The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 24, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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rAfiR &
Cleans untl
Brighton! tho
Kverv liomawlfo
I needs Hill wonilor
v ful iirenarallon li
... i i . .
lames uif iqkMp
ndflilnr, llt'W
UD all Ilia dull and
laavqt lililitf pol
IlllAil BiltfanA. .
tnorlnf ellflnitri.tlnliend inan. Weaito
HIM a Ull CI fllaillia.a Mona mil Dull
Clothi, Com In now anil It I ui abow
tun tliaae avoir dir labor aatet a.
A lU.alir 60 OH l CUiaut Dsiltr
Aaanlihlitcecianl la lure you Irrllili
Ixrallon wo will ! rouabaolulalr If aa
aieaular loo Ollel OMnau Dollar with
Ik (Hiioliai nl I lira bottle of Ull of
UMneee. Avail rounall or tfala odpot I
lonltf now than on can eatU prapate
wvuw dud mnpi ana am
cleaner, bllJtiH
furniiarewlln i
iuii ciott bate
All Oil of flladne.. I'mlni-I. ara aLI
nuar ownar ieca euaieaieo u net
i inoiiwiui eeuiiacierr.
Tim Hexall Htoro
I J. Young was In town yesterday,
Tursday'a rain fall amounted to .53
Ml Trnutner spent Hundny In
Tho Misses llnnn worn registered
nl tliii Altniiiont lasl week.
J. W. Flsliur of Laldlaw was regis
tered nl tlio Hond on Monday.
W. L. Shanks of Hnatllo win regis
tered nt iho Altniiiont last week,
I. W, Ilenslny of Lnldlaw was reg
istered nl thu Demi on Saturday.
Mr. Vernon A. Forbes returned
with hnr husband from Tho Dalle
I hi iiiornliiK.
& I'rofessor T. A. II. Teeter was up
"from Di'Hclniti'H on Kiunlny, reglstttr
. Jug nl tho Altniiiont.
Mr. nml Mr. Ashley Forrest, tliolr
. lit tin daughter and Mr. Ilnlloy, npottt
tho week tun! In Kmltiioml.
C. M. Iledfluld nml Claudo McCatil-
cy witro up from Deschutes on Thurs
day, registering nt tlio Henri.
i Mr. nml Mr. J. A. Kastos, and tho
MUwh Mnry nml litn llonn spent
Sunday nl Helslng' on tlio Metollus,
Mr. nml Mrn. J. II. Godfrey hnvo
routed thai Corked bungalow In Ken
wood. Mr. (lodfroy U at the Patter
son drug itoro.
The W. C. T. U. will meet at tho
liotnn of Mr. Reynold, Oregon and
Fourth streets, opposite tlio Wonsndy
residence, tomorrow, Tliumdny.
Tim Homi'icekem Land Compony.
It. V. Mlnter. manager, has moved
Into tho ofllcp" on Hond street for-
iiinriy occiiiucd uy mo uri'Kon invoni
niijnt Coinpnny.
Ooorito H. YounK hn Kono out to
Huttlo'n Lnkn to attend to notno on
Klnrnrlnx work for tho Mntollu Ir
rlKnllon and Power Company.
M. Cameron and J. P. filioplinrd
of tho Pino (Irnvo llox Coinpnny of
Hood Hlvor, woro hero Innt week In.
MtlKntlnK local tlmher condition"
with n view to locating a box factory.
C. W. Herd, of Wellavllln, Mo., n
Mookholdnr In tho II. M. Hmltli Clothe
Iiik Coinpnny, arrived In town Mon.
dny mornlnir with hi" Ron. C W.
Heed, Jr., for a tny of auvernl week",
V. II Johmon. urenldent of tho
American I.umlcr & MiinufneturlnKI
Comtiany, of Pltuliurir, wna horn a
h kui1 of J, P. Ktiyi'H of Tho Hend
Company Hnturdny. Mr. Johmon'"
company litiyn extenatvely of tho loonl
plno for enitern market".
