The bend bulletin Vol. All. HK.N'ir, oitniON, whiini.hda v ai ti:iioo, awicht n, ji t, S6. : rio dlit nut got diit nn)- llferiiturn Wo Mitlimltlcil llio limttdr to the peo INSPECT CRANE thereafter set aside 1180,000 to h used in reclamation work here, the ple mill tlmy votod on the fitimitluii. Wo urguod that we could aeotiru hot. tor roRiiltH, mid morn economical ad ministration of our affair In n hum). lor county, not het'inii.o tho people worn more honest, but Hint tho ofll corn In u HinnllHr county would be donor lo tho iiooplo." general understanding being that atlll othor funds would be forthcoming If mo aiaio woum join on a co-opera tlvo basla. It now seoms that Secretary Lane'- unuerstnnding or local needs will be of no nvall unra ho la nblo to make them clear to CongreM. nfinritipc cnriM BOTE SIDES! BOND QUESTION NHS MAN ST BREAKFAST OTHER SECTIONS PRAI W (Continued on pngo S.) h A LTS IN IDAHO PLEASE Jhtrridx front Letter Olvmi -Hlgu-vrn HI 111 Coming More Ton Fig ure (,'ollrt'tnl for Ibwrttt of Voter Hliim-.Vearly fiiutrau Alifiuiigh tlio lint ruxti of Nlgiwa for tho county dlvlilon iiotltlou ' over tho past week hna tm a atrady luorcufco in tho number uf-uamp.oii l tin iiotltlou. Ilcsldenl of outlyliiK jKirl of tho now county tiftyo madu it point, on coming to town, to o ', member of tlio commltlQO and sign, mid n tiunihor of those who wore unwilling to sign when tho niHttor vfuk, tlrt presented to them Imvii coma to noo tho desirability of tho move nnd harn added their names to tlio llm. Work on tlio collection of data hearing on tho micstlon Of division rflntlmii'H uiiil will ultimately ho plao- oil hoforo duo voters In a hpo convenient for rororrnco and atudv. All ro anxious to secure facta nod It U facta that will bo pretinntod. Thut olhur section of tho north' wl where dlvlilon of counties lues been inndo In tlio pant am satisfied with the results nnd would ho un willing to return to former condi tion Indicated by letter received 4lurliiR tho punt week. Knowing Hint now count Ion hnd been created In different purl of Idaho In tho past few year let torn of Inquiry n to tho rttftult wore Rddrmtaod to prominent men In I hone unctions. The answer mi far received ore of the most favor mIiIo character h In shown hy tho fol lowing extract from letter from two differ wit town. AHitHionii Pall. Idaho. July 30. "Wm have ywr favor of the JSnd I11M.. relative to county division, and 1M reply thereto will My that we fin I eunty dlvliluou In our sane n ureal IwHeflt to all contented, and would Hjit think of going Iwek to tho old MHtl from which w wore separat- "Wo Ihive found alnee our county dlvMoH that Hit new county of I'owitr took In inoro In recording foe In tho eonnty recorder' o III en than tho old oouuly of Oneida, from whleh It wn eretitod, for a like period of time. "W nhMufliut that our tax money Ik iiwkI to a bettor advantage In a smaller county thun n Urge- one. as tt waa dlltlrult lie fore county division to Kwuro nny eouMdernlile umoiint Jf tax money for road purpoMM, and thla In really the moat Important llei.i that a county hn to doal with. "Our lax levy In Power county laat ear had the dlttinrtlon of holnR third In the Htate. It helng d mllln, aNd iKinie run aa hlxh aa 26 Mi IHlIU" HexliurK. Idnho. Jijlv SSth. 1014. 