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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1914)
THR BKND BULLETIN, BEND.ORK., WEDNESDAY, SVhV IB, lt14. IMOF.4. THE BEND BULLETINS (raMlMhctl Krcrx Wednesday) 'ft m iimi ill I i.. hi - GEORGE; PALMER PUTNAM Editor and Publisher. ROBE$TV. SAWYER Associate Editor. The Perils of Pauline i sf mM wmw Midsummer I MAIL ORDERS FILLED THE , SAME DAY RECEIVED I COMPARE OUR PRICES WITH THCSE ELSEWHERE f 'twwi An Independent nowspapor stand CleanU Is iis Si" ing for tno squnro aoai, clean uusi noss, clean politics and tho best In terest of Bend nnd Control Orogqn, . i ' vno year. !! MMHlka ....... Ban' Thrco months......... BO All subscriptions PAYABLE IN AI nro duo an&i LliVANCE. Notices of expiration nro mailed wubscrlbors nnd If renewal is noi inaue wunm rvo abto tlmo tho paper will bo discon tinued. Plcaso notify us promptly of nny change of address, or of lallure to re ceive tho paper regularly. Otherwise we will not bo responsible for copies missed. Make all checks and orders pay-j .able to Dcnd bulletin. WEDNESDAY, J OTA" 15, 1914, i,L .. -'.sttaaase ' sasagaaessg " THE CREAMERY. Unless something unforeseen hap pens, the new creamery will begiu i-batter making next Monday. To be nliln in rornrit that ftkrt Ia ni cront n They do not expect JlBbcrt,sffflCtlon a8 Tho Dunetn has en- Joyed "for some time. Not that It cr.n claim any especial distinction In THE COUNTY DIVISION. - "How will It affect taxes?" Is the 'first question tho voter will ask on having tho county division proposi tion rut up to his. Thero Is only one answer. It depends on the character of -tho '00101818 who administer tho county affairs. If they arc carelsas and extravagant taxes may be higher. If they are careful and economical taxes will bo lower. Tho character of tho county officials depends on tho tetters and so. In the last analysis, whether or not taxes aro higher de pends on tho voters themselves. Crook county Is too largo for ef "ficJcnt and economical administra tion. The Interests of the different sections are opposed. What one wants another fights against. There Is no unanimity and no common purpose to fehlovc. The county Is too large for-the best Interests of its residents For n large number of them It Is a day's Journey to the county scat anil as a result they know little of what Is going on In county affairs. They have neither tho time nor the raonyy to make themselves felt as voters an.l tax payers. In short all the disad vantages that flow from' tho admin istration of a large couiuy "exist In , Crook fcounty aS" at present consti tuted. ' The remedy for this state oT affairs Is plain and it Is the one which Is now being sought. That this Is rca Jlxe'd by the' residents of the north end Is shown by the way they hava come out in support of their division petition, as reported elcewhere In this' paper. taxes. They look for a reduction n Tunning expenses and to have the tax money they pay spent at home. With the proper officials that will be the result In Deschutes county. Salaries must be paid that will, of course, to an extent, be a duplication of salaries paid In Prlnevllle. Oniy to some extent, however, since thay need not be as large In a smaller county. nor will as much be necessary for the pay of deputies and clerical assistance. Dut the big saving comes in tbe actual reductiqn .of expense which follows from a smaller admini strative area, and easier means of communication. To take a specific Instance: One term of the circuit court la Prlne vllle last year cost I6.063.5C. Of this $4,973.80 went for Juror and witness fees and mileage. Another term cost $2,172.75 of which $2,107.40 was juror and witness fees and mileage. In a smaller county a large part of that mileage would have been saved. It Is not Prlnevlllo'e fault that it :s expensive to get there. It Is not her ' fault that every bit of county nets that must be done by a court ' house official away from the town costs the county In traveling ex penses, nor Is It her fault that '.t costs so muchto get from one part of tho county to the other. It la the mlsforttme of the taxpayers. however, and they can lessen It only by forming smaller counties. , That has been, done elsewhere In Oregon. Before the present Sher man county cut off it was paying a 20nill general fund tax and a $3 poll tax. For the past 10 years the general fund tax In Sherman county has averaged 9.C mills. Division there did not increase taxes. It need not do so here. It all rests with tho voters. THEATRE Thursday, July 16 Don't Miss the Story! Also PATHE'S WEEKLY tax paid by the local district and not having brought tho result about In expended here as provided by law. We remember something about tho common with tho rest of the town It has tried to do Its share In pro motlne tho inlnrnrlin lint liocnna.. pot's calling tho kettle black nnd nn ,t , ft tnnB,l)lo OVldcnco of tho splr Injunctlon to "cast out the beam out j jt of tho town and of tho growing of thine own eyes" that you may "sco : feeling of tho Interdependence of clearly to cast out tho mote out -f tho town nnd tho country people. To thy brother's eye." Both seem per tinent at this time as is shown by the following quotation from the record of tho proceedings of the county court on February -t of this year. "In the matter of the claim of tho City of Prlnevlllo against Crook comi ty for certain road taxes. Said mat ter coming up for consideration or dered that tho same bo continued for Investigation of tho same by the same by the county and In order that the district attorney may look Into the legal status of the same." Has the Nows criticized Its home town for making tho tamo sort of "technical" claim as that mado by Bend. s In Men s and Womens' Apparel, White Goods, Wash s Goods, Ginghams, Laces, Embroideries, Hosiery, Under- l , H wear, Gloves, etc., to bs cleared from our stock commencing st t is u July 1 5 and Continuing Until July 25th. Nothing reserved, every article in the store will be on sale ' at unusual prices. Many of these items are of the most U staple character and are called for every day, so that the st , low prices named must surely command your attention. st ( ss Pinal Clearance Ladies' Waists All $a.7.1 Waists, Bpcclnl . , . W!.M All 9JI.0O Waists, Special. . .$I.!H All 12.00 Waists. Special. . .I.UU All 1.7.1 Waists, Special... Ml. ll All SI.U3 Waists, 8peclal. . 3 .7.1 WashDressgoods Colonial Crepes, Regular lc special .'. Batiste Lawns, Regular 10c Special Ratines and I)lmlts, Regular i!lc, Special All Stic Crepes. Special Renfrew Crepes, Regular :ilc Special IHc llc Exceptional Values In Ladies' Underwear C unify Cut Vests, Regular floe Sperlnl Wc Cunify Cut Vests. Rogulnr Mo Special too Ladles' (lauzo Vests, Regular Iflc Or Oiuinv Union Suits, Regular fltlc Special mc MlstuV (Inuxo Visits, Regular Me, Special I Ir U , lUl-im. L-Jl 11-4.' V U.i.lKCT Men's Oxfords up to and Including y.1.00 values, this Sale SI..10 SHOES Any pair Ladles' Shoes In this store, per pair 51.7.1 Last Call of tho Season at These Prices All S'muo Corsets up to M.l.flO ThlftHalu. Chulco Ml. HO V. T. Corsets, Regular Ml. .10 Special HHc All Lntlltii' I'uritew h IVIu- Auto Scarfs, Rigulur !)', Special L1 Si a ss a si it Regular l)c llrooaded 1'orllii lite it Regular (Hie Tub Silks. . l;ic it Keuular