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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1914)
PAOR . TIIR IRNI UULLICTIN, niCNl), OltK., AVKDNKHDAV, Jl'NH 10, 1014. Srr WOULD ABOLISH PRESENT BOARD SEEK SCALP OF JOHN H. LEWIS CHURCH NOTICES Church of the llrctlircn. Borvlcos ench nltornnto Sunday in the M. K. church, nt 3 . in. Ser vices next Sunday. Everybody wol-coino. Inltlntlve Mcnsure Kntlicrcd by (Jov- crnor West Allegedly N for Kcou- tuny 1 Would CliniiRe Stnto Olllclnl M Snlnry Is Fixed. ltrttlnt, Tho Children's Dny oxorclsos will ho filvon boglnnlng nt tho regular nour tor mo nunc, school, 10 n. in., nnd will run Into tho hour of tho nreachlnK service. Instend of tho regular sermon tho una tor will kIvo n short address to tho children. Tho loung Peoples' nioetltiR will bestn nt 7 p. m., nnd tho evening preach ing service nt 8 o'clock. I'rnyor mooting Wednesday evening nt S o'clock. stiff, painful musclesT Want to feel thnt wny again? You can tnko l- ley Kidney Pills. For thoy quickly clear tho blood of tho poIboub that cause your pain, misery mid torment lug rheumatism. Adv, Patterson Drug Co. HAMPTON BUTTE First 1'rcMliytcrlnn. Sunday school 10 a. m. Mr. I). It. Morlcy, superintendent. Morning sermon nt 11 n. m. ntibloot. "Tim SALEM, Juno 6. A copy of an Uprnlsod Stnndnrd." Kvenlug sor- Inltlatlvo bill for tho abolishment of vlco boglnnlng nt 7:48. Mrs. It. J. tho Dosort Land Hoard nnd of tho of- ToUd w' ,8,nK "B, nt H10. n,orn,"B Btirvice. u. ii, iiiwu, imiiisiur. (Continued from pngo 2.) flco of ono of the state wator conmits sinners, for tho reduction of the sal ary of tho state engineer, his oinco to bo filled by appointment by tho state Innd bonrd, bosldes v. number of oth er changes, was submitted to the sec retary of state today by W. P. (Jeorgo of Salem for approval as to form. Tho measure, which covers the rerom mtndntlon mucin by Oovornor West, Is being Initiated by Mr George. Governor West declnroa that tho measure. If onnctod Into Inw, will cut the expenses of the uwort Land Board, stntc water board, nnd tho stnto engineer's ofllcc In half. Appro priations for these departments by tho tho Inst legislature nmounted to $10,000 for the Desert Land Hoard. $4 0,000, for the stnto water board and SH3.S00 for the state engineer's of fice. The appropriations for tho stato engineer Include tho $60,000 for tho water power surveys, $15,000 for Celllo Investigation and $45,000 for topographic and hydrographlc work. Hoards arc Abolished. Tho proposed measuro abolishes tho Desert Land Board and transfers its powers and duties to tho state land board. It abolishes tho stnto water board, now comprised of the state engineer and the two commis sioners, and the office of superintend ent of water divisions, and assigns their powers and to a stato water commissioner who shall bo ap pointed by the stato land board. It abolishes tho office of stato engineer, as now constituted, and provides for tho appointment of an engineer bv tho state land board at a salary of $2400. The present salary for that office is $3000. It Is provided that until tho year 191C tho engineer In charge of tho construction of the Tuninlo Irrigation Project, which work Is being done by the stato, shall perform the duties of tho state engineer without additional salary, one half of his salary to bo paid from tho Tumalo funds and ono half from tho npnroprlntlon for tho state engineer's office. O. Laurgaard is the Tumalo project engineer, nnd the work on the project is expected to be completed by"191C. Salary is Fixed. Tho