The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 17, 1914, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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' fim wMwiMK iitoitDKriWigM--r-'
t - A.
Cleans and
, Brighton the
lEvtrv liouiewlfn
Incsdi this wonder
lut preparation ll
iniUi litttf lahMp I
rnuhlnr. Iiulcki
I una lllha dull sod
) I faliblj pol I luilik. ,a
I foorjtif ill floitrrilnlnod mm. W tla
handle Oil ui Cllulnaaa Udm ami Iluil
Clolht. Cam In fir.w, an.l lal tia al.fiw
you iIkm .ti j itj tr uvat.
A Rtjilu- 80c Oil W Gl.lM.t Dsittr
A an Imlacarnt fit 10 lia too IfrlLU
I ou Hvitr (!
JUKI UladD"!
of b fi no boi
ill fouritll t
.to ten can
our own mop. twl
Utotr. bfUbUf Doott
inula, tea Oil i
llf osltbaa. of f I no inula cf OH i.i
I Gladnaaa. Ar.l) fouritll fct (hi. Ottwr.
ill tiv rout
ean aill,.
twl dutl clclU btrt
OladDMI Uutltr wllh
latiiir now (Lao en can tiilr
UiUDilwtwllb i
f Uantr.
I tail tUwoik.
All Oil aiaJnaaa Pfnja.l. ara uU
I r a mootr ixa iiiumh u mi
i uv, w uiy MiiajMicj,
Tim Hexnll Hiom)
J. J I. Wonnndy wont to PrlnovWe
,on business Monday. '
Tim llrldgo Cluli mof with Mrs.
II. W. Skuso In lit week,
II, J. Ovcrlurf made a buslno
trlt to Madras yesterday,
I'. W, Drown U worklriK In tliu do
J'ot fur n few iliy nH relief.
II. (I, Kcnnnnl of Lnldlaw was reg
istered at thu Ilend on Saturday.
I'. O, Minor roAirncd from n busi
ness trip to I'ortlnnd Sunday night.
, Mm. Corn Mnrtln of Hlvors was
registered nt tho Wright on Friday,
John Bather returned on Hntunlay
tfrom CorvnllU for thu summer vnca.
Mr. nml jrfi. A. J. Wolton of-Lnld-Inw
were registered nt thu WrlKlit On
A dozen locnl girls hold n picnic
rioiir llio old Seoul house yesterday
V. A. rorlinn left for Klninntli Frill
till morning, taking I'd llotirk of
L, II. Lnfollotto was ovur from
I'rlnevlllit Mondny, registering nt the
Hund Hotel,
Minn Nona ltlnhnrdon returned
Hnttirdny from her year of tunohliiK
near Wullu WiiIIii,
Harry Illloy wn down from L
I'liif Monday w(h u party of ouUto
liiK liomuKtondurN. v
I.', I). Coynnr, of Oklahoma, Ih In
town. I In htm tnki-n a homniiti'ud In
thf ('niooiit dlntrlot.
Corn Hathor mid her nlntir, Mr,
J, II. Morton, left Thiirmlny nlxlil for
Fort (H'orifu, Canada,
Mr. ForboH wont lo Tim Dnllr
(hi mornliiK with Mr. Ward, to vie
It J, T. Wt for u wwik.
Tim LadlM.' A4d of .tlin M. K.
church mot thlit nftvrnoon qt tho
Iioiiih of Mr. It. Hpenccr.
Frd Hbonijui'Mt' fatlinr, who I Si
yonm old, nrrlvi-d thin inornliiK for
a vlult with hi on and wlfn.
Ml Clara and MUn N'atllu Hobo
kol of Portland, liov laki-n room
nt th Muy Aimrtmi'nt for thn Hum
mer. Fred Wnllneo woh up from Lnldlnw
Mondny. Hit nay tho oropn on tho
Tumalo nuKriKtlon nru In oxcollvnt
0, It. Hoy wn In town from H4I
vr Uku Kundiiy, ntttlkturlng nt tho
Mr. nnd Mr. John '.nbrivklo of l.n
, I'lni' wnro roKlHturod nt tho Hund on
Word hn boon rccidvixl that Illh
9ft I'nddook, who h been III for
no.nlh, I o far Improved that ho
hn li'ft tho ho.pltfll and U now ht
tho (i horv ri'vuporntlnK.
will be closed from
June -- to .Tune
L'O. us I shall he in
Portland on those
dittes attending the
Enstmnn School
of Profcssionnl
All having Kodak
finish work being
done call for
.same before Satur
day night. Leave
all Kodak work &
orders with Patter
son Drug C'omp'y.
C. K. NIcIioIn, manager of thn Wen
tern Union nt tho dnpot wan railed
to Portland by tho death of u h top
ion Mondny.
Tim monthly IiiinIiu mi'otlni? of
tho llnpilnt Womiin'it Union will bo
bold at tho llnptlKt ohtiroh on Tliiim
day nt '.'-30.
J. II. Wcnnndy nnd J. W. Illmlok
wont to Fort Hock, Hllvor Iiko nnd
Pnlnli-y on bimliio on Friday, ro
turnliiK Kiinday.
II. II. Kwltior nnd C. II. Hondo,
tlmbormon of Portland, who buvo
Imii horo n Kiioitn of Clydo MoKuy,
loft lout evening.
Mr. mid Mr. (loootn W, Gordon
loft on Hundiiy for a trip Into the
Wlllnmotto vallov. Thoy nro nuking
tho trip ovorlnnd.
Mr. nnd Mm. 0. R. lludnon, Mr.
0. I' Putnum nnd Clydo McKay ntnrt
od for Klamnth Fall thl mornlnK
In Mr. lludKon' oar.
Dr. W. W. Fnulknor, Donnl Car
niody nnd Arthur Proator wont on n
fltihlnR trip to Prlnxlu Fall with T.
II. Foloy on Hunday,
It. K h. Ilodllllon, mnnaKor of tho
llnndon Woolon Mill of llnndnn, Oro
icon. I hero InyoitlKattnK llond a n
wool manufnoturliiK xdnt.
C. A. Vondorhott, flrat trick opor
nor nt tho dnKi(, roturnod lait Sat
urday from u ton dny'H outlnK In tho
Fort Itork country, locntlnK on n
Wlllnrd W. Shoo, who linn boon
HMiduetliiK' oxatnlnutlon for fourth
rlaoii pHtmnterhlp nt dlfforont
point In Control Oropon. waa In
town yimtordny.
It. J. Todd loaviM Monday morn
I hit for Portland whoro ho will nt
tNl tho ItnKtmnn Kchool of ProftMi
Ntonal PhotoKraphy. Ilo uxpectn to
rotorn on ThuriHlay.
Ur uml Mm. I.. K. Vitx ttt on
Thuradny for Jaapor, Mo., whuri' thoy
will vlalt for u month. DurliiK thulr
ai-jwnc their cHlldrtm will vtli with
Mr l.w la on lilg KlTwr.
L. ! Fox wont to rortlmiil Mon
day nlvht to t tho now touring ear
' which km iMMta made to ordar for
tho Wenandy Mvery Co. Ilu oxiHteta
to ane In lltuid with tho car on
Mlaa Hazel Caldwell, who hn boon
taking n coumu In uivhlto,turo nt the
WnHhluKton AKrlcultural CoIIoko ut
Piilliniitl, WAahhiKtnti, I vlslllnt hor
pniont. Blio will ruturn to Pullman
on tho oprnlnif of tho noxt torn).
Mr. V. t. I'arkcr lif vltlnK In A
(orlli. A. h. French hn had n telephone
W, I?, Ilarnc of Lnldlaw wnrf In
town Friday.
J, K. Larson npent Hnttirdny In
Itudmond oh bulncn.
T. B. J. Duffry wn over from
Prlnovlllo on Mondny,
DwlRht M. Dnvli roturnod to fie
attlu Wodncndiiy nlftht.
Mr. A. M. I'nra Pnt Hnttirdny
and Sunday In Portland.
Jnmo Hynn roturnrd from Port
land Thursday mornlnif.
Mr. Thcodoro Tweot wo In town
from Latdliiw on Friday.
Tho condition of Mr. Jane Rob
Inion I reported aorlou.
II, II. Pott wai In from, hi homo
toad at Crescent lat( week.
A dnuahtor wna born to Mr, and
Mr. Ouy Furst Friday roornlnit,
Ooorjjo nnd Xoe llobb. the Pow
ell Hutto rancher, were In town on
John Mom bus now left the hos
pital In Portland but I mill In baJ
Mrs. -W. H. (Jarey, of Hirers, was
In town last week on her way to
Lewlston, Idaho.
Hownrd Oerrlsh went up the river
to Vnndevcrt's on Hunday for u
wook' vacation.
Fred Lucas ha taken a temporary
position a stenoKrnphor with V. A.
horbo nnd II, C. ICIIU.
Tomorrow, Thursday night, thorn
will bo n public danrc at tho nawly
completed .Modern tiaruKo,
Mrs. K. h. Woldron, of Sisters, wna
In town Saturday with hor son, Cor-
win Wnldron of Wnlln Walla.
I). K. Hunter loft for Detroit, Mich.
Knturday nlKht. It Is expected ho
will return here Inter In the sum
mer. Donnl Carmody ha bought out
tho Mend News Company former)
run by Sam Collins and It. J. lllnck-well.
Infant U Kinotliered by It Father
Few Jloiirw After lllrlli nnd Ite
nwlns Ilurnrtl In Heating Kioto
nt Hx Mill' S'rnr' (hlitley
Cutno to the Dance ut Tho Modern
Oarage tu-morrow nlKht Adv.
after July 1st will he in the Mut.ig building
opposite the McCuUtou Grwery on Oregon St.
now going on at
my old location
on Oregon St.
E. M. Thompson
Bend, Oregon
II. II. Ford nnd family, Mis Arrle
Illnck, MIm Klltaboth lkvls nnd Ouy
Mcltoynolds epent Hunday at Henham
Fnll. ;
Tho Ilullctln ha received n copy
of the 1013 Yearbook of the Depart
ment of Agriculture from Represen
tative Blnnott,
J. II. Honor,. executive of the Cen
tral Oregon Fire Patrol Association,
has taken nn ofllco In tho First Na
tional Hank building.
A number of Ilend poopto went to
tho danco nt Lnldlaw Friday night.
enjoying tho affair very much. A
large gathering attended.
Ia'o Polarskt left Thursday night
for Foloy, Minn , where he will visit
his parents. Ilo tixpccts to return
to Ilend before Christum.
Dr. J. H. Connarn plana to nttond
the convention of the Oregon State
Dental Amocliitlon nt Portland on the
Mrat four days of next weok.
Tho Fraternal llrotherhood will
elvo n dance In Sathor'M 1 1 at 11 on
Thursday, Juno 18. Prizes will be
given for tho best waltzing.
Dr. Pnrrttll has rented hi resi
dence to J. II. Honor. For tho time
being Dr. Forroll will lle with. J.
P. ICoyee at tho latter' home.
IS. W. Itlchardson It recovering
from an attack of hlood ixilnonlug
which trflp In his left arm nftor a
splinter lodged In the forearm.
V. A. Forbes returned last Thurs
day from Klamnth Falls nnd loft
that evonlne with Mr. Forbes for
Portland. They returned from Port
land Sunday.
It. M I .urn went to I'ortlnnd Sun
day night, to bo gone about n week.
Upon his return Mr. Larn will tnke
up hi rosldenco nt tho A. M. Lara
nwldence, which Mrs. Lara ha open
ed. F. Davis, who hn tnkon up n
homestead near Croseent. ha shipped
In 10 biMid of Hod Polled Durham
from Oklahoma. Thoy are being
postured by Tom Morchant for the
time being.
M L. Merrltt returned on Sundav
from Sister whoro ho spent several
dnn on Forest Service business. He
roport that tho erow that I making
the survey for the McKenzIo road I
progressing with tho work.
Millard Trlplott has more than 100
young turko) on his ranch. One
turkey hen hatched 15 last Decem
ber, another 13 In March and now Is
setting ou It eggs, making something
of n record for quick production.
Mr. nnd Mr, llert Shuey ro turned
from Portland on Sunday. They ro
port having seen Sam Collin nt tho
hospital In Portland and that ho Ih,
Improving but will not be able to
como bnck to town for several weokB
Jnmoa lb on, a settlor east of town,
hod n stroke of nppoploxy whon In
town last weok, caused by tho burst
ing of n biood vessel, and on Thurs
day wn taken to Prlnovlllo to bo
cared for by tho county, authorities.
T A H. Teotor, professor of Ir
rigation engineering nt Corvnllls, ar
rived In town Monday morning to as
sist In tho study of the Central Ore
gon Irrigation Company system now
being mndo under the direction of
John DubulB.
Tho case of H. A. Warrington
nguliiBt V. II. Bakry was tried In
Justice Knstcs' court on Frldny, re
sulting In n. verdict for the plaintiff
for the Bum of C3.50. II. II. Ua
Armond appeared for tho plaintiff nnd
0. W. Ersklne for tho defendant,
Ilex O, Sheldon, 32 years old, 1
In Jail at Prlnovlllo charged with the
murder of hln infant son. The child
waa born about 2 o'clock Wednesday
morning at tho Cotnpton & Dee mill
near Qrlzzley and wait smothered to
death by Its father within-a few hours
of it birth or before C o'clock the
same morning. Its remains were
burned In a small beating stova.
Mrs. Mary Pltzor and Mrs, Nellie
Compton, tho nearest neighbors, were
present at tho birth of the youngster
and, pronounced ll a fine u lud as
ever drew breath. They left the
home of the Sheldon's at 4 o'clock
and nt 6 o'clock heard that tho child
had died and had already been bur
led. Mr. Pltzcr at opco notified county
physician Edwards, who with the
coroner and district attorney went At
once to tho home of tho Sheldon's and
demanded to seo the child.
In tho meantime, Mrs. Pltzer nnd
Mrs. Compton had returned to the
Sheldon homo and nsked to see the
child nnd wero Informed that It had
been burled and upon demanding that
tho child be taken up from Its grave
wore Ordered off the place. Shortly
afterward tho coroner and district
attorney, with tho county phyalolun,
arrived and ukiii request of tho cor
oner to seo the child, Sheldon took
tho county uuthorltles to a shallow
gravo under a largo pine slump In the
brush about 1&0 yards In the rear of
tho house.
Thero Sheldon said ho hnd buried
tho child hut pretended to be much
perturbed by what ho saw there. A
jiortlon of the dirt hnd been taken
from tho gravo and ho Intimnted that
someone had disturbed it. While
Inking out tho dirt he pulled out a
plect of charred cloth. Ho did not
work rapidly so Coroner Polndexter
took his placo at tho hole, excavated
all tho earth and revealed a part of
tho child's skull, burned pieces of
flesh and Ixtnes which the county
physician Identified as portions of tho
anatomy of a human child.
An examination of the heating
stove In tho house, In which there
had been n hot fire, revealed more
bones, which Dr. Kdwnrds pronounc
ed to bo tho small bones of the hand
andfeet of tho child.
ShHdon was taken into custody
and brought to Prlnevllle and will be
placed on trial for murder In tho
first degree at the September term of
court. Ilo made mnny Incriminating
assertion during tho course of the
proceeding leading up to tho discov
ery of tho remain of the burned
baby nnd tho district uttorney eon
stdor the case ngalnst him us cer
Antono Anna ha been appoint).!
pound master under Ordinance No.
31 of tho City of Ilend. Perse
bothered by stray stoek are requested
to notify the oundmaster. The fee
n prescribed In said Ordinance, $1
per head, must be paid before anl
mala will bo released.
16c II. A. MILLRIt, Mayor.
Again, the third and we hope the
Inst time, we have the services of h
shoo shining artist, Mr. Ed Walker
arrived Mondny morning from So
nttle. Ilrlng your shoes, with or
without feet. Open Sunday fore
noons, baths, candy, tobacco, shlnos.
etc. Tho Metropolitan Adv.
You'll find
Summer Comfort
in Dependon Underwear
for Ladies and Children.
Ladies' Lisle Union .Suits 35c, 50c. 65c. 05c
Children's Lisle Union Suits at.f'3'5citpPc
Ladies' Vests from jl lOcto 5.0c
Children's Vests at " I.JlOc
Children's 2-Piece Underwear at 25c
Ladies' New Spring Suits
left. Your chance to buy a Suit
Sunday school 10 a. m., preaching
at 11 a. m. Beginning nt 7:45 p.
tn. Children's Day program of songs
and recitations, solos, etc, by mem
bers of the Sunday school.
.a.... 1 It f
SS I ,
V I V I v.v
There will be no service at the
Catholic church next Sunday.
Come to the Dance at The Modern
Garage to-morrow night. Adv.
Paint up and clean tip with "Drlgh.
ten up" materials, nation-wide
campaign Is under way Jo awaken tho
public to the value of cleanliness and
appearance of tho various communi
ties. Your civic pride Is put to the
test. You aro asked to co-operate In
this great movement. Do your part
by cleaning up and painting up your
home and outbuildings. Wo are at.
your service for paints and varnishes
of the most dependable sort. N. I
Welder, painter and poperhanger.
Agent for Sherwin-Williams paints
and varnishes, Dend, Oregon.- Adv.
Peters Shot Oun and HIQo ammu
nition, 8kuao Hardware Co. Adv.
. ,
, Mown . Sure-Seal
Skuso Hardware Oo, Adv,
to tell you nil
about them--
They're Here!
Sold and guaranteed to
Kvo satisfaction
- i a ' J
- - i j i
Vtt, VltW,
imnumtw i v uhuuuuv
.vw.v.v - fc
"A Vcman is as Young as Her Figure"
Never ws this tx.y zo true cz today.
Th rwest gowns depend entirely upon the lines of the
natuiiJ figure to give them style. So ovary woman niust
be so cfoverry corseted that she looks as though she wore no
cor&et at all.
Marvels of Skill
These new models will mold the form, correct defects,
and at the same time give the desired corsetless look.
Though soft and elastic the new Parisianas maintain
their shape so well that they require very few bones. Their
secret lies in the way they are cut.
There is so wide a range of styles that every woman
will find the model which will bring out the best points of
her . figure, give her the correct fashionable lines. JThese
new Parisiana corsets are most reasonable, in price," $5.00
R Mx SrQ$k Clothing Company