paor n. t- THIS 1IHNI) IIULLI5TIN, IIHNI), ORK., WKDNHHDAY, ,11'NB 10, 11 1. ' lit mil nln Ion. tole mi- Iml' i I. -i , 1 V COUNTY COURT PROCEEDS A apuclnl session of (ho County , Court oonvuiiuil nt Hi- CourtlimiHU In I'rltnrvllln, OroKon, nt II o'clock p, in.) Wednesday, Juno :i, ton, When win it iiroHiint: (I. HprltiKcif, .IiuIko, i irimlilliiKI It. M, lluyloy, ('oiiiiiiIhhIoii- or; Wi W. llrown, (JoiiiinlMHlouor; I'm nk Hlkliis, Hlinrlrr mid Wnrimi nrown, uouniy uimtk. g, Wliorouiion inn roiiowiiiK procieod- 1tiKH wore hud, tn-wlt; u Ordered tlntl n wldow'a ponsltni of 111) pur liiouth lin allowed M in. M, It. Hood. Ordered (lint n warrant In tlin sum of I117.H3 bo IhhiioiI In favor of (loo, II. Ilnmntor, for bill presented nt Mn roh term and iIIbiiIIowuiI then, Iih- , ciniHti of fallurn to Ittunlzo miuio. Ordered Hint a warrant on Him rond fiuiil In Hih mini of JCO ho laaiitnl , lo V. M. rVrrell. hiiiI nlwi n wnr runt for fiiftn.oo lio lasiied to V. I. Clayponl; said money to he UKfil lo , i'oiniein work already begun In tlmtr rwtpwtlva district. In tlin iiiHtlHr of tliH MelCenxle . nmil; Whrtas Crook County In nltxlMHil to rifoiwrutti wild IIih Kor- IWt HKIVlcIf III tliH llUIirtlVHIIIHIlt of tllH , Mi'KhiiiIh road, and tliH mhiIm of iiHMii, iiMdinniKi. maiara nun itiiib vIIIh Hn KUHrHiilKHliiK lo curry llio IndohUMluaaa until Miiy. 10 1 ft, In eutt It In reunited to protect the county's llnnnrwi, It Im ordrd 1 It nt work may I'oniluuo on hhiiiii. (Hhh order. ' Tho rmiinMl for money for nmil )iiiiiiivttmmit In tlio vleliilty of Hod- , moiiil hiiiI Ilend presented; Judge ob jects on Krounil Hint If the inoiioy In ttxpendml It will exceed the budget i for Ki'iiorni Improvement. HiiiMit of tlm CoiuiiiorclRl Chili of Redmond for $280 for tho I'otn- lo Show for 19H, prouoiittid by Mr. Hoilinnn. (HIkiuhI) (1. Springer, Judge; IC II. Ilnyley, tMiiiinlaaloiiur; Wlftla V. llrown. AI'I'KNIIHITIH HOOK FltKH. Tho Adlor-l-kn hook, lolling hot . you can EASILY Riinnl against up- linmllcltu, riiiI how you enn rnlloa constipation or Kns on tlm stomnoh . INSTANTLY, In ofTnrtMl free tli'M 1 ok by TIIK PATTMKBON DIHNl COMPANY. AJv. ..Bg" .-, OIIKOON TRUNK TRAIN Arrive J '" Loaves .8:30 O.-W. II. Ai .V, TltAI.V. Arrive , .7:4 p. in. Imuoh 7:16 a. in. KTAOK LINK KOUTII. Arrive 7:30 p. m, Loaves 10 n. in. ALTO I.IMIM. Cara dally to Burns mid polnta Mitith mill ajiiithoaau posToi'i'ifK iiouius. (Inner! tUIUnry oihih dally til a III III p. HI. i V !aPr"l Uliwi7 "I XMIfl to 10 n IM. rii tmlii lunll eb My train mall rloim ' TKI.KdHAPII I v ti itral iIoiivry ohh Mummy ebmo T p. in. m fl:e n. in. nouns. Wwitt'rn Union lUlly 7-12.1-0, 7-10. Wwnilny 8-10. 1-C. TICI.Itl'IIONK HOl'PH. PlAiiaor Co., tweiityfo hour unrvlee. inelutiinR Buniiay. ! rtt . ir5 ' The BRICK GARAGE ON IIOND HTIUCKT WIMi IIH COMPMCTHI) IN A COUPM OK WKHKH Tills will ho tho InrKCNt anil host Kimieeo bulldliiK In Central Oregon, i An ango Now For STOKACIH AT MODKUATIC ItATHH KxKrt Hepnlr Work nt Knlr Prlcea RESULTS GUARANTEED Wo Distribute Clinlmera Hnxon Cnra mid Helden TriicUa 1 , OAKOMNK HUNDKIHS " TEe Bend Garage Company It. K. Hnrtly K. II. llruiikn HIONH I'Olt HA 1,1 J. "Kor Hi-ill," t'Por Hl," "Hoonm lo lct", "lloiiNckocpliiK Hooiiin." "No AiliultlniiciV "So HmokliiK," (,, I'd'., I'liit'iuil lululi'il In larnt' I) im on heavy hilMol lionril, 15 uul I'lirh, Iioim In iUitiiHH(fi, llullitllii Ollleo, 12tf NOTICIJ OK (JONTIIBT. Dtiimrliiiitnt of tlin Inlorlor, Unltml Hlntoii il Olllco, l.ukovluw, Oro (ton, May i:i. lull. To tho holrii of