The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 15, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAQK 0.
A regulnr term of the bounty
Court of Crook County, Oregon, con
vened nt 10 o'clock n. m. nt the
Court House, Prlnovlllo, Oregon, this
flrgt day of July. 1SH.
Present: Q. Springer, Judgo: U
II. Uayloy nnd Willis V. Urown, Com-
jnlsslonorsj Warren Urown, County
Clerk; Frnnk Klklns, Shorlff.
Whereupon tho following proceed
ings wore trnnsneted. to-wlt:
In tho matter of County Honda:
Tlllmnn Ileuter road. Surveyor or
dorcd to survey the change In the
Improvement In tho road grade.
Ncwsom Crook road, regular hear
ing; report of tho County Surveyor
received on examination of proposed
road nnd bis preliminary survey.
Claim presented by James Hayes for
damages. Ordered continued until
September term.
Alfred Wild ct 1, road, viewer's
report read for the first time.
W. X. Hunnell et at road, viewer's
report read for tho first tlnio.
U. C. ioung et al road, viewers
report read for the first time,
In tho matter of tho County Health
Ordered that Dr. Rosenberg bo ap
pointed County Health Olncer. for tho
two years beginning July 1st. 1914,
nnd ending July 1st, 1916, accord
ing to his agreement with the County
Court, accepted March 10, 1914.
In the matter of Vlbert'a First
Addition to Gateway:
Presented dedication of plat to VI
Vert'a First Addition to Gateway,
Oregon. All requirements having
been compiled wlib, approved and
accepted by Court. (Sco plats for
Court adjourned in the afternoon
for tho purpose of going over' certain
portions of the proposed Crooked
river road.
Julr 2.
Court convened at eight n. m
same officers present as yesterday.
In the matter of the Crooked river
bridgo at Post:
Whereas the bridge over tho
Crooked river at Post is badly in
need of repair and whereas It cannot
bo satisfactorily repaired; It Is there
fore declared a matter of emergency
that the present bridgo bo removed
nnd that a steel structure bo erected
in its place. Ordered, that tho
County Clerk be Instructed to adver
tise for bids for the construction )f
a hundred foot steel brldee of Hire
structure and capacity as the bridge
over the Crooked river at Prlnevllle.
Oregon; that separate bids be ac
cepted for tho completed bridge and
the material for same; that bids be
opened and considered at the ofllco
of the County Judge at the hour of
10 o'clock In the morning on the ISth
day of July, 1914; that advertising
for bids bo made in the official coun
ty paper and also In the "Pacific
Builder and Engineer," published nt
Seattle. Washington.
In the matter of county roads.
CbtnB in Edwards county road.
Coming on for hearing on final sur-
. vey, burveyor allowed more time for
Jinai report and survey, continued
'"Aldridge county road. Coming on
for regular hearing, proper assent
having been given to road, no ob
jections; court satisfied as to illllty
nnd convenience ot road. Order.
County Surveyor to'make final survey
nna report at next regular meeting
D. F. Evans change in M'll crdek
road. Coming on regularly for hear
ing, proper assent having been given
to road, no objectnons, court satis
fied as to utility and convenience of
road. Order. Surveyor to make flnsl
survey and report at September term
Sherman Montgomery road. Com
ing on regularly for hearlne Survey
or natcing ror more iime. continued
H. B. Ford et al road. Coming on
regularly for hearing, proper assent
having been given thereto, no objec
tions, court satisfied ns to conven
ience and utility of road, order, di
recting Surveyor to make final sur
vey and report.
J. A. Morris et al county roal.
Viewers granted more time.
S. W. Merrill et al county road.
Viewer's report read first time.
Bend-Hums County road. Wher"s
complaint has been made to this
court that the Hend-Uurns county
road Is being fenced Ordered that
Pntil Wflrnnr Hiinnrvlnnr nf rnnrl rlliu
Irlot Nn. IS 'lin nn.l hn (a hnrnliv In. I f$AM2EI33S2fi3S
structod to remove all ol8tructlonniaSfSfSfat3iaaefaiaSii'SfS!B(e5fa(aaB!
