tw; mwp flUhhyxtK, iipyp, ouk., Wednesday, juxb jt, jm. page 7, . t A M a .JVOOL PRICES ARE EXCELLENT WENAKDY BETS MAIL GO T Willi IMIiinitiil Atemtt" I''''" f 17 Cent Mini IntirenMil Pimlnrllou, 41,100,1)00 (.'dim lo Orcunn In fr Fliat Vrur or No Tin Iff, Of tlio 20,000,000 iioiiiiiIh or wool liroiluroil In OntK'in tills nitaann fully 1 I.K00.000 iioiiiiiIh Iiiivu beim hoIiI. -ttlftlltllr Mil fflHtniif unltftitf lilfivtnnntil ovur known In tliu history or the lo Vnl liuluntry. Not only was tlin null Iiik inoviiiiifnt quicker, lint Urn prlem (ilitnlnitil for floocn onn or tlm best known burn. W'hllu iteflultu flKuro nre ntlll InokliiR hi'rniir.o or hoiiio of the iHtn sales not yet nvoraxeil, It la 'IlKoly Hint tlin nvoniKo price this Himmin In thin ntntn wul run olomi lo 17 oontfi n pound -and some ln(irnt Sir 0 Inclined to believe Hint n fnic tlonnl lulVHiico will Iks hIiowii Above tliU. Not only illil Oregon wool growers reeelve morn money per pound for llmlr lleoen UiIh ncwtoii, hut Irmtimtl of VIiowIiik n docronso In niippllu as wnii Indicated hy tint wool trade throiiKliniit tlio world, thorn In nn ac tual Inrmnxo or nhniit 3,000,000 Urn. In llio clip ovur recent yonrn. Huoli ,h kIiohIiik wiih wholly unexpected by hotli the trndn nml producers. Taking tlin generally mvoptml nv mrago tor thin year's price, the wool rllp of Oregon thin season will bring $3,100,000 lo tlm proilticom cominir h with 12,000,000 a year ago. Last onr'a wool clip wnii sold iimlnr very adverse rlrcuiii'lnnriw- tnlll buyers .worn very bearish In Hielr views re garding; tlin Inking off or thn tnrllT hiiiI producer ware nulto willing to ueaitpt tlmlr views. Till year with free trade, thn highest prices In year have hflcn received nml not only thin, lint thn clip U much grealor says II. II. Conn, In the Oregon Joiintnl. TO OPKN UIMVITIIMtAWN MNIIH (Orecon Journal.) , WAHIILWrON, Juno 13 -Hcora-tary or thn Interior t.rrno hen order ed thn restoration or 100,000 acryi 4n thn Deschutes valley withhold Vending nn Investigation hy thn rec lamation service, with a 30 dnya' preference right to nctnnl settlor, nn Vtiggcated by thn Oregon Htate Im migration rommlMilnn. COMPANY'S BID IS AC CEPTED Hrnlcn HckIiin .Inly I Auto Truck to Ik I'mmI nml Trip lo Silver Lnkii .Miitln In Ten Itniiiw lliite.Miich Pi eight lo Hi lii From Houtli Tliu Woiinndy l.lvnry Couipany hm houu nwardud tlm oontrnot for car ry Iiik tlio mall to I,a Pino, Fort Hook nml Hllvtr Lake nml return for four years from July 1. Did for thin servlco have been roeetvod hy thn Post Olllco Dnpnrtuiout nt threo nopnrnta tlmon thin nprltiK, hut on tlio two onrllur tlmvii ware not nocuptnil on nccount ot vnrloun dllllcultlon. In nntlolpntlon of thin work tho Wnmimly Company linn ruoontly hoiiKht thrmi Mack nuto truokn, or two Ion capacity onch, nml tticno will tin moil nxclunlvuly on thn pontnl route Drlvcm for thrno tritakn liavo nlrondy hvon onximod; John Mch tvtintorn or HUtun, I.po Ioncli anil l,oul Huoloy or llnnd. L. 1). l'ox will hnvn chnrKu of tliu liunlnunn for thn company. AlthouKh thn pontnl nohodulo cnlln for n runnltiK tlmo or 28 hours Im twcinn llciid iind Ullvur l,nko It la ox pt-ctud Hint with tho truck 18 hour will! ho ordinarily cut rrom thU mid tho trip Hindu In 10 hourn. With thn loowny nrfordod thn couipany oxpnctn no illtflcully In cotnliiK wall within tho nohnduln time for all hut a row wucka In tho wlnlnr whun It tuny ho m.cnnnry lo mu tcama, J. II. Wonnudy tnndo a trip lo BIN vit Imko last wnuk to complctn ar rnnKoiuiinln for tho ncrvlco, thnro. Amonx othor thlttRi ho contracted to hrlmt In to llnnd nonio 70,000 pouniln of wool which will ho frolghtfld In to Hllvur I.akn. Tho truck will hrlnic thin In an opportunity offer. In addition to tho ntr.ll cnrrylnn biulnos llio truckn will oarry p- nnnRorn, oxircn ami haRRQRo, ami thn offlco of the company la now IicIiik onlarRcil to provldo a walllnR room nml apneo for tho storaRO of tnorohan-illio. I'otorn flhot dun and