OOr Kpongw Rntlins ItUt Regular ll.1r Poplins llc Regular M I'llsse Crop I7i' Look at These Values be a part of a town that has that sort of spirit Is a very pleasant thing. Speaking of the laltlntlvo laws to be voted on In November a Port land news bureau says that "threo would abolish corporation commis sioner, death and senate." Wo are not sure about tho first nnd last measures, but tho second should re ceive an unanimous vote. If Heurtn gets away through Vera Cruz ha may thank his stars that tho United States was' thero to lot him by. I will bo at the Bend Hotel July 10 to 20. Those wishing their eyes properly fitted please remember these dates. Dr. Ida Behrendt, Optomet rist. Adv. It) WASH llOILWW. Copper Non-Rust. tin and galra. nlzcd. Skuse Hardftaro Co. Adv. KIHimilMKX xotici:. Many fishermen are putting the heads and entrails of trout they clean into the rivers and lakes. This Is CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK. gNot satisfied with having fllohed thoxounty out of the bulk of the road funds or several years past in ex penditures on roads In its vicinity. Bend is again actively engaged in forcing the county to dlsgorgo the sum, of 992.82 which it claims through a technicality." , Thoiforegoing is frouj TnoiPrlno-j V UU ,1U rwtf SM4 IVAVAR fJ MV V madejat tfio recent term of the coun ty jf ourt lor Cou per cent of the road l .... '-.iVt-'T ' 1 cent a word IS ALL A LITTLE WANT AD WILL COST YOU -THONE IT IF YOU WISH. Going south to a new homestead? Get your supplies at Shuey's The Best Groceries at Right Prices. Shuey's, Cash Grpcery f '"'V. v .r P i"-7 "' - BIG MONEY-SAVING SALE OF THE VEA. SS SS SS SS SS SS SS THIS IS SS THE ONE S SS is SS SS SS SS SS Vs si SS SS WALL AND OREGON STS. fund's Cash StOre Sale Opens Wedncsdny Morning, July 15th, nnd closes Saturday Evening, July 25. Don't Miss It. WE SAVE YOU MONEY. DONT WAIT until the last day. BENNEifTS TELEPHONE NO 44 SS St st si si SS SS si tt: against tho law, nnd Is really a very bad practice as It makes tho wator Impure. All sportsmen aro requested to cooperate to stop this practice. CLYDE McKAV, Dlst. Game Warden OPTOMKTHV AH A SCIENCE has gained recognition throughout tho cntlro country and 2G stntes have enacted laws regarding It. It creates a new standard of exact ness and mathematical accuracy whereby your eyes aro examined and fitted to glasses by a registered optometrist In such a way that no error Is. possible. For exact work In examination, making and fitting of glasses or spectacles, visit Dr. Ida Behrendt BEND HOTEL. IIENI), OUKfJON JULY 1M TO SO Classified Advertising Advertisement Inserted under this hcAdinii nt the rnto of ONE CENT A WOItl) encli insertion. Cnxh must accompuny nil orders from pemons not IiiuIiik n regular account with Tliq Itiilletln, No flicrllciiicnt Ink fcr lt'f.M than 1,1 cents each liiwcrtloii. WAXTlfl). ern housekeeping Klein. rooms. J. J. IStf FOK BENT Two room cabin, partly furnished. $& per month. Bend Grocery. One block east of depot. Otf FOIl BENT Small house partly furnished, JG a month; also tent houso adjoining. Near depot. In quire at Bulletin. 49tf FOB BENT Pasture 00 acres newly fencod. I'lenty of water and grass. 2 4 miles southoast of town. Innulro Charles Slpchen. 13tf FOB BENT Offices on Wall street very cheap. Apply Bulletin Office, FOR BENT Booms centrally lo cated. Electric lights nnd water. Bultablo for housekeeping. Cheap, Apply Bulletin Office, , FOB BENT Two room sultesfur- nished for light houso keeping. Henklo & Byan. IStf FOB HALE. WANTED Girl for genoral house work. Apply at O, M. Patter son's, istf WANTED Competent girl for genoral housework. Good wages nnd permanent position. Mrs. C. 8. Hud son. I2tf - FOB BENT. FOR BENT Four roqra cottago furnished, piano and chickens. Doj chutes addition. Telephone Black . . ..