The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 12, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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' rAGE4.
(Publlslied livery Wednesday)
... - , j-
Editor and Publisher.
' Acsoolnto Editor.
, ,. , .. itinn -..air-i r-zr.-
An Independent newspaper stand
ing for tho square deal, clean busi
ness, cloan politics and tho best In-,
t errata of Bend and, yentral Orogjnu
one" yoar...k.....A. $10
Six months
Three months 0
AH subscriptions nre du.e nnd
expiration aro ninlted subscribers and
If rcnowal Is not made within reason
able tlmo the paper -will bo discon
'Pleaso notify us promptly of any
change of address, or of tallure to re
ceive the paper regalarl?. Othorwlso
we will not bo responsible for copies
Make all checks and orders pay
able to Bond Bulletin
Kill I-PT1N tho opportunity with, tx groat liuro-
'Such n war could hardly bo oth
orwlso thnn mntorlnlly prolltnblo."
Tho Now York "World", remarks:
America ynulu minor least or nil.
t Europe Instate on committing sul
Irto. Eurono must furnish tho corivo
for the funernl. And the point innt
the New York "Sun" mnkoa Is thnt
this country may shore In tho world'-
low. nnd It may gain at, the oxponto
of some competitors, but R will cer
tainly llnd Itself lu n butter relative
position In the- future:
'"lh Ita ultimata relations, any
thing rwombllng a ReneVnl Ruropean
war would seem likely to guarantee
that tho economic future will bolonK
to tho American continents, vane
clnlly to North Amertcn. The paraly
b!b of European tlnnnce and commerce-,
during any such uphoavnl nnd
tholr subsequent prostration will
leave the wny clear for all nnttonn
whose energies have not been debil
itated and whose resources have not
boon exhausted by the wasto of war.
It, was In the Civil War thnt Amort
enn shipping supremacy was lost. Ah
n result oi n rcuropean war u may
be regained with contributing In
fluences to Its recoery provided bv
the facilities for commercial expan
sion which tho Panama Canal and
the approaching modernization of tho
American banking system will sup
ply. "In more ways than ono tho folly
of, warfare which Europe has hum
been threatening to commit and at
last seems determined to perpetrate
must spell opportunity for tho United
Almost overnight the war elands,
long gathering on the polUlcal hor
izon of Europe, broke Into furious
' storm. The great nations of the 01 1
World nre at each other's throat
What promises to be the greatest
struggle of all time Is gaining bloody
headway. ,
The causes of the conflict aro
tangled and obscure; the truth or
all of them never will be unravelled
perhaps long-nourishod hatred,
vanity and greed are thn o-jprlls
rightfully ohargable with the whole
sale bloodshed.
The outcome is beyond human
power to determine: Europe's map
will be revised mlght'Iv. crowns will
crumble, inconceivable economic loss
alii result nnd ultimately the poor of
all the world, and especially of the
stricken battle zones, will suffer hor
ribly. Rightfully or wrongfully and !t
would seem Justly the sympathies
of the United States are almost sit
idly for the anti-German allies. We
find ourselves welcoming news of
British. French. Belgian and Russian
' t5
Attention of Hxtiihttorn In Called to
KulwH-PitjiiilumM Offered ft Vege
tables h Well ns Flower Be.
paitment for Children I'ciitmo
Pinna for the Flower Show to bo
hold under tho auspices of tho t.n
dies Library Club on Saturday. Aug
ust 22 are now practically completed,
everything possible being done by tho
ladles In charge to mnko this year's
show oxcol all former ones.
Tho attention of all exhibitors Is
called to tho rules governing th4
show and they nre asked to make on
pedal note of them as follows:
Flower Show Rules.
1. All exhibits must bo In by lJ
o'clock noon on tho day of tho show.
2. Not more than six steins may
be Included In each single exhibit un
less otherwise stated.
3. Each exhibitor must mnko his
own Selections for exhibition.
