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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1914)
IMflK : Tilt; iiihi.KTi.N, iiuNi), om: wkiinkhbav, aucjvht n, inn. 1 -- ------- ------ CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. --& - - K. nro tlrttlln I wn trill ujll -- ------ -- - BUY I.AKK. (Speotnl to Tho Bulletin) BUY IiAKlS, July 13. Mr. Charts llongttnn was n Illvors visitors on Sunday. il. Gctcor and O. Johnson were "visitors nt Uio Ghrako homo Sunday. John 1'ou.Boh. of Ibex, was a Dry l.nkn visitor Sunday. Slondny nlghl. tho 20th. Drv Lako garden stuff suffered a heavy rrosr. Charles lvoy was a Huolc Creek 'visitor Sunday. Mr. Miller called at tho "Old Price Place" Wednesday. Sir. Gulvorson. a young homestead--or of this place, has been out looking for some of his norsea turn nave strayed off. Mr. Allen from Buck Creek was a Dry Lake visitor Wednesday. Mr. Lonultn of Jutland, was n visitor at McVolty's the past weok. Dry I.ako people expect the new mall route to begin this contlpg week. 1)111 Brown's hucaroos are expect ed at tho "Old Price Place" within 4i few days. Mr. and Mrs. Kullor havo been un der tho weather the past week witn tho grippe. Mr. Almes sold his relinquishment to a party from Portland who will tako possession within the near fu ture. D. Rhoady sold a number of splen did horses to Mr Chandler. Tho folks at the "Old Prlco Place" Tinvo finished their haying this weok, liavlnc put up about 250 tons or nay II KM). 7 (Special to Tho Bulletin) HELD. July 26. H. Larkln re turned from Portland In his auto mobile which he purchased there last "week. Mrs. C. II. Gcnting visited Mrs. A. 11. Taylor Sunday. Kenneth iLarkln has been very 111 tho past week. He was taken to Bend to a doctor Saturday. His Ill ness Is said to be caused by liver 'trouble. Eva Hickman. T. Rlckman's small daughter, has nearly recovered from lier recent sickness. Mrs, E. Nelson returned last week from Bend. Sho expects to go back In a day or two. rw MILLICAN (Speolal to Tho Bulletin.) MILLICAN. Aug. . L. Goodman who went to Bend Monday returned homo Wednesday evening. A party from th valley left this L.orntng for Paulina Lake to spnJ fow days camping. Among those who went were. Mr. and Mrs. Schmool, MIm Brown. Mrs. Erne Kop 1er rnd children. Mr. and Sirs. A. A. Gilmore. Mrs. P. B. Johnson and chil dren, Mrs. Utile Gle-ea end Frank Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Vernon Clevenger wont to Bead In the Roberts' oar Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Schmool were callers at the Powers homestead Friday. Word was received In tho valley that Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Owon were made happy by the arrival of n baby girl, Saturday, July SCiIi. Mr. Owen Is a homesteader of Mllllcan. but Is residing In Bend for the present. Mrs. Kopper and family wero vis iting at the Schmool home for a few days. MIm Gertrude 'Lcm.irk and little brother, Robert, spent Wednesday :n ailllican. Mrs. Martha Forgey visited with Sirs, Thos. Moffett Friday. Mrs. L. Goodman called at the Edelsteln home Thursday. Mrs. EdeUtoln's llttlo baby boy was sick -a few days tho past week. Mrs. Klger and Mrs. Effle Gless spent a few days at the Norton house' Ube paat week. Horace Wbito is back In the valley again for a few weeks. Mr. White w haylog for L. B. Lafollctto of Prlnevllle, where be will work again, as soon as tho second crop of hay Is "ready to bo out. Sirs. Thos. Moffett called at the Edelsteln home Tuesday. Sirs. A. A. Gilmore visited with Mrs. Edelsteln a day the past week, A. D. Norton went to Bend Fri day. Forest fires are burning east of Slllllcon and a crew cf mon went out to extinguish them. HAMPTON. B for water nt the lsvntti ranch south west of Horse IIUIkv, wore In Hampton Friday. J. P. Wllqttut has gotta Into Bend this week. Mr. Overall of I .oat Creek paBsod through horu yesterday on route to Bond. " '(Bpeclal to The Bulletin) HAMPTON, July 27. Sirs. Louie Miller, who went out to Bend to be treated hy a physician, returned to liar home hpre last week. T. H. Foley, wife