The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 12, 1914, Image 1

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    The bend
Vol, .Ml.
m:m, imnciON, ui:ii.hdav aftf,hoon, m oiht hi, iii.
NO. 2.
Jenrriil lUprriM. In Cionk County III
I If I n Only K.lU,lt)o 01 Cuiupiir-j '
,tllvTtll 9lllH,iH)0 .Nim OlOMJ
...rn lllfimo" for llcfciciH
, .. t
,'rhe ohlof BIIWlhlH Ift Bounty ill
i vlatmi eontliiue to be the on uf
lm. Nonrly nil rwugiiix tin, ml-
vantage tit illvialon st till iiimi.a.iMt
Hi geiiarRl'iloxIrnblllty of ilio ninv-
incut If tn At nra unl to iiliHtI J
' ii r n ' !1 ,, 1H ,2lI of K'UiHry from The Uttlluiu. Iio
lealhte tfle
1,7 HIIIMIU, T Mttl.1'V
wrtVrtiunoft ir tun iwiuimunt und ux
I'rtlunw of
irMHl)l WHO KI0 IHHklllK HI) IHIirtll
effort tp WlllM't flKHt'WI HlHl Mill MlOtt
tho ttxTwor wjim lie want to know.
Ta m qJirlnln xtut, Ui out.
tl Hi impobtlldc to lvo llKiiri' oi
tmil for thn fiiturt iioraimfl no ont u:
lino whhl miliirliw, for IiihUikh.,
trill do inld In Dwwhiitmi county. All
IMt nnyniu mn do In thtx connwitoit
U lo nitikii comiMiiiuinH wtili irMiut
i'rook county flKtirw. Mini with tho
nctiriM of nod In otlittr OroKnn coun
lliw A laWIrt wax wUIIlid In The Hut
(Ih tw wwjkx am eomimrlux tho
rnountM rMlHwl In 1913 for tuxo In
H'OroHOH MMinUw with thn Crook
ouHiy ftmirw nml xkowtiiK tliHt tliHr
nM. wiihh lnrRr thun Crook, not Hlonx
for Iwm nwiter. It WH8 xhoun hImi
lltnl tliroo rounttas, with nhout tin
Mtm valuation Hint DeufhutM aountv
would liavi aiMMt much Iww than tho
nmotiut that DwhutH couutr would
rlo oh tho tirwtPHt valuation mid
liat wnt'k HMMNMHicinui nnd mill
urmi for Crook county for the iiaat
i'H yoara wr (irlntoit xhowlnx n
fftoady Rrowth In lax tn Hint tlnw.
nd now further comimrlaonx arr
Morkrd out from thim.
Thn only infllnKo that taxmtynrn
nrt intiiroxtcd In l that for Ilio rui
hnI fund; Thn Knnrnl achool mill
nsn Ix flxmt liy tuw, the IiIkIi xehoot
nnd library nilllngo would not hu
Irvlml in I lone Initio oounty nnd lln
iftal road iiiIUhko would Ik hnt
'fvtir tho votorx uimln It at tho l)
ooWNer lnvy?-Ttie ,tn!llKi?P,fctlfWt"lrl.t
terita a that for the Kfneral fund
jthri thr fnar la that II would hnvn to
ho hliihir (n l)ochutwi county thun
It la .now n Crook.
Now tnkliiK tho Nnirim,tirlntd lal
wiwk It niiiirnrn that thr county k
trl lvy kiiim too? hax hon.
I'or couhI
ft II
M lilac I'ald SU Uon I rund
I 3..SI4
, 9.1
. 9.
, 7
Tho mlllagafur 19tt,HHd 10IJ ill
oinor yranC - "
Thr outiimn nf thin tablo. In which
iho taxpnyor l chiefly IiiIuiimioI (
tin lnnt One sli'irrtaK thn anttunt to
ho nilxoil for ifunl'imrpoura My
Konoral fund mlllaso. In tho yoari
TiHtwnoii 1 1107 and 1911 na ahnwn ly
thr Inhlo, Hint amount douhlo),
StutipluK from iSl.QoO to $TH.00p.
mmiI In thn ntTxt ytsir It tnoro than
r as?:
168. 17
I Sircich
of Your Income
T. M nnrfk & Wk Ivu l M.M ? , j , 7 ka &B
XtMkb. ' M HbVa WV r'X XJX K r W iPi VXXaB BBBI
Thoro arc two wayy of iilMniCiwi' WoW
right way.
