The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 17, 1914, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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H !
Tunmlo Frojcct Knglnccr Mny He
?ljjn nt Close of Ycnr nnd Thou
New Itlll Would lllock tho
.Appointment of Ills Successor.
O. Lnurgaard, Project Engineer of
tho Ttnunlo Project, when asked his
opinion of tho Initlatlvo monsuro now
bolng ctfculHtcdJvhoso objects arc to
abolish Jho omco of State Hnwlnoor,
abolish' tho -l)Wort Land Htmrtl and
abolish tho wtor auperlntondentn,
assumed 'thnt non-commltal air which
lurks nbout mill-building lumbermen
these (lays and sometimes becomes
"To tolt the truth." said Mr. l.ur
gaard, "Tho move (s a comnlotc sur
prise to mo. I had known nothing
nt nil of It until I saw tho newspapers
last Tuesday, and I have never seen
n cony of the tironoscd lull.
Mr. Lnurgnard exlalned that his
position was a dollcnto one. Whether
ho now came out for tho bill, or rldl
ruled It. ho would bo open for critl
cisni. Therefore, he chooses o re
main sllont regarding H.
Among other things, the bill pro
poses to appoint tho engineer on tho
Tumalo Project as State Engineer,
until 1915, his salary to be borne
equally from tho goncral stato funds
and from the "Tumalo Reclamation
Fund." Just exactly what the last
named fund Is 1s not entirely clear.
It was pointed out. but ono fact does
develop thnt promises peculiar ro
sultB should tho bill receive a fav
orable vote. Evidently Governor
West, sponsor of tho new bill, wants
Lewis out as State Engineer and
L&urgaard in. nt lonet until 191G.
But supnose Lnurgaard quits at tho
end of this year?
When questioned In this regard,
Mr. Laurgaard said:
"Yes, It Is extremely nrobnblo that
I shall resign at tho end of this vcar.
The construction work will bo done
The rest or it will simply bo a main
tenance Job. which any competent
man, not necessarilv an engineer,
can handle. Rightfully, tho present
ralary might be cut down considera
bly. If 1 am able to get a suitable
position elsowhero, nt constructive
work, I roost certninlr shall take It
at onco after November, when tho
Tumalo work will bo about done."
Fhonld Mr. Lanrgsard resign, a Is
probable, two things crop up that
may be embarrassing to those who
are backing tho new bill.
First, tho Tumalo net. creating i
that fund, etc., spcciflcallr states that
the Desert Land Hoard shall appoint
the Prolect Engineer. If the now
hill abolishes tho Dcrt Land Hoard,
and tho Prolect Engineer resigns,
who is to appoint his successor? Ap
parently, point out those who dern
tho bill the result of norsonnl milic
an entertaining legal tanglo would
evolve there.
It has bn Enerl'v ittdnrond I
hat Fred Wallace of Ladlaw Is la
llae to hive rhargo of the mainte
nance of the Project when the eon
Atruotlon work is done and Mr. Laur
gaarV goes. Should he get tho lob
end should the new brill go Into pTect
then Mr. Wallaee would boenme Stste
Engineer, point out Wallace's
Sealed bids will be received nt La
Pino for School District No. 42. for
the building of a basement and fur
nishing material for same. Tho base
ment to bo built of stono or cement,
Dlds must bo in before 12 o'clock
noon July 2, 1914. The school board
rosorves tho right to reject any and
all bids. Plans and specifications may
be seen at Ln Pine, C. V. Carml
Chel, 13-1 8c
FOR RENT Two room suites fur
nished for light house keopintr.
Honklo &. Ryan. 12tf Adv.
Iloe Pentlral Italloon AlmoHt Striken
Three Fingered Jack.
Although Central Oregon folko
didn't know It, had they looked to
ward Thrco Fingered Jack early Fri
day morning they might have caught
a glimpse ot the balloon "Kansas
City III" of tho Portland Rose Fes
tival racers up there close to tho
For, according to Roscoe Fawcett
of The Orogonlan, who was a pas
senger on tho air craft, about C a.
m., when a deneo fog opened for n
minute, tho sky travellers found
themselves within a very few feet ot
the ragged peaks of Three Fingered
Jack, and escaped disaster only
through q 'Ick work in throwing off
sand bags and thuB gaining altitude.
