1A0K n. THK IIKN'I) HULLKTIN, IHJNI), OHIC, WKDNKftDAY, JULY" U8, 1011. yd 11 PAPERS LIKE DIVISIDK COAfMENT FROM EACH SECTION tgkwk Ciiint4oiirnnl Agrees' Tlmt New Countlegi Would Uc n Conven ience Question One jf Cot Opinions from Oilier, n Pine The county division question is naturally creating considerable dis cussion In the different sections of tho number of ioople from Hand nskod ty come accounts of the movement thero, the following being from The Deschutes voHoy Tribune of Culvor County division la going to bo ono of the iwRRcut lssuos of the election this fall. The workers In tho Juffer- son county movomattt are nlrcady In tho field and have already secured more than enough names required to uo on the petition by ww. This pe tition will later bo presented to tho county court asking that thin ques tion tie submitted to the voters th.a fall. Tho people of Hend nd vlclnlv have been studying tho matter for some time and the Commercial Club of that placo have endorsed the Jef ferson county movement. Only re cently, however, hnvo steps been tak en by them to petition for a new county In the southwestern part of Crook to be known as DesohuUs count. Some time ago n number of ttond pceplo visited Iledmond In order to tlnd out how the Redmond people looked upon tho question of county division, but very little was accom plished at that meeting. I.ntor n count' and the various count papers I for n meeting In I'rlnevlllo In order nro civlng considerable space to the that n line satisfactory to both eas- Bubject. in a lending artlolo In its , tern and western portions or tho pros Issue, of July S3 the Crook County Journal of Prtaevllle states tin ques tlonto bo one of cost and convenience agreeing as to the latter point no question can bo raised. A portion of the article Is as follows: "Shall Crook county be divided in to two or more counties? "This Is a question that will not down. It arises In greater or (ess force at each recurring biennial elec tion and sooner or later jnust be fin ally decided. The question ta an Important one and should be ap proached fairly, Judiciously and with out prejudice. In this spirit, appar ently, a movement is now on, to can this question up for decision at the ent county might be determined up on. At that meeting a, lino which seemed to be agreeable to all present was determined upon, and since that time tho people of Hend havo been busy circulating the petition for the creation of Deschutes county. Dtir5, Ing the flrat week of thotr work some 500 names Mere secured. Tho lino for tho proposed mew county begins at a point near Onell on tho line of the proposed Jefferson county, and runs south 20 miles, and from that point bears southeastward- ty by angles on n lino which takes Into consideration as nearly as pos sible tho convenience of the people, natural centers of trade controlling question Is, "How shall It bo cut up!'v A few mutlths itfRb Prlnovllln was ugnlnsl it but now they seo tho straws all loaning ono way, nnd they admit that "all tho snmo It must .bo decided - Aft I -II... I .... .ft. I .! ft! Mt . iu i u uniiiii mix ims inn. i no em-i I!IU ill IIIIU LWUUU 111 1(11) BlllllllUril part of old Crook emmty Is fast un dergoing a great change, mow blood has rapidly settled up the broad acres and tho great desire that we hnvo home rule over this part of the broad domain makes that nervous, unousy feeling which will mnlntaln until w have a county of our own. County di vision Is sure to come, ivnd it Is a good thing for us tlmt the November election of this fall Is as close and that It will determine tho boundaries. It Is proposed to make three coun ties out of old Crook count), tho north end of tho present county to be known as Jefferson count), the south end, In which Is located U Pine, to bo known oh Deschutes county, nnd tho northeast part to re main as Crook county. A hot cnmpnlgn Is on In both new counties, and wo undorstnud that ful ly 95 per cent of the legal voters everywhere nrp signing the petition calling tho election. In La Pine tho petition has been quite generally signed. MEETING URGES UNITED ACTION (Contluutd from page one.) The BRICK GARAGE ON BONO STREET THK LARGEST AND I1CST Hiuego InilldliiK In Central Oregon. KTOIl.UIIJ AT M0DEHATK HATI.S Kxpeit Itrpnli' Work nt Fair Prices RESULTS GUARANTEED Wo Distribute Chalmers & Savon. Cms nml Helden Trucks GAKOl.INK SCN)Kli:H TEq Hend Garage Company It. K. Hardy K. l. I(ruuU T. W. Hardy ' Smith nt tho Nlnwongnr undertaking parlors Friday evening nnd tho body was taken to Vancouver, Washington, for burial beside tho body of her husband who died six years ago, Three sons and four daughters sur Hend Hutter Is Ilest on Ilread. coming election. The time far onen. to a large extent. .frank and fair discussion Is now here. On l&st Saturday a committee from "The very fnct that this county tho northern part of Crook county division question coullnue to llvo Jnct with tho Hend Commercial Cluh nnd to -grow would seem to prove the . at their regular Saturday luncheon necessity for sneh. a movement, lcav-iand discussed tho matter of county Ing only the time, place and condl-1 division. The trend of tho discus- tlons to le settled. Tersely stated, slon showed that those present con 'tho question of whether or not Crook county should be divided at the prep rint time resolves itself Into two oKv- rnents that of convenience and cost. As to the first element there could be "no discussion. The county Is large "too large to bo convenient to many of Its cltUeas. Particularly Is this true In the matter of county seat -facilities. In such a largo area of country It would undoubtedly bo a great convenience to a majority of ,the people tovbave two or more coun- .ty seats Instead of one as we now nave. The amrmative or this ele ment of county division must be con ceded. r'Upon tho second element to be considered that of cost, It Is not so easy to arrive at' a wise conclusion. "Would It cost more to establish and conduct three counties In the given area than, one, pr would It cost less. If more, how much more. If less, how much less. Upon the satisfac tory answer of these questions almost the whole case should be decided." ""The Jefferson County View, From the north end of Crook coun- sldored the question of county divis ion a good thing to be decided now because It would be better for all portions of the present county. That the county at present Is so large that there Is very little Interest In com mon between the distant sections so far as road Improvement is concern ed. and that there will be constant difficulty concerning these affairs. Another argument Is that tho natural commercial outlet Is toward thoTall- roads, and that the average taxpayer expends a' large amount each year In going to and from the prcsont county scat to transact business with the county. This Is a large expense which Is not usually figured. The Inirr-Mnuntaln on IMvUlon. Tho I Pine Inter-Mountain trents the question In an able manner, pointing out the desire for home rule that actuates the supporters of the movement.- In Its Issue of the 23rd It says: County division Is a live question: the air Is full of It It Isn't a mat- action of tho settlers might better bo d'rectod against the Desort Land Honrd than the company and It was on his suggestion that the vote of the meeting contemplated proceedings ngulnst the Hoard as woll as ngnlnnt the company. HudMiii I'rges Co-oprrutlnn, Ono of the last speakers was C. S. Hudson, who was drawn Into the ar gument because the resolution pre sented to the meeting purported to unlto the business men of this section with the settlers against the com pnny. Pointing out the flat contra diction of each other an to the bond for the repair of the flume lie urged tl;at here wns an opportunity to "got eiinor air. Lewis or .Mr. How ard, to which Mr. Howard nodded assent. He said, too, that Mr. How ard's offer to open the company'.. books for examination should be ac cepted "If Mr. Howard Is right," he said, "let's all get In and push htm ahead and help the company all' we can. If he is wrong, let's all help to push ttlin out?" Ranchers from all over the project attondod the meeting, some coming from ns far as Terrebonne. Tho meeting was held In the council rooms Immediately following the hut ter auction at the creamery nnd last ed nearly three hours. STATE GETS EASEMENT Decision Itcndrml Making ItoaiU In Tuuialii Project Possible. WA8HINGTON. July 27- The commissioner general of tho land office has rendered a decision recall ing nnd vacating the general land olllce decision dated June IS, last, nnd recognises tho Statu nf Oregon as an eligible nnd competent appli cant for u grantee, of the easements granted by act of congress March .1. 1801. This decision opens tho way for Oregon to secure a right of way In tho Tiimalo Irrigation Project. lmtUCTOIlY OF OFFICIALS you all Mlo prepared ' J W Me Oluro, Kiln M. McClurn, Trew A. M Gluro. Marie H McClure." Tho other new volumes go on the "pay shelf" nt the library and are as fnllnfts; Trying nut Torchy, Bewoll Ford: lluttorrd Hide Down, Kdna Forhef: Friar Tuck, It. A, Wasun: Aunt Jane or Kentucky, I v. C. Hall; The Plun dered, Hoy Norton; Tho Forestnr'a Daughter, II. (larlnnd: It Happened In Kgypt, Williamson; You Never Know Your Luck, 0. Parker; Chanco, J. Conrad; Tho Murryors, liuoiienei , The League of the Leopard, II. Hind Ions; The Call of the Cumhcrlnnds. 