fAflfl 9. TUB 1IBNI) ltUMiWTlNrIIKNI, ORB., WKimtCHPAV, JULY JW, Jf14. i. n FEEL BETTER NOW- HAD A DIP IN KRLSO V' 'TS ij&'j sjr n?WS ok Af "! .5&k DID YOU EVER TRY IT ON YOUR STOCK T Nothing like l to put them In good condition, free lliem from Insect parasites and pro tect them from contigloui !! Kraso Dip No. I KILLS LICE, TICKS, MITES AND FLEAS.' Cures Mange, Scab, Rfnuwsrm and Ott.tr Skin Dtttatit. Dlslnffott. Cttanitf ' Pwiffis, Uie It on llonei, Cattle, Sntep, Swine, Dots, Goata and Poultry. ran aic y PATTERSON DRUG CO. can on wnirc ron rnte ookutb on Kncao dip no. i, LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Anne's tmrn linn been repainted L Henry Kuril spent lli eek-eiid In (1. W. Mnvilor whs iiii from Lnldlnw 'oh Monday. C. W. llrnKR )iom returned train Wnlln Walla. Mm (1 II. I'nrat tia limt riilnrnul 'fiuni Portland. A. I. French liaa mirahascd & 101 1 . moilnl Cadillac. J. II. .Miner wont til Crescent on .liimliU'M Monday. louln Doonor returned from Al kali l.nkn loot night. C. P. U'lten of Mndrna apont llin weiik end ht tho Ilend. W. K. Wonda of Laknvluw, la now In (own for n few day. ' Mra. Mfllllo Koscnhatn In going o Portland tomorrow night. WV J. Hpmat tins roiio to Crane Prairie for about n niontli. ' It. P. gehmior of Redmond was nt tlm Pilot lluttn Init Friday. " Wnnnndy'a liavo Installed a now aUn la front of tlmlr barn. J. 0. Thorp nnd (I. V. Horner wort) 1u town from Laldlaw on Monday. P. J. (llnditr spent Hunday with hie fntiHIy on tliclr Mllllcnu homestuad. Mra. Corkolt and fnmlly of ! chutea apont Hunday with Mra. l.arn. Mra. II. J. Ovurturf will oHterlaln thu llrldcii Club at her Iuuhh nn i-'ri. ,day. II tct z: --. -ttt -mr gg M Silk Gloves Th mlfflialM,4 w-mm In iuiuoui r buiatihcllortr odt. AWfnf hrm t j) bur U love U 14. yT Short "K'AVSUT , Silk Olorcs Boc.voai.aa LoefKAYSCrSltkOlavti 7ac.Toaa.oo A AUHAMT( WIIM IVtKT HI tf, R. M. Smith Clothing Co. LKAHNTJIBWAY. Mr nnd Mra K L Elliott or Kla.ni ntli Fnlla were In town last Thiira dny (I. M. Cornell of Prltiovlllo, wiih rKitercd nt thu WrlKht vvur Hint day . Mra. Nnt Dnvla of Kcattln la visit- ItiK her nlntor-lu-low, MIm ICIUnlH-tli Davli. J. I). Minor returnod Saturday fron Oottaoo Orovb whiiro ho hud boon on liuslnoaa. Mra. Noltlo Wrlr.ht-nihb la roIiik to Unvn fur JuuvflU, Alntku, tomorrow ovonlnR. Wlllllnm Rtnntn and family loft thla murnlnR for llelknap BprliiRa and Newport. Mra. J. II. Mlner'a xlntor-ln-lnw nr rlvi'd Hnturday moruluic with her In font dniiKhtor. (I. II. Dcnilnu of I .a Plue woa In town Init Thunwlay. Ho atoppod it the Pilot llutte. Kcymotir ft Hldnnr. brother of Mra. A. C. I.ucna, wan hvru yeatorday on hualnrta vlalt. Mr. nnd Mra. Jrwao Hlonriu nnd a party of vaoatlonUta nru an n enmp Iiik trip r river Mra. J. A. llrlnkloy and aon Itiuo roiio rant for n ahort visit to Mrs. Hrlnklcy'n luollior. Invitations haw been rwn'Ivril rr a duneo to bu hald nt tho llotol L)m rhutoa thla ttvouluR. IjihI l'rlilnv Mm. Ilnaonn llnwnnl nf I)cliut entortnlned thtt llrtdKO Club at hor rutlduneu. V. A. Portion went to Portland oror Tuesday, on bualnaM