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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1914)
TIIK HK.Vf) UULLKTIN, HKNP.ORE., WKDNKHHAY, JULY IB, 101 1. PACK ft. II .4 HI I " ! K'l ' ', I LINES MANY POINTS REACH ED BY PHONE Llnw lo Tina Mouiiliilii Hliilloii In OlHTitllfiii Himr to Tim M l'l Inn Under Oiimtriiofliin I'lnii to Dm Who I'eiicc to I'm I Hock i rurtliur telephone- linn extensions recently completed liy tho Forest Ser vice hnvu done much toward HnkliiK lip tho vnrloun portions of thn forest iiiulnr tho supervision of thn loon I olllclnln i nil make a valuable addition to tho dm protection ami prevention work of tho service. Tho linn to thn I'lno Mountain Runner station In now finished and In working ordnr nml inntcrlnl has (iron mint out to build n spur from this Itno to tho top or Paulina iiioun tain wluiro there U n flro lookout. 1'rom this elevation n view m had for iiiiiuy inlli-s In nil directions. With teli'phouo connections nottco of flro rnu ho no nt nt onco to tho proper authorities. An experiment In linn building thiit linn worked successfully In other localities In about lo tin tried In this district liy uso of wlro fences ns loin pliouo lino. Two mile of wlro have rcrcntl) been sent to Fort Hock In ho used In filling KM'" In oxlHtltiK fence. If tho experiment succeeds, 10 miles of lino will ho provided In this wny, connecting Tort Hock with tho run Hit Mnllon to tho north. Nearer town work tins lioon done recently In liulldltiK n linn from tho TuiiihIo head Ksto mid rnnger stntlou In to thn city limits. From this point It In vxpnetod hnt connection will tin Hindu with tho Pioneer Company lines nic noon ns they nro ottonded to Kenwood, JULY CBOPJEPORT Ori-Kim IMImntcM (Jpnernllr letter Than I'Uo Year ArrnKe. Tho July oron report, with ostl mates ns of July 1, renew oarllor ox ictitllous of croiM in Oregon tins vsnr and show that In practically every Itmtauco a tdKKor yield Is to th looked for than too average lor inn iit five years. Tho only falling oft is In the cato of potatoes and spring wheat. In thn United Ktatos ns n rholn ttinru Is no decreass In any crop. Tho portion of tho report rotating to liny, groin and potr.toe follows: dm July 1 forecast, Oronon 0X4.000 bushels; United Slates, 2 ti30.000.000 bushels. Final. niersKu f yosrs. 1009-191J, Oregon 8t:.0OO bushels; United tjtatos :.70B.t.000 busholi. Winter Wheat July 1 forrenst. Oregon 15.200.000 buslinU; Unltod BUtti BSJ.OOO.OOO hualiols. Final, a-icrnge t, )ers, 1900-1013. Oregon IZ.Dtt.OOO tunnels; United Bintm I41.Z1S.000 bonne's. Hprlng wUtml July 1 foreeasl. Oregon 3,380.000 biisbosl; United Ht-U'H Z74. 000,000 biishnlH. Final, nvtrngo ft yoirs, 1000-1013. Oregon S.I'JP.000 bushels; Unite 1 Htales 245.479.000 IhiohoI. Oats July 1 forecast, OretKin U bushuls; Unltwtl Mtatwi, 1. 2oo bushels. Final, average f. )cr. I0.l9n. Oregon 12,D01.000 bushnl; Unltod b'tales 1, 131,17k. 000 bttshols. Ilarloy July 1 forecast, Oregon 4.160.000 bushels; Unltod State 211.000.000 huthots. Final, average 6 yoars, 1 900-1 11, Orogon, 3,073,000 bushels; U.ilto.l States 181.873,000 bushels. Fototoes July 1 forecast. Oregon. 0.310.000 Inuhels; Unltod States 301.000.000 bushels. Final. nvornKO r. yoars. 1909-19, Orogon G, 408,000 liunljoln; United Stntos 3S0.627.000 bushuls. liny Condition July 1. 1014, Oro- gon 9ft; united mates ho.b. Condition July 1. 0 yoar average. Oregon 90; Unltsd States 81.9. Clovor Condition July 1. 1911. Orogon OB; Unltod States. CO. 7. Condition July 1, 10 year nvorago, OTogon 93; Unltod States 81.0. Alfalfa Condition July 1. 1914, Orogon 90; Unltod States 93.3. Condition July 1. 8 yonr average, Oregon 92; United Stntos 87. 5. MAItKHT ItlCPOUT. NOKTH POIITMNI). July 10 Ho colpts for tho week havo boon, cnttln 13fi6, calves 111, huga 1994. slieop 7672. Liquidation of cattle has bnon heavy this week, with qulto a mini- bor or soutuorn sieors in uio run nun tho nntlvo stuff bolns very medium .ninlliv 'n irrnln rat Ho nfforlnir. Host grass stnors soiling at $7.10 for oxtrn top. uows in . a inir ilumnnd for bulls, prices 4 to J4.B0. Prlini) light vnul ralvM )7 S5 to 8. A vory light run of hogs for tho wooU. Market strong. Oood swlno brlng Ing ?8.26 to $8 30 for tops. A light supply of Hhoep nml Intnbs, with strong domiimt for top grades. Prions stondy, prima wothora J4.7& to 4B; owns l to $4.25, inodtum owos $:i.2r) to $3.7B; Hprlng lnmbs fB to $0. I'Hl.B VOll AOHK OF COHX. For thn best ncro of corn rnlsod n Conk county this yonr tho Orcmoti Wnshlngton Hnllwoy & Nnvlgntlon Co. will glvo n prlxo of n two horso oultlvntor according to an announco mant Just iniulo by L. M. Fobs, trav ollng rqprosentntlvo of tho company. Tho prlzo will bo gtvon at tho Crook county .fair to bo hold In Prlnovllla Bontomlfor 23-20, At tho fair not loss than 60 oars and 12 stalks of corn irjust bo shown, ncconipunled by a Btntomont cortlfled to, by two din- itv-fii;,! ,?v If.. fc." KKAtSfl THE WINNING FLOAT ON THE FOURTH. Tho best float In tho Fourth of children dressed In whlto rodn on tha July parade was that of Mrs. 8. Mc- float and contributed much to 111 Intodli, tho. Ileud Milliner, who took first prlio. As shown In tho photo ttraph nlKivo tho float wn In two tlun, dncorntvd with xrouns and surmount- ed by u larKO hat. Tho fallowlriR 12 1 Intorested parties nn to tho facts of tho production. Tliu points on which tho judging will bo dono are an fol- Iown: Pounds of fodder to tho aero. ... .30 Pounds of grain to tint ncro 30 Quality of grain ...20 Cost of production In hours of man nml homo and fortlllzor whora any iihi-iI . , 10 Dost story of how crop was pro duced nud Imtidtud. 10 Too A I M'KI'JCCT UATIIAHTIC. There Is tiuro and wholesomo ac tion In nvory dono of Foley Cathartic Tahlols. They cloanso with navor Sweet Clover Creamery Butter Mndo from pure croam, produced under most sanitary condi tions from our own herd of healthy cows. Milking, caro of milk and croam, nud manufacture of tho butter under our personal nupnrvlilon. WK 11UV .NO MII.K OK CHKAM. hcuce wo KNOW that ovary ounoo of butter Is thoroughly wholesomo. Wo ship OXI.Y frosli churned buttur. Our output of buttor l necessarily limited, and Is destgnod to meet tho demands ot discriminating buttur users who doslrn thoroughly fresh, clean, palatable butter. Wo taku prldo In tho quality of this buttor, and roquiwl that you try n sample. Put up In 1 lb. packages, onrloaeil In paraHned cartons, to Insure It ronohliig you In por fvrt coBdlnon. Ask for It at W. C. McCuiston Grocery Co. who are our selling agonts In Hand. HVI:KT t'LOVHIt CIlKAMKHY "I had no idea Una Oil Cook Stovo would bako bread and cook everything just liko my eteel range. But it does. And best of all my kitchen stays cool these hot daye. Besides, thcro's no coal or wood or ashes to lug. Oh, I'm delighted with it," New Perfection OIL cook stove It bakes, broils, roasts and toasts perfectly. It does all that any wood or coal stovo can do and at less cost. It doesn't smoke; doesn't taint tho food. Clean, safe, convenient. Ask to soo it at your dealer's. FOR BEST RESULTS USE PEARL OIL T appoaranco Helen I'nlmor, Tholrmi Anno, Mnry Trlplntt, Kldrcxs Judd. Ksthor Foss, Mnrjory Hmlth, I.uolllo Rhuey, Murcolln HcIiooIit, Hottn Downliiff, Krina I.ehruinn, Claudia llrown and Jonl Jones. grlpo or pain. Chronic cases of con stlpatlon find thorn Invaluabta. Stout people nro rollevcd or that bloated, congested feeling, so uncomfortable especially In liot weather. They krop your liver busy. Patterson Drug Co, Adv. Hoofing, building papers, doors and window. Bkuso Hardware Co. Adv. A Tew bourn at a nlco clrmy, clonn, iipto-dnto plsca especially propnred for gentlemen, will removo all worry and troubles, Tho Metropolltan.-Adv Ono cent a word Is all n llttlo want Ad will cost you. CO., FUKMOXT, OltKGOX Baiter io Perfection mm STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Bend THE LIFE CAREER "Srhoolliif In youlh thmiM InrarlaM? b dlirrtnl (a iiifiar a ptrton In llir toil wr (of Hi Irful t rmanriil octufnimn fur bt ltcHililt,'-PiridfnlC w liliol Tim l the Mission of Hi f'nrlyxlxih School Vesr Opens SEPTEHBER i8th, 1914 Wfilr for llliiMinlrd loo jmj llimk Ift. "I lib I iris CAHI'IM." nud for Ota log rniitfiliiliiK full lidonntilliiii Drj-rr' ( nutxrt- AOKIClff TURPI llinbandrv.UalrvHuv I bandry. Poultry Husbandly, Horticulture. , Agriculture for Teachers f-OII.STHY, 1 I Or.ctlNn r-NOlNliHUINO HOAIP UCO- NOrtir s. l)omrxtlcStleiirf,UiimetlcArt, I M.INHRINO: fclettrlral, Irrleatlon, Highway, Mechanlral, Chemical, Mining, Ceramics. COMMLKCIi. PHARMACY INDUSTRIAL ARTS Vwtillonal Ciurtri-Azt Iriilture, Dairy log, Horn Makm' Course. Industrial Art. forestry, lluslnr Short Course Sthfiolof Muic- Piano, blrlnc, Hand, Vok Culture. fumttt Butlni Ctfwn by Mil FfML AddifM TIIH KKOISTRAN, (tw7.IM) Coilll.. OttfV WIIWIl I 11 Mm. I Jin J! j... 11, CHURCH NOTICES MctliodUt. Ilo,v. Dr. II. O. Perry, tho district superintendent of Tho Dalles dis trict, will preach Thursdny evening and hold tho quarterly conference on Friday evening. Tho services will bo; Kin at 8 o'clock. Kfttxs roit ham:. "For Kent," "For Hnlc," "Itoonm to Let", "Iloimekccplrig Hooina," "So Ailuiltlfliice," "So HmoklnK," etc., etc., I'lnciinN prlntcil In Inrxo typo on liruij brlxtol hoard, in cent cncli, Icmn In quiuitlticH. Iliilletln Ofllco. 12tf FOR HUNT Two room suites fur nished for light houso keeping Honklo & Ilyan. 12tf Adv OIIIXJOX THUXK THAIS Arrives 8 a. m. Loaves 8:30 p.m. O.AW It. & X. THAIX. - Arrives 7:4S p. m, leaves ..7:25 a. m. - htaui: LIXK SOUTH. - Arrives 7:30 p. tn. Loaves 10 a. tn. AUTO LIXKH. Cars daily to Hums and points south and nouthenst. - POSTOFFICK IIOUHS. Genoral delivery open dnlly - 9.30 a. m. to C p. in. - Oonernl delivery open Sunday 9 30 to 10 n. m. - Night train mall closes 7 p. m. Day train mall closes 6:30 a. rn. - TKI.lKiHAPH IIOUHS. Western Union dally 7-12,1-0, 7-10. Sunday 8-10. 4-C. ti:li:phoxk hours. Pioneer Co., twenty-four hour service including Sunday. rT: THE UNITED WAREHOUSE wmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmm COMPANY Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD liTo United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon racowat O'DONNELL UNION MARKET Fraternal Societies I. O. O. V, llrnd 1odgo No, ZiH. Ilogulnr tneetlnK ovory Mon day night at 8 o'clock In Hattt or's Hall. Visiting brolheid cordially welcome. liKHT Hlft'KY. N. n. QUO. P OOVK, Secretary. Till: FItATKHXAIi IlltOTIICH HOOD. Ilcnd Lodge No. 897 meets In Bnther's Hall every Thursday ovonlng, with social on third Thursday ench n.onth. Visiting mombors cordially Invited Mrs. O. W. Bhrlncr, Pres. Lnroy Fox, Secretary. HOVAL NKlOHnOHH OF AMKItlCA. Itanncr Camp Xo. CO.11. Ilegular meetings second and fourth Tuesdays, Bather's Hall. Mns. J. H. CONNAItN, Oracle. MH8. A. OnCUTT. Ilocorder. THE WHITE IS KING The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. Tho rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN Btltch. The latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. S10 Merchants National Bank B!dg San Francisco, California JyrJjPrEJgiJBtLPLiWlla etavHBMVnaMWBKM 1 BROTHERS IIL'SINKSS AND PJlOFKSSIONAIi. HOIlfCHT 11. (SOVhU CMI Knglncer Itcnil Oregon RODEHT W. BAWYBIt NOTAKY PUD MO HuHotln Office, Uond, Oregon 8 R. HOOfM L-imil Attorney Dullness before the U B Land ofllco a specialty Twenty flro years experience In practice bo fore the local U. 8. Land Omcu and the departments at Wash Ington, D. C. Offices oyer tho Deschutes 8tnto Uank. IJKM) w :.j OUIXJON J. II. Hell a W 81ms CItOOK OOUN'TV AiwmtAcr OO.MI'ANV (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J. II Hancr Abstract Co., Prlnellle, Ore. Abstracts Insurance W. W. KAULKNER, D. M. D. DBXTIHT Office Over Postofflco IJend, ... Oregon WILLARD H. WIRTZ LAWYER Prlnevllle, Oregon. O. 8. BENSON Attorney At I n it Denson Dulldlng, Wall Street Bend, Oregon. VERNON A. FORDES IiAWVEIt First National Bank Building Bend, :-: :-; Oregon OEOROE S, YOUNG Civil and Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer of Bend. Room C First National Bank Building H. II. DoAHMOND LAWYER Satbcr Building Bend, Ore. II. C. ELLIS Attorncy-at'Lair United States Coninilsiloner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON DR. J. H. CONNARN DENTIST Office in Sather Building. Hours 9 to 13. 1 to 5. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. DR. A. B. CROI'P Chiropractor DIIUGLKSS PHYSICIAN Ofllco over Miller Lumber Co., Wall Street. Hours: 0-12, 1-5. C, P. NISWONGER, Bond, Ore, UNDERTAKER Licensed Euibolnier, Funeral Director. Phone. Lady Assistant. GEO. B. WHITCOMB Prokjicctor For water and mineral Post otfico address BEND, OREGON FOR SUMMER Wear get a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES. Sold by R.H.LOVEN tho Shoe Repair Man. Bond street, Bend, Oro THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIOJI ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OWCCS NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES I