The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 29, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    108 4.
, i , .
(rnblltAicil Ktcry Wednesday)
Editor and publisher.
Associate 'Editor.
An Independent nowspaper stand
Jdb for tho square donl, elenn busl-(
ncss. clean politics and tho best-Inn
tercsta of Uend and Central Oregon.'
une year. Jl.BOj
biz months i
Thrco months. .......... ... CQl
I II I i Ml
All subscriptions nro due nnd
expiration nro mailed subscribers and
If renewal Is not made within reason
ablo time tho paper will bo discon
tinued. Please notify us promptly of any
change of address, or of lallure to re
celve tne paper regjinrty. umerwiso
e will not bo responsible tor copies
Make all checks nnd orders pay
able to Dend Bulletin.
- f
, Every voter is urged to study
tho tables of tax figures printed
In The Bulletin this week. They
have a direct herring on the
question of taxes nnd county dl-
vision, nnd should lie read and
studied by nil. When they are
' understood It will be hard for
- anyone io arguu imu wr - 1
- need bo higher in uescntues
county then In Crook.
- Although llttlo has been ssild for
same months about the West plan
lor the completion of the North Canal
project interest In the subject has bf
no means died out, nor hope been
abandoned that It wltl be ultimately
ecrried through- This section has
done everything possible to Indicate
Its approval of the plan, oven to the
extent of Bonding over 30 delegates
to the Irrigation Congress to work
for It thoro.
When that was done our part was
over tor the time being, the noxt
step being the examination of tho
project by tho Reclamation Sen ice
as the preliminary to its decision on
co-operating In tho work. The ex
amination is now completed and tho
engineer's report Is In the bands jf
the Service. Public opinion cannot
influence Its Qndlngs and recommen
datlons. Facts on tho ground decldo
these, but If the report recommends
action every person In this region
hope and urges that the action bo
taken at once.
L On the Tumalo Project on the oth-,
or side of the Deschutes conditions
are different The state Is compleU
ing the first unit In a workmanlike
manner, thanks to the abilities of
Engineer Laurgaard, and will be
through this fall. A second unit has
Wen set aside for future work and
the general expectation has been that
the Reclamation Service would suit:
ply the funds for IL We understand
that tho project Is approved, that th$
funds are available at once. Tho
community wants thin work done as
much as It wants to see the North?
Canal finished. Will the Federal ofi
ficials take the desired action?
'Speaking of wool Tho Saturday
Evuaing Pott says editorially:
nav wool Is free of duty under the
sew tariff. Naturally Importation-!
of wool have Increased since the aot
went, Into effect; but the price of wepl
In the United States Is higher than
It was a year ago, when the ariklo
was subject to a heavy duty.
The Journal of Commerce reports,
la fact, that In oaly two years out of
the last twenty-five have domestic
wool prices been higher than at pres
ent. Trade exports account for this
phenomenon 611 the ground that there
was an unusually extensive slaughter
of sheep a year and a half ago by
grpwers who expected that wool
ynkeo would drop out of sight under
the now tariff. If that theory is cor
rpt the new tariff automatically
cancelled Itsolf, 60 far as the present
effect on wool prices is concerned. We
all get exalted about polities some
times, and lose sight of the large fact
that, after all, legislation Is only ono
actor among twenty.
Although not intended as an ar.
gument for county division the fol
lowing from The Redmond Spokes
ina'n clearly indicates the diversity
of interests la tho different sections
of Crook county as well as suggest
ing the conditions this side of the
county must fact for the next two
years if division fails:
"It has been Intimated to The
Spokesman that the attendance
the county fair at Prlffsvllle this!
will be much reduced, frpra "former
year's owing to the action that Coun
ty Ji(?ge Springer and Commissioner
llrown took In turning down county
appropriations for fairs nt Redmond
nnd Bistort). And President Ulan
chard of tho county fair, who Is n
candidate for county commissioner,
comes In for a share of tho blnmo fof
the non granting of tho abovo fair
appropriation, according to itoino ro
In contrast with a recent letter
from a Prlnovlllo friend accompany
ing a roncw'nl of his subscription to
Tho Bulletin wo submit tho following
received recently:
Monroe, Ore., 7, 25, '14,
Tho Bond Bulletin:
Within plenfco find money ardtr
for subscription to The Bend Bulle
tin. This Is nil I can spare at pr
ent. You might as well try to cut
down my supply of "tatera" as to
stop The Bulletin, so please make iu
more threats 'till 1 have my dollar'
Tlic Bulletin Is constantly in re
ceipt of nrtioles and communications
of various, sorts with an accompany
ing rcquoat to print. These range
from praiso of tho local cllmnte to
advice on tho mall order business, n
two column dipping on this subject
having Just been received. Invnrl -
ably these communications nro un -
signed nnd Invariably they go
.Minh ,.. ,... i.n.t vnin..
straight to the waste basket. Notice
nns oeon given iteioro nnu u is now '
repeated that all matter Intended fori
publication must bo accompanied by !
tho sender's nitnio before cousldora
tlon can be given It.
