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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1914)
pagk a. TI1K REND BULLETIN, nKND.OUK., WEDNESDAY, JULY IB, 1011. "2 --- ------. i CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. POWELL 11UTTK. S 8pcclnl to Tho nutlottn) POWELL DUTTE. July 13. Dr. Thco. Rolnnlcy, tho Redmond vctortn nrv, wn n urofcaMonnl visitor out this way Wednesday. Earl Snundors and family and J. U. Warner and family loft tho foro part ot last woolt on a camping and llnhlnR trip nbovo Rend. Mlsa Maliol Allen was hostess to the Powell llutto Sorosla Wednesday. Owing to tho busy season the atten dance was not largo. Howovor, those present had a very enjoyahlo tlmo. Uosldoa members, Miss Allen enter tained Mlsa Mlnnlo Allen and Mrs. J. L. Gibson. Refreshments wore served. Tho next mooting Is with Mrs. N. P. Alley. Harold Mooro. young son of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. L. Moore, sustained sor lous injutrlen Wednesday whllo at tempting to separate two mad boars. One of tho animals turned nnd at tacked him. severely lacerating his leg. Dr. Hosch of Redmond was called and found It necessary to chlorform hla patient 'n order to tako tho required number of stitches and dress the wound, which ho said was the worst hog bite that had over come to his attention. At this writing Harold Is recovering nicely and will poon be llo to he about again. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mathot arrived from Tacoma, Wash., Thursday even ing. Tht-s Is the lattcr'a first trip to Central Oregon as Mrs. Mathot, tho young couple having been mar ried recently. They will mako their homo on tho farm Jointly owned by Mr. Mathot and tho bride's father, Mr. Manceau. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Young of Red mond camo out Saturday evening for a Sunday visit with tho Wlllcoxon family, returning Sunday evening. Reeves Wlllcoxon was a business visitor to Deschutes Saturday. Tho bulk of the first cutting of hay la stacked and tho second crop la coming on at a rapid rate. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Smith and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Llndqulst and fam llv, Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey and fam ily, Mrs. Robert Ellis. Clydo Mooro nnd Mr. Benson surprised Mr. and Mrs. Mathot, newry weds, by going to their home Saturday evening where after a time of sociability, re freshments of ice cream and cake. provided by the visitors was served n. Manceau left Saturdav morning Tor a visit In Tacoma. Mrs. Man ceau will accompany him upon his return. A commltteo to select a aultablo place for the Sunday school picnic explored Crooked river Sunday and selected tho old Btage station near O'Neill. The picnic will be held Wednesday July 29 and will be par ticipated In by both the local and Tcrrebonne'Sanday schools. Mrs. Anna noetger Is out from Redmond visiting her brother Frank nnd Geo. Klwler and their families. Miss Edna Allnv loft Mondav morn ing for Opal City where she will make a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Pat ton. Mrs. L. J. Alley camo in from Woodland, Wash., Monday morning to visit with her son, N. P. Alley and family. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Van Doren and Raymond wero guests at the J. F. Illco homo Sunday. FREMONT V (Special to Tho Bulletin) FREMONT July 12. F. A. Ever ett, the band loader, of Fremont, was over from Fleetwood lost Friday nlrht.. Tho Fremont sawmill has boon running nearly every day this wenk. Mrs. J. S. Potter hns returned to Fremont after several months visit ing In Portland. G. V. Glaze found his lost calf at the E. P. ranch among tho dairy Mock.' W. E. McCallum has been putting up a water tank and piping his houso. There was a dance at the homo of Mrs. Pollock last Friday night. Geo. Guild, of tho Fremont band, left for his homo In Oakland, Cali fornia, this week. Charles Harett Is In Fremont for awhllo. Charles Jackson bought George Guild's cornet H. A. Chapman sold Frank Pease two fine young pigs last week. The whoat orop that was frost bit ten Is coming out nicely. ley do some fencing sovcrnl days this week. A. McKeown hns built n houso on his homestead tho past week. Mrs. C. Hlnman called on Mra. C. W. Ashbaugh last Wednesday. Oscar IluUoln returned to his homestead In this vaUor nftor ow ing out sovcrnl months. Mr. Uutseln Is Mrs. Fred Miller's brother. Jas, Wells of Pleasant vnlloy, was ovor last Monday to got hla woll equipment which tho trucks brought as fnr as Ilrooklngs. Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Fonts wero cnl lore nt tho Ilrooklngs' homo last Thursday. They also purchased pro visions at tho store. Miss Kmlly Schroder Is visiting In Ruck Creek. P. Dencer made hla first trip last Thursday over tho Rolyat-Hold stago routo. Quito a crowd gathered nt tho ninck brothers cabin tho afternoon ot tho 27th to witness tho hall gamo between staurrcr and Hampton Hutto teams. The gnmo resulted In n score of 1" to 31 In rnvor of Stauffcr. After tho ball gamo tho crowd went to tho homo ot A. McKeown and n picnic dinner was spread which ovcryono on Joyed. Tho evening was passed In dancing, the hiusic being furnished by tho "Mac" orchestra. At mid night n basket Bupper was given Eleven baskets wero sold. In this way J 20 was raised for tho bo no tit of the ball teams. A number of people of this vlclnltv colobrated tho Fourth at Stauffor. good tlmo la reported. A picnic din ner was spread on tho lawn consist ing ot an nbundanco of good things to cat. Including bananas, ornngas and lemonade. In tho afternoon A. Rlchel arrived with his truck, bring ing 10 gallons of Ico cream, which was tho greatest treat of the day. At 3 p. m. tho ball gnmo took placo which resulted In n scoro of IT to S3 In favor of Stauffcr. After tho ball gnmo tho races were In order. Thoao entering the horso raco wero Jlmmlo Hrlckley, Roy Fonts. Jas. Wells. Chns. Stauffor. Harold McFuddon and Hert Mceka. Crazy Jane, ridden by Mr. Stauffcr, took first prlzo ana "Black Clipper' ridden by Sir. Meeks took second prize. Foot races result ed as follows: Men's raco won oy Perry Hartoon, ladles' raco by Mary stauffcr, 3 legged race by Pago Staur fer and Harold McFaddcn. Roy's raco by Ted Stauffcr. girl's raco by Hnzel Rodcs. In the evening tho young people enjoyed a socle! dnnco. A refreshing rain visited this vicin ity last Friday. , y visiting tho Troyers nt tho bond of tho Metollus. Sunday Rohool will bo at 10:30 n. in. noxt Sunday. E. L. Wnldrnn niado n business trip to Redmond Snturdny. Mr. Hyora spent n fow days with J. P. DuokettH nt tholr camp near Suttlo 1-nko. They caught many good fish thrco collectively weighing 33 pounds. Florence Waldron returned from Prlnovlllo Wednesday. Harry Hunr and wlfo wero In Red mond Friday. Tho Uyora' Indies worn making their Drat calls In tho neighborhood Friday. Frank Kolloy resigned from tno school board nnd a special election was hold Saturday to till tho vacan cy. Clydo Johnson wns elected by n unnnlmous voto. An eight pound bov wns born to tho wlfo of George Rivets Sunday evening. Mothor nnd child are do ing nicely. Haying Is now In full blast In this section with n bumper crop und holp scarce ---- -- McCulstou of Ilond. Girl's rncotllrls under IS. Won by Nina Evnns. Prlio, box of rlan powder, daunted by tho Patterson Drug Company of Ilond. Qunrtor mllo pony rnco Winner of" 1st prlxo, lllrdsong, winner of 3d prlzo, o. A. Day. Flrnt prlzo, order for $3.00 hat donated by tho R. M. Smith Co. of Ilond. Second prlzo, sack of Hour, donated by tho Ilond Hotel. Halt mllo horao race First prize won by Dick Rhodes. Socoud nrlin won by J. Mtlllron. First prize, bond stnll donated by Hughos nnd 8tovon son or Prlnovllo. Second prlzo riding bit donated by E. W. Thoruthwalto ol Rend. As no bucking horses woro outorod for the bucking contest other rncos woro substituted. Second U-iullo horso raco 1st winner K. lllrdsong, 2nd winner Horn nor Houston. First prize, 3 oash do. niited by tho Ilond Livery and Auto Co. of Ilond, Second H mllo rnco 1st won by ALFALFA. (Special to The Bulletin.) ALFALFA, July H Ralph Smock has secured a four year contract for earning the mall on the Alfafla Star Route. Tho Alfalfa post office was mado a money order office July 1st. Ray Gucrln has taken possession of the Gucrln ranch. His wlfo nnd children have come and will mako this their home for the present. Bend treatod Its Fourth of July visitors most royalty, even tho ball team admits It. Mr. and Mrs, Richards havo mov ed to Bend. Miss Kathryn Dinger left last week for Seattle. Harvest Is Just about over. Somo had a better yield of alfalfa than us ual this year, whllo with others It wns not so good. The cold weather nnd frosts kept things back. Ever) thing bids fair for a big second crop. Misses Sclmn Nelson nnd Edna Martin, who have been visiting Miss Nelllo Martin nt her homestead on the high desert, left today for Grand view. Edgar Bnrnes, who has taught the Alfalfa school for two years will teach at Culver this winter. M. L. Pyatt has sold his ranch near Alfalfa. CLOVEUDALK. V (Special to The Bulletin.) CLOVEIDALE. July H. Frank Kelly and family spent tho week end THE FOURTHAT PRINGIE Many Prizes Were Donated by Item! .Merclmnt. (Contributed.) Even the weather man has Joined tho Prlngle Flats Improvement Club nnd was as busy as anybody on tho National holiday providing Just tho right amount ot shndo and sunshluo, which resulted in a model temper ature. In fact he prepared tho raco track tho night before by giving It n gener ous sprinkling. And whero this am iable, nctlvo membor left off, the din er membors took up tho work nnd no detail from pink taffy to tho dancing pavilion was neglected. Tho merchnnts of Bond will be ro membered for their generosity ,n providing prizes for tho races, nnd tho fact will not bo overlooked when the Pringlo pcoplo go shopping. Theso Interesting ovents Wero us follows: Fifty yard dash Boys under 15. Winner of first rite, Robert Plcrson. Winner ot second prlzo, Kenneth Lar kin. Prize, ball and bat donated by O'Donncll Brothers ot Bend and a ball bat donated by the Wlnneck Co. of Prlnevillo. Fifty yard dash Girls under IS. Wlnnor of 1st prlzo, Blanoh Larkln, prize, largo bottlo of perfume, do nated by tho Patterson Drug Co! nf Bend. Sack raco-Winner of 1st prlzo, Da vid Kennedy. Wlnnor of second, Mr. Henry Larkln. First prlzo, merchan dise order for $1.00, donated by Mnnnhelmor Brothers of Bond. Sec ond prize. One year's subscription to Tho Bond Bulletin, donated by Tho Bulletin. Potato race Winner of 1st, Guy Davis. Wlnnor of second. Joo Gar- sko. Prizes, knlfo donated by the W. F. King Co. of Prlnovlllo and ordar from tho Patterson Drug Co. of Bond. Women's rnco GO yard dash, won by Blanch Larkln, prize Plymouth' Rock hon and rooster, donatod by tho Club Cnfe of Bend. Men's raco 100 yard dash First winner J. Pousch. Second winner II Carlln. First prize, faney box of hose, donated by A. L. French of Bend. Seeond prlo 1 pair of tennis shoos donated by Foster and Hyde, Prlnovllle. Thrco loggod raco Won by Lar kln and Nelson. Prize, box nf cigars donated by Carmody Brothers of Ilond. Ladles' nail driving contest. Won by Mrs. Marrlon. Prlzo. a hammer, donated by tho Skuso Hardware Co. of Bend. 180 pound raco for mon 100 yards. Won by K. Nelson, prize, tneerchaum pipe, donated by B. A. Bather of Bend. Tug of war Won by Prlngle Plata team, prlzo box of cigars, donatod by RIVHRS. (Special to Tho Bulletin) RIVER, July C Mr. A. II. Tay lor Is home spending a few days. He Tlved here on the morning of the Fourth. Haying season will soon start around here. W. Martin Just returned from Bend where he spent a dav or two. Mr. and Mrs. H. Evans called on Mr. and Mm. A. Taylor Sunday even lhg. Mrs. A. Davis entertains the La tllCB Country Club and tho Pioneer Club Wednesday, In honor toother's birthday. jr of he: HAMPTON RUTTI (Special to Tho Bulletin) HAMPTON BUTTE. July 6 E. Plnkus and Pago Stauffor were gueatb at tho Brookings Hotel Sunday. Mrs. Caroline Smith made final proof ort lief homestead last Tuesday before