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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1914)
'J l'HK IIKNI) liUMf.TI.V, IIKXII, OHK., WKDNl.HDAY. AUGUBT II!, 1911. PAOK r. k PREPARE U D FOR mil HPIJNT IN I'llKPAIIINO I.ANII FOR CHOI IM NI.VHH WAHTIII) VSLV.HH LANII IH PROPKRIA PHKPAHKI) Hl'VWMH IH UNCIiH TAIN HKHII .Mimr IIIIHT IN PIIIM HOlIi, IIOOTH t . MUHT IIAV1. L'HANCK TO TAKK IIOMi HOIIi HlUiUItU HK PACKIIO (lly Count Agriculturist A. H. I.OVBTT.) Oan of tliti most Important factors In thu production of a Rood crop Ik (ho sued bod or surfnuo 10II In which tho crop U to be grown. Kicept the Innd In properly prepared for the crop, the success of tbn crop planted on It U ii big gamble sud the odds nrti against the nimbler who planti Ihn seed. Them ihuuld he n good r en son (or ovary farm operation i If not for a purpose, why do ItT In preparing thu land for a crop, nl leant three things favorable to that crop must ho considered. The seed mint rest In a anil Drm enough Hint the seed may come In contact with innlNt earth on nil di, tlm root a nf the growing plant mint ho able to obtain n Rood toot. hold and mola Hirct; and there miiat ho mioimh plant food and niolxtura to Rrow and iim turn Hid plant. When water la nvallahte for IrrlRnllnn, the prepare Hon of the land la Renerally eaahr heeauw not only la the aoll, to n car tain extent, packed by wettlnx the land but aUo more water may be add rd when the aupply In the aoll la ex liautted. However, too much depen ilence upon this "soaking" of the land aa a means of pnklng the aoll 1m a mistake (for there are Renerally Israe nlr aparea prfarnt even after the aoakliiR of newly plowed land I nnd the preparation outlined below will apply Renerally to Irrigated na well an dry rarmliiR sections It 1 practically nlwaya brat to pre kho the land for the crop several month before that crop la to bo planted. Tb I a la for the purpoo of not only allowing the land to thor oughly pack and make n roupilete Joint with the aubaoll but also al lowing the liberation nf more plant hiofl for the RrowliiR crop If thla la done, a Unlit dlklng or thorough lisrrolng of the land before the crop la all that la neeiHuutry. In thla case nlo, nlth the plowing aeven or more Inohea deep, the seed and plant find Hie favorable rondlllona aa above out lined. If for any reason the plowing can not he attended to at leant three ' month the crop I to be planted, the Held should not he plowed an deeply nnd It ahould be packed. Till pack n BRICK WORK I bare built eiery brick lioiue In Itcnil crrctcU by contract WOHIC Till. IlKHT. I'ltlCliH Till. Ml WKHT. HATIHFACriO.V AIWOLUTKIA' (.UAItANTKKI). SAND FOR. SALE Tbo bct obtainable at lite lo.vrat prices In largo or email qnattlltlr. I have the erlulve prirlleKC for aand In all O. O. I. Company illtcbrs, JACK TANSEY H' Vn A' ED CROWN Hie Gasoline of Qualify POWER MILEAGE ECONOMY LfiRGEn riELDS COUNTY COURT ing doea not refer to the visible sur facn Jjut to thu loono HUb.surface; thui, a roller will not uaually do the work properly na It packa only the aurface nnd not the aub-aurface, We must use a tool that wilt pack the un der part of the plowing: nnd assist In making a complete Joint with thu aub-aoll or itnplowed earth below, Tbn beat tool for thla packing l the regular aub-aurface packer and land ahould be worked until It 'a firm. If Impossible to obtain thla sub-surface packer, uio a common dlak-harrow, netting the disk atralght nnd adding weight enough that It will go to or near the bottom of the plowed land. J.lther the pack er or the dlak will leave the aurfacu looae, a It ahould be, but, In walk lug over the field you will notice a great difference In the flrmneaa of thu aub-aoll aurface. Try It out, Ilend flutter la lieat on Dread. Ivy poltonlnjr, awtuiar of lh niti, bit and attni of InMots, stui ntck an J lm bicx should b treat with Ballard's SNOW LINIMENT a k.Htaalla.d MMl-Affia tlli IV IIMWfiWJ WWI -..- flu innammaiion. ri. con tracttd muielt and rtora ...!, i.