THE BEND BULLETIN. J, Vol. XII. 4 llliJfl), OIII.'UON. WHDNKHDAV AFTHHNOO.Y, .11 1.V i!i!, Mi 1. -X NO. 29. ,'k if" It. " i . ff 1. p. tf . fc u . r '. W, v r .- Jkr. lit 650 SIGNERS ON PETITION NOW ALL PRECINCTS ARE REPRESENTED Committee Meet Willi Orntlfyliw Huccra Wherever Petition nro Prrrntcd It. II. Irving of Mnd- mm (Ihtfi Flgurr on Taxation. 4 . Although thn campaign for Dea hute county waa alow In Ketlinii under way, Ita progress, once started. Iism lit'cn rapid, n ml already morn (linn linlf thn requisite number of xlgncrs In Rat tho matter on tho No vember ballot linn been secured. rirriilntlon of tlit petition began on Tuendny of laat weok. Uy Sat urday nlKtit Hourly f00 had signal, represontliift prncllcnlly every voting prueinct in the now county. A was to ho expected thn greatest number of algncra nro from Ilnrfil both be cause thero nro tnoro hero to algn than elaculioro In tho county nuil b eatutn thn orlKlnnl committee In lo cated hern nnd cnn moot tho voters tnoro easily. Tlmt tho proposed rilvlMou doea not Interest llund Mono Is ahown however. ty the roflpoimo the eoni tnltti'ii linn mot with In othor town where thn petitions have lieott circu lated In tho tltno allien the work started Alfalfa, La Pine, Laidlaw mill Hlaters have ltHn visited and every where the result hna been tho same - signatures ohlnliipil front practleallv (Continued on laat imk ) z. .c - grsTrrv, OPPOSE INITIATIVE MEASURE r ' Portland Clininlirr of CNininirrro Would Kcoi ltrwrrt lanil I loan). POHTI.ANI), July 1C Doalnrlns that thn proposed law to abolish the oltlro of atato engineer would prae tlrally put n atop to dovolopmqnt and reclamation Work In Kaatorn Orego'i nid iwt tho state hack 20 yeara, thn trustees of tho Portland Chamber of Commerce todny decided to lend tho Hint In opposition to tho Initiative mraaure. Thn proposition was brought Im forn the chamber by a dolRatlnn of rnglnecra and development advocate numbering 35 persons. It waa point' rd out by tho varloua speakers that a qualified head for thn Irrigation projects of Oregon la Imperative. Thu frt result of tha law, Jt.waa contend ed. wOQld-bo-to prevent the expcndl turn of flfi.OOO already appropriated for a topographical survey which would ho tho hastaof all future rcU inatlon projects. Among- those who nddrrared 1!"" ahnmtiitr In oppoiltlon to thn hill wuro Colonel C. K, H. Wood. Urnoat l. Ilopnon. onslneer of tho unite I Htntc reclamation aervlee. f. C llenny, I. A McArthur nnd II II Miller, chairman of tho Oroiton-ln-lro-elw)tric commUalon. MAKING FINAL CHECK .Tohiuon.MY) ri linciiHcr Iteprteutn tienTnkliiK Irfoit Htepn In Hide. Kxcopt for a nllitlit dluoKrcomonl nH to tho nmount of timber Involved mi eifiH Go Awa Trom Home IWIlClt yuu UIC IlUl KI1UWII, UVUIU U.l rcganl to your funda by carrying AMGRICAN DANKCRS ASSOCIATION TRAVGLeRS' CHCQUGS i These cheques are equally useful for travelers .In America or Abroad. They identify the , holder to hotels, ticket agents and merchants, ' who accept them at face value n payment ofaccountB. They are not available to finder or thief, if lost or-Btolen. Let us explain the system. Deschutes State Bank Bucceaaor to tha Desckutos Banking & Trust GpsjuHiy mcD, ohicoon, Jl ,BJ. R, i. Proa. 