UwU h, Martin, ilo- uuiihoii, uo'iiiHtito; You nro hnrohy notlflnil Hint Olinrlcn R Htiirninr. who irlvim n.o (1 H. Iloiitioii, llmiil, Oro., aa IiIh pont of- umi miiirnmi, uiil on April 'VI, 1014, lllo In (IiIh ollli'o Ii In iluly norroliorntiid niipllontloii lo roiiUHit inn) Huciiro tho ciiupoIIiiIIoii of HouuiHluiiil IJntry - , Hoilul No. 0277:1, iiiikIo Doconibitr 11, 11101). for loin .'I mill mn 1 HW Hontlon 7i loltt 1 and 'i, K'A NWU Hocllonlfi, Towuvhlp VI H Kuiirh 23 K., Wlllitmutto Murltllnn, unU nw KrouiiilH for IiIh content ha iiIIckh Hint mild I.iiwIh U. Mitrtlu illml about 3 yoiirit iiko, ImivliiK' no Imlrn no far iih known In thin nlllnnl; Hint tho (uilryiiinn novnr imlnlillHlidd ronldoncu upon hbIiI trni't nor did ho or IiIh holrn ovnr maintain nmliloncH HiDntou or oulthali) tlio .hiiiiih and nald en try -man mid IiIh holrn huvo wholly iiliau donnd nld tract nnd hhIiI tuitry for morn than omi year hut phh(. You nru, thuroforn, r'ttrthor noil flod that tho nald nllir.atlotiM will be tnktm by thin olllco m hvlii boon coiifwinod by ymi, and your Mid untry will lis raiiriilKd tlierioindHr wltliout your filrthnr rlKht lo tn hoard there in, ttlthor buforo thin olllco or on np PnI. ir you fnll to IIIh In HiU olllu within twrtiity daya nflor tho KOUItTII publication of thin notion, hh ahiiwn bolow, your aunwor, tiudur oath, uponMcally uiohHiik utfil ro- HHoidliix to thotio nlb'KHtlonii of con lHt or If you fall within that tlmo to lllo In thin olllco dun proof that you havo aerved a ropy of your anawnr on tho aald cotitiwtnut vlthnr In parson or by rKKlaturod mall. If thin aorvlcu la inndo by tho dollvcry of n copy of your nuawnr to tho contcntnnt In per non, proof of nuch norvlco tuiiat hu dlthur tho anld coiitUnt'a wrltton arknowliiilKUioiit of lilit rucnlpt of tho copy, ahowluit tho data of It rocolpt. or .tho allldavlt of tho porno n by whom dollvorrd; If made- by roRlatnr iid mall, proof of nuch norrlco muat connlnt of tho nflldavlt of tho poraon by whom thn ropy waa mailed MtatlnR when and tho poatorricv to which It wna mailed, nnd Hila affidavit muat ho accnuipnnlml by tho poatmnatnr'a rccolpt for tho letter. You ahould atnto In your nuawor tho nntno of tho pontntTIco tn which you doalro futuro notloca to txs eont to you, J AH. I'. IIUHdKHU, Itoclator, Dnlo of Ural publication May 27, 10H. Date of M&ond publlontlon June 7, 1014, Oatn of third publloallnn Juno 10, 1014. DatH of fourth publication Juno 17, 1011. NOTH'll OP ("ONTIIKT. Departin-'Ht of tha Interior United RtattM I Jind OUtc. Th Dallra, Orw- mom. May Iff. IS II. To Aaahet U I'arkar. of Pendleton. Oreffun. Cunlttatee: You are hereby notified that Jul lua O. KandborK, who glvoa llend, Oroaon. e-n Ihix 1 47. aa hla poat olflc addrer, did on April 17, 1011, file In thla olHoa hla duly eorrolHirotMl nnnlloMtloH to eouteal nnd aneure the miiMllntton of your homoatoad, on try No. , fttirlal'o. 08018, made - . -r v I T. W. Hartly May 10, 1011, for 14 Section 20, TowiiHhlp 20 H., JtmiKO 17 K. W Meridian, mid na Krounda for IiIh conti'Ht ho iiIIoki'M Hint anld Aan hol It, Pnrkor ban fulled to calnbllah IiIh roaldunco on aald tract; that ho Iiiih failed (o cultlvnti aald tract or any part thereof; that ho hna nlmn doned anld tract or uptvardn of rtx moutliH lent pant nnd Hint audi fall in a and abandonment wiih not duo to hl employment In tho iirmy, navy or marine corpn of tho U, U. In tlmo of war or otiinrwlio. You nro, thuroforo, further noti fied that tho aald iilleatloiiH will ho talien by thin olllco an having been