The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 17, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    .T AfJK 4.
(PobRtficd Every Wednesday)
' EMItbT n'nil Publisher.
Aasc-clato Editor. ' . 1
' 'V' ' '' ""'
An Independent nowspnper stand
ing tor tho square deal, clean busi
ness, clean politics and tho best In
terests of Bend and Central Oregon.
One year $1,50
Biz months. .80
Three months 50
All subscriptions are due and
expiration are mailed subscribers and
It renewal Is not made within reason
able time the paper will be discon
tinued. Pleaso notify us promptly of any
change ot address, or of lallure to re
ceive .the paper regJlarly. Otherwise
we will not ue responsible tor copies
Make, all checks nd orders pay
able to'Doml nullctln.
another regarding water capacities,
scopago hnd o'thcrIo(aUs bt tho, sog
rogation work, no nccurato data ex
isted upon which tho controversies
could bo settled, it In to Rccuro Just
such Information, vital to sotttor and
to cqmjwny, that such InvoBtlgntona
as tho present must bo conducted.
Tho only requirement must bo that
they are well done. If their results
nro dependable, a real fundamental
good work has been dono for all con
cerned and tho money could not bo
spent to better advantage.
It Is no argument at all tn favor ot
the bill that "things can't bo worse
and perhaps tho change might bo n
benetU." Tho settlers for whose
Interests we alone are concerned in
such matters should not delude
themselves Into the belief that any
great Improvement ot their situation
la contemplated. Those who fathor
the bill are now In ofnee, with full
power, and some ability, to work for
the betterment ot the settlors with
the State Government as It now Is,
without muddling the water still further.
mmm chosen
Some people hereabout, and es
pecially ranchers, are displeased be
cause we have Keen flt to oppose the
proposed bill which plans to get rid
of State Engineer Lewis, of the Des
ert Land . Board and or the Water
The difference of opinion is nn
honest one, and It Is just such dif
ferences which produce healthy dis
cussion of public matters.
'Tho Bulletin sympathizes fully
with the feeling of many settlers that
the state authorities have fulfilled
their duties Indifferently so far as
Carey Act matters are concerned. On
that head there In not the slightest
disagreement. In fact, for the most
part the Desert Land, Board has been
a disgrace to tho state certainly so
n few years ago when Carey Act pro
jects were being permitted to becomo
tangled and settlers bilked.
Tho proposal to consolidate the
work of the Desert Land Board and
the State Land Board is sound
enough, perhaps. An economy might
"Watchful waiting" Is not always
the most agreeable exercise, but of
ten In the long run proves proa
table. Wo who have cast our for
tunes with Bend have watched and
waited long. The hoped-for devel
opments havo been slow to materia
lize. Some, perhaps, have grown
weary and some faint-hearted.
But the aurcness ot the outcomo'ls
as positive as the slowness. It Is no
fault ot Bend's that milts have not
built here, and no reason exists for
changing In the slightest Bend's
claims for tho future. National busi
ness conditions ot the last three years
alono are responsible for the delay
In constructing the mills here con
struction hero or anywhere hns been
Impossible under tho circumstances.
The timber, however Is here, and
the favorable grades, the logging and
pond facilities and the railroads. Al
so Is the disposition to mill here, and
on n great scale, an accepted fact
mong the timber owners. Let us
have but a better lumber market and
stronger financial conditions and
Bend's dream becomes a reality.
And in the meantime let us ponder
several matters. One of them Is thnt
we of Bend are better oft, proportion
ately, than the citizens ot any town
II. It. Iorrcntchi Selected '' 1 '
tor Tltlt Morning.
After several failures the direc
tors of 1 no Creamery Association hnvo
engaged a butter maker ami It Is
now expected thnt tho organization
of the business will proceed ut a rapid
The man employed by tho direc
tors Is II, It. Mnrgcnstorn, who ar
rived In town from Lake yesterday.
This morning he met with tho direc
tors and a Mat was prepared of the
machinery that la needed on which
Portland houses will bo asked to sub
mit bids. No definite, date can be
sot for beginning business, but it will
be as noon as posMlble.
32 Scondanavlans Have Good Time at
' Dutch John' Bridge,
Some 93 Scandanavlana Joined In
a big picnic to Dutch John's Bridge
Sunday, spending the entire day In
an old fashioned good tlmo beside the
river and returning to town late In
the evening. Tho party went up in
Anderson's auto truck and In 8athers
truck, while a few drove their own
Those who made up thn party wore
K. A, Sather and family. Theodore
Auno and family, J. P. Johnson and
family, Julius Pctcrsmv Mis Auno.
Alncr Malsta, Miss Anna. Plerson,
John Kngebretson, O. A. Thomon,
Mrs. Oliver Johnson and five chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Rodth, J. I-;.
Larson, Oliver Thorbjornon nnd
Messrs. Lovcn, Andorson, Hogonson,
Chrlstofcnson nnd Kudo.
ileal sumpicr weather litis arrived
and for tho past fw days (ho mer
cury ban been making record heights
for thn year. On Monday It reached
91 degress nnd yesterday a mnrk wait
Vernon A. Forties has received no.
tlllcntlnn frdm tho Secretary of State
that ho haa received the Progressive
nomination ns well as the Republican
for state, representative from thin
district, his name having been writ
ton In on tho Progressive ballots.
be effected there. If the tnovn Is n
sincere one. well and good. It also ,n the We8t- We mn' not bo e,nbnr
rassed with riches, but nssuredly wo
hold our own, the town Is advancing
substantially and there Is little or no
real poverty among us.
The second Is the timber develop
ment of the last half year, the block-
It fa simply a scheme to ; ,nB and Interchanging of Interests
wnereoy now an me companies nave
their property so arranged that man-
Mr. 1j Mantr Addrcsic Three Meet
ings While Here Ijtnt Week,
Mrs. lora S. La Manco. nntlnnnl
organizer for tho W. C. T. lT., spent
several dsys In town last week meet
ing local people and working for the
tomperanco cause.
During her stay Mr. I.n Manco
addressed three meetings. The tlrat,
on Thursday afternoon, waa a meet
ing of the local branch ot tho W. C.
T. U, held at tho home of Mrs. C. P.
Nlswongcr. Hero she outlined the
national "dry" campaign with eiie
clal reference to the fight being made
In Oregon preliminary to tho election
In November.
At the Methodist church Thursday
night she spoke on Alaska whore sho
has spent several years, and Friday
evening at tho Methodist church her
subject was "Prohibition." Mrs. La
Mance Is a speaker of unusual charm
and ability and gavo great pleasure
to those who heard her.
Tho benellt matinee given Satur
day afternoon ttt the Dream Theatre
Tor tho Library proved highly sue
cesatul, both In point of ontertilu
ment offered and tho site of tho
house, ns a big crowd turned out. In
addition to tho regular reel there
waa reading by Ml Rntllffo and Mrs.
Fish, and Miss Thompsou. Mr. and
Mrs. Rudow contributed tho profits
of the matlnco to tho Library. The
amount taken In waa 122.60.
Olenn E. McCollough and Nottlo
M. Qulmon wore married on Friday
by Rev. 0. JI. Wllktns !,t tho May
Apartments. Tho Jroom h:i.- a home
stead in the neighborhood of Sink
nnd was Joined here on Friday by
the bride who came from Portland.
They havo gono to live on the homestead.
Ladies' GLOVES
II I ' "I MM --r -.T.'lfet!t
County School Superintendent .1.
E. Myers haa recently given out tho
list ot those who passed the eighth
grade examinations held In June.
Twenty four pupils were successful,
of whom three are from Bend. Tho
Bend puplla are. Dewey Handle)',
hmll llenkle and Carol Boyd.
Don't Loe Sleep Coughing nt Nlghit
Take Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound. It slides down your throat
nnd spreads n healing, soothing coat
ing over tho Inflamed tickling sur
face. Thats Immediate relief. It
loosens up the tightness In your
chest, stops stuffy wheezy breathing,
cases distressing, racking, tearing
coughs. Children love It. Refuiu
any substitutes. Contnlns no opiates.
Adv. Patterson Drug Co.
Black Cotton Gloves for only
White, Black and Gray short Silk
G)oves at per pair. ...... .-
KJ-buttoli length in White and
Black Silk nt.: $ J. 00 and $1.50
Short White nntl tJNiitu.rul Color
Chamois- Suede only 50c
Id-button length Chamois Suctle
nt per pnir...j w. 50c.
is perhaps true that the water sup
erintendents might be dispensed
with; our information on this head
Is too scanty to Justify nn opinion.
Rut the attack on the State Engi
neer Is coated with too thin a veneer
of justice,
get rid of Lewie and make another
State Enclneer. Even the methods
of the bill In this respect aro cloudedi?fttCran be overtaken wU
with doubt, and, as pointed out els-!
maximum of economy and under re-
where In this paper, probably nothing ''""knble conditions,
but chaos would result from Its pro-' Tu""d'r. consider tho register of
vision regarding the double work of nnme8 h,Rh ,n tho l"'"1'" Industry of
the Tumalo Project engineer. lho Un,tcU sta,e8 whlch ,,n8 ,,eon
In considering the matter a few written here at Bend during tho last
facts should be borne In mind. For two weeks names of a dozen of the
Instance, it seems to The Bulletin 8trong8t who8C Pronere Ho hore
that Governor West, because his well about who8e In'"-" nfllllated
known hostility to a brother official ! w,th J,end: 8Bd wno lr" Is a
Peters Shot Oun nnd Rlflo ammu
nition. Skuse Hardware Co. Adv.
has blinded him to broader truths,
has gone back' on his own platfqrg
of development. Tho very appro
prjatlons which he now holds up to
view as instances of the extravagance'
of the State Engineer's office are
those for which he stood tn the pasd
and those whose work harmonizes
fully with the species of .state devel
opment concerning which he has or
ated JoudesL '
Governor Wost sends out with the!
Initiative petition a tabulat'on of
state expenses allied with the en"gl-
guarantee that their attention Is fo
ousted on their Deschutes valley
holdings with n view to prompt ac
tion when the right time eomos. That
register contains the names of D. K
The Ladles Library Club will hold
their quarterly reception next Tues
day afternoon, June 23, at 3 o'clock
nt tho library rooms. Every lady In
the city Is Invited to atond. No oth
er Invitation is being Rent out.
Those receplons nru given for the
purpose -of bringing tho Indloa of tho
community together socially nnd'dJs
cussing the work of the library.
There will be roports by, the librar
ian. Secretary nnd Treasurer for tho
past quartor. '
All tbote who havo been earning '
money on tho cnlnnricr svstem aro to
turn In their funds n't this time.
Plans for the annual flower show
tn August will be dlscutwed and re
freshments will be sorvod.
It Is hoped that all the ladles will
avail themselves fit this opportunity
to get together MRS. K. M.
THOMPSON'. Secretary.
8. If Pity.
Self pity, morally, mentally and phys
ically, tend to di-pri- and wraken
the rlctlm. to render him Ineffective
and Impractical. The proon who is
chronically aorry for hlinelf become
a niilwime. 11 think the world um
blm something, and hi one ambltlun
In life U to col lint thw debt Woman's
Family Rtparltt.
"Nn man U gin) riiouuli for a good
wutumi "
"You're rlcbt, my drar. It's ah
lutely luiKHll)lr to plruit odm." De
troit Free I'fiTi,
month. Inquire Bend Grocery, lOtf
FOR RENT Two room cabin,
partly furnished. 16 per month. Bond
Grocery. Ono block east of depot. Otf
FOR RENT Small house parity
furnished, $5 n month; also tent
houio adjoining. Near depot. In
qulro at Bulletin. 4tf
FOR RENT Pasture 140 ncrea
nowly fenced. Plenty or water and
grass. 34 miles southeast of town.
Inquire Charles fllpchon. 13tt
FOR RENT Oftlccs on Wall stroet
very cheap. Apply Bulletin Olneo.
FOR RENT Rooms centrally lo
cated. Electric lights and water,
Suitable for housekeeping. Cheap,
Apply Bulletin Ofnco.
FOR RENT Two room suites fur
nlshed for light house keeping.
HonkleA Ryan. IStf
Lut Rtiaurcc.
.tame iwtui u lirnUf I hnt one
faithful frlt-ud irfl. Ilnlkx iuiu brokei
-Whii It lt Jiiiiic-.t pii.. i i-un
till draw oti that. Stray Stories.
A "tralcht line the hnrtet In
inonti- nt iji nut thciiiM Hit - KdLvwurtb
U'llllniM .1 rntila-ntt u'nR tin ml S9K
Broo"ks, the Woyerhsousprs, A. R. i on a chsrue of gambling In Recorder j
o. .r.. .
j yassmed
FOR HA LB Two fine fresh milk
cowa. Apply Bullotln office. la-17c
FOR SALE Two one year old
llolstcln bull. 146 each. L. U.
Roberts, seven miles out on Burn
road. 16-10. i
FOR SALE Registered O. I. C.
pigs. Phono or write O. C. Card
well, Bend. 13tf
FOR SALE My herd boar "Lucky
Boy" u full blood registered Durnc
Jersey. E. II. Ross, Box 138, at B.
A. Knott' place lS.lfip
FOR SALE Hotel. Tho Altamont,
Bend. Oregon. A modern, profitable.
well rurnbthed hotel on terms. W. A.
Hammond, Duhiiijuc, lown. 1&-10
FOR BALM Hand- made Weber
piano. Would sell cheap for ciwh,
or on rwuonablo term. Call, write
nr tihoilii. Mr. J. II. Itntinrlmm mm
Mr. Shonquoit, Bend. 11-1?
FOR 8ALB Black Minorca eggs
for setting. 91.2ft for 13. Leave or
ders nt Bather's store. life
FOR SALE- At a barjmln. leu 1
and S. block 3. North Addition, for
me location of lfergreen lt".mliu
Mone. near depot. it...lre r t ,
BentMin. 15-17p.
FOR 8AI.ISOne Durham Ayr
shire milk cow Just fresh. A I mi Mil
waukee binder, firm data
price $50.00. A guaranteed bar
gain. A. A. Berg, Gist, Ore. 16-1 Si'.
quUhmifcr, 3V miles from good
central Oregon town. On main road.
4 room houe. burn, nil fenced Ut
ocrc In crop. Price 1760, Write t O.
c-o Bend Hotel, Bumf, Oregon. 16tr
FOR 8ALK -Thoroughbred Barr
ed Rock eggs for halohlng, fl per
setting. R. Bartlolt ut Metropoli
tan, ft tf
FOR HALE- -Acre of standing liar
and Mtumpagn. Or will contract tn
have hay put up, paying with purl "
crop. John lllolll, Prlnevlllo road. '.
mile from Bond. ll-lOp
FOR SALE All kinds of rouittt
and drcsaed lumber, at Auderson
Bros, sawmill half xny between Bern)
and Laldlaw, on old Tumalo road.
Reasonablo prices, rough lumlr $10
per M. Delivering to Bend or Luld
law $3 per M. Telephone. lltr
- i itui
Rogers, M. J. Scanlcn. Henry Glp
son, Will 'Mueller, ths Prince Broth
ers and half a dozen lesser lights.
Therefore, Cheer Up! Tho best
Is yet to eome.
The Fraternr.l Brotherhood hn
eleoted officers for the coming half
neer'sofflce. 1t Includos.the 115.000 'yar follows: President, Goorgf
forthe Celllo survey and the $60,000 V"?1 : Pr,aoni- YT" JMM";
fnrJh nJ.,:.TnvJ.,., L,, chaplain, Mrs. Margaret Uats: treas-
for4be Deschutes investigation, and
$58,000 for topographic and stream
surveys. All of these three are ad
mirable works. All were approvotl.
we believe, by Governor West. All
were Inaugurated by the Legislature
urer, Julius Kortman; secretary.
Hazel Muhfon; pianist, Mrs. Fre.I
Fish; mistress at nrms, Genevieve
McLauria: sergeant at arms, Rav
Beaver; Innor door keeper. Margaret
fiownlng: outer door keeper, R. H.
loven; physician, Dr. H. Ferroll. The
Hills' court Monday aftornonn.
had been arrested noveral days before
by Msrshal Roberts whoso suspicions
had beon aroused that Caldwell was
attempting to stnrt a gambling gnmo
In his room at the "Workman' loib;
Ing Houso. On the return of City
Attorney Forbes tho mnttor was
pressed anjl Caldwell ploaded "guil
ty" with the resulting flno.