and children of Bend and tholr cousin from Kuru.ij, also Mrs. A. T. Frame, came out Sat urday and stayed over Sunday. Sir. and Mrs. Foley and cousin visited Air. and Mrs. E. SI. Pock. Sirs. Frame visited her husband. All worn well pleHod and thought our valley a lovoly place to live, location good and scenory fine. Silas Lara Crow Is qulto sick. J. Owon oullod on Dr. Hess Friday. Sllss Djrlo Burton culled on tho Misses Crow Thursday. H. C. Miller and Leo Rlggs arc 'putting up hay on Sirs. 15. E. Bas kutt's claim. Sherman Montgomery and wife of Imperial wero visiting folks In Hamp ton Friday. SIru. Delia Hogue went to Fred erick Butto Friday. Burr Black came very near break ing h.'s ankle ono day lust week by getting his foot caught underneath tho brake rod of a wagon without a bod. Ills foot is swollen and Is giv ing him quite a bit of trouble. Isaac Zleroff and Floyd Phillips epent Sunday night with W. T. Harri son. Dave Spurbeck has gone to Geno weo, Idaho, for bis five months leave of nbsonce. W. T. Shaver and Ray Harper, who HAMPTON, July 27. Oscar Black was over for supplies at Brooking' store. C. J. Stnuffer and son Roy passed through hero on their way to Bond. Sir. Stnuffer Intends to buy a blndsr to cut his bountiful crop. fA W. Ashbattgh la helping Sir. Brookings through harvest. Sir. and Sirs. Bert Stocks and fam ily and Sir. W. J. Hngmnn visited with Fred Sillier and futility laHt Sunday. Sirs. Herman Unas of Buck Creek, took a car at Brookings Sunday en route to Portland. Wm. Wnrmouth was In this vjcln lty last Sunday. Oscar Butzoln was a Hampton vis itor ono day this week. Bert Slooka returned Wednosduy from his trip to Sfyrtle valley. A. T. Shaver and Ray Hnrpor wore In this vicinity last Friday on busi ness. CLOVKIU). MM (Special to Tho Bulletin). CLOVERDALE, August 3. L. G. Grube mndo a business trip to Red mond Friday. Sir. and Sirs. Chas. Carson wero guests nt Lowes Sunday. Sir. and Sirs. Arthur Tcmplcton have returned from Prlnevllle, where they attended the funeral of Mr. SUPERVISOR BUT ISSUES ANNUAL REPORT ON FORESTS In Year KiiiIIiik June III), :t."VU I'm' 1'm PcrinltN Wore IsMtcd b)' Ser vice ImprmoinentH Valued nt $18,000-128 I Vinous Hiui1i)cd Covering tho activities of tho For est Service that center In Bend, Sup ervisor Slerrltt has Just rendered his nnnual report for the 12 months ending June 30, 1911, The report 'a of considerable value In describing tho numerous wns In which tho In terests of the resldonts of this sec tion are touched upon and bound up with this portion of tho untlonnl do main. Of greatest benefit to the Individ ual settler are tho free use permits under which timber front the forest ts given nwuy far construction mul other purposes. In tho period re ported on .153 such permits were Is sued for a total of 1,200,000 feet or lumber. Permits were also Issued for grazing 2632 head of cattle on tho reserve nnd 27.GC0 head of sheen. Forty-three pormltH or Issued for miscellaneous uso of tho forest In cluding boat landings, pastures, school houses, reservoirs and tele phone linos. Since the creation of the two for ests In which this section Is Interest ed, tho Deschutes and Paulina. 10025 acres havo been listed for entry un der the homestead act, exclusive of tho recent eliminations around Ia Pino nnd Crescent amounting to 195,871 acres. Tho present area of the forests ts l,o43,000 acres of found not fur front Bond. Accord ing to hint the values on his tlnd will run 112,000 to tho ton. Ho will tin dertnlto development as ho on us ho call get tlnaticlal tiHslsliutce. SISTERS PAPER SUSPENDS llei-nhl to Stop I'ntli Loral Condition .lustiry Starting t'p Again. Announcement Is matin lit tho Sis ters Herald of July 29 that publica tion will bo temporarily suspended, that being tho last Issue for tho Unto being, Tho Herald was In Its third volume and had done much towitrds tho favorable advertisement of Its section of Crook county. Speaking of tho suspension Edltnr Altken says: "With this Isstto tho Hnrald will suspend publication until mioh time as conditions will Justify the publi