILE THEY j IfiP llllliliiliiil last 111111111 El !fi! I ililiillii III Folding Ironing Board llli SB !ii li II &i ! IB S lillliii li I 'itn Every Electric Iron 111111 1 iiifjffillll I 1 11 P III II II I ie reu'ar Pee S is I IS il $ -lli 1111111131 $3.75 Il!IMtllMSII5(lfflll The New Perkins Hotel A PORTLAND, OHECON extends to you a cordial invitation to make this hotel your headquarters. THOROUGHLY RENOVATED AND REFITTED. Ilooms without hath $1.00 nnd up. Rooms with private Imth $1.30 nnd up. LOCA TION CENTRAL. REST of SERVICE. A RESTAURANT WITH FOOD AND PRICES RIGHT. C. II. SHAKER, Malinger I Building Material . LUMBER, SHINGLES w J The Miller Lumber Company bend, Oregon. - 5 . St toandy Livery & Auto Co. NEW AUTO TRUCKS Will bo put on botwoon Uond nnd Silver Lnko April 1. HEND-LA PINE $2.00 BRNn.FItKMONT 81,00 HKNU-wmrnocK $ BEND-SILVKU LAKE.. $5.00 Reasonable Rates will bo clmriroi en nil Exprons nnd UnirKnKO. CALIFORNIAr MILL 4 Jr W,