r tfAGES. f '. tiii: iiknu nriiiiKTiN, hkni, oui:., wudnkhday, junk to, km t. GIBB RECOVERS LINE VM Ii)nt ft Ycnr Ago Turns up on Munita) nt Crnno Prnlrlc. Kop tho iniitvtnp R. 1). (libit has boon mourning tho tos ot a lino that wnn rnrrlcd away by one of tho lir soat llsli oror hooked In tho Dea chutes river. Not only Vvni U tho largest ever hookod hut according to all accounts, tho larsest that over Rot nwny. Tho lusa or the llsh. how ever, did not worr Mr Oll. Ho 1 new nlmtmt anyone could loeo big ilsh. Thoy wro boln lost nit up nnd down tho jtfvor ovory day. Hut having tho lino carried uwny did vox him nnd all winter he had It on hi mind, planning what ho could do to recovor tho treasure. On Sunday his chanco oanto. lie was ushtng at Crano Pralrlo and saw the Idontlcnl trout In n clear pool. Tho fish had managed to coll up tho line and carried at a a sort ot neok lacc. Mr. nibb recognized it nt once. Ho gently dropped a fly above his old friend, this time attached to n Btronger line, nnd la n moment had him out on tho bank. Ho removed tho old lino and tho fish slipped back Into the water. Mr. Qlbb now has the lino neatly colled to prove his story. With Mr. Qlbb was It. 11. Hatlock nnd a party .of friends from Portland who had what they described as the best Ashing they over saw. They aro nil members ot tho Portland Anglers' Club and expect to return to onjoy tho local fishing and bring friends with thdm. CMNT VANIIKVKUT HACK. Clint Vanderert returned to Hand Monday morning, having graduated on tho 3rd rrom tho University or Oregon Medical School at Portland, making him tho first graduate thero from Central Oregon. After a two weeks' vacation on the ranch up tho river Mr. Vandevert will become an lnterno at tho St. Vincent's Hospital In Portland. MAItlttKI) YKSTKKDAY. N'orval U Springer and Miss tor etta Whltflold wore married quietly vestcrday afternoon at ths Oiogon Hotel. Justice Kastes performing tho ceremony. The couple went to Prlne vlllo yesterday morning and procur ed tho llcenso and tho wedding took place on their return to town. Sirs. Springer Is tho daughter of Mrs. Charles Whltflold and a nlcco of Sam McMurtrio. Mr. Springer Is employ ed at Carmody Brother's pool room. i A tow hours at a nlee classy, clean, up-td-dato place especially prepared fnr ffnntlnmnii. wilt mmnto nil worry and troubles. Tho Metropolltan.-Adr FUNERAL WAS HELD SATURDAY (Continued from page 1.) The Catholic choir sang, and Mm. Ashley Forrest was soloist, singing with charming sympathy. After the services at the church, which ended at 11 o'clock, the body was bora to the Pilot Butte Cemoterv where the final rites wero performed. A great number of pcoplo wont to tho cemetery. The Immediate members of tho Hrostcrhous family woro pres ent, and Mrs, LmiUa Hrostcrhous, mother of tho deceased, enmo from Winona, Minn. Funeral Director C. Nlswonger was In charge, nnd tho pall bearers wero J. I). UnvlilHon, John Sloldl.J. N. lluntor. W. U O' Donnell. I)oni)ls McCole, nnd James Mohln. Tho UBherS woro J. limes, llnrry Mnnttm and U. T. Carmody. - i UKSOMTIONS OF aXHOI.K.VK. Tho following resolutions wero adopted by the Hend Commercial Ciub at Its Saturday luncheon: "Whereas, It has pleosud tho Su preme Ilulcr to tako from our midst nur lintnviiil Rtiil hlnlilv roHlloclnil 'friend and citizen, Ooorge llrostor turns nnd I "Whereas, (loot-go UrostorhouH was i one ot Hond's most highly rospectod and useful citizens, whose noble life nnu cunracter commenuea mm io nu who know htm, nnd his death Is Borious nnd much folt loss to his many friends, his family and rela tives, nnd to tho city nnd community, "Therefore bo it resolved that tho Hend Commercial Club nnd tho oltl zons of Hend. desire to extern! to tho family of tho deceased their deepest I and most heartfelt sympathy In this, 'their hour ot sorrow and bereave ment for the sad loss or tho litis ha ml and father, "Ho It further resolved that a copy of theso resolutions bo sont to the family of tho deceased, nnd that a copy bo published In Tho Hend Uullo tln. If. II. DoArmond. Hugh O'Knno, W. U O'Donnell, Committee." itKsoi.rrioNs iiy city cocnciu Tho following resolutions hnvo been adopted by the Common Council on tho death oi tlie lato ucorgo uros- terhous: Whereas, tho members of the Common Council ot tho City ot Horn! have heard with sorrow of tho un timely doath ot their follow citizen nnd former associate, ticorgo llros terhous. and "Whereas when a member of tho Common Council Mr. Ilrosterhom showed tho same fidelity to duty and tho sterling qualities of good Judg ment and common senso ttiat marked his life as a citizen ot Hend "Now therefore bo it resolved by tho Common Council ot tho City of Hend "That It extend to the family of tho late Mr. Hrostcrhous Its deepest sympathy on their sudden and tragic bereavement nnd furthermore "That a copy of theso resolutions be spread upon tho minutes of the Common Council, a copy sent to tho family ot Mr. Urosterhous and a copy published In The Hend Bulletin." ful building on tho occasion of tho obsmnilos ot (leorgo HrastorhouR. MUCK 8HI3UUAK." Juno 0, lUl t. CAM! OF THANKS. Wo take this moans ot oxtondlng our heartfelt