TIIH I1KNI) BULLETIN, IIKNII, ORE., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1DM, TAOK 7. IhV Livestock Sanitary Board Publishes Hog Bulletin Advice Given on Curo of Mors to Prevent Cholera Sanitary Conditions arc Necessarypood Should be Cleanhow to Fight Cholera If it Comes Tlio Rtntn Livestock Sanitary Ilonnl linn Imgim tlm publication of n Imllollit cnncornliiK nintlnra of llvo ntock Miultntlon. Tha II rut number ImH runny nrttoluit on Iiok cholcira mill Instructions on kmipInK lions In u licixtttiy condition, from which thu followliiK I Inkon. "line clmlorn nnd swno iilnicuo nro nntiiro p rot cut h nKnlnnt fniilty snn ltnllou It In it patent fact that rholitrn Ioaos Us vlrulonco In thu liroiuiiru of clean Hnnltnry surround ing.. Hlop and roonll mid sco If you enn clto a ttlngln Inatnncn whom cholera him originated on n ntrlutly Hinltnry fnrin, excepting of cotiroo thOKu lntnncc whom cholera linn linen Introduced hy Infoctml nnltunlH. If It worn poaalhlo to Rtinrd tho food mid wntor supply of awlno with tho miiiiu euro nnd caution that watar and rood for huiimii conmiiupllon la iiuardud, cholera would ho tuoro ram than typhoid fuvor In tho human family Ho fmitianlly little or no precaution am nttuuipted toward KuardliiK tho water mipply of nwlnn that It In Ninall wondnr Indeed that morn rhnlnrn la not experienced In n rouiiuiiiitty whom It hait unco boon Introduced. Then, loo It htm fro quontly boon tho practice of hwIiio Krownrn to uno for awlno foml tho jnirlinKo accumulations of tho farm or Kathor thn aniim from no mo nearby cilty or vlllaRO. Thin- practlco alono In onn that surely wuakona tho dl ao restating comitltutlon of inch Iiokh to which It la tod. Wo do not wlh to maka ourselves undoratood In tho llRht that certain vegetable antra, an potato pooling, root-lop, nnd ontaldu loaves aro harmful, hut wn ran acn no Rood reason why dishwater ahould enter Into tho dint of hogs Inasmuch an It contain prac tically nothlnR of a nourlihlnR naturo nnd moHt generally la heavily charged with soaps and washing powdura which am holh harmful to thn gen eral health of kucIi animal aa aro iinfortiinatn enough to ha forend to drink It, and frequently lead to grave IntMthial dlaordars often mlitakon for cholora, "Often tha pen and sheds mod to lioimo awlnn aro III adapted for thalr umt. Iloga aro omnlvnroua In tholr habit. mcanliiR that they eat of lioth vegelahln and animal matter. Naturo lina provided them with ahort strong nock which tnlRht cnnblo thorn to penetrate tho Rround In search of food, henro a run In a lot, clover or nlfalfa field, or paaturo. will rIvo them both oxorclin and allow them to nly tholr Inherited tendency to root, tiealdea It will permit them to breathn gf nlr uncontamlnated with dust and In mow and youtiR plR tha dow wet voKelatlon will lessen any chancn to. ward digestive dlnordnra hy keeping Iwth thn anont or tho plR and thn breast of tho low treo from Injurious contnmlnatlona. -DiiHlv bona ahould ho avoided. warm hoiie ahould bo provided In j which n plentiful aupply or aunllRht' tind puro air ran enter Muddy varda can bo Riiarded against hy havliiR well drained yarda or In Hon tlioroof uso porluhlu puns and floorod food Iiir surface. Wash out tho troiiRhn nnd rIvo thn hog n chnnco to koop clonn, Huniily him with n groaod rubbing pout or patent orudo oil np- filler and ha win ernulcnto hi own lieu. Kood now and thon a mlxturo uiado na follows; rioft coal or char coal, CO ouniUi copporna,' common nalt; hakltiR sodnj sulphur; two and onn half pounds of each. "Mix and ptilvurlio and allow to oat at will. Commit your local vol orlnarlan about audi awlno disorders na may coma to your uotlco and you will find tho hoR to ha tho anino old rellahlo mortgage lifter that ha has nlwaya boon, llmr tn Combat Hog Cholera. "In tho Drat placo avoid buying It. Infoctlon moBt frequently results from tho Introduction nnwly jmr chuaod nnluinla, thnt havo olthor coiiiq from dlwmsod horda or havo been nubjected to Infection onrouto. If now blood la dcHlmd by brocdora thny ahould mako It a practlco to quarantlno on tholr own ranch after arrival for a period or a month all nowly purchased awlno that havo como from unknown nnd uncertified sources. If those animals have been auhjectod to reliable aoriim Immuni zation, It la Mt III wall to lnolato thorn for a month na thoro nro romnta pos nllillltl"i that tho serum U Impotont, that thny may bo throwing off tho llvo vlrua If tho double method ha benn tued and utile they am dip ped In aomn dlilnfectlon solution upon arrival thny might carry Infco tlvn material upon tholr bodies. If Iiok havo como from nhaolutoly known and certlflod aourcoi and havo benn aubjotod to no Infection onrnuto (which In Indeed difficult to deter mine) thoro tnlRht bo leia cauto for Uolatlon upon arrival, but It la an unnfii K)llcy-to follow. In Iowa to day where cholera li rampant there nro breeders who havo tiavor had a earn or cholera on their farm, lnu ly by bcliiR woll located away from atreami and followlnic out a eyntoni or Uolatlon of all nuwly purchnied or Introduced animal and tnalntalnliiR tholr drovo In 1or proof pen away from vlnltltiR atock buyor. nelRhbora and other who havo nothlnR to do with thn keeping or thn drove. "ir cholera ahould appear, the Blnto authnrltlea ahould bo notified and Iminedlato atnpa will bo taken to aupply tho no rum treatment at a cont ot ono cent per cubic contlmatar or approximately 20 cent por each CO pound ot llvo welRht or hoR treated. A Raneral dlnlnfoctant ahould be applied to tho yard and poim. All dead carcne ahould bo burned to 8hc. ir located on a creek or wator courito nelRhbora or down stream hog Rrowura ahould bo Immediately noti fied. Dor ahould ho tied up and ympathottc nelRhbora nnd all other not actually connected with tho drovo ahould bo refunod ndmlmlon to tho promUea." BRICK WORK I linto built ccry brick lioiuo In Ilentl rrccted by contract. WOIUC TIIK IllCKT. PKH'IIH TIIK MVKST. HATIHI'ACTIO.V AllHOIilTIA' fltfAUANTKKI). SAND FOR. SALE Tho Ix-nt (ditnlnable at the lowest prlcru In largo or Hiunll (lianlltlM. I havo thn cxrlmtlvo prhlleKM for aml In nil O, O. I, Company tlltchc. JACK TANSEY Run Your Car . Economically Many encinc troubles and the resulting delays and repair costs can be avoided by the use of a suitable lubricating oil. True economy lies in the use of a htih, urade oil which gives perfect lubrication and assists tho engine to do its work regularly and efficiently. EflCULEiRK THE STANDARD OIL FOR MOTOR CAR$ is the bat auto oil the Standard Oil Company can make; produced by experts and proved by suc cessful service in thousands of cars of ill types. Its perfect lubrication keeps the motor cool allows, it to deliver full power and cuts repair charges' to'i minimum. '- Dealers everywhere, Ask our nearest agency about de livery in bulk. Standard Oil Company (CALIFORNIA) lkuul The Safe Way to Buy Paint (s always to ask for ACME QUALITYwo havo tho complete lino. Paints, enam els, stains and varnishes for every surface, old or new, wood or metal, plaster or ce ment, tnsido or out ACME QUALITY provides you with a finish that will wear longer and look better than any other brand. We can tell you all about them or wo will give you a copy of the Acxnc Qaellty Fainting Galde Book that will describe the use, and tell you just what kind and bow much la required for any surface. Bend Hardware Company pan in in i in ie ritUIT JAIIX Mnioti -Hiiro Heal Kkuoo Ifnrtlwnro Co. Adr. TOl'IIIKTH I'AKH TIIIIOI'OH. Touring over OrcRou n party or Portland people paitied through Ilend on Wednesday hound south. Ac cording to tho roglftter at tho Pilot llutto, whero they atoppod for a time, thoy had como south from Oovorn ment Cami, through Wnplnlta, Mad ras, and Prlnevlllo nnd planned to tako In Lakovlaw, Klamath Falls and Crater Lako on their way homo. In tho party woro Mr. II. P. Ileynoldii, Allco U. Ileynolds. Mr. D. C. Powell. Illancbo Powell, Frank O. Mendall and O. K. Ileynolds. Patera Shot Oun and Hlflo ammu nition. Bkuao ilardwaro Co. Adv CITHOMXt ! Flrat Ret tho nam- down pat then buy It of your drugRlst. Just tha very best thing for conatlpntlon, alck hcodncho, aour atomnch, lazy liver, alURRlah, conatltutod bowel. Tho plcasantcat, aurct. nlcost, laxative you over uaed. Taatea Rpod like lomonado. Acta promptly, without pain or nausea. Glvca you tho moat aallafactory dualling you havo over had. Adr. rattomon Drug Co. notici: it)u i'I'iilicatiox. Department of tho Interior, V. 8. Land Olllco at Tho Halloa, Oregon, Juno 8, 10H. Notlro la hereby given that Ora C. Plleklngur. or Kend, Oregon, who on February nth, 1911, made Homo atoad Kntry No. 08122. for KVfc Bee Uou 30, Township :o South, ItaiiRO 17 Hast, Willamette Morldlan, has fled notice of Intention to mnko Fi nal Three Year proof, to eatabllsn claim to tho land above dt-aerlbed. before II C Itllla. V. H. CommUHlnn or, nt Hand, Oregon, on tho 18th day or July, 1914. Claimant names na witnesses: Ko'i ort Mak, William J. McConnell. Otla C. Honklo, Thomoa Cray, all ot llond, Orogon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, H-1Sc Itoglster. NOTICH OF COXTKST. Dopartmont of tho Interior, Tho United Statos Uind Olllco, Lako vlow, Oregon, May 27, 1914. To Henry W. Fuehrer, ot llend, Oro gon, Contostea: You aro hereby notified that Percy L. Forboa who gives Bond, Orogon, o-o Uox 147, na hla post olllco nddroas, did on May 4, 1014, lllo In this otllco his duly corroborated application to conteat nnd aecuro tho cancellation or your homeatond, Kntry No. , Bor- J KSTIMATCS CHKEItFUIiLY FUItNlSllKD J Jobbing Promptly Attended To J I J. J. RYAN ! Plumbing and Heating . 117 MINNKSOTA STItKKT lMIONi: 491 117 MINNESOTA STREHT MACHINE SHOP Wo are equipped to do anything In the machlno line, having Installed new machinery with which we can handle any kind ot ob, Automobile Repairing a specialty Deydrmond Machine (Sit Repair Shop Hawthorne Ave., Uend, Ore, Inl No, 04131, mndo November zz, 1010, for W4 8WH Section 21, WVi NWH and HW Hoctlon 28, Town nhlp 24 a, Itango 22 10. Willamette Morldlan, and na grounds for his contest ho allagcn that Honry W, Fuehrer bus fallod to catnbllsh hla roslilonco on said tract; thnt ho has failed to ctiltlvuto said tract or any part thereof; that naid antryman has abandoned said tract for upwardn or six months last past nnd thnt audi failure and abandonment wna not duo to hla employment In tho army, na vy or tnarlno corps In tho U. H. In tlmo of war or otherwise You nro, thoroforo, furthor noti fied that tho snld allegations will ho tnken by thin offlco a having boon confessed by you, and your nald entry will bo canceled thereunder without your further right to bo hoard there in, either boforo thl office or on ap peal, It you fall to fllo In this offlco within twonty days after tho FOURTH publication of thin notice, na shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically mooting and re sponding to thcao allegations of con tost, or If you fall within that time to fllo In this offlco duo proof that you havo served ft copy of yor answer on tho wild contestant either In person or by registered mall. If this service la made by tho delivery of a copy of your answer to'tho contestant In por son, proof of such aorvlco must bo olthor tha contestant written ack nowledgment of his receipt of tho copy, allowing tho duto of Ita receipt, or tho affidavit of tho person by whom tho delivery was mado stating when and whero tho copy wna delivered ; If mndo by registered mall , proof ot such aorvlce must consist of tho affidavit ot the person by whom tho copy was mailed stating when and tho post offlco to which It wan mailed, and this affi davit must bo accompanied by tho postmaster's receipt for tho letter. You ahould stato In your answer tho namo of tho post offlco to which you deslro future notlcca to bo sent to you. JA.MK8 F. IJUItaKSB, Register. Dato of first publication Juno 3, 1014. Dato of second publication Juno 10, 1914. Dato of third publication Juno 17, 1914. Data ot fourth publication Juno 24, 1914. NOTICK OF'CONTKST. Department of tho Interior, United States Land Ofllco, The Dalles, Ore gon, May 20, 1914. To William 11. Hofli, of Sultan, Washington, Contestco; You aro hereby notified that Roy L. Hunter who gives Hcnd, Oregon, aa hla post ofllco address, did on April CLOVERLEAF MILK and CREAM aim: purk l'HONB YOUR ORDERS O. C. CARDWELL Fanners Phono No. 1. Vienna Cafe REOPEN Wo are now located In tho Onclll Uulldlng next to the Illlta Studio, flood meals served. Bread and all kinds of pastry for ante. ....ROOMS AND BOARD.... ALTAMONT I HOTEL t 5 Moderato Prices i Modern Itooma Attrnctlvo Surroundings i KtoAiii Heat. Hot end Cold J Water W'UU Ilntlt Privilege $ Homo Cooked Meals J J Miss A. I. Spalding, Proprietor 5 . 1IKNI), OREGON Is It Done Right? ..DiBaBlBBBBiBBiiBaSBBlBaBHVaOTMla'i WHO J Tt JJ DOES (f Mi if JIM If It U, Ut wtlt oouth alon Dut un m It la up to tU mark la avary dttal eom and in ua. LOW PRJCBS, BETTER SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. Al DRY CLKANINO "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" 17, 1014. fllo in this offlco his duly corroborated application to contest ana scctiro tho cancellation of your homostoad, Kntry No. , . ., Sorlal No, 08013, mado April 0, 1911, for NW '4 NV Hoctlon 20, NB'A NB Section 27, 8W HW4, 8WV, NW U Section 23; B4 HB 8BH NBV4 NB SB' Section 22, Township 19 S. Rango 19 K. Wlltamctto Meridian, and na grounds for his contest ho al lege that William H. Hoffo has whol ly abandoned said homestead for mora, than two years last past; that ho has nover established a residence thoreon, and has failed to cultivate and Improve tho same as required by law. You are, thoroforo, further noti fied that tho said allegations will bo takan hy this offlco as having been confessed hy you, and your said entry will bo canceled thoroundcr without your further right to bo hoard thorc In, olthcr beforo this office or on ap peal, If you fall to file In this offlco within twenty days after tho FOURTH publication of this notlco, as shown bolow, your answer, undor oath, specifically meeting and re sponding to these allegations of con test, or It you fail within that time to fllo In this offlco duo proof that you havo served a copy of your answer on tne said contestant In person or by registered mall. If this serrlco Is mado by tho delivery of a copy of your answer on tho said contestant In person, proof of such ser vlco must bo cltbor tho said contest ant's written acknowledgment of his receipt ot tho copy, showing tho date of Its rccolpt, or tho affidavit of tho person by whom tho delivery was mado stating' when and whero the copy was dollvered; if made by regis tered malt, proof of such serrlco must consist of tho affidavit of the person by whom tho copy was mailed ata'Ing when and tho postofflce to which It was mailed and this affidavit must bo accompanied by tho postmaster's receipt for the letter. You ahould state in your answer tho namo of tho postofflce to which you deslro further notices to bo sent to you. It. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. Dato of first publication June 3, 1914. Dato of second publication June 10, 1914. Dato of third Publication June 17, 1914. i Dato of fourth publication Juno 24, 1914. NOTICK OF CONTEST. Department ot tho Interior. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, May 27, 1914. To Glenn Hancock, sn alleged heir of Jamei L. Hancock, and the un known heirs, if any of James L. Hancock, deceased, of Oakvlllo. Washington, o-o Fomdalo Lumber Co., Contcetee: You aro hereby notified that Charles F. Brcnnan, who gives Bend, Orogon, c-o box 147, as his post of flco address, did on May 21, 1914, fllo in this offlco his duly corroborated application to contest and scctiro tho cancellation of your homostoad, En try No. . . ., Sorlal No. 010108, mado April 3, 1912, for NW; NW SWVi Section 1, SB NBU and NB. 8V , Section 2, Township 20 S Rango 10 B. Wlllamotto Morldlan, and as grounds for his contest ho Alleges that said James L. Hancock, during his lifetime never established his resldonco nor cultivated said tract nnd that said Hancock died on or about October 25, 1912, In Chohnlls County, Washington, aa I am Inform ed and verily hollovc; thnt ho left him surviving ono known heir, to wit, Glonn Hancock who is alleged to rosldo at Watorvlllo, Malno, nnd that neither tho widow of said deccasod nor said Olcnrt Hancock nor any oth or heir or next or kin has slnco tho doath ot said deceased, resided upon or cultivated any part or said claim and that such failure an aband n ment on th part of said entryman and his heirs at law was not duo to his or their employment In tho army, n.ivy or marlnn corps of the U. 8. in tlmo of wrr or otberwlso. You are, therefore, further noti fied that tho said allegations will bo taken by this office as having been confessed by you, and your said entry will be canceled thereunder without your further right to bo beard there in, either before this offlco or on ap peal, if you fall to fllo In this offlco within twenty days after the FOURTH publication ot this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and re sponding to these allegations of con teat, or If you fall within that time to file In tbla offlco duo proof that yon havo served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either In person or by registered mall. If this senrlco is made by the delivery of a copy of your answer to tho contestant In person, proof of such service must bo either tho said contest ant's written acknowledgment of hla receipt of the cony, showing tho dato of Its receipt, or the affidavit of tho person by whom tho delivery was mado stating when and where tho copy was delivered; It mado by regis tered mall, proof of such service must consist of tho affidavit of tho person by whom the copy was mailed stating when and the postofflce to which It was mailed, and this affidavit most bo accompanied by the postmaster's receipt for tho letter. You ahould state In your answer tho namo of the postofflce to which. yon desire furthor notices to be sent to you. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register. Date of first publication Juno 3, 1914. Date of second publication Juno 10, 1914. Date of third publication Juno 17, 1914. Date of fourth publication June 24, 1914. The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It la a fireproof building It Is thoroughly modern It Is comfortable, commodious, clean ItOOMS FROM: 80 CK.NTS OP MEALS PROM S3 CF..VTS UP Tho wants of all are satisfied weU at TUB WRIGHT 1IOTKL Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT H0TEL ? CENTRAL OREGON'S F,nn MFK accident, ... ?,,r7Z . PLATE GLASS, AUTOMO- Leading INSURANCE Agency bile, surety bonds. REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY Lots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS ( TERMS: $5 Cash and OROKLA) $3 Monthy J a C? A QTCC Ofllee on Orogon Street A. C0 1 CO BEND, :: OREGON headquarters for Commercial Men Electric Lighted Throughout Special Attention to Transient Travel THE BEND HOTEL HUQH O'KANE, MANAQKR Oood Rooms BEND, OREGON OoodMeaU4 f Free bm to and from trains All arrangements made for persons desiring to go south nnd east of her " ONE CENT A WORD is all a little? want nd will cost you.