Commissioner Fogg. Earl Rogers and Mlsa Bessie Sheppard were her witnesses. Miss Alice Brookings of Stauffer came over Sunday and took a car for Bend Sunday, returning Monday. E. L. Cook ha returned to his home nftcr being out several weeks. Charlie Davis of 8tauffer was over on business last Wednesday. Mrs. J. BHckley visited nt tho Brookings' homo last Wednesday. Earl Rogora returned from Bend last Monday bringing a new binder. Bort Meeks helped Jlmmlo Brick- Sat, July 25, 1914 17 Milk Cows, 10 Calves, 1 Span Mares, 3 Geldings, 2 Yearling Colts, One Largo Cream Boparator, 2 Sots Work llnrness, 1 Slnglo Buggy, t" Two Seated Surrey, Mower and Rake, 1 Binder, Hogs, etc. Six Months Time on Bankable Notes ' Where Purchase I'rico is Over 910.00. ' ;-'REK LUNCH AT NOON. ,f, i John Strahm Sh Sbh Owners, Gist, Oregon, ,, ' Seven Miles Kouth-Enst of Sinters. Morris. 2nd won by llnokomnn. lnl prlxo $S donated by tho llnnd Nation nt Bank. 2nd prlzo, 1 pair of gaunt let gloves, donatod by C, W, KIUIhh of Prlnovlllo. Wnltxtng content. First prlxo wan nwardod to John tlnrsky and Mrs. Whlttakor. Second prlzo wns award ed to Mr, and Mrs. Cnrpnntnr. IkI prlzo for Indies, hnndnonto lonthm1 hand bag, donntud by F. A, llonnott of Bond. Second prlzo for Indies, 1 pair of gloves, donated by Clifton U Comott of Prlnovlllo. First prlxo for mon, 1 dross shirt donated by thu Prlnovlllo Mercnntllo Co. Second prlzo for men $1 In cash donated by Tho DoRcliutcn Stain llnttk of Bond. During (ho day tho Indies nerved n catotorla luncheon, tho piouuods of which will go to tho now hull. Thli was liberally patronized. Tho foundation of thu now hall wns completed and In use for danc ing, which began at 8 o'clock nnd the floor waB crowded from start to fin ish. A ball gamo wan played with tliti Dry Lako team and was won by thu Prtngln Flats team For that event, tho Skuso Hnrdwnrn Co. furnished n chest protector nnd tho Bond Hnrd wnrn Co. n glove and bat. It Is estimated (hat about A00 puo plo attended tho celebration. WAHII HOILEHM, Coppor Noti'Ilust tin nnd gnlvn nliod, Skuso Hardware Oo, Adv, There Is llonllng In Foley Kidney fills. ' You nood a mighty good iiiedloltii) If your kidney nro oxhaiislod by ne glect nnd overwork, nnd you lmvo gut It In Foley Kidney Plllii, Their uu tlon In prompt, honllng and tunic, Hound health ami sound kldnnya rol low their uso. Try thorn, Patterson Drug Co. Adv, w What's the Use of froluhtlnjf KfocorloH from Ilond froo of chnrKo? Lot JOHNSON pay tho freight. Iloinoinhor tho plnco, near 28 mllo post, Bend to Hums road. Si MILLlt'AN, OREGON. m I Stop the LossFires are Unnecessary BRICK IS ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF IN ANY ORDINARY CON. FLAORATION. BRICK BUILDING8 NEVER BURN, ALTHOUGH THEY ARE SOME TIMES INJURED 11 Y FALLING TIMBERS OR CO.MBU8TIBLE INTERIOR WOODWORK. ' A BRICK BUILDNO IS ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF IF WIRE GIJV88 18 U8ED IN THE WINDOWS AND IF BURNED CLAY FLOORS ARE USED. AN INTERIOR FIRE IN SUCH A BUILDING 18 CONFINED TO THE ROOM IN WHICH IT ORIGINATES; NO OUTSIDE FIRE CAN ATTACK IT THE PROPORTION OF BURNED CLAY IN BUILDING: CONSTRUC TION MEA8URE8 ITS FIRE PROOF QUALITIES. DURNED CLAY IS THE ONLY BUILDINO MATERIAL THAT HAS BEEN TIIROUai! THE FIRE BEFORE YOU GET IT, IN SUCH A MAN NER THAT IT WILL RESIST FIRE. ALL COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL 18 BURNED OUT OF THE BRICK BEFORE YOU GET IT. WHEN YOU BUILD USE MUCK. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. BEND PARK COMPANY REAL ESTATE For Sal e, at me Dest Largest Amount of We Control and Have Prices and Terms, the Business and Residence Property in Bend. Call or Write for Free Maps and Descriptive Matter INSURANCE Insurance Written in All Its Branches in World Known Companies f.-i 1 i LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US. OUIt OUTSIDE Offices and-Agenti t " Better Enable Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants. BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building, Seattle, Wash. I