The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 03, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    T?AGC 4.
(Publlslicd Every Wednesday)
Kiiltor and Publisher.
Assoclato Editor.
An indopondont nowspnper stand
ing for tho ttquaro donl, clean busi
ness, clean politics and tho Vest In
crests of Dcnd and Central Oregon.
uno year. I1.Q0
Six months .80
Thrco months.......... 60
All subscriptions nro duo and
expiration nro mailed subscribers and
If renewal Is not mado within reason-
nblo tlmo tho paper will bo discon
Please notify us promptly of any
chango of address, or of lalluro to ro
celvo tho paper regularly. Otherwise
we will not bo responsible for copies
Make all checks and orders pay
able to Bend Bulletin.
Wednesday, june 3, mi.
One of tho Portland evening papers
has started an innovation in tho
saapo of a ptgo on which It proposes
to carry advortlsoments of foods, the
purity of which It guarantees. It
would bo a happy thing it wo could
know thnt nil tho foods advertised
In any part of tho paper wore pure
but It Is perhaps too much to ask that
a newspaper office be turned into.n
laboratory where a now advertiser's
foodii were antlyxed "while tho busi
ness ofOco looked up his rating. Nev
ertheless It would seem almost neces
sary for tho paper to travel the wholo
road, for no advertiser would care to
BUbmit to the. Impl'catlon that unless
hia wares were shown on tho "purity
pag' they were not pure. If tho
plan is to drive from Its columns all
Impure foods we trust that It suc
ceeds, although the method Is a lit
tle round-about.
It Is unfortunate that this purity
business should bo limited to tho
matter of foods. The oil company
advertising that followed the food
psgo was a very good sample of tho
get-rlch-qulck stuff that many papers
excluded from their columns -at tho
game time mat iney snui qui me
impure foods.
'.Iksntd to tht Frttilno of Watsr In a
Pond or Dowl.
The approach of sleep Is much )lko
thtf freexlng of water In poud or bowl.
taint splculne dart from tho sides;
motes and dots, barely perceptible,
swim In the midst Otio might Imngluc
the process tiot les grateful to the long
unsheltered mere than to the merely
longing brain, for ns the one desires
for the time being to bo defended from
that thought which Is Its own com
ponent essence, so might tho other
seek a coat proof agnlnst tho ptungo
of tin icicle, formed of n like element
Slight ngltatlon. applied with Judg
ment will help tho matter on. The in
traduction of a linger will sometime
change h bowl of congealing water to
a solid mass. A bit or Ice slid In at
tho proper moment will help on the
water's freexlng. and so will thinking
on your latest dream help to Induce
Transparent and cold ns are Ice and
steep nothing will keep brain and
water safer and warmer. All glances
from them and naught stirs up mud
or mood. The parallel holds to the
last for nothing caw more resemble
the rtiilo avnkciUti&orft slumber than
the sudden breaking fit Ice, and noth
ing Is more like a'grndual and pleasant
wakening than the melting thaw
where bcginnlug and end are alike In
dlscemiblo.-0, E. D. Phelps in "A
Fanner's Notebook."
This county division business has
many favorable aspects at the pres
ent time. The north. end of the coun
ty s going ahead with Its plans for
a division to bo voted on at tho No
vember election. If the southwes
tern part of the county brings for
ward a plan It will receive the help
of the north ond; If It does not do so
and the other new county is estab
lished that source of aid Is gone for
ever. Tho division may not carry
If it does not there is little ldst and If
it does there Is much to gain.
The county Is too large. Its admin-1
Istratlon Is costly from the mere
reason of Its alxe. Its different sec
tions have little In common. Why
not make thr6o counties of It, Crook
Jefferson and Deschutes?
Two of Thssa Natural CurlosttUt
Swiy In tho Oerkshlrss.
For many years one of the greatest
natural curiosities In Berkshire county
and which In curlier and later years
has been visited by armies of the cu
rious In Balance rock, four miles north
of Plttsfleld and near tho south Una of
Lanes bo rw.
This great marble bowlder Is ndw
of a deep brown color and Is scarred
and riven by the storms of centuries.
It Is thirty feet high, fifteen feet wide
and Is so wonderfully poised on a few
feet at Its bass as to tremble at tho
slightest touch.
