The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 15, 1914, Image 1

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NO. 10,
hi i i ' i 1r r
i i q fc .
ft wnmm
mvri- TnxtfH lire Mmkeil For In Pro
pjuiiil Now County to Ilia .North
fnlrnM Pioneer Hitj'H Petition
Clti'iilittom Moot With Hun-
(Mndrn Pioneer.)
Tlio im)ilo generally do not ronllw
tliu wiitlniHlniiin. Hint In being full
4ill ovor thla northern part of Crook
iuuty, ovur tlin matter of County
HIloti. it huoiiin tho matter U tak
ing moro generally than whon tho
movement was ntnrtod several weeks
xlnro. Tho people, at Unst DO por.
rent or them, two anxious to sign up
ami ro on record ns being In favor
of tho uioiiMiiru In ill vl (I o tho county
ir nt least cut off the territory north
of it Ituu ruunliiK iwl nnil west along
the illvlillttK Hues about (Irlnloy
All or those who have lionn out
with nctlttoiis circulating (hem novo
mot with tho hoot of aiieeofts Imagin
able, (Ill) lUIton llRN kPOIIIIMl to h.
meeting thorn personally nnil explain
liur (lit nroiinsltlnu iuarcly and to
tu K)lnl, this method has been fol
lowed l nil who Mb vi! had petitions,
ami them tutn been hut very few who
hate been approached who have -MilutPh
refused to kIkii up to ge
the measure on the Imllot. nml who
have ttxprittMMMl thomiulvwi against
the movement.
' At thin tlmo It U eatlinateil Unit
there are close to K00 names mi tho
tlotllHma. ilurltiK the past weok inntiy
liovo Imiiiii MCiirml by tho clreulntori.
TIiIm koh to show that thov nro Ink
lug nn Interest In thu proposition, and
idtiitylng It over In n way that they
liavo romo to mull id Hint, with a
rfmnllor oounty, tho Amount of taxes
-will not ho ns heavy nn under tho
present regime nml n largo county,
which In morn oxponslvo to mnlntnln
tlmn a small ono lit tho samn propoi
tlon after, of course a year or ho to
got tho first oxponso taken cam or.
Thin has worked out In many smaller
inuntlo prentod and with tho large
amount of taxahlo property In .this
proposed now County of Jefferson,
Ilia' ruin will unilouhtdly ho much
lower than now. From tho reason
that tho trawling expenses and mil
MiL. salaries of oftlclnti. and omco
ijfnliitcnnncii will ho coimldnrably loss
tlmn In Crook county at thli (lino.
Thl question means to you, do you
intend to pny high taxes, do you
want In iny In your taxe and havo a
creator part of tliem expended n
i4oino otlmr portion of tho county, ami
In many Imttantea, tin you want to
nontlnuw to m ki fnr. and off lh rail
rcn.ll to net to the oounty aat. wlimi
tvr ou may havs a llttlo litwlnow
to tranaarl
WhH ou hnv carefully atiidU.l
HX0T th wrotHialtUm, we aro of tlm
oMlnhm that you will look the tnaW
tr aqunro In tho fato and veto for
your own bunt iiueromn a won aa
Ohmo of your nolRhbor.
tKort Hook Tlinoa.
Ilolfta for tolophono polaa have
lienn iIiik from Sllvor Uko north to
uiiiiui itUliinnn tiimt. I'ort Itook. It II1UV
ha that wn'll aoon bo aliln to any, hoi
10 Uonil: lioiio utKovmw:
CRhenMHi Go Jtewi
From Homo
where you ore not known, nvoiJ all trouble In
reciin- to your funds by carrying
These cheques are equally Useful for travelera
in America or Abroad. They identify the
holder to hotels, ticket ogenta and merchants,
who accept them nt face value In
of accounts. They are not avaiiaoie to
finder or thief, if lost or atolen.
Let us explain the syntem.
" 'tf ' .
) t
Deschutes State Bank
Successor to the? .'-,
Deckuts Banking & Trusts ConiMwy
D, FBRUKLTi, Pros.
13, M, LARA, Cashier. r ,
D. Forrell, F, 0. Minor, E. M, Lnra
WimIiIIiiK lo MIm Kitrnli Ho) burn )(
cilia at fypokntic,
Todny nt Hpol(nuo, at tho homo of
tho brhlo'M brother, C. H. Iloyhurn.
ocoura tho marrlnKo of Minn Hnrali
Iloyhurn nml II. A. Mlllur, Mayor or
llond. IJwIkIH M. DnvlK la to ho
bout in nn. Mr. and Mm. MIMor will
upend a two weok'e honoymoon In
Olnclor National i'ork, ruturnlnn hero
nbout AURiut 1.
OnltliiR mnrrlcd In provliig n atron
ttniiN oxporluuco for local city oniclnti.
City Attninoy Korbi-M, It will bo r
momhorod, waa Jnllcd whon ho ro
turned from lila honeymoon. And
lant Wudnemlay ovonlnR Mr. Miller
won treated to an oxporlnnco doubt
lima moro nmualnK to otlmr than to
lilnuclf. After n dinner kIvuii him
nt Tho Kiublciii Club by a acoro or
hU frlondH, ho wna led throtiRh tho
atroota In chalna, while bin captnra
played, or play, tho
weddlnK inarch on bnzoo horiiN. Dur
ing tho jaunt the Mayor w tokon
to tho atnito of tho Drenm Thentre,
wlmro tho audience npulniided hU
preiinnca and roRrettod the fact Hint,
itn uminl, ho Hlde-atepped apooch-mak-Intf.
KiiKlnrcr Dopion 'Itrluni- to Make
Htiiily at Cnino rralric.
Jamca If. Dopion returned to town
hint week from .lu lit urn nml will
ahorlly leave for Crnno I'rnlrlo with
a HiirveylnK pnrty lo oontlnuo tuo co
oporntlvo work In wntor reaourco
NtudleN boKiin by OroK and tho
I'udernl IteelntnailOH leivlco ItHgun
laat year, l-uat umnior Mr. Dopaou
wan In charge of tho diamond drill
work dono nt llenhnm Knlla In the
inveMtlaatlon of the dam alto thoro.
On the conclualon of that atudy ho
went to Cflllfornl.1 In almllar work
and lately haa been engaged again
In the Oreson co-oporatlvo work on
tho Malheur river.
It la at Crnno I'rnlrie that n ator
age reaervoir will bo built for tho lr
rlftatlon or land on tho Deichutea
and to tho vat In cano the retulta it
the proxont atudy aro favoranlo. Mr.
IKipion'a prtucnt work will ho In con
nection with tho reaervoir iioaallilll
Ilea at Crano Pralrlo. Another orow
undor Knglneer Tarkhlll la now en
gaRod In land clniilflcatlun study
near Ltildlaw.
A nnw ndiniliiln for the mnll from
Hllvor Lako gooa Into effect today
which adda materially to mo vatuo
of the rvlcu and hrltiRa that town
ono day nearer to Uund and oulalde
polnta ao far aa malla are concerned.
Hy It mall from Hllvor Lako lonvoa
thero at 8 o'clock In tho morning and
will ordinarily arrlvo hern In time to
go out on tho evening trnln. Iloro
toforo It haa not loft thoro until 3
o'clock In tho afternoon, reaching
(lend thu next morning.
Word waa received thla mornln
that the home or t. A. W. Nixon a,t
Alfalfa wna deatroyod lr fire early
thla week. A pel or tar wan being
liMited on the kitchen uvt and waa
left alone for a abort time. It la 1h.
IWvHtl that It bolleil over and caught
lire from the atove. The N'lxon home
In llend was deatroyed by fire lait
Tho V. K. Civil Service Commission
announces Hint Reexamination will
ho held In llend on August IS. 191 1
for tho position of ntunogrnphcr nnd
typewriter, male and femalo. I'ornoua
who deslro to compote should at onco
apply to a W. LONG. Forestry Of
tlco, First National Dnnk building.