-I. No flowers, plants or vege
tables not Included In published list
will be ellglblo for a prize except J
How quickly nnd how far fa mo
spreads nnd talcs go Is Indicated by
the followlnp editorial taken from
the5 "New York Press" of July 30:
ti. a. Mlllor. Mnmr nf linml. On. a nnrt of tho "Kcnornl display
gon, will write an autobiography on flowers for which the Emblem Cluli
tinll.k . fAinln Httinn i ' nut la nrYornil
IIIV IHII1U e .'lilj Ul " HUH tlVi VU wss .-.
cntohes his breath. Something- the 5. An exhibit may not bo enter-
Mayor did caused the citizens of Bend ed fpr more than one prize,
to go on n bender, nnd their Mayor I'nless otherwise requested,
clniost .got badly bent. the Library Club will offor for sale
"Whnt did His Honor do thus to ' flowers, plant and vegetables oil
arouse his constituents to wlldncss? tered. Any entry not -to bo sold
Did he license four saloons on nil i should be marked to thai effect
sides of the most popular church In
town? Did he turn the ball park In
to a croquet course? Did ho loot the
town sack of the last red cent? Did
he get all the cltisens In one building
and try to blow It up with dynamite?
"No, none of those mild things. He
merely mustered up courage a few
days ago to announce h's engagement
to a charming young lady a nleeo
of the late Senator Heyburn of Idaho.
"Whereupon the Jovial bonders of
Bend seized Mayor Miller, manacled
and chained him. nnd thrust him In
to n cnge. Like a captive of anclont
I 7. No nrlzcs will bo Riven out at
the flower show, but may be secured
ou and nftor Wednesday, August 20,
by calling at Thompson's furniture
The complete list of flowors. vege
tables nnd plants nnd prizes offered
Is as follows: ,
Popples Double, 1st. $1, merch
andise. 2nd 2ft cents; Single, 1st, ho
ladles hose, 2nd 2ft cents; California.
1st $1 merchandise, 2nd 26 Cents.
Pinks, regnrdlosa of color Double
1st $1 merchandise, 2nd 2ft emits:
Single 1st $1 morcitandlse, 2nd 23
Rome he waa nulled throiiRh the ! cents.
streets, his progress marked by the Asters Pink, 1st 1 lond of wood,
ltlriirlnc- nt tin liMTnna tll nnntnra . n,l SO rnnfi1 whltn. lit Inrmnlor.
victory, and lamenting German-Ant-( (ook hm t0 the town Centre, whore, 2nd SO centa; lavender. 1st $1 mer
chandise. 2nd SO cents: purple. 1st
$1 merchandise. 2nd SO cents; red,
1st II merchandise, 2nd GO cents.
Carnations Red. 1st $1 merchan
dise, 2nd SO cents; white, 1st $1
merchandise. 2nd 26 cents; pink, ltt
pedestal, 2nd 26 cents: best collec
tion. 1st $1 merchandise', 2nd 21
Sweet pens Red. 1st load of wood,
2nd 2S cents; white, 1st sack of flour,
2nd 2S cents; lavender. 1st 1 mer
chandise. 2nd 26 cents: pink 1st $1'
mdse., 2nd 25 cents: blue 1st, 1 1
mdse., 2nd 26 cents: salmon, 1st II
mdse.. 2nd 25 cents: greatest variety
1st $1 mdse., 2nd 26 coat.
Best Sweet peas regardless of col
or fi stems, 1st SI, 2nd 26 Cents.
Bent bunch, solid color, 1st $1
irlan success, we appear strangeiv he ..- Mhililted on tho stain! and
gratified with the apparent prospect . broke up ,0 ,nonthy ehow.
or France recovering the province j s,n, ,t Bcen)9 thnt ,he ,)PO0 ,,r
lost to Germany In 1S.0. almost per-1 Rendf 0rogon. have no especial nvor
iwnally proud of the heroic deeds of jglon t0 Mayori,. Rather, it Is tho
the Belgians In their struggle fo?! time-honored Institution of matrl-
meir nuuieinuu. mii u.i mony which excites them. only a
that the brazen ar Lord a dreams of Bhort .,.. ,. thev t)Ut the,r cIty
conquest may crumble in defeat.
