The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 03, 1914, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    rAGFJ s.
No Amount of Wind Raised
Aboard a Ship Can Propel It.
At a Matter of Fact, the Force of tha
Air Driven Againtt the Canvaa
Would Have a Tendency to Send the
Veiiel Backward Inttead of Forward.
"If nn electric fan could bo made
inrge enough to throw n au Helen t
nmuutit of wind to move a smalt mII
lKat and such it tan was placed on tbe
end of a boot with tlie wind from tbe
tun blowing npilnst tbo Mil on tbe
very boat the fnn Is on. U It potislbl
that It could more the boat? Tho ar
gument lit ttir.t the fan, being on the
name boat a the Ball, cannot move
Itxelf. lint ax the air detaches Itself
from the fau nnd hits the will, my Idcn
lit that It etin. provided It him tbe
strength to move tbe boat- Please give
un answer."
This question la worth answering bc
caiiee. It Involves a principle of physics
thHt ought to ho universally under
oiood and Iguurauce of which tun lend
to tbe waste of both time nud money
upon Inventions that will not work.
The writer of tbe question thinks
that because 4be air, aa she expresses
It. Is "detached from" tbe fun when It
Marts off to strike tbe sail. It ought to
utt like an ordluary wind and push tho
Uiat before It. Hut she would not ibluk
wo If she retlccted that tbe (uirtlcles of
nlr driven from tbe fan resemble u
awarm of bullets shut from u gun.
Tbe air particles get their force from
tbe fan as the Dulleta get theirs from
the gun. and Just as tbe gun recoils
with a force equal to that which It Itn
jam to tbe bullets, so the tan, wheth
er driven by electricity or steam or
turned by" hand. Inevitably recoils with
tbe name aniouut of force that It Ita
lians to the air.
To tnako clearer tbe comparison bo
tweeu a stream of bullet from a pin
und a stream of wind from un electric
fan. Imagine a Maxim gun placed st
the rear of a boat nnd an Impenetrable
target at the front, aud then suppose
that the gun should burl a continuous
current of bullcta against tbe target. V
Anybody con see that the boat would
nut be driven forward, because tbe
recoil of tbe pin would constantly
force It backward with tbe same
energy with which tbe bullets, striking
tbe target, forced It ahead.
Hut If the gun were placed on shore
or on another support Its stream of
bullet striking tbe target would drlvo
the boat forward, because then their
effect would bo like that bf a wind
blowing freely across the water and
having no counecttou with anything ou
tbo boat.
i An ordinary wind ts nolo to drlvo n
bont whoso sail it strikes becnuso it
reaction (that of tho wludi la not upon
tho boat, but upon tho great ninsa of
the atmosphere or upon the earth.
The principle to bo remembered,
aud Ignorance or f erect f alliens of
which tuiM coat the hupplnexx of more
than one uneducated inventor's life, Is
that no mechanical force can be pro
duced without nn expenditure of en
ergy precisely equivalent. Never for
get that them can be no action with
out equal reaction nnd that If the nc
tton takes It origin within the limits
of (he thing that Is acted Uvon the
reunion will ulxo be felt wlthlu thoe
same limit,
lour electric fan would drive a toy
vessel placed on the deck of your
boat, although It would not drive the
hour ltielf. uconuse, with regard to
the toy veiel. the bn-exe from the fan
would have an ludcHudent origin, like
an ordinary wind olowlug over n lake,
and It reaction would not t upon
tbe toy, but iinu the Uat over whose
deck the toy glided.
If you are Inside n rnr nnd push upon
the car you cannot move It as you could
ir you MixhI uKn the ground outside
aud pushed. In the tlrt case your
Hctlou and reaction tiro hoth upon the
cur, hut In the eeond nine tbe uctlon
I upon the car mid the reaction Umiii
the ground outride The tmiiie thing
uai-uK If you suspend n bar aboTe
lour head aud lift jourself by pulling
down on It, nud afterward put the bar
under your feet and try to lift yourself
by pulllug up uu It. Ion succeed In
lifting youncir In ibe llrxt case, but
vou fall In the icciud, lecnuHe when
the Iwir Is under your feet the force
of your pull reacts upon your own
ImkIv and urges It down Just as much
as up
There la one effect of the electric fnn
which might HurprNt you-lt would
tend to drive your iHKit track ward In
Mead of forward. It would push
ngalnftt nlr like tbe propeller of un
aeroplane, nnd to make It drive your
lic-it forward you would bare to face
tbe fau around, so that It reaction
woidd lie upon tbe atmosphere behind
instead of ahead of the ouat. and In
either care .tour will would be nor only
nele but an encumbrance. Carrett
1'. Scrvl in NVw York Journal.
Correcting the Judge.
"Do i underfill nd you to nay." asked
the Judge, "that ills remarks were
"No, Judge, your honor: I didn't say
that. I said he Just swore at me. I
ain't ngoln' to claim that he dune what
be didn't do." Itlrmlngbam Age-ller-id.
Wheels In a Watoh.
The main wheel In an ordinary
A morion ii watch make four revolu
tions a day of twenty-four hours, or
1,-WO In a year; next, the cente.r wheel,
'J I revolution!' In n day, or rUiK) In a
year; tbe third wheel, UK! In u day, or
MUSO In n year; the fourth wheel.
11.440 In n day, or 5IM0O In it year: the
fifth, or seupo wheel. llMMrt In n day,
or i.T'JM.Vuo In u year The ticks or
beats- are :iss.80() In a day. or t4l.asu.
DUO In u year.-Milwaukee 1'ive Pre.
Music and Medicine.
A reporter linked nu opera munnger
one day ir he believed in the new ther
Hpeiitle Idea that music wna n un-dl
(Itie "Hellere in It Of course I do,'
tbe Impresario replied. "I kuuw at
least three operas that are a drug uu
the Imirkct. while ax fur Hipular song
there Isn't one of them that dovsu'l
make me III." '
First IVoslijIerlan.
.Sunday, Juno 7, tit 10 a, in., Hunriny
hcIiooI. Subject "Tho Coining of thu
Kingdom. Morning xorvlco nt 11 n.
un Subject, "Tho llrokon Amtinn
tor llox." Kvcmlng service nt 7: IB.
Hubjoct, "Tho Wedding nnd Who
woro there" 0. II. Wllklno, minis-tor.
His Luck,
"Don't you know that your husband
In walking the (lour item use of til
"Isn't It fortunate" replied young
Mrs. Torkliw sweetly. "You know the
doctor nalil that Charlie simply must
take more exercUo." Washluglou 8tar
Perhapa It Would.
fJIbb I lielleve in early rising, dou't
you? PlblM-Well, ther-'a no abstract
excelleui-e In early rUliig. It alt de
pends on what yon do after jou rise.
It would he much better for the world
If some people, uever got up. ilostuu
Tru invert pt.
Oct Wlso, Lot Wyso do It. Adv.
A npuclnl lunohoou and n npoolni
niinouncomont nt tho Commercial
Club, Wright llotol. Hnturdny. Kvory
body como,
HL'M'lUTIt OU rOliIilCN?
Tho rain ou Monday n'ght prnclpU
tixtnd a yellow dust thut had Imun
prevalent In tho nlr for n day or two
nnd on Tu outlay a yollow sediment
wna to bo neon around npotn wharo
water had etood tho night before.
Vnrloua thoorlen linvo liewi put for.
ward to explain thu yollow duat. hoiuo
claiming It to bo pollen from tho
llowora now In blossom around town
nud others Hint It la sulphur from the
volcano reported to lm now ncttvo In
Cnllfomln. It may bo that u dohnte
will bo arranged between the geolo
gists und tho liotnulsts In nn effort to
docldo tho ('UCHtltin,
' Wo mnkn n aneclatty of flno anlads.
American Ilakcry. Adv.
A fow hours nt n nlco clasay, clean,
up-to-dato placa e-tpeolnlly prepared
for gentlemen, will remove nil worry
and troubles, Tho Metropolltnu.-Adv
KOI! IlKNT - Two room suites fur
nished for tight houHO keeping.
Ilonklo & llynn, 12tf Adv.
Lot Wyao do your cleaning. Adv.
The New
Perkins Hotel
W u-rnjfcrrErr-.' jar -
extends to you n conlinl invitation to
ninko this holol your hciulquiirtcra.
Rooms without Imth 31.00 ami up. Rooms
with private bath $1.50 and tip. LOCA
C. H. SIIAFER, MnmiKcr
Tho road crow that has been em
ployed on tho Lnldlaw road under
W. II. Mny moved camp last week to
Iluckhorn Canyon, ir. mlleH north
wont of Itmlinond, near lowur llrldge,
Thorn Is n short plere of toad to bo
Improved at this point.
There are peuplo who do not know
bow to waste their time alone, and
hence become tbe scourge of buiy peo
ple. Ue Donald.
Lot Wyso do your cleaning. Adv.
The War is Still On
In One Week With
One third shot off our prices
half of the Ladies' suits went
and take advantage of the
Low Prices
R. M. Smith Clothing Co.
i,i:aun tiik wav.
During tho past uuok, according to
poopln who huvo been thorn. 30 va
cationists lmvo heon guoatH u Pan
UelslugM Midway Itnncli ou thu Mo-
tollua rlvor. Thn puoplo who lmvo
been nhlng nt tho popular nrnnrt
hall from thn following towns: Hand,
Condon, Hood Itlvor, Carlton, Me
.Jlunvllle, Sister, Kpoknnu, I.nld
law, Prlnovlllo nnd Hedmond. With
thu Improved roads and enlarged
housing facilities at llelslugs a very
popular summer la vxpectod.
Lot Wyso do your (donning. Adv.
Dnpnrtmeul of tho ItUurlor, Utrltesl
Htatua I. ai d Office, ljkevlow, Ore
gon, May 13, 1PU.
To the heirs of Lowfs I.. Martin, de
ceased, Coitesteo:
i. You are hereby notified that
Ghsrles V. Hturmer, who gives o-o C.
8. Ilenson, Hand, Ore., us his kmI nf
Ike nddrew. did on April XI. 1911.
file In this oftlco his duly corroborated
application to contest mid sueure the
cnncollntlon ef Homestead Kntry -,
terlal No. 01773, made Decemhar 1 1,
1000. for lots 3 nnd 4 nud KV, WVt
flection 7; lota 1 nnd 2. KV4 NWV.
Hcctlnnl8, Township 33 H., Uange 33
K., Wlllamettn Mnrldlan, nud aa
grounds for hla contest tin allages
that said Lewis L. Martin died about
3 years ago. leaving no heirs so far
as known to this nDlnnt: that tho
entryman novor established realdHnae
upon snld tract nor did he or his heirs
ever maintain rosldonou thereon or
ciiltlvnlu thu aamo nud said uiitry
mnn nnd his heirs have wholly nhnn
douiid hnld tract nud mild entry for
mora than one year Inst pant.
Vou are, theiofore, further notl
r.ed that thu said ailugatlous will bo
taken by ihla ofllce ra having linen
vonfesHod by you, nud your Bald entry
wilt be cnnceled thereunder without
jour further right to ho honrd there
in, otthur hoforo thin olllco or on ap
peal, ir you fall to II lo In this olllco
within twenty daya after thu
I'OUUTH publication of thla notice,
as mIiuwii below, your nussur, under
until, apoclllcnlly meeting and re
spondlng to thrso nllegntlons of con
test or ir you rail within that time to
fllu In this olllco duo proof that you
have served a copy of your answer on
tho said contestant either In porsoli
or by registered mall. If thla service
Is made by the delivery of a copy of
your answer to tho contestant In per
son, proof of such service must bo
oUher tho said contestant's written
arknciwlnilirninnt nf Ma r.lit nf 1 1...
copy, showing tho date of Ita receipt,
ur mu iiiuuiiTii oi inn pursou ny
whom delivered; If mnjo by resistor
d mall, proof of such service must
consist of tho affidavit of tho person
oy wnom mo copy wna mailed stating
when and thu postnrtleo to which It
wna mnllod. and thla affidavit must
bo acoompanled by the postmaster's
receipt for tho letter.
You should siata In your answer
tho name of thn postofflea to whloh
you deslro future notices lo bo seut
to you.
Date of first publication Mny 37.
Date of second ptililloatlon Juno 3,
Oato of third pultlleatlnn Juno 10,
Iltatn i.ila a... t. I f I. K. .... m
ftlU U IVUI III ,'UtMH?llUI. JUIIU 1 la
-- --- e --- !
- - ------ BHiai
' ' T
Complete Stock
Dry, Rough and
Maple and Fir
For Close-in Acreage
Let us show you the property SLft 5?
conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative Investment
Lath and
t .
Pine House and
Irrigation Spout,
Lath, Red Cedar
The Bend Company
1 t
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( I .
1 ' '
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00., 1
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