The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 12, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    tjh: hhnii iiw.urriv, wsv, on-:,, mIjm:hhy. hoist 12, iuii.
' Don't
, (Complain .
Aiiorr voru vurv
(ill Knnit)
IMP TiwiMMii MrmiintK?ym
They'll umbo 'rm feel od(l
tnkii nviiy thn miiiiiiii'i pnlii unit
tenileiiir nml iiiiiKk Vm on. I
Arrived . .. 8 u. m.
Leaves .8:30 p.m.
- Arrive 7:& I'. n,
Louvos 7:2Ti n. in.
Arrive 7:30 p. m,
Leaves 10 a. lu,
Cum dally to liurns nml polntH
south nml southeast.
(limnnil delivery open dally
U:16 u. hi. tn fl p. in.
General ilollvery opou Sunday
S: IS to 10 n. in.
Nlr.lit train mull close 7 j. m,
Day train "mil clone 0:80 n. in,
Western Union dally 71 2, 1-0,
710. Hunday K-10. 4-6,
Pioneer Co.. twenty-four hour
norvlett. InctuUlHR Hunday.
o '- -
Mm. A. 11 Mmliteck want t Fen-
land tlundar.
MM William woHt lo Pertlnwl
woday night.
fcurman Montnewory m Ih frow
Imperial an Monday.
.Mr. mid Mm, v. A. porno ura
MtHlh on nn until trip.
It. M. Thompson went to Orescent
on Murine on Friday.
Mr. ItiTtlm Alone of Taromn I
visiting Mr. I.. M. Pom.
J. .Mi" llrlnkley of Portland wan nt
the Wright over Humlny.
Mr. Kityni wll entertain . tho
tlrlilKit Chili Mil Friday.
A tioy was burn to Mr. mid Mr.
William PolU an tlitt 0th.
Mr. J. A. Hastes rrlurnfld on Men
day from n visit (o Portland.
On August Z n girl tmltr was Worn
to Mr. nml Mr. WllllnnrPow.
Ml Keyo. sister of J. I. Knye.
la a guest ri the Ken!1 homo.
The MilhiHll( ehureh I holding
n iHcmIo on the Tamnlj todrjr.
Bert Miller of I.atdlaw waa regiet
ered at the Mend over fnsday.
T. J.. C. H.'nod JJ. O. Dealy of
Alfalfa, were In town yeatttrday.
C. P. Hart wl& 1 In from hht Mill:,
ean valUy hnwiwted Oil weak.
Mr. r. P. leKfte wnt to I'ort
Innil on uuNliKMut Imnrduy nlKlil.
Mr. It. A. Out nml MIm MvoMluy
irrt up from DitMluilwi ftMltirday.
Forillamiil Tmuclior of Mlllloan
xan In town on IhihIiiihhi lut wouk.
J. Follow pf ItcdiHond oniiio to
town yMitiraf Iomi fw tiny nlt.
HiiKli ThompuHn I oxpertiM to r
turn from fii-nttlo no we llnm nwvt
BJt-- -i-.-sacr-r ;
Silk Glovai
Th wWtwInwl rnn
liir Owl Jt,i i Ufr bul a I the Auctr
Ak fHlifl nt
tllC Dtpt.
fa Short "K
At l!k Olocs
Lour -KAYSCR" Silk (llu ti
R. M. Smith Clothing Co.
B ami comfy. Von net Vm nt 1
I ' oni a cost a gtwimnt I
"X v
STORE. In fact many articles are on sale
New Loeation,-.-opposUe MeCuiston Grocery.
'T' r 'Bend, Oregon . ' .?.
. " 'I H ?
; The Perils of Pauline
1 I T Y A FT W Y I
I I H B A I P 1 I
1111 I II Rlxm I 11 u l
's I I - - i
it I I I
Thursday, Aug. 13
Don't Miss the Story!
J. II. Hiftiilny, II W kuc Mill tl.
I.niliutii Rpuut Hiiiulny liuntlns kat
(luy MrHi'ynoltl loft on Monday on
a mention trip to l'artlunil and Nuw
Itorl. Mm. a II. Cflrkett Hint kor two
ohlldntn wru up from UoMkuttM an
Mr. A. M. I'rlBcltt, who um bn
atak far lint ji wink, I how mntli
II. O. KarrtH, who ha bm Ml for
lh imut ftw wk. la rwportwt i
Morti CmhIiihhh. at tan Rond llo
ll, bH Imun III lu koil 1ru lam
1. II. I)n Uotjy Af Sllvor l.k wna
In town on MoiiiIh)'. Hu atoppod at
tlio WrlKht.