thanks to alt our friends whoso sympathy and kindness meant so much to ua tu our mount bereave ment. Wo wish to Klvo especial thanks to the Tiusteea of tho Pres byterian cnulch for the use of their church building for the funsrnt bit vtcw. Mn. otconcus uuoctkkmol'B and FAMILY. A. R. ROOERS IS VERY OPTIMISTIC (Continued from pnge 1.) THANKS TO IMIKSIIYTKIIIAN'K Father Luke Shcehan, ot the Cath olic church In Hend, has extended his thanks to '.he members of tho Presbyterian church for tho use of their church for the Hrostcrhous fu neral In tho following nolo "On behalf of tho Catholics or Bend I thank the members of the Presbyterian church for their kind ness and courtesy In extending to us the privilege ot using tholr beauti- ber trade, he emphatically ntates Canada, for Instauco. Is in ur worse condition than aro tho United States, ovon In ttio dlstrloto ntni&st solely dependent upon lumbor manufactur ing for prosperity. Labor, ho main tains, costs from 3o ;o -15 tier cent, nioro, per unit of accomplishment, In Canada than hero, this, coupled with the duty paid on American mill ma chinery Imported Into Canada, mak ing It Impossible for Canadian manu facturers to turn out lumber at prices oven competitive with Ameri can lumbor. Tho Honors mills, and timber holdings aro on both sides, ot tho International Hue, so that on this head ho can speak with authority. Country's Condition Mound. "Hut It la entirety wrong to giro tho Impression that tho country Is In u bad way," Mr. tlogora continued with emphnsts. "Ours Is tho sound est country In tho world, and I hon estly bellovo that never boforo was It In better shape. Tho eastern banks aro lltonilly bulging with moiiey--there Is no money Hhortngo, or any thing ovon approaching one. Com mercial loans nro being mado at four per cent, nnd less; thero Is no dlfll cutty In getting tuoitoy, but rathor In using It ndvnntngbouHly when una se cures It." Tho present depression. Mr. ttogers bollovos, In the culmination ot tho liquidation thai has boon In progress since the panto of 1 i 0 7 . That Is. up to that tlmo hindooM had tiuon run ning "wldo open." Hluve iheii cou servutlsm lias been the order of the da), few now ventures have lioen started, bunks have been drawing In loans and aecumulatlitif; cash, and the business world. In effect, has been running nt half speed. The end of this period, hellewM the lumberman, Is Hourly reached. Very good crmm are assured : new legislation Is now an accomplished fact, and thero aro no broken heads: conditions appar ently will lie butter for tho railroads: money will once more get Into gen erous. circulation. "Altogether," concluded Mr. Hog. ors, "I fool most optimistic. If thero Is nnythtng unsound tn our present position, it Is duo to nntlonul extrav agauce. For Instance, automobile have consumed billions of dollars dollars gone to nhsaluto wnato, so far nn real wealth production Is con corned, And nil along tho lino we Americans have dovetoped the spend ing habit too lavishly. Also, labor Ib to blame. Hours nro becoming shorter and shorter, so that actually each man Is producing far less than ever before. In many cases, of course such shortening of work hours Is eminently Justlltabta, but averaged up I bellovo tho tendanoy Is extremely dangerous and In tho end will roaot on no ono harder than on tha lalwr Ing man himself." .Mr. Honors left for Portland Frl day night. The New Perkins Hotel PORTLAND, OREGON extends to you n cordial invitation to .make this hotel your headquarters. THOROUGHLY RENOVATED AND REFITTED. Rooms without hath $1.00 nnd up. Rooms with private bath $1.50 and up. LOCA TION CENTRAL. BEST of SERVICE. A RESTAURANTWITH FOOD AND PRICES RIGHT. C. H. SHAFER, Manager NOTICE! MODERN GARAGE gjs ...arg.TJsuJri'-jr-g. NEWT. POINDEXTER, Prop. Now Open for Business. This Garage is the Largest and most complete in Central Oregon. FIRE PROOF WCSSt "tfl"V ' lljlJBpB"1 A place where you can leave your car in safety. All Repair Work guaranteed. Electrical Work our specialty. Free Air, Filtered Gas, OILS and ALL ACCESSORIES. TI RES The largest stock of Casing and Tubes in Cen tral Oregon. Our prices are very reasonable. PLEASE CALL ami INSPECT OUR PLACE. T -t -IV To Celebrate the Opening of this Fine Garage a BIG DANCE wj!!een.onuJrsda1 June 18th. Music by Bend's Best Orchestra 6 Pieces. Everybody Cordially Invited. Tickets $ 1 .00. m .ninniini tiiiitimtttftt ,.t,nii( -- MHIIIIHMHIIII inltMT . ........ ...... ...,n,.nt. 4MUMt HI - : t : : t REAL ESTATE r " T 0 XXX t " Lumber n Complete Stock Dry, Rough and Finishing Lumber Maple and Fir Flooring srr FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage OR. FARM LANDS i M 1 i llll Mill U mint Let us show you the property Xl"mcSs" conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a cdnservative Investment 4 &z Lath and Shingles Pine House and Irrigation Spout, Lath, Red Cedar Shingles Ml t The Bend Company -a OFFICE CORNER WALL mi OHIO STS. tji t,T? i mr Tit , 111 -. t , i ' - ftSte ;, ! ; M( HMtMMHMMMM,MMMMMMMMM,MH f ----.at t M4M-4 -4 - - 26 in t ::: !!! i U i Hi t i hi t mm ww v .g w T ::::;: : :TTTTTTT;";TTr::TTT Trrri : TTTTTTTT : : : sr. .4 i 1 "