'Itepl)1nn In your letter of tho 32d wo are well pteaRcd with having ill vlded our old cflffnty. Wo hellovrt tlmt we will bo able to make a amnll reduction In tax, after having paid the trnnicrlhlng feci. And wo have not the leant nouut that wo anall oo ttbln to Rut belter reaulti. with mi terlat reduction after t'.io ftrit yunr. "Wo did not bavo any organlxed cipivoBltlon to our now county, thorq. FIRST USE OF BINDER BY MILLIGAHJIOMESTEADERS II. I-'. Dyer and J. K. JoIiumui I In not ood Cropa of ltye Unto t'orn, IIomiiii mid ToniHtiMf. ComliiK On, II. P. Dyer, a promlnont home Hteador of the MIIIIoaii valley, came Into town oti flaturdny with vlnlble proof of tho fertility of tho aoll In hla country, and of tho remit of In telllgnnt dry farming. Tim proof wna In the ahatie of n big ahenf of rye produced In one year after breaking ground on hi home. atoAd, lu nil ho has hnd In thla year nimut eight ncn of rye which w III run from Ifi to SO buihel to the acre. J. 19. Johnaou, n noliihhor of Mr. Dyor'a, alto la mnklng n allowing with rye thla year, having In aome 20 acred. He, too, brought In n aheaf of hla grain to bo turned aver to tho Commercial Club for exhibit In Port land. Itye la not nil with Mr. Dyer. how. over, for ho haa corn, hana and even linnutoca that aro all going to bear thla year, the flnit being nlmoat reodr to furnUh their auppllea to the fain ly tnblo. Tho tomatoea aro atlll green hut aro expected to ripen aoon. Iloth tho Dyor and tho Johnaon grain havo been liar vented with a binder, the flrtt to be operated lu the Mllllcnn valley. avery a. scoaaiN is KfLLED Mnll Contractor Itetwrcn I'rlnevllle and I'Atillna Hliot by Henry 5Io- HomcI itlio Tluii Teledione Autlioritlm Mot've L'nknowtt TltKAHl'ltHIt KAY lllilti:. Htate Trcaaurcr Kay and family; apent ycaterday afternoon and thlaj morning In town. With rnomla they are on a motor trip from Halem and raino over the McKonzIo pant yeater day morning. Hevornl of tho party went over to the Metollua for a dny'a flailing while Mr. Kny went down to lildlaw for mi Inapcctlon of tho Tuinalo work. He oxpreaeed hlmaelf n greatly plouaed with tho way In which the work la liolns done nnd tho rxaulta being obtained. Thoae In tho party aro Mr. nnd Mra. Kay and daughter. Mra. J. A. Todd. Dr. II. II. Ollngor and family nnd Dr. C. II. Itoblneon nnd family, nil of ftalcin. CITV AXI C'l.l'H TO JOIX. It waa decided nt the meeting of the City Council laat evening to Join I the Commercial Club la fitting up n room ior mo joint uao oi iiiq council nnd -the- Olulr eud arrangement lo that end are to bo made at onee. Other bualnoaa dono waa to order a cement aldewnlk nn Wnll atreet from Mnnnhelmer'a More to tho Hoaaon building. mmww m. iiKiiis. C(H)rge M llallev, of Philadelphia. oronldent of the Xorthweit Tow unite" Co , hla daughter. Pauline, and a friend. Mlxa Strlbhllng, anent Monday nail Tuoaday bore on thrlr return from n trip to Palaloy where hla com- pany nna tnveatmeuta. Mr lialley KAld that In aplto of tho luutneM de- preasinn hi company had void more land In tho paat ear than In eor before. Al'I'OltTIONfl KCIIOOI. Fl'NU. 8AI.KM. July 30. The 19H ap portionment of tho Intercut on tho atato common ichool fund haa Juit been announced by 'State Treaaurer Kay. in all a total or 1373.490.95. bated on the achool population of 201,887 la distributed. Crook coun ty a ahnro amounts to 10603.70. ygi. Avery Q. Hcoggln, who haa hold tho mall contract between I'rlnevllle and Paulina for n numhr of yeara, wb murdorod nt breakfaitHlmo laat Friday morning on hla ranch noiir Paulina by Henry McDowell, one of hi drlvera. Rcoggtn wn killed aa ho ant nt the breakfnit table talking over aomo bualiicM affair with George Taylor. McDowell came Into tho room where 8cogg:n and Taylor were talking, with a loaded Winchester. Ho ac cused Bcoggln of making threats against his life, which were denied by Scoggln, according to Taylor. Ho ordered Scoggln out of tho room Into the yard and upon Hcog- gin failure to do ns ho was bid Mc Dowell raised hla gun and fired, tho bullet taking effect