Mr. and Mm. Gcotko H. Youok and
their children, and Dr. A. II. Cropp
wont to Klamath Fall" by auto on
Hnturdny. From thero Mr. YounK
and tho children loft for Hnn Krnncla
co by rail, Mr. Young and Pr, Cropp
returning to town Sunday
19. M. I.nrn rnturnod from J'ortlnml
Hundny iiiornliiK,
.1, 15. KnKiiliriilnoii In In (own from
l,n Pino thin wuuk.
County Coinmlnnlonor llnyloy wait
In town on Motulny,
Hurt AuhIIii wnn In town from
Croncunt on Monday,
Kolmrt II, floiild Hpont Monday In
Uodmonil on Ininliumn,
Mrn, Loiilnn KlnmltiK wnn III tho
Inttur pnrt of Innt wook,
.1. II. Ilnner went to Portland Fri
day on n biinliitinH trip.
J. M. Mooro of Itodmoiid npont
Hundny licro pliiylng tonnU.
P. K, Hnffeo of Huron wn roRlntor
cd nl tho Wrlitht on Mondny,
1). : Ivinll of Hcdmoiid wn rnl"
In rod at tint WrUht on Friday,
Mr, nnd Mrn, Itohort II. (lould
Hindu n trip to Crencuut on Hundny,
Klvlrn 'ltun of I.n Pino wnn rog
Uturod nt tho Pilot llutto on Friday.
Jntint It. Cooper of Mllllcnn wan
roitlNtcred nt tho Pilot llutto on Frl
Mm, r.or!ott, with hnr two llttlo
boy, npont tho week end with Mrn.
I, urn.
0. I). (HUon, formerly of Culver
and Prlnovlllo, recently moved to
W. J. tipront rnturnod from work
on tliu'McKuntlu rond nurvoy Friday
A. Haper of l.a Pino wnn In (own
on Monday, regUtorliiK nt tho Pilot
It. J JliiRhcH of I.nldlnw wnn In
town onattirdhy, renlntnrliiK nt tho
V. A. Fnrben and II. 11. Do Armond
wont to Tlib Dnlle yentorduy on
Mrn. A. 0. Ilrnok nrrlvod from He
nttlo Tuinduy morning to Join her
Ml Bnrn I Icy burn left Innt week
for Bpokuno whore ho will visit dur
Ing July.
Mrn. PowoUou I" out nt hnr rnnoh
wlipro ho In attondlng to xiinn now
Mr. and Mm. J. C. llliodi' returned
from their honoymooH trip Wcdnc-
day night.
Ward Coblo I now traveling In
Idaho for tho Tnloti Meat Coinpnny
of Portland.
On Sunday Htovo Rtcldl took a car
lond or young people up river for a
plonk lunoheon,
Tho Hend Water Unlit & Power
Company nhlppud a car of lea to Hod
mond on Monday.
I. I.. Owen, a Mlllloan liontpitond
or, ha come Into (ohii with hln fam
ily for the m u mm or.
I I). Fox returned Hnturdny with
tho riow touring car for tho Wenan
dy l.lvery Company.
C. W. Iing, of tho Forestry Offlce,
pent Wednesday and Thuradny of
last week In Portlnnd.
Mm. Herbert Bchal! and Mm. Fred
Bchall of Hllver l.ako wcro reglitorod
at tho Wright on Friday.
J. P. Keyc. T. II. Foloy and C. I.
Hozoll made n trip out to tho Drown
licop ranch on Thursday.
Mr. and Mm. II. C. Kill", Mil
Columnn and M. F .Hawthorna made
a trip to Prlnuvlllo on Friday,
Ml Hocale Webb of Tncoma,
Waahlngton, 1 vlilllng at (he homo
of her uncle, It. II. lllackwoll.
Tho Tuinnlo Projeot In receiving
bid on ham, bncon and lard "ulmll
lute until Friday of thl week.
Mm. J. II. llnncr wont to I'rlne
vllln on Thuradny to arrange for mov
ing her household furnlturo to Hond.
Mr and Mm. J. J. Coon nnd Mr.
nnd Mm. II. C. Cady woro up from
l.nldlnw on Wednesday of last wask.
C. A, Vermillion, superintendent
of telegraph and car tervlco on the
Oregon Trunk was In towu on Sunday.
For Comfort
For Style
For Fit
in a Corset
you'll want a
Priced frora $1.00 lo $5.00
Buy them
Where you get
Quality Merchandise
1Otiln Dooner went (ol.akovlow on
btisltifsn Innt week.
Hnydon Btovenn, of flredor, North
Dakota, nrrlvod In Jtcnd Inst wpok lo
vlnlt hln nlitoMn-law, Mm. J. J.
Ilyan nnd her family. Mr. Stevens
plana to gonto tho dttry buslpesn
horo. .
Mis Knth'orlna Trnutnor wont to
Prlnuvlllo last Tliurrdny to slag the
"Ave Maria" solo nl tho Catholic
Mr. and Mra1C. B. JJudson jjntor
talned at card MgnUiy evnnlng. It
wa tho twolfthjytnlveriiry, of tholr
woddlng.jij JMi r
HsturdiDKoyt'tiiriBf, iic Anglo
Young and tfisaADoroUiy Schoolcraft
gnvo n dlnnor. liartv at tlio homo of
Mm. aoorgo Yoking.
Tho pre'lirujniry aurtsya for (hn
McKonxU road aro now practically
finished. Tho maximum grade of the
new rond will bo six per cent.
Itecent report from John Illos,
who hnn been sick In Portland, Indi
cate that ho U not recovering very
rapidly and now plans a trip east.
J. D. Howmnn nt Bister passed
through town on Saturday on hla way
to Crescent whnro ho will bo Ma
Honed a forcnt guard thl nummor.
Floyd Reynold ( now working nt
Iho soda fountain at tho Patterson
Drug Company, Karl Kulp, who for
merly hold this position, lins taken
tho orcKoninn touio.
Klmor Nlswonger, who has been
locating homesteader on lands near
Crescent, was Ui town Monday. He
rcorts a brisk business and many
satisfied land seekers.
At Ilccrptlon Yesterday (Gratifying
Ilesults of HiH-cnt CumpnlKii An-
nounrcil Debt Is (Jrcally IUv
cluccil lilat of Workers (3 hen
But Business Goes
on in the same way
in effect
Until July 1
E. M. Thompson
JUtui, Oiefon
Two Government crop reporters
pent Friday and Saturday of last
woek In looking over tho country
north of Hend for tho purpose or
making a crop estimate.
Forest Supervisor MerrJtt spent
Thursday and Friday In tho Sparks
country Investigating a road route
from thero to connect witn a Tumalo
road near tho hoadKato of tho Pro
Joct. Tho flurao hotiso. on tho Arnold
Ditch has Urjen CSn&ted with tho
Pioneer Telephone system p. C.
Howmsn, tho flunio tender, can bo
reached at tho flurao house from C
p, in. to 9 a. m.
Tho regular monthly business
meeting of (ho Presbyterian Guild
will be hold at the home of Mrs. J.
Kdward Larson, Thursday, July 5,
Instead of Wednesday, July 1, aa pre
viously announced.
Thero will be an Ice cream social
given by tho Ladles Aid Society of
the First Union church nt tho Pilot
Uutto Ranch on tho evonlng of Sat
urday, Juno 27. All In the vicinity
are urged to attond.
Forest Supervisor Merrill snd J,
11. Hanor went to Portland Friday
night to meet .Supervisor Ross of tho
Ochoco Forest and State Forester El
liott to discuss co-operative fire pa
trol. They returned to town Sunday
The Commissioner of the General
Land Offlco has just docldod tho
homestead contest case of the United
Btatoa against tho holm or aoorgo
Auno In favor of tho holm. Thoy
were represented by O. 8. Honson.
Tomorrow evening tho Fraternal
Brotherhood will hold n donee In
Sadler's Hall postponed from the
18th. A SDoclal mooting of tho
Brotherhood will be held at eight
o'clock sharp procoodlug tho dance,
Potera Shot Gun and nifle ammu
nition. 8kuso Hardware Co. Adv.
As n result of tho hard work dono
by the ladles of tho Library Club, Pho
started out about two months ago to
ralso cash through the "calendar
system," tho Institution is tho richer
by nbout 1125, and tho receipts are
not yet all turned In.
The Club held a meeting and re
ception yesterday afternoon nt tbo li
brary, when tho various ladles who
had been making money In ono way
and another mado their reports ami
turned In their cash. The total ac
counted for was 1121.38, which does
not Includo tho amounts mado by
various ladles who havo as yet not
reported, and several who desire to
finish tho work they havo commenced
before announcing tho results.
Some 3ft ladles attended the re
ception. Refrcshihentfl wero served
and the hostoMcs wcro Mrs. W, II.
Htnnt. Mrs. liort Sliuey and Mrs. A.
C. Lucas.
Tho treasurer reported a cosh bat-
nnco of $49.01, aftor dlnbursoinosts
for tho quarter of SC2.9G. It was
voted to rievoto $100 of tho amount
received from Iho calendar work to
partially liquidating tha Institutions
only debt, amounting lo $170. thus
placing tbo library In a most satis-!
factory condition, especially as a con
stant Increase In Its equipment and
usefulness Is being made.
Tho librarian roportod 22 now
liooks received, 2219 visitors, 30 new
cards Issued, 1398 hooks loaned nnd
193 tnaenxinos lonncil
Tho names of tho ladles who re
ported, tho naturo of tliolr work, and
the amounts they made, are as fol
rMIss Coleman baked bread, $10.
Mm. Hudson' mndo button holes nnd
sold plnnts, $t.2G; Mm. C. A. Jones
washed sweaters, $1 CO; Mm. Hert
Shuoy baked bread, $1.00; Mm. Da
vidson sowed cabbage plants, $.70;
Mm, Farrls sold, eggs, hens, and
bread, $5.00; Mm. Rudow and assis
tants gave a matinee at tho Dream
Theatre, $10.00; Mm. Ford cared for
children, $1.00; Mm. Henklo $.30;
Mm. Herring $.26; Misses Sldner and
Holmes made enndy, $2.45; Mm. Ku
Hroaterhoua sold cake, $2.50; Fay
Deyarmond $.25; Mm. K. M. Tnoum
son sold plants, $C.or.; Mrs. J. h.
Larson helping on books at tho laun
dry. $1.00; Mrs. S. C. Caldwell sold
milk, $1.00; Mm. 8. C. Roberts baked
rookies, 4.50; Mm. W. H. Staats,
?C0; Mrs, G. P. Putnam, Eva Graves,
dancing lessons, $12.50; Hend Glee
Club, concert, $37.00; Mm. O. A.
Thoroon baked bread, $1.50; Mm.
McReynolds. $.25; Mm. Florence
Staats, $.25; Mm. Ralph Spencer
worked at Bulletin offlce, $1.25; Mrs.
R. M. Smith baked bread. $3.30; Mrs.
Houston. $.90; Mrs. Schooler. $.25;
Mrs. J. A. Eastes stenographic work.
Mrs Hudson has plants she wishes
to sell, Mrs. C. A. Jones wants to
wash sweaters and Mm. Wilkey haa
vegetables to sell.
V. D. Cheney of Seattle was here
Friday. Saturday, Sunday and Mon
day. Friday he met members of the
Emblom Club a.t a dinner In the cluli-
nouso.t bunuay was spent at ueis
Ings on the Metollus, with Mr. ond
Mrs. J. C. Rhodes, Clyde McKny, Mr.
and Mm. A. M. Prlnglo and Hr Latham.
A Farmer's Bulletin or Interest
In this section of tho country haa just
been Issued by tho Department of
Agriculture. It la entitled "Breeds
of Sheep for the Farm," and may be
had free on application to the Divi
sion of Publications. Department of
Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
Tho Bond Lodge of Odd Fellows
hns elected ofrlcersf or the coming
hair vear as follows Hert Shucy, No
ble Grand; H. I. McKIm, Vice Grand;
Georgo Govo, Secretary nnd C. W.
Thornthwalte, Treasurer Tho new of
ficers will be Installed early In July.
The announcement was made ear
ly In tho week that J. H. Wenandy Is
to be married on Thursday to Mlsa
lona Applegato, of. Drain, Oregon.
Miss Applegato la favorably known
In (his section, having taught school
at Crescent for four yearn. Mr
Wenandy left for Portland and Drain
Monday night.
y, ill
f -. fit III JIm
a.iy f i
CAB ji rtiaano?
iJiti important part of your everyday nefoi: Hcrp
yguenn choose from a complete stock of LADIES'.
'i '.' ','
LADIKH' OXFORDS In ninck, Tan, Patent nnd 8uede
Leathers, also In Whlto Canvas at
$2.23, wzs), m.o, naju, SJ-1.00
MKX'H OXFOIIDH In Ton nnd Black nt iM.OO
CHILDHE.VH OXFORDS In Black, Tan, Patent and7"
White Priced 'from 0.1 cents to. .1(2.2.1
Summer Play Shoes
Ing to another traveller who made
tho trip In a team at tho same time,
tho pedestrian with the barrow mado
as good dally averages as did the
Max Crandall of lilllsboro arriv
ed In town Tuesday morning to be
gin an audit of the hooks of tho city
Including the records ot tho sewer
construction expense. Mr. Crandall
will spend several days In town and
then go to Prlnevtllo to check up
county records so tar as they relate
to the affairs of Bend. He has for
merly been employed on an audit of
tho county books.
E. M. Thompson haa moved his
stock of furnlturo from the Bean
building on Wall street to the loca
tion In the Mutzlg building on Ore
gon atrcet formerly occupied by A.
L. Hunter. Mr. Thompson has made
a number of changes and additions
In tbo store, chief nmong which Is
the extension of the balcony forward
and along tbo sldeaoJ Sbe, room,
thereby giving Incrljas&tafhow.and
store room necessary Wr his largo
The Ladles Aid Society of the H.
E. church will hold their regular
business meeting with Mm. C. P. Nls
wonger next Wednesday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock. Mrs. E. M. Thompson,
joI 10 ai.-'preachlfig
. m., aubJc.ct,p'Tflreo
Sunday school
servlco 11 a. rn
Hundred and VlctQrtj'CjyVfeyeltlnr
service, 8 p. m., subJecti'iPdrioUsm"
versus "Nationalism. 'Sneclal music
at both services under Ihi'Itdershlp
or Mm. Ashley ForrtaOi&cJiolr di-
rector. Rev. G. H. WllkjnIstRr.
Mason Sure- Seal
Bkuso Hardware Co. Adv.
'For Rent." "For .Bale." "Rooma
to Let", "Houseleplrtn Rooms," "No
Admittance," "Nor 'Base-king," etc.,
etc., Placards printed In laro typo
nn hcjiw brlstol hoard. 1(1 cents each,
Jess In quantities;. Bulletin OWce, 12U
FOR RBNT-t-Two roota suites fur
nished ' for v Ught house keeping.
A novel way or packing an outfit
on n 150 mile trip la that used by a
traveller who left hero a couple of
woekB ago and arrived In Fort Kla
math last week. The man travelled
on root and trundled his goods In a
whool barrow uoforo him, Accord
Business .Directory
Directory et esth Cllr. Town and
Villas, cltlnc dtterlptlv sketch ot
each place, location population, tola
araDh. a&lsslaj! sad baaxinaf paint t
to Olajialdkd'Olractory, conpUsd. by
BORuaaa ana praiawioa.
. iv roue oo'jaurn ",
Startling; Changes In Styles
THE gowns this season are made on entirely new., lines.
To wear the new styles a woman must have, jthe
appearance of wearing no corset at all;
We've just received some new Parisiana coset models
that mold, the figure to tho new natural lines as no other
corset con. We invite you to come in and see them.
The new Parisiana models are made of soft, supple
materials with few bones, these new Parisiana models am
more comfortable than any corset ever worn. They extend,
but a few inches above the waist but are long in the skirt.
The most expensive French corsets are, no newer im
design no more skillfully cut than the Parisianas you can
buy at $1.00 and up.
We advise your coming in to see these new Parisianas,
at once, as the success of your new gowns depends more,
than ever upon the right corset model.
R. M. Smith Closing CQilihy-
-;- LEAKN THE -WAY ' k
Hoaklo ft Ryujw 'm av.
. . .