PAGK 4. THK I1KNI) 11UM.KT1N, HENI OnK WEDNESDAY, JULY H, tftl I. THE BEND BULLETIN ; Published Every Wednesday) GEORGE PALMER PUTNAM Editor nnd Publisher. ROlERT W. SAWYER Associate Editor. An Independent nowspapor stand ing for tlio Bquaro deal, clean busi ness, elenn polttlca nnd tho best'lu ,iensts of Mend nnd Ccntrnt Oregon fl WELL REGEIV! k una rear $1.50 Blx months 80' Three months 60 . ii - mJj All subBcrlptlona nra duo nnd' PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of oTiilrntlon nro mnllcd subscribers nnd U rcnowM Is not mndo within ronson ablo tlmo the paper will bo discon tinued. , Plcaso notify us promptly of nny cbango of nddress, or of lnlturo to rc colvo tho pnpor regularly. Othorwlso wo will not be responsible for copies missed. Mako Ml checks nnd orders pay able to Bend Bulletin. aaafersa"!1 ii . . i ft NORTH END WORKERS ARE ACTIVE WEDNESDAY, JULY S. 1914. Culver Paper 8nyn Support fur IVo' prosed Jeffcrtioii Comity Practical ly Unanimous in Timt Terri tory Slttcr Herald Endorse OTHER DIVISIONS PROPOSER. Discussing the proposal to form n now county front oastorn llarnoy courtty nnd western Mainour, tho On tario Argus tmys: "There can bo tin uucstlon nhout Malheur nnd Harney counties being too largo for econom ical management, nnd It Is only. a question of dividing thorn up to tTto best possible lulviuitngo. Tho soulh-J orn part of tho county will ask to loi sol asldn ns soon nil thv hnvo thc'iti requisite nmouut uf.tnxnblo propiTlv, so thnt tho Western cut shovild bo mado with tho second cut In view." fruit jars Milton Sure Heal SkitRc Hardware Co. Adv. 'Ai Z13 On behnlf of tho Committees - and all tho people of Bend, Tho Bulletin extends to each nnd -fevery visitor who spent tho V Fourth hero sincere thnnks for coming nnd for helping to niso tho day n success. It was Bend's desire to give It's guests n real .4?. good time and If Bend succeed ed In that endeavor It is well satisfied wo of Bend enjoyed - hnving you with us ns much ns -? we trust you enjoyed being hero. - t WE HAVE OTHERS. ,JA natural wonder which will mma day attract thousands of sight seers Is the largo butte between Bend nnd La Pine." So says the Portland Oregonlnn in an editorial Monday. Truo enough. Lava Butte Is a re markable natural wonder, and mer its tho attention of slghtscekcrs. And there are a score of other nature-made wonders in this llttle-scon Central Oregon neighborhood, equal-' ly meriting pilgrimages, and soma day equally to be enjoyed. Tho Ice Caves, a dozen miles south easterly from Bend are a truly unique natural phenomenon. Benham Falls, on the Deschutes, above town, Is ns beautiful n bit of turbulent river as can bo cecn In all the Northwest, and all about Is an ex-J quisuo parx oi majestic umoer. The Canyon of tho Deschutes for 100 mites offers a rare stretch of f ccnlc grnudeur, equalled by no other river valley in the West, excepting only tho Grand Canyon of tho Colo rado. Gultaa Lake, and half a doxon mountain lakes within a score of miles from Bend are more beautiful anducertalnly more replete with at tractions for the sportsman, than most of tho fumed lake resorts of America. Tho, snow eoverol mountains to the west of us are as well equipped with glaciers, torrctftlal streams, everlasting snowflelds nnd giant tim ber as nny in the West, and their recreation riches need only to be tested to win the hearts of lovers of the Open. The hot springs at Paulina Lake, the sulphur springs at Spark's Lake and other similar resorts now in the rough, and beautifully surrounded, hold their own with an. . in snort, let tne stranger but pry Into the scenic attractions of our country and" he will revel In the sur prises with which It will reward hlur In speaking of tho county division activity In northern Crook county, whtch proposes to establish n now county, the Culver Trtbuno hnB this to say: "Tho county division petition Is be ing signed by practically everybody where the petition is being circulated. In localities near tho proposed boun dary line, whero it was said vory few wcro in favor .of tho proposition, practically nil of tho residents nro signing. In. some cases whero a nat ural outlet to n county scat In tho new county Is moro favorable than towards Prluovlllc, tho pcoplo nro nnxlous to bo