winiiwtod wttu tho Colllo eoiumlsaton. P. II. Mnrlou of the Tunialo Pro. Jcct waa In town ovor tho Mmtk cud. lie atoppod at tho WrlKht. Mr. and Mra. II. A. Miller will ll-o In tho Robertson btinRulow on tlmlr return from their honeymoon. II. I). Inncaa hna opened n clean InK and pronnltiR establishment noxt door to Carmody'a on lloud street. I.. Corbln of l.u Pino spent tho lat ter part of lant week In town. Du--InR hla atay he waa reRlstored nt tho Wright. OcorRQ You n if U roIiir to Alkali I.ako tho latter part or thla week, nnd will bo Oiero n Rood part or tho summer. .Mra pn Arruond nnd Mra Fosa will qiHurtaln .(ho mombeni Hnd rrlrnda o( thu HnpllNt Womun a Pn 1ou nt u sllVyr toa on the May upart mifnt lawn ThurMdny nftenioou at 2:30. Mr. and Mra. (J. P. Putimm mid tho Inttor'n hrotlmr, KdwJn Mlnnoy, Jr., rotiirued from Portland Hntur dny moriiliiK. Mr. nnd Mra- Tom Munion, Mr. nnd Mra, Pred Ifoolacliur and Tom Wheel er, nil of Prliiovlllo, woio in town Huiidiiy evouliiK. Put. J. Murphy, n InrRn ahrop dnnl or rruiii PulHluy. Iihh JuhI Mold 200,000 poundH of wool. He Im now In town, fttoppltiK at tho llond. Hlrhitnl KlnR left Monday night for Poiron Park, WIkuoiisIii whnro ha wilt K.lil(t lu thu fnmlly of hl duiiKh tor, Mih. Wllllnm MnrHti. Harry M mil nil loft thin mornlnx for CreMront whero h linn tnkon a liomestead olulm. KoiiikiIIi Muubjii In worklnR nt A. I. Preiich'a. Hhlrley Hiirk, from tho U. H. For est oltlcn In Portluiid, wna liurii last week, dlsoussliiR (Ire flRhtltiR details with tho local Forest OHIcp. Mr. and Mra. Montollo Coo entni tnlned Mr. nnd Mra. Cheater Catlow and baby, nnd Mm. Klmer Ward uud son, nt their ranch yesterday. , Tli u h far there have bunn 22 nma.t Area In tho Nntlonul Forests of thla dlatrlct. Most or them wuni caused by llRlitnltiR. No dnmaRU resulted. Thla Haturdny riiRht n wrmtllnx bout Ih advertised between Texas Jack limax or lend mid Carl Allen or Terteboiiue, to bo held at tho lleiid Theatio. Fred Hliuey epont several dnya Inst week nt the hotnVof O. II. NorcoU below Laldlnw, relurnliiR on Hunday lth hla parents mid J. M. Judd and fiitnlly, who spent tho day there. II lllohtn of tho Kiuuner Fruit Produee KxcliaiiK". opurAtluK from Tho DhIIon, wuk hero Kflturilay nr rmiKliiK with Hobert lllaekwoll io hiiudte their biislniHM at this point. J. N Hunter nnd family loft thla mnriiliiK for llelknap Hprlirgs, Kolnt by way or thu MuKutltltt. Afl.r it stay there tlioy oxpect In visit at Newport, roturtilnx to town In about threo weeks. The funoral or tho Infant daunhter of Mr. mid Mis. (J. I.. Campbull, who died last week woa held from tho family home tin gunjlajr. Her. K Q. Judd Dominated tho servicwi and H- ferment waa mado III tho Pilot llnttv eemetery. Tho W. C. T. IT. will meet tomor row afternoon nt 2:30 at the homo f Mra. 8. C. Caldwell, and oiu Friday there will be a meeting- of children at 2:30 nt tho llaptlst churcii to orRd nlie a children's orbsade. An OreRonlon dispatch from Salom atatejt that nmoiiR tho llvo teacliera of Marlon county who recelvml lire certificates as n rosult of the recent