THE 1IHNW IIVI.LKTI.V, UEND, OIIK., WKRNEHRAV, JULY 20, lOU. &&'.. M rz ', i : ' L v7 . II iBByNLS3nfffjLlA.aTVrr'ij3BWiHBBfc III Coiiyrlitbt, Itli, by I'swima I'tulflo inlrimtinrml Kxpvsitlon Co. 1L a Crocker Co, official itbuioiraphsra, THE LARGEST GLASS BUBBLE IN THE WORLO. STKKL framework of the srrnt dome of the I'slar of Horticulture fit tlie I'ansma-I'acltlc Intrriintlunnl KikhIIIii. Hun Francisco. 10 1 ft. The dome I tbe lawsl tir rciiiirintrd. twlntt V2 fft In diameter and I Hit frt tiluti ml surmtiiinfrd by bitskrt thirty fret In dliuuctrr, which will Imi tilled with uniwIhK flowers Ttii doms, Ilflhtwl from within by whirling colored lljcbts, will rutumble a bujf dm uaL taMtaMMIflaHl.CBTlaaTyS Copyright. 1H. by Manama Pacific Intsmatlnnal Ksposltlon Co. It. B. Crocktr Co, odtclal pholoiripliars, HEROIC STATUARY AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNA TIONAL EXPOSITION. AT the groat PsnsnjB.I'arlfic International Exposition to open In Kan I'ranclsco In 1015 almost twoscore of world famous sculp. tnra and a great arm of skilled asiUtanta have been at work for mow than a yrar cretins marvelous statuary. ThU photo graph sbowa some of tha ststusrjr outalds of tbt acultural warabouaea, BRICK WORK I have built ctcrjr brick liou in Rend erected by rniifraeti WORK TUB IIIIKT. PRICKS TUB IA)VIT. SATISFACTION AIWOLUTELY GUARANTEED. SAND FOR. SALE The bent obtainable ut tlio lowest prices In large or mall quantities, I ham tlio eclulvo privilege for sand In all C. O. I. Company ditches. JACK TANSEY r POWER There is gasoline and gasoline. There's the mixed kind you have to use two gallons of to get one gallon's I V- yorth of power and then there's II ED CROWN ihe Gasoline ofQmlify -"Red Crown iswhatyou want. Even , though you have to pay a little more I per gallon you'll find it lotsf cheaper per mile, - " VMS' Red Crown signs arc furniihcdall"' dealers selling this gasoline. Watch for the sign or nsk our nearest agency about delivery in bulk. . : ft- Standi Oil Company (California) , Bead titi QOOD ROAD DONT0. Don't let tha road drag raat. Don't euss tha mudholei, Claan tha dltehaa. Don't diaplaa ssndelsy eon atruotlon baoauaa It la ehtap. Z Don't think that any ntoro Is. & borar can build a modal road. X Don't cvntldtr tha faa of a good Z, anginetr a uiiliu axtravaganea. 4 Don't think that a bond liiua la T going to Hquldata Itaalf, Salt' A guard tha alnWng lund, Don't balltva that good road Z onea built will atay thara for 4 vr. Provlda for malntananca. g Don't look upon all roada alika. A Improva your main travaltd l roada flrat and attand to tha by V Z Don't think that a good road ? T can ba built nywhT. Da aura 7 Z your location la right and than ,; S go ahaad. V 4 Don't forgat that propar drain aga la tha flrat, aacond, third and Z? ! thlrtyaavanth aaaantial lo I t T good road bad. Z X, Don't fall to home your road 4. maehlnary during tha wlntar. V J, Why ahould road toola ba allow dl ad to ruat out aimply bacauaa ? thay btlong to tha county? JUDGJ7JGPAINTrNGS. Eptrt Advlea on How to Go Through Pietura Oallary. I ahould nvoniiiii'iid fttu to so throiitfti a iilcttirv tfiillrrr " ono arek luu Hit fatv of frifiid in crowd Mint to Iff j'ourkclV'.