eoiifeHiicd by you, nnd your aald en try will bo canceled thereunder with out your further rluht to ho honrd therein, oltlior befoio thla olllco or on nppenl, If you full to lllo In thla of llco within twenty daya nfter tho KOUUTH publication or thla notice, im ahowu hnlow, your answer, under onth, Hjioclflcnlly iiioetlm; nnd -o-HpondliiK to thow alIeatloiiH of eon tent, or If you fall within thrt tlmo lo lllo In thin olllco duo proof that you havo nerved a copy of your an HWor on tho raid ooutoatnnl either In peraon or by rextaUirtid mull. If Hila atirvlco ia inndo by the delivery of a ropy of your anawnr to the cento taut In peraon, proof of audi norvlco muat bo olthur the arid contoatanl'a wrlttun nckiiowliHlKoiuant of hla r ealpt of the onpr, ahoyvliiK the date of Ita rocalpt, or the olMdavIt of the purnon by whom the dtdlvry waa mido alatlnK whan and whara thn ropy waa dallverod; If inado by rn latorad mall, proof of audi wrvlc muat coualat of the allldavlt of tho peraon by whom IIih copy waa mnllml atatlnK wlion and -tho pot olflca to which It waa mulled, and thla al dnvlt iiiiint bo HCCompanltMl by the wntiuanler'H rcript for th loiter. You ahould ntata In your unawor thn iiaiui) of the poat oltlcn to which you dimlre future notlcea to he aent to you. II. I'llANIC WOODCOCK, HelHter. Date of flrnt publication .In no 10, lid I. Dato of accond iiubllentlon Juno 17, 11)11. Dato of third publlontlon Juno 24, 1014. Dato of fourth publication July 1, 1014. XOTICK Ol" CONTKKT. Dopartment of tho Interior, United mates Itnd Olllco, The Dalle, Oregon, May 12, 1014. To Carl I.. Htockdulo, or Madraa, Ore gon, Con tea tea: You are hereby notified that Mel vln A. Houghtalliig, who gives lnld Inw. Crook County, Oregon, aa hla poat olllco addroaa, did on April 23, 1014, file In thla ofllco hla duly cor roborated application to content and aocuro tho cancellation of your hotne- atuad, Kntry No. , Serial No. 08847, mndo Mny 4. 1011, for 8V4 NK Vi and WW BKU. Bectlon 22, Townnblp 14 8., Itnngu 12 K, Wlllw.i inotte Meridian, and aa groundn for hla content ho allege Hint wild Carl h. Mtockdnlo hna failed to eatahllah hla retMiIonce on anld tract; Hint he hoa fallwl lo cultivate aald tract or any rt thereof; that aald entryinan haa abandoned aald tract for tipwarda of Mix montha laat twat and that such failure and nlMmuoninent waa not due to hla employment ill the ami), navy or marine coriw of the U. 8. In tlmo of war or olhorwtae. You are, thererore, further noti fied that tho anld allegations will be taken by thla olllco na having boon oonfeMod by you, and your aald IIIIV AND KTIMM Cl.i:SIX(l r-sm- SUITS maim: to oiidkk B. QORMLEY. Next Door to Vienna Hotel u Hoofing of nil kinds. Repairing promptly done. ;J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNINQ AND Furnace Contractor rwSlBa Guttering, Spouting, 1 Cornices nnd Skylight. N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPERHANGER. t .Estimates on Wall Pnper nt npplicntion Portland Prices Cheapest nnd Beat Wall Pnper Snmplea in the county. Got My Prices. llox Hi), - - Uend Oregon FOR SUMMER Wear get a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES. Sold by R.H.LOVEN tho Shoe Repair Man. Dond street, Bend, Ore wmi )l ihW- ..; J. H A ASrteskSiJL VOM I IVV1.' ..r-4 1 r --I T- MT l r ontry will ho canceled thoroundor without your further rlKht to bo neara tiiorem, citnor nororo inia or flco or on appeal, If you fall to file In thla ofllco within twenty dnya after tho KOUUTH publication of thla notice, iih ahown below, your nnawcr. under onth, apoclflcally meotlnic and rcnpoiidliiK to tbeno nlloKatlona of content, or If you fnll within Hint tlmo to lllo In thla ofllco duo proof that you havo nerved a copy of your anawnr on tho aald contestant either In peraon or by reentered mall. If thla norvlco la mndo by tho dollvory of n copy or your anawor to tho con tcnlnnt In poraon. proof of auch norvlco muat ho oltlior tho anld con toHtnnt'a wrltton acknowledgment of hla receipt of tho cony, allowing the dnto of Ita rccolpt, or thn nindnvll of tho poraon by whom tho dollvory wna made Mating wlion and wiiore tho copy wna delivered; If mndo by roglHlorcd mall, proof of auch nor vlco muat conalnl of tho allldavlt of tho peraon by whom tho copy waa mulled otatliig when nnd tho poat olflco to which It wna mailed, nnd thla allldavlt muat he accompanied l.y the poatmanter'n receipt for tho letter. You ahould atnto In your nnawor the name of the poat oltfoe to which you doalro futuro notlcea to ho sent II. KItANIC WOODCOCK, Iterator. Dnto of flrat publication May 20, 1914. Date or onr publication May 27. 1014. Date or third publication June I, 1914. i Date of fourth pnblleallon June 10, 1014. XOTIl'K J'OK Pl'IIMf-'ATION. Departuiout of the Interior, U. S. hand Office at The Datlea, Oregon, May nth, 1814. Notice la hereby glvon that Mildred Itlladoau, aaalsnee of Tokll Kwanaou, defloanml, of. Ilend, Oregon, who on Juno GIli, 1911, made Deaort Land Kntry No. 00080, for Iota 1-2 and IC A NW,, Section 30, Township 18 Boulh, Itange 13 Kant, Wlllatnutto Meridian, hna filed notice of intention to tnnko final doaort land proof, lo establish olnlm to tho land above do ner! bed, before II. C. Bills, U. B. Commlnaloncr, at llend, Oregon, on tho 0th day of July, 1014. Claimant nani'a na witnesses: Ja cob fc. Thomna, Henry Htnrrs, Italph A. Dunn, Marl J. Dunn, all ot Dend. Oregon. II. KKANK WOODCOCK, HoRlater NOTICH OK CONTKHT. Department or tho Interior, United Ktntoa I-and Ofllco. Tho Dall-s, Oregon, May 12, 1014. To Clyde T. Ornhatn care of IIox 132, Ilond, Oregon, Contested: You are hereby notified that Jarnoa C. rlmlth, who gives Ilend, Oregon, an hla poet ofllco nddroas, did on April 20, 1014, file In thla olllco hla duly corroborated application to con tost and aocuro the cancellation of your homoatead. Kntry No. . Sorlal No. 011773. made June S. 1013, for K Section 33, Township 20 8, Itange 16 K. W. Meridian, and aa grounds for hla content he allege that Clyde T O rah am haa failed to aatabllah hla residence on Mid tract", that ho haa railed to cultivate aald trnct or nny irt thureot; that aald fZ THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY Storage and Forwarding General Commission . Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD The United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon gill IBTllhW aim O'DONNELL UNION MARKET ontrymnn hna abandoned anld trnct for upwnrda or alx montha Inst pnat and that auch failure and abandon ment wan not duo to hla employment In tho army, navy or marine corps or tho U. 8. In tlmo of war or othor wlso. You nro, thorcforo, further noti fied that thn aald allegations will bo token by th'a olllco an having been confessed by you, and your aald ontry will bo cnncolod thoroundor without your further right to bo hoard therein-, oltlior hoforo thla ofllco or on ap peal, if you rail to file In this ofllco within twenty dnya after tho KOUUTH publication of thla notlco, na ahowu below, your nnawer, under onth, apoclflcally meeting and re sponding to these allegations of con test or It you fall within that tlmo to file In this ofllco duo proof that you havo Horvod a copy of your answer on tho raid contestant either In person or by registered mall. If thla aervlco la inndo by tho delivery of a copy or your nnawor to tho contestant In por aon, proof of auch norvlco muat bo oltlior tho aald conlostant'a written acknowledgment or his rocelpt or the! copy, allowing too dato or Ita receipt, or tho nflldavlt ot the peraon by whom delivered; ir made by roglater ed mall, proof or auch service must consist or the nflldavlt or the poraon by whom the copy waa mailed stating when and the postofllco to which It waa mailed, and thla allldavlt must be accompanied by the postmaster's receipt for tha letter. You ahould atate In your anawor the name ot the pOAtoMee to which you desire ruin re notice to be sent to you. If. Kit A NIC WOODCOCK, fleglater Date or flrat publication Mny 20, 1911. Date or aeeond publication May 27, 1911. Dato or third publication June 3, 1014. Date ot fourth publication Juno 10. 1914. Fraternal Societies I. O. O. I Itcnd Lodgo No. '-MM. Regular meeting every Mon day night at 8 o'clock In Sath or'a Hall. Visiting brothem cordially welcome. M A PAI.MDU, N. O GEO. P. a'v"E. ivcr(ary. TIIK FIIA.TKK.VAIj IlKOTHKK HOOD. Ilend Lodge No. 897 moots In Bather's Hall every Thursday evening, with social on third Thursday oach eontb. Visiting mombora cordially Invited. Mrs. G. W. Shrlnor, Pros. Loroy Fox, Secretary, IIOVAIj NKIUlinOKS OK AMKKU'A. Ilanner Camp No. Willi. Itegulnr meetings second and fourth Tuesdays, Sathera Hall MRS. J. II. CONNAUN. Oracle. MI18. A. OUCt'TT. Itocorder. BROTHERS JIUHINK8H AND PKOKKSSIONAL. KOIIHKT II. (10 UM) Civil Engineer Itcnd Oregon iin.v.virrr, hinnott Ji OAMX)(AV Attornoya nt Law Oennrnl I'ractlco Tho Dalles, - Oregon HOI1KIIT W. 8AWYKH NOT A II V I'UII MO Ilullotln Ofllco, Dond, Oronon 8. It. HOOIN Land Attorney Itualneaa bfore the t' 8. Land olflCH a apftdalty. Twrnty live yara oxparlenco In practlcn b fora the local V. . Land Oftlc and the departmenta at Waah inKton. D. C Office over the Dearhntes Xtate Hank. IJKNIi :-: :! OltKGON J. II. Dell A. W. 8lma CItOOK COUNTY AllSTKACT COMPANY OncoriHiraledl Sureeaaora to Tho J. H. Hnner AlMtract Co., Prinevlllo, Ore. Alnitracta Inauranco w. w. faulknek, d. ii. d. dk.Vtist Ofllco Over Postofllco Bend, ... Oregon WILLARD If. WlftTZ IjAWYKU Prlnovlllo, Oregon. U. C. COE, M. D. Plijralclnn anil Surgeon Ofllco over Flrat National Dank Ofllco Hours: 10 to 12 a. rn.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. I DKND. : OUKOON C. S. BENSON Attorney At Low Bonaon Dulldlntr, Wall Strpet Bend, Oregon. VERNON A. FORBES liAWYKK First National Bank Bulldlntr Bend, :-: :-: Orojon OEOItOE S. YOUNG Chit nnd Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer of Ilend. Room S Flrat National Bank Building II. II. Do AltMOND IVYYKIl Sathor Building Bond, Oro. If. C. E L L I S Attorncy-nt-Law United Suites Coinmsloncr First National Bank Building BEND. OREGON DR. J If. CONNARN I1EXTI8T Office In Sathor Building. Houru 9 to 12, 1 to &. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. DR. A. B. CROPP Chiropractor DUIGLKSS PHYSICIAN Office over Miller Lumber Co., Wall StreoL Hours: 9-12, 1-5. C. P. NISWONGER, Bend, Oro. UNDERTAKER Licensed ICiubuliuer, Funeral Director. Phone. Lady Assistant. GEO. H. WHITCOMB Prospector For water and mlooral Poat office address BEND, OREGON THIS PAPER REPRESENrED FOR FOREIGH ADVERTISING BY THE OENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES