f sMssaasiMswsaBisaysmBiasjjaB 7. ,' ' " Z ' HI ff ' I I II. I I I .,- :Vmm 4. TIIR BRND DUIiLtiTlN, BEND, ORE., WEDNK8DAY, JUNE 84, 1014. g Ton THE Lorset for hot j V earner E.S.SATHER 1 i i i ii 1 1 1 ii i iin ii in i .j j THE BEND BULLETIN (Publlslicd ETcrjr Wednesday) Nl'wrp GEORGE PALMER PUTNAM Editor and Publisher. ROBERT W. BAWYER . ABBoeloto Editor. An Independent nowspopor stand ing, for tho squnro deal, clean biSl ncBS, clean politics and tho beat n tercRts of Bond nnd Central Oregon uno year J1.B0 Biz months SO Ttarco months 60 qn'Jttly Fourth. Tho plans for tho tffttcrtnlnmont nro progressing well, but this week it is up to ovory ono to-got out nnd work. Wo prom- bo a goqd tlmo to our guests, nnd the people of Jlonu must nmko good thnt promise. K. S. MILES GETS All Bubscrlntlons nro duo nnd PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration nro mnllod aubscrlbors nnd if renewal Is not inado within reason nblo tlmo the paper will bo discon tinued. Pleaso notify u promptly of nny change of address, or of lallure to re ceive tho pnper regularly. Otherwise xre will not be responsible for copies missed. Make all checks nnd orders pay able to Dcnd Bullotln. j Boost.the baseball team. Tho boys havVsomo Rood mator'nl. nnd ovon 'it'tno sci)foathus far nro disappoint jlng, th,i$re Isno renson why with prnc Tfco (hoybo"uldn't turn out n good nine. They hnyo Uio right spirit nnd nro keeping "hard at work. Let's nil show na good a spirit nnd help them with encouragement nnd support. If you bet, nnd lost, "be n sport" nnd got your hair cut. No mntter whether you bet or not, you should have your hnlr cut boforo July 4th. Do not wait until tho 4th. You mny miss the parade. Cigars, candy, etc. THE METROPOLITAN. Adv. LIMELIGHT PHONE MAN PINCHED IN PORTLAND none of the oftlcors participating In V tho mid. was willing to bo rospunsl bio. They admitted thoro wns 'no thins ngrtlnat mo.1 "it corthlnly wnn n most unplons nnt oxperlenco. Tho grill wns open for business. It was licensed by tho WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1914. & c V ' THE PITY OF IT. ,Jhe account of tho murder of tho new-born babe at GrUxley Is grim and ghastly. With premeditation, n father ends the life of the child his wlfejias just brought Into tho world. "while Its mother still lies upon her bed of ngony. Read simply ns n brutal drama the crime Is unspeak ably vile. ..Granted that tho father-murderer was unbalanced. Granted, perhaps, that his mentality was sound and hla actsanely guided. Whichever a Jury ol)fyia "peers decides whether ho garjfto tho madhouse, to a life In tho penitentiary or -to tho gallowssu, tbero yet remains. about the tragedy, ati background of pathos tho pity of tho situation which fundamentally cauteu ine muruer. ., The .statement of the lathecU clear enough on onchead; ho fenr'fl poverty. The mother feared it totS ejflaniy; humanly, they feared it for' just tapping a free supply. This auspl themselves, unselfishly, humanly, for tneir -nany. Against their desires their child came, burdening- them with another being to support when they could ill support thomsclves, de stroying, indeed, the earning powers of opeofthom. The furklng demon of hunger and want and the pale ghost of fear prompted the killing. That, you say. Is no acquittal. As suredly no. The law is plain, and the unwritten laws of love and fam ily, and human decency cry out against tho atrocity thrice as strong' NATURAL' ELECTRICITY. rapping ths Air For It a Prebtim That Biffin Qoisncs. In answering the qne-itlon. Ms the prophecy that 'Weill the, rounds' about twenty yrttra ngn tlmt oiue way of "tapping nature' ami thus securing un limited supllert of