The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 05, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Laurgaard Gives Desert Land Board Detailed Ac
count of Results Accomplished up to June
30--Cost to That Date is $331,447
In presenting his Juno rjnport to
tho Desert Land Donrd Engineer
Lnurwiard of the Tumnlo Project
gnvo nlso n aununary of work nccoin
jillBhcd during tho tlrat bIx months it
the calondnr year. Although n largo
imrt of tho report Is taken up with
mutters of engineering and nrtnilnia
trntlvo (totalis thero aro many pnrn
graphs of Interest In a more gonernl
way which aro here cxtraoted.
Speaking of the month of Juno the
report says:
The usunl routine work has been
carried on with n full force under
vury favoralilo weather conditions.
The construction work has beou car
ried on from Camps 5. , 7, S and 9.
and has bean confined prlncfpally to
the lateral system and struct mi un
der the feod canal; lateral system un
der tho Winter canal: lateral system
undor main canal from reservoir:
Rull Creek dam and spillway and
Tumnlo dam and outlet works.
The Scinl-Anmiiil Ileiort.
Tho report for tho half year takw
up tho several departments and fea
tures of tho work beginning with th
clerical, accounting and purchasing
Of this It says:
During Juno in the clerical and ac
counting department several changes
took place In the organization a
several of tho timekeepers and sten
ographers resigned to take up more
permanent positions. Tho remaining
force, however, being now fully or
ganized and well acquainted with
their work will bo able to take care
of the enormous amount of work
necessary to carry on operations.
During tho month S50 letters were
written; 10 advertisements sent out.
, and miscellaneous purchases were
made for merchandise covering 106
purchnse orders and, the prenaratlon
of 110 purchase vouchers. Tho pay
ment of tho men on payroll and tlmo
check rolls aggregated a total of 508
men, 335 of whom were on tho reg
ular payroll at tho end of tho month,
and 173 to whom were Issued time
checks during the month. The gross
amount earned by payroll during tho
month was $33,79-1.78, deductions
were, however, made to the amount
of $7,345.61, making the total
amount paid during tho month for
labor alone $16,449.17. At tho
close of Juno thero were on tho pay
roll 335 men and 177 head of horses.
During tho month 18379 meals
were served at an average cost uf
21.31 cents each. Whllo this cost
may appear rather low, we are pleas
ed to advise that tho messes are fav
oring the men with a high claw meal,
and no complaints have been register
ed. Thls-ts probably due to the fact
that i all purchases are made from
wholesalers In Portland at a mini
mum coat, and also to the fact that,
all the cooks at tho present tlmo aro
very economical and take special
pride In serving a high class meal
at a minimum cost. During tho year
1914 up to June 30th, we have sorv
ed 73162 meals In our messes at an
average cost of 21.89 cents.
. Tumnlo Dam.
At Tumalo Dam tho work during
June has consisted principally of
building an earth embankment and
placing rip rap on the two sides of
the dam, excavating the tunnol an!
bringing tho core wall up to tho
necessary height to facilitate sluicing
operations In the dam. The hauling
of earth and gravel material from
the barrow pit by moans of dump
wagons and teams has proven nul'o
tatlsfactory. 14.000 cubic yards of
earth was ulaced In the embankment
during June at a cost of 28.3 cents)
per cubic yard. This cost Incliuta
all work In the barrow pit. Including
the steam shovel, hauling, placing,
and sluicing and distributing tho ma-1
terlal In the dam embankment. The
embankment proper Is now about 4 J
per cent completed. A very limited
amount of rip rap was placed during
June, as It has been deemqd advlab'n t
to aeiny ineso operations unui wio
dam Is further advanced, whon the
rln rap can be placed In looser o'sn
tltles at a reduced unit price. Only
138 cubic yards wsb placed at an av
erage cost of $1.25 per eublc yard,
Work from January 1st, 1914, to
July 1st, 1914.