Jual behind nnJ a little below the right car, McDow ell fired from behind. The murdered man never morcd from hi scat at the hreakfatt tahta during the entire Incident. Tho im pact of the Bullet was so great that the head was almost entirely blown from the body. Sheriff Klklns. District Attorney Wlrtz. County Physician Hoaenborg and Coroner Polndexter wero noti fied ! telephone of the crime by the murderer hlmnelf who watted at the place of the crime until the Author ities arrived. The rorouer'a Jury lodged a charge of murder lu the first degree analiut .McDowell. Rome boltexe that McDowell was Infatuated with ScoKRln'a wife. At the Inquest Mra. Kcoggln attempted to Justify the act by Mating Hint for tho moult prior to the crime, her hua band, because of oxceaslve drlnklnc. had threatened to kill her and all tho ibxn employed on the place. At tho time or the homicide. Scogglna had no weapon about him larger than u paarl handled pen knife. MoDowell had In his poMieMlou tho only fire, arm on tho place, which belonged to Scoggln, the murdered man. Tay lor waa an eye-witness to the tragedy, although Mr. Soogcln waa on the front poroh. Mrs. Taylor waa In nn adjoining room and came In Immedi ately aftor the tragedy nnd others were about the house and nam. WHISTLER AND LEWIS HERE Drcliulcfl Hnrtey Hnglocnt Making I'lmil Bttidlo HcKirt on Tiimnlo Cull tioon-Congreft Tnkea Pow er from hecrrinry of Interior. AIJ.KOIti) I'OltRim AllltlCSTIED Acting on Instructions wired ly tho sheriff of Alturat county. California, a man named M. C. Donnell waa ar rested by Deputy Sheriff Wonnndy In Kedmoad Inst night nnd brought hick to the Jail hero. It Is .understood that Donnelly was formerly In tho ho tel business In Fatrport, California, nnd had recently tried tho bad check game In Altura. He came to town In an auto from tho south yesterday and after stopping at tho Wonandy barn to Inqulro the way to Hcdmond wont on. Iater tho telegram came and no wa overtaken In Kedmond. John T. Whistler, In charge of tho reclamation studies being oarrled on In Oregon under Joint appropriations of tho statu and tlio Keclamuttou Ser vice, arrived lu town Friday to In spect the work being done nt Laldla-v and Crane Prairie. He left for tho John Day country on Monday. State Knglncer I-ewls accompanied Mr. Whistler on a part of his trip. Aitnotign tlio aurvey bad several parties working last summer through out thl country, making: toiionraoh leal studies up and down tho river and Investigations of reservoir sites at different points, especially at Den ham Fnlli?, It appeared, aa the resuPa of their work wore checked up, that wn iiiruiur invesnationa wero nec essary, and crowa bavo been employ ed with these this summer. Some weeks ago Engineer Parkhlll began further topographical work -it !aldlnw and about the mlddlo of July Knglneer Dopson, who waa In charge ai iienuam rails lest summer, re turned to town and later went on to Crano Pralrlo to maka reservoir studies thero. It Is their work that Mr. Whistler la now Inspecting and atso discussing with them question ralsod by their studies to date. Fri day ho spent at l.nldlaw, and on Sat urday ho wont to Crano Prnlrlo with Mr. IhjwIs. apendiug Sunday thero. It la understood that nt l-aldlnw a largo jtart of the work has boon in connection with tho second unit of tho Tutimlo Project, or the Wost Side unit as it Is Bomotlmea called, which the Reclamation Servlco is expected to take up. According to K. Q. Hop son, supervising engineer of the Ser vice, the report on thl unit la now almost completed, and ahould 18 ready for publication in about two weeks. Mr. Whlstlor's report nn the whole survoy will nut bo finished for