electricity from air or from space coming truer Edgar Lnclen Lark In in the New York Ameri can says: The nearest approach to the great work of tapping nature' unlimited tore of elevtrtclty Is the act allowing Irrigating streams from high moun tains to turn turbine generators over and over again lu 'different power plant uluug down the nidi's of the mountains und then after vocurlng all uieeliiink-ul work of gruvltatlou secure growing work in the growth of food plant Thin Is the height ut present of human skill lu the work of "tupplrig nature" Windmills turning armatures Is an other way of tawing. And tho cap ture of waterjri tides, using tho force of outflow, la still another. Wo still have the dynamo with us. We must tururarmuturea with tbelr polar Held. of magnetic lines. We must ue running water or flow ing wind to tup-nature or burn carbon coder holler, which la too expensive and proxnle to be culled the high art of tapping, an one would turu a faucet. 1 suppoxe my correspondent means Will Hue onicinls Thc,rj for $20,0.00 Damages Resulting From Wrong- ful Arrest ntul False Accusation of Vitgrmicy Ball Set nj f .10, K. S. Miles, of Silver Lnko, pro motor of tho phono lino between thnt town nnd Bend, got Into tho limelight nnd incident!) tho city. Jail In Port land Saturday. Tho arrest, apparent ly, was through no fault of his own, and now ho threatens to suo Port land' onicinls for 120,000 damagen. Ilichnrda Grill was "pinched" Sat urday night. Mr. Mllea was thoro, was arrested, balled by Phtl.Motschan and when tlmo for trial canto Monday no officer oven appeared against him. Part or Mr. At I Ion story thus ap pears In Tho Orogonlan: "1 finished some hualness late Sat urday night and walked up Alder street to Pnrlrf said Mr. Miles yes terday, "I came to Jtlclmrda drill and entered." ' "When I had been seated n fow moments I wns closely qucstlohe'd nnd later iaformed thnt I was under nrrcst ns n vngrnnt, "I appeared In .court today, but lly luulntvorofom rceognUed, I wont Micro Inrpml raltli. I wns nrrcstca nn n vagrant. I nm nut nnd ntu not one. ' NO ode nppenrod ngnlnst mo, I 'khmr' Romtono la ycsitfouslbln nnd wluidreftr Is will bo determined in u anil Ihnvo Instructed my attorney to Mo ngnlnst Mayor Albop, Chlof of Polled Clnrk, Cnptaln luskeep, Ser geants Harms und Wells nnd tho pa trolmen under orders.'' According, to tho Oregon Journal, tho enso ngnlnst Mr. Miles una boon dismissed, aVYH PHONK ASSl'RIU). (Sliver Lnko Lender.) K. 8. Miles, tho tolophono mnn left for Portland Inst evening to purchase wlro nnd uqiilpment for tho line run nlng from Silver Iako to La Pino, lleforo leaving ho Instructed his foro mnn tu communco digging tho holes to Bot tho poles nnd nlso let tho con tract for hnullnc notes to bo distrib uted along the lino botweon hero nnd Fort Rock. From whnt Inrormntlqn wo nro able to gnther tho lino will bo In operation boforo tho lGth of July. Sufficient assurnnco Is gunrnn teed ta Mr, Miles to warrant him In pushing the matter and ho feels war ranted In assuring all towns between iLhkcvlow nnd Bond thnt conversa tions can bo had by July U between any point lu central Oregon nnd with Portland within the next sixty days. Peters Shot Gun and RMo nm mo nition. Skuso llardwaro Co. Adv. FIU'IT JAMS ' Mason -Sura Krai Hkiiftc Hardware Co. Adv, clous event has not arrived unless using solar engines is tapping. Ueat reflected by mirrors directly from tho noonday sun upon tollers baa been made to generate steam and turn ar maturen. Another way of tupping is to allow the sun to shine on tbermo electric piles, unions of euds of burs of unlike metals. What my friend evidently wants Is electricity as cheap as air. water and sanlhthr. This really Is the dream of electricians Klnce nothing exists but electrons, and these are electricity. It .?!-"-.' . . : "".'" W n. j it i,. f , ....... . rooes seera.inat we ougut to get an wo ly-j .dp tho laws of tho courts and. ,mnf ,, h, ,,. fHk,nB. V'4tffitpf' supply. But Edison. uoioinsouj.jtuiotTiora ana icsia anu sieinraetx nave not maxea toe way into this unknown problem of the atcs. inuary.-etatute books. 3 9 bnlpU 'given life through'. pa if Itqwn, is dead. The nfoth- thanusrjr.-etatute books. Th wrlsh &f ltaqw er Is "heartbroken, no dottbL The Just and Tjurfery law, no do.ubt, will take the nther's life, so leaving the child-robbed 'woman a wido)y too. ThJy 'were destitute, were these two, ij-ho, under the smiles of Fi tune.tmlght have loved their ch so lavishly, but would have hunger anuV.M'fln it hunger; had it lived n hurdreied them. Where. Pray, will you And a sadder story? II nv ,; mi.&xi. CHARITY .AT HOME. Here.lfl a true incident from the hfirotetetd, land. t fs not a tragedifi-tsW, lko the'.Grlirloy -climax of poverty, but it is too near one to merit a brighter name. A mother.'and three small children remained on their claim while the father 'worked in town, as do many homesteaders, earning wages with which to carry the burden of the Im provements in the first bard up-hill battle for their lands. Many homa steadera are poor. These struggled the ragged edge of undisguised 1 I.... mm .A.I. . man will V u WWW w wwu.i, .uu iuhh T. at, u.m tbia'curquesU for the mind phasing in nun inimitable A Italy's Plums Qrsss. -- ' ". ... ..... . . i -fcraM, nj in iiiii-- ior loe DIHECTOHY OF OFFICIALS. United States. Prcsldont Wood row Wilson Vlco President. .Thomas R. Marshall Secretary of Stato W. J. Bryan Secretary pt Navy ..Josephus Daniels Secretary of, War . . . .L. M. Garrison Secretary of Interior . . . .F. K. Lane Secretary Agrlculturo D. F. Houston Secretary of Treasury . W. F, McAdoo 8ccrotary Commerco ..W. C. Iledflcld Secretary of Labor . . . . W. B. Wilson Attorney Goneral ..Jas. McRoynolda Postmaster General .Albert Burleson State. Governor Oswald West Secretary of Stato . . . . B. W. Olcott Treasurer ......... .Thos. B, Ka Atty General A. M. Crawford Superintendent Public Instruction . . ........: J. A. Churchill Stato printer R. A. Harris Commissioner Labor Statistics .... Game Warden W. L. Flnle) State Engineer John H. LoU United States Senators Georgo E. Chamberlain Harry W. Lanii Congressmen A. W. Lafferty . .. ,N. 8. 8lnnott W. A. Hawley Crook. County. Classified Advertising Advertisements Inserted under ihU lieallnj nt the rate of ONE CENT A WORD each Insertion. Cash mutt accompany all orders from pervon not hntlng a regular account lth Ttio Bulletin. No advertisement tak for lesa than in ceuU each Insertion. WANTED. Bend Celebrates ! Circuit Court Judgo W. 1, JJradshaw. District .Attorney '.,; .W. H. Mt1-U County Judge . .. G. Springer Clerk ; ... ..., .. .Warran Urajn onena ....Q.......r ranniiiiui Treasurer . , . . .. ir . . Ral pi-Jdrdap Assessor - IfJA: poster School Siipt J. E. Myers rnrnnur P.T1. 'PolnilBTtBr w- -- -.-.--- 1- - - - V-,1 Surveyor . . i a- Fred A. Riceu Commissioners . ., ."'i.R. ft Bsyley IpMBf apftwUJfr bjoom for sweeping Septembec wdyJDoceJaoer blgBJjt finine tloomv is n product of ' Monday In'March. , imujnyrfops,yfartlnlurly In nouth-1 Probafc Meetl' first Monday In And second' ysstern IwtU-rdy. Hiiittifrn Wuetla anil -jurthern'Rmllla. In which Motions Iris oatd'tb fcrow ubuiidmitly Mantua. umiruy. u iMnir or int mine in dW-JftiftsWi-iSJiutji around Sloutua gut bef It during the first three weeks In Heptember. nout two weeks bfori It begins to blMsum. on poverty. The food ran Idw at -the homestead tent and the father did not return. There were no neigh bors for miles, no horse to reach them. All supplies but a sack of seed wheat were consumed. But the mother stuck to the claim, and for a full week those three little Ones lived on boiled wheat; Then came relief, and slightly better things. The' moral is two edged. The kind of courage and hardi hood ovldonced by that mother is the stuff new countries are built upon and. the foundation of pioneer suc cess. Luxurious town-dwellers should tflott' their bats to it. And why, when such things are. transpiring all about us, need we go .across seas for missionary work'Ui There is prosperity in plenty, ondl success and happiness, among the homesteaders and the new settlers; as a whole there-la no reason at all to plt,y them. .But there are too, cases. In plenty where the helping hand extended from Bend would ac complish a world of good- of sub stantial brotherly ad, to help ide over the hard places Und bHng us" all nearer the ultimate well apportioned prosperity that will come in time to the entire country. Whst H Mad of It First Pnyalcisu-Cun ru make sny. thing- nut of the pjitlentV trouble) Second-Physician I think IP we man age right we can iiiiiKh aluiit -Vxi n piece out of it. Philadelphia Ledger Cynical Sympathy, fhe (cruUmrutuli-Tlirrr .-vara I was engaged to blm-three beautiful, happy yearV-then It was all urer. Ou (sym-fiaineilt-at(rt-Oh. 1 xtipixw. yun mar ried bliti tbenr-Fllegeudo Blatter. CircuitMeets. 0rat '3' Mondsy In each month. Commissioners' Meets first Wed nesday lnJnuary, March, May, July, Septembef. NoVm.ber on.d Tiecchibor iB,SclWpia)IStrIcVRo. TKZ WANTED I can locate you on a few good timber claims while they last. J. II. Miner, Bend, Ore. IStf WANTED A girl or woman for goneral housework. Woman prefer red. O. C. Cardwoll. ICtf. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply at O. M. Patter son's. Utf WANTED From ono to six milk cows, Durham preferred. Address Ivan R. Knotts, Bond, Oregon. lS-17c WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Good wages and permanont position. Mrs. C. S. Hud son. 12tf. FOB RENT. This Year so Buy that New SUMMER. SUIT before the FOURTH of July New Nifty Neckwear-the LATEST. In fact EVERYTHING FOR MEN. EVERVVEAIl HOSE FOll MEN Guaranteed Six Pairs Six Months. A. L. FRENCH FOR RENT Modern cottngo com pletely furnished. Reasonable price to responsible person. Inquire Bulle tin office. -' 10 it FOtl RENT Two lots, large threa room Jicuise. Kenwood. $7.00 per month. Jnquire Bend Grocery, lOtf KOR RENT Two room cabin, v......w.- .......... fv v-'"- partly rumincd. i& per month. Bend '-V-' Vi - '" Drow, Orjfcpqrfr Onblock east of depot. OtX . ..r' I. , ' .' WEfflk RBK-Small house partly fujnlshed.cJa a month; also tent Near depot. In IStf ik-iiu, ovr7-i4iaim.i . a. Directors. , , .Clyde M. McKay, Chmn J. N. Hunter ,R. M. Smith Clerk II. J. Overturf City of Bend. Mayor II. A. Miller Recorder H. O. Ellis Treasurer Mary E. Coleman Chief of Pollca S. E. Roberts City attorney ....... .V. A. Forbea City Engineer . ...deorge 8. Young City physician ......,; .Dr. U. C. Coe Councilman H. B. Allen .Thoo. Aune ,.,.,., A. 8. Collins .......... ......... M, D, Knutsen ................... J. D. Davidson E. A. Bather Justice of the Peace. Bend Precinct .J, A. Eastus hcnJs'er .adjoining. qulro at Bulletin. J FOR JRE-NT Pasturo. 040 acres pwlr- Xericcd. Plonty of water and grass. S ft miles southeast of town. Iflqu(r Charles SIpcbeb. 13tf kFfR RENT Offices on Wall street ffft&$i Apply Bulletin Office FOR RENT Rooms centrally lo cated. Electric lights and wator. Suitable for housekeeping. Cheap. Apply Bulletin Office. FOR RENT Two room suites fur nished for light house keeping. Henkle & Ryan. 12tf FOR SALE. Bend is going to have a big crowd For CANNING aMMBMtMBMMaj-ajBBjsMBja-aj - Get Logan Berries and Raspberries- Ball Mason and Golden State Mason Jars Xpu can get them all at . Shitey's Cash Grocery i LEADINO EATS fiTORE OF HEND t 1 Nama inside both. Kinder please no tify Mrs. V Schroder, Kolyat, Oro gon. 1017p. FOR RALE All klrids of rough and dressed lumber, at Anderson Bros, sawmill half xay between Bond and Laldlaw, on old Tumato road. Roasonablo prices, rough lumbo'r 910 per M. Delivering to Bend or Lald law $2 per M. Telephone. 19tf LOST AND VOU.VD. FOR SAL&--A first cjojn t1U. qulabment under the Swalloy Ditch. 2D water shares, and more. If desired. 30 acres Improved. J. Rogers, tatdlaw. 20 In crop. It. lfitr MlHClILIiANROUN. FOR TRADE Will trado a new Economical .'Chief cream suparaut. for n good quiet horso for furnit ure. L. Flckeri, Alfalfa!1 U-l',. TO TRADE- For team of horses Well drilling outfit In first olsaa con dition valued at H&Q. J, B, Min or. Mtr TO EXCHANGE Two well locat ed Iota In flood for train, wagon and harness. Address I). P, Winter, Pow ell Butto, Oregon, IS-lC-c FOR SALE Two fine fresh milk cows. Apply Bulletin office. ' lC-17c FOR SALE Two one year old Holsleln bulls, tit each. L. C. Roberts? seven miles out on Burns road, lt-lC.p FOR SALE Registered O. I. C, pigs. Phone or write O. C. Card well, Bend 13tf FOR SALE Hotel. The Altamont, Bend. Oregon. A modern, profitable, well furnished hotel on terms, W, A. Hammond, Dubuque, Iowa. lC-19p FOR SALE Hand mode Weber piano. Would sell cheap for cash, or on reasonable terms. Call, wrltq or phono, Mrs. J. B. Robertson, care Mr. Shonquest, Bend. 11-17 FOR BALE Black Minorca eggs for setting, f 1.26 for 13. Leave or ders at Bather's store. ltfo ' FOR SALE At a bargain, lots 1 and 2, block 3, North Addition, for- mr location oi Evergreen uonniing Houie, near depot, inquire c f, Bepson, . 10-17p, FOR SALE One Durham Ayr shire milk cow Just fresh. Also Mil wnukeo binder,, first class sbapo, price J60.00, A guaranteed bar gain. A. A. Berg, Gist, Ore. 15-18e. FOR SALE OR TRADE Relin quishment. 2 miles from good central prcgon town. On main road, i room house, born, all fenced. 20 acres in crop. Price 1760, Write C. O, c-o Bend Hotel, Bend, Oregon, ICtf FOR BALE-.Acro of standing hoy and stumpage. Or will contract to have bay put up, paying with part t crop. John Belll, Prlnevllle road, 1 miles from Bend. 14-lflp LOST May 20th, near Jtorse Rldge. two purees, one containfnjr man's gold watch and small change, FOR SALE WILL HELL MY TWO ROOM HOUSE, GOOD FUR.M TURK. LOT AND FINK HARDEN, 1IKHHIKH AND FRUIT TREKH, ALL l.V SPLENDID CONDITION FOR less than 50 cents on the Dollar THIS IH A REAL BARGAIN AND YOU SHOULD HER THIS BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. W'IMj CON. HIDF.R TERMS. Apply 8th and Evergreen AvenueCenter Add. WALL PAPER SALE Regular price 10 ctmts 'Baloprlco M fa cents: Regularprlco Ifl cont-H-Sale prlca ;. . .8 cents Regular pr co 20 cents Snlo price ..........11 cents, Regular price 1W cents Sale price l cents Regular prlco .'10 cents -Salo price ...,,.,,,, 10 centa Regular prlco 11.1 cents- -Salo prlco IH conts Regular prlco -io cents Salo prlco .,,,.,,,,. ill cents Regular prlco no centa Solo prlco sit centu Regular price ao cents Solo prlco .. . , .a cent Regular prlco 75 cent Oat Meal 30 In. wide Sale price BO cents Regular prjco ftf cents Ingrain 30 In. wido Sale prico !!0 cunts These prices per bolt (2 slnglo rolls to bolt) and! only on sales days Jnno 'M, SO and 27. . HTRIOTLY OAHIC . H. E. JONES 4 '4 n lt-5 J