PAOti B. Till: ItKNI) Ilt'IiLKTIN, IlKNI), OIIK., WKDNK8DAY, Jl'NK Ut, Mil, SLAYER OF BABE CONFESSES ACT TriE FEAR OF POVERTY I HAUNTED SlicHon Admits That Ho Killed His Two Hour 6hT Baby nt CJriuily tfawiullt Rave Infant Lnutln- nutit and Then Burned Body, STREET WORK IS FINIS OIL TREATMENT NOW PROPOSED Would Sort hk Hinder mid Keep Down Dint I r o a r Crowning Should Turn Water Wnll Street KxtcnMun Will he Dono Hoon, PR1NEVILLE, Juno IS. Confess ing that ha killed hla 2-hour-old baby with a dose of laudanum, and that ho BtufTed tho little body In tho kit chen stove in an effort to burn it. I), K, Shelton, employe of tho Comptnn sawmill, Orlnly Mountain, tuyi he expects to hand for his deed, Shelton confessed after county of ficials had Investigated tho case thoroughly, and had enmeshed him In a not of avidenco. He said that fear that hla wlfo would bo unable to do her share towards earning a livelihood after tho baby come, had prompted tho crime. Tho baby .was born about 2:30 o'clock Thursday morning, two weeks ago, as was told in Tho Bulletin last week. Neighbors helped Mrs. Shol ton all they could and thon returned to their home. Shelton says that after these women left the mother fell asleep, and that ho took the child into tho nest room, and that soon it begun to fret. "It mado mo looso my patlonco," said Sholton. "and I gave it a big dose of laudanum, holding a cloth so that the drug would not spilt on Its clothes. Then I placed tho baby by its mother's side. When sbo woko up and fouud the baby dead she call ed to me. Then I took the baby and put it on the floor in tho kitchen while I went back to quiet my wire. ''When I returned to tho kitchen tho child's clothes had caught fire and It was qntto badly burned. Then I put the body In the stove." Later, Shelton confessed, he bur ied the body and still later, becoming afraid of discovery had dug it up and burned It In tho mill furnace. Shelton camo to this country about a year ago. HKNi) is I'ltirrrv good. A litter from Frank I.. Holton, formerly of Dend and now at Ann Arbor, Mich., contains the following: "If conditions are not at present as active aa you wouid like, remem ber that they, are also verx quiet all over, and don't forget that you have ono big thing to be thankful for, that Is your wondorful climate. In this respect, no other section of the coun try can touch Bend." With tho exception of n few finls'i Ing touches tho road work which hnj been going ou in tho business pnrt of town Is now completed nn Bond has provided herself with n set of 8 1 roots that aro good looking and promlso to wear well. They nra less dusty, too, than tho old ones nnd having boon properly crowned should lot water run off easily so that there will bo no more of tho mud puddles of rormor years. Begun through tho enthusiasm of ono man tho work was carried through by tho subscriptions of busi ness men and other property owners and tho co-operation of tho city coun cil. Volcanic clndora from tho pit on tho sldo of Pilot Butte" have been spread on tho streets bounding tho business blocks and tho county road roller has been used to work them down Into n surface covering. At slight additional expenso It will bo posslbta to treat tho roads with oil. which will keep down tho dust nnd servo as a binder and this is now be ing considered. Other Work (Jolng On. Tho county roller Is still In town and In a few days will give tho streets a final rolling before returning to mo worK on trio i.niumw road, and tho oxtenslon of Wall streot. This work is progressing favorably nnd tho end of the week will probably sco it nnishcd. On the Wall street extension tho excavation Is finished to Lytic and two days work has been put In on the rock work there. Aslda from tho completion of this section of tho street there remains only tho grad ing and tho Improvement of tho con nection with the county bridge. The work l)aa been In chargo of County Commissioner Bayloy and Road Supervisor Elder, tho city sup plying drills and equipment for the road work. WILLIAM JOHNSON, PIONEER OFGENTRALOREGON,BIES Wiik Acllvo In Public Life nnd Had Been Olllccr of tho Swnlley Bitch Company Wns 77 Year Old. William Johnson, ono of tho ear ly Bottlers of tho Contra! Oregon country, died on Tuesday, Juno It), nt tho homo of his daughter, Mrs. C. 1. U'Ren, In Madras. The funeral was held Inst wook nt Madras, tho burial being mado In tho Hnycrouk cemetery. Mr. Johnson wns ovor 77 years old at tho timo of his dentil nnd had liv ed In Contrnl Oregon for .15 years. Ho was born In Ireland nnd In his youth spent Hovornl yearn In Aus tralia, coming to California In 1809 ami thonco to Oregon. Recently he had lived In Deschutes, leaving there for hla daughter's homo when com pelled by falling health. In roportlng his death tho Madras Pioneer spoke of Mr. Johnson as follows: "Mr. Johnson has always boon n very active man in publlo life, al ways inking nn Interest In politics, and also has been several times con nected with tho present county offices In Prlnovtllo, both In olllco and assist ing tho o Ulcers In tho handling of their offices wlion extra help was needed. Ho wns also connected with, and It was largely through his ef forts, that tho only Carey act irrl-i gntlon project In Oregon wns carrlud ' to a Buccesstul completion. Last I spring ho was a delegate at tho Irri-' gntlon Congress, representing tha Swalloy ditch, and much.nttentton watt given him owing to his experi ence along this lino of work.". A. 11. KOOKRH HON COMICS. Ainu Rogers, son of A, It. Honors, tho Minneapolis tlmberlnan whoan holdings aro credited with being tho largest In Contra! Oregon, Is oxpoctud to nrrlvo horo tomorrow, Paul Gar rison will tnkn him up In tho tlinhor for two month's cruising work. Young Mr, Rogora mado n almllitr trip with Mr. tlnrrlMon Inst year, and Is devoting his vacation tlmri to get ting first hand Umbering education, DAXCP. IS Ht'CCKHH. Tho dunco given nt tho opening of the new garage last Thursday nlgli proven a kitiu mii-i-tmn. uirnu crowd attended nnd all voted tho ma nic most excellent. Tho luilbtyig, which Is of stone, was erected by J. II. Wvuandy, and tho lonnoy conduct ing thd garage business is .Newt. Polndoxtor, formerly of Prlnovtllo nnd n brother of Rr.lph Polndoxtor, proprietor of tho Owl Pharmacy horo. CLUB OETS 182 NEW MEMBERS (Continued from pngo 1.) Wood, 11. C. Cady, A.'K. Kd wards. I. O. Minor, N. R. Speck, J. IT, Shouse, K. B. Houston A. B. Davis. I', V. Swlslicr, Rosa Parnhnm, (loo. P, Hoover P, L. Powelion, Alfred II, (love, Thvo. Anno C. A. Vondorhott, 8. Murnankl, C. K. Shepherd, O, K Rosa. A M. Bly, T, N, Dockor. C. M. Rodfleld. J. W. Cloudier. P. B. John son, Uco. A. Jones, Cole Smith, It C. Colvor, A. 11, Horn, R. B. Wobli, W J. Huron, L. K. Young. P L. Young, W. J. Sproat, J. K, Cooper, 0 It. Roberts, Jim Smith, A. O, Walker, Hunter & Stunts', Chns. Blpchou, Ashley Forrest, N. 13. Qllbort, John RECKIYKS INMl'IlY TO KYK. Dan Mlrlch, who has been working on the crew extending Walt street, received an injury to his left eyo sev eral days ago. Ho mado no report of the accident for some time and it is now feared that ho may Ioso tho eye. The New Perkins Hotel 3S.' PORTLAND, OREGON extends to you n cordial invitation 16 make this hotel your headquarters. THOROUGHLY RENOVATED AND REFITTED. Rooms without bath 31.00 and up. Rooms with private bath $1.50 and up. LOCA TION CENTRAL. BEST of SERVICE. A RESTAURAffT WTTII FOOD AND PRICES RIGHT. C. H. SHAFER, Manager NO MORE Mail Orders We will not be here to fill them CLOSING OUT AT COST Cano Hugnr, 17 pound . .91,00 All While Soap, (I ltar i!.l cent Dutch Cleniihcr, U Can. ,..,..,. 1,1 cents Royal linking Powder, I pound 10 cent n Pound Can linking Powder . . , ,75 rciittf YniilllA nnd Iieiuoii anil other lUtimln , , . 10 to UO cent Rice, 1H pound .11.00 Fruit Jam, OunrtK per Do (10 rriiU Htotr, RodfttcaiU nnd Furniture Any Old Price Bend Cash Grocery HAST OP DHPOT. Ferguson. It. 13. Woottoy, 11. J. Par- Ha (1 r IIIpU. Trnv llnninr. (Imi. O'Noll. K. M. Plomlng, It. W. 8awr, J. L lrsan. Kasto' team W. IV Barnes. Oeo. 8. Young, Chns. W. Krsklim, P. I. Jones, Newt. Polndoxtor, (!uy Mo Reynolds. Wm. Caldwell, D. J. Plnn Mlkn Drnnlch, A. I.nvlgnunr, Oconto Straight, P. I). Parker. L. C. Rudow. W. C. McCulston, Joo McKay, August Halherg, Bert Shuey, R. h (Irlinon, M. P. llnwthorno, II. I). Innes, Clin. Meadow Pasture FOR RENT Cattle Delivered PHONE T. C. Merchant Carroll, J. II. Wonnndy, fl. L, Pow- lor, II, It. Iloguu, It. II, Doynrmuiiil, Bruce Deynrmoiid. Ray Duynriunnd, M. J. Dnnlelsan, Jnmes Weaver, W, (lr WniiKh, J. II. Hnuor, Bend Bulle tin, K. A. (Irlflln, John CiinuliiKhniii, P. II. Doncor, 0. M. Uuptll, W. C, Van Clenvo. C. W. Hooch. Chrtido McCnuloy, I.'. II. Brunke, D. V. Mc IiiIohIi, A A. Dickinson, J. K. ling brotsoii, K, W. RlelinriliMiii, L. M. HIahardsnn, B. P, Brandon, J. Bran don u. Roy Johnson, L. C. Purst. Jr.. Clark Paul. K. A. Smith, R. J. TudiL N. P. Welder, J. P. Johnson, Arthur Schilling. Robert Blnekwell, Chns. Lowe, Joo J. Kloln, A. W. Johusoa, John W. Collins, H. K. Roberta, L. D. Wlest, John Diibuls, J, W. Dlinlek, K, P. Ilroitorhuus, Ralph Hpencur, Prank L. Mlllor, Mrs, 0 P. Putnam, Ouy Purst, 0. S. Benson. M. K. Colt, man, Joo lloiell, Oeo. Arnold, Jnck Stanley, K. 1). Hnvumnnn, J, A. Me Closkey, M, A. Palmer, Carl Huntor, A. I). Lewis, I). A. Stover, Oeo. l.o' oll, A. L. Denny, Ivan Kuotts, It, M. Kldor. A Tow hours at a nice classy, clean, up-to-dato place especially .prepared for gontlemon. will remove all worry and troubles, Tho Mutropolttn.-Adv - -- -- - R AL TATE in tit tJt xt ? lumber Complete Stock Dry, Rough and Finishing Lumber Maple and Fir (flooring rr " FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage OR. FARM LANDS Let us show you the property S? conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment . Lath and g Shingles )) Pine House and Irrigation Spout, Lath, Red Cedar Shingles 1 The Bend Company h m t id if OFFICE CORNER WALL anil OHIO $TS. -i- ' , "tt a - L L'r"PLJk ' ' V ' " , .,,- !, ' ;, , , Iffi ::tt '' . ' ' 1 1 tx l ,, .. , . , . ,, .. no o o o o , , O .I ' o o o , , o , . XXX fn i X -