-a t lint uu by your a'itimtliitii. If yuu iidnilre tbo work of 0 until. Mud out all jon can mIhjiii him: h-v til work ua miicb aa oii en it. i-ajKt'lnlly bU iH'UlnnliiD. In our time h illllii tluti la tiindo bo- tWffii iniliiiliiK ulilcli U dvcoratlro and imlntiutf ulilcli I (ilctonul, which U. I think, u ii iiiifortiiiiuio dlKtlnctlun. ud out whirl) (tliould nut piUt, for all tilctun-i atiuiild iliiornto the wnlla or tiliutit on which they urn iilucviL That IliU Ul-tlriclloii ahould vxUt la porbapa our own fault lu forjivtiliiK aa wo do Hiinrtlitiea Hint n ilcturc ahould be acrvcdble to the ) In Ita color and DJriam tbo Kovd old palutera Dorcr forcot that. It atvtna to rue that tout In a pic ture la aomulblus like natural cood manner In man. not dtpendlnff on tbe eletuenta the dotbea of tba picture, but on the temperament It dlaplaya and tbe menauro t lv uartuuny wltb our acknottlrdKrd aurxlnnbt, for n man'a plrturn ruvmla bU outlook oo tbo world and la Id that aenae s part of him. If we chute a pentoti for friend, we like him, let ua any, to be alinplo and natural, rrllnhle and with out awacuer. Whether b rich or Ioor. crnre or cuj. doca not trntter ao lone aa we ran dein-nd on him. And It acema to mo tbnt a picture to bo In cod taale mut hare aunlocoua qnalltlea-thnt It ahould. Ilko our Ideal friend, bo In accord with tbo beat atandarda. It abould bo In harmony with tbo beat we know. From "Hojral Academy Ijectiirve oa Palntlne," by Geors Clauaeu. It A IL W. & Iluy Ilcnd lluttor. --- TSt Lafollette Nursery Co. Maaa1aaiMaMltMaaaaataaaWaalaWaMa Prinoville, Oregon CENTRAL OREGON'S NURSERY AoeUanU to U 5lll bappan. no matter turn carut Yv or. Mliird' SNOW LINIMENT In tho hooaa or prompi T9y tnara la. Kact alwaya a, aruoraniaa 4ul whini'tr thara ta a. cue burn, tarula or otbar Injury to tha flsah of any mbr of tha family, Tbo a o oner than wound ira traiAd- tha eartatnty that they will without tnucn pain or lima, it la txiuaiiy paru tha tortura or rhtumMlim. I ana acituca. jama nsck and lumbaro I will ba aaaad. and the dtneai rmeodily driven out ol thaijoay. it van hava It on hand tha uKerlajr ta ahort nod tbo our M apaauy (uau uuujjiionp. rrico SSc, Bo 04 91 9 Sattl. jajnMP.BaltarJ,Jrop, Gt.Loula.Mo. I euobana BywBaUa Curaa aro j avyaa. Patterson Druj? Oo. OVCn 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ijmjjra Tnanc Mamta) DcaioNS CopyniOHTS Ao. Anion ndlng a HHch una dtMriMinn mar anletlr MCtuiii uHnloii frta whUir an tlona alrlctit eoiiiKlanltul. UtHOBflOlt on j'auuu ralanli Uktn lbtt)aan tiuun.a. JV.IW.IH 'inla uktn ICfdoah Muun C tsMUInailM. without clira. min scieMtirtc nmm. POWELL BUTTE (Continued from paso 2.) H! Honra' tioapltnllty: Mcmlatnc Alloy, Ivernoti, 8, I). Muntard, W. G. Mini tard, lliitiiphroy, Hlc, Hinlth, TrUci dnlo nnil Yittca, and Mlnaca Mahol Allon and Kdnn )Iorau. Mro, Honni alio ontarlnlnod tlio following ladlon tin KUoata of tlio club: Mcsdnrnca K A. HuKHott. Hoan Hunnctt, flhouror, Mooro and Mlaa Mlnnlo Allon. (It'orgo Moblm nindc his regular Hiindny trip to Itcdtnond tltla wcok. Mm. l.ucy Mcleod of Vancouver. , who ImH (iron vId'Miir liar motlior nnil (ilHtnr, Mra. Mary Hrovn and Mra Huiaott of I'owoll IJuttn and Mra. Ilnnry Voting of Kudmoud wna cnllcd homo I'rldny, Mr. Mol.ood hnv Ihk tho nilMfortunu to bronk hlaj anklo Mra. Hh'nrr i-rotlmr la vUltlnK lior for a abort time. Mr. find Mra. i.oy Bliutruni, who' Iinv6 boon vlaltlns Mr. Khutrum'n ala tor, Mra K. N. Ilnll, loft tlio Inat of tlio week. goltiK ncroaa the moun tain" In their car. Mr. Morton Shut rum remained with hi a alater. Tho ox lieu tiro committee of the Towell llutte Boron in met at tha home of th librarian, Mlns Mabel Allen Hundar. J. J. Anted of Izeo. Oregon, paaacd through I'owell (lutto last ,Wcdne dny with three car loada of grans fed dry cowi for tho Portland market Mra. Angel wna with htm In the automobile. The Boroul will meet with Mra. Yaten August C. Tho whole community was atunned last Saturday when word was receiv ed that Mlas Viola Tnicadalo had been shot and killed and Miss Pau lino, severely Injured In Tacoina Fri day 'evening. Tho Foster Hrothor's threshing en glno Is at Ilcdmond being ropalred before the boys start In on lliolr fall run. Norman Davis Is back at he Al'cn home after an abtonco of a couplo of months. It Is reported Hint Joe Klllott wilt give a rabbit drive noxt Sunday. Ilcnd lluttor Is Host on Dread. A few hours at a nice classy, clean, up-to-date placo especially prepared for gontlomon, will removo nil worry and troubles. Tho Mctropolltnn.