In tho now county, al though tho proposed lino would keep them in tne old county. "It Is thought by a large majority of tho people that tho Improvements which have been secured In the por tion of tho present county which In asking to bo set apart, nro not In proportion to tho taxes paid Into tho treasury. Ono of the most forceful arguments Is the fact that tho coun ty being so largo, has not Interests In common that one portion Is Jeal ous whon another portion In which there Is practically no Interest In common secures improvements. That argument appllos not only to tho north portion but to nil portions, nnd people nro coming to the conclusion that tho strife and turmoil ongondcr- ed by ronson of this fact will be hlgh-i ly unsatisfactory and nxpenslvo so i long ns the county Is so largo. There will evidently bo no trouble so far as the requisite number of signers is conccrnod. and tho vote will llkoly run close to unanimous In the northern part. There may be some doubt as to tho other portion of the county, but a great number In that portion nro now coming to the conclusion that, tho division will bo u benefit to nil concerned; that division will allow tho smaller counties to go CA81IMAN IS AN ATIILKTK. On Monday Morris Cnshmati uf the Uutul Hotel ninl Kd Walker, who wurks at tho Metropolitan, held n tiiM.ituro trnct ncet nt the in I X'fjut.d. Tho contest resulted fruiu n bet, tho loser cf tho "moot" ti am ply champagne tn tho nudlcnc. The ovants wero putting tho shot, SO yard dash nnd running broad Jump. Tho last two wore won by Cnshmnii, who proved himself somo athlete. Walker scented greatly surprised nt his defeat, hnving been a star track man nt n colored college in isortn Dakota. It Is said that all his July Fourth protlts wero required to pay tho bet. 5VtV-AVVvtt-V.VV-A-.VVVV I 12 Days Clearing Sale! NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Jn tho County Court of tho Stnto of Oregon for Crook County In the matter of the Estate of Oli ver Johnson, deceased. The under signed, having been appointed Exe cutrix of tho Last Will nnd Testa. ment of Oliver Johnson, deceased. no- ttco Is hereby glvon to the creditors of said Estate nnd to nil persons hnv-j Ing claims ngntnst said doceascd. to present thoiu duly verified ns roqu'.r-1 ed by law, within six months from the) dnto of this notice, to the undersign', ed nt the oltlco of C. S. BoUHon, Luw- yer. Bend, Orogon. Dated this Sth day or July, 1914. JENNIE NICOLENE JOHNSON 1S-21C filassrfiftl i Advertising Advertisements Inserted under this heading nt the rate of OXK CENT A WORD each Insertion. Culi mum accompany nil orders from pcmoin not tuning n regular account with Tlio Hiillctln. No mlvertl-cmrnt Ink- ahead harmoniously, becauso there j for less than 13 cents each Insertion. win do nmoro common interest In county affairs." The following expression from tho Sisters Herald is of interest: "As most of tho readers of the Herald know, the county division question Is being talked and agitated in tho north end or tho county. At first it was considered a very unnd visable move, but recently tho move ment has met with new backing. Re ports from different sections aro to tho Affect thnt It the north endcrs want to'break away and will take th.- Hon. Judge G. Springer with them, tberest of the county will favor and work together for that end." WANTED. WANTED I can locato you on u few good timber claims while they ' last. J. II. Miner, Bend, Ore. 15tf WANTED Girl for gcnornl house I work. Apply at O. M. Patter-' sons. J2tf WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Good wages and permanent position. Mrs. C. S. Hud son. I2tf. R. ML Smith Clothing Co. For Twelve Days Only, Beginning July 9th and ending July 20th inclusive, we will put on a Real, Genuine Clearing Sale of Season able Merchandise, and just at the time you really need such goods. All New, Clean, Up-to-the-Minute Merchandise such as appeals to high class trade, but we slaughter these goods for 1 2 days only. Remember the date and call early to get choice selections from this superb line of seasonable merchandise. Ladies' and Children's Dresses, Skirts and Suits. All Our $13 '.0 Silk Drossoa go nt , 7.7ft the Rrr All Our 9 00 and $10.00 811k Drosses go at only vft.fto die l)ii All Our $12 50 Wool Check Drosses nt only the Drm All Our $9.00 and $ 10 00 Wool Serge Dresses at only .V30 llip lien. All Our $7.50 Wool Serge Dressos nt only , , Vl.00 thn lire All Our $6.00 Wool Serge Drosses at only ,,, VJI.7.1 the lire All Our $3. CO and $4.00 White and Fancy Crepe Or owes nt only ,.' the lrv All Our $2.00 and $2.25 Olngham House and Street Dresses nt only ,.. 9I.UII the I . All Our $l.f.O and $1.7$ (llugham House and Street Dresses at only VI. Ill Hip llrt All Our $1.00 nnd $1.25 Olngham House and Street Drosses nt only . ,.. ,7,1 the Hrr All Our $2.00 Children's Gingham Dresses at only HI.U.1 the llir All Our $1.50 Children's Gingham Dresses at only , , the Krr All Our 75 Cent Child's Gingham Dresses at only ... 8.1ft the lrro All Our $25.00 Ladles' Suits at only . . . ., .' -i:M0 tlir Hull All Our $22.60 Ladles' SultH at only 8II..10 tho Hull All Our $20.00 ladles' Hulls at only . ftto.iio llio Suit i i s s i t i 5 S t FOR RENT. FOR RENT Suite of three mod- All Our Ladles $15.00 Hulls or Coats nt only All Our $1.00 Ladles' Walking Skirts at only. All Our $0.00 Ladles' Walking Hklrta at only All Our $7.50 ladles' Walking Skirts at only. All Our $$.00 Ladles' Walking Skirts nt only All Our $9.00 and $10.00 .Ladles' Walking Skirts at only t t ftSSSSSSl the Nult .:!.7. Karli .Kl.Uft Knrli .VI. 7ft Enrh .Vft.iift lirh ..(1.ft Ivnrli THE ABOVE (.'ARJIENTS ARK ALL KTRICTLY HIGH CLANS. .MADE UV HOME OF THK REST DESIGNERS AND OPERATORS IN NEW YORK CITY. WHERE STYLE MUHT RE CORRECT AND YOl OWE IT TO YOl'RHELF TO INSPECT THESE GARMENTS. WASH DRESS GOODS. , AN, OPPORTUNITY. "With-the Improvements In tho Mc Kenxle Tpad across the Cascades be ing made, and assurance of a very heavy auto touring travel for 191C, a plan comes to mind that has been suggested to exploit tne Central Ore-, gon routes Is worthy of consideration and approval. The scheme Is to prepare map showing the roads through this sec tion by which travellers to and from San Francisco may vary their routes south nnd north. .Thousands of can next year will go from north-Pacific points to California and from Cali fornia to tne Northwest. If proper attention Is called to tho matter, hundreds of them will choose the Central Oregon routes, with their many attractions. A simple map could be Jssuorl showing, for Instance, the route from The Dalles through to California via Dend, Including' the .wonderful Col umbia river boat trip; showing tho two scenic routes across the Cascades from tho Wllametto valley: showing how Crater Lake may be Includod on the tour; calling attention to the special points of interest, and the stopping places along the rout on. 'A few hundred such maps, printed on cardboard, say, and posted In tho garages and hotels up and down the Coast from Seattle to San Diego would do a world of real good. The expense would bo Inconsiderable and the benefit great. The Commercial -Club could do no better wprk. cent a word 'IS ALL A LITTLE '.- WANT AD -WILL COST YOU ( 'PHONE IT IF YOU WISH. 'A feature of Saturday's celebra tion that contributed greatly to the enjoyment of all was the playing of the local band. It is to be hoped that arrangements can be made to keep up the band organization and provldo concerts throughout the week as was done last year. Says the Kansas .-P,Uy StaK "Wouldn't you hate to'lm 'sJtandpaTt riollUclan and have to feelbadbe causbthe big wheat crop has insured jprospjrlty?" 4 ' r . wrtWMMW - We make a specialty of outfitting Camping Parties. Try us and you'll be SATISFIED Bert Shuey The Cash Grocer' All 1 5 Cent Figured Crepes go nt only , ynt prr Ynnl All 25 Cent Figured and Plain Crepes and Volley nnd Ratlno at only. I7!i Vnt prr Yard All 35 Cent Figured Grenodlnes at on,ly r tift Out it Yard j All 50 Cent White and Colored Ratlno nt only . . . M lift Cents ikt 1 anl t All CO Cent Figured Silk Poplin at only r. 40 (VmIn iter Yard ! All $1.00 Figured Silk Foulard at only ' ...? tViitw p.