-j .rnnrftf lnn. TTnr hall ins cut, wound, burn or aealds. thor I nothing Ilk It in mo noon mi oi agnt. It cure by a mild Powr that I mor tttetlvo I. .It Imh iiftrah llnl a.m VPtian ttl.t..f in luwma ,..... .mum rlitumatle paint, neuralgia, or aeiaiica. l wonurui pimiiai- inT ana rtiifTini inuuiu.i -. tl-wlM 11 I Hfi All around liouithold llnlmnt that I uirul in a tnouiana w.71 and It application i always -! M . -.mMjII a.Aaill. --La Kil MH.I atf Jfl- JamiF.Dallard.Prop. 8tLaul.Mo. Uit BUphto Bya ! for uort ity. ik 3oioAloRtCOWWCMOHl Patterson Drug Co. I - oc County Court of Crook County Htate of Oregon. rtegular adjourned aeaalon of .July term of County court for Crook county, Oregon, convened at S o'clock p, m. tbla 3rd day of Auguat, 1914. I'rcHent, 0. Hprlnger, Judge, pr aiding, Willi. W. Drown, Commix aloner, Warren drown, Clerk, Frank Klkln. Sheriff. Whereupon the following proceed Inga were bad tc-wlt; Itoport of D. V, Btewart glvlns tbe eaat route nround the Hayea ranch da the beat location for the Nowaom Creek Itoad, received and approved. Itoad ordered located and opened accordingly a per agreement of panic. In the matter nf county relief. On the application of Caroline Hchelfler for relief, ordered that alio bo granted $10 per month until fur ther order beginning Auguat 1, 19H, In the majter of widow' peoalon for Kdlth Atwator. Application of Kdlth Atwator, mother of one child under alxteeii, for widow'! penalou nnd lnvitlgat or'a report approved. Order grant ing pentton In the aum of ten dollar per month In the mutter of wldowa pcnalon of Mnry II. Olbaon. Order of July 10th. 1013, whereby claimant wa allowed a pcnalon of $17. do per month reclnded na ono child became sixteen year of age July 3, 1011. Order granting ten dollar per month to take effect July lt, 10H. In the matter of road dlitrlct Si. 39. Report of Andrew llehren. auper vlnor of Itoad District No. 39 receiv ed and approved, llondtmen order ed reloatid on requested by report. In the matter of claim of J. Q. Clark. Itoport of Itoad Kuporvlior Hoy Newell on damngea claimed by J. (J. Clark for coat of fencing on Gateway. Ashwood road received. Court or dered n warrant drawn In favor f J (I Clark In the mint of $100.00 In the matter of high sohool wood. Wm. II. Ioftln given ordor for 80 cord of wood for County High school on same terms nnd conditions as he Is to furnlah wood for thu court housf Tlmo on the two contract to be extended one month. Adjourned until August 6, 1911, at the hour of ten a. m. Itogular adjourned sesRlon of July 19H term of court reconvened nt o'clock p. m., this fifth day of Aug ust. 1914. Present, O. Springer. Judge, pro viding; R. 11. Ilaylcy. Commissioner: Willis W. Ilrown. Commissioner; Wnrrcn Ilrown. Clerk; Frank Kl ktna. KhorlfT. Whereupon the following proceed Inga were had towll: In the matter of the Deep Canyon bridge. IIIII presontcd showlnit $1128.89 to have, been expended with credit of $727. f.O. Clerk Instructed to draw warrant for $701.39 la payment of same. Warrant to be drawn on (Jen ernl Fund. In the metier nt the I'ott Ilrldse over Crooked river. Clerk Instructed to draw warrtnt In tbe sum of $3600.00 In favor of the Const lirldge Company In pa tnent of one 1 2.1x1 8 foot high truss riveted span aa per contract of Julv 18. 1914. Warrant i bo drawn on General fund. In tho matter of work on Nowaom Creek nnd Paulina Ilrldges. Clerk Instructed to draw warrant for $1000.00. favor of Ralph I.. Jor dan, county treasurer, to lie held by him and only paid out on vouchers from bridge foreman K. u. Acney, for labor nnd material, transportation and other work on the Nowsom Creek and Paulina bridges. In the matter of library fund. Clerk Instructed to draw warrant for $278.00. In favor of J. K. Myora to lie ued for llbrnrv purposes. In tho matter of tho lluckhorn grade. Warrants In the aggregate nf $3200.00 ordered drawn on Road Fund, favor of It. II. nayley. Comn.W slnnor to be used on Iluokhorn Grade. I See order.) Adjournment. NOTICK TO DKMOl'HATH, We request that Ono domoorat from each precinct In thu county meet with us at the orUco or M. R. Ulggs, at Prlnevllle. Oregon, ou Saturday, August Mill, 1914, at four o'cloo'c p. m.. for the purpose of electing n County Democratic Central Com mittee. All democrats of the coun ty are requested to come or send 'a the name of one In their precinct to act aa central committee man from that precinct. Dated August 1st. 1914. (Signed) M. R. WGGS. R. W. 7.BVKIA. Appointed Committeemen for Croot County. 83-23 Adv. - Don't endure the needles pain and torment of rheumatism, aggravated aa It la by tho hot wenthor. W. T. Uutchons. Nicholson, On., says: I suffered the aches and pains of rheu matism, swollen fetjt, Irregular pain ful Bladder action, but Foley Kidney Pills fixed mo up quickly." Foley's are the beat. Adv. Patterson Drug Co, 1& UfoUette Nursery Co. PrlnevUle, Oregon CENTRAL OREGON'S NURSERY t t IN TIIK CIRCUIT COURT OF TIM. HTATIJ OF ORKGON, FOR TUB COUNTY OF CROOK. It, ... Subln, Plaintiff, vs. A. M. Lara and Marcollus Lara, partnors trad ing under the firm name and style of A. M. Lara & Co., and Marcel lus Lra nnd Hadu Lara, Individ ually, and Frank Robertson, De fendants, I'UHI.ICATION OF HUMMONH. IN TUB NAMB OF TUB 8TATB OF OREGON, You are hereby requir ed to appear and answer tbn com plaint filed against you In tbe above entitled suit within six weeks from thu dato of the first publication of tbla summons, to-wlt: on or before tbe 24tb day of September, 1914, and If you fall to answer for want there of, the plaintiff will appeal to tbe court for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wlt: 1. That tbe amount due said creditors, for whose benefit the said plaintiff In acting na trustee, bo Axed and determined. 2. That plaintiff have Judgment and execution against said defend ants, A. M. Lara and Marcellua Lara, Jointly and severally, Jn tho aum ho determined to be due to eald credi tors, with Interest thereon at the rate of six (0) per cent por annum from the date that said aum Is determined by said court to be due, and for fur ther Judgment or $500.00 aa reason able nttornoys fees herein, and for costs and disbursements of thla ault. 3. That Marcellua Lara and Sada Lara, defendants herein, and all per sons claiming under them subsequent to the execution or said mortgage mentioned In paragraph XII or said complaint, either aa purchasers, In cumbrancers, or otherwise may be barred nnd rorecloned or all rights, claim, or equity or redemption In said property mentioned In paragraph XII, and ercry part thereof, namely: All or lots five (h) and six (C), In block eleven 111), or the town or Ilend, Crook County, Oregon; 4. That tbe usual decree may bo made for the sale of said premises by the sheriff of said county, accord ing to tho law and practice or this court. 6. That the proceed or said snlo may be npplled In payment or the amount due to the plaintiff for tho benefit or the creditors or the said A M. Lara and Marcellua Iaro, part ners trading tinder the firm nam? and atylo or A. M. Lara &. Co. C. That said plaintiff may have Judgment and execution against said defendant, A. M. Lara and Marcollus Lara lor any deficiency which may remain after applying all the pro ceeds or tho sale or said premises properly applloable to th,o satisfac tion or said judgment. 7. That Plaintiff, or any other nar ty to tho ault. may become n purchas er at said salo. 8. That n receiver may bo ap pointed to tnko charge of said real property mentioned In paraghaph XII of aald complaint (Mentioned above.) collect the rcnta and prints therefrom, nnd authorised to pay tho tnxea upon said property, ir any bo due. and to hold the balance after the payment or aald tnxea. subJect-4o tun determination or this suit 9. And that tho plaintiff may have such other and further relief In tho premises as to this court may seem meet and equitable. This summons Is served upon you CLOVERLEAF MILK and CREAM ARE PURE PHONE YOUR ORDERS O. C. CARDWELL Farmers Phone No. l. .V.l,,tVV.l.,,.,W.V,l.V.V ALTAMONT HOTEL s Moderate .'rices $ Modern Rooms AttrtttUvo Surroundings J $ s i Steam IlcAt, Hot and Cold j Waiter With Ilatli Privilege i Homo Cooked Meals t i Miss A. I. Spalding, Proprietor i BEND, OREGON ? Is It Done Right? W It Is, lt wll toouih alons But un kt tt'ls up to tb mrk la svry dui earn and u. UOW PRICES,. BETTER PRVICB Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEANINO j by tho publication hereof pursuant to an order of the Honorable W. L, UJradshaw. Judge of the above en titled court dated August Cth, 1914. Tho date or tbe first publication hereof Is the 12tb day of Augutl, 1914, nnd tbo date of tbe last publi cation hereof Is the 23rd day of Sep tember. 1914. SIDNEY TEISER, Attorney ror Plaintiff, 74047 Mor gan building, Portland, Ore, 2329c. NOTICK TO CTlKDITOrtH TO PHK 8KNT CLAIMH. In tbe County Court or tbe State of Oregon for Crook County. In tbo matter of the Estate of Jesse L. Pousb, deceased. The underalgesd having been ap pointed administrator of the above named estate, notice Is hereby glve'i to the creditors or aald Estate and to all persons having clalma against asid deceased, to present them duly veri fied as required by law, within sit months from tbp date of this Notice, to the undersigned at the office of C. Hr Bonson, lawyer, Bend, Oregon. 8. C. CALDWELL. Dated this 22d day of July, 1914. 20.23c. NOTICK FOR PL'HLIOATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July 1C, 1914. Notice Is hereby given that Irving II, Rogers, of Ilend, Oregon, who, on May 9, 1910, made Desert Land En try, No. 06731. for BV&NWK and WV4NE'.. Section 4, Township 17 South. Rnnge 12 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Desert Land Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before II. C. Ellis. U. S. Commissioner, at Rend, Oregon, on the 29th day of August, 1914. Claimant namea as witnesses: Wil liam J. Alt, Charles D. Swalley, Fred N. Van Matre, Wllber X. Hunnell, all of Ilend. Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 19-23c. Register. NOTICE FOR PURIFICATION. Department of the Interior U. 8. Iand Office nt The Dalles, Oregon, July 13. 1914. Notice la hereby given that Nlcho laa P. Welder, of Bend, Oregon, who, on August 27, 1907, made Desert Land Entry No. 706, Serial No. 02434, for 8W 8ectlon 1C. Town shlp 18 South, Range 12 East, Wil lamette Meridian, baa filed notice of intention to make Final Desert Land proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before H. C. Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, at Rend, Ore gon, on the 28th day of August. 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles Slpchen. Ernest Garratt. Glenn II. Slack, George 8. Young, all of Ilend. Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 19-23c. Register. The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It Is a fireproof building It Is thoroughly modern It la comfortable, commodious, clean ROOMS FROM SO CENTS UP MEALS FROM 23 CENTS UP Tbo wanta of all are satisfied well at THE WniGHT HOTEL Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT HOTEL CENTRAL OREGON'S ""TiuA3K?' j I,,c,m1.irr PLATE CJLASS, AUTOMO- Leading INSURANCE Agency bilk, surety bonds. REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY ) tots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS I TERMS: $5 Cash and OROKLA) s3 Month'y J A PAQTPQ Olice obj Oregon Street . CJ 1 CO BEND, :: OREGON Headquarters for Commerclsl Mca Clectrlc Lljhtcd Throughout THE BEND HOTEL HUGH O'KANK, MANAQKR dood Rooms Free buato B ELN D, Oj t and from trains NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department or the Interior, U. 8. Laud Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon, May 21, 1914. Notice Is hor'eby given that James K. P. Williamson, of Latdlaw, Ore gon, who, on March 31, 191,1, mado Homestead entry. No. 011499, for NWNW Bcctton 28. the EM, BWH and BWKBV Section 21, Township 16 South, Range 11 East, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notlco of Intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described, before II. C. Ellis. U. S. Commissioner, at Rend, Oregon, on tbo 21st day of August, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: George1 W. Couch, William D. Clark, Christ Pederson, Georgt. M. Couch, all of Laldlavr, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 19-23 p. Register. NOTICK OK PUBLICATION. Department of (be Interior, U. H. Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon, , July 6, 1914. Notice Is hereby given that John B. Bell, of Laldlaw, Oregon, who, ou November 2, 1908, made Homestead Entry. No. 01S36. for S'NWK and N8WV.. Section 12, Township 16 South. Range 11 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final -firo year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before H. C. bills, I). 8. Com missioner, at Bend, Oregon, on the 22nd day of August, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: James M. Slry. William D. Bell. Rob ert O. Bowser, George 8. Boll, Jer remlah Haley, all of Laldlaw, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 19-23 c. Register. J Roofing1 of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting-, Cornices and Skylights. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY J FURNISHED j Jobbing Promptly Attended To J. J. RYAN PlusBbing and Heatiig PHONE 451 $ 117 3IIXXESOTA STREET w 4( Special Attention to Transient Travel EG ON Qood Meals Alt arrangements made for persons deslrlag to go south and east of here Hut Your Duds In Our Suds" ONE CENT A WORD is all a little want ad will cost you. r ----"-