TJlK llttNl) lU'LLKTlN, IIKNIi.OIIK., WK.i.NHHIlAY, .11 LV in, JIM I. FAOK 8, i X- FEU BETTER NOW MB A DIP IH HRESO irnufwiiiiuiii a vm DID YOU EVER TBY IT ON YOUR STOCK? Nothing like It to put Ihetn In Rood condition, free them from Iniect parasites And pro tect thorn from contagious dls cotes. . Kreso Dip No. I KILLS LICE, TICKS, MITES AND FLtAS. Curst Mang. Soab. Ringworm and Other Skin Diseases. Disinfects, Cleanses itm jr Tz.ismw ... 'u I ftiJ 111 1 Vhte&mmmWL AJzF WSLn Puflfles. l30 Uie It on Horiei, Cattle. Sneep, Swine, Doi, Gouts and Poultry, ron saic bv PATTERSON DRUG CO. cm on white ron rmc oohict on nncoo dip no. t. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS P V Itrown hiia loft town. Y. 0. Walle U now located In Se attle, K H Miles nni In town on Saturday, T K. J. Duffy spent laat Sunday In lU'dmond. J M Judil nnd family spent Iot week In Itcidmoml. Miss Katherlno Trautnor spent Sunday In Redmond. Alnx Richards loft Sunday morn ing for Walla Walla. Mm. Itoaono Howard was up from ' Deschutes on Friday. J (I Thorp of Laldlaw waa In town on business yestorday. William Miller of Hums spent the week end at tho llend. II. Latham returned on Friday f(dm a trip to Portland. T J, Hodges, of Redmond, waa at tho wriKiii on .Monuay. The" band haa enRntted Artisan Hall a. a place lor flV K Jl()tl Went to Ia Pino Ixiuls Dooner returned from n trip Monday expecting to return tills or to tho routti on Saturday. Iternoon. P. V. llonnluy, of l.nldlrtw, apout tliu week oud at tho WrlKhl. There will ho services In tho Cnth olio cliurnli Sunday, in a. in. J. K. Williamson of Inldlnw was In town -on IjihiIihihk yesterday. Tho Rebeknhs will Install their now otrioorH on Frldny, tho 24th. duo. Vnndovort enmo down on Monday from tho Old Homestead. P. O. Minor returned on Thuraday from n business trip to tho auuth. Anne's Ilvury stable In being paint d, Nlok Welder doluK tho work. diet Springer returned from n flailing trip up tho rlvor yesterdny. Mra. Lt. J. Dundy of Prlncvlllu waa registered at tho llend on Thuraday. Mr. and Mr. V. A. Forbes return ed on Saturday from Klamath Falls J. M. Judd la nnllliiK out propara- lory to leaving (or a lower altitude. Mm. Herbert Allen gave a chil dren' party at hur homo on Satur day. Tho annual meotlnit of tho Arnold ! Irritation Company la being hold to day. The Clearance Sale is still on! Do not miss your big opportunity to get some of the best BARGAINS in town. R. M. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY LEARN THE WAY ARE YOU going to the hills jfl for that vacation? I have just the Summer Furniture you want for camping. Tents, Blankets, Cots, Camp Chairs and Stools and many other articles. E. M. Thompson New Location opposite McCuiston Grocery. Bend, Oregon Tom Hulton, ono of Oregon' hli sheep iiioii, Im In town from hlM homo at KkII. Mm. J ii tn on II. Dopaon nnd rhlldron rot ii mod to town with Mr. Dopaon laat week. Conductor Wolah of tho Oregon Trunk him boon ptomoled to tin iimln lino. MM. Knrtioat N'oIhoii, of Prlngln Flats, him eoiuo In to town to spend it fuw lllOlltllH, Olioator Cntlow.lmn taken Mm. Mc l.niirln'H puhKIoii um planUt at the Dronm Thonlro. L. M. Vim of tho O.-W. It. ft. N. Co., hint tnkou duak room In tho J A. HaMtcH ollluu. MIm LouIdo llalvoraon la ntopnlnK at the PrlnKlo homo whllo Mm. Cook la on her vacation. Tho 11 rut National Hank Iiiih (11b Irlliuted a neat oard with Mpacsa for tolnplione number. T. I.. Shnw camo down from Sl torn Saturday and atopped at the WrlKht over Sunday. K, O. Hndaon of Prlnnvlllo atop pad at tho Itend for two daya the lat ter iinrl of laat week, i There will bo n meetliiK of thoj Creamery Aaaoclatlon on Saturday, July IK, at 2 o'olook. I MImh (lertrtido Do Shaw, of So attlo, Ik apeudlnk a mouth vlnltlUR with Mra. 11. P. Manlou. J 1". M(Hri) of Itedmond, went to Portland Sunday to play In tho mon'n doublet with O. P. Putnam. W J Orubenlionit and family aro koIiik for n trip over tho mountalna tho latter part of thin week It. IS. Itlchardu camo to town on Monday from Alfalfa and la now working at tho Pilot Itutte. Tho Pratornal Hrotherhood will hold their regulnr dance In Hnther Hall, Thuraday ulKht. July 10 Mra. Vloln M. Smith or Imperial waa In town on Prlday. DurlnR her ntny alio atopped al tho Wright. A heavy thunder atorm pruned over Minn .',. ,J Ulltiuu; iiiui ,..... .. . (luartor of an Inch of rain fulllne. C. II. Allcji wnn down from 111 u? rlvor rnnoh Thumday. Ho aitya tho oropa In hla vicinity aro excellent. The A. L. French "Cuba" will plav tho Lnldlaw "SlURRora" on tho ball Kroutid Sunday mornlnK at 10 a. m. Tho city fire nnparatu waa called out Prldav to oxtlttRUlah a flro on tho river bank oppoalto Pinelyn Park. O. J. Doppn, 'who moved to Slater from Alfnlfa laat ial(, lias rccontly left thurojor Outlook; S'aahlnKton. Mra. MoLaurln, who haa been plav Iiir at thoDrt'am Theatro, has tnken up n homostead claim near Crescent City Marshal S. K. Robert's son. who has been oporataj on for ade nolds and tonsils, Is doing very nice ly A number of Hcnd peoplo have Rono to Crescent to make entry on the newly opened lands In that section. K. Penman arrived from Chi laat week to tako a position tho Unltod Warehouse-. Com- . . . .. . T. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fish, Mr. and Sirs. Manlon, Mlas Gertrude Do Shaw and Harney O'Donncll spent Sunday up tho rlvor. Kalph Spencer and Clarcnco I Mannhclmer went up tho rlier on a camping trip on Friday, returning on Sunday. Clark Paul reports having scon ono of tho China pheasants, released lmt spring. In a field below town with several young ones. Mlas Nell Market has taken Mrs. Cook's position as stenographer In Tho llend Company's ottlco during tho latter a vacation. Dr. Andrew C. Smith and family of Portland who havo been camping up the river returned to their homo on Sunday nlgnra train, Kd Ilrosterhous and II. B. Wooley returned on Thursday from m Pine whom they hnd been to put In a bid on tho now school houso. Mrs. Ornco M. Hassett, who his boon spending tho past fow, months In Portland, has recently moved out to her Hampton homestead. Hcnklo & Ityan report the loca tion of 23 settlers, mostly Hond peo ple, on tho homestead lands nt Crcs cont opened for entry today. On Sunday Hugh O'Knno. of tho llend Hotel, entertained two old (Vlonds, Cohen and Jako Hob bins of Pendleton. Thoy left for Crnter l.ako Monday morning. T. A. II. Tcotor apent Sunday in town, coining up from Itedmond whero ho la at present employed In studies of the Central Oregon canal. ai- E. cago with pany. BIG VALUES AT THIS JULY Clearance Sale This is your time to buy Summer Goods the best time in the entire year for your poekct-liook. You have three months of summer before you; this sale enables you to buy SUMMER GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES and get EXCESS VALUE. Children's Dresses 91.U3 Children's Dandy 7-lno Dresses MnJo of Amoskeag Ulnghams UH Out 05 Cent Children's Dresses now 50 Cents 05 fVnl Hompers now 50 f-ents I Bed Spreads, Sheeting $1.VW lied Spread. 64x78 Si. 03 1.5t) Hod Spread G8x80 . HtM 75 ('cut Sheets 81x00 reduced to Oil 'cnl H5 (Vnt Sheets 81x90 reduced to 77 rM Jl Cent Hleachcd Muslin Good Quality l Cents 10'ynrda to a customer only. Skirts, Waists, Dresses 1AUIV.H' miV.HH HKIUTH 20 Off 1 Lot XIS), 9I.U5 Waists 05 Cents 9I.U5 Houso Dresses Special 05 tVnl Sale Warner's Corsets SIZICS AXD PATTKItXK WHICH U'K AltK DIKCONTINUIXf:. No. 570, Regular Price $1.50, 8ale Prlco .$1.15 No. 5UU, Itcgular Prlco 9I!5, Sale Price 05 Cents No. 5:10, Itcgular Price $2.oo, Sale Irlce $1.05 Wash Goods 35 Cent Printed Voiles 25 Cents ;5 Cent Matelasso Crepe 25 Vtatm 00 Cent Ratine, 3C Inch wldo, per yard , . . 50 Cent 15 Cent Tissue Ginghams per yard V2f Cents 75 Cont Crepe Linen now o Cents :t5 Cent Voiles and Crepes reduced to 25 Crnts Underwear Specials !15 Cent Ladles' Union Suits, Lace Knee now .23 Cents 35 Cent Children's Summer Union Suits now 25 Cents Sale of Midsummer . Undermuslins All $1.00 Gowns and Princess Slips re duced to 5 Cents All $1.25 Gowns and Princess Slips re duced to $1.00 All $1.50 Gowns and Princess Slips re duced to $1.25 Vll Ladies' Oxfords $1.00 Grade now . , . . .s $3.15 vi.50 Grade now $3.15 $3.00 Grade now $2.05 CHILimK.VH OXFOHI)H. $2.75 Grade now ... $215 $2.25 Grade now $2.05 2.00 Grade now $1.75 :' $2.25 Wool llotts 2' Lbs. now $1.05 Dependable Merchandise Prices the Lowest Mannheimer Brothers A whntatono with n collulold back boarlng a warning against setting forest fires Is being given away by tho Oregon Forest Flro Association. The Portland Journal of last Sun day contains n picture of Hol&tng'o ranch on tho Motollus with an artlclo descriptive of tho attractions of that region. Mlua Lottie Do Armond, who vis ited her brother II. II. Do Armond hero Inst summer, waa married on Sundn) to Ernest Smith, n druggist In Medford. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. V. Stono of Con tral Point aro visiting tholr dnughtor, Mrs. L. M. Foss. Mr. Stono wns for merly engngod In tho novspapor buel nosu In Trlotdad, Colorado. Prof P. H. Hroughton of" MoMlnn vlllo coIIoko camo to town Sunday morning to address tho Haptlst con gregation in tho Interests of hla In stitution. Ho left on his return to Portland Sunday evonlng, A largo Bhoop outfit bolonglng to J. W. Fisher of Shanlko camo to town yoaterday for provisions. There woro nlno papk horses. In the train and they took 3)100 pounds of pro visions out taCrano Prairie, Ncal Sly arrived In town yesterday on his way to his home In La Pine after a short trip to Portland. While thero Mr. Bly spent some tlmo with Hill Rogers, captain of the Portland ball team, who has many friends In this country. O. P. Putnam went to Portland on Erlday to play In tho Oregon State Tennis Tournament. Mrs. Putnam went down to Joln'hlm Sunday night. Mrs. Putnam's brother, Edwin Hln ncy of Sound Deach, Conn., Is ex ported to return with them on Sat urday. T. II. Foley and Dr. Fcrroll return- cd over tho McKcmlo pass from Eu gene Friday afternoon accompanied by Miss May and Miss Ethel K'naoy who aro visiting with Mrs. Foley. S. E. Roberts and J. P. Keycs. who went over to Eugene with Mr. Foley went on to Portland and the latter return ing from there on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Hudson, E. M. Iara, Dr. H. Ferrell and Donald Hud son left In Mr. Hudson's car yester day morning for a trip to Crater Lako. Medford and Eugene, planning to return by way of McKenile pasi. Tho party had a mishap early In tho Journey when a spring broke making It necessary to telephone In from Ralph CaldwolI'B for assistance. KUFORT OK TIIK CONDITION OH The First National Bank OF BEND No.j t tend, In th RIMe of Ottion. t the cleic of smlutM June jth, 1914. KKSOUKCliS. r.MnnndrtlKounti ....., tR.5iAj overdraft!, ccurcluUuutcurl ....... j.wo 08 U.K. UomlitoccurtclKtiUtlvn...-. iiuik lionJi, txcuilllr. Ktc. ....... .. ...-.,. li.irr 74 runUng bouMT, furniture ana nxtum j?.?oi 7 Out from National Banks (not ttcrYc agenta) . ..... - 9,60) 19 Dup from htaie ana ITlrate Uaukt and Iiaukcr. Trait Coiniianlca and Sv- liiga lunka .. ioC6 M Due from Apnroet Kektrrc Ascnta. j wo m Chrck and othrr Ch Itema . 4 U Nolra of othrr National llaukt .... 1 joo 00 fractional t'aper Currtucy, Nickel aud Ctuta 7; i Lawful Money Kraervv la Ilauk, via- Hiieete .. IU4I J.ei!altcndcr notca . M . i 00 n,So6 60 Ketcnilou fuml with U 8 Treaaurcr (5 tr ctut of circulation) .. ......... 6aj 00 Total LIAMMTIKd Capital atock paid In IIKNKON .NOW LVJiUS. latest reiiorts Indicate the nomi nation of Circuit Judge Benson for the 8upreme Court on the Rcpubll KF.roinr or Tin: co.suino.v ok The Deschutes State Baik No. ji, at Dcnd.ln theFUteof Orrjon. al the clow of butlntM June jolh, (914. Rl'.SOUKCKS Loana and Jttcouuta. . ...446 19 j 141 44 1 ? " S.S J4 ft! 4.1 40 OrerdraRa, aeeurrd and unaecurad. Honda and warrauta .......... furniture and future- Due from approrrd reaerve banka.... Cheeka and other cah itema. ...... Cathonhand .- Kipenxt . -...... Total LUBlUTIItS Capital atock paid '- , UiidUlJWprobia. Due to banka and banker a, Indlrldual rlepoaita auMect to check... lroandCrrtl6cateaofI)poi'. .... . Time CertlBcatrt of Depoail.. Tout STATU OK OMEGON, I .ija oa 4juoeo JT.tou 174 J ..... s oa . I.4JI JJ 11 Jl 40 ri. f , County of Cruok. I. K. it. Lara, Caahler of the aboTe-narctd bank, doaulemnly twtar that the above aute- belief. K. W LAHA.Caakler men! ia true to (he beat of my knowledge and Bubacrlbed and sworn to before me thla nth day of July. 1914. ROJKST W. Eawvia, NyUry Fubllb Correct Attest! a. Kskkklu V. O. Mikor. Director. can ticket. In the recount that haa heen going on first he and then Judgo McNary have lead but Judge Ucnsort Is now apparently gaining. MASONIC IOmJBJ" ' Speclsl meeting Thu7iTayevenIng. July J 6th. Work in the F'C. degree. All Masons II. E. ALLEN. VL M -Advil9c. m S Roofing, building papers, doors and. wlpdows. Skuso Hardware Co. Adv. LaBBBBBBBBBBBI Bh aaBBBBaaaV -. Silk Glovag The oriel imI and cetm. Ine thai dost wear vut at the filijtr . Ask for them at - it our cIotc Dnu A-" -iort "KAYSQT f&l SOk Olovts boctoswo LaefKAYSEir Stk Gloves , 7sc.Tata.oo A OUAHAMIK WITH IVtiv FAIB R. M. Smith Qothing Co. LFwUN THE WAY WZZZSA r r -44.7ll V thiKa.1hsaa sT.tamil Undlrtded Ptofila ,ooo 00 ,000 00 ..MU, . .c icu itxiicuwca and raxea oald u j o6 u National Han Note outstanding .... 1 1 Joo 00 Individual dcposlta sunject to check...,..ii,i4 ja Demand certificate of deposit - 101 00 Time Ccrtlflcittea of Deposit ijii? 30 Cerl5ed Cheeka t ij Casjiler'a checks outstaudlua; .i. i& 7$ Total :, 7ji 91 8TATK OK ORU3QN, County of Crook, " I, C. H. Hudson, Cashier of the abore named bai)k, do solemnly awtar that the above state- ineniiatrueiaineiKti 01 my Kiiowieoee sua v. D. IIU Suit Pases and Bags Trunks and Telescopes belief, COHRKCIsrtri.ESTI , Uf & Cos. 1 . CJt. A, HATllkS. , 11. C. Hllik, JDhON, Cashier. 8ubKribed and (worn to before roe this 711? day of July, 1914. """ ' LKWJa U. afcRltYNOLUS, Nttary I'uUlc. Matting Suit Cases $1.50, $2.50 E. A. SATHER -