'b. FKnitErx. r Ht M, LARA, ' a"" DIRK0TOR8. J' ,ll.,F5rroll, V, O. Minor, B. M. Lam , - t. .. thn paitlon to tho WoynrhnoiiMor Johnion timber unlo nro reported to hnva readied tin underntnmlliiR nnd iih Moon n n re-rlionk cnn ho rimde nnd thn amount (leflnltely iiHcertnlnoJ tho dcnl will ko thrnuKh. Proiiilnetit tlmbermoi) roprosnntlntc both imrlWm In tho trntiHiictlon iir rlvod In town hint week nnd nro now engaged In u II mi I ntirvoy on thn Innda up river. AmoiifC thorn nro H. O. Johnson. J. A. Davln, V. J. Imio. It. K, Blnttnry, I'realdonl Moaorvoy of too i.umiiarmuua KiiKineoriuK corn puny of Portland nnd J. (J. Cnmpbotl of thn Cloquet Lumber Company of Duluth. While nothing definite onn bo lenrnod na to tho pinna of tho pur. o hnaora It- la underatood tnnt mem hera of tho party have tnld that tho orectlon of n mill will hd begun na aoon aa thoy havo taken title. POWELL BUTTE FARMER IS SUCCESSF0LRAISIN6 SHEEP .T, i:. Wnrner'a Itekiilt'i llenr nut tho Idea of A. O. Walker Ap to Hhccp on Krnnll JPorin. Tho Idem of A. O. Wnlknr, of Al falfa, ott tho aiibjecl Of Mining aheup on the anmll Irrigated fnrma In thin aoctlon na not rortn In TU i iluiletin of April 23. nro finding n practical confirmation In tho experience at nnothor farmer In tho Powell IliiMn country, na roportod by County Ak rlculturUt Iivett: Tho farmer In (juration la J. K. Warner. Ho hna kept aheep for tho naat nine montha nnd hla ilKtirea in reaped to cent a and "proflta tnlly oloaoly with tlioie which Mr. walker aald might bo expected. In thn fall of 1013 Mr Warner bought 200 owea at f 2 per head. The wintering of the hard coat him 7ft eenta a bend nnd he obtained an In prnaKO of till nor cent. The herd clipped an average1 of 12 pound of wool which brought 10 cnta er H)iiud. lln will aetl off tho wethnra and thn poorer ewe nnd breed for January lamba thla year. The ahei were kept on a in ucro farm, chiefly on alfalfa hay and tmnlure. Mr. Warner'a roaulta are of Inter iat In bearing out thn theory advnir ed by Mr. Walker ami becnuae aa Mr. Ixivutt puta It. "Wo havo hero amplo proof that the aheep will pay on tho amnll farm In Central Oregon nnd fairly aubatnntlal evidence that thla aoctlon of tho atate may be noted for Ita wool production even after It haa tteen all taken over by the amall rai nier," AD CLUB EXCURSION BIG Portland Hill Como to Ilend Con dlllon I'ottfid Improving. That tho cxcurtlon which tho Por Und Ad Club will make to Ilend lt (ember G and 7 will boia 'record breaker, ao far aa atteadaacA la' con cerned, la tho aaerton"or o. p. Put nam. who anent Uatv'Wcek In Port land, where ho attended thu weekly lunrheon of thn Ad Club nnd mot manv of Ita prominent member. Tho organization It moat enthualnatlc concerning the Jaunt, nnd the com mittee In oharco aaya It will brln,i not leu than 100 bualueaamen. and probablv niorc Thla, It la pointed out. will be the largeat exruralou ever aoiit out from Portland bv ant alugl orgnnlxntlon. nnd many time larger delegation than over haa paid an of ficial vlalt to a community tho alte of ltend. Trnvolora from tho Middle W'est. aald Mr. Putnam, report no actively Improving bualneaa condition. Somo aald. for luatnnco, that general trado in thn Chicago dlatrlct haa bettered 60 tier cent, during tho laat month. In Portland an optlmtatlo-aplrlt la becoming felt. UUUUIC III .......1, , P.O. MINOR; Scc'y.1 ' i.' Caahlar, MU,. PMlriA aWl illiJi II tfetBBattlaaaaUB V FIRST BUFFER AT OPEFATION STARTED YESTERDAY InxpertJoii nnd Auction Halo TIiIn Hot' urtlny Inatltutlon Wim lintnblUli- ed Through Co-()operatlvo Work of Fanner and lu1nr Men. tlend'a co-oporntlve croamory la now an ottablhthed fact. After montha of work, aomo dlncournge monta, many delays nnd moat of tho vlciaaltudvs to which auch proJecta nro subjected tho now Institution la In operation. And not only la It completion n trlhuto to tho progroaalve aplrlt of tho farmera who nro backing It and who chiefly will bo benefitted by it, but oven better. It la a gratlfylnz proof thnt tho farmera of tho Mend country and tho bualneaamen of Ilond cnn got together and co-opernto. lor much of tho hard work in promoting the creamery wna done by local mcr chnnttf, under tho nuaplcea of the r'..ii.irilii' fluli nml Bluiiit ItnOi) hna been aubaarlb'ed by bualneaa men and loaned to got tha project on Ita rcot. Yeaterdnr the flrat butter waa mndo. Bnturdny tho llrat butter will be told. Probably It will be protty oxponalvo butter, too. bucnuae the hlglieat bidder la to get It. and many dealro tho distinction of aeeurlng tho Initial pound. After tho Commercial Club luncheon Saturday noon far mera and hualaeM men will adjourn to tho Creamery, there to inspect the plnnt and to participate In an auc tion. Tho butter made thla weak will bo auctioned off to the hlglieat blddera, probably In amnll quantities nnd thereafter llend folk cnn butter thalr broad with Hond-mndo butter, manufactured In an Inatltutlon 'n which nearly cveryono la more or lew directly Intoreated. Monday more than 400 pounda of milk waa brought In, and thero la every, proapect that local farmera will uao their plant fully. Tho establlah munt of a permanent co-operative market la expected to mean that many mora cowa will be purebnied la tho neighboring country. TELEPHONE OFFICIALS TOUR' Genera) Maaairer of tho Pacific Phono Ooeipaay and Othera lero. ilaat TUuraday llend waa vlalted by a party of the hlghoat offlclala of tho Pacific Tolephono tt Telegraph Company, Including the general man ager from San Kranclaco. While nothing waa given out, It la believed thnt the trip la connected with tlw plan, broached laat year, of erecting a telephone lino directly down tho Deachutca from Hotid to Tho Dalle. Inatead of via Prlnevllle and Shanlko aa at preaont. The j arty, which traveled by aut-. Included J. C. N'owell, gonoral man ager. P. H. Coolldio. general com morclal aiiperintendnnt, both of Ban Kranclaco and W. D. Mooro. of Port land, division auperlntondant of plnnt. Thoy wero entertained hero at tho Kmbloni Club, and proceeded aouth to Crater Lako Friday morn-Inir. H Haying Tools Rakes, Mowers, Binders and Reapers and Repairs for the same. Also a complete stock of Pipe, Pumps and Pumping Br- r' ' ..- 'J Bend Hardware Go. a ll..,, ...n.r.v LUfflbtH MKKtl i MUCH IMPROVED BUSINESS FROM BEND IS BRISK Onlera for M'anufacturera In Thla Territory Incroaae, Hhlpmciita are Heavier nnd Price. JVottei Car a Day Goen From Hero Now. No better newa for local lumber manufacturer, aryl llttlo more en couraging In Ita rolatlon to largo mill operation here, haa appeared for many montha than tho circular Juat laauod by tho Western Pine Mnnufau turora Association. lirlofiy. the nowa la of vaatly Improved market condi tions, with larger domand, better prlcea and a greatly Improved out look for tho lumber bualneaa. In conjunction with thla the llend Company's mill la running to capacity and since July first an nverago or tnoro than a carload a day of lumbpr haa been shipped, while ordora con llnuo to como in satisfactorily, bring ing a hotter outlook than local manu facturera have faced for. many (montha. " Thla means, for Inatance, that thia mouth about 110.000 worth of manu factured materials, grown and mlllel here, havo been shipped from Ilond. In return for which eaetorn money haa como to llend. I-ast woek the llend Company, aaya Genoral Man ager Keren, whipped the moat valu able car of lumber thua far aont from thla territory. It went to New York, and contained four inch ae- locta. ItciKirt la OptimUtic. The optlnibitlc report mentioned abovo la aa follows: "Somo of the manufacturers from thla territory havo recently returned from tho coaat and report that con ditions