In tho matter of tho change In tho
Connnt County road.
Resolution. Court hereby ngrccs
to nccopt waiver nnd conditions of
J. u, Campbell nnd Jttlln Caiupboil in
their agreement to deed n right of
way for tho chnngo In tho Connnt
road (Dear Crook road) across Al
kali Flats. (Sco waiver for terms.)
In tho matter of tho vacation of
cortnln property In tho town of lllll
mnn. On tho petition of S. 9 rout,
In tho mutter of franchise tor ease
ment on county rond:
On oral petition of Donn Huston,
frnnohlso granted petitioner for onRO
nient of Irrigation ditch on n cortnln
county road.
Iteport of Wnrron Drown, Countv
Clerk, on bounty warrants, dated
July 1st, 1914. Approved nnd ac
cepted. In tho matter of wrongful assess
mont. Methodist parsonage. Clork In
structed to Issue proper order to
Treasurer to remove from tho assess
ment rolls tho Methodist parsonngo
sltuntcd on lot 11, block ?, First ad
dition to Prinevlllo nnd to cancel nil
Union levied ngalnst said property.
D. J. Miller. Continued for ex
planation. J. N. Williamson. Presented af
fidavits of wrongful assessment of
personal property owned by another
together with Sheriff's statements of
remittance in the sums of JC8.90 nnd
$10.23. Approved by Court.
J. H. Israel. Petition for cancel
lation of taxes. Disallowed.
J 1). Whitney. On petition nnd
letter of T, N Dnlfour stating former
cancellation or tax on East hair, Nv,
34-16-14 wrltton by him ns Sheriff of
Crook County, Sheriff cancelled tax
as per statement. Approved.
Dertlo M. Owen. Lluellyn. Potl
tton for cancellation of taxes on land
claimed as government land. Con
tinued. On representation of G. O. Drown.
Clerk of Stato Land Donrd. Sheriff
remitted tnxes nnd cancelled same on
Wcit half of, 16-21-22 for years 1910-
1U1 1-1912. Approved.
In tho matter of tho Redmond po
tato show. Referred to Crook Coun
tv I-air Association with request from
Court for aid.
In the matter of the Oregon Agri
cultural College.
Report of Oregon Agricultural Col
lego on expenditures In extension
work In Crook County. Received and
Memorandum nf tho understanding
between The Oregon Agricultural
College nnd the Hoard of County
Commissioners, signed by both par
ties. Received, npproved, filed.
In tho mntter of the Ixiwcr Dridgo
Telephone Company franchise.
On petition of tho Lower Dridgo
Telephone Company for n franchise
for easement over county roads
Clerk instructed to draw order for
franchise similar to that granted to
other telephone companies and fully
protecting the countv.
In the matter of W. II. Lucy,
Report of W. H, Lucy as countv
scaler for tho months of May and
June, 1914. Received, not accepted,
claim not allowed.
In the matter of storage of grain
by Dnlfour Guthrlo nnd Co,
Stntomnnt or Dnlfour, Uuthrto nnd
Co. of grain storago on Juno 15th,
10H Received, approved.
In tho matter of pump for pulillo
Petition for pump for public- uso In
Township 10 South. Rnngo 1C H. W.
M. Received. Denied.
In tho matter of Rond Supervisor.
Roport of J. W. Saxon for work
done untfur section 0317 L. O, L.
In Opal City District No. 43. Receiv
ed. Approved.
Domi or J. W. Saxon In tho sum f
three hundred dollars ns Road Super
visor or District No. 42. Rucolvod.
Rond of W. M. Fnrrotl In tho mini
of five hundred dollars ns Rond Sup
ervisor of District No. 30. Recolvod.
Petition by Thomas Gray nnd otlmr
residents of Mllllonn rond District
No. 41 to havo Frnnk Perclvnl up
pointed supervisor of said district.