-Adv XOTK'K FOH ITHMCATIO.V. Department of the Interior, U. S. land OfTlco at The Dalles, Oregon. July 1C. 1914. Notice la horeby given that Irving H. Itogcrs, of Uend, Oregon, who, on May 9, 1910. made Desert 1-and En try, No. 06731. for KV&NWK and WWNK14. Section 4, Township 17 South. Itnnge 12 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed uotlce of intention to make Final Dcsorl Land Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before II. C. Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, nt Uend, Oregon, on tho 29th day of Auguct. 1914. Claimant nameB as witnesses: Wil liam J. Alt, Charles II. Swalley, Fred N. Van Matre. Wilder X. Hunnell, all of Uend. Oregon. II. FltANK WOODCOCK. 19-23c. Itoglstcr. XOTICK FOIt PUUMCLITION. Department of tho Interior U. 8, Land ORlco at The Dalles, Oregon, July 13, 1914. Notlco Is hereby given that Nlcho- CLOVERLEAF MILK and CREAM AIIE PURE PHONE YOUlt ORDERS O. C. CARDWELL Fanncra Phono No. 1, tvv....vvv.v.vv..v- ALTAMONT HOTEL i Moderato Prices J Slodern Rooms S Attractive Surroundings 5 Steam 'Heat, Hot and Cold 1 Water With Rath lVlvltctfea J Home Cooked Meals J Miss A. I). SpaldlnK, Proprietor S TiT.-vn iim.'niv S Is It Done Right? lOOJEJl fV -ijdLz If It is, lt wcil cnouch alon Rut un laa It la up to tha mark In ovary daiai coma and at ua. COW PRICES, BBTTGR SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLKANINO as P. Welder, of Uend, Oregon, who. on August 27, 1907, mndo Desert and Entry No. 705. Serial No. 02434, for HW Bodtton 16, Town ship 18 South, Rango 12 East, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to make Final Desert Land' proof, to establish claim to the land above described, beroro II. C. Ellis, U. H, Commissioner, at Uend, Ore gon, r)n tho 28th day of August, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles Hlpahon, Ernest Oorrntt. Glenn II. Black, Ucorgo 8. Young, all of Uend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 19-23C Register. NOTICE FOR PUIJMCATION. Department of the Interior, V. H. Land Offlco at Tho Dalies, Oregon. May 21, 1914. Notlco Is horeby given that Jamo K. P. Williamson, of Laldlaw, Ore gon, who, on March 31, 1913, made Homcstoad entry. No. 011499, for NW14NWW Hectlon 28, the K AW' and SWSWVi Section 21, Township 10 South, Range 11 East, Wlllamotte Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final tbrco year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before II. C. Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, at Ilcnd, Oregon, on tbo 21st day or August, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: George W. Couch, William D. Clark. Christ Pedemon, George M. Couch, all of Laldlaw, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 19-23 p. Reglstor. ed at tho ofllcfl of C. 8. Denson, Law yor, Dcnd, Oregon. Dated this 8th day of July, .1014 JENNIE NICOLENB JOHN80N. 18-210 S3HHK NOTICi: FOlC J'tHIiiCATION. Department of tho Interior, If. 8. Land office, nt The Dalles, Oregon July 6th, 1914. Notlco Is hereby glvon that Lnlta R. Cannell. one of the heirs and for the heirs, of George W. Knapp, do coasod. of Los Angeles, California, who, on September 10, 1910, made Homcstoad Entry. No. 07421, for W Vi. Scatlon 28, Township 20 South, Kongo 17 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to make final throe year proof, to establish claim to tho land above doerrtbed, be fore II. c. Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner at Uend, Oregon, on tho 20th day of August, 1914. Claimant namr-s as witnesses: Otis C. Henkle, Thomas Gray, lay Ryan, Henry D. Ford, all or Uend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 18-22c. Register NOTICE OK Pl'HLICATIO.V. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office, at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, July C, 1914. Notlco is hereby given that John II. Hell, of Laldlaw, Oregon, who, on November 2, 1908, made Homestead Entry. No. 01030, for 8NW and NHBWU, Section 12, Township 16 South, Rango 11 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final five year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before II. C. kills. U. 8. Com missioner, at Uend, Oregon, on the 22nd day of August, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: James M. Slry, William D. Doll. Rob-! ert G. Dowser, George 8. Bell, Jer remlah Haley, all of Laldlaw, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 19-23 c. Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho County Court of th.e State of Oregon ror Crook County. In tho matter of the Estate of Oli ver Johnson, deceased. Tho under signed, having been appointed Exe cutrix or tho Last Will and Testa ment of Oliver Johnson, deceased, uo tlce Is hereby given to the creditors of said Estate and to all persons hav ing claims against said deceased, to present them duly verified aa requir ed by law, within six months from the date of this notice, to tho undersign- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given by the un dersigned tho duly appointed admin istratrlx of tho estate of George R. Drostorhous, deceased, to all credi tors or other persons having claim against said estate to present the with the proper rouchere, to t. said administratrix, at Bend,, Crook: County. Oregon, within six months from tho first publication of this no tice. Dated and published first time July 8th. 191-1. ANNA DROSTEmiOUS, Administratrix of the Estate of George D. Drostcrhous, deceased. 18-2 2c. Roofing of all kinds. Repairing: promptly done. J. A. MacCtOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering;, Spottting, Cornices and Skylights. j)- ESTI3IATE8 CHEERFULLY FORNISID3D Jobbing Promptly Attended Ta J. J. RYAN I Plunking and Heatttg PHONE 481 Ar 117 MINNESOTA STREET 4t4( The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY?: - It Is fireproof building - ( It la thoroughly modern 'It Is comfortable, commodious, elea ROOMS FROM fiO CENTS UP ' MEALS FROM 23 CENTS UP Tbe wants of all are satisfied well at THE WRIGHT HOTEL Automobiles to all Interior Poi&ls THE WRIGHT H0TEL r? CENTRAL OREGON'S firb. w. accident. ... Tf.., 5Z PLATE GLASS, AUTOMO. Leading INSURANCE Agency rile, suretv bonds. REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY) Lots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS ( TERMS: $5 Cash and OROKLA) $3 Monthly J A r A QTT CC Office oa OregoaJStreet E0 1 CO BUND, :-t OREGON --- Headquarters for Commercial Men Electric Lighted Throughout Special Attention to Transient Trayel THE BEND HOTEL HUGH O'KANE. MANAQKR QoodRooras BEND, OREGON .flood Meals ., " 9 Froo, bus to ad iron trains Allarranjccmcnts made lor perseaf ' ', , desiring to go south and east of ber ' ; i Ahandiomlf IUntrltMtriMkly. tjrt tit uiAiiiiik tit inr aTuiotniiJia lournaL Tarnit. 11 a - j---- . -' .1 -'mi .it . ii i.. i.:r ar miM,ta wMau'iui pw ?, FlU Ypur PtdB In Our Suds" tell!.,l ONE CENT A WORD is all a little want ad will cost you, f, rAii 101 WlMl