In an exceedingly modest nnd tent
perate advertisement of Its homo
town and the surrounding country
the Slaters Herald says: "Sisters Is
makisg an attempt to support Its
first doctor." We would not bo hard
on tho modloal gentlamnn but wo can
not refrain from oxprcssing the hope
that the attempt falls. He should
make an arrangement on the Chinese
basis by which the physician's pay
keeps up so long as his patients stay
welt, but stops at once when they
take sick.
The Europoan war situation re
minds us of the old poem,
"Austrian armies awfully nrroyod.
Boldly by battery besieged Belgrade.
Cossack commandors cannonading
Dealing death, destruction, doom."
and so on to the end of the alphabet.
The creamery was given a good
start on Saturday. Now Ict'a boost
It along. Buy Bend Butter.
"For Rent," "For Sale," "Room
to. Let,". "Housekeeping Rooms," "No
Admittance,'' "No Smoking," etc.,
etc, 1'lacartls printed in large type
on heavy brlntol board, 13 rentt eiicli.
less In iiunniltJeK. Bulletin Offlce. l'Jtf
Buy Bend Butter.
cent a word
You take no chance when you use
; Flag Brand
Another Car Just in
Shuey s Cash Grocery
Mnuy PifNCMt to Hear Argument In
l'ior of New County farmer
Front O. (). 1. Kegiegatton In
Town for their Meeting Attend
As was to bo oxpoctod. county di
vision was tho chief topic of discussion-
nt tho Commercial Club lunch
eon on Saturday, tho progress of the
campaign for signers to tho petition
being reported on nnd reasons given
by n member of tho committee why tt
was desirable for Vhls section oj
Crook county to form n now county.
lic'ore tnklng up this subject Pres
ident Keycs reported on tho matter
of horse troughs and drinking foun
tains which had been requested by
runners who trade hero. Their re-
I - has been nromntly mot us Is re
! ported elsewhoro In this pnpor, Mr.
Koyo, also reminded those present or
the inspection of tho now creamery
nm, nu,on , of , rt ,,
choduled to follow thu luncheon. 11.
II. Be Armond rend n letter front tho
Portland Chamber of Commerce ask-
i inK lor mi uxuiuiv ui inv iiiuumm ui
this section and on motion ho wuh
nppolntcd to make up a committee
nnd procure wimples of grasses and
grains raised hero to be sent to Port
land. For the County division committee
it was reported that tn the 12 duya
that had olnpeod since thu petltrpns
'were printed over SuO signers had
boon secured, representing every vot
ing precinct In tho now county. ' In
answer to n intention ns to Just how a
new county would )o of bonollt It was
pointed out that the growth of popu
lation In Crook county, coupled with
Its size, was constantly Increasing the
cost of administration, that the rail
road development of the at few
years had changed the courses of
travel for a largo portion of the x
pie so that a new county teat on the
railroad was necessary for their con
venience, and finally that If the eoMu
ty waB formed It would be possible
for ItH residents to have a voice in
the expenditure of road funds and
that taxes raised horo would be spurn
The luncheon was well attended, n
number of tho rnnchcr who had
come to town to the water userSi as
sociation meeting being present. The
luncheon next Saturday will bo at
tho Wright Hotel.
Bend Butter Is Best on Bread.
There Is sure and who!eome ac
tion In every done of Foley Cathartic
Tablets. ' They cleanse with never a
grlpa or pain. Chronic cases of con
stipation find them Invnlunblo. Stout
people are relieved or mat iiioateii,
congested feeling, so uncomfortable
especially In hot weathor. They keep
your liver' busy, Patterson Drug Co.
' j i
- '
Tho Installation of tho uuw officers
of tho Uabokah lodge took place Mon-
liny niKUl ill HID iuuhu iuiiiii hi Dinn
er's Hall. Tho onicors for tho reit
of thu year arc as follows : N. ().,
Mrs. ., C. Fleming! V. (1., Mrs. .1.
Kelly i Secretary, Ouy Mclleynolda;
Treasurer, Mrs. L. C. Uudowj It, 8.
N. a., J. A. Hastes; L. H. N, 0.,
Mrs. fc. II. Brunkn. It. B. V. (I ,
Mrs. C. P. Nliwnngur; L. 8. V. U.,
Mrs. 11. 1, MoKlm; Conductor, draco
Hnlllfte; Warden, lluiitrlco WliiRnto;
Chaplain, Mrs. A. L. I'ronuh; limldo
(Junrdlnn. Mrs. L. M. MoHojotildfl:
Outside Uuardlan, Mrs. W. Bates. Af
ter thu ceremony of Installation, re
freshments were served.