are looking much hotter over thero and that the recent advanco mado by tho coaat milts aa a general thing la being woll maintained, and It looka aa though It would continue to be ao. "Mills on the coast are well up to the saw on dimension and are atrip- ping all they are cutting. There la a general feeling that bualneaa wlil continue good, but that there ia no- thins in tho Bituatioirto 'warrant a great Increase in the output. "In thla territory, prlcea generally seem to be on a better level than two weeka ago, while the volume of bualneaa la certainly looking good. Orders up to date for thU month ahow an IncrcaSo of alx hundred and eighteen cars aa compared with first eighteen dayu of July a year ag. figures being seven hundred and thirty cars for laat year and thirteen hundred and forty-eight cara for thla. "The Increnso In orders Is well dis tributed among tho members, there being only one case where the num ber of cara reported thla ear la not conalderably mare and In moat cas it la greatly in excess oi mat year Tho oue caao shows practically tha aamo for thla year aa for last. "The month of June showa fort threo millions feet sold aa compare 1 with twenty-seven million feet a year ago and ten million pieces of lath at compared with eight million a year ago. "Crop outlook continues to bo of tho best. Recent reports of bine IMPORTANT MKKTINU. This Saturday at 2 p m. a meeting la called by the Direc tors of tho Water User' Aww elation. It will be held hero, In tho rooma of tho City Council, or olsowhero If tho accomoda tions thero do not suffice. Tho sottlirn Interested In the move desire all bualneaamen nnd far mers to bo proaont, snylnir that matters of vital Importance con corning local irrigation a flair will bo discussed. ruat In aomo parts of the Dakolas havo been greatly exaggerated M nearly ae can bo ascertained. "Wo bco nothing In tho situation that does not warrant getting a good price for our product from now on. Blocks, particularly In wblto pln., seem to bo badly broken." SEND BALL TEAM BEATS TEAM FRDMJHE TUMALO Monty H)TonueIl Oioen Captain Will Play Game This Sunday, Prob ably Willi Terreljonni'. Tho ball team haa at last elected a captain, the official chosen beln the old vet Monty O'DonnolI. and with thla start, although a little lato In tho reason, the ball team nhould ahow great improvement, as thero will bo a "boss" to aupervlse. Thla Sunday tho team will play probably wtth Terrebonne. Last Sunday the team played it nine from tho Tumnlo Project, which resulted In a decisive victory for tho locals, by a score of 13-7. Rend scorned to be nble to hit everything that came along "making a total of 12 cloan blnglea, three of which wore made by S. Stcldl. Tho Tumaio team atartod a rally In tha ninth, when Springer weakoned a little but with tho support that was gtvffn him the oppoalng player. -cr retired with only three more runs to their crodlt. Tho line-up waa as follows: Rend Culp If. Stover as. Springer p. O'Don nolI c. 8. Steldl lb. Johnson 2b. Paul of, 8proat 2b, J. StciJl rf. Turnillo -Van Metre c. Hughes"!!). I'dll&m Sb, Armstrong aa, Harr3b, 8torr--p, Rrandenburg rf. J. Pulllam cf, Shear er If. ' ", The following Rend men mado hits. Culp 2. -mover 2, O'Donncll 2, Stcldl 3, Johnson t Paul 1, Sproat 1. AUGUST FLOWER SHOW Library Club Beta Date for Exhibition Next Month, At a special meottng of the Ladle Library Club held Tuesday afternoon it was decided to hold the annual Mower Show Saturday, Auguat 2. Prizes will be given for plants, cut flowers, collectlona of fiowera and vegetables. General rulea of the Flower Show, and a completo Hat of fiowera and vegetables