The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 29, 1914, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin
y s .
Vol. XII.
ii:nj, oiuwo.v. wijd.nimiiav aitijunoo.y, .UfiViiw, ioi i.
NO. 21.
iftimnilltcA Will Continue in arm.
Into 1'apct In Campaign of lEdu
(rttloti 0lr of Help Cint In
' jp$jtprtlvo Tmt I'lgiireji.
f-Th'3 movement to get tho question
of tho fnrmntlou of Deschutes county
Tit tho ballot In November linn con
limed during the pail eok with un.
almtud energy. Hlgnera (or tun, pd
tltlou ImVii boon found overywhord,
o(tiu In unexpected quarter, and uW
rwur ennugu uavo neon secured 10
comply with tho requirement of tho
comity division law Tho potman
' will not In tllnd for itvordl weeks,
howovnr, nnd In tho meanlluiQ thu
oompalKti for slgnera mil tm puihml
tlKoromly, both for It oduontlotul
initio unit n n moans of allowing tho
tmtrw helming st'iitlmwnt In favor of
4h plan.
Tho MiiofNH which linn met thu of
fortn of tho ooiuiulttoe. Is oxtrouiely
gratifying. In tho short spacu of
two weeks over 000 names havo been
.M-cnrcd, roproMinlliiK every polltloal
jwrty nnd every votliiK prrolnct In
tho now count), and thoso 000 nro
practically ovry votnr talked with,
not mom than 18 In all having retu
d to sign.
Volunteer assistants for tho com
mltioo hae come forward with of
for of their service and havn linen
of uiatorlal aid lu bringing tho num
ber of petitioner to It present total,
while from product away from llend
letter huve horn reoolved with pled
gc of support and( requests to ho In
formed In what way hulp could ho
Tm the Only (Juration.
Aa waa to ho expected tho iu'tlon
f taxes Is tho only iniu which holhora
llm ordinary voter In considering
rounly dlvlilon. Kvory one I from
MliKourl on that subject nnd Insists
on holm; "shown" and thu fact that
o many taxpayer, big and llttlo.
have alKncd tho petition Indicate
pretty conclusively that tho ahuwlnK
lie homi iiiado to thulr satisfaction
Tint uillonKo figures printed In Tho
llullctln io week ago havo opened
tho oym of a numhor of people to a
'Condition they had not previously
rcallivd and tho figure Riven lait
week, nhoMlmc tho amount paid in
taxes In Crook county for the pant
Mix )irors, huvo been an additional
isyo opener. Observing how the
amount of tnxe ho Increased nn
nually thoy have como to realign that
If they may In rrnok county they are
In for anothor lusrwuo anway. nnd
If they soparmto thay have a chance
to keep their taxiw down In othor
wonl. wlih a new eouiity tliliiR will
not Im any worwi than they iuc now
and there wll tie n ehnnro to make
them better under homo rule, and
Avoid tho tax situation that ta other
ulm aurq Iq arlMO.
The homo rulo rsumont I one
thai make an cupeolul appeal to thu
tax payer Ho knowa that up to tho
Tircirnt year till section he noon nl
mont nooo of tlio tax money ipent
liero on road Improvement. He has
yeoit It y a lurno portion of tho tax
m of Crook county and then wntchod
111 money pcnt mi road In anothor
taction where ho got no henoftt Fur-
UNCLE SAM will aid you in banking1 your money with ui. Hell
tejvJce enables many people THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY
mndfeyen in OTHER PARTS of the STATE to have accounts with ns.
' !We invite your DEPOSITS BY MAIL. You may send them by post
office or expreii money order, bank draft, check or registered letter.
.Drop us a card for INFORMATION on how to
H Tlcrrmti StitA ftanlr? ,. ' '
thormoro lio nocn no hope or nuy lin
modluto chntiKn with soiithwoHtoni
Crook unrepro Mod nl the county
cunt, ntnl lie nallze Hint with the
north mid A limit to srparntn, now In
the tlino for the southwest corner i.i
tako tliu Numn mop.
Moio Til Figure,
In addition to Hie arguments out
lined above, tin pnst v, oi: linn seen
(Coutlnuod on pugn. 4.)
Hull Wa for Houtli Wlildi OccuitciI
In Hener (mtrurtlon Other City
JHulnn. at Council Meeting
Rnttlement of tbo ault brouaht
ltlaat tho city by tho helm of Itlch
ord Wlltae wo announced by City
Attorney Sortie at tho council m-ot-Ina:
ldt nlitht Wtltao wa employed
on tho wiwer construction and wmh
fntnlly Injured by a hlat I.. tho tun-
Jiol In J.ytlo. Hult axalnal the city
wa Drousiit uy in parent nnd In
;ioW icttlod by tho payment of f&OO
by the cnminlly company which bond
ed the city
..Public Accountant Max Crandnll
reported to tho council on the work
ho had dono for tho city In checking
up II flnanalul taudln: with tho
county nnd bin fludlnR wore turned
over to Clt) Attorney I'orhv for ac
tion Tho council a I no dlioumod with
Mr Crandnll tho matter of a no
yatom of city account.