Tho longost stalks of ryo seen
In ton this year woro brought tn by
T. 11. I'oluy on his return from Hamp
ton Sunday. Thu grain was raised
by Klmer Peck on his ranch uonr
Hampton and show a it remarkably
linn growth In consideration of tho
time of year. It Is expected that
these stalks will bo sent to the Port
land Chamber of Commereo as an ex
hibit from the Hampton country.
K.VTKNlHNd Tltl.Krilti.NK LINK.
Tho Pioneer Telegraph nnd Tele
phono Company has begun thu ex
tension of Its linns noroKs thu river
to Plnelyn Park and Kenwood. Dis
tribution of poles began last week
nnd somo have been set In the past
few days. Completion of tho lino de
pends on the arrival of the supplies
but It Is hoped to have It in operation
within a few weeks.
II. II. Do Armond, manager of the
Bend Commercial Club, loft with Mm.
Do Armond un Monday night for
Grants Pass where he was called by
tho serious Illness of his father. He
was uncertain ns to how lung he
I would be away but on Monday did not
expert to no tmcK ror ni least two
weeks. Mr. Do Armond Sr., vlsltod
his son hero last spring.
Announcement Is made thnt Buy
er's Week will be held la Portland
this year from August 10 to IS
Railroad fate will be paid for each
buyer whose combined orders g'von
during the week amount to &30)
Severttl Bund merchants attended th
event last year.
I'OBBST I'lllK iaST W'liKK.
The worst forest fire In this sec
tion this year occurred last week,
burning over about 40 scros In
township xl. range 11. shout nine
miles east of La 1'lhe. Thu fire was
reported un Thursday nnd by Sottir
day was under control.
United States Cream Separator!.
Skusu Hardware Co.. agents. Adv.
Buy Bond Butter.
(Continued from page 1.)
the compilation of a now set of fig
ures which have a striking bearing
on the tax situation In Crook -county.
Iast week's figures showed how tho
amount of taxes had inorcased s'nee
1907. This new set takes tho Crook
county tax for 1013 and compares It
with that paid In 11 other Oregon
counties In the same year. Valua
tlons are nlro compared, some run
ning above and somo below the Crook
valuation. In every case, however,
tho tax paid is smaller than Crook't.
That Is to say. II Oregon counties In
the year 1913 were able to conduct
their affairs for amounts far below
the Crook county cost, in somu cases
for as much as one third less.
Here Is the table
County Valuation Tax
Crook ...$ 9,979.152 1338,418.37
Ilcnton .. 10.922.22(1 241.371.84
Solumbla 14, CI SB, 01.. 273,743.82
llllam .. 9,761,239 110,902.25
Hcrney .. 7.349.G67 110.40S.10
Hood Iliver 11,378,447 180.8CS.04
Josephine 10,863,438 226,640 98
Lake 8.736,982 93.722.3'.
Lincoln .. 9.709.913 188,396.13
Malheur . 11.431.847 235.711-20
Morrow .. 11.973.6S1 119.763.42
Sherman . 6,701,814 106.585.16
The conclusion to be drawn Is very
plain. The present standard of cost
Dont Experiment
With Cheap Cars
Arc you onr of the hundit A of
ulMnoUie owHtri wH t t r
Ht vf rtt ! n M iMMifevtut
n in Ibt iMirchate mi which you
btt Io ri 1 1 t
If no, r h'r welHiTKC newt
for you mil U othrra who l.t
xpc-ilminlnl wtih Ibcchcap
crt, madt Hio.ily 10 nil.
Vrtry yrar at thli tine wr ll
Pm uf all c that
have cam Io in In imrt payment
on the late niuJcl Wliitotit,
In many cat thtfwditMtra
how thai I Jit caia ha" Ixaii run
but from jaw to iocwu mtli.
while their life la from iw,eeitu
lie wo miica
Afltr Ihnrouahlv
dowu ia th
overbauliiiK the oaly thing ww u
c price.
Hartly more than half la allow
ed liy u when lakliiK a car on a
trade deal of Ihla kind We are
nrl'mjr Iheac eara fir Jml what
I hey cm nt, making 41T profit
fioiu the new (ui
KlKht NOW la the time to make
a wle aelectlon. aa our Ut la coin
plete and ,eontaiiia aoruc great
valuea, many of them Cue l cy1
luder aelf-tuillng cart Our lltl
la now re.idy ami will he acnt
auy where upon rcqueat.
Car. Co.