for which prlieaywHI l givon will 'bo published later In The llullotin. III'SIXKSS KOITH ItOOMS. J II. Wenaudy left last night for Portland, to get the third two-to-t Maek auto truck for tho mall line to Silver Lake. Mr. Wonandy saya tha freight, cxprcsa and passenger busi ness to the south ia booming. Two trucks, now on the run, are swamped, and he has two alx-horse teams on the work alo. He estimates tho av erage amount hauled by the mall trucks each day at 3000 pounda whllo many pasnongera also are using the service. m The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND.OR.EGON U. C. COE, President E. A. SA.THER, Vlo- President C. S. HUDSON, Cashier Capital fully paid - - - 8o.Q0Q Surplus 22,Q00 To Homeseekers: Parties contemplating taking Home steads in the new lands just eliminated from the Forest Reserves, should bear in mind that Bend is the closest Banking town to these lands. We are making a special effort to be. of service to new people coming into Cen tral Oregon, Gall and see us and arrange your fi ' nances, so you will not have any trouble in having your checks oashed. M& m TSi first national bank of wend "''.. DIRECTORS ' U. c. Ooe E. A. Sajher c. a. Hudson O. M. I'ATTKKSOJJ G 1 m EAST SIDE PRINEVILLE GLAD SEE US GO TO ".Newa" Refer to llend aa "FeaterVm Ibxly Politic" and' Saya Many In Old Crook County Think Tho, Division In n qood FUn. 4-. Evidently Prlnevllle sentiment (a well divided on the division ques tion, and certainly a strong repre sentation of county neat people .aro favorably disposed toward the move. Even the Prlnevllle News, whoso dl like for this section Is Indicated w.ben. It refers to us a "a troublesome fes ter on tho body politic," scenario havo about made up Its mind to en dorse tho division, bellovlng. of do many east-sldera, that Prlnevllle will be better oft without us. Saya tho Newa: ? '.Tn response to tho call in Tho Newa-of last week for an expression of the views of our readers anentjibe county division we have have receiv ed tho diversified opinions of a large number of prominent cltlzcna- g Crook county. Tho general opinion as expressed ia that a part of. the southwest portion of thla countyjfcla for several yearn been as a trouhte somo fester on the body politic jSU tho application of the .surgeon's k& lu tho form of votes at the getfgftl election would forever rid the people (Continued on laat page.) . BtNU A US SISItHS J iocal Mercliiint Contribute Towrnta 'i Fair nt Neighboring Town'. "Biatora haa act the date for their air this year. It will bo held -on October 1, 2, 3, and one day will bo set aside aa "Bend Bay." Laat week George Altkcn and F. L. Shaw wero here and ai a result of their solid tatldna generous contributions wero made by local morchanU. The list as printed in the Slaters Herald, is aa 'follows: Flrat National Da.nk J 15,0 Tha Dead C6apaay..w,:iV.00 The Bend Bulletin 2.0.0 IL M. Smith Clothing Co.... 3.00 Dcscbutea State Bank 5.00 Patterson Prua; Co. A. L. French . . , . , 3.0 E.oe 3.0D 5.00 2.00 5.00 Bkuse Hardware Co. . . . . . . Bend Hardware Company . . . W. W. Faulkner O'Donncll Bros - W. C. McCuIaton 2.0 Dort 8huey . '. . . . 2.00 Mannhelmer. 2.00 Bend Milling &' Warehouse Co , 1 Bbh.Flour It la underatoqd that a large dele gation from Bend will be at the fair and that later probably more contri butions will bo forthcoming. CUBS DEFEAT IUDLAV. Sunday morning thn A. L. French Cuba defeated the Laidlaw Sluggera by a 9-8 score. Tho gtuue waa very exciting throughout, the main fea tures being two base hita by Tel Hoke and Sonny WhltHold. They will play either Iledmond or Laidlaw this Sunday. !3 II. C, EfcMS txj.j'