The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 22, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    THK IlKND IlVIiLKTIN'i IlKN'l), dRK., WfiDNKNIiAY. dl'IiV -S, IBM.
bearing on tho argument which a tow
advance thnt count) division neces
sarily menus an Increaso In tnxcs.
In 1011, t8 ho pointed out, tho tax
for nil purposes was $252,GtS.21 na
compared with $-111,1-13.30, for tho
year 1913. Or going further back,
tho tnx In 1907 was $10S.13S.4t5. In
other words, ns the tnhlo printed else
whpro In this paper shows, tho
nmount of money paid In for taxes
i!uH Increased every year slneo J.90T.
i If Crook county In Us present slso
could bo run for I10S.000 In 1907.
"7 inh130.000 Itv.-ipOS, $158,000 In 1909.
uu . T"B;ri92.000 In 1910 and for $21
(fablltAicd KTCtrjr Wednesday)
Editor nnd Publisher.
robbrt w. sawyer
ABBodnto Editor.
An Indopondent newspaper stnnd'j
lntrfor tho squaro deal, clean busl-fl
ncss. clean politics and tho best 1113
lernAts of Bend and Central Oregon,
Ul mnnllii .80
Three months SCf
;All subscriptions nro duo nnd
expiration nro mailed subscribers' nnd
ir-innwal Is not mado within reason
able tlmo the paper will bo discon
pleaso notify us promptly of any
change of address, or of lallure to re
ceive the paper reg-larly. Otherwise
we will not bo responsible for copies
Make all checks and orders pay'
aide to Bend Bulletin.
The Bulletin' Is sometime a'ccuseJ
of, ovor-tealous boosting for Bend.
But modesty compels ua to pass the
laurels on to tho Seattle Time.,
whose issue of 'July 11 contains tho
fjnjjwlng editorial. ' That Bend even
tually will have a direct western out
let" lo a seaport we do not doubt.
,1'J'ort of Sluslaw, located on the
Oregon coast about midway between
tbcColumbIa and the California line,
la'gettlnr: ready to contost with Poit
Ufadjfor tho rich trade of the WM
lATuette and Deschutes.
hey are projecting a rauroauj
52.000 in
1911 why need It cost so much more
than one of these amounts to run n
far smaller county?
Tho fact U that t need not cost
more Leaving aside the Rtnto tnx,
with which wo havo nothing to do,
nnd tho school tnxes, which aro set
tled In each district and would bo th
snmo In a now county as In tho old.
tho question comes down to getter U
county expenses.
The flgurco show thnt they havo
grown. Tho cost of running Crook
county Is Increasingly great each
year and one of the chief reasons for
this Increase Is tho nlie of the coun
ty coupled with Its recent growth In
population. New residents scattered
over a wldo area mean added cosla.
The matter of mileage was mention
ed hero last week. Another Horn of
cost in Crook county that has been
increased by increased population is
election expense. Both theso ex
penses havo grown and added their
share to tho general cxpenso because
of Crook county' alto.
In a smaller county there would be
a material saving under theso head'
In otVcr words Deschutes count)
with Its smaller area enn return 'a
the lower general expooso that the
parent county had In the years prior
to 1912.
The fact of tho matter Is, nnd the
figures nbovo show It clearly, that an
Increase In taxes Is to bo expected if
tho county Is not divided, not If dl
vision goes through.
Interests nro few, companionship rntu
and evening occupations scanty. The
Library depends upon tho ouoroty
of Its friends for theso inngnilnott,
just ns the ontlro Institution" la sup
ported by tho publlo spirit of.jloul
cltlions nnd tho commcndnlilo activ
ity of tho ladles who conduct It. If
nny homes luivo oxtrn inngajlncii,yj
books, no bolter servlco can bo ton
dered than by turnlig thorn ovor.o
mo iurnr m, . 4
Under fls protenL ownership, t
Bulletin has never accepted mir
liquor advertising. Tho Bulletin hui
never boon n prohibition paper, but
has rof.sod euch income simply be
cause tho public !s Inclined to be
lieve that advertising of this nature
limits tho freedom of n nowsimner
nnd colors Its views. Tho Bulletin
has preferred to avoid nny sucu
charge. In this issue, however, ap
pears advertising Issued by anti-pro-
hlbltlon Interests. It Is given space
because It concerns an cconottilo-po-
Utlcnl question to bo votod on In
November. As this paper will accept
prohibition advertising, nnd prohi
bition news, Justice to our rcadors
demands equal freedom to both sides.