Tho mad folly of the war is un
believable. Sixty days prior to the
declaration cr Hostilities, none wouici
have believed
speedy com
civilized, we would have said: war
on such a scale slaughter, property
loss, suffering, de-civilization Is Im
possible today: snch war Is for bar
barians. But then came the sidUon
roar of cannon; treaties, boad of
blood, peace tribunals and all the
rest ef the International eo-operatlvo
fabric vanished, and the primitive,
fighting spirit replaced It. ,
attorney In Jail when ho returned
with his bride from a short bonoy
mOon. Hut In nMin thn nonntn rnn ro-
red a prediction vt Itaj ca pretty much onvhody or anythlnif
lag. The world Is too, ,,ubic Hfe or public buclncss. The
uiessea sinie oi mairimoniy in nonu
faces a hnrder lot than tho recall."
With the mad folly of tho Euro
pean nations before us. how sano nnd
wine iuntK the aounn at our Admin
istration la avoiding bostllUlea with J mdse., 2nd 28 cents.
Our isolated jo!tlon and freedom ,
from entangling alliance Inspire usi
with the cheering assurance that we
are ia no danger of beJag drawn Into
the quarrel. Can we hut contrive to
stay out. there is good reason to be
lieve that we shall bonsflt by the los.
of others benefit at least, so far aaJ
that Is possible where vast total
losses are certain and the business
framework of the whole world Is
warped. Certain It Is. however, that
whatever harm we ultimately may
sustain -will bo as nothing compared
with the economic downfall of Eur
ope; comparatively, our position will
be so prosperous as to be a nben.
Prices of our food stuffs for we
must feed the warring world win
What of the Hague Peace Tribu
nal new?
J. I. Mlckrl and L. II. Zfcmcr Co
Over Store and RcktuiiruiitH
J. D. Mlckle. state da'ry and ford
InmuTtnr nml I.. II. Zlnninr. an In
spector of his ofllcA, were In town last J
week making an informal examina
tion of local grocet:es. restaurants
and markets.
According to Mr. Mlckle Bend his
on the whole a very satisfactory con
dition in the various places whoro
food Is sold and prepared. Clie
meat market, he said. Is the equal
Perennial peas 1st, $1 mdie.. 2nd
25 sen Is.
Rosos Red. 1st $1 mdse.. 2nd
2' e-nts; pink, 1st. $1 mils).. 2nd
25 eenta: white 1st. sack of Hour,
2nd 26 cents; yellow or cream. 1st
urr of flour. 2nd 25 cents: best col
lection, 1st hand painted shinn, 2nJ
$1 merchandise.
Pnnslos 1st stand table. 2nd 25
centa; artistic arrangement. 14 1
nid'e., 2nd, 26 cents.
Nasturtiums 1st, sack of flour.
i 2nd SO-centa
Daisies Shasta, 1st, 76 cents, 2nd
26 centa; Afrlrnn. 1st, 76 cents, 2n1
26 rents; English, 1st 76 cents. 2nd
26 cents: Swan Hlvor, 1st 76 cents,
2nd 26 cents.
Coreopsis 1st, 76 cents, 2nd 2j
Snap Dragon rod, 1st 76 cents:
2nd 26 conts; white 1st, 7K cents,
advance, and the 8fwers will bene. ' n nxtmm a0fl appointments of anv2nd 26 cents; yellow 1st. 76 eenW,
tared products will widen wonderfnl- 0rT alsT hTsa.d we on tb,
,y' 'r&lS well kwL aUhouK
America and all the Par East The creamvy and r0nounced it In tine
opportunity of all time awaits our u , , roR-hlnr! an,j uar.
sh-pping; with the seas swept clean wJ eonjo fl n
.,f competitive vwsete. with oar pro- ; a ,e da,rJwJ , & , h.
ductlve resourcaa unlmlred "' ' i,ori100d
he markets of the world clamoring
for our products, it require only a I
modicum of Initiative to build up n!
respectable merchant marine nnd
again place our flag upon the high
2nd 26 conts.
Baby breath 1st, 76 conts, 2nd
26 cents.