Mr. Fawcett early this spring mar
ried MIhh Winifred Abbott, who pre
viously had been a guest here upon
several occasions at the home ot Mr.
and Mrs. II. K. Allen.
Mason Sure Real
Skuse Ilardivare Co. Adv.
Theodore Koersto and Martin Hall
meyer of Held wore in town last
week and did a lot of boosting for the
Fourth of July celebration that tha
Pringle Flats Development Associa
tion Intends to hold nt the Flats this
year. Incidentally they got goner-
- ig-j-Tr.. iiiifl, i
bus coptrthutlons Yronv Bond thcr
chants, n doton of whom subscribed
prizes ot various eorta for tho many
contests that will bo hold. On of
tho chief features will bo a bucking
and roping contest.
Mlw tlravce' Class I'lense !nrgo And
lenco Willi Kvtcnslvo Program,
1 Tho Music Story Program given
tv tho pupils of Miss Eva Graven'
Fjudnmcntal Music Training Scho-il
occurred Juno Cth, and proved n tuuvt
delightful event. Through error,
mention of tho onturtalumont was
not mndo Inst week,
A. very comprehensive and Interest
Sen program was rendered by tho
four graduates, Joanotto Keyos, Mil
dred Klein, Ida Nlswongor and
Gladys Snthor. Miss Graves directed
tho oxorclnea. Sathor's Hall, whoro
tho young peoplo performed, was
crowded with an npproclatlvu audi
ence. Each of the four young musi
cians did her lmrt excellently well.
and there woro no hitches lu tho pro
gram irom oiuiHirrnseuieni or omer
oruso. Careful and clevor training
showed In all tho work.
Comforting to Stout People.
Foley Cathartic Tablets nro n spe
cially good little rogulntor thnt Kiiope
your Bystom In porfoet working order.
No bllllousnoes, no constipation, no
distress after eating, no greasy, gas
sy taste. A stout person who uses
them constantly will really feel thin
ned out and moro comfortable as n
result ot their use. Adv. Patterson
Drug Co.
(Continued from pa go 2.)
Shobert's plnce nnd the station was
graded last week tho county doing
half the work, while the land owners
put up tho remaining ono half. Fos
ter brothers donated the use ot their
traction engine.
J. P. Doherty mado final proof on
his Innd before Commissioner Chnrl
ton Friday evening.
E. L. Iventons' tcanr ran away Fri
day, making tho entire dlstanco to
Redmond without breaking tho wag
on or Injuring themselves. Several
persons met tho runaways but in
each caso turned out And gave them
tho road.
Tho II. F. D. petition with 11C
names Is being forwarded to Wash
ington. Henry Meyer went up to Rend on
Saturday, remaining over Sunday for
cnurch sorvices.
Mrs. G. C. Truesdalo and Miss Vio
la returned Saturday from n few
days' visit with friends in tho Penin
sula country.
Tho young people held their choir
practlco at the Wilson school houso
Saturday evening ot last weok. The
dato was changed to Friday evening
for this week.
J. F. Rico and his neighbor, II. K.
TM.Tfff iwwy JMhm,wwmr.xwmmto.!m. .
Alfc'nV.kro fencing (ttaif iilaoeagiw
i ! I " I...M.-.II ...
John Reynolds canto tn from Port
land Sunday nnd la visiting nt tho
Wlllcoxon nnd Forrest homes.
Gladys nnd Hntol Ilnyn returned
from Prlnovlllo Saturday where they
have been tho past 9 months attend
ing tho c. c. ii. a,
Enrl Stovons nnd Mrs. Anna llool
gar ot Hedmond wuro visitors Sunday
nt tho Frank Kluslor home.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J, Chapman cntor
tntned nt dinner Sunday, their guestH
being Mr. nnd Mr. N. P. Alley and
family nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. L. Mooro
and family.
What is hoped will bo tho largest
attended rnbblt.drlvo of tho season
will bo pulled oft next Sunday. Tho
drlvo will Btort from tho Morso plaeo
nt nine o'clock Proparutlons nro be
lug mndo to servo tho big noun dny
feed nt tho Houston place. A sub
stantial cash prlzo will bo given tho
hunter nblo to produce evidence of
tho croatottt slaughter at tho close
everybody Is Invited to como. promir-
n.t m hunt. At n itrlvo In this ne ki-
Guns win no used ana
borhood n couple of weeks ngo, It
Do you realize, tlto convenience nnd economy of tho
modern oil stove? Tho fuel kcrnsono Is tho
cheapest you can get clean, safe, easy to lumille. Tho
stove has heen perfected until it is ns good as a wood
or coal range for any kind of cooking. Tho
New Penfec-tion
will cook a quick, light hrcakfast for you, or it will
cook a big dinner villi ronst nnd bread nnd poetry.