.Ml mi l.ola C. HHtu of I'rlnovlllo
wn riiKlcl'irml at tint Wright Ut
Kriday nU'ht.
Ml Moll Marknl, who ha itton
ronfliuul to Imr Im-iI for novernl ilay,
I convulioiclnK.
William I'ronch of l.nldluw wan In
town ovr Hunday. llo wui rt'fcli
torvd at tin llimil.
MUm llaxfl Ornvim, n nU-oa af Mr.
C. It. Cook. loft for l.on AtiKolvt lat
Thiimdny inoruliiK.
Thu HhouioH luivo iiiovin! Into ona
of thu nioharilMOU uuuvakiw on
(Irvnnwooij. hvohiiu.
Mr. J. IS. Huiltli and family nf
llRtnutMO wr rMfttird at lha
WrlKnt ovar uiiday.
f U MrCauby of DtMebat waa
In town ovr TkwmUay and Friday
II at ptMl at tha fhwu.
W ('. McCwleioM and Hi-nry Ford
war at Lava laka and Ctu Prair
ie the and of lasi wik.
Tad Hoke left fur IVirtland and
,Nwnirl aunday itHirnlnit. Ha ax
pactR to by K.ono n wok.
Tom Miirohnnt in nloSfly rcovrtia;
from r broken log ainrfHliiHd In a
Minnie on tlio nlRlil of AiiKuat
P. P. Smith, formerly of Hwnd.
waa hori- ovr tlio wek and rnn.
vutltiK tho IIradtrot Compuny.
Thfiro will bo a iTItlMlttg of thu La.
iIImi l.llirur' Club at tho library aax(
TuiMHlay aftvrnoon ut thrvo o'clock.
Our MrKaynoIdH la ixnut on a two
wiwk'a vneailou. llo wt to Po-t-la
id Bad OutHM will m to
II. M. XfiH of Hums aut a far
i!h In towa laat wutik. uurliur hhi
niuy ho waa ratfUtorml at tk Wright.
Tki Fratarual rirolhurhfrod In mak
Inc. plan for a (Irund Pruo Hall ta
he Klven on th nvwilni ui Auguat
II. MI. I3 Amiojiil und C. V. Sllv!
ldivo moved thulr uIIIooh to tha build.
llIK on tho north aldo of OraR-oa
Mr. and Mm. II. II. I)a Armoad r
tiirnod, from Mmlford Friday. Mr. be
A r mow! h rather ia Improved In
Hpuncor Dlhhlo nml .hla fathtir.
Iliinry T)llhli'. wuro ntKlatorvd nt tho
llnml ovor Hunday. Mr. Hunry Hll
hlo litiij Juat ruturnod from Vancou
vnr to ffo hla koii.
Ilond lluttor 18 Hunt on Bread.
is raising the price of many
thinus, but not the price of
anything nt THOMPSON'S.
Mr and Mr. C. H lludnon end
Ihmnld lluilwin. wont lo i'ortlind
Friday nlnht, Mr.lludiou returning
Mr. nnd Mm. It. J. Todd are arac
Intr a auvon room. Mory rnd a h'f
buuKclnw oh thalr property In Park
addition. '
Mr. nnd Mi. J. C. Kkodoa and Mr.
and Mr. Olyiltt McKay ware at Cmir
I.aHi ovor thu week nd, folM In Mr.
Rhodaa' ear.
Mlaa Arrie ntaok gava nn Informal
mualral at hor home laat evening.
AlHinl IlfleoH wore preaant and rw
froahmvtitH worn norvod.
J. II. Wonaady want to Craacant
to Rtlond to hla hay crop on Thurs
day. ItotarnlnK on Snturdry ha want
to I'm Hand on buolncta.
Mr. and Mm. V. A. Fori. Mlaa
Porl, MUh Trnutnor and Marie
llrontcrhou loft In Mr. Forbda' auto
for Cruter l.ako on Saturday.
Mr. W. W. Faulkner loft Thum
day mornliiK for ItoRoburK. Oroson
to hi- hor father and mothur. She
will bo Kono about a month.