You nnd yourvlfo q,ut luU w
i WuRtriiiR m ouvolope irbihi lor hroajh. TihU'h M
Or you nhd tliftiiottor Unit onu got
lioth oiuU nmnit 'tlto mtO.
n n hculth' l(nnk,noountJ
. Deschutes .
ihuiblr-d HKiun, cu uudornloml thai
I he eniuw of l bo grunt Increase In tho
IU12 fltnouiit wn uuuMitnl roml ox-
I dlliin. Wluiluvnr It won, Hum
llKiirpn show finally tliul fulr duduc
Hnn ran not bp mudo from Hut h
urrx fur Hiq. present ),ir. Hero r
llgiirex allowing Iliul four yonrx am,
t'rHik wwiiiy'x general oxpenao was
xllKhlly over $60,000. Why not uxr
tlmin lo mtiko comparisons for Dew
chutes count?
Prominent Mii-i fth Man Hay .Morn
Hntlnfiutlon In Hnuill CouiiiIcn,
County division Is finding many
siippoitei among prominent tax pay
ors ami business men nf tho oast
aide, xuiue of them on Him Krouiiil
tkrt their affairs ran be hotter oon'
dueled If thoy an rlil of the west ld
district for good ninl nil, and ninny
liimuiiro tliry liuiiVntly im that tit
pnoifln of nil Ihroo comriTtM will h
bettor off In every way should tho
illvlnlon ho throiiKli.
J 1'. Iilanrhard of PrlnHvllIa, prr
IUmhI of tli Crook Count fair, mid
m candidate for thu efffiffty ciuiunli
sbniotxhlp comes out IIiTl footed u
rnvor of illvlxlnn
ltiPlyliig to n lot
"Vour litttor of thn Slat lnnt. nt
huud; I cnutiot aay that I HKrmt with
I lin arntlninnty oxproiiRod liy xoiim
"Hint wn rre anxloui to Ttrt rid f
you " llownvrr, I will nay frankly
that I am In fnvor of both tho ro
IKjmnl new coiintli. lioraiisc It la n
principle Ion if oHtatillatmd, that tho
donor our looal Kovrrnuniuta run m
OrouKht to thn people, tho Imttrr thoy
wlll ho undnrntood nnd tht inort l
Ufactloa tliry will kIm"
(HlKiiodl J. I- IIUVNIMIAItll.
fiiiil Itaelinll Ihtja lilt Ktrrytlilnz.
Iliclr ()pMitiflil 'N'othlOK .Murli.
Iionil'a liaavimll tonm rompril 'u
with a laiidxlldr victory Htinda)' af
ternoon, whon nlnit playora from Mix
tora cam., to town and played the
N'ntlonnl Kama with tin localltea
Hlatera xeorrd uothliiK. Hrml rolled
up 27 runa. areordltiK to acorer Nick
Welder, who wax howlltiK for tin nild
Iiik inachliic hcloro the xeventh In-
For three lnnlnoi the game wn
pretty fair. After that It ua n iiier-ry-Kojound,
runnltiR on hlah aiieed,
In aeveu InnlngH si Hlatora hattora
operated at the plnle, Indlrntlnit that
Norval Hprlnicer had thltiRx pretty
well In hand Htoehr pitched for
Klxtera, anil alUioiiRh he got no kiiii
port worth mentioning, oven with
goed noltlltiK he would have
tin lmrloil. for thn I In ml tinttnra
afiphfifnUHt 1 hit off hfa delivery.
Ilend nit hard, ran harca Hku n hand
of colta and fielded clean unit faxt.
Johnxon and Kulp each got four hltn.
Qnly two orrorx were recorded
llend'a line-up followa Stover a
Sprout. !b, Hloltll lit, KprlnRer p.
Kulp If. Johnron . Van Mntre r.
1'anl cf. John Htntdt. Jr. rf. Illtx
Btover 1. Hpront 3. filelill 3 Springer
1. Kulp i. Johneon 4. Van MAtre 1
Paul t. Itunx Stover 3, Sproxt t.
iUntill . Hirlnner 3. Kulp 4, Johnaem
4. Van Jllitre t. Htnlfll 1
SltM line up waa ax fullowi
V,M rf .Hartley Hi. p. If. Krenu)l lb.
WcmmIx m. Itarr ll. Harrlnnlun rf. p.
Htoehr 2b. Hpooc. DhvIh rf.
1 1. SllltAUi DAN( H.
Sttturday evenftiK the memhera of
Hie liaxehall team snvo a dnnco In
Huthor'x Hull which wna well nttoad
td. and everyone who went xnld thoy
had a mlRhty Kood time. Chester
Callow and Mm. Molreu furuUhed
the muxlc. and nhoul twenty-xlx do!
lara wac tnkeii In. Tho Imll team
tTxpoxta to hIo a dang ovwry t'o
& Value
irrn wrong way nnd a
w' t ;
from puQlli yfda JinUl .ho Ions-
rleUt down to hrnxx tnoltx and work
u uk
ii,i!hnimictasslullur , int. your lnconiojwlii strctou
State Banfe
. 220
.Mnnnitrr De Arinomra Htntemenl
Khotta C'noll Itohinre of JXIH7.U0
HatuhlUluncnt of Vrrutnery ')oe
of flood Worka of the ('lull.
II. II. Do Annond, MannRor of tho
Commercial Club, haa auhmltted n
report to tlyj4 (lnf lot oovertne .lie
ptfrlml froniJuLe 1 to July 24. II
xh'iwx n xntlxfUrttty flnHiiclnl condl
Hon and a rfroctly unlarKod cluli,
there now being 220 iiiouilierH.
Tho llnanclnl report xhowa 318.40
on hand June IS, und rocelptn from
then to July 21 of $2AI .',0. making
u total of J272.UO. nixliuraemetitH
durliiR thlx period totnted $811.30. lu
eludliiK thu dinner to new inuiiiberx
lenvliiR u halunco of $187. CO.
The roort ). In part:
"On Juno 1Mb the club had n
momberahlp of 38. On Juno l&th
tho meiulierahlp wua dlvlded'lnto two
teama nnd a campaign for new inetn
her wna launched with the reaull
that within two weeka 182 new iiioin
bom had been ndded to the Club,
hrliiRliiR the totnl up to 220, which
Ix tho xlmof thn uiemberxhlp nt prea
"DurliiR thn period covered by thlx
report Hie oluh haa received "a let
tera. tho uiujorlty of which Mere In
iiulrlea from people xeeklnx landx nnd
lioni-it rod. Thrxe lettera come 'run
all parta of the I'nltnd Htut x.and
Canada DurlnK the unit period wn
hate written 74 lettera nnd ncnt out
78 plecea of literature, oxclunlve of
the Ilend leafleta. Ax a rexult.of Hill
correspondence a number of people
have already come to Ilend.
Through tho combined efforts of
the Club nnd the farmurx a co-operative
creamery haa been extahllahml
In Ilend which Ix now In xuccexx'ul
operation. Alxo through the clul 'a
effort a two watering trough, fur
hones far tho convenience of faipmrx
and other people with tenmx will
soon bp put up In tho city. Also tho
club haa beep working to Ret n box
factory and a woolen mill established
In Ilend. Hrnllilng tho value of good
roads the club haa worked faithfully
to xcciirn money for the Infprovemen:
of the mails around Ilend, and on the
MrKcuxlo'pnxx with the result that
a considerable sum or money Is now
avallablo for road work."
Pro fewer tfitta apcHJJallxt In dairy
ID; and atoek rnhliiRnn the exten
alfin dlvlxlon of (no OreRon ARrlcul
Uiral oollnge. will be with Countv As
rlculturlxt hovett the meet of the
week huRlnnltiK Auguht 17th In thu
luturost of tho dairy Industry of thht
xcotlon. They hope to hold meet
lugs In Interested localities nnd ro
visit a large number of the dnlry
men. one of the objecta Jielnjc, to In
tqresi tho men with oews In the or
ganliatlou of a cow testing associa
tion for the purpose of weeding out
tho poor ciiwb nnd Improving the pro
duction und profile of our herds.
Drop Mr. I.ovctt a line If you are Interested.
VHave you seen the
S'.Z New Big
Game Guns?
' : CALL and Let Us SHOW the
. ': til
Latest in
Gundom .
'-'' Hunting Seasoq is Now Open
iff lEw Till! COMPAN THAT PUT Till .
r'Jl "WRlll" IN ' II.UtnWAHU, ,. !
l'otnI NatliiKN Ilrpoidt A I mi Hlmw
Material Iwmi.e Ccorge Onten
In ApMillileil Alliint Font .Ifax
ter- Sew Htar .Mull Itoule.
Iliixlnesx for tho first month of the
xetOlld cIhhh poitl oltloe In Ilend haa
shown it healthy growth and the of
flco-la now well established on the
new basis.