Other biiflncN done wan to order
a alddwalk on Klxhth treet In Wlet
torln. Mr. Forbea Informed tho meot
Iiik that he wa workliiK on tho
complaint .to tho Public I'tllltle
CommliNlon In rciert to local Unlit
rate and expected to havo It ready
to fllo within a week.
Fair OnirlaU Bet Htnn!y, October
It an tho Hate.
P. I., flhaw, prcaldent of the 8I
tc r Fair Aoclatlon, was In town on
Saturday In tho Intereata of tho fair,
bringing with him a preliminary pro
gram of tho event which will bn hold
(hi year on October 1, 2, and 3.
While here Mr. Bhaw arranged for
a hall gama between the BUtora and
llend teama to tako place on tho flrt
day of tho fair, and after conferring
with local people definitely t Rat
urday. October 3 aa tlond Day. It u
expected that n large delegation will
go over from hero to ahow tho local
appreciation of the courtoay oxtendol
by tho flitter people
Additional contribution wero re
ceived by Mr filmw from llend mer
chn,nl& on, 8aturday toward uport
of tho fair.
Iter, II. C Hartranft CVmrn to Take
lMorntr of Ik-aI Clnii-rli.
Itev II. C Hartranft, who ha beon
appointed pastor of the Presbyterian
church, arrived In town on Thursday
and conduated iwrvlcw at tho churoh
on Bun day
Mr Hartranft cornea to Head from
Handon where he oeouided tho I'rtxt
bylerlan pulpit for the past four
year 111 wfo and two children are
with him, and thoy havo taken rooms
at tho May apartment.
Through N. P. Welder the Modern
Woodmen havo Just paid to Mr. Goo.
Hroilerhou tho Insurance which her
husband carried In tho order amount
ing to flOOO. Mr Hrottorboua had
been a member of the Modern Wood
men tor seven years.
Deputy fthvrlfr Guu Knocked From
It Holotcr anil DkcliArxeil ' FH
to Hldwvalk raullne TrticHilalo
Alao Injured by Same rthot. .
Viola Trueidale, the daughter of
Mrs, George Truesdalo of Powell
llutto, wn Instantly killed near Tti
coma on Friday when a gun carried
by Deputy Pherlff George Ahby. or
Tacoina, nfcldenlully dropped from
Ita holster and wa discharged In tho
midst of a crowd about to onter an
auto but. Pauline Trucsdnto wax
wounded by tho same cliot that killed
her alitor.
For several days last week tho
Truesdalo g'rls had been visiting
friends near Tacomo and wore r
turplng to town on Friday with a
number of rolutho. Thoy had land
ed from a motor boat and wro stand
ng on the sidewalk at tho boacli
waiting, with a number of others, to
onter tho Tapoma bus that had Just
Among thoso making their exit
from the bus wa Deput Sheriff Ash
by, who carried a large 32-SO revol
ver In a holster Insldo hi coat. A
he was about to alight a small boy
crowded hit way under hi arm, push
ing tho revolver from It case. Its
release was unnoticed even by Ash
by, until It struck the walk, hammer
first. Rven then the noise wa at
tributed to a tire blowout until Miss
Trueidale. who had been standing n
few feet away laughing and chatting
with nor sister and relative, threw
her arms to her head and, with a loud
cry, collapiod.
At the same moment a stinging
sensation, followed by blood that
trickled from her hips, caused tho
younger alitor Pauline to realize that
she. too, had beon shot.
Those about carried Viola to a
store nearby, and evor) thing posslblo
was dono to stop the flow of blood,
but without avail. When a physician
arrived ho stated that tho bullet hal
probably entered tho brain and that
death, which had been almost Instant.
was duo to the wound In tho head J
rather than to bleeding.
Pautlno'a Injury vaa not serloui.
but will necessitate her confinement
to tho bouse for sonio time.
Miss Truesrfatu waa born In Mon
trose, Colorado, In 1S9? and moved!
to Tacoma In 1909. Several years
ago with hr mother and stop father,
George C Truesdalo. she oatne to llvo
at Powell Uutte Ilesldes her sister,
Pauline, with whom sho'was a fel
low student nt the Crook CounVy
High School at Prlnevllle. she leaves
a half sister. Dorothy Her atip
father Is a prominent and successful
dairyman nnd farmer and her mother
Is ono or tho loader among the wo
men of Powell Uutte. '.