Tho City will got n thousand dol
lars or so from Crook county, nnl
School District No. 12 some $1500.
becnuso an Investigation has beun
mado by a local representative if
county bookkeeping of tho past nnd
such amounts found owing. Tho
move was good business, and n wise
proceeduro. Naturally tho result Is
gratlfyiug to local taxpayors. And In
passing It Is worth mentioning tint
here comes more nionoy for the till
trlct an unexpected Incnnio mak
ing nn added reason for n very tow
levy for next year.
from Eugeno westward to tldewator.
and? another railroad from Euon
railroad from Eugonol '""""
the McKenzle river IffiS
"They figure that with a steam
chip lino running from the Sluslaw
1o tbe ports of tho world through the
i'anama -uuni. wiej cuu luuovj ntu
Touching further on tho matter t
ho "technical" claim for road taxos
made by the City of Bend agalnt
the county and tbe animadversions
thereon by tho Prlnevlllo News wo
resnoctfulh bet; to call the attention
of the public and tho News to the
following from a March meeting of
the road tax lev.
led against Prlnevlllo property for
tho years 1901, 1902 and 1903. Now
at this time this matter coming on
to be heard relative to a certain road
Some knocks nro boosts 'tis tinld.
tioro Is n eommtinlontlon, printed ns
It was received, from Mr. Henry
Clow, orst.vhllo Janitor or tho county
court house, nliuoHt a county pur
chasing ngent nnd especially an ex
perl ott culverts. "Inclosed ou will
tlnd $1.B0 for ono years subscription
to tho Bulitln I am doing this to mo
tho atltud uf Uiat paper In this coin
mlug election. 1 havo beared aovor
ral comdenin tho Bond Bulotln In tho
past year. Youra truly, II. II. Clow.'
We aro grntoful for the $1.8fo
.--... f .'i. - r rr-nni tax levy for tho years 1901, 190
tUIUUIVIVO III - "" - "--O VIJ IBftt f.v rifcnnb .n.l -.l...
to " 'bout face. Hero is a comment
on the nronosed short-haul outlet:
" 'There never In the history of J
commerce was known such a vicious
transportation loop as the one that
. .i.i -.... n,.,-- -.i -r i dred Ninety-four and forty-eight huti
that State twenty years behind Call-! - 'J1914-' do,,l?tr" ,n Jul
fornia and Washlngon, in tho way f settlement thereof; and tho clerk s
iiuiuiij uiuL'im w uiun n hhiiuui
property of the city of Prlnevlllo and
the said claim having been properly
audited nnd verified by tho county
court, the same Is hereby allowed In
tho sum of Ono Thousand Six Hun-
rcncral develonment.
" 'As everybody knows. Portland
was lllogicaiiy locatcu ana neve.
accordingly In the amount of sal-l
sum In favor of the city of Prlnevlllo
...... i.i v....... i.n-,n n,hi i ! r In payment of the same.
"UU,M ua" (n,w,,v . afc ., ( lifkl.l. I.1l........ ,k-, .. 1t
iiuiuu iiiuiuiiiva iiiui uuvr nil
Prlnevlllo Is no more bashful In de-
It not for the co-operation or a cer
tain criminal element which In for-
mnndiog Its rlglits than Is Bend.
Ono day recently SO people uso-l
Hbo Bend Public Library and 00 books
1 were taken out, showing the populni-
tty qt ino institution. Astdo from tlwj
putrouage given the reading room,
and. tbe books borrowed, a groat
rncr Tears had control of tho sc-callo.l
S.-P. system, systematically grinding
the producer to the last cent fo- or long-haulage.
