rAOR n. t WALL STREET ON JULY FOURTH, 1910 11UHINE8H AND nOFIMNtONAL. ItOIIKKT JI. GOULD Civil Engineer llond Oirgon THE IIEND BULLETIN, 1IKND, ORE., WKDNKHDAY, .TrLY I, 1011. M'KENZIE ROAD IN GOOD SHAPE mmsmajmmmBMmmmwwtmMmmmm I MUCH WOKK DONE ON ROUTE Potently lit'inriiini( mitl OoiiuHon on lliilli HIiIcn of .MoiuiImIiis llnvn .Miitln I jiiko Uieiull(iiro-llluli way 1'opiilnr for Automobile. Wont from tliu Kiikuuo Forestry oIHch nml from the Inaal hmuliiinr Iith. In to tint effect that tint Mo Ken ii; likliwity across ihu disomies from tlii Wlllnmottu vnllity Ih open for auto (rattle nml I In fur liner condition tliiui over before. Tint Forestry De partment lms limiii Instrumental In olitalnliiK nearly $20,000, which will In spout to complete tho hltthwiiy III In summer. Hlnco Inst huiiiiiid'. .10 por rimi grade lirtvc been out down to 7 pur cent. AllhotiKli Hid Mlllloaii Hill Kmilo hurt not yet boon reduced ninl will not ho for another two months yet. thin romnlnltiK obstacle Is not loo illillcult for nny cnnfiil driver. PiinhIiik of Himw Marks Oprnlnn, Tim pnssltiK of the mow on the summit of tho Cascades, oi thn lava beds nt tli n foot of Tliroo Sisters, In whnt mnrka tint nponliiK of thn ronil, for tliu ronil work on Dondhorsn Hill, lip most (limciilt Krnu. wih rornplot ih! last nll. Thin year throo miles of now rouil liiivi) been rut In nullil riK-k. nml only ono tnoro heavy uradu U left. At tintMottt Crook County nnd Sup ervisor Morrltt of tho Deschutes Nn- tlonnl Forest, nro working wlln $lono to Im uxpendod before July 1 on thu sand grades on thn unit sldo of thn liioiintiilnri. After July 1 about IJOoo In equal pnrtn. of county and (internment money, wilt Im nvnl! nldn to complete thin work Before July 1 on thn wont sldo of thn sum mil $1(00 will have boon expended, nml nftnr July 1 morn than $R0OO In available to complete that pnrt of thn McKmule IIIkIiwiiv near thu sum mil nbovo McKonzIo Bridge. Individual IXxtrlrtN Aid. Thmin figures do not Ineludo thn money to ho spent along tho MoKnn iln Itlvor Ity thn Individual ronil dls UlcU nnd ly the county. Tho Dluo Itlvor district linn taxed Itself to ex pond $7000 on hut a few mile of ronil. It moans that thn motor car traffio through Oregon from now on may eomo through thn Willamette Vnllny hr fnr an Kimono, whore turnlnK east, It mny cross thn Casrndcs Into Con- trnl OrnKon ovor purhnpn tno most rcMiile hlKhway In Oregon wun n max linuni unvoti lor cont Krndo on almost mamtdnm ioi.iIm. In thin wny would ton avoided thn rough rendn nnd thn tremnndnUM grades of tho Pacific Highway through tho Siskiyou moun tains lintv.fon Eugene ami Mimroru A nlili) nttrnctlnn In the flnlilnc In the McKemlo river, the hot springs and thn ihii ny othnr lure for nutnUln nnd rampern In the hill reRlon. An n route between California nnd Port land thin midoulitndly will Im most popular next wimmor, when auto tmfUr hi exMrted to 1 very heavy One Into Central Ormn. the mo tor tourlil drlvoM tlirotiKh the Junk jIho over rnd. that never are mud dy or riMiKh lieeniine of the noil for mathtn. wnt Crater like to Klnnufi KrIU, nvoldltiR the moiintnlnn. I'roni Klaiunth Pall he mny pat onto the hlRhwayn of California by the new Jnaknon County HlRhwnv. or ho ma' renoh the Lincoln llluliwny cunt y way of Lake Tnhoo. A (Invnrnment telephone lino, fit. ted with wnnther-proof telephone a' inched to thn treci for the benefit of thn tourist nnd thn forest Ruard Jointly, follow tho road over thu mi nun It Into BUtern. Tho trip from" Hit Rene to Ilend, n dlitnnre of HO mllen. In a day will he comparatively enny fo mnohlnon thin Hiiiniiiur, nccordliiR to tho fureti try olllolnln. I(IMI IWTATK TIIANSI'KItt. (IfNiiril by thn Crook County Ah htmrt Coiiipniiy.) Htalo to 1 A. Konnard NK 8V 20-lR-in. If. K. to John W. Hoiutou pntont HVi HH 2- NV NK, NK NV 81-18- 18. W V. Vnndevort to Ahvorth-Wanli-Imrn' Co. UK 26-1C-10. $2000. U. H. to 1irn Miller pntont NM NK. 8W NK. NV BH 20-11-12. Kunwood Promotion Co. to Mary J. HtiteH Uh. 9, 10, hlk. la. Kenwood. U. H. to I.nnoolot Ilohlm pntont KM, NH. N',4 HK 10-13-13. Hand Park Co. to Kniiiin M. Hrnd ford It. 10, hlk. 11. Mend Park, $200. Hnmo to Sflino It. 18, hlk. 109 let add Ilend Park. $160. KrnnolH KoroHt to Chnrlea P. V Hon Ulk. 1, ltd. 1 to 8, hlk. 10. IU. 1 to , U to H. hlk. 11. Mndran Chnrlos I U'lton to Orln A. Ponrco Ulk. 1. Hm. 1 to. hlk. 10, Its. a to I. Ulk. 11, Madras. . .Ilonil Park Co. to Chnrlos H. Hnn Hln It. 17, hlk. 101, 1st add llond H. 