Clerical, accounting and mirchn
ing department. In this department
for this period an pnormou amount
of work was turned out with a com
paratively small force. The organi
zation In charge of this work consists
of one chief clerk, a bookkeeper, ono
storekeeper, who also has charge of
all equipment and supplies, and two
stenographers, one of whom attends
to the correspondence and filing,
while tho other is engaged In writing
vouchers and a small amount of cor
respondence. These men are now all well trained
and as a result the maximum amount
of work Is produced through a mini
mum of effort. During tho first per.
lod of 1914 all the work In connec
tion with the purchasing and account
ing necossary to establish camps for
approximately 350 men has been dis
posed off: the equipment record has
beep brought to date, and the system
of charging tho deprecation on
equipment has been changed to a sys
tem of oharglng all equipment direct
to the features upon which thov are
used: about 4800 letters were written
during this period: 1985 pay rhecks
were written aggregating approxi
mately $65,000: 129 offlc'al photo
graphs were taken: 39 advertise
ments for inercandise and equipment
was sent out, and 426 purchase or
ders were issued and placed over this
period. Some of the most Import
ant purchases for tho papt six montht
may be enumerated us follows. About
30,000 pounds of beef, three carloads
of groceries. 200 barrels of flour were
purposed for tho messes at the var
ious cumps, and 68 live pigs were
also obtained and distributed among
tho vnrlous camps to bo fattened by
tho refuse from tho camps, and sub
sequently killed for meat
TotnW Kpemlcl.
Attached to this report are tlnnn
clal statements, one showing trial
bnlauco riving tho totnl amount ex
pended to dato as $381,447.86. Krom
reforrlng to tho amount expended up
to January 1st, 1914. wo tlnd during
the part six months wo have vxpoaileil
on tho Project n totnl of $174,347.31,
lonvlng $118,551.14 still nvnllnblo
from the appropriation to bo expend
ed from July 1st to Decotnbor 3 1st,
of this year. It may b of Interoat,
howevor. to note that during tho past
six months, In addition to the above
amounts we have expended $2511.03
which Is profit on our messes and
mercantile store. Of tho totnl
amount expended to date of $3tl.
447.S6. only $321,565.34 has been
directly charged to tue various fea
tures on tho Project.
Many Mupt Made.
Tho hydrogrnphs of Tumnlo Creok
hove been kept up to date, likewise
tho topographic and land classifica
tion sheets. Maps have been made f
tho Project showing ull prlnolpn'
roads, canals, dams, nnd towns, in
cluding 1-nldlaw, Bend. Deschuti
and Cllne Falls. Other maps luuo
also been prepared showing tho var
ious unlU Into which tho Project bui
been divided. Progress profiles of
tho construction of tho feed canal,
main canal from reservoir havo nlso
been prepared monthly. In addition
to the other tracings mentioned III
has been necessary to design lnur
wooden bridges.
State IliMid. '
Tho construction of the new Stntoj
road around the east sldo of the res
ervoir wns commenced during tho j
latter part of March, and at the pres
ent time Is about SO per cent com-1
pleted. The plans for this fenturo1
calls for a roadway passing over tho
Tumnlo dam at the north end of the
reservoir and the Butl Creek dam and
by-pass at the southern end of tho,
reservoir. Tho Dull Creek dam at
tho present time Is practically com
plete so that tho bridge over tho
spillway is now In condition to bo
opened for traffic. Tho roadway from
tho feed canal south Joining the main
Ucnd-Slsters road Is also complete
The bridge across the feed canal wan I
built In a substantial manner, con
sisting of concrete piers and stent '
"I" surmounted by a wooden floor.
Tho road from Hull Creek dam nort'ij
to Tumalo dam la practically com
plete with the exception of about
1000 feet rtorth and west of Tumalo
dam. This roadway Is also prac
tically complete with the exception I
sdduflssgsSgmqagaqs3i jjjn jju gjujg ujtgup ts. Ma worn b a I it jmmgjit f
anapa! a naHgnsg; Qaonaapi m n jump g , i t a ua K wlfjg j It nmmnji I
In u a a a ti v u a u ti y u v v y ' t ti u u u a u u t u niaia in. if u ( au u u nu u k u t i him!mmm ;
1 1 p 1 1 S I i 1 1 iH pg gig igggggg p i pi g I i 1 1 lilil I
!iiiiliiilii!ii&i! iH if ilii ililiiiSil
!rft S 8 fl fl ji ?i ft si fihiSi if m r, in -wr-r-r wv i r-T-iY tt-ix r IrHSumfflttUEStlZUt&SltuUl
1 II 1 11 i p I! WHILh. 1HLY 1 I IS ill
li 1 I II 111 II II- LAST :i li 111
aHHSHSssaasffiaBS sn mik w
illllailllliiililll Folding Ironing Board i 11111 111111 11111 I
11 II i I i 1 1 5 II 1 8 1 1 With Every Electric Iron g Eg rata ma 1 1 ft 11 ffjBJSjjj)
'iiPlliliiiPll i '1 le rear Pce 11 illlni r liiSI
iiSi $3.75 ffilifiJIS
isrararararaBracoBBBfSRraRraBBBiBraiainBiSKii ,, rr-
wjnmmWdlmSiWiz &tzi rrrvg n S44J!w5Wir aJaTEiSe a cflff usJ t (Sgc fas S ( 5
a all iaaill III Hii JWtPSL 'laitlsalMtlsin
aaaaaagflaasaHasats? j r&TRfn Y 111 81 IS k lu I 1 I sag la. I
aaaagaaSaaaafj.aaaa? NiJlpA J KiHMttiKifiiMlSKiB
aaaaaaaaaaaaaanasaa tvm7 &t mI t ifitii?. e IbBM?