cation of u paper In Sisters. The Herald la nut suspending publication Iuh'iuiho of a lack of funds with which to moot our obligations, hut bm'tiliso the fuuilH urn being derived from other Hiitircos and expended lit keep litg tip tho publication of the Herald." Nutlieilln, Coon liny Will KitMeiu Is New Mho lift Inrorponited. Another rnllrottd tti cross the Cutt er do Is ptojooted, iirt'ordltiK to ill patches from Hiiloin, having Its out tern terminus nt llolsn, Idaho nnd IM wostnrn nt Coos Buy. News of tho uttterprlso camo out when Incorpor ation nrtlolca went lllett with thn corporation coiiiiiilssloner for the Siithorlln. Coos liny Itnd Knattijii' Rallwny. It Is reported that Woyorhttiiiisor Interests are behind thn road, nnd that 27 miles of It, toward Coon Bay, have beon surveyed penetrating a splendid body of timber Another report states that surveyors wero now locating the lino In tho Cascades Stttherlln Is duo oast of Coos Bay and front It any roatl would undoubtedly strike toward the McKonxlo and count down by Sisters nnd Bend. United Mitten ('renin llopnriitors, HImiho lliutltvitl'u Co., annuls, - Adv. t Don't endure tho tiimtlliisH puln and torment of rlinuiiititlHiit, aggravated us It In hy tho hot weather. W. T. Iliituhtuis, Nlt'liulHtiil, (lit., iiuvm: ( suffered tho nuliim ttnd paliiH of then. iiititlHiii, swollen feet, Irregular imln Ittl bladder notion, hut. Foluy Kldiiuv Pills llxed mo up qillukly." Foley i are thu best. Adv. Patterson Dm Co. 1 What's the Use of frolirlitlnKKi-occrlos from Hunil free of clinrKO? Lot JOHNSON pay tho freight. Komombor tho placo, neitr 28 mllo post, Hontl to Hums road. HI MILLICAN. ORHGON. ffi Tmttolfin' mint, whn illnrl itiirtilnn. ly while In Sisters on hor way homo J which 226.700 acres nre patented from a trip across the mountains The Slstern Herald has discontin ued publication. The ladles of Sisters and vicinity will meet In Sisters Tuesday to dis cuss plans for the fair and to appoint committees for the various depart ments. Sir. and Sirs. Shaw of Sisters were guests of Redmond Saturday. Sirs. Davo Fryrear, who has beon visiting Sirs. Frank Arnold, has re turned to her home In Sisters. Sirs. L. G. Grube nnd daughter, Eleanor, were buslntss visitors in Sisters Friday. Sirs. Null and son have returned to their homo In Lewlstown, Montana. They have been visiting Sirs. Null's daughter. Sirs. Clyde- Johnson. Paul and Harold Cooke of Red mond were In the Sisters' country over Friday and Saturday. John Cotter was a buslnoss visitor in Sisters Friday. John Shorpak has gone to tha Sound to work In the lumber mills. SUss.E. L. Waldrrn was a guet In Redmond Thursday. The Grubo family spent Sunday on Squaw Creek. Harvest has hegun and the crop or grain hr oxcellent lands In prlvato ownership. In tho care of this area 28 persons are em ployed. , An Improvement Inventory recent ly taken shows tho value of all Im provements in In tho forest to bo $ IS, 071. The Inrgest single Item Is telephone lines of which there nre 151 miles which cost slightly over $10 per mile. Other property In cluded Is ranger stations, bridges and look out stations. I'INKHURST. (Special to The Bulletin) PINslIURST, Aug. 3. G. W. Sny der made a business trip to Bond on Monday. George Root went to Laldlaw Wed nesday. Raymond Wimer, who has been quite ill the past week with rheum atism. Is reported much better. L. H. Root was a business caller at the Snyder home Friday. F. V. Swisher and L. II. Root went to Bond on business Slonday. Ethel Snyder and Ruth Baylay, called on Eunice Bradley Wednesday. Sir. and Sirs. Jackson and chil dren attended the plonic at Laldlaw Sunday. Sirs. Spaugh and children were tho guests of Sirs. Bart' Nichols Sunday. Sirs. I. E. Wimer went to Bend on business Saturday. L. H. Root has been cutting hay the past week. A. P. Jackson made a business trip to Bend Saturday evening. Violet and Myrtle Spaugh went to Laldlaw one day last week. Sir. and Sirs. A. H. Reed wont to Bend Saturday. Sirs. Arthur Jackson Is on the sick list. : HUNNV8IDK (Special to Tho Bullotln.) 8UNNYSIDE, Aug. 4. Geo. Craw ford and sister passed through Sun nyslde the first of tho week. Wm Clarke made a business trip to Bend Wednesday Sirs, Chas. Spaugh and daughtors CROOK G0UNTY MINERALS County llni Three Producing Mine Gold Near llcmlV According tq a recent retiort of tho I'nltcd Stutos Geologic I Survsy, Crook Is one of the 11 Ongon coun ties with a record of mineral produc tion In the year 1913. Gold. Bllver and lead were the minerals produr. nd from three mines, the total value amounting to IS. S3?. Bcker Is flit ou the list with a production valued at J1.1S2.C0U. Crook stands seventh As Indicated these records are of producing mines. That there are un developed mines of considerable vul uo In the nountv Is the swertton of S. SI. Relst, of Klamath Fr.lls, who has spent considerable time prospect Ing In Central Oroxon and along the Cascade range. Sir. Relst recently sent Into The Bulletin office for In- epeetlon a number of samples of gold) bearing quartz which lie says were Stop the LossFires are Unnecessary BRICIC IS ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF IN ANY ORDINARY CON FLAG RATION. BRICK BUILDINGS NEVER BURN, ALTHOUGH THEY ARE HOME TIMES INJURED BY FALLING TIMBER8 OR COMBUSTIBLE INTERIOR WOODWORK. A BRICK BUILDNG IS ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF IF WIRE GLASS IS USED IN THE WINDOWS AND IF BURNED CLAY FLOORB ARE USED. AN INTERIOR FIRE IN SUCH A BUILDING 18 CONFINED TO THE ROOSI IN WHICH IT ORIGINATES; NO OUTSIDE FIRE CAN ATTACK IT THE PROPORTION OF BURNED CLAY IN BUILDING CONSTRUC TION MEASURES IT8 FIRE PROOF QUALITIES. BURNED CLAY 18 THE ONLY BUILDING MATERIAL THAT HAS BEEN THROUGH THE FIRIC BEFORE YOU GET IT, IN SUCH A MAN NER THAT IT WILL RESIST FIRE. ALL COMBUBTIBLB MATERIAL 18 BURNED OUT OF THE BRICK BEFORE YOU GET IT. WHEN YOU I1UILD USE MUCK. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. and Sirs. A. McAllister of Plnohurst. wore the guests of Mrs. Bart Nichols Sunday. Malilon Couch, who has been as sisting on the Crawford ranch at Plalnvlew. returned home last week to take charge of the grain crop In tho absenco of his father. Fred Wilson has been cutting his rye hay. Sirs. J. L. Couch made a business trip to Laldlaw Thursday. Robt. Horner of Laldlaw passed through Sunnysldo Wednesday on his motorcycle. Sirs. Sllnta Howard and Sirs. Delia Nichols went to Bend on business Wednesday. T. Saul of Terrebonne Is the con tractor who has charge of the build ing of Gene Winter's residence. Sir. Coiner of Plnohurst spent two days this week at the home of Fred Wilson. Jay Nichols of Tumalo was In Lald law Saturday night. F. W. Ieverenz of Plalnvlow, pass, ed through bore Wednesday on his way to Laldlaw. Mrs. Jess Hnrter of Laldlaw, vis (tod her mothor. Sirs. G. SI. Couch, ono day last week. Sirs. Delia Nichols gave a temper ance lecture at Plnohurst Thursday night. Sirs. G. SI. Couch, who has beon 111, Is very much Improved la health. Registered Durocs For Sale Now J.t tho time to Mart u bunch of good hogs, It will curry that high rate of interest it in! Jm tho quickest wuy to cancel that mortgage. There nre prospects of cheap feed this fall, nnd hogs nre going higher fiery duy, Bo sure to chooxe tho right kind! I have them! 1.10 head to hclect from. Males aud'feinalew from Meaning pigs to yearling gilts hrod to Wnurondu Chief, n piUe it Inner at the luht Stato Fair, .that heads my herd.. .Bpeclal until August Iff, 10H, .March pigs 913,00 each cruted.. .Write or call and soo them. G. A. BRADLEY, Redmond RANCH ADJOINS TOWN8ITE ON SOUTH BEND PARK COMPANY We Control and Have For Sale, at the Bet Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of Business and Residence Property in Bend. Call or Write for Free Maps and Descriptive Matter $ i INSURANCE ', Insurance Written in All Its Branches in World - - -Known Companies ',- ' LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US. OUIl OUTSIDE Offices and AgeiiW Better Enable Us to find You Purehusers nnd Tenants. J V BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building, Seattle, Wash. y A ) . . li ' f , I t.