'c. Ooldwoll to Mary K. CnW well M Int. It. i, hlk, 10. llond. $2600. - .... (llunn Cox to Ubhiiiiih l'otemon d 33 wntor rlBhts for NH 8V U-10-18- I'loyd Doinont to David II. Morloy Us, 0-10, hlk. IB, Kenwood, Dosort Land Hoard to A, !'. J. Mil ler cort. of.proof 8V HW 90-10-14. A. P. J. Mlllor to I-'rank W. Mo Qaffory Hanio. t , Btato to 1 W. MoCnffory ot nl wntor rllit BW 4-16-10. II. Korroll to Hormnn qtockort Nw NK 30-18-13. Potors Shot Chin nnd HHlo amrnu nltton. Skuso llardworo Co. Adv. That old soiir, "Ain't It funny what four yearn oro It wnn tnltrn durliiK n dlfforenco Jltnl a few liourn mnkoT ' (' celehratlon of the Fourth of Jul v UIII.III.M In inwim iim Willi II H iwoilln ' 1",t ypftr' l,," ',llow,, ahuttt n" "l0 "I P tnwiu an well as people. t fnol,PM )n lown on ,mrd. Notlre the hulldlnKM ns they woro especially If you chniiRo "hours" to "yearn." For luntance, look at tho plnture nliovn of Wall ntrctit In 1010, CHURCH NOTICES IlnptUt. Illliln ncliool 10 u. in. Preaching service ut 1 1 o'clock. The ordinance of tho third's Kupper will ho observed at thn close of tho mornluK service. Yoiiiik Indies' ineotliiK ul 7 p. in. PrenchliiR service nt N. Hubjcct: "Tho Day of ludnpundnnce." (lieu nifd are now. Four years iiko there wan not a brick or stone stru turo on Wnll Htrret In tho picture on the extreme left, now stands tho stono Mean building Further down the street, on tho left, O'DontieH'M blK brick biilldlnK tins replaced the shnckn of tho photORrnph, nnd fori 100 feet to tho corner of Oregon ' r.treet Is the handsome brick building erected by the H SI. Hinith Company nnd tho Desrhuteti Invostmont Co. And on the right, replacing the wood en store In tho foreground of the plcturo (which has been destroyed by lire) In the Bather building. HIONH FOU KAI.K. "For Ilrnt," "For Hale." "Ilooms lo lct", "lloiisrkeeplnic ltlM)nls,,, "No Ailiiilllanre," "So Hmoklrig," etc., (,, I'lnrards printed In birgo type on 1 1 envy brUtol iKinril, in rrnii earli. ItfiN In iuantltieM. llulletln Ofllce.M2tr FOH HUNT Two room suites fur nlshed for light house keeping. Ilenklo b Itynn. 12tf Adv. SEE US FOR YOUR FLOAT ' FOR THE FOURTH BEND SIGN COMPANY The BRICK GARAGE O.V 1IOM) HTItKKT WIMi UK COMI'I.irTFD IN' A fOlI'Mi OF WKHKB This Villi Ik) tho largrst nnd lcM KariiRO bullillng In Central Oregon. Arrnugn Now For STOHAtJi: AT MOIIKItATK ILVT1W Kxert llcpalr Work nt Fair Prices RESULTS GUARANTEED Wo Dlolrlbiito Cbnlniers Ji Knxon Cars nnd Kclilcn Trucks OASOI.INF HUNDItlHH TEb Ecnd Garago Company It. K. Ilnnly l. 11. Hrunkn T. W, Hardy ik il 6 V 4 i Tfip modem stove tor the farm FOR BEST KE3UI.T3 useVcarloil A good oil stovo cooks just as well as a wood or coal range and docs it quicker and cheaper. It saves your time and strength for there's no wood, coal or ashes to lug. Tho New .Perfection hums lcrosciic the clean, cheap, easily-handled . fuel Its blue flame gives an intenso heat and you can regulate it to any degree you want just Jiko n gus- range. It doesn't smoke nor taint the food. An ideal summer stov,o because it doesn't over-heat the kitchen. Many use it the year 'round. Dealers everywhere. Standard Oil Company (CsJlforals) Bend Stop at The Altninont on the Fourth. Chicken dinner 35c. Adv. MAItKKT KKI'OHT. NOKTII 1'OKTLANI), June 2C Ilecelpts for the week have been: cattle 1CG3, calves 1C0, sheep CC10, hogs 3771. Cattle liquidation largo this week, Monday having about 1200 head. Prices held firm