-. 19tf FORrRENT Suite 'of three roi H,Vt FOR SALE Young cow, giving two gallons dally, 6S. J. B. Shouso. 19 FOR HALE Improved relinquish mont. 20 miles from Bcud. Inquire Bulletin. 19-2:p FOR BALE A first class rolln- A.aliit.N.Inf 1 4! rt MM.... iinn. .I,A jUIOIIIilVII., 4VV HUIVD UI.UU, ...U HMalley Ditch, 25 water shares moro If desired. 30 acres Improved, nno crop potatoes, $3,000 work, cash paid out. 13000 gets It or will tako crop $2000 or one half (80 acres) relinquishment 11200, If bought quick, need tho money, worn out. E. J. Rogers, Laldluw, Oregon. lOtf FOR SALE Improvements and re Ilnqulshment on 120 acres on Tumolo Project. House, all fenced, 2 good wells, 3 private ditches. Will take $300 cash or a good team and wag on. E. T. Green, Laldluw, Oregon, Camp 6. 10-22p FOR SALE All my household furniture, kitchen range, heater, re frigerator, round dining table nnd chairs, sowing machine, etc Fine piano for 1-3 first cost. Dray lino, horses, harness, wagons, and goml cow. J. M. Judd. 10-SOp FOR SALE Flno cows nt Crnw. ford's feed yard July 2B. lB-20p FOR SALE One S year old Hcl stein' cow giving nihil. $76. Box SA, Bend. 10p FOR SALE Ohoop. Eight ft (.how cuho and stand complete. Um Parnham. jutf FOR SAI'E Want to go to Cen tral Orogcn. will sell i .n;ieut In good pool hall nnd cigar si nro chant). $300.00 down balance can ie arrang ed on easy terms or will tako rattle at or near Bend for first payment Address, 31 E. Wlnchol street, Port land, Oregon. 18:l!p- FOR HALE Cheap. One 2 year ol.l horse, colt woll bred, that will mskit n light harness driver. M. (1. Coo istf FOR KALE At auction at stork yards, Saturday, July 18, one o'clock Cows nnd household goods. 18-19ri FOR BALE Cheap. Ty slngV bods. Inquire Bulletin oClcn. 17tf FOR BALK Reglltored O. I C pigs. Phono or write O. C, Card woll, Bend. luf FOR HALE Horse, buggy an harness. $76. fleorge Oato. .it post office. l'tf FOIl BALE (Jood horse, weight about 1300 nounds. 7 years old In quire Bhuey s (Irucery. 17tC FOR SALE Hotel. Tho Altamont, Bend. Oregon. ATiiodorn, profltabln well furnished hotel on terms. W A. Hammond, Dubuque, Iowa. IC-lDp- FOR SALE 30 head of well bred Jersey cows, milking with their first calves, also a fow excellent heifers. Prices reasonable. Pnone or addrmis L. II. Latollott, Prlnevlllo, Oro. 1720p FOR HALE Black .Minorca eggsr for sotting, $1.26 far 13. Leave or ders at author's store. Ufa FOR BALE One Durham Ayr shlro milk cow Just fresh. Also Mil waukee blndor, first clnss shape, prlco $50.00. A guaranteed bar gain. A. A. Borjr, Glut, Ore. 15-lSe. FOR HALE All kinds of rougb and dressed lumber, at Anderson Bros, sawmill half way botwoon Bend and Laldlsw, on old Tumalo road. Reasonable- prices, rough lumber $10 por M, Delivering to Bend or Lald law $2 por M. Telephone. lOtf LOST AND FOUND. LOST On the Fourth. Child's, gold ring sot with garnet. Wilder plensn lonvo nt flhuoy's grocory. IStr LOST or STRAYED Team of bar goldlngs, with halters, shod on front feet. Weight 1330 each. BrandtNl Bar over S on left shoulder and J on lower left Jaw. Onu hits white stripe on fnco and white hind foot, othr hn star In fnco uml both hind fMC white. Strayod from old Hlsuuior pasturo near Bond nbout July 7th. If uuon plenso tnku up and notify Tb Bend Company and J. P. Amos, nt Bond, Orogon. 19c LOST-Two sorrel geldings, wolgut 1100 pounds, linkers and nno b)l on. Roward for thorn or Informa tion. R. A. Puott. six mllen east of Bend on Bear creek rond. lOtf SEE CALIFORNIAr SLSW-ij uil A, r:x