Marigold 1st. 76 cents, 2nd
Qalendula 1st load of wood, 2nd
26 conts.
Lark Spur, 1st 76 cents, 2nd 25
Candy Tuft, 1st picture 2nd 23
A' survoy of eastern press com
ments upon the unfolding situation
is instructive and roassurlag, so far
as our selfish interests are concern
ed. Two extracts are typical of the
optimistic viewpoint. Bay the New
York "Bvenlng Mall:"
"America would send grain and all
other food stuffs, horses for cavalry
mounts, petroleum for the groat num
ber of motor vehicles now employed
1n war, gunpowder and other muni
tions ; while the necessity of recou.
structing railways and bridges would
cause a great doniand for our Iron,
steal, and lumber.
"Hverythlng la used up lu war
velilolos, animals. - chemicals,
lumber, cotton cloths, leather, and
many othor articles -waich we exiart
to Europe. At tho some tlmo. the
paralygis of tho protluotlve Jnduv
tries of several great Huropann coun
tries would muko hb the loading
source of supply for Asiatls. African
sod South American countries iwfthJ
which we now have cornparauvoivi
little trade, uur commerce wouia
ilniilitlnui lm nermnnnntlv Htlmiilnte'l
with many of these countries through '
EJfoerta Peaches for
Shuey's Cash Grocery
.- . ,4-
aillnidlrt, 1B173 cChW, ad . coma.
Petunia, single, 1st, 91 mcrclum
dlee, 2nd 115 rents.
(lohlon (liowr 1st, plcluru, 2nd 21
contH. .it
llollyhnck, Iflt, 6n of frehh os
turs, 2nd ar cunts.
Ulndlohis, 1st, utvak, ot Hour, 2nd
ho centa nferchnndlsii.
RnRged Bailor or Untehelor button.
1st, SO cetitH, 2nd 26 ct'iiia.
Sunflower. Int. 76 cunts, 2nd i'
coills. m ,
Porennlal Phlox, 1st iR rents, an I
26 cents. '
Povcrfow, 1st 1 ijldie., .Ind 2."
Vorbunn. 1st $1 Aids., and 2
Centonuron, 1st silver sugar sliml
and buttor knlfo. 2nd 26 oouts.
Snlphlgloals, 1st 76 cents, 2nd 26
Best collection uf wild flowers, 1st
$1, 2nd SO cimiIh.
llOHt geilotul dlsulay of uUt Mowers,
1st. Umbluiu Club cup and $2. 2ml
LI (iluntovo or Eluctrlc Hdt Point.
Potted I'IiiiiC.
All 1st prizes $1. 2nd ' rents.
(Icranlums, red. wnltu, pink, single
or doubtu. Petunln. alugla or douide
Bnlo Angers. Begonia. Texas St'ir
plant. Kuschln, single and don'l
Forna. Vegetalilei.
Beat collection grown without lr
rlgntlon, sack of flour. Best eoUo
tlon grown with Irrigation, Infge can
Corn $2 indso., 'cnbbnge. largest
head, 1; earrots, 26 cents; turnips,
26 conts: pens, 26 centa: beans, 60
centa: cauliflower, 60 cents; lettuce,
26 centa; rutabagas, 26 cents; po
tatoes, 26 cents; cucumbcrn, 60
cents; endive, 26 cents; onions, 26
cents; beets, 26 cents: spinach, 26
conts; squash, 50 cents: radish, US
cents, tomatoes, 60 cents.
Assorted berries, 1st, $1 mdse., 2d
60 cents.
Bust dliplay fruit, 1st 11 mdse..
2nd, 60 cents.
CtilldmiH' Department.
Sweet Pons, assorted, 1st. box can
dy. 2nd, 26 cents.
Nasturtiums, 1st, box candy, 2nd
6 cents.
Roses, any color, 1st SO cents, 2nd
26' conts.
Popples. 1st, box candy, J ml 2
Wild llnVora. 1st 0 sonta, 2nd 26
rinks. 1st 60 cents, 2nd 16 cents
I'ansles. lis. 60 cent. 2nd 26
Best general display of flowers, 1st
60 conts, 2nd 36 enl.
The prizes and thn silver cup will
b on exhibition Ih the wlndnw nf H.
M. Thompson's furniture store on
Oregon street next week. At the
show thoro will be a sale of potted
plants nnd offerings of plants to be
sold are requested.
The show will be held on the
Kround floor of the Bean building on
Wall street and will be open from 2
p. m.-to 10 p. m. Adm'sslnn will be
free. Refreshments will bo on salo
during the afternoon.
V. S. Separators nnd milk cans.
Skuso Hsrdwnre Company. Adv.
- - .---.-- i '-L" ,"',', .'ili '', ..I ' "-'-"""'i' "V"'"' ---"-'- ' - ' """
We still have left a few Tailor Made
LADIES'' SUITS that will sell at
half pric
Ladises' Waists, $1.50 and $2.00
values, at $1 .00. Straw Hats at half
price. Must dispose of these goods
to make room' for the Fall Stock.
Some Full Silk Puttcrns have ui rived tilmuly.
tamonta Man Nearly Lime Life in
lliii-iilnir Building.
PRINEVILLB, Aug. 7. Tho hotel
and store of N. T. Towne. Including
tho postofnci and Pioneer telephone
ofllco wer burned at Laments late
last nlghi: Origin of lire Is un
known. '"
Frank Towhh. his wife and Infant
were sleeping in the second sUir and
were rut off by the Barnes. Mre.
Towne escaped through a window but
the husband with the bat attempted
to escape by the stairway and were
both badly burned but will live.
In defending (he stairs they were
overcome' and fell to the bottom.
They were rescued by N T. Towne,
who wns slueplpg on the ground floor.
Tho toss will amount to about $3000,
partially covered by Insurance.
Advertisements liucrted tinder this
liemllnjt ut the rate of ONK CK.NT A
WORD each insertion. mutt
accompany all orders from persons
not linvliiK n regular account with
The Bulletin, No ndtcrllnemrut Ink
for lens thnn in cents each Inxertlon.
WANTKD Second hand rang,
bads, chairs, etc. P. B. Johnson, Mil
lloiin, Oregon. 23-2-ic.
WANTED Work as Janitor. In
quire Bulletin. 22-24)1
WANTKD Several or H tee of rasjlfj
berries or loganberries. Phone Miii.l
rutniiin. xu -' p.
WANTKD High school girl to
work for her board. Inquire of J. U,
HhoiiKO. 22U
WANTED Woman In atmlghten
ed.oircumstanoea will work for bo-i,1
nrjil lodging.- Inquire tlirongb Mrs
:0jt Purat. :l H.
, iNVANTBD Small ranch, fc'6 to ion
AOros, rich soil, part fur cultivation.
.and piirt for grnslng. Write D. H.
JtiOtiurda. Hnn Luis Objapo, Califor
nia. ll-S-i it
WANTKD Position wanted by
fittuiograpber experienced in law,
lumber and oominercliil work. Ad
dess, Miss II., 25-10 Stockton eve..
gacramtmto, Cal. 28-2(c
f' AVANTWn Tn rfini.-'n rfmnll fur.
milshed or partly furnTsftsd liuuse iy
I'v'rtTmif counle who will InUn uint nam
&f?piace. Will bo permanent If rent
Is reasonable. Address XVZ, Bulln
tiu',' - y - ' tf '
POIt SALI8 Jersey cow. sell, or
trade, for gentle horse. Apply O
W. Snyder, Vi miles south of Labi
le w, Oregon. 20if
FOR RKNT Two small furnished
heusee near school house. 8. It.
I login, over Dosehutee flank. 30tf
I'OR RKNT Three room nonae.
furnished. Also three room 1ioue
unfurnished. Apply Metropolitan. 20tf
FOR RKNT Hulto of three mod
ern housekeeping rooms. J. J.
Klein. lMf
FOR RKNT Small house partly
furnished. Is a month; also tent
house adjoining. Near depot. In
quire at Bulletin. 4ltf
FOR RKNT OiTlces on Wall street
very cheap. Apply Bulletin Ofllco.