i K ,
" '
F. 0. JINOn,'8oo'y.
.-' tt
is" ' Yi vl li I
sT-'TSfcsSMsaatlJfliB 1
Commercial Club Votes Unnnlmously In Favor of
the Separation of South .Western Portion of
Crook to Form a New County Committee
Is AppointedPetitions Being Circulated
County illvWon talk, wliloli has
been In Hie nlr ror the 1it few
months, oh mo to n hosd rkiiunlHy at
tho Commercial Club luncheon, and
a unanimous vote was pasned In favor
or going ntioad with tho plnu to form
a now county in tho southwestern
part of Crook county to be known ia
Duschutea county. At a meeting held
Hnturdny evening the subject wim
illscussad lu detail nnd lines ror tho
new county agreed upon
County division under tho pres
ent law waa llrst proponed by tho
north end. As early as last wlntor
residents of that section began lo
work on tho subject and to arouse
Interest and enthusiasm In a plan to
cut off tho north end forming a now
county to bo called Jerferaon. Hy
tho middle of May their plans hnd -o
fnr dovolopod Hint they began tho
clrculndon of petitions to hnvo tho
question of setting off Jefferson coun
ty put on the ballot at tho November
election. The movement has met
with a vory fnvorahle sentiment and
ulready aomo 800 nnmes have been
secured or moro than enough to In
sure getting tho question to a vote.
In this sootlun of the county the
movement has been slower In gettlmt
under way, portly becau of a latw
start and partly because of h denlre
to study the question thoroughly be
fore going nbead. lu Mnv a com
mlttr! waa appointed to atmlv the
question nnd Hie present action is
the result of Hie work that the com
mittee has itoao.
Aa showing the friendly fooling
with which the Jofferson county
movement has ben received and it
tho samo lime tho hesitation ns to
making a start hero it is pointed out
Hint In June the Commercial Club
voted to support tho north end In Its
effort to gel loose while te!ng unwll
ling to Indorse tho Deschutes county
proposal. In the tlmo that haa
elapsed, however, tho feeling haa
grown locally that alnco the people
of the north end are going ahead and
seem almost sure to obtain their di
vision It Is most des rable tbat tno
same action should bo taken In the
southwestern part of Crook ao tnat
tho two petitions can go on the bal
lot together.
Ilevrhutnt County Line.
Tho lines of tho proposed Des
chutes county havo necossarlly been
Influenced by tho line proposed as tho
south boundary of Jefferson countv,
which, where It touches Deschutes,
runs duo west ort tho .lino lietwcon
Townships 13 nnd H. It will form
tho north line of Deschutes oounty
and has had to lie takon aa a start
Ing point lor the east lino. The east
lino In turn haa been Influenced by
n consideration of old Crook county
remaining and. though no line could
b drawn which would aattafy every.
ono. the line nropoeou earne ns uer
to satisfying aa any iulrf. A nut
her of Influential men In old Crootc;
representing both the Ptlnevllle dis
trict and tno eastern section, have
expressed thomtolvos an satlslled with
tho lino nnd promised their support
on the vote. Included In tho pro
posed .boundaries are Terrolinnn,
Itodmond, Alfalfa, Mllliodn. part of
Imperial nnd nil other precincts to
tho wost of these.
The Iteiluionil Attitude.
It U frankly reeogn'xed hero Hint
tho cltlof element of discord In tho
' rRakes, Mowers, Binders
i ; -l . ;v
and Reapers
for the same. Also a complete stock
pf pipe, Pumps and Pumping En
gines at
.' '.? i' if
Bend Hardware Go.
program aa outllnwl Is the poHalbte
attitude to H taken by Ileilmond.
Thoro can bo no doubt that It would
bo aa much to Itodmond'a advantage
to hnvo tho new county set off as to
any other port of tho southwestern
district. Itodmond stnnda to benefit
with every other town In tho Des
chutea, valley from tho construction
of a satisfactory north and south
rond, and this can bo achieved only
when that section forms a separate
county, and she Is In lino for the
benefits to bo derived from good
roads loading up to tho McKenzlu
pass, which will bo fully obtained
only with u new county.
So far as the county seat in con
cerned Redmond Is handicapped by
iter itosltlun so near tho Jefferson
county lino and away from the center
of Deschutes county and this condi
tion will always exist. The perma
nent seat Is not aelected until tho
general election In 1U1G and at that
tlmo Redmond stands an oven shoty
with llond, a natural contender toe
the honor. Kven should tho per
manent seat bo located hero It wouli
bo moro convenient for Redmond
people to oo me hero to do buslnesa
than to go to rrlnuvllle, aa many oi
them now agree.
It Is not osslblo for Itodmond t
complain that llend haa goao till sad
lu this matter without consulting be".
In tho first plaoe she was consulted,
n delegation going down from heri
who went over the whole matter,
ready to ngreo to any rooaonnblo
proposition In exchange for Itod
mond'a support but receiving only n
vague reply as to ucr position, t-von
hnd this delegation not gone down
thero Redmond could not havo com
plained fairly, for tho memory la too
fresh in minds of tho older ycsldenta
hero of tho socret attempt mado by
Itodmond tour years ago to carry
through a division of the county
which brought one lino to within five
miles of llend and actually would
have mado It necessary for Uend peo
ple who wanted to go to their coun
ty scat at I'rlnovllle to go across c
portion of the proposed Redmond
county. -
In tho last analysis Redmond will
bo benefitted by tho new county
along with all tho other towns lu
this section and It la hoped that tho
people thoro will come to rccognlzo
this and Join In working for tho pe
tition. Tim peoplo of this nelghbor
hool stand ready to meet tho Red
montl folks moro than -half wny in
anr division of the offices of the not
count)' it they will getout and give
tno proposition inoir support.
To .Make Campaign.
A committee has been appointed to
take charge of tho campaign for the
new county consisting of R. W. Saw.
yer, J. A. Easles and C W. Krskiue.
and representatives from other eom
tulttee In thla section will be added
to It. For the tlmo being tho efforts
of tho commltteo will be directed to
ward getting the requisite number of
signers to tho petition, which will be
preaentoii to tho county court to have
tho question put on the ballot at tho
Novombor election, and following
that a campaign to scouro n favor
cblo vote nt the Novembor election
(Continued on last page.)
and Repairs
fa Hulcrtnlneil by Xlnn Friends In
I'nrcwell l'arty at Item! Hotel.
A number of friends of It. II. Dey
armond, who recontly sold out his
machine shop and garage preliminary
to leaving town, gnvo him a farewell
banquet at tho llend Hotel on Friday
night. Including Mr. Deyarmond
and his two sona thoro wero 12 in
tho party, the beet- being Jay flft'li
man, Frank Dibble. J. If. Wenandy,
I. D. Fox. Ray limbertson, J. II.
Nackor. W. Dibble and II. O. Ferris
of llond and Kd llodsou of J'rlnevllle,
all of whom havo hnd pleasant bust
noM relations with Mr. Deyarmond.
Hugh O'Kane'a cook did himself
nroud for tho occasion and tho party
had a most enjoyable evening. .There
were a few speeches in which Mr.
Deyarmond was assured of tho friend
ship of his hosts of the evening and
given tholr best wishes for tho fu
ture Mr. Deyarmond loft on the
morning train Runday with his fam
ily for Dallas whero he-Is interested
In a largo garage.
School Clerk AsaertN He Is Innocent
nml Will be Vindicated.
Following tho overruling of a de
murrer to the Indictment of K. 0.
Rourk, charged with tho misuse of
school funds. Circuit Judge Ilenson
at Klamath Falls on Friday set tho
Mnfnmttnf. ,irm nf nritfrt na thn ffmn
for trial.
Mr. Rourk Is the clerk of tho
Crescent school district and it Is In
connection with his uso of the school
funds that tho present charge Is
brought. He maintains his Innocenco
of any wrongdoing and state tbat
tho wholo affair Is a piece of spite
work on tho part of a few residents
of Crescent. His many friends In
this section have rallied to hla sun
port and aro confldont tbat he will
be vindicated when the trial comes.
Mr. Rourk, who is represented by
V. A. Forbes of Rend, has made the
following statement of his sldo of
tho case:
"In handling tho funds of the
school district. I acted after receiv
Ing counsel from the county school
superintendent and from lawyers nnl
did only what other school clerks
aro In the practice of doing. My
books are In perfect shape at this
time and always havo been and every
dollar that should bo Is on hand. I
have not the slightest doubt but that
1 will be able to show tbat I am the
victim of spite work and that my ac
tions as clerk of the school board are
Tho purchase waa reported yester
day of tho Mountain View Hotel
property by V, A. Forbes and II. I.