Tho local post office wna odvancod
to thn w-cond clnse on July 1 after It
hud hIiotwi by Itx receipt for a year
that Its liuxlnexji entitled It to the
higher rank. With the advancement
tin;' post mnxtcr beconiex entitled to
slightly higher anlnry nnd an aa
elxtant poxt master as well ax oxtra
clerical nsalxtnnce. '
George (latex, who formerly had
thu rural route to Alfalfa, recently
took the examination for assistant
toxtmnkterhlp nnd hux received word
Hint lie paused with a high standing.
He haa now assumed bis new duties.
F. T. Iteid Ix serving ax clerk. For the
time being ftnm Hlder In carrying the
malls on the rural route. -
Ax Indicated hIkjyo both In xtani.i
xalex and otherwise the business of
the office Ix holding up. In July,
for Instance, stamp xnlex were 2S per
cent Ipittcr than In any of the thre
preccedlnx months. Foxtal xavlni-'s
dcoslta nlso aro higher now than e
any previous time, there having been
nearly 32200 on deposit on the first
of August na compared with J1SB2
on June 1. Tho June amount hex
been exceeded' beforo but the present
total Ix the highest yet. There aro
21 depositor here.
July haa nlso aifen Improved mall
service between Ilend and Silver
Lake ox n reaull of the line of auto
trucka on the xtar route by the Wcn
andy Livery Company. Another star
route Ix now under consideration
from Uend to Mltllcnn nnd Imperial,
bids for thlx route having been called
for some time ago. The onlv offer
received by the department I con
xlderod too high but hope are still
held Jor a lower offer.
A a rcault of tho Huropenn war
order ,hnvo been received to lake no
parcels for shipment abroad nnd no
more International money order are
to be Issued nolens the poxt office
authorities are convinced that the or
dor Is not being bought to avoid the
high charges that prevail In financial
centers for foreign exchange.
County llhUloii Would Facilitate
(immI Noitli nnd South lloute.
An auto party touring from I'ort
lund tu a big Fierce Arrow the other
day had all kinds of trouble between
here. nnd li Fine, on tho east side
road, not having been advised to take
tho weal route Thoy were xo aore
about the condition of the hlghwn
thnt the) wrote the Portland Auto
mobile Club, advising Hint tlila
xtrotch of road be marked "Impas
sible" on the bulletin board.
Friends of county division to the
xoutli point to thlx. and altnllar hai
Csnlnpuj, a good loaeoaa Xor the lifted
of extabllRhliig Doxefiutox county.
With tho ainallur county, In which all
tho west sltli! cdmnfuiiltlet) will he In
terested exclusively. II will bo eaxv
to build hnd maintain a proper north
and south road along tho west side.
which Ix now nn Impossibility with
tho cast side clamoring for the tax
In order to make the west route
more available for tourists algnx are
bolng placed on It and rook removed,
n subscription to defray the oxpenxe
having been taken up yesterday.
Among the Improvements will he a
new road around tho Rend Coitiutyiy'M
lumber yard.
Thnt Interest In the county division
movement was growing lu and
around La Fine wax tho raexxage
brought by W. F. Arnold, editor of
the I -a Fine Inter Mountain whon 1.1
town laxl week. Practically every
one In town ban now signed the pe
tition nxTWell as many of.the rnnches
In (lie surrounding country. A com
mittee tpAwork for Deschutes countv
has Iteent formed consisting of Mr.
ArrtolTl. C V. Cnrmlchnel. W. O.
Fordhnm, J. 8. Becxley and O. W.
Tank lo Hold IOO.OOO Oullont Will lie
Completed by II. W. L. & V . Co.
Middle of Month Investment
In Itcgartlctl mm Klgnlllrnnt.
Laying concrete In the Ilend Water
Light & Power Company' new res
ervoir west of the river began this
morning, and Manager Foley esti
mates that by the l&th the big tank
will he completed.
It dimensions nre 46 by 45 feet,
with a height of 11 feet An Indi
cation of the first class manner In
which tho work Ix being dono Ix the
fact that an Iron roof or cover will fit
tlghl over the reservoir, making u
Impossible for any animals to get Into
the wator or material of any kind to
contaminate It.
Tho cost of the new equipment. Is
about $S000. The tank will hold
100,000 gallons, nnd will be used In
connection with tho present tank
whose capacity Ix 30,000. gallon.).
Connecting the new reservoir 1200
feet of ten Inph pipe has been laid.