sev eral months jot. It I understood that It will deal In a very largo and comprehensive way with tho wntor resource of the Deschutes valley nnd oi tho other rivers of the atato which have been Included In tho Survey. Xcw Ijuv AfTrrtN Situation. According to newn reports from Washington an net s about to pass Congress taking from tho Sooretory of the Interior the jtowor to appor tion funds for government reclama tion work, nnd providing that her, after annual appropriations from the reclamation fund shall bo authorized by Congress. Practically evory wes tern member protested against tho measure but It passed tho House and 1 expected to co through tho Sonata. This will affect the local Irrigation, whether seriously or not. dopendlng on the attitude takon by Congress in the fttturo In making appropriations for local projects. It will bo romoni bored that Secretary Lane visited Central Oregon last summer and DELEGATES ANGERED AT SAM HILLSOGGESTIDN Mcdfonl CongrcN OjjMned to Central Oregon Itoule but Condition Point to Jt nn Xntural filne of Highway Because of statements to the effect that (he Pacific Highway might run through Central Oregon Instead of tlio Willamette valloy Sam Hill, tho Washington good road enthusiast, camo In for a good deal of crltlolsm at tho good road congress held at Medford laat week. Tho bettor condition of Central Oregon roads, the coming completion of the Columbia Highway and the un willingness of the valley counties to vote funds for roads wero given by Mr. Hill as reasons why tho Pacific route might better run on thla aide of the mountains. As might bo sup posed with tho meeting held In a western valley town and delegates present In ffrco from Willamette valloy points tho suggestion was not received with approval. Judgo Worden of Klamath Falls camo to the support of Mr. Hill and according to a news report, "advocat ing tho construction of a general and comprehensive system of gravel and macadam roads. Instead of n perma nent herd surface highways, which ho said southern Oregon could not af ford at tho present time. Judge Wor den said that If tho Willamette val ley residents didn't hurry up and come Into line thero would be a Pa cific Highway from Klamath Falh through Central Oregon to the Columbia. The speaker maintained that God had made a good road in that section by laying out a country with n natural grade, few streams to croso or obstructions to overcome." LEWIS AND HOWARD STATE CASE I Iue ltaletl at Meeting of Water User on July 2.1 la DIscussnMiy Intercfttrd Parties Bond la Mur? ety Company Obligation OnlylLi' BALL TEAM BEATS TUMALO Item Hoys Win Suudny'a Game To Play Sinters Xcxt Sunday. The local ball team heat the team from the Tumnlo again on Sunday, this time by a score of 10 to 2. N'or val Sprlngor pitched for Bond, allow ing only two hits: Stoohr aud Hugheti worked for the Tumalo team. Eleven hits wore made by tho locals of which Knlp nnd Stover were oach respon sible for three. The two. teams, lined! up ns ronowa. . Bond Stover, a: Springer, n: Steldl lb; Sproat 2b; Paul s.s.; Itud- dell 3b; Kulp If: Hoke cf.; Stoldi rf. Tumalo Scrogglns. c, Stoour and Hughes, p. Perry lb, Hughes and Stoehr 2b. Fleming m Armstrong 3b. Pulllam If, Lucas cf. Brandon bergb, rf. It was expeetod that the Sisters team would bo hero to play on Sun day but at tho last minute It was found that they would be unable to come. They are billed for next Sunday, however, without fall nnd a good game is oxpected. tor the benefit of the Bond team a dance will bo given In Sather' Hall night to which all are invited. Mr. ain3 MrWewlywred, Siave up For a Home I Jirst n, word to tho NEWLYWED3. Dear friends, we don't want to PREACH to you, but we do -wish to lay SIMPLY and EMPHAT I0ALLY: "BEGIN SAVING P0R YOUR HOME NOW!" It's not EASY, we know. The firet years of your new Hfe require most of yotir money, which perhapi doei not como to you'as plentifully as it will later. But save NOW. DON'T WAIT. It'll make you HAPPY. A '' Deschutes State Bank' HAVE YOU SEEN THE New Big Game Guns? CALL and Let Us SHOW the Latest in Gundom Hunting Season is Now Open BEND HARDWARE CO. FOl'XTAIXS AUK IIKItK. The new drinking fountains pre sented to the city by the owners of tho First National and Deschutes bank property havo arrived and will bo set up soon. One will be placed on Wall atreet and ono on Bond. Reaffirming hla former statement that tho bond glvon by the Central Oregon Irrigation Company for ITib repair of tbe flume was not n.'iasju bond State Engineer Lewis, on ,ty recent vlait hero, squarely met. the Issuo between himself nud Rosjop Howard, of the Irrigation Company, which was raised at the meeting of tho water users In Bend on July 25. As stated In Tbe Bulletin laat week the particular question Is "whether or not tho comnnnr has nut un n 126,000 cash bond for the rebuilding of tho flume." Mr. Howard aaya,.(t ha; Mr. LewJ any It has not. Sir. lAjwi aiaiemanr is a ioiiows: "I understand that at a meeting of tho Water Users of tbe Central Ore gon Irrigation Company held In Bend on July 25th. II r. Howard stated that a 125,000 bond baa been given by tbe Irrigation company to Insure tho com- -w fContlnued on last page.) STATE FISH ANB GAME . OFFICIALS MAKE INSPECTIBH Various Lakes and Town In thl Sec tion Visited Violator of Game Lous Is Arrested and Fined. Aftor a trip of Inspection taken la company with a party of state QH and game officials Clyde McCay re turned to town last night with the news that a fish hatchery to supply the rivers and lake of this section might be Installed In Bend by tho state. Fish and Oame Commission er B. K. Duncan, State Game Warden O. II. Evans,- Master Fish Warden Jt. E. Clanton and Deputy Warden Roy Bremmer wero with Mr. McKay on the trip. Arriving hero on Thursday the party went first to tho Metolius and from there proceeded south taking In Suttle nnd Bluo Lake. Prlngle Falls. La Pino. Crescent. Odell, and Crescent Lake. At Suttle Lako an Investigation was made of a propo s'tion to put la a spawn collecting station. Ono unlooked for Incident of tho trip waB the arrest of J. P. Cooper, of Fossil, who was found with the mutilated akin of two deer In hi 'possession. He was taken to Cres cent, tried and fined for the offense. In addition hi hunting license waa taken away-from him. On their return to La Pine the auto in which the party waa making tho Vlp broke down, leaving them strand ed until repair could be brought but. The atato official loft La, Pino this morning for 8 liver Lake, Lake view and Klamath Fall. vij) vi.xiy.Ki vLSi VlKi7 vjjfflj' ySi viKi? v The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OR.EGON ,!r dJlv 1 1 lM) V. C. COE, President E. A. SATHER, Vice- President C. S. HUDSON, Cashier Capital fully paid - - - $25,000 Surplu $22,000" To Homesee&f ss Parties contemplating' taking Home steads in the new lands just eliminated from the Forest Reserves, should bear in mind that Bend is the closest Banking town to 4heso lands. We are making a special effort to be of service to new people coming into Gen tral Oregon. ' , Gall and see us and arrange your fi nances, so you will not have any trouble in having your checks cashed. Eft FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS n' ,i t'. U. C. Cob E. A. Satiier C. S. Hodso.h o. M. Patterson H. c, Erxis -J Ire S5 Successor to the C&njiwtey w nIk2