Ovorturf, at a price of $5,000. The
property lies on tho bluff above tho
river In tho rear of Wall street and
enmmnniln n. rom&rknblv line ."vlow
of the river and mountains. -Tho
building, which haa been used aa a
hotol, was erected In 1904 by W. K.
auorln. Jr.. of Cleveland. Ohio, wno
now makes this aalo. It Is under
stood that the new owners will con
vert the building Into three modern
bungalows on separate lota.
Mr. and Mrs. John McLauflln. of
Juneau, Alaska, old time friends or
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Shonquest. have
been visiting thorn for the last te.i
days, leaving on this mornings train
for Juneau. Mr. MoUnuflln la n
prominent druggist of that city and
Is also Interested In the Pacific Coast
Steamship Co. Thoy were very fav
orably Impressed with this counfy
and thought Pond the most up to
date inland town of its slxo In the
The First National Bank
U aljf
U. C. COB, President E. A. SATIIER, Vtue- President
C. S. HUDSON, Cashier
CapHul fully jKikl - S36JM0
Surplus 8fc,00O
To Homeseekers: '
Parties contemplating taking Homer
steads in tho new lands just eliminated
from the Forest Reserves, should bear in
t mind that Bend is the closest Banking
town to iiiosu ituius.
We are making a. special effort to be
'of service to new people coming into Gen
tral Oregon.
Gall and see us and arrange your fi
nances, so you will not have any trouble -in
having your checks cashed.
N ij
U. C. Ok E. A. Satueii 0. S, UrDsox
O. M. Patterson
f.VKENZIE fill
AIhmH 910000 fTpcnt on Four 'Mife
Xear Windy I'olnt Would Make
Travel up Fnm Tills Hido Mnch
Easier kane County Spend. ?
That a comparatively small amount
of money will be auffloienl to place
tho Crook county end of tho McKn
zio road In good condition Is tho re
port made by General Manager Keyes
of Tho Rend Company, based onr0U
servatlons mado on hla trip to E'j
geno Inst week. On tho other hand
much larger amounts will bo needed
on the Tano county end of tho road
and as tho people of that county bare
spent and are spending thousandsof.
dollars on the work It seems ohly
right that Crook county should do its
share. "
The worst, stretch of rond on tho
eastern sldo of tho mountains ls.,a
four mlio pleco ending-at Wljuur
Polnt Although many other ac
tions could bo Improved, repalra.-are
mm. maaiIaiI ttn tmrftir nn ttlARl AS 'fill
this ono and If a llttlo money is wise
ly spent at this point tno ascent io
tho pass from tho east would bo made
much nailer. In Its nrcscnt coad1-
tlon. with ono or two heavy grades to
surmount, and in places, several
Inches or sand to got through, Hu
ascent is extremely difficult exeftft.'
Just after a heayy rain, when tfeif
sand is packed. 5-
On tho western elope of the moun
tains Lane county has eliminated all
the former heavy grades and right
now has a good nixed crew at work
on tho road. A long plcco of the
lower end haa been macadamized and
Is In perfect shape but back to the
east heavy teaming haa cut the road
up when wet and It haa dried out
very rough. Rain that on thla aide
helpa by packing the Band, oa the
other makes trouble by softening the
An previously announced tho For
est Service Is ready to co-operate
with the county In Improving a four
mllo stretch' to 'Windy Point. People
in Hi. fnnntrv are interested
in htrln- tho trnrlr itnne. and are
ready to pledge their credit to this
end. Rend. too. Is Interested nndx
pects to assist the Sisters people by
pledging up to sa.uuu ,or io.wuu.
Redmond. It Is understood, will fur
nish $1,000 or possjbly $2,000. With
it lt ihn mil nf thiv Itnnrarement
something around $10.000 can bo
met, and tho road raado ready for the
travel that la expected to pass over
It during l'Jio.
Great Interest la being shown In
the road, according to Mr. Kofoe, and
In Portland, where ho wont from Bu-
feno. ho was asked many questlous
bout the trip by peoplo who hove
planned to take It as aoon na they can
lie assured of making it easily In
their automobllos. That tho trip can
be made ts true rlgut now. of count,
na Is shown by tho number of ma
chines that ore making it everyday,
but there are still a few hard placei
and tho tarejul tourist ,wanta . ty
avoid oven them. For this reason
those Interested In the road want to
see thoso remaining Improvements
i ,
II. C. EI.M9