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaa tAfW ujhA lM! ;N!mj!S Plj
raaaaraaaasaaaaaaaaa k:Vl5. Er as I l b 8 K i I
aaaarj) fflsElt tBMMMI $PRM
SSlllS3f3139B'Si8S!i Rpnfl Water Lmht & BR if BS S P MS t B B I
88S88933B3338B33lh Cend Water Lignt oc p
aaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaj -. ai;BjaSfitlfliarJf2JBBBBl
.anaaaaaaaaaflaaaaaaa D,.. C imu aua uiSla l i aua a i t
aaflaaaaaaflaagagaaaa rOWef VO. Mma las uima tu tuu to, t
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa vt -yw a ? hh i a a n ?g1 i i tj i a p i 5 (
aaliaaaaaaaaaaaaaga ralBll SBlq ztra fit tSgalf
aaa'aaSaaaaaaaaaaa ulmi i Uli I i&V I
ffi a agi a fl(a aa ?i a a as a a a a ys 'iM.sSlSSS'iSS'S W ?
aaaiaBaaaa8ail i 1 1 1 I ? IPiif 'HIP 1" - F 1 1 l If ' ! l ?&
iaiiaaaBi?iiaiaiiiiliaaiaaaaa t k rai ai e I te i I i lit a tab. Uf u Vt.
aaaagaaajjalJaaaaa?iagaj vn$iani mumi EratjEKSeuEg i i ta ' ia tub m I
of tho approach to tho dnm which j
Involve a heavy thorough cut
through solid rack. Up to tho pres
ent tlmo tho work on this road has
consisted In tho clearing of sitgu
brush and Juniper trees of 27 acres
of right of way, and tho placement
of about 7,000 F. 11. M. r lumber In
Iteport of Irrigation .Miuinuor.
Tho work of transferring nil Co
lumbln. Southern contracts wlilen
havo acquired vested water rlhts to
the now form as la being used by
the Desert l.nnd Hoard t this con
nection hns boon handled through
this department under tho direct sup
ervision of tho Project Engineer. Ow
ing to tho adjudication or tho waters
or Tumalo Creek and tho rulings .if
tho Hoard ot Control an equitable ad
justment or these vested water rights
has been very dltllcult, and much or
tho tlmo ot tho Project Engineer Ima
boon taken up In this work, huwovor,
Does Prohibi
tion Fulfill Its
Thinking people of every
religious creed nnd political
belief should givo earnest
heed to tho expressions of
opinion from eminent di
vines, educators, editors,
governors, judges, legisla
tors, and others prominent
in every walk of life, who
havo publicly voiced their
sentiments concerning pro
hibition in worda similar to
"Prohibition drives under
ground tho mischief which
it seeks to cure, making it
more diflicult to deal with
the evil and impossible to
regulate tho trade." Bishop
Hall, Vermont
"Prohibition has been dis
astrous to the causo of tem
perance." Bishop Clark,
Rhode Island.
These men are sinccro and
conscientious. They dcploro
drunkenness and cry against
it as a great evil. Who, in
deed, doea not7 Yet they
know from observation and
experience, that prohibition
does not put a check upon
intemperance but that, on
tho contrary, it gives rise
to evil even greater than
intemperance itself.
Paid Ainrtium
Tho Hoard Cannot Iks Hettercd.
The Iron i Guaranteed Forever.
