tAOK. TIIK UKNI) liri.I.lCTIN', I1KNI), OKI)., WtJRNKSBAY, AIW8T fl, 1011, CANAL STUDIES ARE NEAR END MUCH WORK ALREADY ' FINISHED InvcMlRntimi or i O. I. Co. Hcjs relation Made by John Dubai for Jjgsert taiul Board FurnUlic 'valuable .tjota Teeter lw With the 'end of the Irrigation neason approaching, the studies of( tho , formorly occupied the Central Orefcon irrigation system Thompsons furniture store. Mih Lh Tnlin lliiltiil hna liAnn tnnlfln:-! ..."... . . ... n.. All who cxpcci 10 compuiu ior mu Jcot It gives, nt tho wuno time, un usually Interesting Inforturtlon as to agricultural conditions In this suc tion of tho country. The Itrlgntlou season cuds on Auk ust 20 nt which thuo tho illlrh rldors end tholr work nnd tho collection of drift will lo over. An noon us pos sible thereafter Mr. Huhula will inixko his report to the Desert l.nud Ronrd which will then he u position to donl IntelllRentb with nil local IrrlKiUlun questions Hint tuny ariee ANNDAL FLOWED SHOW SOON Kent to lo on Auuut 1SJ I.Ut 'if Donors (ilven. With tho Flower Show only about two wecka off the members of tho ladles Library Club are making every effort to prepare for this In teresting event with tho oxpoctatlon that It will surpass all previous shows both In beauty and number of exhib its. Tho show this jcar will be held In tho Dean building on Wall street by Bond Milling & Wnrohouso 1 snek Hour Uond Steam Laundry (s.M) in tnulo McCulatun . . . $8.00 United Warehouse Go. . .1 Ubl. Hour Skuso llnrdwnro Co $2.00 Metropolitan S.OO R. M. Thompson . . . . Jnrdlnler stand I lend Insurance Co $3.00 Uond Co i loads of wood which John Dubois has been making for the Desert land Hoard are assum ing final shape, and although It will bo a number of weeks before a re port will bo made It la apparent that - data of linmonse value has been se cured, both In connection with local Irrigation matters and on Irrigation questions In general. Tho Investigation of the Pilot Butte canal, made u Prof. T. A. H. Teeter or the O . A . C , was finished , nbout 10 days ago and since then he has been engaged In a similar study or tho Central Oreson canal, unror tunately Professor Teeter was recall ed by the college aumoniies beiora completing this work. It will bo taken up and finished, however, by Bomo 'one jet to be selected. Frofcs Bor Teeter left for Corvallls yostor d'ay. It Is understood that until col lego opens In September he will be engaged In a gcnoral stduy of Irrlga . tton systems throughout the northwest. In tho Pilot Butte studies Profes sor Teeter, worKing irom ucumonu. covered over 100 miles of canal and laterals. Tho Central Oregon work Is being carried on from Dend with p'ractically the same amount to Iks done. The records of water flows resulting from these studies show that this year a greater amount of water Is running In the canals than la any previous one. Of material assistance In the In vestigations has been the co-opera-tlon of several farmors on the segre Ration who have helped In making the water studies. They have kept data on tho use of water on their awn places and In this way have glv cn tho benefit of their own experience Impractical Irrigation. $The crop report for the segregation which will be finished soon, is the mbRtcompleto thing of It kind over prenMpd In Central Oregon. Tho kfnd'and amount of every crop raited has been reported on and In addition thonumber of houses and othor farm buildings, fruit trees and all lire Mock. FurnlshltrK for the first time an accurato census of the whDlo'pro- sllver cup given by W. I). Chonoy for tho best general display of cut flowers aro requested to notify Mrs. B. M. Thompson before the date of tho show In order that reservation can bo mado for the exhibit. A number of prlres have nlrendy been offered by business men and cltliens, tho list being given below. Next week a full list of flowers nnd vegetables with tho prizes offered will be printed as well as tho rules governing tho show. Bend Water Light & Power Co. 1 Electric Olostovo Mrs. S. Mcintosh ?2 In Mdso. Ilend Sign Co $1.00 First National Hank $5.00 Mnnnhclmcr's $3 In Mdae. Thornthwalte $1.00 J. J. Ityan $1.00 Deschutes Hanking & Trust Co. 2.50 O'Donnell tiros $2.00 N. P. Smith $2.00 llert Shuey . .', . 1 sack Imperial flour II. II. Do Armond . ..$1.00 Patterson Drug Co. $2.00 Henkle & Ryan $1.00 R. M. Smith Clothing Co. $.1 In Mdse. S. C. Caldwell $1.00 C. S. Ilenson $ 1.00 E. A. Sather $2 In Mdse. Dr. J. II. Connarn .... $1.00 W. W. Faulkner $1.00 Dr. r. C. Coe $1.00 C. V. Sllvls $1.00 Amerloon Ilakery ..... Hox of candv Dr. II. Ferrell $1.00 F. A. Dennett $3 In Mdso. J. II. Minor $1.00 Ross Fnrnhnm $1.00 F. O. Minor Hox of candy S. R. Hogln $1.00 Owl Pharmacy t$2 In Mdse. Loven ' $.K0 Carmody Hros Ilox of oandy McCIIncy Can of coffee and $1 Hotel Wright i $1.00 Mrs. Stevenoon $1 In Mdiw. Hond Hotel $ 1.00 Boyd Meat Market $.R0 Anton Aune $1.00 J. A. Hastes $1.00 Rend Ilulletln 1.00 G. II. Furst $1.00 FHKNCII DRV CLKANKR IIKRK. Slnco the addition of u dr clean ing department to his laundry bust iiokh J. l'dwnrd Larson has pnld o pcclnl attention to that sldo of tho work done ny tho Uond steam laun dry and hna had very gratifying re sults In his now lino. To bring this department up to tho highest posslblo standard ho has recently engngud tho services of Henry Dtipont of Spokano who has conducted a French dry cleaning establishment In that city for some time. With Mr. Dtipont In chargo of tho dry ceaulng nt tho Hond Steam Laundry It Is In a better position than over befnro to handle all classes of work. Adj. i TIIK HH.'IIT PAINT FOR KVI'RV 8URFACK. Painting should bo considered is an Investment You get out of R vnlue In proportion to what yon put In. If you buy ordinary paint It will only bo a short time until vou will have to repaint. If you get Shorwln- Williams paint you nro sura or too right paint; ou will have a paint that will woar that will give tho surfneo on which it Is used a finish that w last;, that will outwear or dinary paints throe to ono. and the first coat Is only a trlllo moro We rccommond Shorwln-Wllllamn Paints for every palntnblo surface as tho best nnd cheapest In the long run. N. P. Woldor, local agent, Dend, Ore gon. Adv. Refresh yourself with a cold drink, Full plats at 5 nnd 10 cents. Amorl lit FRM TO Hit INK IN PROFITS LOW I R PRICKS US FORD (ARM Uffoctlvo from August 1. lull ' August 1, 1015. and gunrnntoud iivalnil ai rcduutlou during that time Tourluu Car $HM Runabout .' " Town Car "", F. O. II. Detroit, all cars fully equipped. (In United Btates o( America, only) Further, wo will bo abto to obtain tho maxi mum efficiency In our facory production, and tho minimum cost In our purchasing nnd sains itepartmonts if wo cait reach an output of .100,000 cars between tho above dates. And should wo roach this production, wo ngreo to pay ns tho Ino'or'a aharo from $10 to $00 per car (on or about August 1, HUM lo every retail buyer who purchases a now Ford car between August 1, 1911 nnd August 1, 1915. For further particulars regarding those low prices and profit-sharing plan, seo tho nearest Ford Branch or Dealer. 4'ORB .MOTOR COMPANY . can Bakery. Adv. 22tf Buy Bend Butter. Bargains In grnnlteware. Hardwaro Company. Adv. Skuso BOND QUESTION (Continued from page 1.) pletlon of certain contracts and that this Is a "cash bond." "Bofore tho bond In nitration was given, nnproxlmately $25000 In coin was held liv the Stato In the "guar antee fund." This cash was turned over to tho Company and a sure'y bond laken In Its sted. 'li- n tual cash was formerly avnllablo for the protection nf settlers thuy now Iirvc onlv n right of action under this bond. Whother or not It can be collected Is an uncortaln question "Furthermore the liond gives onlv partial protection as compared with the original cash guarantee. The bond Insures only the reconstruction of tho (In in o and enlargement of the Central Orogon Canal, whoroa Him original cash Insured tho ultlmato turning over by thn company of tholnlshcd a bond In the sum of $26.00H entire project, or nny port thereof, In for that purposa and also that the good condition nnd repair. Tho bond Is therefore not as good ns the orig inal cash. "This monoy In tho guarantee fund was derived from tho $1 00 por acre out of tho Bottlers iirst paymont' which the company must under Its contract pay ovor to tho state to bo hold In trust for tho purpose men tioned, "I understand that nt the meeting In question a direct Issue was raised botween Mr. Howard and myself as to whether or not tho company had up a $2R,000 "cash bond" for the repair of tho flume. The foregoing statement covers tho facts ns to this bond; It was onco cash, but Is now a surety company undertaking." Howard's Ktntcmcnt on Bond. In tho following letter Mr Howard states his position as to tho bond. Tho copy of thn bond Yeforrcd tn wjil bo held at Tho Bulletin office for a limited time for the Inspection of any wno enro to see it. Doschtltes, August A, 1914. TO THK KDITOR: "It has been stated by settlers that John II Lewis, Stato Engineer. In formed them In a mooting at Ilend some time ago that there was no Imnd or securltv up to guarantee the rebuilding of tho main flume of the Central Oregon Irrigation system. At the meeting of the Wnter Tiers' Association held at Bond July 2th, tho writer Informed the meeting that the Company had caused to lie fur- ! Statu Land Board had settlers notes to tho amount of about $35,000.00 guaranteeing tho small amount of work remaining under tho Contrtl Oregon Cannl Enlargement, entliuat ud to cost liiHo than $3,000.00. "We sond ou herewith n cony of tha bond given to the State by the Oregon Surety K. Casualty Co. In the penal sum of $23,000, to guaran tor) such work. This Itund was pre sented to tho Land Board and care fully considered by them nnd accept ed. Mr. Lewis Is a member of the Land Board nnd as lis Secretary prob ably has custody of this bond. "We will further stato that this bond Is guaranteed Ity the personal ocurlty of F. S. Stanley. A. F, Biles and Roscoo Howard, nnd a cash de posit of $25,000.00 In tho Culled States National Bank of Portland If necessary to further corrolorato this statement It wilt bo cheerfully done. "If Mr. Lewis nude tho statement that the Stato has no soourlt) for th construction of the Hume, he mis states the facts. If he deems such misrepresentation necotwnr) to onvsr crlllolNiu of his Indefensible attllutU In refusing to certify lands for pat ent, thus preventing settlors receiv ing tholr deeds, be is making a ser ious mistake. Yours very truly, ORNTRAL OltUOON IRUIOATIOK COMPANY, By Roseoe IliiwaiH. (loners I Msnsxtr. Buy Bend Butter. DIRECTORY OF OFFICIALS. I'ultcil State, Presldont Woodrow Wilson Vko President. .Tluinms H, Marshall Socretnry of Statu W. J. Bryan Meorolnry of Navy ..IohoiiIiiih Daululs Heoretary of War . . . .L. M. Onrrlson Secretary of Interior , , , ,1 IC. I.nno Heoretary AKrloiilluru D, F. Houston Secretary of Treasury ,V. F. MoAdoo Secretary Comnuircu . ,V. 0, Redllold Secretary of Labor ... 1 W. B. Wilson Attorney Oenernl ...las, Moltoyuolds Postmaster (Juiiornl ,' Albert Btirlesou Slate. Oovof nor , . Oswald West Secretary or Statu ....II. W. Olcott Trojsurer Thus. B, Kn Atty Oeueral A. M. Crawford Suparlntoudont Public Instruction . . J. A. Churchill j Stato printer R. A. Harris Coiuliiissluuei Labor Statistics .... ,, O. P. Holt Onino Warden W. 1 4. Flnley Stato KtiKliiuor John II. Lawl United States Senators Ocorsu K. Chamberlain Harry W. Lan Congressmen A. W. LafTorty .N. H. Slunott ' tf KtittiitiMMiH w A, Hawicy Ciook County. Circuit Court Judge V. I. Dradahaw District Attorney V. II. Wlrtx County Judxu O, Springer Clerk Warren Brown Sheriff Frank Itlkltu Treasurer Ralph Jord.ui Assessor ...II. A. Foster School Supt. . . . f J. E. Myors Coroner P. B, Poludextor Surveyor Fred A. Rico Commissioners R. H Baylor Willis W. Brown Hie Courts. Circuit Meets first Monday In September and Decctnfcor and second Monday In March. Probate Moots first Monday la each month. Commissioners' Meets first Wed nesday In January, March, May, Jul), Seittetnbor, November and December, Rend School District No. It!. Dlreotors. , . .Clyde M. McKay, Chum ,,,, , J. ri. Hunter It. M. Smith Clork '. .11, J. Overturf City of Rend. Mayor II. A. Miller Iteeorder . , II. C Kills Treasurer. ...... .Mary H. Colonist Uhluf of Poller a K. Roberts City attorney V. A. Forbw City Hnglneer ....(loorge S. Yoiin City phjrsleian Dr. U C. Co Counellnten II. If. Allen .................... .Tiieo. Anns ............ .A. H. V.0III1IS M. D. Knulsen J, n. DavidMi . A. Halusr Jtiitlreof the Prarr. Uond Pre(Ht J. A. ISost. t t ft i iU - - - ---- --- - -------------- i L rv L ESTATE Ut 0 lumber Complete Stock Dry, Rough and Finishing Lumber Maple and Fir Flooring fa 5Z $v FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage FOR. FARM LANDS Let us show you the property $? conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative Investment .A Lath and ::: ::: t ! ! II :: :; :: n ! H It H Sh ingles Pine House and Irrigation Spout, Lath, Red Cedar Shingles IT l ,1 "t T t The Bend Company OFFICE CORNER WALL an OHIO STS. i t y t ..;r"vu-s-i,c-'. -- T.T,T r . . ,-,..,,.-. ,,, -"--r-- --i-r-r- ww y--T"TrrTiTttaaajiA,ifcaa ' .. x h. i-n-M-r fitf tf"" tfrtttfttfttttrntnttttnttf ftttfttttt"i'tttfttMt(timti(nMMttMotMtnHiiin I'.- "'T T 1 - - , -,r . - .... ... -W-TV---- W V T T i ' I : Kf ; a'' fl a