PAGE . 233 THK BEND nUM.KTIN, nKNI), ORR. WKDNKSDAY. JVNR 21, IBM. f 'Ttr" MIGRATING BIRDS. Hl hor Llrsto and Rlvsr ValUya Thm In Thslr Flight. Experiences of pilots ltltb air currents haro Rlren to a noted English naturalist on explanation for tbri fact that some birds In making their annual migrations tljr along coast lines and along river valleys. Judging from ncroplane experience birds would And It required lew effort to 11; along eucb routes. In tho daytlmo water cools tho nlr on tnoxt day, and over tho water thcro Is a downward current of air. as Indicated by tho noticeable sinking of aeroplane and balloon crossing orer n pond. At tho suiue time there In more or lesa of on tip ward current of air' along tho shore lino. Upward currents of air greatly help flight, and tnouy binds of birds are known to take full advantage of them. So the naturntUt sees an opportunity for birds to take advantage of upward currents of air In migrating by day It they follow the coant of a sea or the bank of n river. The cfTect would be most marked on the vvlndtvurd aldo of tho water, so that If the bird do not fly along that side near the water they ought to. Whether at night there In an appreciable upward curreut of ulr over water Is not so clearly ettabltnlird, but ho believes It la likely und'm would tie of advantage to birds If they wtxtied to uso IL A further explanation of mirh www Is that tb birds might learn them In their migrations, for shore Hm are tho easiest of all markings on the earth tor an aviator to see and follow, while on a still flight tho wave on the shore can bo heard high In the nlr. marking the shore Hue. Saturday Uvenlug Post. -a "f4- hJte, N1T SE, KJK SB, SV SK, 2C- U. S. to Molina 0. Nohon patent EH SW, WH 8E 25-14-21. Chas. It. Kelson to Jnmon Cram EH 8V, WH 8E, 8V 8W, NV 36: EH 8E, 8W 8E. EH NE, BW NB, NV 8E 26i SE 23-14-21, 110.000. POWELL BUTTE (Continued from pago 2.) k Europs Has Largest Tunnels. The United State has for no long been pre-eminent In tho realm of size that K cornea almost as a vhock to realize that tho largest railway tun nels aro on the continent of Europe. Of these the longest Is the SImplon. twelve and a quarter miles through the Alps. Two others, tho St. Uothurd and tho Lotscbbcrg. are over nlue and one-third miles long, and tho Mont Ccnls Is over seven mites long. In all thcro are fourteen tunnels over four miles long. The longest tunnel In this country is tho Uoosac, four and one third miles long. American Machinist. Don't ioso Sleep Coughing at Night Tako Foloy's Honey and Tar Com pound. It glides down your throat and spreads a hoallng, soothing coat ing over the Inflamed- tickling sur face. That Immediate relief. It loosens up the tightness in your cheat, stops stuffy wheezy breathing, eases distressing, racking, tearing coughs. Children love It. Refuse any substitutes. Contains no opiates. Adr, Patterson Drug Co. Portland. Her llttlo nloco accom panied her homo. 8. D. nnd W. O. Mustard woro call ed to Spokane Friday on account of ! the Rorlous Illness ot their father. Jesso Shoburt la Uio owner of a flno now buggy and tho glrla aro looking envious. Miss Ebha Llndqulst returned from Prlnuvlllo tho latter part of tho wook where she tins been attending Bum mer school. Dr. It. A. Allen of La Cledo, Idaho, has been a visitor at tho homo ot his brother and sister, II. K. nnd Mlsa Mabol Allen, leaving for his homo on Monday. J. E. Warmer, Mr. Anderson, Earlo Saundors and his brother, E. J. Saun ders, returned Sunday from a two day's Ashing trip to tho Deschutes. They report n splendid tlmo and lots of fish. Mrs. Alton Wlllcoxon nnd Mrs. H Ij. Ellis wero dinner guests at tho McCalfcry home In Redmond Satur day. Miss Viola Trucsdalo went to Rod tnond Friday to work In tho Tele phone ofllce several days In tho ab sence ot the regular operators. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shutruu of Port land, tho former a brother of Mrs. E. N. Hajl, arrived at the Hall home Saturday for a short visit previous to making their annual camping trip In tho mountnlns south ot Rend. This Is the third consecutive summer that tho Shutrun's hnve camped at this same placo. Tho trip Is made In tholr nuto. John Reynolds left for his homo in John Day after n week's visit at tho Allen Wlllcoxon home. J. V. Hornhncklo loft for High' Desert Monday whero ho expects to do somo Improvements on bis home stead. J. P. Dohcrty entertained Reeves Wlllcoxon and Geo. Morgan at din ner Sunday. Rev. llakor of Madras was In these parts Saturday and Sunday deliver ing two sermons at tho Wilson sohool houso Sunday. Mrs. E. A. Russott went to Red mond Monday for a fow day's visit wltli relatives. A ball game between tho married men and bachelors was played at the station Sunday, with tho ucoro in fa vor ot the latter. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Spoor nnd family visited at the McNollly home Sunday. ""K."?1' i' im i'i nod out and more, comfortable hs a result ot their uso. Adv. Patterson Drug Co, 1'IjAINVIHW. PL.A1NVIEW, Juno 33. Qr.ico Rtgg8 nnd Cllonvos Strnhm spent tho afternoon at tho Crawford homo on Monday lu honor of Misses Fny Craw ford and Ruth Uayloy'a thirteenth birthday. Mrs. Page, who has boon In tho hospital nt I'rlnovtllo, was brought hack homo tho first ot tho wouk, Cllenves Strnhm spent tho night nt tho Chnlfnn homo Monday. (leorgo Crawford returned home Monday from Hot Springs whoru he has been doctoring rhoumntism. Ho Is very llttlo bettor. Nollso Peterson nnd N. I), Jluok Ingham spout tho evening nt tho homo of John Strnhm Monday. Mrs. llnrvoy Cyrua la vlaltlng with her father. Mr. Scogglna nnd family. Edd Strnhm returned homo Wed nesday with his brldo, Miss Mortto Stuart, formerly of Prlnevllle. Tho brldo nnd groom are both well and favorably known around this conn, try, They will mnko tholr homo nt tho Strnhm ranch, T miles southeast of Sisters. A crowd of fifty chnrlvnr- kid tfi 6ln Thursday hjght. Tl)d ovoit lug was spoilt lu plnying guinea and music, nftur which refreshments wero served, Mr, nnd Mrs, M. W. Knickerbock er woro lit Redmond Thursday, FOR RENT Two room sultos fur nlshed for light house keeping. Honklu & ltynn. 12tf dv. HAMPTON' IIUTTK. (Special to Tho Ilullotln). HAMPTON RUTTE, Juno 22. Miss Altco llrooklngn Is visiting with her brother Horace. Mlsn Eva Michel called on Mrs, C. W. Ashbaugh IbbI Mondny, Wm. Olllold went out onMundny to spend tho, winter with his daugh ter, Mrs. Rlsdoii, who resides In Ho nttlo. Carl Hlnmnn enmo homo Sunday from Ruck Crook to visit his family nnd nttuud tho school election. Tho roIiooI election fcaultud ua fol lows: Jesso Monroe, tdlredtor for 3 years; Carl Hlnmnn was oleetod to 1111 tho vacancy at Jns. Urlckey and C. W. Ashhaugh, clerk. Hurt Mocks has gone out to llotul J V Y" "3V K i -U JS- 'WST7 mi No wood, fo no coal,y no allies' ItEATj KSTATF TRANSFKICS. (Issued by the Crook County Ab stract Company.) U. S. Land office to John F. Nel son SW NW, WH SW, SE BW 28-14-1G. A. L. Wilcox to O. K. Wilcox one third interest in SH SW 8-18-14. U. S. to Walter N. Dunklo patent NH SW, WH SE 24-17-25. J. H. Jackson to Fred W. Wilson NE 19-19-12. Chas. Altschul to Oregon & Wes tern Colonization Co sections 1, 11, 13-22-23: sections 3. 5. 7. 0. 17. 19. 