FOR RKNT Rooms centrally lo
cated. Kleotrlc lights and water.
Suitable for housekeeping. Cheap.
Apply Bulletin Offlce.
FOR MALIC Good horse, weight
about 1300 pounds. 7 oara old. In
quire Bhuey a Grocery. l?tf
FOR RANK--Improved. rellnquUn
merit, lu hi I lee from fiend. Inqulie
Bulletin. 3-:sr
FOR 8ALK t room eotlaHe sn.l
lot In Kenwood. House eost $200, lot
$100. Insured for f 2ev for 2 )ea:
Price 300 It taken at ear.-.
Terms. sap
FOR HA LIC Until Sentombor le.
only, Dii roc Jorsey tlllts and sowr.
open and bred; also pigs Hiker set
Farmer's prices. Phone lledmotnl
No. 2S0U. (1. L. Braise, ranrh Puw
ell Butte. 33-18;.
FOR HALIJ1 thoroughbred Hoi
stein . -I splendid Jrses. 1 esira
Jersey cow fresh, all milking. Test
runs as tilah as 7 iter sent, from
Mo 186 or will take young bef stork
I In .tl.N.n i 11' II. ..... t m.tJk
,,, uauii.iiku, f. v. iiuiivrt i.ii-
law, Oregon. 23s)
FOR SALIC Her and hnggv,
IC&. Oeorge Oates at poet offlee. 32"
FOR SALKChrap. Seeiid bid
sowing machine la good . .i-'ii' i,.
Apply Mr. M. D. Knetien. 1
COME AND tBK the Improvements
on ino acre ranch now for sale cheap.
Irrigated and improved. Leveretl
Ptseh Co .Bend. Oregon. 33c
FOR 8AI.K or TRADB ror Bead
property, so acres partly Improved In
Willamette valley. C. V. illvls. 2223o
FOR 8ALK 0 head tuberculosis
tostod nilleliAiows; 3 head 2 year old
heifers; 10 heed of heifer and bull
calves, II to S months old. Don't
write unless you moan business. A.
A. Berg. Olst. Oregon. 22-2S e.
Pnil a 1 t M Tavn or ci ,! Jul..
soys, three yoar old mare, Red chick
ens. Laldlnw post ofllco. 23-23 p
FOR SALE Cheap. Two single
bods. Inquire Bulletin ofllee, 17tf
FOR 8ALK Reglstorejl O. I. C.
pigs. Phone or write 0, C. Card
well, Bend. 13tf
LOST White setter dog. Notify
Bulletin efflso. ir
LOST Team or maree, about 23oo
pound, one white with wire rut nn
right shoulder. One brawn wjth nhlt
foot and wire cut on left hind foot
Alex McKwiwn, Hampton. Ore. 23:o
LOST Hay mare weight abuut
1800 with 7U brand ON left thigh
bane. Tin of left ear split about
one inch down. Finder plena noiir.
Lloyd Mercer. Auuler, Lak Con i
ty. Orecun. 23-2 i
8TRAYKD Hay kurso weight seu
brandeil left shoulder. Anchor and
O. II.. hnd halter on when last sen
near Anderson's snwmlll. Finder r
turn to Tumali) Irrigation Project
offleo and reenlvo reward. 23-2 i
TAKKN UP At Johnson raneh
20 miles east uf Bond, hay horse
branded on loft shoulder, L7 nnd K
on right stifle: dark bay mare brand
mi on loft shoulder. Hallo T. II. owr
cross and T-A eoniieotud. on right
shoulder. Both broke. Bert Po
ell. 23-27P
I.08T Bainplo ease on road
LaJIdUw. Marked Kucha. Notlf
n. Russell. Uond, Oregon. f3i
HAVING bought the
Nixon Express from J,
M. Judd I will continue
the management of
same as formerly--
j.'h: yoder
rent a ?tHT3iftiniMsjiieiMiijiiisV uUILuInu
'" ti't,w-uioiourju)s,An3rit3
xamrsn Qfflyygy wwm