state water commissioner, who 'a to be nppolntod by tho stato land ! hoard, is to receive a salary of $2400 I n year and perform the dut'es now as- j signed to the state water lward. This would eliminate one water commis sioner and a $2400 salary. i The measure also provldos for tho I .Aniifll . ,1A .Ail Innit rf Iff A Anrla ! which crrv a continuing nupronrla Ion of SS9.000 for the offlce of state engineer, and the state wator board. This would mke It necossary for the departments Involved to go te'oro each legislature for funds needed. FOIt KENT- Two room suites fur nished for light houso keeping. Honklo & ltyan. 12tf Adv. TKACIIKKS' KXAMIXATIOXS. Notice Is hereby given that tho County Superintendent of Crook county, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of applicants for stato certificates at Prlnovllle. Oregon, uh follows: Commencing Wednesday, Juno 17. 1914, nt 9 o'clock n. in., nnd continu ing until Snturdny, June 20, 1911, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday forenoon: Writing. U. S. History, Physiology. Wednesday afternoon: Physical Geography, Rending, Composition, Methods In Reading, Methods In Ar ithmetic. Thursday forenoon: Arithmetic, History of Education, Psychology, Methods (n Geography. Thursday arternoon: Grammar, Geography, American Literature. Physics. Methods In Language Thesis for Primary Certificate Friday forenoon: Theory nnd Prac tice, Orthography, English Litera ture. Chemistry. Friday afternoon: School Law, Geology, Algebra. Civil Government. Saturday forenoon,: Geometry, Uot nny. .Saturday afternoon: General His tory, Bookkeeping. Subjects For Primary Thosls. Garden Contests, Music In the Primary Grades. Punishment as seen by Children. Physloal Defects as Cause of Dull ness and Discord. Civic Prldo Aroused Through Co operation of Homo and School. J. E. MYERS. County Superintend ent. 14 Adv. nt tho llrooklngn' homo novernl days this week, Quito n number of people passed through from Hums thin week, en route to Portland to nttend tho Roso Carnival. UrooktngiT Hotel regist ered 120 this week. C. W. Ashbnugh In doing some fencing on his hontestond. J. K. Currati of Staufter' passed through today with n load of lumber with which ho lntonda to build n dauco hall. Mrs. Nnckor and son Donald no compantod Mr. Nnckor to Hums, thev wore guests nt tho ltruoklngs' Hotel Friday. Miss Klva McKnddon, who has been qulto III with mountain fever, In slow ly Improving. y liOST CUKKIC. LOST GREEK, Juno 0. J. B. Our. ran nnd Geo. Mohrer returned from llond this week. J. E. Currnii brought In n kind of lumber and n tent with which ho will erect a hall. C. J. Davis and A. It. Houdursati brought In n load of freight for Mr, llendorson of llutto. Mr. nnd Mrs. Pope, of Hlitte, wore tho guests of Mr. mid Mrs, C. J, HtnulTor, ono night last week. They were on their wny to Mend, Miss Altco Brookings closed n suc cessful term of school liuro Inst Fri day. Mrs. H. W. Rest nnd children and Mrs. O. U. Washburn nud sou have none to Hurllugtou, Wellington, for an oxtonded visit with relatives and friends, S. W. Host took them to llond. -- Quito n ltumbor of Lost Croekltes took In the ball gumo nt Hampton Inst Sunday. Rov. Corhott of Plonmuil valley do llvored n very ItituroHtlug sermon nt tho school houso lost Sunday, llolum mor level of 7.7fi, but wiih lit good Hindu m nppolutiiiont to proucli thu 4tit tiuminy or each mouth tu ll o clock. Everybody Ih cordially Invit ed to nttend tho services. IIHOTIIKltH, (Bpcclnl to Tho Bulletin), IIIIOTIIBIIH, Juno 8. Mr. I. II Cnflvy returned from