for the first half, but eased off toward tho close, especially on medium grade stuff which litis comprised the most of tho week's receipts. Ilrnt light fod steors 7.0 to $7.0(, Rrnss 17.26 to $7.40; cows 1 6. CO to IG.Sb with few choice tops at 17; bulls 14 to $fi. Swine run not of large volume for tho last week In Juno. Market holding steady at 8 cents at thn week's oloso. Outlet good and buying demand above the average. Bliccp house continues to hold strong. Receipts of sheep and lambs good, and prices steady with last week. Top yearl ings selling around 15, two year olds I4.7G, lambs C. Mutton trado In excellent shape. OHKGON TItL'NK TltAIN Arrives ... 8 a, m, Loaves 8:30 p.m. O..W. It. & N. TltAIN. - Arrives 7:45 p. m. leaves 7:25 a. rn. HTAOi: LINE JiOUTII. - Arrives 7:30 p. m. - Leaves 10 a. m. Al'TO MXKfl. - Cars dally to Hums and points south and southeast. - POHTOFFICK HOVItfl. General deltvery open daily 0:30 a. m. to C p. ra. - General delivery open Sunday - 9:30 to 10 a. in. - Night train mnil closes 7 p. m. - Day train mall dotes C:30 a. in. - TliLHCltAPH IIOL'KS. Western Union dally 7-12,1-C, 7-10. Sunday 8-10. 4-C. - TKLKPlIONi: HOL'ILS. Pioneer Co., twenty-four hour service. Including Sunday. Fraternal Societies I. O. O. F. Ilend Lodgo No. S1H. Regular meeting every Mon day night at 8 o'clock In Bath er's Hall. Visiting brother cordially welcome. M. A. PALMER. V. O. GEO. P. O'iv'E, Secretary. THE FRATERNAL IIROTHER JIOOI). Ilend Lodge No. 897 meets In Bather's Hall every Thursday cvonlnK, with social on third Thursday each &.onth. Visiting members cordially Invited. Mrs. G. W. Bhriner, Pres. Leroy Fox, Secretary. ROYAL XEIGHUORH OF AMERICA. llannor Camp No. OO.ll. Regular meetings second and fourth Tuesdays, Bather's Hall. MRS. J. II. CONNARN, Oracle. MRS. A. ORCUTT. Recorder. ? THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY A Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD' TTo United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET IIENNETT, HINNOrr & GAL1X)WAV Attorneys at I-aw General I'racllcu The Dalles, Orogon ROUBRT W. 8AWYBR NOTARY I'UIIMO Uulletln Ofllco, Ilend, Oregon 8. R. HOGIN Inil Attorney Tluslncss before the U. 8. Land office a specialty. Twenty five years experience in practice be fore tho local U. 8. Land Office and tho departments nt Wash ington, D. O. Offices over tho Deschutes State Rank. REND :-: :-: OREGON J. II. Dell A. W. Hlms CROOK COUNTY AHSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to The J. H. Ilnner Abstract Co., Prlneville, Oro. Abstrncta Insurance W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Office Over Postofflce Dcnd, - Oregon WILLARD II. WIRTZ LAWYER Prlnoville, Oregon. U. C. COE, M. D. Physician nnd Hurgeon Office over First National Dank Offlco Hours: 10 to 12 a. ra.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. REND. :-: OREGON C. S. BENSON Attorney At Law Benson Building. Wall Street Bend, Oregon. VERNON A. FORBES LAWYER First National Bank Building Bond. :: :-: Oregon GE0KGE3. YIUNQ Civil and Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer of J lend. Room 5 First National Bank Building II. II. DoAKMOND LAWYER Sather Building Bend. Oro. II. C. ELLI8 Attorney-at-Lavr United States Comrniuloncr First National Bank Building BEND. OREGON DR. J. II. CONNARN DENTIST Office In Sather Building. Houra 9 to 19. I to 5. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. DR. A. B. CROPP Chiropractor DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Ofllco over Miller Lumber Co., Wall Street. Hours; 9-12, 1-5. O. P. NISWONOER, Bend. Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed Einbalmer, Funeral Director, Phono. .Lady Assistant GEO. B. WH1TCOMB Prospector For wator and mineral Poat olllco address BEND, OREGON ii. i- rn. . iM-r.vu-tMltD rOR ruHUuU ADVERTISING BY THE .GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO 0RANCHC3 IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES