TIIK I1KNI) IlUIiIiKTIN, IIKNI), OHK., WKRNKHDAV, JUNK JO, JOJ I. :iAOK 8. Or 5 Rexall Liver Salts '11112 1JUML HALINI1 HOT WIJATIIKR LAXATIVE A DOHKATMIU'UNOIVKH HHUJ5F IIKFOHK IJI.F.VHN ii)i ). Ilottln '-We. nM x. iti((to mic. it (). iiottio i.tm HHCOMMKNDKD GUAHANTKICII AND IIV Patterson Drug Co. U, Cor lil ri of I.u I'lnn who register ed nt tlio WrlKlit oil Hundny, tl. It, Kolloy plmiH to lonvo on Hnt urdny for tlio Pnloimu country, A nun wiih horn to Mr. nml Mm. Pnul (liirrlwoii Mondny morning, Tlmro will lio tiorvlcoN nt tlio Oath olio church on Hundny nt 10:30. Mr. (mil Mm. 0. IM Hohh wore In town ft om l.ulilliiw on TliurHilny. i P. J. (llndor spout Hundny with hl fniiilly on lliulr Mllllcnn IioinoHtond. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mm. John Riibuls Is Improving, J. W. llrown Iinh inovod to Salem. N'axt Hominy, the 14th, Is Plait Day. illm Wilson of I'tincvlllo whh hor Momtuy. P. M. I)av1 In fonk In (own on n brlsf visit, Mrs. Morohouso hna bwn lak for vorl days. I A. MaKluzIo leaves tomorrow for Los Augolos, H, 0. Itourk of Crescent wan In town on Huiiilny. II, I". Nichols, or Lnldlnw, wan In town on Monday. A. It. Roger war registered nt tlio Altmnont last week. I.tiHt Friday a son wm horn to Mr. mid Mm. P. A. Collier. 1'. "W. Ilonsloy wan up from Lnld lnw Hnturdny evening. J. If. M. -Abbott of l.nlillttw wen nt tho Wright on Btiiidny. J. A. KnttttHt nmdu n business trip to I'rltiQvlllo yesterday, A ton wan Imm to Mr, and Mrs. J. II. Mewnrt on May 2Uh. J. J. IJng of l.n Pino went to I'ort IhhiI on business Tuesday llnrold 13. Hmltli, formerly of llond, In now IIvIiik nt Hoho Lodge', Oregon. (Iliuiii Cox wiih tii from Dimcihutus on Hnlurdny, roglntorlng at tlio llond P. J, Wnlluni of I.u I'lun wiih In (own on Monday, roglulorcd nt tlio llond. Lust Prldny Mrs. Powolson snug nt tlio ooiiimMicuiiioiit oxurolsen nt I'rlnovlllo. Mr. nml Mro. Jon llnxall moved on ButunUy to tliulr now hoime In Konwood. V. A. Forbes wont to Crosoont nnd Klamath Falls on hulitM thu first of the wek. Mr. nml Mm. Ilort Bhtioy wont to Portland Hunduy night to take In the ItCHHt PfcltlVUl. Mauris Cflnhmiin return! on Monday from Cracnt altar tiling: vn h claim ttiattt. Lawrence HmltJt has returned from working for tlio (Unit Commission nwir Crann i'rwtrlt. Ml Hohh II, Kehlnttinnn loft last wk on h VRPatlon trip to her forinar homo In Allinrln, Minn. Arthur Moora linn i;ono t'o I Pine to rmIr( Chrtn Tlnnor In hulldlng tho new Iioiim for A. A. Ayu. George 0, Carl, W. H. Ilnloy nnd HurIi llHrrln of llnniR woro roKlitor cd Rt tlio WrlKht on Mondny. Prod I.wcur nnd Mnrgnrot WIori hnvo rotutnml from CorvnIIU whora thoy nro pupllM nt tlio 0. A. C. Mr. nnd Mm. (I. A. Jomor lmvo loft for I'ortlnnd. Mr. Joiicr wn onnnR d In tlio tnilldlntf IiiuIiurn horn. Hubert II. do u hi In innklnK n mir vny or tlio Konwood wntor ytiiin for tho Hand Wntor l.tjthl & I'owor Co. Mm. Martin Knutwn roturnod from I'ortlnnd Hnturdny. Tho ICnut non homo hnH been remodeled nnd enlarged. Henry McCnll lina roturncd to hU rnneh In lower t'rookoil iuvir vnnoy Thoinaa W. Ijiwroii will Join him tlmro Krldny. Mm. J. I. Koycn lonvoa Wdnodn nlKht with iror children nnd iniroo for her inntlivr'n nenldo homo In Wnhlt)Kton. The Largest Insurance Agency m Central Ore. It's tho way we writo our policies." Our policies pay 100 cents or tho dollar. Wo havo over 400 satisfied policy holders. Tho largest insurers in Crook County are ' nr leading customers. M5end Insucnce Agency FiKfcNational Bank BuId?ng BcnT, Ore. i-oi.K n:s tii vr ritorwT. uMaiw " """JBI "" "3 j P'9 HELP ME to MOVE MY STOCK. RE- $ On Hundny Hnrry Wyno loft for Croirent whom ho linn tnken tip n homoiitoiid. Ho Iiiih oold IiIh IiiirIiiors to J, 10. I.arxnn. P. W. .lone of Port Atkinson, WIr coiihIii, who In vIrKIiik In llond, wont to I'ortlnnd Hnturdny nlKlit to attend tho Koho Pimtlvnl, It, N, I'olndoxtor of I'rlnovlllo, n lirotlior or Knlph Polndoxtor, Iiiir Io.iroi1 tlio now Wonnndy KnrnKO on llnwthomo (it root. Mm. I.oru H. I,n Mnnoo will nponk rt tho lothodlMt church nt K o'aloolc tomorrow ovuiiIok on huhnlf of tho I'rohlhlilon movomont. Mm, A, KIjik WHhoii nnd dntiRhler, who hnvo boon ntnyliiK nt tlio Altn moot, loft on thnlr return to tholr hoiiie In I'orllnnd yontordny, Ouy Mnltoynoldn nnd Troy Honvor went to Croscont Innl weak to tnko up olnlinn In tho n.iwly opened homo- ntond oouutry lu tinu vicinity. Mm. '3. II. (lodfroy nnd her younic ron nrrlvcd In town Monday from Mudlcluo lint, Allmrln. Mm, Uod froy oftiiiim to join liar liuatmnd. Tho Poroat Horvlro linn Iiokuii work on tho iibw toluphono line to run from IWMt I.nko to the I'lna Muuntuln Khh Kor atntlon, a dlRUnce of 18 inline. I'orry A. ftoutli ttd tlirotiRh town on Mondny on hl way to CrtM Gent whore ho will In eignued on for (wtry hiwfiiaH daring the Hiunmr. (lovfttior Waet Iirh dsclared I'rt dny a lenal halldny In honor of I'or iHiid'H Hom PmIIvrI, and on thai day Itolli IohI ImukR will i c clMod. Mln Harriett Dolnon mid MUm Osr tmdo Mnrkol left for the Haat Mon day nlKht. They will ntop nt Siio- knuo enrouto nod vlatt Mm. It. H. I'ORt, Mian ItRtnoim HIrI or Lexlngtoii. OroHOii, wn roKlitorod nt the Alin mnnt on Hundny. MIm IUmoII now vlnltlnR Mhw llennou nt her out or town homo. Hnturdny nlitht MIrr Dorothy Kchoolcrnft nntertnlnod In honor or Miss DoIbcii nt the Overturf rel deuco. The kucm(r plnyed BOO nnd rofreahmontH woro served. Mm. II. P. Hhumnto nnd MIrr I.lln JoMOpli, Hie inothor nnd daughter of Mm. It. M. Hmltli. nrrlvcd In town on Hnturdny, from Wellnvllla, Mo. They expect to upend tha Rummer hero. Mm. Htcvo I'nvlch and no Rovon yenr old Ron nrrlvcd from AnMrln I nut week to Join her hualmnd u hi Mllllcnn homcRtond. At prtRotit Wie la vlRltlns with her brother, Mike Drnglch. Tho monthly nodal meotlng or the Ladlea' Aid Hoclety will bo hold next Wcdnoidny nt 2:30 o'clock with Mm. Itulph Hpencer at her homo at tho Routli end of llond ntroet. All tho IndloR nto Invited. Walton Vim Wlnklo, nRitUtnnt ncc rotary of the Donort Lnnd Hoard, wna here Haturday, koIok over C. O. I. mnttern with John Diibula. Prlday ho Hpont nu the Tumnlo I'rojoot. Ho naa nccompnnlod by lila wlfo nnd hoy. W. I), Hoott. Konornl ninnaRor or tho H. P. & H., nnd tho OroRon Trunk la expected to arrive In town noon on u trip Into tho Interior. Mr. Reott'n auto, Riipplled for, n lone jouraoy. war revolved at tlio local wnrahoune on Mondny. Tho w. C. T. V. will meet on Thurday afternoon with Mm. C. P NlfwonKor. Mra. K. M. ThomtMon will read n paper on "Clirlttlan Cltl- xiinjIWi)" nnd Mm. La Maneo. Rtntr rirSanlier nnd lecturer, will ho pro nnu All Intoroated aro Invited to Attend. A party of Portland fishermen In cluding Henry J. Hedollo, Alma I). Knit. C. P. Swlsert nnd C. P. Adnma efiino to town on 8aturdRy and apont Sundny on n flalilnc trip tin tha rlvor wlth O. LaurKanrd and 0. Kd ItoM of Laldlnw. While In town they topped nt the Hnd. The IriIIor of the Prebyterlan Outld with their frlenda will be an- tertalueil nt a Stiver tea. V elnMday. Junr 17th. at 2 no p. w., In tha (churrh parlor. KhcIi Oitlld mattibar U rwiueateti to InMte two or mor 4adlM. The boRteMMi are MaiHlnmea odd, McKee and WllkltiM. Ladlea, tho Skuto Hnrdwnre Corn- owned In Homo. One CRpcclnlly RtrlkluK pnnol in of tho rtiltiR of tho CollRouin, Inod nn n border or frlozo tlinno tmnolR wilt Klvo nn iiriiinunlly dlRtlnctlvu touch to nny room. Adv. 1-J HANOI AT fAIIHAW PHIDAV Tho Imcholom of I.nldlnw nro to ho lioRtn ul n dnnca In tlio community hall there thin Prldny evening, and thoy nro Inviting evoryono to ho on deck for tho fun. Of coiime mnrrled folkn nro not excluded, hut It In tin domtood thnt tho bnchelorn nro or. peclnlly nnxloiiH thnt nil tho unmar ried Klrlfl In tho country ho there. A Inrgu crowd from llond will go down. POIl HUNT Two room ruIIoh fur nlnlied for light houo koopltiK. Honklo & Itynn. 12r Adv. Classified Advertising Advertisement InseiKd under (IiN licmlliiK nt tlio rnto of OX CKXT A WOltM cncli Insertion, (rash limit nccompniiy nil nnlcm from pcronH not Iwnln n rrculnr nrrount with Tlio llnllctiii. No odicrllieincnt Ink for IrfiH tlinn 10 cent cncli InNcrtlon. WAXTKI). WANTIJD Girl for Renoral Iiouro work. Mm. Herbert B. Allon. Stf WANTBD Olrl for Rcnernl houne work. Ajiply at O. M. Pnttor Ron'H. I2tf WANTHD Competent Klrl for Koncrnl )iouowork. Good wagon and permanent iwsltlon. Mm. C. S. Hud Ron. I2tf. HOY WANTED About July Int. Muxt b honest and rellalilo nnd able to hnndlo homes. J1C00 per month, board nnd wnshlng. P. II. Johnson, Mllllcnn. He FOIt HKNT. ""-, Ipauy have n complete new white ounmol waro. Adv. lino of IRIeull Herd ay iftlRCH Ii 'Wall ai The Low MQVAL Sale rJPics mak& it easy for you to do so. -rC .i. E. M. Thompson Bend, Oregon HOAI) UOl.I.ltlt MlltKI). The county road roller was In filRlcultlM for about two Uoura yes- inorntnR when It struck n aeft In tho road near the corner of and Mlnnoaotn streets and sunk n to a considerable dopth. I.ator It inilled Itself out ami went to work n MlnnwotR strcot. The roller re- urnod to town on Prldny and upont hren days on Wall street between rogoii nnd Ohio. nnlsnlnK tlio throe locks originally planned to be treat ed. c.ii.Ij von urns. Sealed IiIiIh will bo rocelved nt La no for School Dlstrlot No. 48. tor (lie biilldluK of a bnemout nnd fur nlshlng mntertnl far anmo. The bHt. nient to be built of Mono or coinant. IIIiIh must bo In botoro 12 o'oloqk noon July 2, 1914. The schuol bonril Reserves tho right to reject nny nnd all bids. I'lnns and Bpecllloatlon may lio neon nt U IMne. C. V. Carml- Dhnol. 13-lco POIt IIBNT Modern cottngo com pletoly furnished. Reasonable price to responsible person. Inquire D.ille ttn otnee. 10tf POIt RBNT Two lota, large thros room house. Kenwood. 17.00 per month. Inquire Hond Grocery. 10tf POIt HKNT Two room cabin, partly furnished. & per month. Hend Grocery. Ono block cast of depot. 9tf POH HBNT Small houso partly furnished. IC n month; also tent houso adjoining. Near depot. In quire at llulletln. ' 49tf POIt HBNTPasturo, 040 acres newly fenced. Plenty of water and KraM. 2 4 mllos southeast of town. Inquire CharlcR Hliichen. 13lf POIt ItENTOfflccs on Wall street very ohcap. Apply Htilletln ORlce. POIt HKNT Rooms centrally lo cated. Klcctrlc lights and water, ultnblo for housekeeping. Choap. Apply llulletln Ofllco. POIt RHNT Two room suites fur nished for light houso keeping Honklo <yan. 12U TOR SAM;. POH SALK Bight head of onttle. four milk cows. Call at Pyatt's plSce, near Alfalfa P. O. ' He. POH SAI-K Few settings or tur koy eggs. Call on Mm. Haxuka. 12Hc POH SAI.B ReBlstored O. I. C pigs. Phone or write O. C. Card well, Hand. Utf POIt SAMS My herd boar "Lucky Hoy" a full blood reglittered Duroc Jersey. IC. H. Ross, Hox 138, at K. A. Knotts' place 13-lSp POR SAI-K Hand made Wober piano. Would sell cheap for cash, or on roasonablo terms. Cnll. vrlte or phone, Mrs. J. II. Robertson, care CARD OP THANKS, Wo donlro to oxprosH our gratitude to the directors nnd members of tho Indies Choral Club for tho splendid iniiHlonlo given for the uonoiii or mo Library. i UVDIHS' I.IHRARY Cl.UH, Miss M. K, Coleman, President Mm. K. M. Thompson. Socrotary. notici:. Hnvlng .sold my Interest In tho Wright Hotel I hereby request thnt all bills against me bo presented nnd thnt pemons owing mo settle their accounts nt onco. MH8. NKLUE-WHIQHT QIUH. COl'IKH OV PAINTINGS. N. P. Welder hns recently recolvod samples of nn Interesting sorlea of plntca for uso In wull decoration Which ho Is now showing at his store on Oregon street., iiicbo piniea or pnnold aro lnrgn in sua ana nro di rect reproductions of paintings now li ' "" VWV1 si it ti Si n n ts ii a a a a it it ii l tt it n it We are offering Special Values in Wool Challies 35c&50c New Stock & New Patterns nt Mannheimer's Look Out for the Steam Roller and the sign of the ECONOMY STORE! Mannheimer's Mr. Shoaqucst, Rend. 11-17 FOR SALK niack Minorca eggs for sotting. $1.2f for 13. Leave or ders at Bather's store. ltfc POR SALK Thoroughbred Harr cd Hock oggs J"or hatching, $1 per sotting. R. Hartlett nt Metropoli tan. C tf POR SALK Aero of standing hay and ntumpage. Or will contract to havo hay put up, paying with part of crop. John Hlolll, I'rlnevlllo road. r miles from Head. 14-lCp FOR BALK All kinds of rough and dressed lumber, at Anderson Bros, sawmill half xny between Dead nnd Laldlaw, on old Tumnlo road. Heasonnblo prices, rough lumber $10 per M. Delivering to Dend or Lald law 32 per M. Telephone. lOtf LOST AND FOUND. LOST Key ring nnd koys. Charles Brsklnc. 1-ttf LOST Man's gray coat containing koys on grade above river south of Laldlaw, please notify llulletln of fice. H-llp Don't Lono Sleep Coughing nt Night. Take Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound. It glide down your throat nnd spreads a healing, soothing coat ing over the inflamed1 tickling sur face. Tbats immediate relief It loosens un tho tlchtrnxx In vnnr chest, stops stuffy wheezy breathing. eases uisiressing, racxing, tearing coughs. Children love It. Refuso anr substitutes. Contains nn nnlntmi. Adv. Patterson Drug Co. Agnln, the third and we hope tho Inst time, wo hare tho services of n. shoo shining artist, Mr. Ed Walker arrived Monday morning from Se nttle. Urlng your shoes, with or without feet. Open Sunday fore noons, baths, candy, tobacco, shines, etc. Tho Metropolitan". Aivt 1.WW M18CKLLANKOUS. TO TRADE One seven paseeagar Ixieomoblle, 1909 model. Would make nice light truck. For vacant ' or homes. Address Hox 357. Hend. H-1S J. M. JUDD DRAY LINE All Kinds of Light anil Heavy Hauling. Quick Deliveries of Trunks, Impress, Ktc, Gar dens Fertilized, Plowed anil Leieled. Satisfaction Guar nnteetl. Prices Heasonnblo Telephone IIORSKS AND COWS FOR SALK t t t t i t t t VV WViVl V WSr-CPFT i tw VW'i...r VV n it l itv tV I VI V iuumMvtmvuuMHuHvt it' I A -'tfM i.JL- "4BtfUtMIWBgawg, lu wOiiiiui iimni nnii,..u " "ictrr PaV r2 TSTsrrr f I m ' fB r -'-' Slv U uw f sfH Jfj8? MAUBE RANGWB c 111 THE ARCADIAN RANGE The finest Range built in the World. For Sale by SJkuse Hardware Company