IVMovillo IV. day, whore ho spent n part or tho wuek on business In tho Interest of tho school district, A putltlon for a now school illv trlct has beun granted by tho Coun ty court. Tho District will hold Its first annual election on Juno IRth. when uHlcorn will bo elected nnd oili er business transacted. E, E. Vnrco Is In town to got sup. piles for his well. P. II. Coffey left for llond this morning. Joseph Vnrco spent n part of Inst week In Prlnovllle on business. Oscar Cruse furnished thu iiiusla for thu dancu on Saturday nt Imperial. (Other correspondeiico on pngo 7.) Twmm 'a cjS225E!. Meals on nm? Get Itld of the Torment of Rheuma tism. Remember how spry and aotlt-o you woro beforo you had rheumatism, uncKacne, swollen, noblng Joints and A cootl oil stove cives full heat hist as soon as it's linhtcd. There's no wnithifr for tho fire to catch up or tho oven to licnt. Meala can be started later and still ho Pcrvcd richt on time. That means less work and leas timo in tho kitchen. New - Perfection OIL COOK STOVE burns kerosene, tho clean, cheap fuel and gives an in tense neat mat can Do regulated just as you want it. It uocs all sorts ot cooking and baking just as well as a lAArl mom! .. . .1 ...? A. A 1 j V nuuu ut iuui uiovc uim vvuuoui uuruinir mo iootl. Don t cook in a hot kitchen this summer. Don't lug coat anu wood and asnes. ejet a New reflection. It saves all this trouble and it's economical, too. ask your dealer lor the .New reflection. NOTICK OF A.VNt'AL HCIIOOli Mltltt'l.NO. Notice Is lumilty ulvon to thu lo- gnl voters or School District No. IX or Crook County, Stnto of Orugau, thnt tho AiiiiiinI School MeotliiK of tmld District will h held nt tht. High School Building In Bend, Orugou, to begin nt the hour or '1 o'clock p. in. on tho Third Monday or Juno, being th 16th dny or .Hum, A. 1). 11114. The meeting Is called fur tho pur hho of electing ono dlretor nnd one clerk and tho trntisncMou ot mo uther IiusIuom usual or prapur at such meetings. Dated this Jrd dny or June. 1914. Attest: J. N. Hunter II. J. Overturf, Clyde- MeKny Clerk. Members of Board Adv. 14. MAItKUT REPORT. NORTH PORTIND. June 8. Re col pis for thu week hnvu been: Cuttle ll!U7, onlves 99, hogs 4480, sheep 8190. Tho enttle division showed consid erable strength nnd firmness this week, especially during the first per iod, when top on best hay fed steers advanced a dime, $7.8K to $7.90 Later tho tnnrket onaed off to Its for- sliatiu. and odd cur of fancy Initio heef Moiling nt H. 15 fuatuiud, lliilclioi lines were nil linn with u good do nmiid. ReculptH or hogH heavy. Ex trumo top $7.90, with hulk movliiic nt 7.7H nnd $7.80. Mutton offerings largo. Totnl ri celptn approximated 8,000 up to Frl. day. lint prices hold steady. A few choice yearlings sold ul $(i; old weth ers nt $4. no nnd owes $4 to $4. lift; spring lamliH $ to $0. Bulk or receipts front Western Oregon points, REAL KHTATE TRANHI'ERH, (Issued by tho Crook County Alt struct Company.) 1,111a Kurd to Kenwood Promotion Co. 10 rt. it. 3, lillc HI, Kenwood. II. H. to Dim Wlultlu patent HW" 1 1- A. L, Hunter to J. N. Iluutor Its. 2, n, lilk. 18, Deschutes. Northwitst TowiisltH Co. to Ted M. Strong It. iil, blk. It, North west Townsltu Co.'h 1st mid lleiul. Imperial Towuslto Co. to Phil Holmes It. 4, blk. lft, Imperial, $10. Htnto to J. W. Brown Tuiunlo eon trust flit NV 17-lfl-U. W. T. 19. Wllsflii to HsrthR J. WIN son Its. 1, 2, ll, is, blk. 1, Mlstom, $fi00. Htnto to J. P. Ilnloy W KW 15 N W 1.1-10-11. Win. B. Shelley to Guy It, Dohton NIC NV XO-ll-U. Bend Park Co. to O. K. Hill ot a bund for dsed, lets 1, i, blk, 11, lr. tie. $ftft. Ilenj. F. Rlfu to W. P. VumUrvert NK ft-li-in. U. M. to Jacob llorriiinn trntunt NW NN, V, NW. NW NW 19-11. II. II. K. to l.OHii l'olnmkti iwtmit Mk NIC, Its, 1, 2, 1-1S-I0. CITROImWI I I'lrst got the nniii- down t then buy It of your dniKKlst. Just th very best thing for constipation, s4ek hmidsrhe, sour stninrrh, Insy llvr, sluggish, constituted IhiwoIs. Tht pliwmuitest, surost, nicest, laxntlvy )OU ever used. Tastes good llk lemonade. Act promptly, without Win or million, (lives you tho miHit Hntisfnctory flushing you havo vr had.- Adv. Pnttersou Drug Co. Lnwii mnwors, garden hose, wbt-sl barrows. Hkuse Hnrdwnru Cobv pnny. Adv, FOR BEST RESULTS USE PEARL OIL Standard Oil Company (California) Bond Comforting to Stout People. Foley Cathartic Tablets are a spe cially good Bttlo regulator that keeps your system In perfect working order. Xo bllllousnoss. no constipation, no distress after eating, no greasy, gas sy taste. A btout person who uses them constantly will really feel thin ned out and more comfortr.ble as a result of their use. Adv. Patterson Drug Co. FERGUSON IKES REPORT Flrot Statement Git en of Business of Crook County. Insurance Commissioner Ferguson has recently Issued his first report of tho business of the counties of Ore gon as provided by statute in 1913 The report shows the financial condi tion of tho several counties on March 31, 1914. Although the figures am now somewhat old. later flguros for Crook county having been published In The Bulletin on May 13. they are given hero for Crook county as a mat ter of record and for comparison with the roports to be made In tho future Funds Crook County 1. General (county and state) $ C.819.43 2. General road 2, 031. CI 3. Road districts .. 4. Special roads 30.23 5. County bqIiqoIs. .. ... 11,469.35 n. Sneolal eohool dis. . . . 4,712.08 7. High school ........ S47.10 k. Library 134.10 9. Register and Indemnity 10. Trust 239.00 11. Cities and towns. ..- 12. Miscellaneous 609.58 Totals $$ 20.890.44 Contra 13. County bonded Indebt edness .. .f ...... . $ 14. Outstanding warrants .., , 72,475.02 15. Agenoy funds liability 18,041.40 Totals $ 90,510.42 16. County fund deficit .$ (13,619.98 iLadlea, the 0kuso Hardwaro Com pany have a complete new line of white enamel ware.- Adv, i Redu&ion in Prices of MAZDA Lamps 4(lX4(4c4(4(44i4'4(4i4(i4(4-4'ff4-4-44if4i4'ti4--f4i4(4'4-f4-'4'4-4 41 I Building Material j I LUMBER, SHINGLES I ffi m i FORMERLY NOW 25 watt lamps 40c 35c 40 watt lamps 40c 35c 60 watt lamps 50c 45c 1 00 watt lamps .... 80c 75c m "4 The Miller Lumber Company J Bend, OrcKon. Wenandy Livery & Auto Co. "Will bo put on botweon Hontl nnd 311 vor Lakq April 1. HEND.LA PINK $2.60 UBND.PKEMONT 54.00 IIEND'POIIT KOCK S4.B0 BEND.SILVEK LAKE.. $G.OO Reasonable Rates will bo charged on nil Ex prow nnd IlaKirflKo. ROUND TRIP EXCURSION FARES Juno 7 to 1 1 Inclusive, to . 5 Bend Water Light 2b Power o. 1 1 !! 1 4 JtUiilvliJ QregonTrunkRy. CENTRAL OREGON LINE Portland Rose Festival Four Days of Dazzling Attractions June 0-12 OTII MAHINIJ .PAatttMV-Hf ' J-tTU MA IIOHKIICJII '...'M'JiJ 1 MIIAIIB. NATIONAL M. HUOW, MlulTAUV J)IH. I'WV, 40TH KIj O II A h I'AIUIUCH. i riltlMVOIIKH, (AllNI VAL. HAND rONTKHTH, NOVISLTY KKATUKKH, r- IMON ItACIJ. (lltliVT run: RVKWAcui, 11.TH DAVLKIIIT I'AflKANT. i:Li:(71'ltl(UL 1IIHTOHI CM, I'AUADi: AT NltlllT. $9 90 From Bend and Return. Limit June 15. Details on application to J. H. CORBETT, Bend, Oregon See Clatsop Beach on the Oregon Coast, one-day side trip, from Portland. n ii