Schooling (it ypiilh nhoiilil tnvsilaMy h
dlirrlnl to injure pmoii In III twit yf Ih lot ih-fmmil KiitUon fo wlmh
ht licantblr '-rimd.nlC w Illiol
ThU I, the Mlulnrt ot 111
l:oflyUth School Vcar Opens
SEPTRNHKR i8th, 1914
Will for IHiiMinlrd lonpiRn Htiok
let. 'Till) l.lPh CAKIilU." mid lot Ota
log omtiiliiliiR lull litfotiiiiitloti
lUffr rwMt- AuHicui riiRP 1
Agronomy. Animal lluMKimliy.Diilrylluv
bandry. Poultry Husbandry, llorlkulture.
Agrliulturr for Frmlirrs. lOKhSTHY,
NOMICS: Domestic Sileiur.Dumrstlc Art,
HNniNI'liKINOi Nectrlral, Irrigation,
HiRhw.iy, Mrliankal.Ctiinlal, Mining.
Ceramics. CoMMbHO). PHARMACY.
l'iVTrt ("VMMr-Acrk iilture, Dairy
ing. Home Malms' Course, Industrial
Arts, PoreMrv. Huslnrss Short Course
Siiih1o .1Miir Piano, String, Hand,
VoUe Oiltutr.
I'aiinm Bow" Crr by Mll Frea.
(t'IMnl Cwllt, lfn
mini . ," t
satisfactory settlements havo been
made with nil local contract holders
and with row exceptions non-resldant
contract holders. To. date there has
been 132 or this class or contracts
executed with llfty-four (541 Indi
viduals. Those contracts ombraoe
3422 acres upon which vested water
rights havo been acquired, and upon
which thero Is u balance duo from
tho old Columbia Southern contracts
of jn.6G2.0S; under the vnrlous nil
JuaUuents 337 acres wero entered
at in. 70 per ncro, or a total of
$4970.75 and 530.27 acres or waste
land at $2.50 por ncro or $1348.18;
In addition 1)0!) acros wore contructoJ
ror undor tho now Hen. I'Milinnllng
tho prlcu under tho uow Hen to Ik
$40 per acre, or 130,360.00, tho totnl
due from these 132 contracts would
bo $4 4241.61,' deducting rrom this
tho amounts entered as credits nu
tho various contracts, which totals
$12,104.78 there would be a balance
duu tho Project or $42,770.83. An
Itemized summnry ot those vested
rights Is herewith attached. In ad
dition to the above there yet remains
1 Individuals who have vested water
rights to the amount of 531 acres,
who hnvo not, as yet. executed tho
now form or contract, but a large ma
jority or these will be closed up dur
ing tho month or July. A detailed
list ot theso contracts Is also attach
ed. On Juno 24th the Project Kngt
neer closed contracts with I. K. Wi
nter, C. II. Spaugh and Mrs. I,. J.
Wlmcr, whereby thoy executed con
tracts for 420 acres of vested water
rights which they had acquired
through tho Wlmor-Harcrow ditch;
they In turn transferring all their
rights In that ditch to the Slate.
Distribution of Water.
On April 15th water was turned
through the canals and laterals ror
Irrigation purposes, and since that
tlmo water has been delivered In such
iunntltlH ns wns ueslied by tlm set
tlor. Tho distribution Iiuh boon ac
roinpllshod thus far without any ser
ious broiilis In tho canal with the
exception of a break which occurred
In the rood canal at Drop Nu. 2 on
May dlli. This wns caused by u cav
ity under tlm caitul, nnd wns Hi no
way occitHlunud by tho llrst coiistnnj
tluu. (')( HitiimiMiy.
Mr. l.aurgnard's summnry of costs
Ih us fiillows:
Hoforrlng to the cost shoots at
taclted hereto wo llnd there has linen
spent up to tho present tlmo n totnl
or $05,(101.40 on tho distribution svi
torn; $108,804.20 on tho rood unnal.
and $13:i,IOP.n on tlto storage
works. The food eansl Is now all
completed so Hint no further nxpou
ill tu res ore estimated for that feu
turo. In connecllon with the tor
ngo works, however, It will probably
bo necossary to expend the following
iiuiotints on the vnrlous font tiros:
Tunnel, slintt, gates, ete.,
contplolo $18,180.00
Core wall 4.000.00
Hesorvolr roads 1,400.00
Cut off and drain traneliiw i 200.00
Hip rap for Tuiimlo daifl. .4.00
Tumnlo dnm nnibankiUHHt 19.000,00
Poncing Tuinnlo reservoir 1.000.00
Hull Creek dam, cImiiIhk
up, etc., at Camp . . . . 1,000.00
Total $.3l.i0
15 por cent for adminis
trative and engineering
oonllugouules ' 7,100.00
Total $50,715.00
On this renturn it total or $133,200.00
has boon expended lo
The total ostlmatcd ex
penditure on storage
works $189,015.00
Tho total estimated
amount ot this nxpen
dlttire was mndo orig
inally at $158,520.00
Plus land damages 59,170.00
Tolal $218,000.00
I.esvlng thus a saving or $28,000
on storage works which may bo ap
plied on the distribution system.
From our cot sheets we find thoro
has been expended to date n total or
$331,447.00. Kstlmntetng that this
$57,000 will bo expended on the stor
age works and front $5000 to $0000
on tho Crater Crook work wo will
have approximately $57,000 more
that can bo expended during the next
six months on the distribution systnni
making n total of approximately
$122 000 that will be expended on
this ronturo.
The results or the construction
work on the distribution feature to
date nro very gratifying," Inasmuch
ns the work Is being accomplished
less than tho estimated so we are
very hopeful that the entire distri
bution system will be completed with
tho aufount or appropriation available.
The New
Perkins Hotel
mjii n i
extends to yon a cordial invitation to
make this hotel your headquarters.
Rooms without hath $1.00 ami up. Rooms
with private hath 81.50 and up. LOCA
C. H. SIIAFER, Manager
The Miller Lumber Company
Bent), Oregon.
Wenandy Livery & Auto Co.
Will be put on between Hand and Silver Lnko April 1,
BfcNIMmBMONT $4.00
Reasonable Rates
will bo charged on all Express and BaRRagc.
Thorn will bo tho usunl iiioruliiK
service nt llio Catholic church on
Hunility ut 10:30 it. in,
Piosby lei Ian.
Thoro will bo u slight I'luDigo In
nur usual norvlcoM next Hominy Htm
day school at 10:00 it. m. 1'iv.icii
lug lit it. The thoiiio of tho liuirn
tug discourse will bo "Hokoiio.i'Mmi
What In It". Tlio churches ot tin
Mly. will hold Union iiidoIIiihs ou
Hunday ovouliign for a few weeks.
Tito III si of Ihoso will bo next Sun
day, August 0, In the M. 1. clmnii,
honco there will bo no services in
tho evening nt the Prosbylerhii
church. All nro welcome to mrsht
with us. II. U. Hartrniift.
Prmrlilng nt 1 1 a. in by the ph-
lor. Tho evening service will bo n
union service hold nt 8 o'clock Hov
II. C. Ilnrtrunft will preiich, subjey
"Tint IIiIiivoIiImIiIii .Iosiin." Ktlllllliv'
school 10 a. in. Kpworlli Ihkiih "
p. in. Prnyer moHtlng Tliursuny t
p. m. C. A Muiltli. psslnr
Ifjwir riltuil ttllh WihIom si
i Hi ITfr yu hit ft II
Ulutt (at HHIIy hlf whl hf
M.I ht II. UM wWlH llU llwtltll
(hi lit. II Ulfiln wtll nlh run
Wiln, ml yl c m nblflo
ituVr jiw rtn p IwlUf iioh
liKiiduni Hi. .(fttkiif utr Ml
Hww lUlnl ! "umlrrlu' ixlrr
lUfiynr wi llirlui imny uf
thrm UIHK h iir.l'IH u
cllmtr Wtnlsut, li Ik.ii I hot
uuf lily olhul'.l liy Wlntnii t
imiii in Hi' Wlntuii li mill
Moushl up I Iht WIhIuii lli
With ln iemil t i
Im an aulamuNlf I'k ytraiMH
IhliiiMf.tfan Ulwr making til
tli Kh lllfctllMluliujr hlsli
(Kit "u.1" ri rf ruwlltil
iftwUIHHi iiilottiMHnltiM
lawiiillhr uwf mwinl ff a
Bfwralaf thtf (oMiltMllutt
iitllr wbtH kmi Ihtl a
thofl rwii'uwwill hiI II lulu
thr 'Me4Hl ImihI' iIim'
Vsn will lw lltlr.l In look
ln(trMir Ui l"Hl'i " tl
huh iiJ ! '. Siv
yvti willrrvr it now
i Portland, On?gpru
ILL ' M I ' - - - - r-- T
Yor Friend's Car
at Half Prico I