It weighs many hundreds of tons and
resembles from several points of view
a huge egg. a blacksmith's forgo and
the back of an elephant It resembles
no rock to bo found on the Tacontc
mountain range or Its foothills, near
-which latter It stands in sphinxlike
grandeur and silence.
it Is not generally known that there
Is another balance rock In Berkshire
about of equal interest with that in
Lauertboro. it la on the blgbcut point
of the Monumcut mountain, where It
slopeM toward the ent and Is TOO feet
above the river at the village of Ilouxa
tonic. Its en tl muted weight Is over 100
tons. Pittsfleld (Mass.) Cor. New Yore
Napotton's (Wat Prldo In tits Infant
Kino of Romt.
A certain Krcuciitmm of spirit once
found lilmseir in great distress. It
wan necessary to ilml n menus of live
llhood or Ulo lit misery. There wiih n
victuit phut that was worth 10,000
frolics n year, lie wanted It but how
could Iih get It? It wns tinder the tlratj
empire, tiio King or itimiu was u child
In tho emdlc. Tho aspirant thouuht of
an Ingenious plan to bring it bout the
tiecvM of tils hones.
Hu wrote it petition, addressed it tb
the young king anil, through the rrlcnd
ship of a general otlleer attached to
the emperor, gut It presented to Napo
leon. The emperor took (ho petition and
seeing tho superscription, began to
smltn, "Very vel(.H said he, "let tho
petition be curried to him to whom it
is addressed."
Four chamberlains conducted onr
hero before the crndlo or th infant
king. After a profound bow ho began
Ip a high voice to read his petition.
From tlmo to time be bowed before
the. cradle. As Is the manner of In
fact, the child uttered auroral unin
telligible sounds.
After bavins taken his leavo respect
fully the petitioner returned to Napo
leon, who mild, "Ah. well, what re
spunsuV "Slr. his majesty said nothing."
"Who say nothing gives consent"
said thi emperor. "Tho petition is
granted." Youth's Companion.
A special luncheon and n special
announcement nt tho Commercial
Club, Wright Hotel, Saturday. Every
body como.
' . " J,
i . ' i ,
" -I'
, ' v2 H'
'' , i1
. .t
The Temperature Is High
The Prices nre Low
I '
Stock MUST Be Reduced
mf,.- nu
M .
, 4yi A
' w ik ft t t
1 h-A. A)
In connection with Monday's
tragedy tho Coroner saw fit to come
over from Prlnevllle, bringing a phy
sician with him. Why this action
was taken is Impossible to surmise.
Dillgenco in office Is one thing, but
rank waste Is another. There was
absolutely no need for the Coroner,
and even less oxcuso for a Prlnevllle
physician's coming. The trip brings
to memory a former occasion when a
county seat physician was imported
after a death here, and bis ehargo to
the county was $100. Common sonse
and the Interests of taxpayers de
mand that this sort of extravagance
receive full publicity, and If possible
official discouragement from the
County Court when the bills are presented.
A Daring Skattr.
Shortly after the tight nt Jena In
1800 Napoleon dlxpatebcd nn otllrcr tn
Marshal Mortler rttjulrlug blm to xctxe
certain lmtonnnt towns without de
lay. When the ofllcer nrrirvd at the
mouth of the Kibe, where the rivet is
seveu and one-half miles wide, he was
threatened with serious Ions or time.
The river was Just covered with Ice;
therefore to row over wns out or the
question, lie could not cron by the
nearest bridge without going twent
miles out or bis way on roads heavy
with snow. So be renolvcd to skate
aertw the thin. rrehly formed Ice.
Had he tried walking he would twve
sunk at once, hut by skimming ainug
I nn bin skates ut the top or IiIh prd he
got orer the river Ixith dry mid uu
harmed. By this daring deed ln wiv.ii
six hours, did "A lull .iimih,iu hade lilw
do nud wou great credit (or iiim ixiiu
and clever exploit
Advertisements inserted under this
heading at the rate or O.VK CKNT A
WOItl) each Insertion. Cash must
accompany all orders from persons
not having n regular account with
Tho Bulletin. No advertisement tak
for less than in cents cncli insertion.