Mnoou Sure Seal
Skiih llnrthviiro Co,- AdV,
Why, thon. blame this expense on,,lCW officers will be ini-all-i-l .n July
the State Engineer, as If he personal
ly, was responsible for it? Why pre
tend that any future legislature
would cut down such expenses simp
ly because the present state engineer
was shuttled out of office? Why not
bo fair?
Further, remomber. that In these
three appropriations, .every dollar put
up by the State was matched by a
dollar from the National Treasury.
The United States put up $16,000 at
Celllo, $50,000 for the Deschutes
work and $28,000 for the topograph
ic surveys. In other words, $93,000
Jmbelng, or will be, expended by the
Fedoral Government 1n Oregpn, gath
erlng data' which Oregon must have
liefore her own' resources can be de
veloped, pimply because Oregon start
ed the work.
And then this is blamed upon the
State Engineer!
The expenses of the Engineer's of
fice are further criticized The .work;
of his deputies' here on the C. O, I.
Co. segregation is ridiculed as re
Bultleea .extravagance by supporters
of the bill. But be it remembered
that in the past, when the settlers
have claimed one thing, the Company
.another,, and ah' e State perhaps still j
Come to the Dance at The Modern
Garago to-morrow night Adv.
AilvertU(iiinlii Inu-rtixf tin, I il.l.
Ji bending nt the rate of ONE CENT A
WORD each inoertlon. mutt
uccoiiipmiy all orders from persons
not having n regular account wRIi
The Bulletin. No uritcrtlncment tnk
for IckH than 1.1 cent earli liuertloTi.
Supreme Court candidates Benson
and McNary nro we-sowlng back nnd
forth In fourth and fifth plaeos for
the Republican nomination. It was
at first announced that McNary had
won by 13 votes, but on the recount
thnt has since been progressing Ben
son has gained the lead and now Is
ahead by 16 votes.
LOST Man's gray coat containing
key on grado above river south or
Ijildlaw, pleao notify Bulletin of
nco. IM5
LOST R light colored Jersey cal
ves. Strayed from ranch. 4 of th.'iu
about 3 month old, one 0 months
nnd branded Bar W on right shoul
dsr. Reward. W. fl. WnUKli. le
HTRAYED From (I tulle east or
Bend, liny mare, weight 1300. bratut
on loft shoulder, J. S. over 3. lXirnp.
peared about May JOth. Liberal r -ward
for Information leading to re
covery. Apply Bulletin Oflltti. 16
i i : Jit J l'ir
TO TRADE Ono Seven paiHKinger
locomobile. 1909 model. Would
make nice light truck. For vacant
lots or- horn. Address Box 1&7,
Bend. I4-16-
FOR TRAI)K-W1II trade a new
Economical Chief cream epr4ti.
for a good quiet bor for fami'
io. L. Klekort. Alfalfa. 13.1.p.
TO Tit A DM For team of horses.
Well drIIMng outfit In ttmt clasN con
dition valued at 1460 J. II. Mlii-
shape. ler. jrtf
Will not be lower this season
.Order Yours Now for Canning
Shuey's Cash Grocery
WANTED Olrl for general house
work. Apply at O, M. Potter
son's. istf
WANTED From one to six milk
oows, Durham preferrod. Address
Ivan R. Knotts, Bend, Oregon. l-17c
WANTED Compotent girl for
general housework. Good wages and
permanont position. Mrs. C. 8. Hud
son, istf.
BOV WANTED About July ls.
Must be honest and reliable nnd able
to handle horses. $10.00 nor month.
'board and washing. P. B. Johnson.
Mllllcan. ltc
WANTED Two telephone opor-
i ntors. Must be good reliable girls,
! exnerlence not necemnrv. Aimlv nt
"Pioneer office between four and six
p. tn. Up,
Less titan 50 cents on the Dollar
Apply 8th and Greenwood
AvenueCenter Add.
FOR RENT-Modern cottngo ooin
pletely furnished. Roasonnble prlco
to responsible person. Inquire Bulle
tin office. lOtf
FOR RENT Two lots, large thres
rpom house. Kenwood. $7.00 per
Meadow Pasture
Cattle Delivered
T. C. Merchant
H '' v Jl'.VK 2fl, UO AND 27. t
ii. E. JONES