,he railway of this short-hail
out 4vU crosses the Coast Hange at
nnaltltude of only 4G8 feet, or about
31. Uct above tbe elevation of th-)
sw-Wll ntte valley. Tho wtiBI,JMr flf old mngaznf)S nro glvon
sdef this great and most product .dj;moro than ,00 cnch weak
Uve Valley la onlr 24 miles from tho i --,-,, ch!otlv a , homMfaiior nn i
head of navigation of Port of Blu-- vdoplo ,ivIn ,n remoto ,nce. whero
law; tho city of Eugene is only about V v 2
38 miles from th head or the iiort.
;Tbere Is something In the argu
ment for the "Sluslaw short-haul.
in view of tbe fact -hat Portland can
never become a real seaport, and that
the SiKSlbw. with a little Improv-.
raent of the bar, will be able to ac
comodate shipping to a considerable
A Puritan Jury.
That the Purltiin fnihlnn of nomen
clature produced noine very odd re
sults Is very generally known, Tho
London Chronicle rccallx that James
Brome. in hts "Travels Over England,
Scotland nnd Wales," published In
170Q. gives a copy of a "Jury Itcturn.
Made at Itye, Sussex, in tbo Late Re
bellious Troublesome Times."
The nnmes of tbe twelve good men
and true were: Meek Brewer, Graceful
Harding. Klllsln Pimple. Earth Adumn,
Wrepnut Billing. More Fruit Fowler.
Uope-for Beudlnc. tteturu SM.lmnn.
Fly Debate l'oU.'rt. Stand FaHt ou
High Strluger, Be Fnltbftil Joiner and
Fight tbe Good Fight of Faith White.
Right on Crooked River mo Finally
Adjusted n ml Recorded.
SALUM, July 17. Stnto Engineer
LowIr has announced that tho lar
gest aim most Important adjudication
$vy eoiuplutod l.v tho stnlo water
.botirdr'mvolvjng over 30,600 acres it
lrihdjwnte,r .rights vulued at over
'llj)i)0,000, hud been conflrinod hy
tho circuit court for Crook county.
About 2B0 rights to the waters of
Crooked river, some of which wore
Initiated over 50 years ago, have fin
ally been adjusted and recorded un
der tho statu water code, thus putting
an end to the UHelesa and expensive
lltlgution heretoforw carried on by the
water unern. Tho court confirmed
tho decision of the board In practi
cally over Instance, and In speaking
of this decree. Judge Brndshaw Rays:
"I hoard all objections thnt woro
presented nt tho hearing, and there
wero no objections of n serious na
ture, which speaks well for the work
of tho board. Considering the great
number of pcoplo Interested, and tho
great number of claims to bo adjust
ed, tho result Is exceedingly satisfactory."
Complete Lint For Vwtok County N
"8ALKM, Juno 20. Stnto Superin
tendent of Public liislru-tlon Chur
chill has Issued tho crinploto list of
Certificate winners ninuiiR the teach
ers of tho Stnto recently t'Mimlncd.
1 Those for Crook county follow:
One-.cnr state certificates Jef
fries. Myrtle J.: Hulln, Mrs. Nutson
.C.; Pyntt. Edna; Slack, Glenn II..
Roberts, Hmmn; Wood, Mary Alice.
illrodorlck. Mur-nrct K; Hubbard.
fcTheodoro; Abbott, Edln A.; Wright,
Etna, Hliort. t'lurn II.; nrown, Mrs.
Bertha L.; Thoma, Isaac; Hummoll,
Florence A.; Livingston, Nora M.:
Geyur, Lola; i)aly, Marlon G.; Fox.
Benjamin Dnvles; Noble. Earl; Goff.
.Raymond S.; McWIillams. Flora.
Five-year state ccrtirtcnto Barnetr,
Edgar R.
Five-year state primary cortlfleato
Bailey, Mamie.
Life statu rertlllcala Morso, Edna
that Sale I told you about last
week. You still have three
more days in which to take ad
vantage of these very low prices
Tha Bishop' Plae.
The blshup of luidoii. xpraklng nt
tbe nnnunl met-tlug of tbe bUhop of
Iudou'ii fund rit Grnivcuor House,
snld thnt churches did not drop down
Troin bea veil any more than bUbopV.
though n little girl lu hi congregation,
evidently .under thill delations hud re:
cently snld to her mother during a tir
ing Hennoii "I am tired now, uiothcr.
Can't the bishop go back to heaven V,
Iudoii Standard. ''
Rcxarded In ono light, editing a
newspaper in a small town Is a weary
ing pursuit, full cf petty trials and
tribulations, hedged by Irritating
routine and woefully limited by the
tools one has' to work with.
Bat tboro Is another side, and, .is
ftsirt whan nnftmlnm In npt tin
against pessimism, it is tho better !
To enjoy sraMMown ncwepaperluB;,
then, it Is neqesary to get tbe right,
v'-ewilnt. Quit fretting because this
and that cannot be done, and this and
that must be done, and give your,
town and your roadors tho best thnt
ou have and tho bett your facilities;
nnd tncomo porm'ts. Make your I
paper a medium of healthy, optimistic
nows for your fellow townsmen and
a real news-Jotter of the development
of that town, sent out each week to
the hundreds elsewhere who aro
friends and part owners of your town.
Tboro Is a pleasant personal touch
to the work, much as if you address-!
ed yourseU directly to each of your,
loaders, telling them, with your own
enthusiasm for your community the'
facts about Its present and the logi
cal hopes for its future. :
When the small-town newspaper
represents a town such as Bend, and i
when Its constituency Is ono of Intel-1
Bgent optimists as is Tho Bulletin'.!;
- the pleasures of such newspaperlng '
vastly,, outbalance 1tsc disadvantages.
Ap) with patience, persistence an I
co-operative endeavor, soon enough
we shall hare such a city that tho
small-town newspaperlng will become
metropolitan newspaperlng which
wil,be an immense satisfaction to all
of ns!
1 cent a word
Tier (j is an extract from a letter
written by a physician at Brcmortou,
Wasjta it Is typical of many that
come' to The Bulletin.
"J boost for Bend every time I git
n chance. I have Investments there
nnd believe In the town's great fu
ture.: I enjoy The Bulletin every
week, and want to congratulate you
on your up to date, clean paper."
The figures given by Mr. Irving at
tbo Commercial Club luncheon on
Rnttirrinv nhnivlntr the amount nf tax
money It has taken in past years to
run Crook county have an Interesting
Imperial Flour
(Flag Brand)
Our sales of this flour nre the best
- evidences of its popularity.
Shuey's Cash Grocery
Settler With ItlO Acres in Kitlnrgtil
Area May Double Holding.
WASHINGTON. July 20. Repro
sontntlvo Slnnot today secured the
passage through the House of his
bill providing thnt any houiestoad'T
who hns acquired patent to 100 nonta
of land In a section where the en
larged homesteadlng Is permitted
may acqulrn 1G0 acres additional and
contiguously located, thus making his
entire holdings 3-0 nores.
As tho law now stands, additional
entry may not bo uado aftur final
proof has been submitted.
Buster Brown
'KTti-T-rTSiitiTTiiiiiiii 'jj v SjfcL
Are Made for Healthy, Fun-Loving
Boys and Girls
A child's shoe gets the hardest wear possible,
but we an offer you a shoe that will, on "account
of the toughness of the soles, the high grade of the
uppers, and the reinforced stitching and careful work
manship, give greater wear than any, other bcand
we know.
Ask fur Buster Brown
Shoci if you would get
Shoes like this for your
children. Made by Urown
Shoe Company, Inc.
X r-tJ
Under the nbovo caption tho I're-n
Bulletin of tho Oregon Agricultural
College hat tho following to say if
Thomas W. liwson:
"SclenUflc fanning methods nppoul
to Hon. Tom Lnwson, tho noted eco
nomist and Journalist. Mr. I.awnon,
who mado tho Wall street magnate
hunt tall timber, is visiting nt the
farm of his non-ln-law, Honry MeCatl,
of Crook county, Oregon. On this
(arm a sjieclalty Is made of high clans
puro-brod cat)lu and swine. Hoi
steins and Jerseys and many breed
of swine, are carried as part of the
farm stock. Tha owner Is co-opcr-ating
with the Agricultural College
In many lines, and finds thnt tho sci
entific methods pay best. Bacterial
cultures for the legumes has been
found to be especially profitable."
Sealed bids for tho delivery In
Bond of 100 cords of flrxt growth
plno wood cut from greon Umbo-,
but thoroughly dried, will be receiv
ed by Sehool District NuTnber Twnlva
until G o'clock p. m. August 1, 1911.
Big Values In
Used Cars
"A uud ear tou)it from the
WltitenCotn'xiiy l worth y xr
crut nitre Ih.u It duplleute U)
Khcrccltc." Wt hwr thU Ute
meul cvtryiUy. The rctiou U
pUla when II It irmcmbercil Hint
ua Irsdrd-lu car It offered here
for ute unlit it b been thorough
ly overhauled lu our own ibope
by Wlnloii ei perls -ud qroughl
up to the Wlnton iUudtrdof u
(omobltc excellence.
Ifyou can appreciate whil thU
embraced value mean you will
aend NOW for our complete lilt
of high-grade "uud" car barcalna,
It goce without aayiUK that a
rc-bullt car f high-grade rnanu
i ficturc which haa bctu operated
ouly leper crntofitareal mileage,
that can he pu'cbaied at 50 per
cent of the original pric- will
prove lar more Mtltfactoiy ami
much It' pnne thau a cheap
car bought aew.
Nery IllUr.-taoney will NOW
buy one of Iheae rc-bullt car that
will give the beat aatitfactiou lu
both aervlce and appearaucc.
Send fwlay for 'our latest cow
plele burgam lltt.
Car. Co.
Portland, Oregpn.
Delivery must bo mado botween Rep.
tombor 1st nnd January -4st. The
Board of Directors reserves the right
to reject nny snd'oll bids.
Bids should bo addressed to the
20-.le. Clerk of Board.
The new ufflsurs will bo InstalHd
on Friday evening. All members aro
urged to be presen.
For Rent," ''For Hale," "Rooms
to lt' ''Houackeepliig Ilwinis,'' "No
Admittance," "No HtnoUIng," etc.,
etc., I'lnranU nrlnteHl In large type
on heavy brUtol iMianl, 111 rent each,
lra lit iutuitlt(rM. Bulletin Ollice. 12tf
Hoolliig. building papers, doom and
windows. Mkusu Hardwnru Co. Adv.
In tho County Court of the Hlnte of
Oregon for.Crook County.
In the matter of the Kstale of Jet
Ir I'oush, deceased.
The undersigned linvlug beca ap
pointed admltilstrutiir of tho aboe
named estate, notice Is horuhy glve'i
to the creditors of saltl instate and to
all persons Jinvlng claims against salt!
deconned, to usSt them duly veri
fied as required by law, within sic
months from tho dutu of this .Notlcv.
to tho undersigned at tho ofllco of C.
S. Benson, lawyer, Bend, Oregon.
8. C. CAI.DWKI.I..
Dated this 22d day of July, 19H
Summer Suits
Come in and get the prices
and you will surely' buy.
' I ! I- -LI. , , ..l . .,. ,,. .
Shoes left at big discount prices.
A. L French
Ton A Ctnrpjb" irimp ifcBUILUlM(r
I.IOIMU Vfl m r .J" t. .-. - -T ...--
?-JiJV-i 1 -tnekV. v rMIIYlDH1A
to. v.;