Hlfto ammu ultlon. Bkuvo Hanlwaro Co. Adv CITIK)I,..! t Klratx Rot tho namj down pat then buy II or your druRRltt. Juit tho BRICK WORK I Have built ccry brick Iioiiac In Ilcml erected by contrnct. wo hk tiii: hist. I'ltlCIW Till: M)WIMT. KATIHI'AITION AIIHOMTKhY UAUAXTKi:. SAND FOR. SALE Tho lrt obtnlnnblo at Hie Iimont pi Ire In lnn:o or Mimll qiiitiitltlcK. I hnrn Hm nxrluMto prhllcam for kniul In nil C. O. I , t'ompaiiy (llirhen. JACK TANSEY Paint Kitchen Floors Don't Scrub Them Avoid tho backache and sore knees caused by scrubbing baro floors. Patntcd floors arc easy to keep bright and clean, are attractive and very inexpensive. FLOOR PAINT gives a hard, durable, sanitary finish for floors, steps or any inside surface to be walked on, easy to keep clean H$?Sm nd hard to wear out. You can apply jnj!ffl3Ru it yourself. It dries in a short time. fflffllWFj Offered in appropriate and attractive KS& shades. Bend Hardware Company vnry bent thins for constipation, nick hendncho, Hour iitoinr-ch, lazy (Ivor, iIurrInIi, constituted bowcln. Tho pleniinnti'ftt, nurcnt. nicest, Inxntlvo you over timid. Tnnlu Rood like lomonado. Acta promptly, without pnlu or nmifi'u. Given you tho moat nntlnfactory fluihliiR you hnvo over had. Adv. Pattoraon DruR Co. FOR POWER: S YXV ""JP .tlrJJA V, S - lPB RED SlJSv . THE GASOLINE OF QUALITY There is gasoline and gasoline. As a discriminating: purchaser you are not concerned with what your gasoline costs per gallon but you are very much concerned with what it costs ptr milt. It is this consideration that will lead you, like thousands of other motorists, touusefcRcd Crown. It is quick actinguniform rdlabieJpTkii& , power in every drop, T-A ' W M it Vl W-t Cut. 4 Red Crown signs are furnished to all dealerKhandllne Red Crown Gasoline. Watch for the Sign or askfour ncari ' ' est agency about delivery in bulk. NOTICK OF COXT!T. Doparttnnnt of tho Interior. Tho United Btatoa! Ofllco. Lako vlow, Ort'Kon, May 27, 19H. To Ifonry W. Fuehrer, of Hand, Ore Ron, CoalesU'o; You are horoby notlflod that Porcy li. Forbea who Rlvca Ilond, OroRon, c-o Hox 147, na his post offlco nddrraa, did on May A, 1914, fllo In thin offlco hln duly corroborated application to contest and nucura tho cancellation of your homestead, Kntry No. , Bor lal No. 04131, tnndo NoromlKjr 22, 1910, ror 'i 8WV4 Section 21. WH NWVi and 8W Bectlon 28. Town ahlp 24 8, ItanRO 22 K. Wlllaraotlo Meridian, and na Rrounds ror his contest ho alleRcs that Honry W. Fuehrer haa railed to establish hla realdenco on aald tract; that ho has railed to cultivate aald tract or any part thereoff that nald ontryman has abandoned said tract for upwards or six months last past ami thai auch failure and abandonment was not duo to his employment In tho army, na vy or marine corps In tho V. 8. in tlmo of war or othorwlso. You are. therefore further noti fied that tho said allegations will ho taken by this ofllro as having been confessed by you, nml your said entry will bo canceled theroundor without your further rlRht to be hoard there in, either before this ofllco or on ap peal. If ou rail to file In this ollloe within twenty days alter the FOIMITII publication or this notice aa nhown below, your answer, under oath, speelflrnlly meeting and nv spomll'iK to thtMo allegations or con test, or It ou fall within that time to file In this office due proof that ou have nerved n copy of vot answer on the said contestant either In person or by registered mull. If this aorvlce Is mado by tho dollvory or a oopy or your answer to tho contestant in per win, proof of such service must bo either the contestant's written ack nowledgment of his receipt or the copy, show Iiik tho dato ot Its receipt, or the affidavit ot the person by whom tho dollvory was mado atutltiR whon and where thn oopy wns delivered; If mado by roRlstorod mall , proof ot nuch servlco must consist of tho affidavit or tho porson by whom tho copy was mailed BtatltiK whon and tho post olllco to which It was mailed, and this affi davit must bo accompanied by tho postmastor'n receipt ror Uie letter. You should Btnto In your answer tho name or tho post offlco to which you deslro future notices to bo sent to you. JAMBS F. IlimOBSS, Keglstcr. Onto of first publication Juno 3, 1914. Onto of second publication Juno 10, 1914. Data of third publication Juno 17, 1914. Dato or fourth publication June 24, 1914. .NOTICK OF CONTKST. Department or tho Interior. United States Land Office, Tho Dalles, Ore Ron, May 2C, 1914. To William II. Iloffe. of Sultan, Washington, Contostee: You are hereby notified that Roy L. Hunter who Rives Ilond. OroKon. aa hla post offlco address, did on April KST1MATKS CIIKKUFl'I.I.Y FL'ItMSHKI) Jobblujc Promptly Attended To J. J. RYAN Plumbing and Heating PlIONi: 431 117 MINNESOTA STIIKKT CLOVERLEAF MILK and CREAM aiu: puni: PIION'K YOLK OUDKim O. C. CARDWELL Fanners Phono No. l. Vienna Cafe REOPEN We are now located In tho Onrlll Uulldlnj; next to tho llllte Studio. Oood meals served, jlrcad and all kinds of pastry tor sale. ....ROOMS AND UOARD.... iuutmuHutmwtiMM I ALTAMONT f $ HATCl $ HOTEL J Moderate Prices S i Modern Ilooms J J Attractive Kurroumllnpi 2 t fitcmii I lent, Hot nml Cold AVnter With Hath Prllleea S Homo Cooked Meals t J .MUh A. I). Spalding, Proprietor i I WKNII, OUP.GOX 5 Is It Done Right? I Standard Oil Company (California) Bend MACHINE SHOP We are equipped to do anything In the machine line, having; Installed new machinery with which wecanhandlo any kind of Job, Automobile Repairing a, specially Deyormond Machine (Sb Repair Shop Hawthorne Ave., UcnJ, Ore, If tt by lit wU aoush alone. Hut un l It U up to th mark In vrr dul. conio and us. UOW PRICES, BETTER SERVICE Mi Steam Laundry. tutu inn uiii;.M.(j "Hut Your Dttdg In Our Suds" 17, 1914, fllo In this offlco tils duly corroborated application to contest nml secure tho cancellation of your homestead, Hntry No. . . ., Serial No 08013, mado April 0, 1911, for NV V NWVi Section 215, NK NJ-Ui Section 27, BWti 8W4, 8W', NW Section 23; 8 HBVi, 8U4 NI4V4 NlfiV 8KU Section 22, Township 19 8. Ha ti Ko 19 K. Willamette Meridian, and as grounds for hln contest he nl lego that William II. Hoffo has whol ly nlmmloned snld homostend for more thnn two yearn laet pnnt: that ho has never OBtabllahed ft resldonco thereon, and ban failed to cultivate nnd Improve tho name as required by law. You nro, thorofore, further notl flod that tho nald allegations will bo taken by thin office an having been confessed by you, and your said entry will bo oancelod thoreundcr without your further right to bo heard there in, either beforo this offlco or on an peel, ir you fall to fllo In this ofDoo within twenty days after tho FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and re sponding to thesa allegations of con test, or U you rail withfri'that time to file In this office duo proof that you have served a copy of your answer on too said contestant In person or by registered mall. If this service Is mado by tho dollvory of a copy or your answer on th) eald contestant In person, proof of such sor- .vlco inust'ba either tho said contest ant a written acknowledgment of hit receipt or tho copy, showing tho dato of Its recoipt, or the affidavit of tho person by whom tho dollvory was made stating whon and whoro tho copy was delivered ; If made by regis tered mall, proof of such servlco must consist of the affidavit of tho person by whom the copy was mailed sta'lng when and tbo postofflce to which it was mailed and this affidavit must bo accompanied by the postmaater'a receipt for the letter. You should stato In your answor tho namo of tho pottofllce to which you desiro further notices to bo 'sent to you. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. Dato of first publication Juno 3, 1914. Dato of second publication June 10, 1914. Dato of third Publication June 17, 1914. Dato of fourth publication Juno 24, 1914. NOTICK OF CONTKST. Department of tho Interior. United States Land Office. The Dalies, Ore .con. May 27. 