The first civil service examina
tion held In llend took place on Sat
urday morning when four applicants
wqro examlnod for the position of
clerk In tho post office On August
15 an examination will be hold tor
the position of stenographer and
August 1st
Ifuit to Pay T.OO for It Other Hale
Made nt Naturday's Auction Itun
From 81.00 to MMi, Total He-
rclpU 9J.7ft lluttcr on Hale.
"Ilutter Central Oregon Farmers'
Creamery, cubes, selling price $1.00
to 7.00 per pound, supply ample, ue
mand brisk."
H The llullctln ran a market pace
some audi report as the above would
bo carried to describe the condition
or tho local butter market on Satur
day, bringing Joy to tho producer of
butter fat and sorrow to the con
sumers, already struggling with tho
problem of tho high cost of living.
Tho h c. or I., however, did not
soem to bother tho 10 local mon who
wire reiponslhlo for the unusunl but
ter price or Saturday, or If It did It
wa less of a consideration tb thorn
than their desire to glvo tho new
creamery ono good final boost beforo
It sottlcd down to business. A a
result the creamery Is richer than It
wan and 10 families hereabout are
trying to see Just how far butter can
go that costs a dollar or more a
The occasion of tho high prions
was the auction sale of tho first but
ter made In tho new creamery. Ton
pounds were sold, the honor or get
ting tho first pouud going to It. M.
Smith at a cost or $7.00. The other
nine pounds went at prices ranging
from 3. B0 to 11.00, the total re
ceipts for the 10 pounds being
Tho first butter was made on Tues
day or last week and other churnlngs
f.llowod during the wre,- but none
or the product hbb put on tho market
aa It was desired to have Saturday a
auction not only a sale or tho first
butter made but the first aalo of but
ter from the new plant. Following
the Commercial Club luncheon a
large number went down to Inspect
the creamery quarter and machinery
and when nil had gathered Dr. P. H.
Dencer, president of the company,
made a short address recounting the
difficulties that had been met In get
ting the project rtarted. He thanked
tho local husln i men who had sub-j
scribed for the purchase or tho ma-l
chUaery and paid en especial tribute'
to President Kejes or tho Commercial)
Club for the work he had done In the
Following his speech Dr. Dencer'
went to auctioning off the butter. Thoi
first bid for the first pound was ono.
dollar Thcro wore two fifty cont
raises and then Jumps or a dollar nt
a time until a bid or seve3 dollars
was rocehed and It M. 8mlth took
tho first tound at that price Tho
second pound went to H W. Skuse
for $3 00. Bidding for the third whs
moro brisk than for the second, duo
doubtless to the fact pointed out byl
the auctioneer, that It was the anh
third iound that ever would bo sold I
from the creamery. It finally went
to A. U French for $3.50. '
The full list or purchasers and the
amounts paid Is as follows: (1) It
M. Smith. $7.00: tSl H. W Skquse.
$3.00; 13) A. L. French, $3.60; (4)
Clarence L. Mannhelmcr. $3 00; (fti
J. P. Keyes. $3.00. 16) M. J. Danlol-
j;,',3rrT3r- ..?
son, $3.00; (7) 1.. M. Foss, $1.00:
(8) H. Marchnnd, $1.25; (9) P. II.
Doncor, $1.00; (10) J. H. Stanley,
Hutter from tho creamery was put
on sala In tho dlffomut stores In town
Monday. At present cream Is being
received from about 280 cows and
tho output tor the first week was in
the neighborhood of 1000 pound.
HIII'm Plans for Central Oirgnn to be
Carried Out Line Hope
to Hewed Doscliutc by 10 15.
Following on the trip or tho Hill
lino officials through Central Oregon
a row weeks ago and the understand
ing that they Intend to return soon
for another tour through the Inter
ior country, and tho reports or tho
extension or tho Oregon ft Eastern
line on to Dog Mountain, a recent
letter rrom C. E. 8. Wood ot Port
land to a friend In Ontario, Oregon,
assumes unusual Interest.
Mr. Wood bad been In New York
nnd had seen both J. J. Hill and E.
H. Schln. Ho wrote of his Interviews
aa follows-
"I had a talk with Mr. James J.
Hill, which he said need not be treat
ed confidential, In which ho said ho
hod not abandoned a single original
plan for Oregon, but he had seen this
period of depression coming and he
had stopped all construction work ac
cordingly, but as soon ns warranted
his work In Oregon would be resum
ed, but at this time ho could giro no
more definite assurance than this.
I waa very glad to learn that ho has
no agreements with nnybody and that
his orl&Inat plans are to be carried
out Of course, you understand. In
auch matters as railroads, no man can
positively promise what can be dono
In the future.