Workxlarted July 3. and since
then airtvei'rige of IC men havo been
employed, with M J. Oanlelxon n
charge. Tho Company Ix contemplat
ing other Improvements, among them
the concreting of tbelr electric polos
In town. The Installation of the bis
new tank, triple the capacity of the
old. la regarded as most significant.
It being believed bv many that sueti
an Investment would not bo made at
this time were not the men bohlud
the company sure that mill construc
tion is due to xtart forthwith, aaxnr
lug a great lv increased deoand fo.'
water coincident with the enlarge
ment of th town. It Is pointed out
that tho present tank la really can-
nblo of satisfactorily oaring for tho
neu!a of Hie present community and
Is In good shape.
At the meeting of the school board
Inst evening It was decided to pos:
lono tho opening of school for one
weok. making the date September 7
Instead of September 1. This action
Ix taken to give more time on the new
school building.
? u arrSi v Ik yW W
IFe First National Bank
U. V. COK, Provident E. A. SATHER, Vloe- President
V. S. Ul'DSON, Cuhler
Capitol fully paid - - - 826.000
SurpluH O,000
The American Bankers Travelers Ghecks
are not now issued by the Banks, owing to
the wan ; t
. -If you are" going away secure ope" of our
which may be cashed at Hotels, Banks and
other places without identification.
Sums may be obtained on them as needed,
saving the danger of carrying currency, and
buying drafts.
We do not make any charge for them-and
you will find they are very convenient.
eTa. SatiiIsr
U. V. Cob
Proierlty of Middle Wet, Wherw
i!cti!-3fanufatturri f.umlw 4oei,
Come) Itecmie of Illg Crop-, IHgr
Demand am! Also Illg Frfcr.
It's an 111 wind thnt blow no ana
good, and xo It .seems with the Hur
openn war. xo far as. Ilend is con
cerned. For It seeuM probable that
one reflex result of the dlxtresxfnt;
struggle will be to encourage lumber
milling hore.
Tho demand for American food
stuffs Is stiffening dally, and. with
tho destruction of European and Hus
sion crop, the look of harvesting
there, and the tremendous strain
upon the national commissaries, th.j
demand and the price are bound to
Increase. America lias had the great
est crop In Its history. All this means
wealth for Uio Mlddlo Wost record
crops, unprecedented demand ao-J,
undoubtedly, top-notch prices.
The Middle West Is the market fo.
the pine lumber manufacturer. The
lumber market has been dull Jn that.
section, because, ovcry.lhlngjhji Tie n;
uiiirucrvu. oojrittonnTW, cumra
prosperity for tho farmerVtnoro busi
ness (and higher PiiS) for 'no rail
roads and a atlffenfug la, the deman 1
for all American manufactured, goocw
because European prodUcqrs wilt be
crippled. -'
It Is known on jtoou authority that
the only thing 'that has held back
mill construction here this spring
was the dull condition of the market
It tics lrcen understood reliably that
construction for this Autumn Is as
sured nearly alt preliminaries have
neen worxea out proviaea tne mar
ket Improved. The war assures that
An authority, familiar with the
matter, has this to say on the matter
"I hellevo the war 'cinches' thj
mill for Ilend. and. perhars. two
mills. Of course the economic lo&
of the war will have a bad effect on
all the world, and the Jilgher prlos
will hit the poorer elexses everywhere
hut thcrcH every reason to lielleve
that tho Middle. West will be itnpre
cedentedly prosperous. There Ilex tho
market for our lumber. Milling here
haa simply awaited a return of good
times there. Of course It Is posslhl
that the world's finances may be Jo
bndly shaken that great Investments
cannot be made, but on tho othr
hand the financial condition of thl?
country Is really remarkably sounu
With an opportunity for profitable
Investment there Ss small. doubt Urn
the cash will be fortheonilng
One of the prettiest rea!d$n"QM la
Ilend Is nearlng comple(tjMidtit
that of Jack Tansey In" KenwoSffP,
house, whoxe architecture IsWfi'the
bungalow variety. Is a story and a
half high and built or brick. A verv
attractive effect Is produced by M
tcrnatlng the brick red and black
aro worked In alternately. The chim
ney and porch supports and step
are of clinker brick moat artistlcallv
arranged. Altogether, the nouxi
makes a splendid example nf what
may be done with the local brick.
J. Z- tVk JJr. ifrf.
IF W s W K W R W R J
s. Hudson
11, r.r Um,ib
f fc& i
35 1
r" - ".