'has. Huck, Janet of tho Dunes, 11. Comstock, nr-vrii of mils. voohhi:i:s. Mrs. (Catherine Yoorhees died jf heart falluro at tho home of her son, It 11. Voorhees, In Kenwood on Thursday. She was 72 years of are and hnd been ill at her son's home for ter any more as to whether Crook j the past five weeks. Funeral ser county shall be divided, but the vices were conducted by Hcv. C A. This action makes imsslhlo the con struction of roads by the stnte on public land adjoining tho Tumnlo.the Pacific Highway shall run after G000 ROADS MEETING Trl-Htnto .Woeliilloii (Jallirrlnn nt .MnMortl Tlih Week. Tho Trl-Stato Good KoniW Asso ciation Is meeting nt Modford this week with dologiitss present from California, Oregon and Washington. The program of tho meeting Include a discussion of tho routo over which Project. NEW LIBRARY BOOKS (lift In Memory or Fju) McClure Pay Hlielf Volume. A number or now books have re cently boen added to tho collection nt tho library. Among them Is a comploto set or Hret Hart.e given to tho Hoy Scouts In memory or Hurl McClure, who was drowned In the rlvor In tho spring or 1913 The set was at first put In charge or Scout master A. M. Iara and Is now plac ed In tho library as being a moro convenient place for the boys to ob tain them. Tho following loiter ac companied tho gift when mndo tnit year: "To tho Hoy Scouts of America. of Hend, Oregon. We dedicate these books In the inemor) of our dear be loved boy, Karl A. 'McCluro. May loavlng Mcdford, and It Is understood that a vigorous effort will be made to bring tho highway over Into Cen tral Oregon from that point. According to dispatches from Med ford. In the opinion of a number -f local members or the association, 8am Hill Is exerting all his Influence toward routing tho Paolflc Highway through Central Oregon and then by the Columbia river to Portland. This routo would Include tho pretest Pa elflc Highway now being constructed In Jackson county from the Callfor- nla line as far as Mcdford and would then branch toward Crater I.ake, lt Pino, and Ilond. , According to tho friends of Mr Hill tbo sentiment In tho Willamette Valley against good roads bonds has led to this change and It Is holleted that Stato Highway Knglneer Itoftlby also Is In fin or of tho Central Oregon routo. liny Hend Hutter. United Mates. I'ronlilant Wooilrow Wllsou Vlco President. .Thomas It. Marshall Bccrotnry of Htnto W. J, Hrynit Hocrotnry of Navy , .Jusaphus DnuluU Heorotary of War . . . ,U, M. (Inrrlsoii Bccrotnry of Interior , . , ,F, Id Lium Secretary Agriculture p. F. Houston Secretary or Treasury ,V. F. MuAdoo Hocrotnry Commorcu , , W. C. Itodllutd Sooretury or l.nbur . , , . W. II. Wllsou Attorney (lennral ..Jas, Maltoyunldn Postmaster General .Albert llurlesou Htuio. Governor Oswald Wost Socrotary or Stato ....II. W. Olaott Troasuror , ...Thus. II, Ka Atty General A. M. Crawford Superintendent Piiblla Instruction , J, A. Churchill. Statu printer. , It. A. HarrU ' Uoiumusloiiui Labor Statistics . . , O. P. Hurt Game Warden W. L. l'lnliiy State Hnglueor John )(. Low Is United States Squalors Georuo K, Chamberlain Harry AV, Uim Congressmen A. W. Lsfferty ' N, H. Hlunott k W, A, Hswley Crook County. Circuit Court Judge W, U Hradthaw District Atturnuy W. II. Wlrti County Judito ........ .0. Springer Clork Warren Hrown Sheriff Frsnk Hlkltu Treasurer Ilalph Jordan Assessor ..II. A. Foster School Supt J. K. Myers Coroner ........ P. H. Polnduxter Surveyor Fred A. Itlee Commissioners It. H Hayley Willis W. DrvMu 'the Courts. Circuit Meets first Monday In September and December and second Monday In "March. Probate. -Moots first Monday la esoh month. Commissioners' -Meets first Wed nosdsy In January, March, May, July, uopteiuher, November and Docembor. Hend rkhool District No. IU. Directors. . . .Clyde M. McKay, Chinn , J. N, Hunter II. M Smith Clork II. J. Overturf City or Hend. Mayor II. A. Miller Itecorder II. 0 KhU Treasurer Mary K. Coleumn Chief of Police ...... 8. H. Itobaru City attorney V. A. Forbe. City Engineer ....George S. Young City physician , Dr. U, C. Coo Councllmon II. K. Alleu Then. Aune A. H. Collins M. D. KnutMn J. D. Davidson i:. A. Saltier Jiutlre or the Penre. Hend Precinct J. A. Hasten " " TT f HH(IH. --" -- --- --.-"-4 ---- -- - ----- REAL ESTATE Lumber R r u ft 14 Complete Stock Dry, Rough aid Finishing Lumber Maple and Fir Flooring r" & -vr FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage FOR. FARM LANDS Let us show you the property ' JJ'.SE conservative buyer that BEND R.EAL ESTATE is a conservative iavectment & LSJ Lath and Shingles ;m 1R t . 0 :: t ! i; it 1 1 v Pine House and Irrigation Spout, Latli, Red Cedar Shingles H tt i .. The Bend Company .'ViWV rVvti "' i . s4o't4 ' - 1 r4x fit! OFFICE CORNER WALL and OHIO STS. i '. 'J.'' Jit - SfS 4V mm. A-.--t..-.... 1 '. I f I " T f B " I " f ' B - " T ' ' I ' ' T " fl " T T : hi .. " t ::ni- ..it LfttT tsttltsslitm..i .. . f ot-t't U'lllHI l,XiftBilir ' ! v Y " ' " " M." ? " : T :-" "t"'. MiMMMmtMitt'oMtMtlMMfMs - .TT.n;n.ti;Mtt,t,Mtftt,MttttMttMittttttttttttttMtMtttMt.ttntMttt MHMS