- - "
It is not ploasapt, but it Is wiso
again to remind parents of tho dan
gers of the river. Each of tho last
three summers has witnessed drown
ings at Bend. Among the victims
bavo been a number of children. And
now that warm weather Is again hero,
tho same old carelessness Is being
evidenced, and children are again be
ing permitted to pjay about In boats
on tho pond. It is the duty of every
parent to see to t that hia or her
cnnaren Keep on ,tne water unless
they can swim well, and even then
careless playing on 'the pond, such an
one can see almost any afternoon. Is
a mighty dangerous pastime. The
sad lessons of thp post should bo a
protection for the. future.
Bend for two years has forsworn
Fourth of July celebrations and has
Joined with Its neighbors! jn their en
tertainment. Therefore it Is doubly
fitting that Bend should be the host
this year, and fitting hat is neighbors
should reciprocate the courtesies of
tho past. That, the celebration will
be a good thing for Bond even If
at considerable trouble and expense
Js a certainty., That It will prove at
tractive to the -visitor Is equally sure.
Altogether, those who have aroused
interest in the movement, and are do
ing moot of the work, deserve con
gratulation and cnthuslastlcsiipport,
Why NotT
Among the mountulueep of Cnrollnn
there Is a strong feellim or resentment
toward Htiytblug tbut savor of charity
In lllustrutlou or their luileeudeuee
MImi Murgurvt W Morley tells this
story In 'The Carolina Mountains;"
A stranger fed a mountain woman,
who, hnrlug coin to town to "trade.'
stopped nt the door, tired and buugf
to nell be'r butter The next day the
woman came buck with n chicken
"Why. no said the lady, "I ninnoi
take your chicken. J gave you the din
"Hay you dldr
"Say you gave me the dlnnerr
"UVH, If you can girt me a dluner.
why can't 1 give you u chicken?"
At the Wrong Houm.
"Have you u Chariea Dickens in your
bomeT" asked the polite book agent
"Nor sbo snapped.
"Or n Itobert Louis Stevenson?"
"Or a Gene Field?"
"No. we ain't an', what's more, we
don't run a boarding Iioumo here either.
ir you're looking for them rellows you
might try the buue across, tho street
( understand they keep roomers." De
troit Kreo Press,
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Mrs. Herbert E, Allen... Ctf
WANTED Several tons of good
clean seed ryo. Write Mrs. Mnry
Benn, Bend, II. D. No. J. 13p
WANTED Young lady desires tio-
sltlon, office or saleswoman, address
E. Cowing, 76S 2nd street, Portland.
Oregon. 13p
WANTED All around German
eook wants position In ranch, camp,'
hotel, boarding house or restaurant
Inquire Bulletin. 13p
WANTED $200 for threo yoarr.
on or he Tore, at 8 per cent. Heour
Ity 1G0 acres land, paid water right,
nine mlloa from Bend. Address Mrs.
A. Palmer, The Dalles, Ore. ll-13c
WANTED Girl for goneral house
work. Apply at O. M. Patter
son's. 12tf
WANTED Canvassing agent for
Bend for splendid selling nrtlolo.
Paul D. Humphrey, Medford, Ore
gon. 12-13p
WANTED Competent girl for
general housework. Good wages and
permanont position. Mrs. C. S. Hud
son. 12tf.
room houso. Kenwood. 17.00 per
month. Inquire Bond Grocery. lOtf
FOR KENT Two room cabin,
partly furnished. $5 per month. Bond
Grocery. Ono block east of depot, 9tf
FOR KENT Small houso partly
furnished. S a month; also tent
houso adjoining. Near depot. In
quire at Bullotln. 49tf
FOB KENT Pasture) 040 acres
newly fenced. Plenty of water and
grass. 2 V, miles southeast of town.
Inquire Charles Slpchon. 13lf
FOR RENT Omccs on Wall stroot
vory choap. Apply Bullotln Office
FOR RENT Rooma centrally lo
cated. Electric lights and water.
Sultablo for housekeeping. Choap,
Apply Bulletin Office.
FOR RENT Two room suites fur
nished for light houso keeping.
Henklo & Ryan. 12tf
-j- - - '-g
lights. Inquire Wright Hotel. 13tt
FOR SALE Black Minorca eggs
for sotting, 11.20 for 13. Leavo or-
dora at Bather's store. life
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Barr
ed Rock eggs for hatching, Jl per
setting. R. Bartlott at Metropoli
tan. C tf
FOR SALE All kinds of rough
and drcssod lumber, at Andorson
Bros, sawmill half ay botwoon Bond
and Laldlaw, on old Tutnalo road.
Reasonable prices, rough lumbor 110
per M. Delivering to Bend or. Lald
law S3 per M. Telephone lOtf
FOR SALE Cheap. Team weight
2300, wagon and harness. Tint Beck
er, Laldlaw, Oregon, 12tf
LOST Key ring nud keys, Charles
Eraklno. Htf
LOUT A team, Ono buckskin, wt.
about 12&0, ono gray about 1200.
Halters and shoes on both. Buck
skin branded on left hip. Notify Oscar
Bnavoly, Rolyat. 13-
E8TRAY One solid hay mare,
years old, roachod mano, R brand on
left hind leg, wearing halter, collrr
marks on shoulders, left Powell Rutin
May 9 headed south, $10 reward for
recovery or same. C. O. Kummell,
Prlnovlllo, Oregon, 1I-I3.
STRAYED Light Jersey cow.
wearing halter. Tip end of noniw
cut off, ir round notify II. Cooper.
Mllllcnn valley, I3i
-111 llT ll IIW.IIU '
TAKEN UP On March 2C, ono
cow and two calves, branded bar O
on right hip. It. G, Smock, Alfalfa.
Oregon, ltf
FOR RENT Entire seoond floor
of Bonn building. Fully furnished
bee H. J. Ovorturf. istf
FOR RENT Modern cottago com
pletely furnished. Reasonable price
to responsible person, Inquire Bullo
tln office. lOtf
FOR RENT Two Iota, largo thro
FOR SALE Few settings of tur
koy eggs. Call on Mrs. llaruka. 13Ho
FOR SALE Cheap. Incubator and
brooder aa good as new, Seo J. A.
Hazukn. 13-14c
FOR SALE Or will trade for good
cow. Fine driving horsu and buggy.
Se.o J. A. Haxuka. 13-Hc.
FOR SALE Registered O. I. C.
pigs. Phone or write O. C. Card-
well, Bend. 13tf
FOR SALE Thrco room houso
for salo choap if taken nt once. Per
ry Bundle, Center Add, South, 1
FOR SALE My herd boar "Lucky
Boy" a full blood registered Duruc
Jersey. E. II. Ross, Box 138, at E.
A. Knotts' placo 13-1&))
FOR SALE 21 pure bred whlto
leghorn hens. Prlcu $15. Mrs. O.
C. Henklo. 13c,
FOR SALE Kitchen ran go and
refrigerator. Both In excellent con
dition. Apply Bullotln. lltf
FOR SALE Hand mndo Wohor
piano. Would sell cheap for cosh,
or on rnasonablo terms. Call, wrltu
or phono, Mrs. J. B. Robortson, oaro
Mr. Shonquest, Bond. 11-17
FOR 8ALH: Dairy oowb. Jorsov
cows and helfors. Cows $70 to $90.
V. W. Loverenx, Laldlaw. 10-13,1
FOR SALE Span of sorrel mares,
9 years old and harness, weight 1170
pounds, W, N. Ray, Laldlaw, Ore
gon. 9tf
FOR BALK Choap. Tent houso,
furnished for housekeeping. Eloctric
Tht Htlpful spirit
;Mts funny bow Sandhill can tell
those old stories add get a laugh odt
ofthem. IW-
MNobody laughs at the stories. It's
Sandhill's enjoyment of Handbill's den
sity that makes every roan it cmitrllH
utlug'factor." Cleveland Plain Demur
"Father, what la the constitution?"
"My son. it la a document that Is
most sacred to the party that Is not
In power." New York Bun.
The beginning of excellence Is to be
free from error -Qulntlllan.
4 " 4-'
Shuey's Cash Grocery
cent a word
Have You Packed
Your Winter Furs?
We have all the necessary
preparations Moth Balls Oil of Cedar
Don't Forget Our Soda
The Owl Pharmacy
p i