Tho New Perfection doesn't overheat tho kitchen.
It doesn't smoko or tnint tho food. Think of the
comfort of summer cooking in a
cool kitchen. No wood or coal to
lug; no aslica to dirty up
the house. Why not nsk your
dealer to show you the New
Standard Oil -3jO?l15S3I
4 Company J,rfniOSr
(California) iKpjftilH P9iM?b
EARLOIL "-n, "
m iiii in in llll
Reduction m Prices
AZDA Lamps
25 watt lamps 40c
40 watt lamps.; 40c
60 watt lamps..... 50c
1 00 watt lamps .... 80c
i b l ''. '
: , , , A t I
r '
j. , .Vyrf1' It
JB'ehd Water Light 3h Power Co.
- , Jr-r J j
ftsjpstleniied i 1500 rabbits, iwere
lloud Supervisor Wlllcoxon nhd
crew started work on tho newly
granted rond connecting tho upper
nnd lowor HodtnontM'rlnovlUo road
which will glvo needed road facili
ties to numerous farmers living along
tho route. Tho rond (a thrco mllos In
length and starts north from tho
MuntnrdGlbson corner, terminating
In tho lower rond nt tho north went
comer ot tho Stonn plnco nnd Is tin
tho direct lino of tho proposed It. V,
D. Kouto.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo, Kluslor nnd fam
ily, nnd Hov. V. E Hngnu, were din
ner guests nt tho J. L. Gibson homo
Mrs. E. A. lIUBsett, Mrs. Hoes Hut
sett, Mrs. A, W. Hayn mid Mrs. Joo
Shearer wuro entertained nt dinner -lit
tho Hrown homo Friday.
Albert BchulU vn an Alfalfa vis
itor nt tho Wlllcoxon homo last weok.
N. P. Alley returned to Cllne Falls
Monday to continue work on tho
Sopplugton residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Joo Shearer outer-
JJ' ??&i1"$y
f,u,,1I 1,t dinner 8undn.
Tweet mid
Mrs. K. A. llusselt gave n
ilio clean,
, ,J'
immouiato relative woro present,
Mr. hnd Mjrs. "Vorn" Bears of
PrtnoVlllo woro Riiosts nt tho Guy
Boarn homo Sunday, whoro thoy vis
ited tho former's mother, Mrs. Allco
Sears, who loft Tuesday for n visit
with relatives lu Michigan,
Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Hayn nnd Mix"
Ilnxel, J. A, IUkrb nnd Heoves Wlll
coxon woro dinner guests nt tho Al
len Wlllcoxon homo Wednosdny,
Frank Klsslor mid George Hlslor
nro pulling weeds on tho Ullch Com
pany'M right of way this woek.
Minn Pnutlnn Truesdnlo wns tho
guest of Miss Fay Uuxoott Buiidny.
ImrveHt will soon be on. Tho alfnlf.t
In tho river bed tectum will soon bo
rendy for tho llrsl cutting. Tho flrt
crop will be rather light, however, on
account or tho coin weutnor inroiimi
Tho recent hiiow nnd froozo has
done grunt dnmngn to gardens, for
biwldo killing all tondur veKotuhlut,
oven tho pitas mid other hardy nturt
wore hurl.
Mrs. L. W. Illalr wont lo llo ino.ul
today to visit her sitter, Mrs. Irvlu
Ilialr, nnd father. Mr, l'etorson, who
will soon lenvn for Nebraska. Mrs.
Illalr will spend n week nt Redmond.
Davo Travis visited this neighbor
hood last weok. He Just eiinie home
from n trip thioiiKh 'Harney county,
visiting relntlvoti, nnd doing ihuiih
work on u plseo tht he owns there.
Mr. Culvor and family rre propar
Ing tn move to towu soon. They have
Kbvorul nowM to sell.
A. I). Morrill Is hntillux lumlier
from tlia llond inllls fur n wagon end
IHAChlllU ttlllHl.
" Ilnlph Jo nd eenio hnine last week
from tho C. C. II. ft. at Prluuvllle.
