The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 12, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    VKfiP, .
from taxpayer
Study of Conuty Division Question
Made Administratis Comh Com-
Klderetl nnd Ooportunltitt to
Make 8aInjr 1'olntcd Out.
Tho following study of the county
division question appears as a com
munication In the current Issue of tho
Madras Pioneer:
"it you will permit me spaco 1
have something to say to the voters
of Crook county In the matter of
county division.
"There are a number of questions
which merit consideration and care
ful study upon the part of every vot
er In Crook county. Uoth in the ter
ritory proposed to he formed Into
now counties and that which will r
main In tho old If tho now should be
"First Is tho question of Increas
ed cost of administration should one
or more new counties be formed. This
item of cost of administration Is the
most dimcult to solve to the satisfac
tion of tho people and yet it is the
one to bo primarily considered. The
newspapers of Prlnevlllo ore natur
ally raising this question of taxntlon
and one of them asked for someone
"with the figures" to come forward
and enlighten the people. This re
quest Is in the very nature or tnmgs
one that cannot be complied with,
for the reason that any figures or
statements upon this question must
bo relative and can only be determin
ed by comparison and probability.
There are some things, however, that
can bo determined as settled facts,
which are self-evident and from these
self-evident facts we must draw our
conclusions and make our deductions.
"It Is self-evlden that a county
which can be administered by Its
elective officers without the aid of
deputies can. other things being
equal, be roost economically admin
istered. If the population and area
are such that the officers are able to
do tho necescary work without deputy
hire, then It would naturally follow
that the division of such a county
would materially decrease the cost
of administration and therefore de
crease taxes.
"Crook county, as now constituted,
both in area and population, makes
It a physical Impossibility for the
officers to do tho county work with
out deputy assistants at a heavy cost
to the county over and above the
salary of the officers. Let us go
through the list and see what tho
conditions are. The Sheriff has dur
ing the year a number of deputies
at heavy cost and expense to the tax
payers of tho county. Tho clerk,
assessor and other officers must havo
deputies all of whose salaries are
paid by the county. The county court
Is required to do the work of the en
tire county and the commissioners
are paid five dollars per day and te t
cents per mile and they must glv. j
or at 10081 snouiu give, io earn ana
every part of the county due con
sideration and this requires a great
deal of their time and considerate
travel: therefore the cost of the
county court would not he mater
ially Increased y a division f
the county, neither would the ex
jenee of other officers necessarily l
Increased. It would require no more
time. In days, for tle courts to do
the work for the same territory than
it would for one court to do It. For
example, if the present court trans
acted all of the countv business of
Crook county In ninety days, then the
same work could be done by three
courts In thirty days and the expense
to the taxpayer would be the samo
with the exception that there would
actually le a saving In the less"
mileage paid. The same holds ood
with reference to the other offices
where deputies are required, and f
a county elerk and to deputies can
do the work of the countv as at ures-i
eat constituted, then three clerks
without deputies could do the wtV
for the same territory and the same
people. If the county should be divid
ed Into three.
"If the county should lto divided
that portion remaining In Crcv
county can dispense with her depu
ties and therebv reduce expenses anl
tho officers will be aide to do the
work, pract'cally unaided, as It will
be materially decreased In volume b
the division.
"The new county or counties can
take some of these discarded dejmtlf)
or others, and make them their of
ficers at no great Increase In salary
and the number of office holders will,
for practical purposes and with ono
or two exceptions, remain the same
"Not only will there be little or no
Increase In salary expenditures but
there will bo considerable saving in
decreased mileage fees of Jurors, wi'
nesses, court officers and others anl
this saving will In all probability t
least balance any small Increase In
salaries caused by tho change Not
only will there be a saving and con
venience in the county administra
tion but to those who must and do
have civil matters tho saving to them
In court cost's will be very great Un
der present conditions those having
suits and actions must take their
witnesses to PrlnevlUe. and manv of
them have to go from sixty to eight
miles and even further to attend
court, and I believe that an average
of fifty miles would be fair as to tho
distance most people have to travel
to the county seat. The mileage of
witnesses Is ten cents per nillo each
way, which would make the rolleago
fee of each witness In each trial ten
dollars. If there should be ten wit
nesses u the case, which is a fair
average, tho cost of thin o'no Item )t
mlleaH alone would mean uno hun
dred dollars In each case. Very much
tho larger part of tho circuit court'u
time Is tnken In trie trial or civil
cases and tho saving to litigants, In
the matter of mllongo alone tn tho
smaller county unit would bo very
great. The samo holds good ill
criminal cases nnd In Jury mileage.
"That there will be some addition
al coats to the new counties In the
matter of office buildings nnd equip
ment thero can bo uo doubt, but this
cost will be small and the buildings
tor offices will bo furnished nt n
nominal rental for the first two years,
at least, or until the question of n
permanent county sent Is determined.
"I believe that tho division of
Crook county Into three smaller
counties will not, to any appreciable
extent, lacrcase the cost of admini
stration, nnd the taxes of each sec
tion will be expended nt home with
greater economy and efficiency nnd
with much more satisfaction to the
"Second, this brings us to another
phaso of the question and that Is the
future development or tho country.
With the county so largo and diverse
In its Interests as at present admin
istered we And dissatisfaction, jeal
ousy and bickering between the dif
ferent sections of the county, Bach
locality thinks, or pretends to think,
that It Is not being fairly treated, and
v.e hear of "rings" nnd "counter
rings": of roads built and Improve
ments made In one part of the coun
ty to the dissatisfaction of the othor:
of bridges built In this part to tho
Injury to that, etc., nd Infinitum,
throughout the entlro category. That
these misunderstandings, fault find
ings and bickerings are, and have
been, detrimental to the general de
velopment and settlement of the
county, there can bo no question.
This dissatisfaction Is talked every
where nnd about the first thing n
newcomer hears when he reaches this
county Is that "Tho high taxes are
caused by the mlsadmlntstrntlon or
by useless expenditures"; that as
sessments are unfair for we are as
sessed higher than other parts of
the county, and so forth nnd so on."
The .prospective settler after hearing
these things thinks that this country
Is a good place to leave alone and so
he returns to his homo or to other
sections of the state and tells his
friends and we lose numerous good
cmzons. u tno new counties are
formed each section will
handle Its!
own money paid In taxes, Its citizens
will better be able to know bow It Is
expended: they will know their of-!
fleers better and hold them to a more
Cooling Wash
Te net In half ta hou not In
tn mlnuus but tn S seconds.
Just a few drops of that mild, sooth
lnr. ccol&r waih. the L. D. D. Jfe
terlptlon. the famous euro for Ecxma.
and the Itch Is cone. Your burnlnsafcln
It Instantly rvllavtd end you bare nb
soluts protection from all summer skin
n a wgj aja a 2GJa "Est! S 2 aEj a 2 y SSsBI s W$ w? bIIhB ?! S kIbIwSwB S u WW S$ffill8wlMii
assaflliiiiiffififnfllilijiiiflfiflftft mmmgjSjS a a ufB 2 nwiliim
SS0BHBB8S8RSfliHSBnRBI8BS8iSRffiM Ml, IlBllllIlB SigfflSSfflP
'iliirf $! 8 S!lJls fei ssls OT lilliBftrllriJWJJS j ffigS
ifigi Ppp WHILE THEY (i illlll
iiiiiiliilillllil jl Folding Ironing Board I il i H nl li illil
i"iilil"li it'll II S i Wtn Every Electric Iron I fj 1 1 $
illillilliiiililliiS At the regular price iliiiill 11111 ill ii
h k k S $j HSli S "I1 S "v& V ' k B WSlWHl EH Sit Sd BS fflfflfJ IBS
'smsisMe mmMommmm
IHIBBlBHIBflsaasBiSB P r BIBB I mm Bill
lilipiililli Power Co. llli SliSSl I llll
iiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1111111111111111 111111111111
A Grave
Do Uioso who mlvocnto the
nbeoluto prohibition ot tho
ninnufucture nnd Bale ot nil
ulcohollo liquors rvuUza tho
seriousness ot tho Bocial nnd
coonomio crisis thnt would
ho precipitated by such legis
lation? Aro thry nwnro ot tho
tact that tho heads ot families
aggregating probably not less
than threo million pconlo
would suddenly bo deprived ot
their solo means ot livelihood,
nnd thnt properties valued in
tho nggregato nt perhaps two
billion dollRra would as sud
denly become worthless?
It is doubtful if they do fully
rculUo this.yct these nro figures
given by no less n writer thnn
Dr. Henry Smith Williams in
an article in tho "Ladies Homo
Journal," reviewing tho pro
hibition movement. And ho
adds: "Personally I am nt
loss to understand how anyone
who has the slightest grasp ol
rconomlo questions can contcm
plate with equanimity the snsrcli
litio possibilities nay, certainties
which roveal themselves through
tho slightest use ot the imagina
tion In connection with these fig
ures. To me. nt least, it seems
obvious that the only thing which
has kept tho prohibition move
ment before the people of the
United Etates Is tho simple fart
that prohibition dors not prohibit."
Thinking1 men and women who
seek the truth and are unswayed
by prejudice, and who elvo the
foregoing facts the consideration
they drserve cannot escape a like
conclusion. Paid Advrt!tcint.
Chamber of Commerce, Port
land, Oregon
strict accounting of their steward
ship. Thero will cease to bo causo
for antagonism between tho new
counties and the old nnd we can and
will all put our shoulders to the
wheel nnd with n long pull nnd a
strong pull and altogether make this
Stops That Itch
troubles. Tfe can elvo you a reed stta
trial boltlo of the tanuln D. D. V.
Prescription for only IS cent.
Don't fall to try this famous remedy
for any kind of summer akin trouble
we know D, V. XX will civ you laataat
CO.. Hend, Ore,
The I loan I Cannot l)e Iletlcred.
The Iron Is fJ tin rim teed Forever.
'Sthoollne In ylh nhoulil lnt(Mr I
dltnint In pirpatt 'lon III III ll
tat Ih IkiI prtinnnttit Mtiliutliin lui which
k Utwblt,--l,itidtnlC W KIWI.
This Is the Mission ol Ihs
Fnrty.sUlh School Ycir Opens
SEPTEMBER i8tli, 1014
Will lor llliistmlfd io.-itv.iR Hook
lei, "TUB UP!! CANfclR." slid lor Ciui
log niilliliiR lull Infui Hint Ihii
lgtr f.iK.i1- AURirUIMIRP
Agronomy, Animal tlusbanury.Daliylluv
bmtdry. Poultry Husbandly, Horticulture.
Agriculture lor Ttarheis. r-Okl-STHY,
NOMICS: nomestlcSiletKc.UomrMlcArt,
UNMNIt'RlNtl! bleclrlrsl, Irritation,
HIrIiwav, Mechnnkal, Chemical, Mining.
Ceramics. C.OMMliRUi. PHARMACY.
Industrial arts
I'lxntwntil fcmrtfi-Agrlftilture, Dairy
ing, Home Mnkm Course, Industrial
Arts, l-'nrestrv, Huslnr Shot! Course.
Stkool 0 Muitt Piano, String. Hsnd,
Yoke Cultmr.
Fftimm Binin Ccx by Mll Ff
(l7.IMo-) CMvsllh. Oiton
T "l I 1 1 I ' I J-i ) I in
tho grentest section of the great State
ot Oregon.
"There need bo little. If anything,
said In favor of the great conven
ience of thu people by reason of di
vision us this will bu readily parcel
ed by everyone.
"Thnt Crook county MUST bo di
vided sooner or Inter Is conceded by
all and It would seem that this U thu
"psychological moment" In which 10
bring It about and It should bo ac
complished without friction or Ill
feeling but with hearty goad will to
the old nnd the new and with a closer
feeling of friendship and doslru to
ndvanca and develop Central Oregon
celpta fur tho week have been, cnttlo
2671), calves 125, hogs 1GR2, sheep
C9S-J. A good big run of cnttlo for
tho week, about elghty.Mvo ears do
ing marketed, but prices held well.
Prime light steers $7. SO; top cows
$G nnd $0.26; bulls 14 to H.7S, ac
cording to weight; top light veal
calves $S. 25. Hog liquidation was
light for- the seven day period, prices
Undiluted considerably, as every hog
market In the country has been sub
ject to advancos and declines but tho
Portland market closed with n strom
"come back" tendency and twst light
swlno brought 0 cents. Moderato
receipts of sheep and lambs, top
grade steady with Inst Heck. Prime
wethers $4.60 to $4.75; prime ewes
$3.85 to $4.00; medium ewos 3.2S
to $3.7'; spring lambs $5.50 to $C.
Refresh yourself with a cold drink.
Pull pints at 5 and 10 cents. Ameri
can llakery - -Adv 22tf
I'oitciinIn for Present Monlh Mlmw
FnllliiK Olf l'-"i J"!)' TdlnN.
Tho August crop report .Issued on
Rntiirday by thu Dvpitrtmunl of Ag
rlotilliirn shows n slight fulling off
from tho July totals for Orogon In
n few InilnnceM, decrenscs bulng not
ml In corn, wheat mid onts. In tho
case of barley nnd potatoes the Auk
11st forecast Is higher than that (of
Tim report Is as follows:
Com August I, forecast, Oregon
000.000 bushels, United RtuU'x 2.-
030,000 l)tishels;Jtily 1 forecast. Ore
gon 1134,000 liuslieis, ritltml HtatOA,
,tlt).r.72,000 bushehi Hani, itV
eragn r. years, 1U0U-1Q1S, Oregon,
B4 2,000 liiiHlielH. Ptillcd Blntes 2,
708,:t:U,000 bushels.
Winter wheat;- August 1. prelim
inary estimate. Oregon 19.700,000
bushels, I'nlted Htnies 075,000.000
bushels. July 1 forecast Oregon 16,
227,000 bushels.Pulted States 052.
075,000 bushels. I'lnnl, average fc
years, 10091013. Oregon 12,1)5,000
btishols, I'nlled IJtHtes 441,212,000
Spring whent: -August 1 forecast.
Oregon 3,350,000 bushels, United
States 230,000,000 tmsliels. July I
ro recast, Oregon 3,382,600 liuslieis,
United Stales 274,003,000 bushels
Klnnl. average 5 onrs, 100P-1013
Oregon 3,30l,000, I'nlted States 245,
4 70.000 bushels
Owls August 1 forecast. Oregon
12,700,000 bushels, United Slates 1
150.000,000 bushels. July 1 forecast
Oregon 13.02R.O0O bushels United
States 1,107.105.000 bushels, I'lnnl.
average 5 years. 1900-ll12, Oregon
12.000.000 bushels, United rltiiu
1.J31. 175,000 bushels.
Parley- August i forecast. Ore
gnu 4,2r!0.00O bushels, United StntM
203,000.000 bushels. July 1. fore
cast, Oregon 4.1U.O00 bushels, I' it
oil States 311,31P.OOO bushels. I'ln
nl average, 5 years lDOO-MUS, Ore
gon 3. U73.000 bushels, United States
1S1. 873.000 bushels.
Potatoes' August 1 forecast. Ore
gou 0.390.000 bushels. United Status
370,000,000 bushels. Julv 1 fore
cast Oregon 0,311.000 bushels. Unit,
ed States 3?0, 014.000 bushels. Kin
ul, nvernge 5 ears, 1009.1013 Ore
gon 0.408.000 bushels, United Stalim
360,027,000 bushels.
liny, (tame)' August 1 forecast
Oregon 1.950,000 tons. United States
09,000.000 tons. Final, aversge 5
years. 1909-1913, OreRon 1.578.000
tons, United States 01,987,000 tons.
It's n laxative, of course and tho
nicest hot weather drink you ever
tasted. Flushe. thoroughly, and
plonsanlly. too. K. C. Crysler, Syra
cuse. N. V-.-snys' "Have used laxa
tives for 15 years but this Cltrolat,
has got overythlnk else beat n mllo.'i
Try It. Patterson Drug Co. Adv.
The New
Perkins Hotel
extends to yon u cordial invitation to
make this hotel your headquarters. '
Rooms without bath S1.0U and up. Rooms
with private bath $1.50 and up. LOCA
C. H. SHAFER, Manager
. - i in i i
sTm -
The Miller Lumber Company
Wenandy Livery & Auto Co.
Will bo put on between Hcntl and Silver Lake April 1.
Reasonable Rates
will be charged on nil Express and Baggage.
Comity AgilrnlturUt UvH lln Hu-
ciiied Tin eo Piofrors to Tnk
I 'ait In Progrnin I.nrge Attt-n-
tlancn Melius Mine Initllutr.
lleglnnlng August 22 there will bit
huld n series of Farmers' liiNtltlltH
meetings throughout Crook roHnly
The one at lluiid will bu held on I'ueM-
duy, Sepleiuber 1.
Through the iictlvtlles of thn In
tension Dopiirtiiiuiit of tho Oregan
Agricultural College and tho efforts
of A. I.. I.ovott. Crook county Agri
culturist, threo professors from tliw
eolluge will bo priweut til ench mot-
Ing for tho purpose of assisting thu
fnrmnrs of this ouuiity to solve their
farmliiK problems. Tint sUiff of
speakers will bu as follows; Prof
John K. (.arson, agronomist, Prof. It
K, Heyiiolils, stockiiinn nnd Prof. A.
K. Iivett, oiilomolOKlst. Ono day
meeting s will be huld ut viirlou
places. Thu time nnd arrangement
of the program will bn In thu hands,
of each Incut farmers' trniilnllo'i.
or local commercial oluli In oo-oporn-tlon
h the county ngrloulturlst
but general plans will bo to hold tint
mcetliigs In thu afternnon, beginning
about 1:30 p. in., thu ngrlmilltirlst
with thu professors visiting farms In
the nelKliborliflod or place of mcetlur.
during the forenoon.
Sohcduin of meetings as nriangod
Is as follows: Saturday, August IX,
Prlnevlllo; Monday, August 24,
Madras, Tuesday, August 25, Metnl
lus; Wednesday, August 20, Culvoi ,
Thursday, August 27, l.aldlnw; Fri
day, August IS, Clovurdaln near Kil
ters; Friday, August 29, Opal City.
Saturdny, August 31. Itedmuul,
Monday, September 1. Ilutid.
Thu mentlrig nt Opal City will bo n
the nature of a plenlc on tho farm of
Tom Aldnrdlro. Alteiidnnce nt lhn
meetings will largely Influenco incut -lugs
to be held during thu s Inter.
- - ''K"
n r -t-r t t-
Oregon. J