nxamlnatlona there. MIm lono AVplo Rate was one. Mls AppleRato la now thu wife of J. II. Wonandy of llond. Pror. 0. W. Penvy, dean or tho O. A. C. CoIIoru or Forestry, waa hero last week roprimentliiK the Htato For ester In arrnnRlNR for patrol or land not In National Forests or covered by the Asmidatlon. Porter H. KIiir waa npMilntod supervising warden for thla territory. Announcement hna been tnndo or thu mnrrlaRc- or I II nun K. Prntt, and Mian Marlbel Cheney. Mr. Pratt i Dm proreSMir or RRrloiilturo' in tht comity IiIrIi school nt Prlnevlllo and hla wlfu la n thla yoar'a uradunta or tho O. A. C. wtio has been oiikhR'hI to teach homo makliiK at tho county aohool. CARROLL-BROWN WEDDING Pretty fVreinouy iMHt Week nt Mrw. VMvn' Homo In KrnHooil, Thursday ovenlnR, nt tho homo ut Mr. uud .Mrs. Fred EatoH In Kenwood, occured the woddlnf; of MIm Ada Drown, h nloen of Mrs. I?lwi, to (?eo. Carroll, iiroprtelor of tho Kenwood atore. Miss llrowti formerly lived III Missouri. Only a small group or personal frlunils were Invited. Tho eoretuuny porformud by the Itov. 0. A. HmlUi. wna extremely linpresslvo. Tho hout wna decorated with jrfnk and whKo, nnd nweet poaa were overywhoro. Thi rliiR aorvlre took plnco beneath a Krcat liorseahoo or awect poaa, nnd wan followed by a dainty luncheon. Mr. nnd Mra. Joo Hozell atood up with tho couplo. Tho bride wore u row!) or white crepe do chine with ahadow lace nnd pearl trimmings, nnd carried a bouquet or white awe: pcaa. There wore many attractive gifts. For tho present Mr. and Mm. Carroll will llvo In the Kates' home. CONHTHl'CTKI.N ItfXIUX. Actlvo work on tho new concrete reservoir for tho Ilend Water Light & Power Company was beRiin on Tjiosdny and will bo rushed to com pletion. The trench for the plpo is now beliiK diiR and it la expected that tho reservoir Will be completed In about three weeks. M. J. Danlolson In In chaw of the work. Classified Advertising SHEET MUSIC 10c i .11" '! TIT' , , I -JUI'H- - . .,l,k , Come1 in and get a copy; of the latest addition of Century SHEET MUSIC. Songs, Piano Solos ami Dance 1 (SgCL Music, worth aiouUe aftd more I xJClS E. M. Thompson New Locution opposite McCuiston Qrocery. Bend, Oregon WIlVl'IIKIl INSUItAXfK. Weather luaurasco la just na nccoa aary as tire Insurance. Woathor In- auraneo tiioana Rood house paint- paint that Roea Into the porea or the wood, cover thoroughly and doflwt aun and rain. H-W-P tHlierwln-VII- llaina Paint Prepared) Ian protective paint. From start to nntah rrom tho preparation or the raw materials to tho scientific proportioning ami thorough RrlndlnK, 1t la made with paliiatukliie; rare It lasts aud it protecta becauao It la right. Thla aamu nuftllly Is found In S-W iorcli and deck paint, 8-W Kopal and 8-W HhlnRle Stain. Kxamlne your houoi nnd aeo what It needs, then see the local Hhorwln-Wllllama agent. N. P Wouier, pniiucr ami n"rdrnior ,iv Advrrtlscmcnta ln.rtifil iintlrr tills hemline nt the rate of OXK (T.'NT A WOltl) cncli liiHcrflon. ('noli' must ncrompniiy nil ordrnt from persona lint luttliiK n rKiilar ncrouut vtith The Ilullclln. No ndirrlUciiiriit Ink for Icmn than 1,1 retitx cncli Innertlo?. WANTISn. WANTBD Toama for haulln rook. Apply Immediately. Glvo an I rocelvo detailed Information. Ad driMW P. O. box 42, l.a Pino, Ore roii. 20c. WANTBD Competent Rlrl for Rcneral housework. Good waRca nnd porraaoMt position. Mra. C. S. Hud son. 12tr. von itn.vr. FOK KBNT 6 room modern bun Ralow on 8th street. I. D. Wloat. :p FOK 8ALB New V. S. cream sep arator, cheap. Inqulro at new cream ery. 2 Op FOK SAI.K Jorsoy cow, sell, or trade, for Rentb horse. Apply O W. Hnydor. 3 tulles south of Iaild law, Oregon. 20tf FQK SA1.B Tent ftirnlsfted or not with matched floor nnd prnctlcaPv now. Good bed, aprlnRS nnd matt rcMi, sanitary couch, large droasor. chairs, etc, located near canal Just north of cold storage plant, or call nt N. 0. Davis. . 2 Op. FOK KBNT Two small furnished housos near school house S. K. I login, over Deschutes Hank. 20tf FOK KBNT Three room house, furnished. Also threo room bour unfurnished. Apply Metropolitan. 20tf FOK KBNT Four room cottng.j furnished, piano and chickens. Dm chutes addition. Telephone Ill.ick SSI. 19t( FOK KBNT Sulto of threo mod ern housekeeping roams. J. J. Klein. IStf FOK KENT Two room cabin, partly furnished. $! per month. Ilend Orocory. Ono block eaat of depot. 9ti FOK KENT Small houso partly furnished, $5 a month; also tent houso adjoining. Near depot. In quire at Ilullotln. 49U FOK KENT -Pasture. 640 acrea newly fenced. Plenty or water nnd grass. 214 miles southeast of town. YOU CAN BE SURE of Getting Hosiery Values Hete Kayser Bilk Hose, Specially priced at rhi.)' .'ISO Dependon Wood Fibre Silk Hose, Tan Hlack tnd WMty" ..( nn Bxeellent Value at ntrWWli 710 Ladlen Illnck Cat Holnforced Too and Knee, 'M ctnfrr 3 pair for $J.oo 710 Ladles Hlack Cat, Full Fashioned Seamless Foot UM per Pair - ,2?? 5cfiU 102 Udles' Msle Light Weight Black, White or Tanrff Pair 20 &tt Children's Hose That Weafc V 13 Heavy WclRht, Triple Knee, per Pair 23 fnu JO Medium Weight, Triple Knee, Per Pair 25 .tint .10 Misses Idsle, Linen Toe and Heel, per Pair 25;,4 , 1 1 Children's Double Knee, nibbed, 2 pair 23 rntn Infants Wool or Cotton Hose, IJlack, White. Pink, Sky. Per Pair ...'. .23 lUnb Thursday, Friday and Saturday, LAST THREE DAYS OF OUR July Clearance Sale! Your opportunity to effect savings on' all Summer Goods. Mannheimer Bros. TUB IIKPKXDO.V STOKE. Inqulro Charles Slpchen. 13tf FOK RENT Offlcca on Wall atrcct very cheap. Apply Uullctin OtSce. FOK KENT Rooms centrally lo cated. Electric llgbta and water. Suitable for housekeeping. Choap. Apply Ilulletln Office. FOK KENT Two room aultca tar nished for light bouse keeping. Henkle & Ryan. 12tr FOK SALE. FOR SALE Improved relinquish merit. 20 miles from Ilend. Inquire Ilulletln. 19-22p ua Sweet Clover Creamery Butter Made from pnro cream, produced under most sanitary condi tions from our own herd of healthy cowa. Milking, cure of milk nnd Qronmnnd mnnuracturo of tho butter under our personal miporvlalon. WK IUV NO MILK OU C11KA.M, henco wo KNOW thnt ovory ounco of butter Is thoroughly wholesome. Wo ahlp ONLY fresh churnod butter. Our output or butter Is noceaunrlly limited, nnd Is designed to meet tho demands of discriminating butter users who dcslro thoroughly fresh, clean, pnlntiiblo "b'utteY. Put up n 1 lb. packngos, enclosed in para fined cartons, to Insure It reaching you In porfect condition. Ask for It at W, C, McCuiston Grocery Co. It costs no moro than OHDINAKY creamory butter. flWKKT CIX)VEU CUKAMEKY CO., PRE.MONT, OREGON FOK SALE A first class relin quishment. 160 acres under tho Swnlloy Ditch. 25 water shares more K desired. 30 acres improved, find crop tiotatoes. $3,500 work, cash paid out. $3000 gets It or will take crop $2&00 or one half ISO acrea) relinquishment $1200, If bought quick, need the money, worn out. E. J. Rogers, Laldlaw, Oregon, 19tf FOR SALE Improvements and re linquishment on 120 acrea ou Tumalo Project. House, nil fenced, 2 good wells, 3 private dltohos. Will take $300 cash or a good team and wag on. E. T. Green, Laldlaw, Oregon. Camp C. 19-22p FOR SALE All my household furniture, kitchen range, heater, re frigerator, round dining table and chairs, aewng machine, etc. Flno piano for 1-3 first cost. Dray line, horses, harness, wagons, and good cow. J. M. Judd. 19-20p FOR 8ALE Flno cowa at Craw ford's reed yard July 28. 19-20p FOR SALE Cheap. Eight foot thow caso and stand complete. Ross Faraham. 19tf FOR SALE Cheap. Ono 2 year old horse, colt well bred, that will make a light harness driver. M. G. Coo IStt FOK SALE Cheap. Two single beds. Inquire Ilulletln office. 17tf FOK SALE Registered O. I. C. pigs. Phono or write Q. C. Car well, Rend. 131 - FOR SALE Good hoiac velgl about 1300 pounds. 7 yosfis Old. It quire Shuey's Grocery. 17t FOR SALE 30 head at'.eJI bro Jersey cowa, milking witb their fin calves, also a few oxcollqcA belfert Prices reasonable, Pnono,or addres L. II. Lafollctt, Prinevllle, Oro. 1720) FOK SALE Hlack ?.tlnorn egg for setting, $1.25 for 13. Lcaio or ders at Sather's store. Itf, FOK SALE One Duiliim Ayr shire milk cow Just fresh. "ifCt Mil waukee binder, first clua .ijbapo price $50.00. A MitranUed. bar gain. A. A. Uorg, Gist, Ore. i y5?U"c " FOR SALE All klndff pr'tpugl and dressed lumber, .at .Arril'erso'i Bros, sawmill half xray tcbrwjn itai and Laldlaw, on old Tnjnafp. .road Reasonable prices, rougJjTnfiplier $lt per M. Delivering to Iknd oV Laid law $2 per M. Telephone. 19t LOST AND FGlWip. 1-- LOST On the Fourth. Child' gold ring set with garnet. Flnde please leave at Shuoy's grctcry. 18t LOST, Strayed or StoloiffrJnly 1 1 one 2 year old brindled Jclsc belfr dehorned, aluminum buitfiii in righ ear. If round please nol'rty Iloscot Howard, Deschutes. , 20c L08T Whlto setter dtK. NotK; Ilulletln office. h LOST Hlack and wfeJiejUiillyi setter pup. Rcwardfor letrtrn. U C. Coe.. 20i STRAYED Early In May. lari? red cow with twin oalves. How brand ed MP qn right hip. Ulvt& brnrule. A.K. Also one yearling bettor, dari red, branded A.K. on leHhliu In formation requoated. AUdiess. W M. Arnold. - S-22j V. Suit Cases and Bags Trunks and Telescopes iasiasTi "fc pmm0mmfMV0t I Matting Suit Cases $ 1 .50, $2.' E. A. SATHER. m