Mm. II. J. Ovorturf cave a lun
ohi'on In honor of Mr. A. I.. Good
wlllln. formnrly, of llend, who I a
Riiost at the OcorKH A. JOnoa home.
Wudnciday night a aurpiiso imrty
wna tendered to Mlaa Avrlo lllack at
hor homo, tlamea and daneinp form
oil tha umimouionta of tlio ovouJiik.
MJmi Knthorlne Olynn. who la
wtirkliiK In the Itand llotal. has tak
on np a honiMtaad claim nr Cra
cent. 8h laavea Thnrada) tnornln.
Mr. and Mm. Oaorav W. Ha ten and
Mr. rad Mr:. J. H. lMeklcy of Por.
k.nd startad aoutk from bar yoHer
day on an anlo tour through Oregon
P. C. Oarriaon laft thia wornlng
for I'rlnaville. He axpacta to He an
gaged for the aaxt fw weaka In tlut
br work In tke vnatora part of the
Mm. C. It. Cook has routed liar
hoimo to J. It. Cndfruy. the head
olork fu Pattaraon a Ornc Ware. Mr.
Cook Ih to lenvo Uend on Seutember
lt, to live in Soattlo.
Mr. and Mm. V. O. Downing nnd
Mr. Lniaru of Portland, were bar
Inat night. Mr. Downing, who own
tho Modlcnl Uulldlng in Portland, and
othor property, wna formerly ItUer
eatod In the D. 1. P. Co. Ho la bound
for hla llihlnK enmp near The Tulai.
Mm. Q. II. Innberaon and har
dauBhter, IvnUtorlno. nrrivod lu town
Sunday to visit her wn Ray O. lni
ttemon. Tha vlaltora live In for
laud whoru Mtaa Ismbamon la a
teacher In the Waahlngten High
aaliool. They have Juat returned
from n visit to Honolulu.
-. ,. . ,
Huy Uend llutter.
U. S. Searatdi' e,M' milk otfua.
Bkuso Hardwnru Comimny. Adv.
McuU ut the AltntDttRt 25 asd 3$
cont. Adv.
lanms aid ki-kcts opfichus.
Tho I-adloH Aid of the MethodUt
churoh held their niinuul electiun nt
the home of Mm. L. L. Fox on Wed
neadny. the following oWoora UalUB
Proaldont. Mia. F. J. Schooler, first
vlee proaident. Mm. L. L. Fox. soo
end vice preeldoat, Mm. Curs. Nlek-
eraou, secretary. Mm. it. Spencer.
tre8uror. Mm. Clark Paul.
Tho aoolnl meeting will Da held
next Wednosday at the homo of Mm.
8. C, C)dwoll. Tho Indloa Rro plan
ning n cafetorla Btipper to bo given
nour tho tlrst of Sopteuibor.
For rash, lots 1 and 3 of block J
North Addition to lloud (former lo
cation or Kvoi'Breon rooming house) ;
all bids must h rocoivud by me on er
boforo Ausust 31st. 101.41 mi bid un
der R00 oqnsidQwi. 1 will notify
successful hlddor .te ' IriiSiiPlOnUiei
1st. 191 ; lonyabTds utramco-of Q,
S. llenson, Bend, or Bbnd.rdlrefi. U
Thf alory of tlio IStiropflnn War
whlrh luirm Into bolng loaa than two !
wi"ka ago I told, briefly, by lit
chroiiologlral outline ghron harawltlt.
Auetrln qunrfolad with Serviii
ItuavlH armed. OannaHy, an all of
Auatrlu, daelarod war on nuasls.
France, ally of ftuallB. Kom to war
with Oormany. Then Oarmany In
vadea UI1uhi. aueklnK oatry to
Friime, and thereby breaking trimty
obligatlona of neutrality. Thereup
on ISiiKland declnreH war on 'Germany.
Iielgtutii Jolna Franca, Ruaala und
Orcat HrllHln.
Denmark ling been drawn Into tho
rnnfllrt, aiding witli tha BrUiah-ltua-lan-Frdrich
hIIIok. The Ilalkan
xtatwi are at onch oUiora tliroatt.
Turkey, apimri-ntly la prepared n
flKbt a nn ally of Auntrla, hopliiK t'i
rosaln loat footholda In Kiiroiw
Ibily, nlthouRh n member of the
Triple Alllnace with Germany an I
AiiHtrla, remains neutral, refualng to
awtlit thorn. It aoonia probable Gur
many will doclure war on Italy. 8paln
I neutral, and PoitUKnl is atrongly
prO'MrJtlHli. Japan, apparently, m
about to doctare war on Germany
and alczo groat German pomohnIoii-i
In the Fur Baat. Tho I'nlted Slatw
haa no ontnngllnK alllancew, and ap
parently la bent only upon auataln-
Iur tho IntoRrlty and neutrality of
( hlnn from attack of ntty of tho com
lifltnnt. a roault of whlrh might be
far-reachliiR dWIlcultli in tho Baat,
and, probably, now revolution la
China. .
The only terlou operatlana to dat
have occurred In Helglum. The Go"
mutiH. attomptHK to croea that oouu
try, have met heroic rtvlatanro nt tha
town of I.Ioko. where, apparently,
(hoy have been held In check. Hrlttah
and French trootw are joining tlK
Halglan. A great battle ia expect
ed at Namur, Helglum.
There l general fighting along tlit
RuMlRH-Auatrlan frontier, and be
tween Austria and Sorvia. Franc
haa Invaded the province of Alaar
and Itrralne, lout by It to Oormanv
In 1170. A number of minor navil
engagement - have occurred, uiurb
abrpnlng ha boon aelzod. prebabb
tO.OeO men have been killed, and the
commerce of the world ha boon pi
atyzdU. ' ---(.
ainoNOMXiV of ciiikf
' JUNK 28. Pan-Slavic prop-
- ganda. nftormatli of Uatknn-Sor-
vlnn warn, culminated In assn- -
aliintlon of Archduke Franz For-
dfo'nnd, holr to Austrian throne,
nnd hi wife.
Anuria accuses Servla of en-
cdliraglng ronsplraclca against
dual monarchy, and. In fact,
abetting the assassination.
, , ..Corlaln aota of reparation and
- a ooniploto and unreserved npol-
ok)' demanded by Austria of
- Servla.
July 27 Servla ropllcs, ac-
ceding to almost all of the de-
- mands, offering to submit hor
- reply to The Hague tribunal If
not tatlaaetory to Austria.
July 88 Austria Informs
Servla reply ia unaatlafaetdry -
and oh name day declare war
ou Servla rormaiiy. Same day
trocpa Invade Servla. Within 2 1
bourn Belgrade, capital of Sor-
via. Is bombarded.
July 29 Ituaala begins mob- --
lllsatlon for the assumed pur-
poee of holplng Servla.
July 30 Oennany demands
; tba.t Itusala oxplalu rooWlliu-
llerLtinovoniontH. '
July SI At mldnlRht Oar- -
many nddroMea ultimatum to
- Itussin. demanding demobilize-
tleu at once. Tlmo limit set for
August 1, noon.
August 1 At high noon Run-
- sin refuses Gormany's demand
nnd Gorman ambassador pre-
sonts formal declaration of war
on Russia.
England and Franco, other
tnembom of the triple entente
with RueetH, Intercede in hope -
of rostoriug peace.
On seiun day Gernmo troope
Invade I.uxumburg. an Indepen-
dent dually.
- France mobilises lnforujall.
setting formal mobilization far
- August t. State of war deelar-
ed between Franco and Gerranny.
German and and Russian
troops engage In border sktr-
inlahoa. ,
A August 2 Two German nr-
mlei .outer France. RttseJan
troopa enter Germany proper.
Oermnny'e action taken for blow
at France before Russia can
llritlsh orulsora begin to
blockade tho Ilnltic.
Great llrltnin lndleatos her
guarantoo of neutrality protee-
-- tion to Belgium will bo kegt. -
Groat llrltnin informs Ger-
ninny that Germnn floot must
not attack French shipping or
French const.
AUBUSt 8 France declare
war exists with Germany nud
forum 1 declaration la uot necos-
snry. Passports demnndod.
August 4 Great Ilrltaln de-
olnres ,vnr on Germany, follow-
lug an oxclmnge of notes, In -
which Rnglnnd domands of Gor-
- mnnv that Ilelglan neutrality be
observed, nnd ImpoBlue other
- conditions. Gormany replied she
vvae Invading Franco.
Aueist 7 Austria formally
dpelarpB war against Ryaain.
Augtiat-Mtniy rouoBptoajgiie
uat remain neutral.
niust remain neutral.
China and glassware,
Skuso Ilnrd-
.ware CQruinnsWAdv.
First Showing of
NewFallDress Goods
New Weaves and Styles Plaids,
Roman Stripes, Poplins, Gabar
dines. A comprehensive showing
Af from 50 Cents to $2.50 Per Yard
We an early selection, thus
insuring the choicest patterns.
Fall Choice Designs for Gowns,
Comforters, etc., priced to sell at
7cts, lOcts and 12icts Per Yd.
We also announce the arrival of our Fall Blankets,
Comforters, Sweaters and Knit Goods. Our
sweater line must be seen to be appreciated. Col
ors include the new Kelly Greens, Copenhagen
and Mackinaw Plaids. Look for
IIIm Mother Atikw Wet In Vain foe
.Son" Itrlcnc.
SAI.KM, Aug. 6. Mm. Martha Mc
Phorson, a resident of PrlnevHIe, cre
ated a nceno at the office of Governor
West yesterday afternoon after her
hopes of gottlng a pardon for her
son, Ixigan, were dashed. Governor
West had left. HI privates secretary
Minn Fern Hobba, was alone In tho re
ception room with Mm. McPherson.
The latter hysterically demanded an
other Interview with the governor.
When refused, she declared sho
would kill herself, and went out in
the hall, where she fell In a faint.
She recovered after a while, and Mlsa
Hobbs called a taxlcab and had her
taken to the Oregan Electric depot,
where she took a train for home.
I.ogun McPherson, the woman's
son, was convicted of a criminal us
eaulL His mother waa convinced of
hla innocence, and his case was taken
to the supreme eourt. where the ver
dict of the lower court was affirmed.
While the ease was being appealed,
and up to tho present time, young
McPherson haa been out on ball. It
la understood that the authorities of
Crook county held him there with a
view of having Governor West puss
on tbe case ou his return from the
east. With this hope abandoned,
McPherson must be brought to the
penitentiary to serve his term.
avii.Ij maki: kxiiiiuts.
Mrs. Floronce l.unbcck Powelson
returned from her Sisters ranch Sun
day, bringing with hor her mother.
Mm. Smith. They will live in Hie
Shouse resldonco, which Mm. Piwol
sor recently purchased. Mm. Pov.,
son Is busy preparing exhibits of
hand decorated china for three dif
ferent fairs; the Crook County Fair
at Prinevtlle. the Slaters Fair and
the State Fair at Salem.
Mayfield Woolen Mills
W I II II !-... . .
We will give a new pair if
they FADE or SHRINK from
washing, Now priced from
$1.75 to $5.00
I Your Home Merchant I
Few of us stop to consider what a
convenient vehicle the home mer
chant Is to the general public, or hla
valuo as a citizen.
Tho merchant Is expected to carry
everything in stock that tbe theoret
ical or practical mind can think of;
maintain a quick and faultless ser
vice both at the counter and In tho
delivery deportment; laugh nt our
wit and cry at our hard luck tale; ac
cept our Biuall payments -and extend
our credit; carry the unemployed and.
unsuccessful ovor the hard places:
support all public benefits .and boost
for new business ventures that might
be beneficial to tbe growing town,
and. above all thing, havo n, total
disregard for hie own personal con
venience. In rot urn for all tbia, we. as pub
lic sptrMed citizens should abow our
appreciation by spending our money
at home Instead of buying our sup
plies from mall order nouses. If wo
nil do this the merchant could carry
a larger and bettor assortment of
goods, maintain a mora eiflctoat ser
vice, and give employment to a lar
ger staff.
If an Industry is started !n a town
with the same number of employee
as the average store supports, the In
dustrial establishment Immediately
becomes the object ot much praise,
while our old benefactor tho mer
chant, is little noticed.
Let us show our aHfireelatlon of
the public benefactor asd give the
Homo Town .Merchant our loyal sup
port. a crjsrroMBR.
Meals at the
cents. Adv.
Altamont 28 and 35
JtJk M.A )L ii.
. tv v,i . ihu.' ifc: ... .1
da. .
k ijajj '"Shi
Dr. H. D, Drown, vKen W
'slffiK' nend4nBllovTsiap&t on BrenaV"'