21. SWNW WH SW 27, all 29, 31, 33-21-24, 121088.14. , James Turner administrator to A , II. Lippman EH SW 23-12-11; lots 2, 3, 4-13-11, 30G. Northwest Townslte Co. to Lillian F. Cobb It. C, blk. 12 N. W. T. Co'a. Redmond Acres. ' Same to Samo It. 10, blk 9, N. W T. Co'e. 1st add Bend. Same to Auguest O. Harbaugh It, 2, blk. 2, same. John B. Wlmer to C. W. Horner Its. 1, 2, 3, blk. 20f Laidlaw. U. S. to Andrew J. Weston patent EH ME, SW NE, N WSE 31-14-12. Dolph M. Clark to Rumley Pro ducts Cd. SH SW 1;SH SE 2-10-13, 12478. Fred Marshall to John A. Cllne Its 1, 2, 3, 4, section 14-13-12. E. R. Throop to 8. J. demons SE NW, EH SW, SE 32: SW SW 35-15- 25; WH NW, NW SW 4-16-25 12000. U. S. Land Office to IL Earl Cross SE NW, SW NE, NW SE, NE SW, 8-16-16. Bend Company to Bend Parle Co. It., blk. 50, Center add Bend. L. M. Burt to Henry Covcll WH 8E 24; WH NE 25-22-9. It. 15, blk. 28; It. 14, blk. 17. La Pine. Bend Park Co. to Carl T, Anderson It, blk. 36, Center add Bend. $250. Oak D. Hall to N. M. Kjesbu SE BW, SW BE 8; NW NE. NE NW, SW. SW NE. SB NW, EH SW 17-21-22, $5500. Nels M. Muss to Olaf M. Muss SE 34-21-14, $3000. Chas. W. Colby to Thos. W Law son, trustee, for Douglas Lawson, NH SE. SW NE. 8E NW 20. SH NE, SH NW. 17; NH 16: NH NW 28, WH SW 21-17-18; SW BE 12-17-17; NH SE. SW SE 23; NW BW, SW NW 24-16-17. Bend Company to Willis B. Lesh It. 9, blk. 15, Center add Bend. Robert Kurrle to It. P. Mlnter It 5, blk. 20, Center add Bend, $500. R. P. MInfer to Nuto P. Longetelg samo. Kenwood Promotion Co, to R B Webb Its. 13, 14, blk. 2, Kenwood. Carrie E. Williams to Jacob II Cook H NW, SW NE, NE SW 2-16-20. Central Oregon Irrigation Co. to Glenn Cox, water right NE 8W 11-16-12. U. 8. to Harry Van Metor WH NE EH NW 30-16-15. Kenwood Promotion Co. to Job. E. Bozell Us. 1. 2, blk. 12, Kenwood. U, 8. to John HIckey patent NW 25-14-211 " - ' V. 8, to Chas. H. Nelson patent ana 43) SE 23; SW 8W 26; NB, 8WJ22GJa Comforting to Stout People. Foley Cathartic Tablets cro a spe cially good Httlo regulator that keeps your system In perfect working ordor. No billlousness, no constipation, no distress after eating, no greasy, gas sy taste. A (.tout person who uses them constantly will really feel thin- kJ)a A Good Oil tovo does away with all the dirt and bother that comes with wood, coal and ashes. It makes -light work ami a clean kitchen. for a load of Trqlght. Ho was no ooiupniiltid (y Harold MoFnddun. Mlafl Klvn McFnddon returned to her homestead last Thursday. Mliw McFnddon tins not ontlroly rocovuied from her rocoiit Illness. Her broth er l.yln enmo out with her. N. 8. Drown In hauling tils house hold goods by wagon to IiIh homo, tho trucks brought thorn as far as Ilrooktngs, Last Thursday n number of Hamp ton lltitto hoyn cleared off imgo brush JUHt west ot llrooklim'a Hotel for n hnnehall diamond. They will piny tho Lost Creek team lu tho near fu ture. Jim Wells or PleaRant Valley iniuhi n trip to llend Friday, returning Sat urday. Ho wont by way of tho trucks, Mr. A, McKeown Ih out lo Horn! fur n load of huppIIdh, MIhs Alice llrooklngn inudo u hunt iiuss trip to Hums (ho last tif tho week. Hnrnco llrooklngn hnrvested rye last Mondny, It Is thn find harvest ing that hn boon Uoiio In this vlclilUy ' this yonr. Fred Miller linn boon doing 0mo plowing on his homuHtond thu pnL wouk. A. 11. Woolloy ntid fatuity puhhoiI through on tholr wny to Hnnd Inst Thursday. i DON'T KNOW TIIHV HAVE APPENDICITIS Many Bond people hnve chronic np. piMidlcllls (which In not very pain ful) nnd think II la just bowel or Htoinuch trouble. Homo have doc torud for years for gan mi thu atom ach. nour htoinuch or constipation and the l'attoriino Drug Co, atnton if they wilt try simple buckthorn bark, gly. curlno, etc.. as compounded In Adlor-, l-kii, tho Herman nppaudlcltls row ndy, they will hu nurprlnml nt tho QUICK henollt. A H1NC1I.10 DOHM stops thoHo troubles INSTANT LY. Adv, D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION for 16 yonro The Standard Shin Remedy Instant Relief for all Skin Troubles PATTERSON 1MIUO CO.. Ileud. Ore. New Perfection OIL COOK STOVE bums keroene, tlte clean, cheap fuel. It It a fine store for hot weather bccauia it doein't OYCfheat tho kitchen. All tho heat it applied at tho cooking point. You can hake, broil and roait on it juit as well at on a wood or coal itovfc and much quicker and cheaper. It doctn't tmoko or smell; doctn't taint the food. Get an oil stovo and make summer cooking eaiy and comfortable. Dealers Ercrywhere. SEE US FOR YOUR FLOAT FOR THE FOURTH KMM7FiiBHki'iBIBVSSSBSnaSs7f' l It ii IIISlTi ' Sal II ISill r rvr Trn- i El Stcmdard Oil Company gSswssS Bend 1 U3ErEAW.oiL R iaaailaaali3i""'IinaiaaiiPiH lifts f$ fill aaaaalaaalliaaiiaaiaaiiiaaaaa liiiiiliiiiil fuivffiR Hi Hi ssssass mm a m h a s hm ii ?j jj ji 71 5 s a ? a(? m ill s s a aisaassBiial bBH S a vv-rxiN-'11 uuu 1 1111111111111 I lllll III II 1 SPACF FOR A 11 ffig Special Announcement! lifliI 91 SB I illJSIIHffl S liSSlll iMfMiJirsiTsrsisfsvsraajrjrar-ifTimiTrrrri r I. visi ify WfffSMwJ iflMiMiirfMfr3rsnow(iJrr3iJrs!fRj usaaiocaeiacacaeiaaciitiitiaaaasaaaaiua ciir if-VT iBcaoaeicsucaEaEaeigcicaeicsHiiasaKiuuueisuci SfjggPWPWigRCiBBSWBpFiRWRpipjiaa "KJ &$PPHPPE&JBJPWE!BSBI8IB&&BEE1EEI I SSB3EEBEJ3SEEESPB3EEESBESSM SPBPPPPBPPatPBtPmsippBmaffpppi 4 feisffSlf fflffifi! Ill fit HI WfiM a aaaaaaaffiaa bbss Ihr Irimn In nnnmwi l aa3ajjJHiJa . RS sft SBK I Bk igKBg ftjS ft aaaaaaaiia I H ft I i i ! $ R I wf ! $$ i'mnii liiiilil 1 1 1111 81 i asaaiiilll ' " lilillllfiililiiii ramMilpii Bend Water Light & 111111 I lilllllli a a agj aaaaaaaaaaa ara a a Bf?if??BJf5BfffftS$H s1i ? 1 aaaraaaaaaaaaaaaaraaa n ft i n l I t n I n s i B i ft n B m s J aaaraaaaaaafjaaaaaraag D r Be IBnSn fsnfinBBfflffl 9 aaag aaaaaaaaaaa Wm aa rOWef v-O. BBfBffSiHBsBBlBBafflJ f aaag aaaaaaaaaaa II sa x ,Jvvt'1' v-"'-' g g f g ?BkBh B in !ft B aBH I aaaajaaafe3aaaaa iBJBJBi M a 3 ag W I I m M l a 1 1 ll iill 11 1 i Illiiibiiililllll llllllllllillllllll! 11 1 Ii I 1 1 1 lllll 1 1 i I 11 s a a d ! IS 1 8H a 1 8 S 1 1 1 8B3 88a98881IlllllsllilsiaS i 111 iHill IB i illllllililllSiPlSiiliiSiiiiliSilP Mill MB PISIIp till snnmnnmn mm aJs.gaaasSHaBaaaaaaassfSfBBBJBsBg I IS 3 3g l zmi Sgaaaaaa gram amumnmBUUa iB&W IUUU l&URQ ilSKUmiUmiMi U i -a "i't CJKJ.rj ei j ii-fi 3i 7i ii ?i si vi Jimmmrai jiiu iiei t r t n r m t 11 ti r t n n n tm r ri m -.i s kh b r, mt 32 a iiwM a g a s a a a a a mmm nmmm b as s b &sc ixsn t&&& t zxamtiiiMi m BEND SIGN COMPANY KH'-'fffltfiHii Building Material LUMBER, SHINGLES The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. U4MM44MMUU Wenandy Livery & Auto Co. NEW AUTO TRUCKS Will be put on between Bend and Silver Lake Airll 1. BEND-LA PINE $2.G0 BEND-FItEMONT J4.00 BEND-FOKT ItOCK $4.50 BEND-SILVER LAKE.. $5.00 Reasonable Rates will bo charged on nil Express and BngKaffc. k FOR THE 3sBMmmmBmmimmm8Sfflmm33aM3mi l a . winargramr:inirnnevCTKTir.....g asiaaajBiaBiBiBieiaaBj&etBXg) ON SALE JULY 3 AND 4 Final Return Limit JULY 6 THE 4th OF JULY Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. WILL SELL ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT One and One-Third Fare hSS! ti ll V H i Between nil points (exeept on river or beach Jines) where one wuy fiire is $0.00 or less. For full particulars, fnrcs, schedules, etc., nk any agent of the O-W. R. Si N. 9 31 ! m t - ' -T r -, . . f T,..