I Portland. Oregphe
Are Made for Healthy, Fun-Loving;
Boys and Girls
A child's shoo gets the Jinrdcat wenr possible
but we can offer you n shoe that will, on account
of the toughness of the solc. thu high grade of the
uppers, and the reinforced stitching and careful work
manship, give greater wear than any other brand
we know.
Ak for Duller Hrown
Shoos if you would get
Shoot like this for your
children. Matlobv Hrown
Shoe Company, Inc.
In Crook county Is not nerMsnrlly tha j 11! 1 18 W.WTIill.
une by which the expenses of I)ni Sealed bids fur tho dallvery It.1
chutes county nre to be Judged An; Bond of 100 cords of llrrt growth
supporters of the division movement, plno wood cut from green limb-,
point out It Is Just as reniwnatdn to , but thoroughly dried, will be rweoh
say thnt the Deschulo county ex- 'ed by Hcliool District Numbwr Tweh..
ponses nltl ub like those of sav, liar-! until 6 o'clock in. August I. 1H
ney county as like those of Crook. Delivery must be mads bntwnH &!
SHU Other CoiiiparUuns. tli'mber 1st l ami January 1st. IV
netting down to actual tax ll gu res "" ' Dlrectots rerres the right
for DiMHihutM eon 11 v 't la tleurwl tliati
on last ear's valuation thsre would
In property In OtMchtttes cminty val
ued at ll.4so.40T. Tite assessment
for the present year will undoubtedly
bit larger than this, but these Hgttnw
are taken as n working basis. On
this valuation nnd on the nil lis xe for
the present year, I mm tho high scIkmiI
mlllsge which would nut lie levied In
Deschutes, the amount paid In far
general county expense would be
HO". 010. This does not include
special school district taxes which ure
levied by the taxpayer In each dis
trict and have no bearing on general
county oxpense.
There are three Oregon counties
with n valuation approximately the
samo as Deschutes Mould have, Cur
ry, (Irani nnd Wheeler. The follow
ing table shows their valuation In
1913 and thu amount paid In each
for all expanses Including schools.
County Vnliiatlon Tax
Curry f4.167.039 155,824.71
Grant .... r.,9G0.8S2 llX,,G9.3G
Wheeler .. 3,267.816 &6.263.4I
A comparison oft theto amounts
paid In these Jhree rouitii for all
purposes with-' thai which Deschutes
would raise, on pretont valuations
and mlllagc. for general ptiriKtsss
alone shows the coiiiirntho position
the new county would bo In at the
start. As a member of the county
division committee said yeterdayr
"It Isn't a question of whs. It costs
to run Crook county. The question
Is 'What will It coat to run Deschutes
county?', and If these other Oregon
counties can be run ror snob small
amounts there Is no reason why we
cannot run Deschutes county Just ss
Dend Mutter Is Dcst on Dread.
Ladle watch 8kuse Hardware Co.
window for sale of grnnltewaro next
Saturday. Adv.
Summer Suits
Come in and get the prices
and you will surely buy.
Shoes left at big discount prices.
A. L. French
iffi&Mi Company (CAUiwwA
Buster Brown
j r . ' .
I Mil should b HsMresurHl to th
II. J. OVBKTlTltl.
10-tle. Hrk of Board
rnlted Htates Cream atotmrator.
Xkiiso Hardware C.,AftfiU,--AiV
.i m 1 ,
Weather Insuranre Is Just as neces
sary as tiro Insurance. Weather In
surance means good house wIhI
palnt thut goim lutn tho portHi of iHh
wood, covers thoroughly ami derli
sun and rain. H-W-l' (fihorwIn-WI!
Hums I'aUt 1'reparod) la a prolectHi
palnu From start to finish from
tho preparation of thu raw materials
to the scientific proportioning and
thorough grinding. It Is made wills
painstaking care. It lasts and It
protrcta bvcauso It Is right. This
same quality Is found In 8-W (torch
and deck paint, H-W Kopal and B-U
Hhlnglo Hlaln. Hxatnlnti your huuri
and sea what It needs, then see Mi
local Kherwln-Wllllams agent, N. I
Welder, painter nnd l"mirator. Adv
i 1 , ,
NOTIl'i: T) CltlMIITOItH TO I'ltlt
In the County Court of tho Htate' ot
Oregon for Crook County.
In the matter of the Kilate of Js4
, 1 I'oush. deceased.
The undersigned having trcea -polnted
admlnUtratar of tho abo
nained estate, notlie la hereby give 1
to the creditors of said Kntnto and t
nil persons having claims against said
decerned, to present them duly veri
fied as required by law,, within six
months from tho dato of this Nutlr.
to the undersigned at the olllcc ot C
8. Ilenson, lawyer, lleud, Oregon.
Dated this 22d day ot July, 1911
r Htm