-r nrtJ I' All $10.00 Patterns Figured Silk Poplins at only. ., , V7.00 the Pattern J All $0.00 Patterns Silk Crepe De Chlno at only ..4 . l.fto thr I'atirni ' All $1.25 yard. 45 Inch White Flouncing Crepe at only 70 (ViiIm the Ynnl I All 70 Cent per yard, 27 Inch White Crepn Flouncing at only ... .V. no Cents tho Yard I All 90 cent per yard. 27 'nch Swiss Flouncing at only ...,..., Oft (Vuts the Ynrtl I All 05 Cent, 27 Inch Swiss Flouncing st only .,.,.... -Irt Ceuu tho Ynnl J All 50 Cent Bilk Embroidered Crepe Alt Over at only uo Ccntn the Ynrtl I All Men's $2.60 Straw lints. Sailor Rrlm, at '.' ju (Vntn the Hnt ; All Men's $1.50 Straw Hats, Bailor, Ilr'lm, at ..... , HO Out the Hat All Men's $2.00 Straw Hats, Sailor Rrlm, at Hl.iW thn lint 1 Lot Real Genuine Panama Hats nt the lint I lLot Men's $3.00 Fino Fur Hats, Good Styles, at VI. no the Hat I 1 Lot Men's $3 00 Fine Fur Hats, Good Styles, at VI. 00 the Hnt ; 1 Lot Men's and Roy's $1.00 Flnu Fur Hats, Good Style, at , 00 Cents the Hat ROYS STRAW HATS REDUCED. vvi.wv':vvtvvvvvwv4vtA4t J ern housekeeping Klein. rooms. J. J 18tf FOR RENT Modern cottago com. pletcly furnished. Reasonable (trice to responsible person. Inquire Ilulle tln olllcc. lOtt FOR RENT Two room cabin, partly furnished. $5 per month. Rend Grocery. One block east of dqjiot. Otf FOR RENT Small houso partly furnished. $5 a month; also tent houso adjoining. Near dopot. In qulro at Bulletin. 49tf FOR RENT Pasture. G40 acres newly fenced. Plenty of water and grass, 2A miles southeast of town. Inquire Charles SIpchen. 13tf FOR RENT Ofllccs on Wall street very cheap. Apply Rulletin Ofltco. FOR RENT Rooms centrally lo ented. Electrlo lights nnd water. Suitablo for housekeeping. Cheap. Apply Rulletin Olllce. FOR RENT Two room suites fur nished for light house keeping. Henklo&Rynn. 12tf FOR HALE. FOR SALE Want to go to Con- tru Oregon, will sell Vj Interest iti good pool hall and olciir store chonn. $300.00 down balance can bo nrrang- ed on easy terms or will tako entile; at or near Hond for first paymont. Address, 34 E. Wlnchol street, Port land, Oregon. 18-10p FORflALEp-Chenp. Ono 2 year old horse, colt well bred, that will mako a light harness driver. M. a, Coe 16tf FOR SALE At auction a( stock yards, Saturday, July 18, ne o'clock. Cows and household goods. 18-19cb FOR BALE Cheap. Two slnglo beds. Inquire Rulletin office, 17tf FOR SALE Registered O. I. C. pigs. Phone or wrlto O. C. Card well, Rend. 13tf FOR SALE Horse, buggy nnd harness. $76. Oeorg 'Gates, at post olllce. I7tf FOR BALK Good homo, weight about 1300 pounds. 7 years old. In qulro Bhuoy a Grocery. 17tf FOR BALE Hotel. Tho Altnmont, Rend, Oregon. A modern, profitable, woll furnished hotel on terms, W. A. Hammond, Dubuque, Iowa. IC-lpp FOR BALE 30 head of well bred Jersey eows, milking with their first calves, also n fow excellent heifers. Prices reasonable. Phono or address L. R. Lafollott, Prlnovtllo, Oro. 1720p FOR BALE Two good relinquish ments adjoining. Two and one hulf mllos from ARalfn, Oregon, near main canal. $250 enoh. Wrlto or In quire, Wj II. B., Alfalfa, Oro. 17-lHp FOR BALE Rlack Minorca eggs for sotting, $1,26 for 13. Leuvo or dors nt .Bather's store. J tc FOR SALE Ono Durham Ayr shire milk cow Just frosh. Also Ml waukue binder, first clnme shunu prlco $50.00. A guarnutefd Uur gnln. A. A. Ilerg, Gist, Ore. 15-1 so. FOR BALE A first class rolln. qulshment under tho Hwnll-. Ditch 26 water Hhnras, nnd mott- if deslrod 30 acres Improved. 20 In crop. K J, Rogers, Lnldlaw. itr FOR BALE All kinds of rough, and dressed lumber, at Andorson Rros, sawmill half nny betweon RonoJ and Laldlaw, on old Tutnato road. Reasonable- prices, rough lumber $10 per M. Dollvorlng to Rend or Lald law $2 per M, Telephone. 19t LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Rnrrel of gasollue. In quire Rulletin oftlco. l$r LOST On tho Fourth. Child goiu ring set with gnrnot. Plndtr ploasu loavo at Shuey'a grocery. lStp, FOUND Wultham watch, silver case. 800 Frank C. Albee, Ken wood. 18j LOST A gold watch, probably near Hteldl'a dam. Fob marked with Initials "II. H. It." Llhornl rewnrd. 800 J. W. Riiusell, Emblem Club. 1 MISCELLANEOUS. TO TRADE--For team of twrsw Woll drilling outfit In first clnss con dition valued nt f 1(0. J. II. Min or. iotf REWARDI 26 for arrest iuu conviction of tho party that nllloS iny shepherd dog, Frank J. (Ruder. Mllllcnn Valloy, 17-18o ir r & r ill I li California rnr KMtoitsni rtiUfTKmi CAUrpRltlA WA.CmtJ miii m Ttxp'UILPllKr STAjM W.UtO-sTOtlr. lOmp Bit rOLDI iroa 'fVOSAMUIS any CALirouniA urn V i . " . issx v i wr ' T "fvr, S HTf ,'.j ' ,