1914. To Glenn Hancock, an alleged heir of Jame-i I Hancock, and tho un known heirs. It any of James L. Hancock, deceased, or Oakvllle. Washington, c-o Femdalo Lumber Co., Contestce: You are hereby notified that Charles F, Urennan, who gives Dend, Oregon, c-o box 147, an hla post of flco address, did on May 21, 1914, fllo In this ofllco hIA duly corroborated application to contest and nodiiro tho cancellation of your homestead, Kn try No Serial No. 010108, mado April 3, 1912, for NWVi I N',4 SWVi Section 1, 8B NBVi and NBVi BV Vi, Section 2, Township 20 3., Itnngrj 16 K. Wlllnmotto Meridian, and nn grounds for hln content ho alleges Hint said James L. Hancock, during his llfotlmo never established hla residence nor cultivated w.Id tract nml that nald Hnncook died on or about October 25, 1912, In Chohallft County. Washington, as I am Inform ed and verily bellova; that ho left him surviving ono known heir, to wn, uionn Hancock who Is alleged to resldo at Wntorvllle, Maine, and that nolther tho widow or said deceased nor said Glenn Hancock nor any oth or heir or noxt or kin has since tho doath or said deceased, resided upon or cultivated any part or said claim and that such failure an aband n tnent on th part of aald ontryman and his heirs at law wan not due to his or their employment in tho army, ntvy or marine corps of tho U. 8, In tlmo or wrr or otherwise. You ore, therefore further noti fied that tho aald allegations will be takon by this offlco as having been confessed by you, and your said entry will be canceled thereunder without your further right to be heard there in, either beforo this ofllco or on ap peal, ir you fall to fllo In this office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice, aa shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and re sponding to these allegations of con test, or If you fail within that tlmo to fllo In this offlco duo proof that you havo served a copy of your answer on tho said contestant either In person or by registered mail. If this service is made by tbo delivery or a copy ot your answer to the contestant In person, proof ot such service must be cither the said contest ant's written acknowledgment of his recoipt of tho copy, showing the date of Its recoipt. or the affidavit of the person by whom tho delivery was mado stating when and where the copy was delivered; If made by regis tered mall, proof of auch service must consist of the affidavit of tho person by whom the copy was mailed stating when and the postofflce to which It was malted, and this affidavit must bo accompanied by the postmaster's receipt for the letter. You should stato In your answer the name of tho postofflce to which you dealro further notices to be sent to you. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. Dato of first publication June 3, 1914. Date of second publication June 10, 1914. Date of third publication June 17, 1914. Dato ot fourth publication June 24, 1914. The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It U a fireproof building It Is thoroughly modern It Is comfortable, commodious, clean HOO.MS FROM JJO CUNTS UP MKALS FROM 25 CKNTS UP The wants of all nre satisfied well at THK WRIGHT HOTEL Automobiles to all Interior Points THE WRIGHT H0TEL ? FIRK, LIFK, ACCIDENT, PLATE GiaSS. AUTOMO BILE, SURETY BONDS. CENTRAL OREGON'S Leading INSURANCE Agency REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY ) Lots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS ( TERAIS: $5 Cash and ' OROKLA) 3 Monthy J A PA QTPQ Office on Oregon Street .' . CtD 1 CO BEND, :: OREGON X Headquarters for Commercial Men Electric Lighted Throughout Special Attentloa to Transieat Travel I THE B.END HOTEL i Good Rooms Free bus to and from trains HUGH O'KAIMEJ, maXTaobr BEND, OREGON flood Meals All arrangements made (or persons desiring to go south and east of here ONE CENT A WORD is. till a little want ad will cost you.