(Special lo Tho Ilultetln)
HAMPTON lU'rrK. Juuo 13.--Mrs.
V. Schrcder and daughter, Mag
gie, spont Sunday afternoon with
Miss Kvn Michel.
flfln. Mnfllultv nf Sttitltfffir wnN Itfl
on business Inst Thursday
(leo. rniiuocx or Misery hris, was
over Tuesday to get sotuo freight
which the trucks brought ns far ns
A. T. Shaver was In this vlolulty
tho prst few days with his rnr which
Cooling Wash
Tts not
In hslf Jin heuf not In
but In & ooliil.
itn mlnul
Jni n nw ilrnM nflhat mild, loath-
Inc. cootln wah, Ilia U. l. I. 1T
ccrlptlon. too fomeu 'ur for IJoienm, tha llrh Is eoni. Your burnlnrsklu
Ii lnuntly rativl cnJ you hsva t
lotuta proucUoa rrem nit iutnmr Kln
The Miller Lumber Company
Bend, Oregon.
Wenandy Livery & Auto Co.
Will bo put on between Uornl and Silver Lake April 1,
BB.).FREMONT $4.00
Reasonable Rates
will be charged on all Express and Baggage.
ho recrnty purchased. Hp Mslntuii
Mr.Hrown In puttliiK hlu.iiuuip mid
engine lu running order.
Furst Ilrothem brought out it
(ruck loud of housoliuld goods for N.
B, llrown today,
Quito u number of poopln ot this
vicinity nttcudod tho ball gmuu nt
Htnurfor, botweou Hampton llutto
nnd Lont Crock teiuiiH, Tho gmuu
loMiiltod In a score of 17 to 1 In fuvo.'
of Lost Creek.
Mr. nnd Mrs Horace llrooktugn,
nccompuuled A. T. Hhnvor (o Htntiffoi
today. Thoy will return tomorrow.
Mrs. Ilerl Monks looked after tho
wants of tliolr cuutotuurH during their,
Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery of Im
perial visited nt tho HrookliiKH' homo'
ono day lust week.
Mr, and Mrs. C. W. AhIiIkuikIi mid
ohlldron took dinner with Mr. miiL
Mm. 'II. Moekn lust Tuesday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. .1 E. Popo registered
nt tho HrookliiKs' Hotel Inst Tuesday,
night. Thoy wore on their wm Iioiiih
from Heud with u load of hiippUoh,
for tliolr store at llutto.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Fred Milter were
Hamilton visitors last Tuesday
MIiih Mnrgnret Hclirodor. who Iimh
Llweu ntteudliiK high school In lleml
tlio mt tehool year, has returned1
Percy Cook nimlo some nurclisHi-
at tho llrooUIUH' Htoro Frldnv.
The O.-W. It, & N. nlllelnlu psms.mI
(liroiiKh lieru Inst Tliursiliiy.
Mlw Mtreetor of Imperial called i'n
frlemlM In this vicinity last TliursdM
Horncii Hrooklugs has Imptovid '
hla Place by nutting n fence of Mint
uniting around tils clover Ihvwi
MIhm ICvu Mlahol entertained a few
nf her friend lst Kitturdsy ohIhh,
nt ROD. Thoso (iresHiit wen lk
Zloroff. Dick riillllps mid MIm Kuti
P. C. Hlownrt, who has been Inline
In tho Wlllnmntio VHlley the past
)enr, was llere vlnltliiK friends an I'
look I ii (r uftor busliiKss iiiiittorn.
1110 Sl'UI'llHlf TO MANV
I.V llK.VU
MP.n peoplo am turprlsed at tin
QUICK results received from slmpl
buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc , n
mixed In Adlor-t-ka, (tin Oormaii ap-
pendlaltls remedy. Tho Pattersoit
Drug Co. states Hint this simple rem
edy millsnpllelzes tho digestive sm
tern mid draws off tho Impurities so
thoroughly thnt A SINGLE DOHE re
move sour stomach nnd constlps
tlon INSTANTLY. Adv.
Stops That Itch
IroubUi. Wo cm rlva you tooA all
trlsl botlla ot tlio sanulna U. U, U.
J'rencrlpllon for only !S cnl.
I jo n't fall to try iliU fsmou rmtr
for any hind of lumintr akin Inxttl -w
know D,V.t. will iva you laaunt
CO.. IUmiiI, Ore.
nenn. urccon. '