Received. Denied oh account of
lack of funds available for rond
R. M. Kliler, Rond Supervisor of
District No. 40 requested to look nf
ter necessary work In District Nj.
Dond of K. P. Mndson In tho sum
of flvo hundred dollars as Road Sup
ervisor of Centralo Road District No,
39. Rccolvcd ond Approved.
In tho matter of wood for County
Did of W. 11. Loftln accepted for
one hundred cords of rod body pine,
four foot to be delivered nt tho Court
houso nt 14.60 por cord. (Sea terms
In bid.
In tho matter of tho Slstors Fair
The petition for help from County
for Sisters Fair. Received. Dorilod
for lack of funds.
July .1.
Court convened at 7:30 n. m.
Prcsont G. Springer, Judgo, pro
siding. R. 11. Dnylcy, Commission
er; Wnrron Drown, County Clork;
Frnnk Klklns, Sheriff.
Whereupon tho following proceed
ings were transacted, to-wlt:
In tho mntter of County ronds:
S, W. Merrill County road. View
er's report road for socond time. Ro
port npproved nnd adopted. Clork
Instructed to Isnuo order opouln
road us public highway ns recom
mended by viewers roporl which will
not vacnto certain parts of old rond.
D. F. Kvana change in Mill Creek
rond. Final hearing. Final survey,
report nnd map presented by Survey
or. Approved. Clork Instructed to
Issuo order opening said road ns pul--
llc Highway.
Crooked River road. Ordored
Clerk Instruct D. F. Stownrt to pro
ceed with work on tho south sldo or
tho Crooked river between Nowsom
Creek and Stewart's grade as soon us
wnlvors have been obtnlnod by tho
County over tho right or way.
Kxtenslon or Mill Creek Countv
road. Ordered that upon tho deliv
ery by W. K. King to tho Countv
Clerk of quit claim doeds npproved
by the district attorney granting u
right of way through tho lands of
J. K. Fuller. Mrs. Orrlck and W. If.
Dsrney and also receipts from said
parties in tho aggrcgnto sum of $830
the Clerk bo Instructed to Issuo a
warrant on tho County Rond Fund In
favor of W. F. KIiik In tho said sulu
of $830. (Sou petition of W. F,
King npproved by Homer Ross nnd
Fred A. Rico.
Dort DomnrlH ot nl County rond.
Prosontud petition, bond In tho sum
of $1(0, nlllduvlt of posting notlco,
District Attomoy reported proceed
lnga Irregular. Ordcrod continued.
Clork Instructed to uond copy of
opinion of District Attorney to Dort
Jan. Sklrvlng ot til county rond.
Presented putltlon, ullldnvlt of post
ing uotlccm bond-In tho sum of $250.
District Attorney roportod proceed
Irregular. Ordered continued. Clork
Instructed to send a crpy fo tho
opinion of tho District Attoruoy to
Otho linker, ot Terrebonne.
8. R. Forbes. County rond. Present
ed putltlon, nllldnvlt of punting no
tices, bond In tho sum of $100. Ilond
approved. District Attorney npprovod
proceeding! A'lowers ordored tout
August 3rd, 1914.
Chnngo In tho Ovjd W. 1). Riley
County Rond. Presented petition, af
fidavit ot posting notices, bond ap
proved In tho sum of $100, Proceed
ings npproved by District Attorney.
Viewers ordcrod out August Sth,
In tho mntter of penalty on taxes.
Under n compromlso between tho
County nnd Frnnk Forest, ordored
that tho penalty ns paid by Frnnk
Forest nnd covered by tnx collcctor'o
receipt No. 472". upon tho Madras
Original Townslto bo cancelled.
In matter of Affidavit filed for cor
rection ot wrongful assessments on
1013 tnx roll.
Upon tho presentation by tho
Tronsuror of affidavits of wrongful
assessments on the 1913 tnx roll, or
dored that tho report of tho Tronn.
uror bo npproved nnd the Clerk bo In
structed to credit the Treasurer In
tho sum or $543 91 on the 1913 roll.
Reports of Road Supervisors.
Report of R. M. Klder. Supervisor
of District 12 for May nnd Juno,
1914. Received nnd npproved.
Report of Win. Fnrroll, Supervisor
District No. 30 for month ending
.Juno 30th, 19H. Kccoltcd nnd ap
proved. Application for relief.
On petition for relief of
By The Sea
For illustrated literature, fares
nnd full information
AKent, O-W. It. At N.,
Bend, Oregon.
ordered that Clerk ho Instructed to
draw warrants monthly In her favor
In tho sum of $10 per month, begin
nine Juno 1st. 1914, until further
order of this court.
In tho matter of enro of Indigent
Report of C. S. llenson and H. C.
Kills for care of . Indigent
received nnd approved. Order. Clerk
to drnw warrant In favor of II. C.
Kills In tho sum of $S for money ex
pended In care of .
In tho matter of tho Dond Road
On ropreientntlon of Vurnon, A.
Forbes for tho City of Dond, ordored.
Clork be Instructed to secure tho stir
vices of John T. Wheeler,' expert, lo
go ovor tho 1905-190C-1907-190't-1909-1910
tnx rolls for the purpoio
of determining therefrom tlio amount
equal to fifty per cont ot the road
taxes collected In tho nbovo named
years from tho Dond Road District
No. 3.
In tho mntter of painting County
Final account of painting County
Courthouuu rendered by W. F. King,
total cost of labor nnd mnturlnls
$746.70, nuiount paid on account
$250. Order wurrnnt In favor of W,
F. King In tho sum of $195.70.
In tho matter of tho Paullnn
Dridgo ncross Crooked river.
On tho rnpresentntlon of tho Prine
vlllo Commercial Club as to tho ad
visability of building tho Pntillim
bridge nt tho sumo tlmo iin thn Post
brldxo ncross tho Crooked river, nnd
upon thn agreement of tho Club in
furnish tho description of tho Paulina
bridge. Ordered. Whon tho Print--vlllo
Commercial Club furnishes to
tho County Clark n proper desorln
tlon of tho proposed bridgo over tho
Crooked river nt Paulina, Oregon, ilia
uiorK no instriictml to advertlao for
bids In tho snino monitor ns for tho
Post bridgo ovor tho Crooked river,
sotting nlniut July 18lh ns tho duy
for receiving nil bids.
In the matter of money advnunsd
by thn Prlnovllln Commercial Club.
Ordored thnt Clork draw warrant
In fnvor of D. F. Stewart In tho sum
or $680.00 for monoy advanced by
tho Prlnovlllo Commercial Club from
tho funds of tho Crooked river nnd
Hoar Creek roads to K. D. Ackoy for
labor on tho Wllhott bridgo (Hon
In tho matter of thu John Hlttnoru
On oral petition of J. D. Doll Or
dored that taxes In tho sum of $10
ngnlunl the John Hlsuioro entntu l
cancelled fur tho )nrs 11)07 ami
1908 ns nn erroneous and owr ns
Hossment on personal property V r
thosu years.
In tho mntlor of tho Oregon ('.
trnl Improvement Company
Matter of reduction of llnmpton
Hullo taxes continued for further In
Adjournment, 8:30 p in, su'jirr.
to call,
Kiuc Torment of AMlinut and liny
For tho discomfort nnd mlry cr
asthma nnd hay fever uso I'oltn
Honey and Tar Compound. It put
n healing, soothing coating over tin
swoolen, tickling mambrnu, nnd
eases tho thick choking sonsstiun
Helps you to broatho easily nnd nat
urally. In tho yellow package. Pat
terson Drug Co. Adv,
FOR RKNT Two room suites fur
nlshud for light houso keying
Henklo Ryan. IStf Adv,
iiiliili 1 11111 II 1 1 1 1 1 lliillillftiiilliPPPliiliiliM
'BslilsisiaillssllissiiSiSisslllBlltlt iiiiil il ill ii Hi
aaaaa?)aaaaaaaa:3a7a a SpSsn usi H 3
a a a a a a a a a a a a as a a a k a t nnn i u ft W S u. t i i a a a s 8 t l I
aaaaaaaaaaaaamaanaa I AvJI e a a 5 h p S B ( 8
aa3aaaaaaasBariBandn LiAO 1 BSHBKnnBS8!s!R
(aaauaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa awi iw&Uti l luliQ l iU l t U
v I gj?Saal A Folding Ironing Board g im wa I S fl a B it u ll sj I
iiliiiililiiiiiliil With Evcr' E,ectric Iron lliliii lliiliWi
iiliiiPliilPiiil Atthe && pnee iipliiliiil J
111111 1111111 1 11 f $3.75 ill ill iSISi 111 i I
sfraraiwwarraflta - teiffi3mtMmmmt&m&&tm&&m 7
The New
Perkins Hotel
In said road in District 18 nnd to re
port to this court at its regular Sep
tember term, next
li. C. Young et nl road. Viewer
report road a second time, approved
nnd accepted. Clerk instructed co
issue order opening the same as pub
lic hlghwav,
Alfred Wild et al countv road
Viewer's roport read a second time,
approved and accepted. Clerk in
structed to Issue order opening same
as public highway,
V. X. Hunnell ot al County rond.
Viewer's report read a second time;
npproved and accepted Clerk In
structed to Issue order same as nub
ile highway. Clerk to forward to
Road Supervisor of District No 12 a
copv of subscription list on the W
X. Hunnell County road ns filed hero-' g
Change In Connnt road (Deir
Creek road). Agreement to deed
right of way in Dry Creek for chnngo
in Canant road, presented by J. O.
Bulger for himself and others, ac
cepted by Court.
II. O. Tholstron County road On
petition of freehpldors for removal of
obstructions in form of wlro fonco
from the II. Q. Tholstrop road. Cleric,
instructed to issuo order to John
Pjflsra. Supervisor pf District No 47
tgnopen tho II. O. Tholstron road iv
removing all wire fences thorefrow
nnd placing tho same on the lino.
In tho matter of indigent patients.
Warrant ordered in favor of
y 'in thesum of $2.50 for medfclno.
Warrant ordered in favor of Dr. H.
I'l Delknap in the sum of $60.00 to
pay transportation and otherwise
.provide for certain indigent persons.
The Hoard Cannot 1k Dcttered.
The Iron Is (lunrnutccd Forever.
Is!!! 11 !!!!! ill II i J ililliiifiiiiiiiil!
aaaaaaaaBaaaaaraaBraa Raarl ItZ S SSbSkKS'IsB 2
a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a (a n E B S f it voi I wWH laaiuad
;i ? a 2 a 3i u si u ; 2 n n nni . - . . b n r t t t ? n. i vt u n i n it. i u n. ?
iSBflSSaSSSilieaMSaBB Bend Water Uffhtfic BBEB ill SSBlSRS
5 C2 5 5 ?) ?J ?! 3 a 2i -ItJ 5 ES IJ g (7 if r? E 2 S t ffi I i K r ii t a r;
gaaaS3iilgl3iffiS D r'- IftlffitiStJiKJillSttiiiuKiiSJ
aiiipaapaaaaalli iiilmlllljddiaa f flllllilyEul (11111111 film I
aaagaaaaaa)aaaaal1aaaagaaaaaaja igggggrngggtlUKBu lUau la I cliff l
. aaagaafe a a as a a all a a ag a aa a a a a a a a a ut bep SBeeeee SeJe lit; 'St B. ?
cxtciuls to 'ou n cordial invitation
mitku this hotel your hcadqtiurtcrs.
Rooms without hath $1.00 and up. Rooms
with private hath $1.50 and up. LOCA
C. H. SHAFER, Manager
Building Material I
The Miller Lumber Company
Bend, Oregon.
Wenandy Livery & Auto Co.
Will bo put on between Hem) untl Silver Lnko April 1,
Reasonable Rates
will bo charged on all Express and HuggaRO.