'T also saw Mr Schltf I Kuhn. Loeb
& Co.) of the executive board or the
Union Pacific system, which la really
the financial backer of Harrlman. He
said, referring directly to tho Oregon
Esstern, that the apparent discon
tinuance of work wn only part of i
general order, applTFaGIe dVer"lno"
whole system, for a temporary shut
down during the present money strin
gency; that they were anxious. H
possible, to have the Oregon-Eastern
operating at least to connect with tho
Deschutes by 19 IS, and work would
be pushed on It aa soon as condi
tion warrant it. I might also cay
that tho right-of-way people are now
applying to the Land Grant for right-of-way
A1m Two Modern Sanitary Fountain
on Ktrreta Voted by Council.
Uetid Is to have a free drinking
trough for horses, a convenience for
farmers, and at least a couplo if
modern sanitary drinking fountains
for the thirsty folks on the streets,
probably or the same general design
as have been installed In Portland
and other cities.
The Council last week ordered tho
Installation ot a trough lo the tri
angle In front of the Baptist church.
Instead of a trough, however, an at
tractive looking baaln will be erect
ed. Owners of the First National
Hank nrooorty and tho Dfwhu'os
State Dank offered to furnish the
fountains and material for Installa
tion in front of both institutions if
the city would pay the cost or Instal
lation and maintenance This offor
the Council voted to adopt.
nuy Dend Butter.
The First National Bank
25 i
V. C COE, President E. A. SATIIKR, Vice- Preildent
C. S. HUDSON, Cashier
Capital fully paid - - - Stf.OOQ
Surplus 822,000
To Homeseekers:
Parties contemplating taking Hqitiq
steads in the new lands just eliminated
from the Forest Reserves, should bear in
mind that Bond is the closest Banking
town to these lands..
We are making a special effort to be
of service to new people coming into Cen
tral Oregon.
Gall and see us and arrange your fi
nances, so you will not havo any trouble
in having your checks cashed.
"- i- ' ' DIRECTOR- V
U. C. COK E. A. S'itHER c. a. Hupsoft
Members of O. O, I. Co. Wlatir
Users' Association Gathered fa
llend on Saturday DIcua Pro
ceedings Against Company. ,
Support of tholr directors la what
ever action they might see fit to tako
against the Central Oregon Irrigation
Company or tbo Dasort Land Hoard
was pledged by the members of-the
Water Users' Association at a wojl
attended meeting here on Saturday.
The action was taken after an'cXi
tended discussion of the relations
which now exist between the com
pany and the water users In which
the legal aspects of tho matter were
considered aa well an tho possibility
of arriving at some understanding
which would further tho Interest oC
both parties without legal proceed1
An undertono of hostility to tho
company nnd Its present officials was
apparent throughout the meeting.
Nevertheless when C. S. Hudson urg
cd fair treatment of the company and
that any action bo predicated on aa
examination of tho company's books,
as offered by Mr, Howard, hlo ro
marka were ravorably received and
it Is understood that steps will bo
taken by tho water user's directors ta
avail themselves of the offer. Two
questions In particular are to be In
vestigated, whether or not tho com
pany has up a 125,000 cash bondefor
tho rebuilding of the flume and
whether or not the maintenance fees
paid by settlers are actually used In
"maintenance or In part for that pur
pose and In part for the payment ol
company salaries.
On the first question Mr. Howard
and Stato Engineer Lewis are dia
metrically opposed and on the sec
ond, according to the legal advice of
Vernon A. Forbes depends In large
measure the rights of the settlers
against tho company.
Howard Make Offer.
Speaking on behalf of the com
pany, Mr. Howard asserted that the
fees collected from settlers were not
ufuclent'in theraselvco to 'pay tho
maintenance charges on the project
and that the salaries of the officers,
to which so much objection waa
made, wore derlvqd from other
sources. "If you find on Investiga
tion," he said, "that you ought to
have a receiver for the company, I'll
help you get one." Aa a more de
sirable proceeding for all parties,
however, ho urged cooperation In
procuring patent ta tbo Pilot Bulto
lands and In obtaining assistance for
the completion ot the North Canal
unit accoidlng to the plan outlined
by Governor West last January.
Tho patents are now held up bv
Stato Engineer Lewis, whoBe position
was stated In a letter to the company
printed n Tho Bulletin last week
On the North Canal matter It was
stated by V A. Forbes that the gov
ernment Investigation had been com
pleted and the report was now In Aho
hr.nds of the Reclamation Service.
J J. Elllnger, of Redmond, sug
gested that It was possible, hat tha
tContlnued on last page.)
r. . ..T .
.. , i Successor to thtt "
KutXa&tklttC TruttComM-v ""
vO, IS, UATTEKSpH v ID, C, EfjLia
n. BE OREGON. is l,.!
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